r/EntitledParents ENTITLED FAMILY STORIES EP 8 | r/EntitledParents Top Posts of All Time

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pay there mister read it here welcome back to another episode of our slash entitled parents stories today we have a very special episode for you a compilation of some of the greatest entitled parent stories we read over the past year so sit back relax and enjoy a few hours of the most entitled parents you've ever heard of and by the way Karen assured me that if this video gets 1000 likes she won't try to speak twenty ones manager for an entire week so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day and become an official member of the RER me today and i'll give you a shout out in an upcoming video bar slash entitled parents entitled mother believes hurricane is no excuse for a lack of service hi all so this is my first time posting on here and to be honest i don't post a lot in general so i would just like to start to apologize if my format isn't up to par with the quality you are used to anywho let's get into it a little background so i work for one of the big internet service providers here in the u.s. taking calls in regards to issues with Internet and phone throughout my time with this company we will just use isp going forward I have unsurprisingly encountered many entitled people over the phone however some truly do tend to rise above the others to get you a setting for this one this occurred last year during Hurricane Florence that swept through South Carolina now I may have been naive at the time but I figured that during the storm we wouldn't get many calls from people who are actually in path of the storm rather those more on the outskirts still affected by it however to my surprise the vast majority were those in the storm as it was landing this story is one of those calls it being a year ago the exact dialogue is a bit hazy but it essentially went like this hello thank you for calling us my name is Neff daddy how may I assist you today yes I am calling because all my services are out what the heck kind of business are you running I'm terribly sorry to hear that we definitely want to is resolved for you as soon as possible what's your address so I can look you up on your account entitled mom then gives me her address and I instantly know it is due to the storm that is literally just landing on the coast I look up the account just to confirm and indeed they are in an outage well ma'am it seems to be you are in an outage due to the hurricane that is going on I don't care about you excuses I just wanted my crap fixed now my babies need something to do to keep their mind off of what's going on outside I am dumbfounded by what she is saying ma'am there is a hurricane going through your area as we speak with the damages it is causing we do expect loss of service I am sorry that this is happening but there is nothing we can do right now oh crap you need to send someone out here right now excuse me are you asking us to send someone out to your home during the hurricane don't make me repeat myself my babies need the internet and TV to work what are we supposed to do during this well ma'am we are not sending someone out to you there is a state emergency and people were supposed to evacuate we will not be sending someone into your area until the storm has passed we already did evacuate this is our second home and is more inland so at this point I am thinking I had looked up the wrong account even though she had given me that address so he asked for the other address her second home is right on the shore and the one she is staying in is only 30 minutes inland ma'am I see that you are only 30 minutes from the shore this is still an area we expected to be more than likely out since the hurricane was going to be hitting your area once again we cannot and will not be sending someone out until after the storm passes there is a hurricane I heard silence for a moment on the other side thinking I had finally gotten my point across however entitled mom said the most entitled and honestly dumbest thing I have ever heard well it may be a hurricane going on but that is not my problem that is your problem and you need to send someone out here right now if you will not send someone out I will talk to your supervisor at this point I had had enough plus she said the magic words I gladly tell her I will get someone on the line so they can talk further I get the call to someone in my leadership team and lo and behold we didn't send out some poor guy to fix her services in the middle of 100 mile-per-hour winds anywho that is just one of many anybody who actually stuck it out to the end appreciate it I know this isn't as juicy as some of the others on here but I thought I'd give a go at contributing if you liked this let me know my co-workers and I have many other stories next we've got entitled parents stupidity hello there I've been watching your videos along with other youtubers like Moore who do these to be honest when I first read about them I was like no these kinds of people can't be real it's too stupid but boy was I wrong I had an encounter recently and I wasn't too sure who to post to first but then I remembered you did the funny and entertaining voices so before I start I'd like to point out that I am a South African yes yes I know South Africa has an Internet how is that possible so my spelling will be different so don't attack me for that it's like how Americans in British say one word but pronounce it differently also this took place a few days ago so let's meet the cast we've got me typical young guy doing what he does casually we've got the entitled parent and the entitled kid so here's the backstory because I'm in a country most of you haven't been to I stay in a town that you will all find impossible to pronounce if you see the name the big thing about this small town I live in is that it's on the doorstep to one of the most famous game reserves in Africa the Kruger National Park let's call it knp so you don't have to say the name it's long anyways I'm busy doing my early evening jogs when I see this woman and her kid about 10 or 12 trying to enter the bush through one of the many paths because my town borders the park there are the occasional animals that we have about two to three hippos roaming my area at night and five leopards in the bushes around the town so seeing this I rush up to them and warn them about the danger it's almost 6 p.m. and it gets dark around this time of the year June equals winter also I have no idea what a real Karen looks like or what the I wish to speak to your manager haircut looks like so I guess try and imagine that in your head because she sure as heck acted like one um excuse me I wouldn't go through the bush there if I were you I say this politely and slowly just in case she didn't speak English and why should I listen to you you stupid brat yes she said that I'm 25 and I know I look like I'm between 16 and 18 my secret is that I discovered the elixir of life the Fountain of Youth it's called shaving and looking after yourself because I know this area I've been living in the town for most of my life it's not safe or advisable to go through there even if it's a shortcut why because you're going to mug and attack us like every non-american does in Africa what that kid said was disturbing I don't know what movies portray Africa is that bad but South Africa is the most modern and developed country in all of Africa even if we are still a developing country yes but my darling said is true are you going to call your stupid friends to assault us my god these people are stupid what gives them the right to insult me when I'm trying to make them aware of the danger still bothers me no that's not the reason this town is not exactly safe at night we have the park like five minutes away from here and there are wild animals it bows and leopards to be precise nonsense the zookeepers wouldn't allow their animals to walk free you're lying I facepalm that this this woman was stupid here's a fun fact my non African friends this park is not a zoo England not the UK just England can fit inside the park and the animals roam free to do as they please there are camps that are enclosed so people can spend time there but animals are pree ma'am that's false the closest zoo to here is a five to six hour drive away this is a game reserve Conservation Reserve like Kenya and Tanzania in central Africa have the Serengeti we have the KNP there are fences between us and the animals but those don't keep them out all the time years ago a person was attacked and eaten by a lion not far from where we are I'm asking you to not go through there since it's not safe hippos and leopards are nocturnal animals and hippos have heard more people than any other animal in Africa whatever you lying piece of trash we are more superior because you're African and we're not we do things our way even in other countries you should show us respect and worship the ground we walk on in fact if it were not for superior people like me you wouldn't have those clothes on your back all these nice towns you live in our money supports your pathetic country we build everything for you I am shocked even now typing this I am shocked this woman was so entitled it was pathetic and she is also stupid people like her build the cities and towns in South Africa obviously wherever she came from didn't do history on South Africa not that I blamed that but South Africa had a dark history with a colonial rule and the apartheid regime people like her sure as heck did not build anything in Africa so I basically turned around and left them not wanting to get involved in their stupidity anymore as this happened I felt something collide with the back of my head and see that the kid was laughing a morula fruit in his hand while the other that hit me was rolling on the ground near my feet so on my way back for my jog I see the two of them sitting on the road looking like Satan had cursed them their faces were as white as paper and judging from the bad smell the entitled kid walls probably soiled himself upon spotting me the entitled mom gave me a sour look you I will seal you for this how you set that creature on us you traumatized me and my precious angel she was screaming this at the top of her lungs I found this amusing in my mind I imagined her growing an extra head that began shouting now most of you reading this will think I'm making up this story just to get views I don't blame you but one thing about me is that I'm laid-back and if there are stupid people around which I am almost constantly surrounded by I adapt now as I was about to say some smart aleck come back I noticed something not that far behind the fools in the bush it wasn't fully dark so I could definitely see that a hippo bull was slowly making its way towards us now my heart skipped a beat I suggest you both shut up and run and like that I turned around and began sprinting my fastest down the road hippos especially the males are easily provoked from loud sounds like the entitled mom screeching and another thing it bulls are fast they might look slow and fat but those animals can easily outrun the fastest athletes in the world I've had a few close encounters with them at night and at one point I was forced to climb a tree because I know I can't outrun them I heard the entitled mom and her son both scream when they saw why I ran so I'm gonna guess they saw it and also ran for it which is fine for me it saved me from the outbursts of a stupid entitled woman and her demon spawn so here's a fun fact for all of you non-africans when you visit South Africa especially areas near the KNP don't assume you have more rights than others you're in the wild so animals have more rights than you'll listen to people who warn you don't go walking around dusk or night if you're not from the area and don't I mean don't enter the bush after 4 p.m. even if it's a shortcut in there are paths these animals are wild and not cuddly like their fellow zoo inmates these animals can hurt you if provoked enough especially hippos well that's it for my first post here on reddit and I hope you had a good laugh with my story and like I said I'm South African so my English will be completely different than English used in America or the UK cheers everyone edit also feel free to ask me for more stories I may not have anymore entitled parent stories to tell from South Africa but there are a lot of stories I have from South Africa that will make you laugh the only other entitled stories I have are when I was in France for a few weeks and our final story of the day entitled sibling little sister from Henk thinks I'm obligated to listen to and act upon her advice context background at age 14 I was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome at the time it wasn't considered part of the autism spectrum but was thought to be a separate but related condition in 2013 it officially became a spectrum disorder I also have both generalized and social anxiety disorders this story takes place in 2015 we'd finished a late breakfast with my mom my stepfather some family friends my sister and myself the story it starts politely enough little sister approaches me after I'm done cleaning up the dishes and says hey have you ever considered going to something like Otacon I have several geeky autistic friends and it's really helped them out with it Otacon for those unaware is a huge anime convention in Baltimore one of my exes went there frequently I have no idea if he still does though I am absolutely a huge sci-fi fantasy geek and I do have several anime I adore though I'm not necessarily a fan of the entire medium of anime I am however a fan of great storytelling and fantastic characters and I'll consume anything that has those things regardless of medium I actually take a moment to consider the idea I know she's trying to be helpful in her own way she's been trying to mend fences with me for a while now after thinking about it for a moment I reply truthfully well I'm happy it's had a good impact on your friends and I appreciate the suggestion but I'm afraid that it won't have the same effect on me crowds make me feel really claustrophobic and all of the people noise would probably send me into sensory overload meltdown territory if you're not familiar with the specifics autism usually comes with sensory processing issues though the details vary from person to person my greatest difficulties are in order of severity and my senses of smell and taste closely followed by hearing then touch specifically I am strongly adverse to sudden loud noises such as thunder and discordant noises like lots of people chattering all at once for the sound of a bunch of car tires driving over asphalt all at once among others meltdowns happen when we're so overwhelmed by what's happening around us that we just kind of mentally check out of reality for a bit a lot of people who don't realize that the person having the meltdown is on the spectrum mistake it for an ordinary temper tantrum a lot of people who don't realize that the person having the meltdown is on the spectrum mistake it for an ordinary temper tantrum for the record it isn't it can be messy yes but is manageable if you know the autistic person will enough to be familiar with what works to calm them down anyway all of this is said calmly respectfully kindly and gently I'm not angry neither am i rude or dismissive to see little sister's reaction though you would have thought I was all of those things I start to walk towards the rear stair and little sister follows me but it helped my friends so it'll help you - she insists my temper starts to flare a bit but I managed to keep it in check I turned to face her again and explained I am NOT your friends the autistic community has a saying if you've met one autistic person you have met one autistic person meaning the condition manifests itself differently in every individual who has it I'm happy that convention has helped your friends cope with their symptoms but just because I'm also on the spectrum doesn't mean what worked for them will work for me now little sister isn't exactly creative with her rebuttals she tends to repeat the same things over and over again and expects you to change your mind on that basis alone classic argumentum ad nauseam fallacy she repeats her argument and this time I'm unable to keep my temper leashed I reply rather snappishly I've said no twice already you should have backed off after the first no and respected my boundaries for the last time I am NOT interested I know my own limits and going to a convention would put me well past them drop it mom comes to see what all the commotions about and little sister starts whining to her about me not following her advice mom tells her the same thing I did she's not interested respect her boundaries and leave it be the next thing little sister says is equally infuriating and baffling but mom she's invalidating my friend's life experiences i whirl back around head back down the stairs I was halfway up then heading back to my room but before I can say anything mom tells me to go up to my room she'll handle it I never got to give little sister a talking-to about what invalidating someone's lived experiences actually it looks like but for the sake of actually getting that rant off my chest here is what I would have said no I'm not I never said anything like no it didn't help your friends that's not how autism works or yeah right I doubt they're really autistic that would have been me invalidating their experiences you on the other hand are invalidating mine left right up down and all directions in between by trying to insist I don't know my own limits all of which I have learned about through my lived experiences dealing with similar situations in the past then I would have flipped her off and returned to my Hermitage in my room little sister and I had another argument relating to my autism later which is when she basically confirmed her staggering levels of ignorance about it to me I don't recall what we were fighting about leading up to this moment other than me trying to drill it into her head met people who do not have a spectrum condition we'll never be able to fully comprehend what it's like to have one even if they're making an honest genuine concerted effort to do so they may be able to imagine it pretty accurately but they will never know it in truth she said something along the lines of besides my boyfriend's