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pay there mister read it here welcome back to another episode of our slash entitled parents stories today we have a very special episode for you a compilation of some of the greatest entitled parent stories we read over the past year so sit back relax and enjoy a few hours of the most entitled parents you've ever heard of and by the way Karen assured me that if this video gets 1000 likes she won't try to speak twenty ones manager for an entire week so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day and become an official member of the RER me today and i'll give you a shout out in an upcoming video our slash entitled parents you can't stop stupid three roll four initiatives from user D fat man it's a whale no it's a plane no it's your favorite re army security guard here D fat man with another set of stories of the entitled variety as normal my previous warning still applies and my previous stories will be linked at the bottom a quick warning this post has a very painful point so readers discretion is advised with that out of the way let's jump right into it now let me start with a little needed context first one I'm a geek and I mean like almost old school geek that played a lot of videos and tabletop games which these stories kind of revolve around as well as this all happens at the same location namely a net cafe that's one of those locations that you could pay for some time to play on their computers for the sake of these stories we will call the place the game station which obviously isn't the name of said place but it will do now during this time I had just freshly turned 18 before the summer so I was considered a full-blown adult during all of this well during most of this summer me and a group of friends would go to the game station to hang out and play games mostly to play Dungeons & Dragons or D&D for short for those that wonder I would play either a barbarian or a bard the latter because I like telling stories of old campaigns well during this time we had a bit of an issue with another customer of the game station a little entitled kid which for the sake of the story I shall call him piglet namely for a few facts one he would snort when he would laugh like a hog sort of - he loved to quote piglet from Winnie the Pooh with oh dear now normally I don't mind little kids as I'm very protective when it comes to them especially if they're being bullied mostly coming from having been in their shoes and knowing when a big kid or guy was on your side was a big bit of support but in piglets case it would have used this to the point that he had some large guys on his side and would use them to muscle his way into other people's account mostly by accusing them of kicking piglet off his computer and using up his accounts time to play which the owners would side on the kids site mostly because there is no proof but after a while even the owners weren't believing this as it had happened so often but finally this was put to an end when piglet would tried to accuse me of doing it but one small problem I had been there long before piglet even arrived that day and he would do it right when he gets there seeing how much time I had mostly because I had said I was a software guy and would help troubleshoot some of their problems when something caused a computer to freak out so instead of paying me they would credit my account with free time so I had no reason to play on piglets time I had plenty to use for myself and even some days I wouldn't even play on the computer because I was more there to play on their TV or to play some tabletop sadly those two weren't even safe big lid when it comes to playing on the TV as long as no one else wants to play you would be allowed to play a one-player game but as soon as other people want to play it had to do one of two things either share the game or switch to a multiplayer game which most times it was either DDR Dance Dance Revolution or Super Smash Brothers I don't remember which version it was at the time piglet was the worst kind of player either overly mouthy if he was winning or would throw the controller if he lost I had to replace a few of my controllers because of the latter but tabletop was the worst when it comes to piglets annoyance now the only game we would play tabletop wise was Dungeons & Dragons and we had a dry-erase mat and figurines mostly cheap ones but we liked our figurines and we had a few of them just disappear on us even this larger figurine was a dragon that one of the other players had made themselves and I will admit had looked pretty awesome if it wasn't that then it would be piglets snorting fit when we wouldn't let him play with us mostly because we know of how he acts when playing a video game and we were not having that when we were playing mostly because we all had our piglet war stories and just wanted to avoid it sadly we couldn't go to anyone's house to play so this was our only option to play some semi piece that and getting a bottomless cup for the foundation was a bit of an added bonus the first night when all this came to a head was like I said something in the middle of summer and we were planning to do a long session mostly because we had a large dungeon in front of us and sometimes it sucks stopping in the middle of one we started right when the place opened up around noon when piglet came in was close to about 5:00 so we were pretty deep within the dungeon most of us were having fun except our thief it was having a bad time with his dice rolls it happens and I mostly because the game station didn't have enough for everyone partly because another group took most of them for a little gaming marathon that they had gotten the okay from the owner so this time we had a cooler with mostly snacks so none of us had to make a run to the local convenience store that was just down the strip mall from where we were so everyone was sitting higher up in the table when I was closer to being eye level with it it was a tall folding table and even with me being a big tall man just made me look like Gilroy when piglet walked in with his mother of all people a woman that looked like an old school entitled woman from I would say the 60s or 70s hard to tell which but she looked just like a walking pain about to happen for the sake of the story let's call her Miss Piggy when piglet noticed this he rushed over with his standard beggin let me play let me pray that maybe he would continue to say this over and over again till someone said something to him which most the time was shut up but not in this case our dungeon master for this campaign was not having any of this for this story let's call him mark mostly because he's a large fan of markiplier later down the line even getting himself a pink mustache but night igress not today piglet go bother someone else but why not he then squealed the closer to a we when he wasn't getting his way because of that right there now leave us alone most of us made a sound of an agreement to this this got piglet to let out a loud squeal at this this got the attention of Miss Piggy who from what I had to guess was getting her little son more time for his account what is it piglet these people won't let me play their board game with them this got his mother to look at us angrily and why won't you let my handsome little son play your little game aren't you all too old to be playing games this got our friend Jeff to chime in now Jeff can and will be a jerk to anyone that annoys him Jeff aren't you too old to butt into other people's lives how dare you talk to me like that you should respect your elders I say and you should respect other people's wishes but here we are this got Miss Piggy to look at me who was sitting low to the ground and mostly hidden by the table why don't you say that to my face okay I stood up and walked around and stood right next to her now even while I was in school that was a tall guy still about six foot assha round this time and this woman was close to about five foot five to about five foot ten range I couldn't tell to be sure and frankly didn't care as I said you should respect other people's wishes well tubbo it looks like someone needs to lose a few pounds and someone needs to get a few brain cells if you couldn't tell I was not having any ones crab this mostly came from having to match sharp wits with my father but wood needle you every chance he got to make fun of you so I was well versed and come back fool do you know who my husband is hopefully someone smarter than you how dare you say that to me apologize right