basically Asperger's himself so I know what it's like might be as senses are tingling at this point so I asked has he actually been diagnosed with Asperger's well no but he has the same trades cue a skeptical arched eyebrow from me like he's really smart sidenote high intelligence is not part of the diagnostic criteria for any autistic spectrum disorder it's just a prevalent trait among the autistic community especially with regards to those like myself with FHA Asperger's to my knowledge at any rate please feel free to correct me if I'm mistaken but the cite your source please again equal parts infuriating and facepalm inducing for me there's a heck of a lot more to Asperger's than high intelligence and the fact you think your boyfriend being clever is equivalent to him having Asperger's only Chell is just how ignorant you actually are about it stop trivializing my neurology and admit that you cannot and will never fully comprehend what it's like to be autistic then I disengaged and went back to my room I know little sister was trying to be helpful in the first example but the problem is that she's never quite grasped the whole impact is more important than intent principle she's tried to defend herself from being called out with but I had good intentions on multiple occasions and never seems to understand why that's never earned her forgiveness little sister never did manage to mend fences with me in fact my next story the second to last is the tale of how little sister managed to upset me so much that I decided I wanted nothing more to do with her and yes said event did involve her typical sense of entitlement along with a bit of emotional abuse to serve as the worst cherry on top and existence well second to worse I'm saving the actual worst for the finale entitled mom tries to make me stand on a bus in crutches I'm on mobile so sorry for any format issues this one is also pretty dialogue heavy when I was a freshman in high school I dislocated my kneecap normally this type of injury heals up really fast but for some reason and all the three times I've done it it's taken me months to heal about three weeks after I in Miney I was taking the public bus to school I said in the very front reserved for disabled and elderly people now at the time I had just taken off my leg immobilizer and was waiting on a knee brace to be ordered so I had no brace on my knee and couldn't bend it at all the only way you could tell I was injured was the fact that one knee was twice the size as my other and I had crutches next to me enter the entitled parent will call her I am entitled mom stormed onto the bus dragging her poor kid behind her a four to five year old boy who was fairly quiet during the incident after she had paid her fare she sped down the aisle and kicked my extended leg remember I can't bend it I cried out in pain and clutched my knee and she scoffed no apology or anything just scoffed okay fine I just tell her not to worry about it and she walks away further down the bus looking for a seat she just her head around like a chicken searching for a seat on this already full bus and lets out a long exasperated huff before turning to look at me and a single empty seat beside me entitled mom approaches and asks can my son used the seat beside you I nod my head and gesture him to sit down after he sat down the entitlement began so when are you going to get up I asked if my son could use that seat obviously I need to sit next to him he's too young to be alone I'm sorry but I can't really move there's no more open seats and I'm not really in the condition to stand i point towards my crutches but there's a standing bar right next to you you can use don't lie I hit your leg earlier and you said not to worry about it can't you just stand instead I'm not stupid I know those crutches are on the up front for emergencies they're not yours you're just sitting up here sticking your legs out into the aisle to act injured go stand like everyone else your age I swear you teens are so entitled look you can ask the bus driver whether or not I came on this bus with crutches my leg is out in the aisle because I can't bend it I've spent the last few weeks in a leg immobilizer can you just leave me alone okay fine but what happened to your leg anyway it doesn't look injured at all I just located my knee entitled mom's face goes red and she grabs my injured leg and tries to forcefully bend it she realizes she can because the joints are locked and pulls the stop wire I scream out in pain and the bus driver stops and walks over to where I'm sitting he says he's heard everything but minded his own business because he didn't think she would get physical when the bus driver admonished his entitled mom's behavior she turns into a sputtering mess I wasn't part of this particular conversation because I was too busy ugly crying what the heck did you think you were doing when you assaulted a crippled child I thought she was lying I've seen people dislocate their knee before her story didn't add up it doesn't take that long to heal so instead of calling her out you decided to try to force her leg to bend it's not up to you to decide if she's lying or not get the heck off my bus but I have to take my son to daycare you can't just kick us off we have places to be okay if you don't get off my bus right now the only place you'll be going is in a jail cell the entitled mom's eyes went wide and she grabbed her child dragging him off with her out the back exit bus driver apologizes for not stepping in sooner and tries to calm me down through my tears I told him not to worry and just start the bus again the pain eventually subsided but I spent the rest of the day icing my knee in the nurse's office I never got an apology or a name but I wish I could go back and press charges people are seriously crazy sometimes edit for clarity this happened seven years ago so I doubt the bus company has any video surveillance still around I never got her name either since then I've dislocated my knee cap twice every two years since the first time currently I'm doing fine and being very careful trying to build muscle so it doesn't happen again I'll post an update if I end up dislocating once again in 2020 also she couldn't bend to my knee she kept trying to force it but a lot too joint is a locked joint it wasn't budging and I was too busy crying in pain to fight her off or beat her with my crutches next we've got an title Perrin stops me from mowing my lawn hi mr. reddit I recently joined reddit after watching your videos so I'll keep it clean little bit of background I'm a weird kid and kind of anti-social and I hadn't made many friends until I made it to middle school I also mow mine my grandma's and my dad's lawn I live half half my parents they divorced and in doing so I make a good bit of money and it's how I saved for a lot of stuff I own like my phone pokemon cards etc so this starts on a hot summer weekend when I was mowing my grandma's lon it was really hot as summers in Colorado can get pretty hot and as I was mowing my grandma's lon I see a kid maybe 9 or 10 walk up and try to shout something over the lawnmower I stopped and the conversation is as follows the kid was actually pretty nice but the mother is a whole nother story can you please stop my mom said to tell you stop she's watching TV and I want to play outside but it's too loud he actually said this but I don't know why well I'm sorry I have a little brother and I've been raised always to be polite to kids I can't stop I have to mow where the grass will get too tall okay well if you want since your mom is watching TV I can hang out with you for a bit it was a new neighbor having moved in less than a week ago and I wanted to be nice as one of the neighbors was completely messed up if anybody wants I can post stories about this horrific neighbor sure mom can be meanwhile see - Stevie cool here do you want to grab popsicles and put them in the freezer and then when I'm done we can pull them out and draw with chalk I love popsicles how will I know that you're done just listen for the mower to stop then come on over I patted him on the back and let him go home I realized afterwards that maybe it was a bit much but I wanted him and his mom to see that not all the neighbors were a bunch of jerks like bad neighbor after maybe 10 or 20 minutes I lose track of time mowing because I listen to music through Bluetooth headphones I see a whale of a lady with a typical Karen outfit and haircut walk up to me in pajamas I hate to think what the lady would have been like in the actual clothes I don't remember this part very well as it was mostly screaming what are you doing you idiot what I'm mowing my grandma's lon what no I had my son she said this was such a bad tone it made me feel bad for the kid come over and tell you to stop me being the insanely polite person I am sorry I told him he and Hugh would have to wait I need to get this done No she proceeded to screech at me if I tell you to stop you will stop I need to watch my show if you don't stop I'm calling the police stop now Oh al I cut her off I'm sorry I told nice kid that when I was done we could have popsicles now would you like to know I won't let you give my kid your poison popsicles you idiotic grunt there was some not needed language there I'm sorry you think that but I have to mow if I didn't mow too many times in a row I wouldn't be able to do it and with us end my ability to save money like a responsible human I know you and your son are new to the neighborhood and want to be kind entitle mom cuts me off this time now listen here you dumb grunt I will not have you interrupting my show and I'm telling you now stop mowing Oh I'm calling the police I'm usually calm in these situations this whale had refused the most profound kindness I had ever tried to give and I lost my temper pretty easily at this point now listen here insert a dozen different bad words and random means stuff here I am sick of your stupidity and I have nearly known you for 10 minutes leave now go ahead call the police we have cameras you know crap now listen here I cut her off no you listen here if you don't leave I will call the police and have you disowned by the neighbors if you don't leave and stop being so rude to me especially after I offered you kindness I actually had the power to have her disowned as there is a neighborhood committee for neighborly disputes after what crap neighbor did my grandma is on this committee and having done a few odd jobs for the neighbors means they trusted me so the wild Karen backed off for now in the end she never called the police as the other neighbors had been just or even kinder than I had been and didn't risk being eternally shunned by her neighbors and in the end I have popsicles with the kid and he sent a Pokemon and such so we get along and occasionally I babysit him for his death when the moms away and he needs to do something hope you enjoyed mr. edit I really enjoy your videos and if this does end up on one subscribe to mr. edit oh nice thanks derpy derp next we've got entitled mother tries to steal my seed I always mention I live in a small town because those who haven't read my stuff need to grasp that it's a small town and you do things in a small town that you wouldn't necessarily do in a larger one you also tend to run into a lot of entitled parents especially if you have anything to do with the school system or young people I have one of those personalized Deluxe folding camp chairs with a drink holder popup table and umbrella it's very nice and pretty much lives in my trunk normally you would watch a possession like that very carefully in a public place in a small town it's not generally a big issue you set it up and wonder off to talk with people etc besides it has my name on it so that helps reserved seating whatever I love baseball it's probably my favorite spectator sport my nephew was on his high school team and it was a great team I never missed a home game on this day I set up my chair without the umbrella then I wondered over to the concession area to get some nachos and a drink I wondered back and someone is sitting in my chair I was understandably puzzled it's my chair it has my name on it more importantly the person sitting in it knows that it is not their chair this has never happened before I place my drink on the bleachers and eat a couple of nachos while pondering the situation after the third or fourth chip I decided to say something excuse me this is my chair now one was sitting in it first-come-first-served not how that works I own the chair just sit on the bleachers no I'm going to sit on my chair you are going to move no I'm not I got here first and I have a child playing baseball today I deserve this spot go away lady this is not the majors everyone here has a kid playing I know the parents of every kid on our team you are not one of them it doesn't matter anyway because it's my chair I'm the mother of kid on opposing team they sit on the other side fine she stands up and proceeds to try and take my chair with her I snatch it out of her hands give me that chair no it's mine I'll call the police no need they are already here I point out several people that guy and that guy and that guy over there their kids were on the team you check you just figured that out pretty slow on the uptake there princess she wondered off and I sat down in my chair to enjoy my nachos a few minutes later she's back with the only cop actually in uniform that is my seat I was sitting there first hey sir what's up crazy people doing crazy things you this woman is claiming she was here first and you took her seat not possible it is possible I was here first and then you came in demanded I move and then stole my seat I own the chair it doesn't matter I was here first I was actually here first then I went to get snacks no I was here first and I need that spot to watch my son play ball I had to be here first because I own the chair it didn't arrive before I did I put it here your son plays for the other team and they sit on the other side if you hadn't been in the wrong place you couldn't have tried to steal my chair now go away at this point there are several out of uniform cops just milling around watching and try not to crack up this woman is getting more and more upset and I'm just not they know me and can see I'm playing with her ma'am you need to leave this woman and her chair alone please go to the other side and sit on the bleachers but the chair is nicer and I was here first ma'am she brought the chair and put it here she does this every game she owns it and that makes it hers you need to leave town you don't want to spoil the game for your son I'm a single mother I'm not surprised how can you be so rude your parents should have taught you some respect my parents taught me not to steal they also taught me not to allow some idiot to try and push me around if you don't leave I'm going to press charges for your attempted theft that you admitted to and then report you to your school and have you banned from all future away games go to the bleachers on the other side and leave me alone now she looked from me to the cop who nodded and moved back towards the bleachers on the other side there was a kid in the opposing dugout who was looking decidedly embarrassed the woman glared at me all through the game it was a great game and our final story of the day steal my phone case and I'll spoil your birthday obligatory mobile warning I'm English but spelling is not my strong point feel free to roast me if I get stuff wrong I mr. reddit my partner and I love your channel and have watched all of your videos I was watching one of them and my partner told me a story that I just had to post for you this one is from my partner's perspective as we had not met at the time the cast me the handsome devil of my partner and entitled woman the Karen of all Karen's along with Karen's poor husband I ordered a phone case from a major seller which sells everything that can be sold ever I specifically got the case for my phone which was not able to fit any other kind of phone Samsung Galaxy s7 brand new to me at the time I was only 16 so many years ago the case was to be delivered whilst I was at work and all my family were out the delivery company in the UK is terrible at times for delivering parcels to neighbours this was what happened to me it was taken to my neighbours neighbor and titled woman I was notified of this by a slip of paper through my door I went to collect the case from them and this ensued hi I've had a parcel delivered here I hadn't shown her the delivery note no there's been nothing delivered here I showed her the note well this says that you have had something delivered for me here well we've ordered one as well she didn't know what I was even talking about and it could have been something completely different what phone is it for well um mine she had an iPhone so clearly wrong well it's actually for a galaxy s7 and it's got insert fantasy show about space on the back well we voted it the door was slammed in my face and I didn't get my phone case back the revenge the entitled mom had a delightful blue car that poor husband just cleaned before the trip on holiday for their family because of the deep cleaning it have to leave the car windows open to allow the car seats to dry I luckily had at the time a wonderful Staffordshire Terrier cross with a Labrador called Buzz he was one of the goodest of boys and has now sadly passed who fortunately had regular sessions in the garden and did most of his business there it was my job that day to clean up his mess and I had a wonderful idea spring into my head I took the mess and covered the inside of the car with it scrubbing it into the seats on the steering wheel and puts them in the air vents for good measure the following morning I was looking out on my bedroom window waiting until the family came and got into the car I noticed as soon as they got in the car they knew something was wrong but seemed to ignore it as poor husband turned on the ignition and put the AC on I forgot to mention that entitled woman was wearing white shorts the family then proceeded to get out of the car screaming and shouting that there was darkness all over their car and clothes I emailed the retailer explaining the situation and they sent out a new phone case and gave me a full refund and if since changed how deliveries in that area are handled my partner moved away and met me a few years later Karen gets told