now for insulting my husband after you apologize for interrupting our game of Dungeons and Dragons as soon as that left my mouth something changed in Miss Piggy's Damir did you say Dungeons & Dragons like that's a cold game I just gave her a flat look everyone should have known at this point that Dungeons & Dragons was not some a cult game I mean if you broke it down all it is is just math and role-playing which if anyone should know is fine it wasn't like we were trying to summon could through or anything of that sort no it's just a tabletop role-playing game I don't want to hear your lies piglet let's go I don't want you anywhere near these people we all watched as Miss Piggy grabbed her son's arm and dragged him out of the game station after that I sat down and we went back to our game we did crack a few jokes later down the line and even told the owners after they asked what happened they got a kick out of it after face palming at how stupid Miss Piggy was sadly dear readers this wasn't the end of this a few days later the group of us met up again and we were playing on the TV most of us were playing DDR Mario makes at the game so we were working up a bit of a sweat mostly this allowed people after doing a song or two to sit down and let the next person play now on Mario makes I could easily do super hard mode and only miss a note or two I'm not a dancer but I can at least do my best after doing one of my favorite songs and worked up a pretty heavy sweat so much so I had to clean the sweat from my eyes which required me to take my glasses off the deuce all for those wondering I'm nearsighted which means I can see being as close to me but not far away after I sat down to give my legs a bit of a break and to catch my breath I felt a tap on my shoulder at first I thought it was one of my friends to ask me something personal now this wasn't anything new to me as I tend to be a great listener for my friends and often would try to give advice to help them out sadly this wasn't a friend this was Miss Piggy and right when I turned she gave me a face full of mace let me state this as clear as I can mace really burns as soon as it hit my face I began to scream in pain I will admit I didn't hear what happened next but was told this next bit later after they helped me clean up and try to deal with it as best I can even going as far as to make a run to the store for some milk but from what I was told my friends took direct action both mark and Jeff jumped on Miss Piggy and pinned her to the ground making sure the mace was out of her hands all while a friend of mine that I will call Ginny took me to the bathroom to try and clear it up as a fourth friend ran to tell the owners and then go get the milk mark why did you do that to him he yelled at her you Jiggs deserve much worse let me go God knows I'm right Jeff got a crazy one someone called the cops the owner they are already on their way what happened mark crazy here just maced our friend get me up from there the cop arrived and she was taken off an officer came and got information from me as best as I could I sure as heck pressed charges and luckily obtained no permanent damage but I haven't forgotten that feeling even after all these years I figured I would share a story where sometimes I wish I had kept my mouth shut but as I said wisdom is only earned after the fact just remember to pick your battles wisely as it goes to show you you can't stop stupid but you should be wary of the crazy ones out there so thank you for taking the time to read this and mr. reddit if you're reading this thank you for reading my previous stories and this one and I hope you're having a nice day thank you for reading hope you enjoyed editor's no waves frantically hi YouTube next we've got so what if you have social anxiety I need to have my friends over entitled the roommates story I was reminded that I meant to post this after I moved out of my old place but never got around to it after you read a story about a sloppy roommate making their roommate sick and not caring so here it is I'm not on mobile and I majored in English in college so I have no excuses for bad formatting or grammar also this story takes place over the course of 11 months or so so this will not have very much dialogue when I got my first place of my own it was an apartment I shared with two other people who will call roommate one and roommate two this is mainly about roommate one as remain two decided that rather than do anything about the tension and situation they just wanted to stay out of it roommates one in two and I move in together in May I had known these two nearly all my life and while I was fairly certain roommate two and I would get along fine roommate one and I were not meant to be roommates we were great friends but had discovered over time that we couldn't even stand to be in the same house for more than a couple days much less an apartment my protests about the rooming together we're ignored however and we signed a year-long lease and moved in before we moved my mom told me if roommate one got to be too much I should just go to my room now it's important to know that I have social anxiety that was developed over years of working a customer service job straight out of high school and due to me being the odd duck and it being a small school I'm not even joking it was less than five hundred kids gay through 12 I didn't have any friends there my mom once said that for all the social development I got going to public school she'd rather have homeschooled me and saved me the stress it's also important to know that roommate one was the most social of social butterflies as in they couldn't stand ever alone and wanted company all the time the direct opposite of me who would likely be the world's happiest hermit if I was ever given the chance now for the beginning of the year a week or two after we moved in roommate one started to bring their friends over every weekend to hang out at our apartment since my social anxiety is mainly triggered by having too many people in a confined space or too many people too close to me having even one or two people was overwhelming for me and they were bringing them over every weekend in groups of three or four when roommate one did this I would go to my room and hide until they left as well as the visitors would stay until 11:00 or later most weekends now I only have two days a week off from my job as I work full-time in five eight-hour shifts so roommate one having people over every weekend was making me spend one of my days off hiding in my own apartment I never thought of it as a home for six - over eight hours because they had to have people around all the time it got to the point that if someone was there that I didn't know I became physically incapable of leaving my room at all all I could do was curl up on my bed with my headphones on and hope that they left in time that I could go get food or go to the bathroom after two or three weeks of this I came up with what I thought was a reasonable apartment agreement each of us would have one weekend a month to have visitors at the apartment and one weekend we would do the major cleaning and if the person who had that weekend for visitors didn't want to bring any over no one else could either roommate one could still hang out with their friends but they couldn't bring them back to the apartment and I would get some much-needed a recovery time but when I propose this plan all roommate one had to say was you shouldn't make rules that target me it's not fair I have to be able to have my friends over when I point out they can still hang out with their friends just not at the apartment because it's causing me issues with my social anxiety they still say it isn't fair and refused to go along with the plan instead insisting they be allowed visitors twice a month whatever it's better than nothing they have also agreed to a no visitors any later than 10 rule as well classes started back up and mercifully the visits stopped though I still had trouble leaving my room if either of my roommates were there and awake but I slowly started to calm down each day at work I seriously considered not going back but things seemed to be getting better we even had new neighbors move into the apartment below us which is important then one day about four months later before the lease is up on my day off BAM roommate 2 tells me that roommate 1 just texted them about bringing people back to the apartment right that moment I launched into a near panic attack cursing and gathering my stuff and getting into my room with the door