off the parry Hato debacle this is a bit longer than I expected it to be so I'm sorry for that feel free to cut it down if you need to I worked for seven years in a call centre for one of the premier online retailers in the world I won't say the company's name but I will tell you that we sold everything from A to Z smile this particular company was famous for its superior customer service because it took such pride in its reputation the company bent over backwards to satisfy its customers and the decision of whether to issue refunds change prices or give out promotional funds was generally left to our discretion we got lots of customers who would call and scream at us because it was an almost surefire way to get something for free basically our job was to eat your crap with a smile thank you for it and then invite you to come back and feed us more sometime in the future one of the most popular scams involved shipping methods our company would provide free shipping if you ordered a certain dollar amount of merchandise but there was a string attached you had to select that method of shipping at checkout it said free shipping in big letters also the free shipping took a lot longer to arrive than the options that you had to pay for what many people would do is select one or two-day shipping then wait until their order shipped they would then call in screaming that I selected the free option your company changed it or something similar since of course it was too late to change the shipping by then we would issue a refund and voila free expedited shipping for Karen and maybe even a free promotional code for five or ten dollars now if a customer called and acted human about it and nicely asked for a break I would usually do it as long as they didn't have a long history of accidentally selecting the wrong shipping however if they abused me I held my ground more often than not that would cause Karen to tell us what kind of haircut she had let me speak to a manager inevitably the lead who took over the call would betray us and give the jerk customer their refund it was downright disheartening until one glorious day since the company's primary claim to fame was books there were certain product releases that we really had to gear up for one particular series we'll call it the Perry jato series was always a source of chaos on those fateful days the company would have extra people working they provided incentives to employees we got extra breaks they provided snacks and we even got commemorative t-shirts to mark the occasion every time a new book in the series was released it made for an incredibly busy day and calls would come in at a friend dick pace back to back with no lag time in between unreleased day the shipping issue really came into play this is because the company ran a special for Perry hotter if you selected one-day shipping not free actually quite expensive then you would receive the new book on the actual release day if you selected any other shipping method then you had to wait the normal amount of time if you selected the one day shipping and the book was not there on the release date then the book was Karen's favorite word free I'm sure you can imagine what most of the calls we received were about all day long we got calls from Karen types demanding refunds because the book was not there in almost every case they had selected the free shipping option and so were not do refunds this was one of the few times that the company did not leave the decision up to us if they did not select the free shipping there were no refunds no exceptions this day was glorious because of what was forever to be known as the what do I do call I get yet another call from someone who had not received the Perry hauteur book and of course she is mad of course she demands a refund of course she doesn't deserve one because of course she selected the free shipping of course Karen then decides to tell me all about her haircut I actually breathed the sigh of relief when she demanded to speak to the manager and I waved one of my favorites over to take the call I liked Barry because he had a reputation for having his reps back in situations like this because we were so busy he just dialed into the call from his desk instead of coming over and taking my headset I'm so glad he did too because I got to hear the following exchange berry thank you for calling the company this is berry speaking yes I ordered the Perry hata book the new one yes ma'am don't interrupt me I ordered the book and it's not here why is it not here well I'm speaking let me finish if you work at a call center you've been through this more times than you can count abuse of customers will call and ask you questions scream at you free interrupt thing when you try to answer then scream at you for being too stupid to answer a simple question what follows is a 5-minute rant where Karen goes on and on about how the book is not there they are so disappointed the book is supposed to be free very explains multiple times that she chose the free shipping option in which the promotion did not apply that's expensive she is massively offended you'd have thought that Barry had told her she was supposed to go pantsless into public our fart in a church so unthinkable was the concept of paying for shipping she is so demanding and so unreasonable that I can see Barry losing his patience a little more every time he has to repeat himself you can tell that Karen is one of those customers who is used to calling and screaming until she gets her way and it is just not registering with her why it is not working this time Barry keeps explaining to Karen that we can't get the book to her today because that's not how shaping works that's short of getting in his car and physically driving the book to her home she is not getting that book today or even tomorrow karen is silent for a moment and then she drops this little Jim my 11 year old son is on the floor crying and screaming because all of his friends have the new Perry Hall to book and he doesn't what do you suggest I tell him Barry just loses his grab he yells into the phone Barry mocking Karen's tone odds suggest that you spoke harassing innocent customer service representatives and hang up this phone and I suggest that you grab your brat and bust his butt then I suggest that you tell him that he's never getting this look because any kid who acts like that doesn't deserve anything he then threw his phone receiver down on his desk and walked off the call floor the handset bounced off of the wooden service ricocheted off the cubicle walls and laid there helplessly the girl at the neighboring desk swore she could hear Karen screeching through it from her desk now here's where most people would say and then everybody clapped then Barry would be carried out on everybody's shoulders given a raise $100 of free merchandise and the rest of the day off with pay alas it was not meant to be the people around him went deathly silent for a beat then continued with their calls most of the people didn't even register that an epic explosion had happened until the tale was told later by those of us who heard it unfortunately Barry was no longer an employee of the company by the end of the day but he did go down in call center history for serving Karen a bite of her own crap something that I'm sure most customer service reps will agree we all dream of doing next up we've got you can't stop stupid hello again everyone it's me D fat man with another set of events but of the entitled variety the warning from my previous story applies here and I will link it down at the bottom for those who want to read it so thank you for taking the time to read this one and I hope you enjoy so let me start with a little background details I used to work security as one of that roaming kind of guards mostly those that get placed at different locations depending on where we are needed I've worked a lot of locations and have plenty of entitled stories of parents who think they know better than the security guards at the location this is one of those stories the location in this story was after we had a breach in a flood wall and the water had just gotten down far enough that the city could send workers to check the location and find the reason for the failure in said flood wall now I'm one of the guards that was stationed down there mostly so that we can keep people away from it and out of the water this is river water after all and on top of that nearby construction site going on had two porta-potties before the flooding so when the water came rushing in the well used porta-potties tipped over and all the hum let's put it nice human waste got mixed in with the water something you really don't want to be walking in without large rubber boots on and maybe a hazmat suit if you're lucky why do I bring this up well because of the woman I had to deal with because of the flooding I will introduce the cast as they come up much as I did in my other story at this time I was mainly working the night shift till about sevenish in the morning which was fine with me because I'm a night owl normally and I prefer these shifts compared to morning or afternoon shifts it was close to about midnight when this woman decided to walk down the alleyway by the flood wall I don't think much about it as I've had people show up at this point just to see how bad the failed spot on the flood wall was and some of the nearby damage that the flooding caused that's when the flasher on our kids shirt caught my eye it was pretty hard not to catch my eye as it was one of those pin on blinker safety lights like the same ones I've seen glued to bicycle helmets just pinned onto the kids shirt at first I thought it was okay so at least this mother knows how to make sure the kid is visible in the dark I went back to watching the wall more as I had my phone placed in classical music mostly because I was in the mood for it after listening to an audio book trust me these shifts can get boring rather fast well I look around and back to see the kid just having a good old time just jumping around and splashing on the smaller pools of water because we all know kids will be kids at this point I thought just in case I should let the kid and parent know that splashing these puddles probably isn't a good idea mostly for the human waste that was in the water so I fought to get out of my small car which is something I normally fight with because I'm a big fat guy who drives a small car trust me I'm already aware of the irony on that so as I get out I stop my music and walk over to the lady miss I started with yelling mostly to get the woman's notice which she began to let go of her child's hand and turn to look at me with that how did you bother me look after already getting the large warning signs of an entitled parent for the sake of the story let's call her mrs. Virago if you want to know why I picked that one up google it trust me it's fitting what do you want ma'am you may not want to let your child and play in that water she cuts me off getting into my face well sort of now for those needing a picture on how this scene looks like I've been told that if it wasn't for the hair on my head and face that I could be a dead ringer for kingpin from the Marvel Universe the white fat guy won now picture that as a six-foot floor guy in a security guard and the woman was close to about 5 foot 8 5 foot 10 ish staring up and giving that dreaded now day you poked to my chest something I will tell you annoys me to no end but I try my best not to lose my cool with this woman because I've seen enough mama bears and you learn to try and keep your cool around them now as I was saying the lady cut me off she having her finger into me saying do not tell me what my kid can and cannot do he wouldn't like me to tell you how to handle your kids bear in mind I don't have kids but I've maybe said enough so I understand sort of ma'am I just wanted to let you know she ended up cutting me off again no let me let you know that I don't care if you are taller than me if you don't just walk away and leave me and my son alone I will make sure you regret it all I could think was are you serious lady ma'am I thought I would try to raise my voice to get her to listen for once I know I'm an idiot do not raise your voice at me she this time pointed directly at my face now walk your fat butt back to wherever you want from and leave us alone that got me to look at her in disbelief she thought that going after my size would get me to walk away and leave her alone sadly for her I am proud of how big I am because personally I'm of the belief that if you can't be proud of who you are then you're doing it wrong male look I said pointing to the tipped-over porta-potties that weren't too far away behind and to the right of her she turned because I pointed past her head in a different direction and to be honest with you I'm surprised she even looked instead of saying I was trying to distract her that was floating in the river water that your son was jumping in of course that was not counting the dead fish that had been ran over a few times by the city crew but one disgusting thing at a time as soon as she heard that she pulls her son over out of the puddle and shoves me which caused me to slip and fall back onto the mud and sediment so it took me a few moments to get back onto my feet what is wrong with you lady at that point I was done playing nice after getting up I heard Ms Virago was calling the cops and said that I was assaulting her and her son this son might you was looking confused as he was trying to reach the bottles for him to jump back into she tells the operator to send someone quick and hangs up all while she was giving me that I got you now smirk as I fought to get up which was hard because a fat guy trying to get up in mud was like trying to stay standing on a floor covered in cold grease some things are time consuming after I was able to get up I stepped back away so I wasn't in the mud at this I think mrs. Virago thought I was going to leave before the cops showed up and stepped after me sadly for her she stepped just right and slipped in the mud too I couldn't help myself and I laughed at the bit of karma and her son joined in laughing before going back into jumping in the puddle before his mother told him to get over to her and that mother is angry tone that anyone would know so I moved over to the UH the street and Miss farrago follows with her son about this time the cop pulls up the reason it took such a short time was because the police station was only a few streets away so it was pretty expected as soon as the cop steps out of his car Miss Virago runs up with her son officer arrest that man for silt fat chick shoved me into the mud when all I was trying to do was walk down the street with my son and of course with her covered in mine the cop looked like he believed her and moved where she was behind her sir do you want to explain what happened here he looked at me and noticed I also have a badge on me now my work just has a generic security badge nothing really official just something that says I'm a security guard slowly with my hands where the officer can see me I slowly moved up towards my car I can do one better I can show you this got miss farrago to go pale white before noticing something he doesn't have a camera on him how is he going to show you what happened she tried to be smug as indeed I didn't have a camera on me but my car has a dash camera on it one that I bought just in case the case being more to catch people messing with my car I had kids egged and I wanted to catch the little jerks sadly no luck so far on that front but I figured to have it with me just in case because having video proof beats paperwork any day now remember before I fully got out I turned off my music on my phone I did this so my camera could catch what was said I queued up the video and let the cop watch it mostly if he needs to rewind to hear something again the speakers I have attached to it weren't the best but I could pull the video off of it just in case well miss Virago didn't like the turn of events and went to slap my dashcam from the cops hands the cameras fine by the way that doesn't prove anything it proves enough that you attacked him first the officer said as he pulled out his cuffs and began to cuff the lady and plus I now have you for assaulting an officer with that he took her and put her in the back of his car I cleared my throat and pointed to her kid the officer called mrs. Rocco's husband to come and pick up their kid I grabbed my spare uniform for my car and went to change then resumed my shift after calling it in now you would think miss Virago was done after that sadly she wasn't the next day rolls around and I'm stationed back at the flood wall again I pull up to see Miss Virago standing there with another cop not the same one from before she then points at me but that's him officer that's the guy who was so did me last night seriously this woman again I asked myself as I got out of my car to talk to the officer sir is what she said true let me guess she's accusing me of assaulting her by throwing her in the mud yes is there any truth to it no and you can even ask the officer that dealt with this last night I turned to look at her and yell are you serious lady if the first cop wasn't going to buy your story what makes you think the second one is going to the officer asked me for the time of the call and I ballparked it as I didn't have the footage on me at the time I had dumped the video onto my computer so I saved it to clear out the memory on my camera I gave him the time and he used his radio to call his dispatch and got it confirmed this resulted in her getting arrested again hopefully she doesn't get out after a day so I go through my shift with nothing happening outside of that bit of stupidity and lucky for me the following day was my day off the following day rolls around and I'm at home relaxing when I get a call from my supervisor hey fat man just let you know you just got a complaint about assaulting someone are you serious the lady is trying a third time a third time so I explained to him what happened the previous two nights and then even told him who I talked to those nights so they can ask them about it then told him the two times so he can ask the cops about it I even told him I could email him the video so he can watch it for himself which I did end up doing and to cover myself I asked him to watch it while I was on