locked just in time to hear the apartment door open and about six people enter the apartment I'm curled up on my bed headphones on trying not to cry as they are being so loud I can hear them through my headphones they are there well past eleven and I have to work the next day but roommate one clearly doesn't care the next day I wake up exhausted and start an earnest search for a new apartment and I tell my roommates that they can only have visitors at the apartment while I'm at work not before or after that's 40 hours a week for visitors now they agree to this surprisingly only to bring a visitor over in the morning before I go to work not two weeks later this pattern continues roommate 1 bringing people over early or having them still there when I get home from work forcing me to hide in my car until they leave to go into the apartment finally after 11 months of this with my meagre social tolerance completely shredded I move into a new apartment in my home town without roommates I doubt I'll ever trust roommates again and the only people I feel safe inviting over are my immediate family and I've hardly spoken to roommate 1 or roommate - since entitled kid wants my Legend of Zelda manga book because entitled mom says I'm too old for comic books greetings mister read it I listened to all of these entitled people's stories every day and I thought that I was lucky to not encounter any Karen but boy I was wrong so here I am I'm horrible with spelling but good things spelling correction exists English is not my first language I give all my characters fake names to protect their identity and now the story our cast we've got set me we've got Drake my best friend we've got Karen the entitled mom we've got jr. the entitled son we have Rebecca random uber driver Saint that saved me a bit of background I was a big Legend of Zelda fan I bought every game possible and hosted a fan club at my school for my 15th birthday my parents bought me the entire Legend of Zelda manga collection for anybody who doesn't know what manga is it's Japanese style comics and no I'm not a weave on June 12 Drake and I went to e3 convention I always take my Nintendo switch a manga book and some money important later and now on to the story Drake and me were waiting for an uber to go to e3 we were sitting on the bench reading my manga book of Legend of Zelda for swords when I see junior who is around 7 to 8 looking at my book Oh what are you reading Drake we're reading Legend of Zelda for swords Wow can I read it me sure junior proceeds to climb up behind the bench to read with us 5 minutes later Karen calls junior to go home she was a typical style Karen a lady in her 30s very short and overweight it was easier to go over her than around her Julia where are you come here so we can go home ah come on I want to keep reading the comic book Drake whispering to me it's a manga book you uncultured bread don't worry Junior is that the book you want to read points at my book yes Karen tells me Seth give your book to Junior me wait what what you heard give junior your darn comic book besides you're too old for comic books I'm 15 and I got this manga book for my birthday I don't care how old you are oh how you got it just give it to me drink lady this is Seth's book I don't care whose it is just give junior the darn book Karen you can buy the collection online for 50 bucks I don't have enough money to buy that stuff Drake and I knew that was BS she was wearing a purse that looked like it was worth $250 she was also using an iPhone XS Drake and I also believed she was wearing Gucci me Karen if you have enough money to buy all that stuff why can't you afford just a $50 manga collection Karen sputtering insert that classic read just give me that book Drake whoa lady you need to watch your mouth you got kids in front of you you don't tell me how to raise my kids mommy I want that book don't worry Junior mommy is working on it gave me that book just at that moment our uber arrives me and Drake just walk away while Karen follows us and yells nonsense about jr. deserves that book better than you and I'm your elder and you should respect me and my personal favorite besides you probably don't even know how to read Drake opens the door and hops in Rebecca hears the commotion and rolls down the window Rebecca is there a problem Karen are you the mother of these two brats no I'm just the uber driver for them Karen looks at Rebecca and then looks at my bag what do you got in the bag my manga book Nintendo switch and $100 give it to me and let me use your uber what the what lady because you wouldn't give my son your comic book Drake Karen it's Seth's manga book and he decides who reads it and who doesn't Rebecca seen the situation Seth get in I get in an attempt to close the door but Karen's hand was holding it open and climbing in get out Karen no now you're my uber driver don't make me do something bad Karen refused and attempted to pull me out of the car Rebecca stomps on the gas pedal leaving KarenT falling flat on the face I closed the door and buckle my seatbelt then look back and see Karen chasing us I open the window and yell good luck on catching us Drake tagged along open the window and yelled you better start rolling if you want to catch up to us remember I said she was pretty big we closed the windows and start to relax what's with that woman Karen tried to take my manga bug and then she tried to take everything from me she looked like she was ready to rip your head off Seth Rebecca luckily I came to the rescue we both tell her thanks don't mention it just try to learn how to deal with them Rebecca dropped Drake and I off at the convention and we started to have fun up to this day Drake and I are talking about the encounter with the wild Karen thank you everyone for reading my story any grammar punctuation are weird formatting please feel free to tell me and mr. reddit if there's a possibility my story ends up in one of your videos please put the link in the comments next we've got my entitled family part 8000 JK so I've posted before always about the same family mine of course let's get the obligatory stuff out of the way I'm on mobile since my entitled mom took my old computer and never gave it back a different story will post if asked I'm a first generation immigrant meaning I came here within my own life and English isn't my first language background if you don't know I'm adopted into a Swedish family this family took me back to America this family after the passing of one of my sisters blocked out Sweden we don't talk about Sweden we don't think about Sweden we don't go back to Sweden that means no more sister they literally stop talking about her I never received counseling for the PTSD of being in the car when it happened I still nearly ten years later blame myself yet no counseling in this family there's me my entitled mom Karen my entitled sister Rachel my weird dad Kari and a few other people who all matched the entitled thing except a few I personally have a long list of mental health problems and medical from the car accident now on to the story I am at the time 18 it's my birthday this all happened a few days ago so I'm 19 now I tend to celebrate early to make it easier since my birthday is usually on a weekend I felt I could just go on a small date with my boyfriend and enjoy my birthday boy was I wrong my mom calls me thinking it'd be a happy birthday call I answered she instantly starts going off on me and at first I had no idea what she was trying to say because she was speaking so loud here's how it all went a little Jack you spent your money on a video game uh yes I earned the money and it's not yours how did you I'm Your Mother I deserve your money I raised you besides how are you ever going to pay us back if you keep spending money on the worthless things pay you back for why'd raising you of course don't you know how expensive doctor visits are you made us pay for so long you owe us but you're my parents that's just part of having kids at this point are yelling had scared me into PTSD of her many years of screaming at me and the way she had treated me I started tearing up suddenly my boyfriend took the phone having heard my mom's yelling through it and he was mad now my boyfriend is extremely protective and doesn't let things slide when it comes to people messing with listen Karen it's your son's birthday not only is this not the time to do this but you're hurting him it's his money not yours never has been and to get into it you had to break the law he's locked out of his accounts how'd you get in how dare you