the line after one viewing later don't worry about the complaint I'll get it dismissed since you followed the protocol and clearly this lady is out of her mind tell me about it I've told a few people this story and I thought I'd share it here and since I enjoy mister reddit's readings and I even laughed hard hearing the voice he gave Bob in my previous story which mr. reddit if you're reading this thank you for reading my previous story and I hope you enjoyed it and this one I tried to be easier on your reading this and omitted the curse words as best I could oh thanks fat man I appreciate that great story - I did security for three years and I dealt with so many people like this the same goes for everyone reading this because it just goes to show you that you can't stop stupid but you can be semi entertained by it as well as some of the other stories in this subreddit I may share some of my other entitled parent stories down the line with that said thank you for reading hope you enjoyed and our final story of the day I did something this weekend that I'm proud of please note that this story can't be considered petty revenge because I wasn't the target of malice here and even though this man didn't direct his BS at me at the time he really seemed entitled enough to meet the criteria I just want to clarify this just in case time to begin right now I'm feeling proud of myself for doing something wild this last weekend I and my wife decided to visit her family they live in a much smaller City than we do and we go now and again to break up the monotony on Saturday my wife and her sister wanted to go shopping at one of the larger malls in the area not wanting to do nothing alone I tagged along at some point while listening to their Girl Talk I decided to grab a bite so I told my wife and headed to the food court at this time the lunch rush was still going on so the place was fairly packed I decided on Chinese food a place I had been to before so I trusted that the food was good so I got in line to wait like anyone else this particular restaurant was pretty simple it had four cashier lanes and grilles behind it where you could watch The Cook's make your order while you wait but being a Chinese place it took longer than the typical fast-food place so the lines were moving slowly while waiting my phone died I simply forgot to charge it earlier so I started people watching the crowd to avoid getting bored nothing out of the ordinary I noticed entitled dad with two boys and a little bit ahead of me in line next to me the two boys maybe around 11 and 9 must have been getting impatient because they would periodically start to screw around or bug entitled dead occasionally pushing each other around or asking when they would have their food entitled dad looked like he was growing more agitated by the minute every time he had to turn to deal with these two boys his face grew redder and redder understand dear reader but this was a busy loud area and they weren't being super loud so they didn't really attract attention yet I did however have to turn away now and again to avoid being noticed though the trouble started when entitled dad finally reached his turn the girl politely did the usual and asked him for his order but instead of just ordering entitled dad started to complain mainly about how long he and the two boys were in line for she did her best to be polite but he just kept going for a few minutes by this time the gentleman behind the trio was also getting annoyed he noticed me and gestured to entitled dad with the you gotta be kidding me look so I just responded with a shrug as far as I knew he wasn't wrong if entitled dad was in such a hurry why not just get your food and be done with it eventually the girl at the register was able to get the order I was now second in place in line and right next to the two kids by this point I could hear the angry entitled dad go into a tirade about the performance of the restaurant and insist that if it wasn't for his kids wanting it they would have gone to a better place about how sad Japanese place was better but because it was currently closed they had to suffer through this entitled dad even started to insult the poor girl behind the counter the gentleman behind entitled dad and the two boys tried to tell and titled that off telling him they're just doing their best but entitled dad shot back with a typical I'm a paying customer so I can do what I want excuse and kept going the girl was obviously growing upset as entitled dad was bullying her and I could see tears start to form in her eyes entitled dad just wouldn't give her a break the gentleman behind the trio was also looking like he was getting ready to throw punches at this moment I thought that I really wanted to do something but I didn't want to get into a fight even if I had back up or ended up being the backup for someone else that's what I noticed it entitled dad was wearing cargo shorts the kind that never seemed to fit right I thought for a second and found an alternative idea I found myself just reacting and the whole thing took only a few seconds I stepped forward in between entitled dad and the two kids grabbed both side loops of the seat of his pants and yanked as hard as I could without stopping I immediately ran for it I had to push through a lady in the last line but I made it I heard a lot of screaming behind me but not wanting to get pummeled by an angry entitled dad I didn't even look back I ran to the other side of the mall where my wife was still shopping with her sister I knew my wife enough to predict what stores they would be in I felt safe enough in a girls clothing store next to my wife so after I caught my breath I just started laughing my wife asked what the heck and I just told her I would tell her later I didn't want to spoil their shopping so I spent the rest of the time keeping an eye out for an angry entitled dad I did spot them at one point now with a blonde lady and a little girl in tow but that was it I was lucky enough to avoid them when we decided to go eat the lunch rush was pretty much over and I just had to know I went back to the Chinese place and luckily the young girl was still there so I purposely waited behind an extra person for a chance to talk when I got the chance I asked her what happened to entitled dad she told me that someone yanked his pants down mid tire aid the guy who did the deed took off but entitled dad couldn't catch him because the gentleman behind entitled dad took the opportunity to push entitled dad flat on his bike the gentleman just insisted that he was trying to catch the culprit and missed then entitled dad being the official center of attention just grumbled for the rest of the time it got his food paid and set down on the opposite side of the food court somewhere I wanted to laugh but just in case I never told her it was me who did the pantsing even though I really wanted to so I just took my order and joined my wife and her sister for lunch I told my wife later and we had a laugh she scolded me for pulling such a stunt but was proud of me for finding such a funny method of helping the cashier right now I'm still beaming about it and wanted to share it on reddit idiot entitled mom doesn't want her daughter to catch my autism hey mister reddit hope you enjoy my our slash entitled parents story so you all remember how in my first ever post I said that since all the people in my life were decent folks that I'd never have to deal with an entitled parent or person yeah I may have jinxed myself since this is my third encounter with one thus far just happened earlier this morning and I'm still a bit amused by this woman's stupidity as usual I will be paraphrasing words used to make the post pg-rated backstory I was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome high functioning autism when I was three I have struggled with social skills and such all my life and I am a lot more comfortable with people either much younger or much older than myself than with people my own age hence why kids seem drawn to me I guess cast since I am a Disney freak I will be naming the characters after Disney characters we've got me Mickey ears we've got Mother Gothel the entitled idiot mother Rapunzel Goethals sweet daughter probably about five or six mrs. Potts kindly older woman in the waiting room mom my awesome mother and dr. Dawson nice doctor who works at the office my family goes to unlike the Great Mouse Detective character this dr. Dawson is a woman I couldn't think of any female Disney doctors off the top of my head story my mom had an appointment with dr. Dawson this morning so I opted to go with her since she would be doing small errands afterwards my mom has bone-on-bone arthritis in both knees and has a hard time moving around and since I'm the only one of my siblings who still lives at home I often escort her places mom was called into the examination room almost immediately after we checked in and I was in the mostly empty waiting rooms the only other person besides myself was mrs. Puff's who was quietly reading one of the magazines the waiting room offered I had brought a backpack full of crud to entertain myself so I dug out my drawing pad and colored pencils and started doing some drawings Enter Mother Gothel who had Rapunzel by the hand but was barely paying attention to her as she checked in once she was set Gothel then practically dragged Rapunzel over to the area where I was seated and star messing around on her phone Rapunzel noticed the drawing I was working on a princess drawing appropriately and came over to me Rapunzel wow that's a cool drawing I look up oh thank you I love to draw do you like to draw yeah Gothel finally looking up from her phone Rapunzel get over here and stop gawking at that lady's god-awful artwork okay mommy goes next to her mother now I know I'm no Frida Kahlo but I didn't think my drawing was that bad surprise surprise as soon as Gotham went back to her phone Rapunzel goes back to me how come you have Ariel wearing Cinderella's dress sometimes I like to draw how I think the different princesses would look wearing each other's dresses oh that's cool Gothel snorts not even looking up from her phone this time Billie's that's a stupid idea note she said a word instead of stupid that starts with an R that I refuse to repeat I'm sorry you feel that way ma'am I personally think it's fun and I'd appreciate if you didn't use that word why are you a stupid person she uses it again no but I do have autism she immediately glares at me you have what are you insane what I'm trying to infect my daughter excuse me Rapunzel Ani come here with Mummy I don't want you catching that lady's autism I'm looking at Gothel like she's insane um you do know autism isn't contagious right ma'am you're either born with it or not don't give me that crap I know all about autism you probably got it from some stupid vaccine or hooking up with your brother or something I had heard the theory of autism and vaccinations before and not the other one I don't want my daughter to get infected mrs. Potts has been quietly listening in the young lady is right ma'am autism is a neurological disorder you can't catch it at all oh shut up you old bat no with that you're talking about turns back to me why don't you just do us all a favor and drop dead it's like you're stupid autism with you at this point I'm trying hard not to cry and to keep myself from slapping this woman silly luckily my mom and dr. Dawson came out into the waiting room right then my mom Opie what's wrong this stupid girl is trying to give my daughter her autism one that stupid girl is my daughter and I'll thank you not to talk that way about her and two she can't give your daughter her autism because autism is not a contagious disease dr. Dawson ma'am I can confirm that what she says is correct autism is not contagious nor is it caused by vaccinations shut up oh trying to make my precious baby sick all of you are out to get her ma'am if you don't stop this behavior right now I'm going to have to ask you to leave but I have an appointment then you'll have to reschedule Gothel growls at me this is all your fault you stupid cow autistic nobody's like you should be euthanized mom turns bright red get the heck away from my daughter right now or I'm calling the police Gothel realized that she's not going to win here so she stormed out dragging poor little Rapunzel with her dr. Dawson apologized to me and my mom then went with mom to finalize the bill for today's appointment mrs. Potts came over to me and tried to comfort me complimenting me on the drawings I was working on I thanked her then gave her one of them a picture of the actual mrs. Potts from the movie which she took delightedly I don't know what online crud this woman was reading to warp her mind or if she's just naturally that idiotic but boy howdy was that something next we've got entitled granny tries to take first base first time poster and I'm on mobile cast we've got me brother int entitled granny but she is an int since her skin looked like a tree and my dad little bit of some backstory my family growing up was a bit obsessed with baseball and if it was baseball related my dad didn't care what my brother and I did usually we threw and hid to each other on the road since we lived in a cul-de-sac if you get it into the neighbor's yard at the end of the cul-de-sac then you got a home run now it being the great state of Minnesota we had a lot of snow on the ground as usual so my brother and I still wanted to play so we set up our gear and a homemade wall in the street so the balls wouldn't always go all the way down the road when we missed them there were many times that we would hit the ball foul and it would go in the ladies yard it would happen often since she had two massive pine trees as well on this particular day we had quite a few baseball's in her yard and once we finished the bucket and we started to pick them back up well when we started to get the foul balls from entitled granny's yard we were about halfway through the balls when we heard some yelling hey yo kids get the heck off my lawn we looked at the house since that's the direction the yelling came we see through a window on the top story an old lady staring hard at us through the screen my brother who are you and we aren't hurting anything or destroying your yard no you are destroying my grass with every step you take on my yard keep in mind it was a winter and snow was everywhere in her yard lady we're just picking up our baseballs we aren't playing in your yard entitled granny Huff's and shuts her window and we thought that was it so we gathered up our balls and I started to pitch to my brother who was hitting now about ten minutes later the old angry and three legged woman slowly stepped out of her house and starts to yell at us again for destroying her grass my brother just looks at me and tells me to just keep throwing so I do all the while entitled granny is still hobbling with her cane coming our way yelling the whole time she gets close I mean very close entitled granny tries to position herself in between us and at one point I threw a ball just three feet from her body thankfully my brother didn't swing what do you kids think you're doing out here you could have hit me or someone else she didn't seem to care about herself much seeing as she tried to walk in my bitching path lady can you please move and leave us alone we have been playing here for months now and no one has had any problem with our plane kids are destroying my yard and my beautiful pine trees with your balls and you are obstructing traffic we always would move our things when the rare car came into the coldest act in under 30 seconds traffic was not an issue but the lady would not budge she would just stand there expecting us to apologize for playing baseball my brother ran to get our dad while I was stuck with this hag in the two minutes we were alone she would just keep telling me about how we are destroying her yard when we stepped into the snow and how the grass will not grow any more when spring came around well my brother finally came back and told me to pack everything up we are done for the day and that our dad would talk to her after we ate since he was busy cooking dinner so when we started to pack up she would just huff and puff like she was gonna blow our gear into our garage for us during dinner my dad would talk about how we are just having fun and she probably is cranky since her leg is hurt and she lives alone and such after dinner my dad went over now he didn't let us come along not that we wanted to but told us that conversation went like this hello my name is blah blah blah and my kids were playing on the street and you told them to stop yes your kids are destroying my gratis and breaking the branches with their balls ma'am the grass is frozen because it is under a ton of snow also grass is made to be walked on and they are playing outside and having fun and most definitely not destroying anything our dad tells us that they basically repeated the same sentences of new times and it ended with her slamming the door on him and saying he is a bad parent for letting us destroy her yard we did have a couple more run-ins with entitled granny but she never came out of her house to yell at us anymore but she would occasionally yell from her window but we would just keep playing not an amazing ending sorry for that however now that the years went by she has since passed and a nice young couple lives there now and our final story of the day cheat on me steal from your former roommates have fun being pregnant alone without money a bad credit score and no roof over your head this might be a longer post so I hope you bear with me also English is not my native language so please excuse my typos or spelling errors also this whole mess happened about three years ago so most of the conversations are not 100% exact also also I don't really know if it's an entitled person a choosing beggar or a revenge story so I was dating this girl for about a year everything went well and we were happy we were living in different towns but it was only a 50 minute train ride so it wasn't that bad but still a little annoying when a room in her shared flat became free we talked a little about it and decided rather quickly that this was actually a good opportunity for us to move in together so we planned a little more and I packed my things and moved towns the shared flat consisted of six people in total but the main protagonists are my girlfriend and myself since I come from a rather big family that wasn't much of a problem for me they knew me I knew them we got along perfectly after I moved in the girlfriend told me that the person that moved out was actually the person that signed to the lease and that we need to vote for a new one to sign it after talking about that little road bumped we as a group came to the conclusion the two of us can't sign it because they were four months away from their finals and already looking for new tenants to take over their rooms to flat out said they don't want to sign it which pretty much left girlfriend and me as the only ones to sign it so we both decided we will sign the lease together which was an idea the Landlord really ly fast forward a month I got a job in an old people nursery home and worked mostly at night girlfriend just started a job at a gaming home and worked mostly during the night too as far as I knew everything was going great until the girlfriend knocked on my door I just wanted to tell you that I found a new tenant who will take over my room next week since we were pretty much using only one of our rooms anyways she thought that we could just move in together into one room oh great so we are moving into one room together I wanted to talk to you about that too glad you came in first with it no I am moving in with my boyfriend um as far as I know I am your boyfriend I mean I was your boyfriend last night this morning and if I'm not completely mistaken we were still together 20 minutes ago not really but I thought I should at least tell you that I'm moving out next week after she said that she turned around and left I was still sitting at my table still not really knowing what just happened and with what I believe had to be the biggest question mark in the universe on my face after five minutes I stood up and went to her room so just that I understand you correctly you were telling me that you will move out next week to move in with your boyfriend yes that's what I said okay you gotta help me here as far as I know I have been your boyfriend for the last 14 months or did I misinterpret something there no you have been a boyfriend for that time but I started seeing the other one five months ago and now I think I should move in with him at that moment I just turned around got my jacket and went to a local bar the rest of the day happened without me using my brain and until today I have no idea how or when I made it home fast forward a week my now ex-girlfriend had literally moved out overnight we only realized that she moved out because we didn't see her at the dinner table so one of us went to see if she was okay and saw that there was a letter on her table which stated that she moved out overnight dumbfounded we all looked deaded and also saw that the only thing she took with her were some of her clothes and her personal files she left us with her entire furniture her TV computer stereo see and DVDs and wrote in the letter that she won't need those things anymore so we ended up with a room full of furniture and electronics that nobody wanted needed or even had the room to store it the new tenant wasn't planned to move in for at least three weeks and the rent for her room this month wasn't paid either so we had a little problem to deal with but nothing we can it solve at least that was what we thought she was a doorbell our landlord stood in the door and told us that our rental deposit account was emptied out this morning and he demands to know why I told him that as far as I knew there were only two people that had a bank card for that account one was with him and the other one was in our rental folder our card had no permissions to withdraw any money from the account its only purpose was to get the bank statements so the bank won't send us one via snail mail every month I also told him that I worked from 8 p.m. until 4 a.m. in the morning and went straight to bed until roughly 10:00 a.m. so I have no idea what happened during that timeframe so we took a look into our rental folder and yep the card was still there we also went to a computer to take a look at the account online and yep it was emptied out roughly eight hours ago by card number two so the landlord and I went to the bank to ask how it was possible that someone is allowed to withdraw money from the account with a card that doesn't even have the permission to do so the bank teller looked at our cards and told us right away that those were cards 1 and 3 the landlord and I just looked at each other with a look of disbelief on our faces we instantly knew what was going on and the bank teller confirmed it to us card number 2 belonged to my now ex-girlfriend who opened the account three years ago and the last time that card was used was at a bank roughly 300 kilometers away from us we decided to get all the information in writing so we can take it to the police after all we were talking about a deposit of three rents for the whole flat each 1200 euros and a credit line of 1000 euros the bank had added without us knowing which made a total of 46 hundred euros and there was no way we were letting her get away with that but before we went to the police I thought it would be a good idea to at least pay the rent for the month since my landlord was already there and we both were at the bank so I went to the ATM to see if all of my flatmates had paid their share of the rent and guess what our rent account was emptied out too but it wasn't only emptied out it was also overdrawn to the maximum amount possible which was one month's rent also the money for our regular bills like water power etc was missing so she stole roughly seventy five hundred euros from us I went pale and wanted to cry right there because I was the one that had to tell it to my flatmates so I bit the bullet and told them what happened two of them immediately blamed me for the whole mess and demanded that I pay all of it out of my own pocket one just set there and said nothing and the last one just said that since he was moving out anyways we shouldn't worry about the deposit and pay it back whenever we are able to which was an offer I couldn't refuse so we ended up with a contract stating that we pay him back with small monthly rates the real heroes however were the bank teller in our landlord the bank teller told us that my ex-girlfriend was still an account holder on both accounts and while he couldn't tell us officially that we can remove ourselves from the accounts he dropped hints left right and centre that it is possible to do so for example he asked a co-worker if there are any special rules to remove an account holder from an overdrawn account the only rule that existed was that there had to be at least one active account holder left so my landlord got himself removed from the deposit account leaving my ex-girlfriend is the only account holder and I after voiding all cards did the same with our rent account our landlord also told us that because of everything that had happened he would refrain from collecting the rent that month and that we can take our time to refill the new deposit account we were also able to work out a deal with our water and power provider again small rates so the only thing we were behind was actually our phone bill five months later I received a call from ex-girlfriend she was crying and yelling at the same time which made it rather hard to understand her but what I could gather from the call was the bank had terminated the bank accounts since both were overdrawn for more than three months without any money movement and they demanded impromptu payment of 2,200 years plus interest so roughly 2,400 euros she wasn't able to pay this amount since she used the stolen money to rent a new flat for her and her boyfriend her boyfriend however found out what she did proudly after the first court order arrived and moved out since she was pregnant and didn't work she couldn't pay the rent anymore and her newly ruined credit score kept her from getting a new cheaper flat and the only one she could think of that could maybe find it in their hearts to help her and forget what happened were us her exact words for all the flatmates that she screwed over I still remember the exact words I said to her before hanging up and blocking her number me well you already screwed six guys in one night maybe you should make a career out of it mister read it if you want to put it in a video or just laugh at it you have to sell it to me for two dollars or it's false advertising Hey for all who remember my first post on this subreddit I'm back with another I wish I wasn't honestly I hate dealing with entitled parents and all their BS but apparently it seems to follow me whether I like it or not so here we are very much like the last story this RC truck was involved it was a cheap find at a pawn shop and I'm fixing it up before I decide if I'm keeping it or selling it this story takes place at my local hobby store while I was buying parts for it at one point I had set it down leaning up against the counter while I chatted with the employee and I said another part on top of it this again was my mistake as I was chatting with the employee about this little RC truck with a camera in it that she had gotten to miss with her cats a father and his son wandered into the RC section they were looking at the different models on the shelves and from the sound of things the kid had earned himself some money and was buying himself an RC model at some point the kid noticed mine and mistook the price tag on the bagged part for the price of the truck look dad this one's only two dollars really that doesn't seem right let me see as the kid picks up my truck I take notice and walk over oh sorry that's mine I left it there because I didn't want to hold it for half an hour while I harassed this poor girl you know gesturing towards the RC employee as I talked and she laughed sorry about that it's a cool truck though Thanks you know they have similar models available here I point to the tracks a shelf where they have the newer upgraded version of this truck I spend a few minutes showing this guy in his kit the various models and he comments on how expensive the tracks his ones are and starts looking at the cheaper more beginning grade ones they pick out a nice 118th ECX ruckus and the dead tells the kid to go ask his mom to make sure she's okay with him buying this the kid runs off and comes back with a woman who I assume is his mom she didn't have the stereotypical Karen look but she had the look in her eyes anyone who has actually dealt with the entitled parents or insane people knows the look which one of you works here the employee says uh that would be me my son here tells me that he found a truck for two dollars but you wouldn't sell it to him no mom I said it belongs to that guy he points at me did it have a price tag on it by this day I had been smart enough to take the pawnshop price tag off the hood of the thing it was a pain in the butt well no it had this on it I hold up the bagged part let me see that she snatches it out of my hand entitled mom spends a minute studying the tag on the back part almost like if she stared hard enough she could find the secret to the Karen code an ancient mystery lost to the guild of Karen's for decades this says taxes right well yes but and this truck is a Traxxas right I mean it is but then this is the price for the truck well no that's not how this works why not it says taxes on the tag employee than gestures to the wall of parts with probably several thousand parts all in a similar tag bags entitled mom gets redder in the face this is false advertising I did so for this the dad then runs over in inter checks likely having dealt with this before why don't you go wait in the car I'll deal with this entitled mom takes a minute to compose herself and leaves with one parting shot fine but you better let them have it she leaves and as soon as she's out the door the dad turns to both of us sorry about her guys she does this a lot we'll take the orange ECX truck for my son though as she's grabbing it off the shelf the kid asks his dad dad what are you going to tell mom I don't know buddy maybe that there was something wrong with the truck or that they both got eaten by bears I've got a couple minutes I'll figure it out and with Beth they pay and leave and the employee and I had a good laugh about this insane woman and what her husband probably wove for a tail to keep her happy next up we've got give my child your money I don't care if they don't know you okay first things first I'm on mobile the grammar is going to be crap all grammar police please cease fire I try to post this story a while ago and didn't understand the rules of Reddit so with that being said let's get into it first off I think this story should be included in our slash choosing beggars too but you guys decide now when I got to the neighborhood my neighbors across the street told me about these jerks down the last block of the street I just brushed it off and said to myself I don't have to worry about them oh how wrong I was back story I just moved into a new neighborhood last summer and it is my first home my neighbors are beyond great they have been in the neighborhood over 15 to 25 years which means they know everybody and everything that goes on so after I get to know my neighbors we get close and welcomed me in with open arms now fast forward until July we decided to have a big barbecue before the 4th and we are putting together a list of goodies in this area everything is so convenient we have restaurants CVS dollar stores gas stations etc but the general store at the corner of my street was stocked with everything you can imagine the problem was it was off the alley of the jerks I will get to after we get the list together for the barbecue the rest of the items I can get from the general store I was offered a ride but I want to enjoy the weather I regret this later now to the cast we've got the begging kid we have the entitled mother the drunk dad and well you know me well after everything is said and done I grab the list of the last items and walk to the general store again I get asked do I need a ride and I declined since I want to enjoy this nice weather while I'm walking I get a call it's my sister asking me what time she should come and what to bring now I finally get to the alley leading to the store it's a mixture of a warzone and old-school music with over 10 to 12 kids yelling it was that many kids I counted walking through the alley now ladies and gentlemen is where the crazy happens hey old man I'm 33 by the way but I guess I'm all too younger kids hey oh man my sister's still on the phone is someone talking to you being sarcastic I don't think so being it was so loud with their music and kids running around yelling at the top of their lungs I really couldn't pay attention to anything that was coming from the area hey old man in the basketball shorts what the heck are you talking to me yeah you are the only one I'm talking to you little jerk what's up can I have five dollars so I can go to the store um no heck no I don't know you and Plus why are you asking your stranger for money the begging kid is a girl go ask your parents or whoever's in charge of you um I don't want to are you going to give me the money or nah she actually said this word for word no I don't know you so begging kid walks off and my sister is dying laughing on the phone so I end my call with her go into the store pick up everything on my list and leave now walking back through the alley I see beggar kid and entitled mom and I think to myself here we go with the BS is that him beg a kid yeah that's him I'm thinking to myself good she's about to make beggar kid apologize or something nope wrong again she asked you for some money yeah and I told her she cuts me off so where is it where is what I hope you're not talking about the money because I'm not giving you or her money at this point I'm fuming and don't care what I say to them you promised my baby money some give it to her plus I know what you drive you can afford it I Drive a 2010 Escalade at the time I don't care what you see me drive I'm not giving a random begging kid my money and you need to teach her not to ask random people especially men for money they don't know at this time the neighbors that lived around the house plus people walking into the store and walking out see the situation go down even the owner of the store came out to see what was going on so you're not going to give her the money I go get her dad then she and beggar kid walk off and I scream go get him then so I started walking back to my house but I turned the other way down the second part of the alley here comes drunk dad is that him hey that's him hey mom man come here at this time he's trying to run towards me but he was so drunk that the more he ran towards me the more his balance said no so he kept tripping over his feet as soon as I started walking back the police showed up someone called the police and told them what was going on they stopped me and I tell them everything and the store owner and neighbors told them what happened after all that they went to the store looked at the surveillance video they said I could go I found out later that their dad was arrested for being drunk and disorderly conduct and titled mom was ticketed for disturbing the peace with a loud music beggar kid was kicked out of the store multiple times for stealing and asking random people for money and an outside of the store plus her brothers and sisters after that I never walked to the store again I'd rather burn gas for a two-minute drive than to deal with this crazy stuff again next we've got entitled kid spits in my face what's up reddit I've been looking around on this sub for a while and finally decide to contribute a post I don't actually know if this post fits here but if it doesn't suggestions are welcome also a grammar and punctuation aren't my strongest points so go ahead and roast me so this all went down when I was in eighth grade I'm 20 now when I was 11 me and my three younger siblings sister and two brothers were put into foster care I've come to terms with the fact that I was in the system and why I don't feel embarrassed anymore about that part of my life so when I was going into my eighth grade year in middle wee me and my sister who was 2 at the time were placed in a different home because our family friend who was caring for