she's my daughter and I refused to be spoken to this way I deserve her money he's a boy respect that you loud jerk she went silent she could never win against him that's why he infuriated her so much this was when we heard a loud shuffling my weird dad took the phone he's not entitled just off he's like a more expressive Jamie for Mythbusters he took the phone sounding tired and exhausted we're dead hello is this Opie no Karen scared him a lot so I took the phone it's boyfriend we are dead okay hi she broke into my pink his English is much rustier than mine or my mom's and looked at your funds please forgive her she just wanted a facial boyfriend like the spod treatment she did all this BS over a spa treatment yeah she said she stressed he said this in a way that sounded like it was on the same level of boys will be boys according to my boyfriend my boyfriend asked them not to call until later when we got home and then hung up comforting me and taking me to a more secluded area to help me calm down we had a good rest of the day until I got a notification my dad sent me money over PayPal the only thing he has access to besides my actual account with the note let's just move past this apparently they see $500 as an apology thanks for a new game Karen if anyone has questions ask away I have over 18 years of stories all names are changed and I'm honestly sorry if I spelled things wrong thanks for reading next we've got no I won't stop using the thing that keeps me alive to avoid upsetting your kid I have to say longtime lurker English is my first language but on mobile here's some quick backstory just this past November I was diagnosed with a very rare genetic liver disease that causes problems with my lungs because of this I need a liver transplant but until then I also need to be on oxygen 24 hours a day seven days a week about two weeks ago I had a doctor's appointment this happened while my husband was signing me in and I sat down I had this thing that is sort of like a walker with wheels and sort of folds down I look a little funny with it because I am younger than most people who use this sort of product while I was waiting for my husband to get me signed in I was taking deep breaths through my nose trying to get my breathing relaxed and oxygen flowing I get out of breath very quickly I happen to notice a kid about maybe 6 or 7 looking at me and I smiled she was sitting beside her mother she whispered something into her mother's ear her mother the entitled mother listened to her daughter and then looked at me can you please take that thing off your face it's upsetting my daughter um no well it's disturbing and it's ugly why do you even have that um lady it's oxygen I need it no one needs that taking on t breath plenty of oxygen right here in this room how nice of you that you have functioning lungs we don't all have that luck I can't breathe without this it's just a crutch oh you're using it full attention I went to say something but a nice man sitting two seats down from me spoke up he will be nice man lady when she walked in here she was breathing so hard that before I saw her I thought she had to have been a 600-pound man making his way over here when I saw her she was whiter than a sheet she is now getting some color back she needs that oxygen but it's traumatizing my daughter she shouldn't leave the house if she has to wear that lady it's a doctor's office you and your kid are going to see sick people here anyway it looked like your daughter was more curious than traumatized this would be a good teaching moment for you to explain that sometimes people get sick and need that stuff but nice man cuts her off lady she can sit there with oxygen or take it off and not be able to breathe what do you think would be more traumatizing for your kid explaining how sometimes people need to use oxygen are having your kid watch a young woman not be able to breathe my husband came back and thanked the guy and shook his hand then the nurse called me back I have not seen that entitled mom since but I have other entitled mom run-ins if anyone is interested and our final story of the day entitled mom wanted my niece cooter so her kid could play on it this happened about a month ago and I don't really have the best memory so I'll try my best to describe detail the kid that belongs to this entitled mom is actually really sweet and was probably like six he did nothing wrong so he's named sweet boy little back story I was at a target my mom brought me there but she left me to do my own thing I had ankle surgery not too long ago before this event happened and was not allowed to walk on my foot if I put weight on it it hurt it anyway I was zooming my way around the store it's really fun to do that my knee scooter goes are really fast just can't turn corners fast learned that the hard way heading to my favorite section of Target the electronic section I loved to look around at the new technology and see what they have whilst comparing other tablets and phones to others including my phone I was just browsing at this point entertaining myself that the goods the target had to offer even though I wasn't buying anything because I couldn't afford anything expensive I can't do my job as a lifeguard because of my foot later on after looking at every single possible electronic in the store I headed over to the Pokemon cards know that there were a heck ton of kids around for some odd reason maybe because it was the weekend I don't know but these things and video games are really the only things I can do with my life I'm restricted to not moving around all that much and I cannot do the sports I love which is water polo swim team and marching band Izu past sweet boy and I noticed as I rolled by him he wouldn't take his eyes off my clearly fashionable knee scooter I went up to the beautiful array of Pokemon cards got up as close as I could and parked my scooter has night breaks to prevent it from moving mind you I still had my bad leg on my scooter since putting 0.1% of my weight will set off my ankle I was there for quite a while making sure I'm making a smart choice of buying something I wanted when I felt my scooter nudged for it just a bit I looked down to see sweet boy trying to go onto my scooter I politely asked him to get off my scooter as I needed to get around safely and without pain he had this disappointed look on his face but understood and got off I thought that was the end of it so I continued browsing through the options of cards that were in front of me but not even 30 seconds later I heard the call of the entitled mom she must have heard me say no to her precious baby ahem I ignore her because I thought it wasn't directed toward me and I turn around completely confused as to what in the world is going on why won't you let my kid ride your scooter I see sweet boy behind his mother looking like he just wanted to fade away and not be in this argument because I needed to get around I can't walk it's bad for my ankle and she cuts me off oh please I've seen people walk around in the same kind of boot you're in you should be able to walk let my boy ride your scooter I'm getting visibly annoyed ma'am this is not a toy the hospital gave me this scooter for me to use even before my surgery then why do I see those scooters everywhere you can easily buy one off Amazon or Ebay I've had enough of her crap then why don't you do that I'm not made of money and if your kid breaks this thing I have no way of moving anywhere unless someone carries me you clearly are made of money with your scooter and purse and your clothing I bet you it won't even cost that much money to buy one of these things in the first place so let my son play on it at this point the sweet boy is gone so deathly quiet I feel bad for the poor guy he didn't want to be involved and I don't blame him making my tone serious lady I don't have a job because of my foot my parents are already splurging a lot of money for my medical bills I'm not going to make them spend even more money on me just because your kid wants to play on this toy that helps me move around the store but I've already talked to your kid too he understands my requests for him not to get on my scooter and play on it but in a harsh tone don't say any more to me you do not have the right to take away a disabled person's way of Transportation just because your kid wants it that's not how life works maybe you should go home and get a reality check before you show your face here again entitled mom was dead silent a little after she grabbed sweet boy by the arm and started dragging him away