us at the time had to move out of the country and could not take us with her now meet entitled mom but for the sake of the story I'm going to call her Missy she was a 40-ish black woman CPS tried to make it a habit to place kids in a home with the same racial background but at the time of meeting her was okay our two daughters lived with her a 20 year old who was her biological daughter nice daughter and an 8 year old girl who was adopted as a baby entitled kid she was a rotten child at first everything was fine until a week or so of us being there when I noticed that she treated me and my sister differently a bad sort of differently she would make my sister stand in one spot of the living room all day until there were literally footprints of where she stood in the carpet every time we went out she made it a point to tell everyone that entitled kid was her child and that me and my sister were the ones that weren't a part of their family just a lot of things that would hurt a kid's emotional state she did I have a ton of stories on her but I'm just gonna focus on this one for now even though this happened so long ago I remember it clearly it was a Saturday evening and I was sitting on the floor because mrs. C wouldn't let me or my sister sit on the couch watching TV when entitled k2 came into the living room she sat down on the couch and proceeded to munch loudly on a snack she grabbed from the kitchen it was annoying but wasn't a big deal when she realized I wasn't going to respond she stood up and stood directly in front of me can you move I can't see the TV I don't want you to watch can you just move you're not the boss it's my house not yours that may be the case but you're being rude entitled kid starts yelling at this point I'm not gonna argue with an eight-year-old and just moved to another spot to watch TV once again she moves in front of me and gets in my face she sticks out her tongue showing all the chewed up food in her mouth entitled kid get out of my face before I get your mom now I'm the calmest person you could ever meet but I have to admit that I lost it in the next few moments she had the literal nerve to spit in my face my first reaction was to hit her not hard enough to actually hurt her but just enough to make her learn her lesson looking back now I do feel bad but at that moment I just saw red entitled kid has a look of shock on her face before she started to cry she got up from the floor she was standing over me when she spit so when I hit her she fell and ran to her mom in storms Missy what did you do to entice with kid she spit in my face and I hit her why would you do that she's a child and if she has the nerve to spit in someone's face she should be able to take the consequences she probably didn't even spit on you he just wanted to hit her all you foster kids are the same full of violence and can't be grateful for being in someone else's home I'm boiling mad because from the moment we stepped foot in her home she mentally and emotionally abused us I want to call my caseworker at this point Missy shut up and I knew why if I called my caseworker and reported her we would be removed from her home and that meant no more fat checks especially since my sister was considered disabled mainly because of what Missy did to her and possibly getting her license to foster children revoked for the rest of that week and the next she tried to suck up to me but when it came time for me to speak to my caseworker I sung like a canary and when my caseworker made known of it but didn't do anything I made sure to put it on the long list of transgressions towards miss C for when I went to court not very satisfying but this was only one part of many stories about Miss C and my birth family if you guys would like to hear about it her house was heck but every bunch has a bad apple and I just chalked this up as a bad experience thanks for listening and our final story of the day a Karen tries to make me give her kids singing lessons cast we've got me we've got the entitled mom we've got the mean kid the nice teacher and the helpful kid a little backstory I was 10 when this happened and mean kid was saying she was my friend but she was lying one day smack in the middle of the year about four months prior to the Karen encounter I was singing zombie with mean kid who wasn't as good as she was bragging about she claimed she was better than ariana grande and Beyonce combined she accused me of trying to be better than her because I'm jealous of her talent and perfection she ignored for a week on to the story we were on our final field trip of the year and I was put in a helpful kid and mean kids group I forgot about the incident four months prior and I improved on my singing and don't call me conceited please but I feel like I am a pretty good singer definitely know ariana grande but at least better than mean kid me and mean kid were back at it again singing perfect this time which my voice was better suited for and this ticked mean kid off note I was shy antisocial and sensitive and still am mean kid why are you always trying to be better than you are a terrible friend and a horrible singer what did I do something to upset you hurry mark kind of caught me off guard yes you did you took singing lessons coz you were jealous of my talent at singing mean kid I swear that isn't the case I would never purposely upset you I don't take singing lessons I just practice I'm sort of you're a liar you only try and sing better than me coz you're jealous I am prettier and better at singing and more talented than you so at this point I was fighting back tears because I don't handle being yelled at very well and I was a little embarrassed because everyone was looking at me while mean kids strutted over to her mom I ran over to nice teacher who is our teacher for class and nearby with her group teacher is it too late to be in your group why did something happen well mean kid is mad at me I can't change your group but I can't stay close by if anything happens I nodded and walked back to my group enter Karen hello aren't you Opie uh yeah I am my precious mean kid is telling me that you won't tell her your singing coach and you are bullying her I laugh nervously miss I don't have a singing coach you lying disrespectful girl my poor me kid is crying because of you heightened mind you tell me your singing coach I really don't have a singing coach fine then teach my daughter and be her singing coach I want her to be better than you i inched closer to a nice teacher to tell her something was wrong do not walk away from me young lady did you know who I am a teacher I completely ignored Karen what seems to be the problem this child is making my poor mean kid cry by making fun of her and calling her name's she signaled mean kid to come over she called me talentless and bad at singing I'll spare you the unimportant details cuz it was just a bunch of who did what Jiba Java I won the argument and mean kid and Karen were furious I switched groups with helpful kid who was nice enough to volunteer later we were going to the buses and there are these concrete stairs we have to go down and I kid you not Karen not mean kid but Karen stuck her foot out and if it weren't for helpful kid pulling me out of the way I could have broken some bones Karen was banned from ever chaperoning and was kicked off PSA a school Parent Program mean kid was suspended for three days and ISS for a week what I got was a nice friend and a nice teacher karma is the best by the way I give full permission to use this story if that ever happens entitled ex and family controlling family hey mister read it so I finally decided to start sharing some of my own experiences I tried to keep it pretty clean but there are a few moments sorry about that okay so before I get into this I need to make it clear this relationship I am posting about was very very toxic and seriously messed me up in my mental state to a point where I went from confident to pure submissive and unsure of myself 24/7 please read with this in mind I kept out certain triggers as to not trigger others the ex isn't the only guilty one his mom entitled mom and sister entitled sister were a huge part of all of this D is his mom's boyfriend it was nothing short of lovely but for now I'll just share a small part of what happened plenty happened over seven years so just to paint the picture for you all because it will make more sense I'm a white British female I was also lucky enough to be fostered and adopted by my best friend in his family my ex and his family are Indian this will make sense later so from the get-go things were odd to say the least from the first day I was introduced to my ex's family that consisted of his mom his sister and his mom's boyfriend he's also a white British guy again me mentioning this will make sense so it was a very nervous time for me I'm very anxious and wary of new people new places and new noises in general I am very introverted which not everyone understands and feels is me simply being rude regardless to how I try to explain it it just takes me time to get to know people anyway so the first day I met my ex's family as soon as I step foot in the door his mom entitled mom says hello pretty much attached herself to me with a hug which through me as mentioned it takes time for me to get used to new people and having my space invaded so suddenly resulted in quite the expression from me and as entitled mom goes to move away she makes it clear who she is it went as followed hello Opie my son has told me so much about you I do hope you realized that he deserves the best I expect great things from both of you I was still in shell shock from having my space so suddenly invaded was a bit violating if I'm honest however as I'm about to open my mouth and introduce myself I kid you not she announced to me I'm going to be your mobile number as well I like to make sure I can always get in touch with my son I remember thinking to myself right okay I guess it makes sense maybe it will make sense I was already trying to justify this for it to make sense however red flags were going off everything felt like it was going a hundred miles per hour but I tried my best to not let the sudden invasion throw me off so moving on a few months I get to know them more and more my ex's mom starts forcing us to spend time together making it clear that this is good for us I'm talking every single day everytime I went over to visit she would force us all to spend time together honestly he was very suffocating for me I'm all for family time but this was getting crazy and then I noticed more red flags aside from the obvious power control freak red flags and her entitlement each time I was over she would be telling my ex she's texted such and such to come over me being me I thought it was family no harm in that fair enough no harm in that then we hear her shouting and screaming through the phone from the kitchen turns out she was leaving voicemails I just hope they didn't have headphones in for that I mean she was full-on banshee screaming I honestly thought someone had done something wrong but someone had seriously messed up my ex and I go in when it's quiet and she just lets rip turns out she had text my ex's friends to come over and spend time with us I later learned that she does not ask people to come over she tells them to because they owe her yeah so she starts ranting and raging about my ex's friends not coming over how disappointed she is in all of them how they all basically like my own sons how dare they not come over and grateful grants the all I have done for them and even more swears and self-important raging I decided to go and sit in the lounge I was still trying to process why she had the numbers of my ex's friends and why she's reacting like this I went to the couch closest to the door of entering the lounge it's basically a front door little hallway and turn left into the lounge but given how she is I figured I just leave it for now I was unaware of her outbursts entitled mom comes into the lounge along with entitled sister and of course my eggs they sat down on the larger couch and immediately started bad-mouthing the exes friends now I hadn't met them yet but this felt so wrong the things that were said honestly sickened me if you care about people like family you do not come off with the sort of things I heard so I decided to switch off of them and pulled out my phone checking Facebook and my messages by this point titled mom's boyfriend had come home from work so her boyfriend has literally just come through the door he works long hours he's very successful when it comes to his work I won't get into it too much he assists with setting up businesses now by this point me and him get along well and have had a variety of conversations that have been nothing but polite positive and generally comforting no conflicts are bad-mouthing at all if anything our shared sense of humor led to silly conversations and scenarios and if you're thinking the entitled mom didn't like it you'd be right she did end but that round of drama is for another time her boyfriend had just taken his shoes off and come into the lounge greeting everyone and asking how everyone is and entitled mom entitled sister and my ex just looked at him his face just dropped this poor guy had been working for over 14 hours and his face was that of sheer dejection and oh boy here we go again just as he was about to ask how everyone's day was entitled mom starts whaling and going full-on Kieren entitled son's friends refuse to come over to eat I am furious how could they after everything I have done for them after all the help I've given them over the years after all the holidays I've allowed them to come on with us and now they tell me no her boyfriend asked what I refused to ask I looked at him with wide eyes trying to quietly Express don't do it but he did poor guy went there I was closest to the door facing away from them her boyfriend says entitled mom they are kids anymore you need to be considerate of their working hours they're both working full-time jobs in firms they also have to travel at times like I do I'm sure it's but he was cut off entitled mom was having none of it if I tell them to come over and eat and spend time with us I expect them to do it after all I have done for them the least they can do is come and spend time with me when I tell them to yes I kid you not this is how it was going down this as I would soon come to learn in just over seven years was the norm when she was told no I'd have a better chance of growing another hand from my head than being able to say no without any drama so entitled mom continues shouting at her boyfriend about this and I figured I'd just go to the bathroom just to get away for a few minutes hoping that it would all be over and done with by the time I'm done so I go and do my thing I can still hear entitled mom's voice echoing in the house this woman has no off button but I really wish she had a mute option at least the bathroom was upstairs just above the kitchen so it was easy to still hear everything now on to the main area that resulted in her boyfriend snapping at her and me packing up everything and going home as I came back downstairs and titled mom is still going on however her boyfriend is doing his best to calm her down and explaining to her that she my eggs and the entitled sister really do need to stop treating people like they owe her something that doing something nice for someone be it a friend or your sons or daughters friends it doesn't mean you can hold it over them which was true however and tied with mom entitled sister and my ex always did that trust me anything my eggs did for me was used against me and I will share such things in another post later on as I go to sit down my eggs an entitled sister decided to put their attention towards me I was already used to this even after a few months into the relationship my ex opere wouldn't you be upset if your friends refused to spend time with you and your family despite how much your family has done for them entitled sister we are just a really close family and we do a lot to help people so it's only right that people come over when we tell them to especially when it's just coming over for dinner I was looking at them at times when they were directly talking to me however I kept my phone in my hand as a means of escape if needed I was very uncomfortable during all of this and then entitled mom chimes in please note by this point they are aware that I was fostered adopted wouldn't you'll mother be upset if she text your friends inviting them over and they refused now I am a very blunt person I really did learn the hard way that I couldn't be myself around these people hence why everything else that was about to happen ended with me always having to apologize always my mom doesn't have my friends numbers she doesn't organize when my friends can or will see me none of my other friends parents do this either we simply meet up as we can I honestly find it very odd that you have your sons and daughters friends and mobile numbers and organized when they can and should come over oh boy oh boy I really did learn that day not to ever be that honest or blind I'm sorry for the increase of the no-nose here but crap hit the fan the sound she made honestly the scream noise of shock that woman produced made me jump I could swear it felt like my heart was in my mouth I could taste my underwear it was that horrific and made me jump later on I got used to that noise entitled mom went off she was shouting at me me would you know about a family what do you know about family you have no idea how a real family functions we are close I know everything I am their mother it is my place to control all these situations 10 people and there was more but I started seeing red at this point as she was taking a much-needed breather and continued to screw up her face and anger while glaring at me I figured I was going to go ahead and just tell her what I thought bad times very bad times I am part of a family you know I do know how the family thing works but to me having your son and daughters friends numbers is not only odd it's controlling as well I didn't get another word and after that your actual family didn't want you you ran away because you were clearly not wanted you know nothing of a close family life I don't know how your kind thinks it works but for us for our culture this is normal I refuse to have you racist ignorant tell me otherwise by this point I was done that moment showed me no matter what I say or do there is no point in being honest or blunt so I packed up my stuff and headed home I was still trying to process everything whilst I was getting my stuff together her boyfriend had snapped this gentle giant of a man was telling entitled mom how disappointed he was with her he was still handling himself well but he had clearly had enough of this I didn't listen in but as I came downstairs he was in tears he decided he needed to get away for a few days and as such he ended up leaving later in the evening I only know that because my ex told me and tried putting the fault on to me yep my ex entitled mom and entitled sister actually put the blame onto me my ex was messaging me when I got home telling me how it was my own fault how his mom means well and knows what she's talking about and as mentioned above he was sure to tell me how it was my fault that their relationship issue had resulted in him leaving but it was my fault the two to three weeks that followed were heck for me his mom who obviously had my number was using me to tell my ex that he had to go over now she was literally forcing me to be in the middle to talk to him which in turn made him angry and again this is where I started to learn that the relationship was not healthy and I was constantly reminded of the cultural differences between us and weights that were anything but nice however I just went with it anything to keep some form of peace now as I mentioned this was a long and painful relationship it went on for about seven years before people asked I did try leaving multiple times but I was always promised new things better changes and guilted into going back which I honestly have no excuse for I should have stuck to it regardless basically I was stupid and weak lessons learned I ended up hardly seeing my own family having no friends working long hours to get away etc so much happened in this relationship and I may share more at a later date for now I figured I'd just share my first actual what the heck entitled much moment thanks for reading and our final story of the day entitled uncle stole my turtle plush and ruins my vacation hi mister read it I'm a new member of the re army I love your videos nice thanks mother death this is my first post blah blah blah tell me if my formatting is wrong I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed background info this was about five years ago dialog is not exact I'm 10 at the time of this story an extremely emotional I'm still emotional but at this point in time I would actually cry over spilled milk I'm also admittedly very childish I'm excited over small things and I'm just simply a kid at heart this is one reason why I am constantly made fun of in the family I go on vacation to my mother's home state this is where all of the family members meet twice a year I have a large family and I have at least 21 cousins on my mother's side one cousin is three years younger than me and has been given everything he wants I'm the closest one age wise to him and therefore I am forced to do what he wants this is where I should probably start now but not so lovely cast we've got entitled kid my cousin entitled dad my uncle older cousin and me the first or second night of every vacation which lasted about 10 to 14 days the entitled kids family and my family would go to eat at a certain restaurant there was a small game room type of area in the restaurant and I was given five dollars from entitled dad just so I would go with entitled kid not a bad deal in all honesty there was a claw machine that I used to spend as many quarters as I could use on the machine this day I was bent on retrieving a medium sized turtle plush that I very dearly wanted entitled kids spent all his money on small things already those rigged claw machines racing games etc he had quickly spent at least $10 on small games he had also won about three small stuffed animals I on the other hand was desperately trying to get the turtle after about two games of this I bug one of my older cousins to help me get the plush I hand him all the money that I can get and he's off alas older cousin does not get the turtle I was a little bummed by this but I knew I could push a little bit of money out of my parents entitled kid also tried to get some out of my parents because my mom gave her money joke's on him my father didn't budge I was given five dollars to spend on whatever I wanted to we all knew what I wanted I once again handed all the money to my older cousins and after a few more attempts they had given up entitled kid was watching this happen after he spent all the rest of the money he could mooch he then asks could I try and get it for you me not realizing what was to come said sure after a few attempts from entitled kid he got my beloved turtle I was ecstatic I went to grab the turtle and grab the quarters entitled kid got his slimy hand on the turtle before I could get there I looked at him a little shocked uh what are you doing he looked at me like he didn't do anything wrong I got it it's mine you asked if you could help me yeah but I got it and I like it it's mine this little jerk shook his head and walked off with it this is when I begin to get irritated I continue after him and stayed a little bit louder this is mine give it back he first takes this up with the older cousins and they both agree with me I should be given the Turtle entitled KITT was not happy with this as he stomps back to the table where the adults are now drinking and watching a football game entitled dad why are you two arguing she's trying to take this from me I want it and she's saying it's hers it is mine no it isn't I want it from the machine yeah but it was entitled dad shuts me down really quick if he wanted it's his stop lying about it you're being so childish about this he was using my money yeah she gave it to me to play on the machine I begin to get angry now first he takes it now he's lying no I didn't entitled dead now shouting wait so did you give him the coins well yeah but there's no buts about this he wanted he gets it that's not fair he said he was going stop complaining about this it's his sit down before I get your parents involved too this gets me to sit down I'm terrified of my dad when he gets mad this was what finally got me to break down I go and sit down by my mom now ugly crying because I've left the situation in trouble with my uncle and I don't have the turtle my mom being an absolute angel to me and my behaviors asks me why I'm crying I explained the situation as well as unbiased as any ten-year-old could she is now slightly annoyed she has an upset kid and learned I spent a lot of the money that I was given my parents always gave me the opportunity to save or play with the money she walks up to entitled dad and sits down explaining what I said yeah it's her turtle she doesn't need it but it was her money entitled kid volunteered to help her she didn't say she was giving him the money he got it I don't think it's right because he's the one who the toy he never said he would give it to her my mom is more than frustrated and ends up talking to me about it she enables him to do a lot of stuff but she couldn't deny he was wrong and I got the turtle back and idle kid wasn't too happy about it but he got over it entitled dad on the other hand made the rest of the trip heck I'm already joked about in my family and every opportunity he could make a joke about how stupid and childish I was he did if any minor convenience happened it asked me if I was going to cry or if I was going to ask as dumb as I did about the toy needless to say that vacation made me hold a grudge against him for a long time and what do we do with the witch's long too long didn't read at the bottom many moons ago as a sophomore in college I landed his summer gig as a rifle Reid archery instructor at a camp for kids 8th through 12th grade I dealt with many entitled parents but one of them takes the cake the camp itself was secular but for two weeks they would rent out facilities and staff to a crazy church they paid good coin in advance though were it not for the coin we'd never have done business with them they made other crazy churches seem sensible by comparison they had been a client for years so our director knew they caused a lot of headaches she told us not to do anything stupid that would set them off I generally don't mind the beliefs of others so long as they're not hurting themselves or others so here we go cast we've got me we've got Karen we've got sad daughter camp director and defeated dad it was receiving day for this church group and part of our job as counselors was to make sure that the kids were properly outfitted to stay for two weeks and didn't have CD or mp3 players that's when I met sad daughter and the Karen to end all Karen's sad daughter was withdrawn clearly intelligent and when the skies darkened with the incoming of Karen her eyes started screaming at me though she didn't make a sound I know fear when I see it sad daughter was clearly practiced at hiding her feelings sadly out of necessity I wager still she introduced herself sheepishly my introduction was cut short Karen stormed in just full of anger she eyed the cabin looking for the slightest flaw to unload on someone lucky me sad daughter maybe about 13 and a hundred ten pounds was dwarfed by the hulking jiggly mass that was her mother and I mean mother and the loosest sends possible her perm was atrocious and her cheap perfume was layered on thicker than a side of grits back then I was a meat sack in decent shape and I'm 6 feet tall not that it mattered to Karen she lumbered over and started tossing sad daughter stuff like she was a bloodhound on a kilo of blow I will never forget her huffing as she made a mess I cringe even now in what I can best describe as a reenactment of Pompeii finding the Harry Potter notebook and her daughter's things made Karen explode molten crazy all over me shoving the notebook in my face like it was radioactive she started ranting on about how Harry Potter was witchcraft and promoted relations with Satan and would leave my precious baby astray and so on she thrusted the notebook into my hands and told me to burn the fifth I was told that I should be rate sad daughter for being so unfaithful and that I should punish her accordingly what did his lady wand for me to torch her kid as a witch silly lady this ain't Salem I said nothing and sad daughter looked like she was about ready to cry I've got a soft spot for kids that have it rough I took a knee to get eye level with sad daughter and gently asked if it was her diary she shook her head no so I asked if I had her permission to flip through it Karen clearly surprised that I was not cowed by her rant kept pushing what does it matter if it's a diary you need to tell her Harry Potter is evil and that she's not allowed to have that it's contraband y'all need to pray over her right now with hands lady not only know but heck know unbeknownst to me she was loud enough that someone fetched the director for the best really as the condescending an entitled way she elongated the word contraband as if I was supposed to be dazzled was the exact moment I decided that this crap would not fly even without the crazy I was aghast at how she disregarded her daughter's agency I put on my best customer service tone and posture Karen looked on smugly as I flipped through the blank pages anyone with common sense looking on would have clearly seen that I was i rated ma'am I am not touching your daughter without her consent and even if given I still wouldn't as it would be inappropriate I see no rooms incantations glyphs hexes or symbols that would indicate witchcraft of any sort if I may please sad daughter are you familiar with the go Isha perhaps the Lesser Key of Solomon the rites of binding or the supplication of principals for a moment they were both confused I could see the gears in Karen's head grind and overheat trying to keep up sad daughter just shook her head no sad daughter do you weigh the same as a duck more confused looks my glaring red flag that this entire situation was patently absurd went entirely unnoticed ma'am this notebook does not qualify as contraband by our policies and while I understand your concern this is her property and I am bound by set policies to return it ah there's the director if you want to share your concerns walking in the director was an OBS kind of lady and was especially sensitive and caring towards children from abusive backgrounds all it took was a look for me and she got everything she needed Karen finally stopped sucking wind long enough to start yelling at the director that I should be fired for being a witch that the notebook should be destroyed and that she expected a full refund and would be taking her daughter home away from our den of sin the irony of being accused based on the same competence which she had moments earlier relied upon was not lost on sad daughter the amount of over it sorry in her eyes could not be quantified the director simply killed her with kindness no refund no burning and my actions would be taken under review which meant nothing would come a bit karin acted as if she were a beauty queen being insulted on her appearance by lepers she started screaming about the camp the staff the directors so on and so forth she swore up and down that no one from her church would ever do business with us ever again and that she knew the pastor personally who would be coming in on her behalf to get a full refund for the entire group her cherry on top was my man is a lawyer and he'll sue y'all into the ground the director squared up to her right away and told her she could calm down or be escorted off the premises and banned from returning uncaring kept at it until the director radioed security we have no security score one for Improv Theater that finally calmed her down as she trudged back towards the entry lot as soon as she left sad daughter started crying I waved to the director to get her attention and she comforted the poor kid she looked at me like I was a guardian angel Santa in shining armor when I handed the notebook back to her sad really as you probably guessed nothing came of it and sad daughter stayed for the full two weeks her dad picked her up in a utility company truck unless he was a lawyer representing power lines Garen lied shocker this guy was big enough to eat Karen and I for an appetizer but sad daughter ran right to him and he gave her a big hug and a kiss the director told the dad that Karen was no longer welcome at the camp but sad daughter was a wonderful child and we would love to have her back next year the dad just gave her a resigned huff and said thank you I would be impressed by his stoicism were I not so moved to pity him apparently this wasn't his first rodeo his whole effect screamed Lauren to loneliness in spite of his earnest happiness at seeing his daughter again were I that defeated in life I probably would have resorted to giving up now whether it was a bigger small victory standing up for this kid is a matter of how you look at it I guess after all these years it still makes me sad that this was the kind of environment she was coming up in the next two weeks are a story for another time but by the end I was confident that sad daughter would endure long enough to strike out on her own I imagine she's out there now successful happy and free from her monstrous mother's garbage I hope her dad is too next up we've got my fourth grade teacher told me how she will yell at my dad got her butt handed to her by a lieutenant this story needs a little explanation my mom and dad used to work for the government correctional services way back the perks for government employees are kind of epic if it wasn't for the change they made in 2002 one of the perks was subsided school fees and that is where I had the worst two terms of my fourth grade the school I was attending was a public school as the subsidized school fee perk was if the kids attended public schools only the school gave you one of two choices pay for the whole year or monthly payments the monthly option was therefore the perk for government workers so you all know what my parents had to do being eight at the time and not even understanding yet where this magical thing called money was coming from was one of the reasons this teacher was an epic entitled teacher she wasn't an old teacher looking back now she was around thirty years old give or take a couple wrinkles because she was dealing with inner-city kids the thing I hated was every time well before my parents payday I would be told to stand up come to the front of the class and would have to explain where my school fees are think to yourself you only know that your mom and dad would give you money for a snack and even this is a rare occasion I would get five grand about three dollars in 1994 I would get a sandwich and a soda money was tight back then and I never cared I got what I needed you need more than that so back to me standing in front getting yelled at for four months we've got the entitled teacher we've got me more will be added where they come into play where all the school fees I don't know miss or they never gave it to me I would say in a quiet voice this usually happened long before government paid hey tell them they need to give it to you she would always end it with a wave to tell the other person to take his or her seat again the first month was easy never getting called out again the 15th of January came the school got its money the next day in all would be hunky-dory well until the first week of February where I would get called up to the front of the class again my young mind not knowing yet I was going to get thee where is the school of V chat again so it hit a little harder this time not knowing how the school fee works or how my mom and dad get paid only that food was bought the first weekend after the 15th this went on for the first term by the second term my young nerves got shot as even at that age you can put times and dates together every new month after the first day you get yelled at it starts to sink in that you will get to stand in front and the whole class gets to look at you but if it was the same thing that you were hearing in the first term it wouldn't be good enough for Reddit right mr. reddit her bimonthly yells turned into bi-weekly until the fee was paid and her ranting started to get a little too much saying things