as he gave me this look like he felt bad for me as this was a couple of months ago my foot has been doing just fine with no complications I can walk but I cannot go back to my job of life guarding Scylla for those who are wondering about my surgery I unfortunately forgot the name of the surgery but it was something I was born with I had an extra bone in my ankle that grew and hardened as I aged and over time dislocated one of my tendons slowly making the archer of my foot non-existent I had a screw and planted in my foot to keep the tendon in its place and got the bone removed entitled mom demands game then she demands my game oh boy what a day I had I have an entitled parent story for you too long didn't read on bottom Mac story Madden 20 came out on July 31st at Gamestop if you pre-ordered it I have this superstar edition I'm also a 32 year old guy who is a gamer at heart no I don't live with my mom I'm happily married I have a two-year-old and I work 60 plus hours a week cast we've got me Madden extraordinaire we've got game stop worker we've got entitled mother we've got nice kid not entitled on to the meat and potatoes of the story I just got off of work at 11 a.m. after working a 12-hour shift I decided to drive to my local gamestop to pick up my order of Madden 20 I went in and it was completely empty except the worker who I found out later was the store manager so I went up to him showed my receipt I have them that proves i pre-ordered my copy as I'm talking to the GameStop worker in waddles our entitled mom with her kid who looks like he was around 12 she had the look of a Karen and I swear she was as big as a walrus she comes over literally pushes me out of the way and talks to the GameStop worker yes I want to get that new football game you have worker says okay ma'am you will have to wait your turn as I'm dealing with this gentleman I don't care take care of me first now I tell the worker it's okay go ahead entitled mom tells me very snobbishly good you look too old to be playing video games anyways boy I think you should give me your game for free video games rot the mind and it is the devil's lair nice kid tells his mom mom please don't do this again shut up son you won short on game and you will get your Dylan game this man has it then she looks at me and before she says anything I said why should I give my game up to you after I work and paid for it with my hard-earned money furthermore if it is the devil's lair and rots the mind then why are you giving it to your son because my son is a good kid and gets good grades in school this week if your son is in school then he is in summer school which means he didn't do good in school sorry try again it is birthday okay even if it is as a birthday I don't know him from Adam entitled mom started getting louder towards me just give me the game now good don't call me boy don't tell me what to do did you know who I am I don't care if your mother Teresa there is no way you will get this game from me worker says both of you calm down ma'am you need to leave now sir here's your game I'm sorry for Game Stop worker gets cut off I will see your manager cow worker walks to backroom then comes out in five seconds and says to untitled mom ma'am I am the manager as far as I'm concerned you will not get this game and furthermore you are banned from this establishment so I advise you to leave these premises or I'll call the authorities on you do I make myself clear entitled mom was standing there white is a ghost and trying to make a good comeback but couldn't nice kid tells me I'm sorry for everything here you guys it's not your fault just don't grow up to be like your mom entitled mom got her nerve again don't tell my boy what to do I'll sue you Felice worker says that's it I warned you I'm calling them now entitled mom tries to take my game but I'm Way too quick for her is robbed me hurt me I'm laughing so hard it hurt at the time you have to the count of three to get out I'll sue you for this good luck she grabs her kid and ran out me and the game stop worker started laughing about the whole situation and started talking about the game I went home played face of franchise was drafted first overall by the Dolphins oh and if anyone wants to use this on YouTube they have my full permission next we've got entitled lady thinks I'm a pushover gets pushed out of the spa hi reddit this is my first post but not my first experience meeting or dealing with entitled people I'm on mobile so forgive any spelling errors the phone sometimes does not catch up to my brain or fingers and auto corrects so please let me know if I can do better in my posts a little back story my family travels and works internationally but I am the only one that stays in the states to work domestically I work at a financial firm and I'm almost constantly working overtime as such my mom and I got a great deal on a spa near our house that has all the features we need to relax sauna steam room Jacuzzi and showers you name it the hotel that works with the spa will get lots of events from weddings to bachelorette parties to birthdays and as a member of the spa for the past three years now I have gotten to know the people who work there and try to frequently go to take advantage of quiet relaxation after a long day of work trust me I'm not the entitled person in this story the cast is me yours truly the marshmallow enigma entitled woman who has never respected another human being in her life I suspect and we've got the woman's friend who's not as entitled and we've got the spot endand after working a for our overtime stint every day for the past week I went to the spa to do a face mask take a nap and shower before heading home to fix dinner for my mother I give my things from the locker my robe face mask and phone and lay them on one of the two beds in the jacuzzi area one of the beds had another woman relaxing in it so I took the other bed and reserved it by putting my stuff down I jumped in the jacuzzi and relaxed in the hot water for a good five minutes before this woman the entitled woman of our tale comes in I watch from the water as she starts chatting with the woman her friend I just zone out and try to relax in the water but something in the back of my head nags at me to watch her after a brief talk with her friend she looks to the bed with my stuff on it without calling out to ask whose items are on the bed or gently move the items off to the side table nearby what does she do she pushes my stuff onto the floor my iPhone in its clunky protective case clatters to the tile floor making a resounding crash in the empty room I stared horrified at her my phone was inches from the jacuzzi when it clattered down and stopped I was so scared and would fall in the water I get up out of the jacuzzi towel off and grab my phone to make sure it was okay everything was working and there were no cracks so I was thankful but still livid at her audacity as I got closer to pick up my stuff and put on my robe I noticed that she was sitting up straight and staring at my stuff wide-eyed I looked over at her reclining in what was my bed and laughing when I grabbed my stuff off the floor entitled lady turned to me and what the malicious smirk said oh did you need this bed I just glared at her and said no in a clipper tone before walking off I know I should have snapped at her about almost busting my property and disturbing the spa piece but I was taught better than to entertain a petty person like her after that I thought I had seen the last of her and could enjoy the rest of my day relaxing in peace but you all know what subreddit this is I decided to ignore her and put on a paper face mask I hadn't brought from home I then proceeded to head to my silent sanctum my napping chamber the inhalation room it's a spacious room that has oil diffusers releasing lovely aromatherapy sense for people to breathe in and relax I go in for the occasional long nap set my phone for our alarm to go off in two hours and proceed to sleep soundly about an hour into my nap I hear the door open and someone sit down on the bench near me I am on a wide bench optimal for napping and the other bench is a bit thinner and for just seating multiple people can you guess who entered the sanctum if you said entitled lady Congrats you're right I don't know who entered at this point but after a few minutes I hear a huffing sound not a huffing sound as in someone is breathing deeply this person was sighing loudly exasperated because she was trying to get my attention finally she says in an irritated tone are you going to move over or not I turn my head to her without moving the rest of my body half asleep and ticked I see it's the untitled lady from before and said no you are already sitting and I'm happy where I am I don't have enough room besides to meet all of that space I'm not moving you already took my bed out there and almost broke my phone I'm trying to relax and you are making that difficult it's not your fault you can't fit apparently this was the wrong thing she huffed and stomped out of the inhalation room leaving me alone I thought I could chalk it up to a win and go back to sleep but no Oh No a few minutes later I get enough on the inhalation room door and in pops the spot in it I was confused hello spot endand hello ma'am I'm sorry but we have received a complaint from one of the other guests that you have been disturbing this lady wait what I was shot and took off my mask since all the hydration had left and took a good look at the spa attendant she was someone that had been recently hired by the spa a few months prior I had met and talked to her once in a while but never in this situation when I removed my mask she instantly recognized me Oh miss rock-and-roller 9-3 I didn't know it was you I am sorry but do you know this lady I look around her to see the entitled lady looking smug but also confused that we knew each other I got the best idea and decided to play up the innocent charm to 100 that lady she has been harassing me all day I was going to the jacuzzi and set my stuff on in bed to sleep in later she comes in tosses my stuff to the floor and proceeds to take the bed I let her have it since I didn't want to cause any trouble and decided to come in here instead to sleep then she comes in and tells me to get out so she can have the room my eyes are kind of burning with unshared tears as I recount our encounters more angry than anything but playing it off as sadness I'm confused I've never had a problem napping here before am I not supposed to be here no no miss rock-and-roller 9-3 you are okay to be here she's lying I'm here to relax and she's been in badgering me and getting in my face the entire time I've been here why are teenagers even allowed in this spa insert famous read that echoed off the walls of the spa me now frustrated I am not a teenager I am a 26 year old woman with every right to be here as you to use your inside voice for heaven's sake you're in a spa just as it looked like we would be stuck in a statement of he-said she-said the entitled ladies friend piped up our friend entitled lady you're making a scene you did knock her things to the floor so stop trying to deny it and let's just enjoy the rest of the day after that comment the spod tuned in said whipped over in their direction with a smile it didnt retries and said really please tell me more entitled lady then lost all of her smugness and paled when she realized she was not getting away with her complaint her friend then proceeded to tell the spod tendon everything that happened afterwards the spod tendon apologized for disturbing me and that she would take care of everything i relaxed back to sleep still fuming at the whole situation I got to nap longer than anticipated and showered before getting ready to head out I saw another attendant who also had an awful experience with the entitled lady apparently the entitled lady tried to get her fired for not getting her towels or bringing her stuff to the pool earlier that day it wasn't in the attendants Job Description and she kept her job she was thrilled when she heard the berating the lady got from the spa attendant and the manager after entitled lady had disturbed me she also heard my jabs earlier but couldn't act as a witness to everything entitled lady was promptly kicked out and her friend was allowed to continue her time in the spa all in all it was a crazy experience my mother was so proud of me when she heard my story and was thrilled when she heard our next massage would be on the spa for the inconvenience hope you enjoyed my little tale of wool and slight payback you have my permission to use this in a future video and I hope to hear from you all soon next we've got entitled roommate needed me to watch her baby while she went on a date on my birthday hello mister read it first off thanks for reading my previous story I appreciate it English is my first language just sometimes a doofus now for some context we had a nightmare roommate that was also an entitled mother if things weren't about her she made them about her this happened after I moved to where I live now for more context she is the daughter of one of my two roommates I live with now our cast we've got entitled mom she's the nightmare roommate and entitled mother we've got her baby and we've got me OB so we had just had both my boyfriend at the time over and entitled mom's boyfriend pretty close together in time frames and it was nearing my birthday my other two roommates were leaving because entitled mom's mother was about to be a third time grandma so they left to go see the birth of the other grandchild I wasn't feeling particularly well due to having some stomach issues that I had been hospitalized for a few hours over a couple of days before the roommates left she entitled mom knew this and that my birthday was coming up she also knew I didn't have the energy to argue she used this to her advantage remember how I said she had a boyfriend well she apparently didn't care about cheating even though he was the baby's father I was laying in bed trying to stop feeling like I was going to be running to the bathroom when titled mom steps into my room hey Opie I know your birthday is coming up but I met a cute guy on plentyoffish we set up a date on that day can you watch baby for me my reply sure just bring me a bucket and don't forget my birthday dinner thing she did so I took a nap and forgot all about that conversation fast forwards of my birthday entitled mom comes in and hands me baby I am confused as I had forgotten the conversation due to being sick still and needing the medicine the hospital gave me still so I asked her what's going on you agreed to watch baby while I go on a date she had on too much makeup an outfit that I could have sworn wasn't hers and shoes that didn't match the outfit my reply okay it is my birthday fell and I would at least like you to remember the burgers since I can eat those now I'm not happy you're making me take care of baby though to be honest as it is my birthday I say in the least confrontational voice I can I don't care that it is your birthday you got a cat and I didn't for my birthday as such yes I will bring the Burger King home Opie but you better not bother me on my day then you better change baby's diaper right before you leave why are you trying to ruin my date no just saying I don't want to do it and making me agree to something while sick and tired is pretty low of you she goes on a tangent about how much bullet was that I was trying to ruin her day so then the guy shows up and she goes to change her kid yelling at me from the other room about how I am making her wait and making him wait too baby was an angel while our mom was out and didn't get too fussy after entitled mom's day she came back and my birthday Burger King was called I did my best not to lose it after her date went home I called my roommate and got revenge by mentioning it was my birthday and that entitled mom made it about her moral of this story if someone is sick don't try to force them to agree to anything also if it is someone's birthday respect that instead of trying to make it all about you next we've got entitled cousin tries to steal my stuff hey mr. reddit and the RER me I've been watching your videos and I got a crazy one for you sorry for any mistakes I'm on mobile and first post here on this subreddit anyways some backstory I got my dream room for my 16th birthday not to brag but I got a gaming PC with two monitors razer keyboard and mouse big samsung tv with Xbox and ps4 collectibles pop figures and much more any team could dream of now my mom invites people over which annoys me because kids always enter my room and want to play with my stuff I can get easily angry so I tried to be as nice as I can and tell them no but one kid couldn't take no for an answer now meet our cast we've got entitled cousin we've got entitled and you've got me lazy dragon at McDonald's and we've got awesome dad now on with the story I'm playing some games when entitled cousin enters my room without knocking inside all cousin oh why you have a cool room thanks I guess can i play on your xbox no why