no one should yell or say to an eight-year-old we all this school of fees she was clearly getting annoyed I knew better than to talk back from term two I started to stay quiet looking back I think this upset her even more it isn't my job to get your parents to pay on time with that said it did hurt a little by this time I was a quiet kid and I can't remember enjoying anything at that age I started to ask stuff that a kid shouldn't ask at eight years next up on the pitch is awesome mom and Lieutenant dad mom why are my school fees late my mom gave me a confused look but she smiled at me gummy we pay your school fees on the right date every month from the next day my dad would ask me random things but working in the safety department he was a smart cookie never piling it on rather asking me small things here and there not letting me know he was mining for info mom said you asked her if the school fees were paid late he smiled and said building Legos with me I would save my birthday money and get a set and my dad would watch TV as I build but this time he was helping me he didn't even look up and asked do you think we pay it late nope mom said we paid on the right time me being a goofy goober building spaceships from mixed LEGO sets if you want to know more you just have to ask buddy with that my mind was at ease for the rest of the week well that is until she had me up and asked me the same line but now reassured little gummy hamster had an answer big mistake it was paid on time miss let me say again big mistake it is not paid well I wouldn't have asked for it she was now yelling at me I have never seen anyone this mad when I didn't do anything wrong but we do pay it never on time I always have to drag it out of you I was close to tears and being a boy you don't want to cry in front of your friends well the one or two that I had my mom and dad said we pay it on time every month your parents are wrong and I would tell them they are wrong it's the first of the month every month that night I broke down crying at home my dad was the one that calmed me down and coaxed out everything from me to say he was mad is to say the ocean is damp it took my mom all night to calm him down and not to go into school and kicking her butt and I am glad for the level-headedness that is my mom now this part I only found out in high school it was my cousin this build the beam says he was living with us and he was 10 years older so 18 at the time of the big few job all I know was my dad was coming home after him meeting with the headmaster vice principal and entitled teacher he walked in and smiled at me gave me a hug and a kiss grow up kissing your dad isn't gross peak on the cheek won't kill you and just told me to tell him if entitled teacher says anything at me outside of class work so here is the deets that happened as cousin dropped that on me when we talked about elementary school and my mom gave me more details I can't lie I laughed so much I had tears in my eyes my dad was mad very mad that level of angry that everyone can feel and see I can only imagine it like the bloodlust they shown in anime yeah I'm a nerd deal with it headmaster and vice principal were quiet so no conversation from them I think it was more fear of getting the government to look in on this good morning mr. and mrs. my dad cuts her off like only someone that went through a lot of military training he had just got into one of the top positions in his department and had to go in for some minor officer training how dare you pick on an eight-year-old the headmaster and vice principal went wide eyed looking to the entitled teacher he cuts her off again we work for the government we only get paid on the 15th of every month and made the arrangements at the start of the year like we did the year before my mom had to bring the headmaster and vice principal up on the events as my fuming dad would rip into them too they nodded when entitled teacher asked them if this was true about the payment untitled teacher had taken it on herself to find out which kids didn't pay yet and would ask without finding out if there were any arrangements that had been made my dad demanded an apology which I got in private didn't care as the damage was done and if she spoke to me outside of school work or school rules he would sue true to the entitled teachers word she never spoke to me about anything non school related I can't say if it's PTSD or not but I have never gotten over my fear of authority figures even now I still get chills and panic attacks going in for meetings or interviews and our final story of the day entitled brat is nasty - her new boyfriend flip-flops many times between him and her ex gets escorted out of prom this is my first post so I'm not really sure how this works yet I'm on mobile typing with a Bluetooth keyboard so forgive me for any dumb typos or misspellings I'm visually impaired and have dealt with that my whole life from middle school up until the end of high school I was attending a school for the blind this story takes place a year and a half ago at this school our cast includes entitled Brad the flip-flopper sweet kid the survivor school counselor in charge with my weekly group and individual sessions we have em one of my friends who isn't afraid to speak her mind s another friend who takes no crap from anyone we have Jay one innocent bystander and Jay two innocent bystanders brother and me the compassionate peacemaker I had been friends with entitled Brad for six years before she started attending this school when I first heard that she would be a student there I was excited and I couldn't wait to introduce her to my friends and show her around pretty much as soon as entitled brat met my friends she started bugging them by obsessively talking about her boyfriend and hinting about how great her life is by constantly bringing up how her parents would fly her out of state rather frequently to be with her boyfriend mind you I had a history of obsessing over boys and my friends were used to it at the time of this story I had learned to tame my obsessions a bit and focus on socializing with my friends and being overall less irritating entitled Brad was the complete opposite and like my past self would often get defensive whenever we pointed out that she was annoying us entitled brat had a long history of playing the victim even when she was the problem in the first place I had warned my friends ahead of time that entitled Brett was rather sensitive and to try and make her feel comfortable however it seems she got way too comfortable entitled Bret developed a crush on sweet kid who lived in my dorm this was a boarding school and the dorms will be important later she brought this up during our weekly group counseling which was comprised of four of my friends while there is nothing wrong with having a harmless crush while you are already in a relationship as long as you keep it to yourself entitled Bret had more than a crush on sweet kid in fact it was a full-blown obsession sweet kid is so cute she would say as she laughed giddily and proceeded to blush my friend I'll call her em said be careful you just met plus you already have a boyfriend entitled Bret just said rather sheepishly I know and that's why it's so complicated just a quick note I don't remember the exact dialogue I'm paraphrasing we asked her what she wanted in her heart and it looked for a couple of weeks like she was truly conflicted about which boy she liked more but as the week's went by and as we got closer and closer to prom everyone saw that vindictive person entitled Bret really was one day during group entitled brat told us that she decided to break up with her boyfriend essentially dumping him for sweet kid the only problem was that she was too nervous to ask him out herself and being the supportive friend I wanted to be and truly feeling as though entitled brat was being true to herself and sweet kid I offered to ask him out for her school counselor got excited and told me she was glad I was willing to support entitled Brett in this so long as nobody got hurt during lunch one day I told sweet kid I wanted to talk with him and invited him to a room we called the music room since lunch was in our dorms we didn't have to walk far to get to the room as it branched off from the living room area the conversation went like this and again paraphrasing so what's up Opie not much I just wanted to talk to you about entitled Bret sweet gig somehow knowing what was about to happen oh no what is it me not overly surprised that sweet kids reaction seeing his entitled Brett was not subtle at all she really likes you and was too nervous to come talk to you herself so I offered to do it as a friend sweet kid pulling his guitar out of his case he usually did this after lunch and during free time anyways says she wants to go out with me it wasn't even a question because he already knew what I was relaying to him and again entitled Brett was not subtle at all so will you hoping he would say yes so I didn't have to hear entitled Brett cry incessantly for hours on end believe me with the amount of Tears she cried that year you'd think the water in the Charles River would have increased by 12% within one month alone so we kid as nonchalantly as a gut as that was his easygoing personality all the time said sure I invited entitled Brad into the room and set her down purposely next to sweet kid to give her the good news she acted surprised like it was a surreal moment and repeatedly asked me am I dreaming is this really happening she and sweet kid immediately started cuddling on the window bench across from me and I took that as my cue to exit the room and leave these two alone the relationship between sweet kid and entitled Brett seemed picture-perfect at first and all my friends including the ones not in group with us were happy for them unfortunately fairy tales aren't real and the relationship started showing cracks it started in my home management class which is essentially a class for visually impaired students to learn the basics of cooking and cleaning nonvisually a subject I excelled in the class consisted of me entitled Brett and another friend will call him Jay one as there is another friend whose name starts with a J and he is also important to the story five minutes before class is due to start Jay one and I are sitting in a small dining area with our teacher called H M for home management in this story shooting the breeze with entitled bread immediately after the initial introduction and after teacher stepped away to grab something from the nearby kitchen and titled brats started talking all types of crap about her now ex-boyfriend I'm so glad I'm done with that Jarek she would say smugly she would say other things like that as well this struck me as odd because before sweet kid came along and titled Brad only said sweet things about her ex and practically berated anyone who said so much as his voice is funny or something mine are stupid like that now it seemed that all of the sweet and overly saccharine things she was saying about her ex were now transferred practically verbatim to sweet kid as if they were merely files being backed up and restored onto a new phone sorry I'm a tech geek and needed to throw that in there somewhere come to find out months later entitled Brett dumped sweet kid despite him having bent over backwards for her and went home on school break where she rekindled her relationship with her ex boyfriend my friends and I were shocked as even I knowing her for six years had not foreseen such a nasty side of her and I never would have suspected her of being that evil the very first day back from break she started replacing all of the sappy things she would say to sweet kid with the nasty things she would say about her ex this rubbed everyone the wrong way and we all knew sweet kid longer than she had and we believed none of the terrible accusations she tossed at him my friend will call him s called her bull you were just with sweet kid and he would never do something like that entitled Brett bursts into fake tears and cried I know he did he was with another girl yep she accused him of cheating and was quite vehement about it despite having absolutely zero evidence of it when I tried to be compassionate and ask her who she thinks the other girl might have been she flat-out said I'm not saying Who which is entitled brat speak for I have no evidence but I'll evict him here please stop asking questions remember I had been obsessive in the past but I had never stooped so low as to accuse whoever I was with of cheating without evidence I said sweet kid is not that kind of person trust me I figured she would listen to me since we had been friends the longest about a week later she flip-flopped again this time her recently made friends noticed what entitled brat was doing to sweet kid and they were having none of it except for a couple loyal friends she stood practically alone with sweet kid at the end of her little yo-yo entitled brat did this at least five more times throughout that year and it caused a lot of animosity between her and my friends it got to the point where all we wanted to do was warn sweet kid that this was unhealthy and that he should run he never heeded our warnings and my friends j1s em and eventually j2j ones brother decided it would be in sweet kids best interests to go to the school counselors there were multiple counselors and each had a workload of certain students lucky for me and M entitled bread had this same school counselor as us and she had heard her side during her individual sessions as well as mine and inside in our individual sessions all of my friends got our respective counselors together to discuss with entitled Brett our concerns the day we were scheduled to have the meeting all of the dorm staff were advised to make sure that entitled brat attended that sort of reinforcement was made because we all knew that entitled Brett would pull a fast one and pretend she didn't know there was a meeting despite it being recorded in the morning notices that day as well as a week prior she as well as everyone else in that school received the daily notices by email each morning she was no exception the meeting was held during lunch in a conference room it was just the girls including the counselors and me and we had all agreed not to intimidate entitled Brett as she was as I say very sensitive she arrives purposely late to the meeting and when my school counselor starts to say the words we want to talk to you about sweet kid entitled brat picked up her designer bag and Ashley said nope I'm not doing this no no no she stormed out crying in rage like I said at the beginning of this post she was very sensitive and could be very defensive when we pointed out that she was in the wrong by this point there were only a few weeks left in the school year and each week we tried and tried to reschedule the meeting and each time entitled Brett would either run out of the room crying or she just wouldn't show up disrespecting and inconveniencing all of us school counselor got her mother involved and she tried getting entitled Brett to attend at least one of our meetings we were all getting tired of her game and by this point entitled Brett had now lost even her most loyal friends she stood alone completely and poor sweet kid bless his heart was caught in the middle of all of it and still maintain that easygoing personality the whole time props to him as I bet anyone would have snapped after some entitled jerk tried to flip-flop on them once and play the victim the night finally came prom apparently entitled Brett had the audacity to show up at our prom with sweet kid after recently traveling out of state to attend a prom of her ex-boyfriend by this time her mother had had enough and confiscated her phone the month before finally justice was served when just as prom pictures were being set up and all of my friends and I were preparing for our fun night together M and s came running into the dorm laughing and smiling with smugness and their voices it turned out what entitled brat was doing to both her ex and sweet kid had proven too much for her usually overly lenient mother M&S said that entitled Brett was screaming as her mother blocked her from entering the main building where the pictures were being taken and dragged her out of the door and into her car entitled brat kept screaming and crying as her mother proceeded to drive her brat all the way home a two-hour ride - traffic entitled brat was apparently still in her prom dress and her hair was done really formally - it must have been the first time she dressed up just to go home instead of dance with her sweet kid on the other hand sweet kid had the time of his life that night as we all invited him to join our group we all agreed that it was the best prom experience we could have ever asked for I apologize for the length of this story it needed to be this long in order to prove how vindictive this entitled brat was also j-1 and j2 were both close friends of sweet kid and they would talk about the situation often I have plenty of other stories about this entitled brat if you'd like to hear them just let me know in the comments and be sure to point out any spelling mistakes or grammar mistakes I might have in this as I was using a Bluetooth keyboard that is rather finicky if mister read it ends up reading this please drop the URL to the video in the comments thanks again for reading and shoutouts to our regionals of the day transformer kingdom lock rocky lee mean for higher and TNA gaming become tomorrow's read generals by leaving as many reasons you can in the comments below
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 762,482
Rating: 4.4587007 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, r/entitled parents rslash, entitled parents, entitledparents, entitled parents stories, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents rslash, entitled parents playlist, entitled parents stories playlist, reddit stories entitledparents rslash, rSlash, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, r/, reddit stories, rSlash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, funny stories reddit, karen, reddit, reddit stories funny, redditor, Top Posts of All Time, r/entitledparents
Id: hZPfR2-evAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 156min 19sec (9379 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 28 2019
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