because I said so no kid out not unless you let me play on your ex but I said [ __ ] out an title cousin now starts crying and runs out of my room and I thought that would be the end of it no son we were just getting started not 69 seconds later entitled ant storms into my room why did you make entitled cousin cry cheese grandma calm down entitled cousin cried cuz I told him to get out I've no grandma now let my son play or else me tryin to savage what are you going to do spank with a magical fairy wand no I'm telling your dad meanwhile we're arguing entitled cousin thought it was a good idea to steal my most favorite pop figure reaper from overwatch and my xbox entitled cousin stormed out of the room and went after him not before tripping over and breaking my xbox I was livid what the heck you jerk you're lucky your mom is here entitled cousin bawling his eyes out your Xbox I don't care after that entitled mom slapped me and kicked me to the ground how did you talk to my angel like that my dad saw I had been kicked to the ground and this is where entitled and screwed up my dad is 610 and a bodybuilder why did you kick my son your son stole my son's xbox and he pushed him to the ground that's my xbox that he took and he tripped and you blame me for this yeah you didn't know jack dad gets upset listen you've got five seconds to leave this house like five seconds at this rate entitled cousin and entitled and stormed out of the house and I've never seen them since my dad checked on me and no pain and no shame just a mark I'll probably post here another time but who cares edit my family is rich so I got my dream room like I wanted and yes I got a new Xbox with the same memory card and our final story of the day Karen Reeves because she thought I got her baby this is sort of a mixture between Pro revenge and entitled parents a back story now I am one of only two people in my school who bikes there every day the other being my friend despite the small amount of pedestrians drivers are quite used to looking out for us along the road where my school is there is a primary school so you can imagine the bedlam that we encounter every day as many people including a few Karen's rushed with their kids to the school our cast we've got me you've got my friend we've got an entitled mom we've got her kid we've got the other parent and we've got the tutor main story this happened a long time ago so some of the details may be a bit hazy I only became aware of these subreddits recently I had just gone to pick up friend from his house which I had done every day waiting aim lessly I noticed a mother entitled mom dragging their screaming kid along the street to the school just along the road this was no anomaly I'm quite used to seeing this as it happens at least twice a week from an assorted number of kids and pupils once friend came out of his house wheeling his bike alongside him we set off almost at once on the left side of the road we are British and drive on the left in other words the correct side as we approached the crossing for the primary school I saw entitled mom and her kid crossing it soon we were both close to the crossing I was riding in front and kid had escaped the clutches of entitled mom and ran out into the road directly in front of me I jammed on the brakes just when kid was paralyzed in shock she had just noticed what she had done I came to a halt about 3 centimetres from her feet enter entitled mom what are you doing yeah I assumed she was talking to her kid why did you just crash into my baby I quickly realized she was shouting at me what I didn't I just thought you slam into her you purposefully did it you rode on that path just to get to my baby she said all of this pointing her acrylic nails right at me and situations like this I tried to keep his calm as possible preferring to use reasoning instead of screaming at her I didn't do anything of the sort I was writing along the road entitled mom marches up to me yes you did you're just lying to get out of trouble my friend obviously of course it seems perfectly reasonable for him to be on the road instantly after he hit someone on the path with the person he hit standing on the road and seems in good health of course it doesn't you daft jerk don't you think words like that in front of my baby the hypocrite her kid says mommy that nasty boy just hit me which I didn't I know sweetie I'll make sure he gets put in jail kid grin maliciously entitled mom pulled out her phone and opened it just as she began dialing what I presume was the police number I couldn't see the keypad a man who we shall call other parents or P for short came striding from the path what the heck is going on here entitled mom that idiot purposefully hit my kid on the bike bullcrap I saw the whole thing you let go of your kid and she ran off into the road where these bikers were he didn't even hit her you lying jerk now damned you she says a specialized Karin line I will make sure your child is expelled I know the head teacher we all good friends get out of here you jerk me go ahead call the police but remember there will probably be CCTV cameras observing every yes and it would show you trying to hurt my kid at this point I lost it taking a deep breath I bellowed look I didn't hit or harm them in any way you're just a disrupting piece of crap who just wants to ruin someone else's day now I don't care if you call the police because you'll be the one getting in their car why would they do that he wanted illusional hmm let's think well for disruptive behavior falsely calling when it's not an emergency and my friend says four false accusations I just looked at my friend's watch 9:15 we were 10 minutes late uh or late he looked at his watch too he looked up and right and unison we both set off swerving in and out of the others the last I saw of the almighty Karen was her screaming where are you going I'll make sure you're put in prison soon we arrived in school and ran to our tutor tutor where have you both been we'll explain afterwards you better once the bell rang tutor beckoned us to her desk explain yourselves we did every single detail once we had finished tutor said okay I will report this to the head and he will notify it the primary's head intern it will be dealt with appropriately so run along to your first lesson the next day tutor told us that the Karen got a hefty fine of 1,000 pounds every time she saw me she gave me a filthy look which gave the typical Karen expression I'll get you back for this to which I replied with a wide sarcastic ingratiating smile and so another Karen gets what she deserves mister read it I give you full permission to use this story this is not a taxi hey mister read it and RER me I'm still new to read it and haven't worked out all the bugs yet so go easy on me this story was a long time ago and happened to my dad our caste we've got my dad we've got my awesome mom we've got entitled Karen it was awesome mom's co-worker on a typical weekday evening awesome mom would finish work at the nursing home and dad would always be there waiting to pick her up dad drove an old black Audie 80 and it had been in need of a car wash and had seen its fair share of miles coincidentally local taxi companies in the area had similar looking black cars around the same age and condition with the exception of the big bold bright yellow sign saying taxi on the roof and large advertising plastered on the sides which is a bit of a giveaway awesome mom had been working at the nursing home for a few years and most of the staff knew dad and what his car looked like most of the other staff didn't have their own car and usually called the local taxi companies to pick them up at the same spot dad usually parked and honk their horns twice to announce their arrival so dad is parked waiting for awesome mom as usual when he gets a text from awesome mom saying that she'd be five minutes late and just to wait for her five minutes come and go and still no awesome mom dad is a little impatient and honked the horn a couple of times it was at this moment he knew he messed up a few seconds later entitled Karen walked out of the main door and right up to the passenger side door of dads car and got in about time you got here take me to the place Karen's Nest what the heck are you doing in my car get out this is not a taxi just shut up and drive I've had a very long day and don't need any of you stupid BS get out of my car this is not a taxi I booked this taxi so take me home now for the last time this is not a taxi how dare you talk to me like that I'll have you a license suspended and make sure nobody else in my workplace hires your company again I'm here to pick up my wife who you work with does the name awesome mom ring a bell and that empty head of yours she can't have this taxi I called for it besides her husband always picks her up so stop lying and take me home just a small side note dad is a man who has a very little tolerance for BS and was shouting at this point on but I can't make the font any bigger to show just how loud he was bearing in mind he used to be a drill sergeant for the Royal Air Force I am her husband and I'm picking her up and for further details I am NOT a taxi driver entitled Karen now having the fear of the almighty forced into the vast empty cavern that was her brain started looking around the car looking at the dashboard and then said ladies you'll meet her I don't have a meter because this is not a taxi this went on for a while until awesome mom walked out the main door and opened the passenger door to see her co-workers set in her seat mom says oh hello entitled Karen why are you sitting in my seat talking to my husband just as she said that a taxi pulls into the carpark and honked his horn the look on Karen's face was worth a thousand words as she sheepishly climbed out of the car and shuffled over to the actual taxi as awesome mom got into the car she could hear Karen shouting again this time at the actual cab driver why you ask because the taxi wasn't hers thanks for reading and feel free to put this on YouTube and edit as you wish and yes you can roast me for poor grammar next we've got rude customer doesn't know what's coming for him this happened at my previous job I used to work for a cellphone company this particular company doesn't provide prepaid lines in store you have to call and they will send the customer our way to pick the chip for the system to work we have rude customer we also have entitled dad and we have hero coworker and me as ope please someone tell me why in so many stories me is o P o it stands for original poster the one who started with the red rude customer and entitled dad both should be somewhere between 37 to 58 and thinking bad language is a required trait to be defined as a man came to the store rejected an employee's assistance then the younger checked every possible phone and took pics showing the tongue picking his nose and making faces which later we have to delete while the father set on a bench to rest once he finished clowning around comes to me which by that time I'm finishing with a customer and as soon as I look at him they started this brand my friend said this company sucks and it has the worst service me thinking and you are here because I respond I'm sorry that you heard that however that issue happened two years ago we've improved a lot since I'm forced to say this every time because it's true and was a dent in the company's history oh really he scoffed and grinned and if I get a line of service with you and is as useless as I've been told are you're going to refund me yes sir you're right we are giving our customers the right to try our services for an entire month before deciding to stay or choose another company after that period if you decide to leave we'll reimburse you for the total cost of the transaction okay I'll give it a try but I'm not getting one of your phones with your tricky contracts I want a prepaid service Oh for that you'll have to call customer service because the prepaid option is something we cannot provide in-store however I can help you by checking your phone and seeing if it's compatible with our network so now you're going to make me feel that my phone is not good enough this is the latest Samsung I'm not buying another me getting annoyed but still trying to deliver the best service no sir you said your phone came from X company they operate on a different network and put the krub because you're getting me confused I know this is something you like to do to convince me and I already said I'll try let's start the process but Sir you said you wanted a prepaid service and that's something we can't do in store look I'm getting tired if you're telling me what is why and I've lost my patience it seems you're incapable to do a simple task you need to do some training to be able to work with customers excuse me he said it in the same rude tone to another co-worker it was going to get a phone on the back of the store while I shrug and took the brick stance arms crossed not moving not talking I need you to help me because him he points at me doesn't know his job co-workers seemed to be listening to the conversation because his face didn't look pleased co-worker says I'm very busy at the moment but I'll do my best to help this is how you should treat a customer see he said looking at me while pointing at him so I need you to open a prepaid line for me and please do it quick because your co-worker made me lose my time co-worker says actually my coworker was right we cannot nor have the means to open a prepaid account this is a call in service option Oh someone was putting rude customer in his rightful place which goes against the golden rule of the customer has always right even when he's wrong I thought here comes the crapstorm brute customer scoffs like he just heard a bad joke then seeking support Todd did you hear what they cannot open a prepaid account for me what kind a crib is that co-worker turns to entitled dad the same kind of crap I was talking about rude customer entitled dad and me stared at co-worker wide-open eyes everyone's jaw touching the floor but there was no way rude customer would stay defeated he was enjoying his victory against me and he will subdue that rebel of an employee at the spot rude customer said while staring daggers at co-worker well but now I'm not leaving until I get what I came for call customer service now I want my prepaid line now co-worker without losing his cool then you have to call them sir no I'm saying you have to pick making the phone sign the phone and make the dang call to get my line coworker says no you mimicking rude customer have to pick up your phone and call them your Dame self if you want that service and have a nice day co-worker then turned his back on them and went to the task he was busy with before being interrupted rude was speechless but once he recovered from the surprise he started shouting at him to the tune of if God is the service work saw the employees and similar crap I was holding my laughs because I never thought someone in customer service would reply that way later on and free from clients we were laughing like crazy while repeating the story for our amusement and co-worker told me don't be afraid to lose a job if you have to put an entitled jerk like him in his place you're here to sell phones not put up with these people's crap you lose a job look for another job simple next we've got entitled mom gets mad at me when staff asks her to move because I'm injured hey mr. reddit longtime lurker from your channel and maintenance something I enjoy your videos very much and ask you keep up the amazing work obligatory I'm on mobile so sorry for formatting English is my first language but I know sometimes I just get stuff wrong be kind when you point out errors please now let's get into this shall we so this happened over this past weekend we went down to Orlando Florida to celebrate my and my brother's birthday since there within a week of each other it was me my brother my mom and my daughter with us therefore this so Saturday was his birthday so he chose Typhoon Lagoon as our hangout for the day unfortunately while at the park I managed to slip and slam my already recovering from a previous injury knee into the ground so I had a sleeve with an ice pack on for the last few hours now the weather was supposed to stay clear but not long after I managed to injure myself it began to rain so of course I'm hobbling along keeping track of my daughter in the crowd with my mom as we look for my brother and head for the gift shop for some cover turns out a lot of other people had the same idea at this point I was rotating the ice pack from the cold side to the well-padded side that I couldn't feel the ice since it was easier than carrying the wrapped bag and dealing with a toddler inside there's two benches just two small benches so a lot of people were sitting on the floor or in displays of merch on one of those benches is two children both on phones next to a single small backpack my mom asked them nicely if she and I could sit there and they politely said no they were waiting on their parents so we sat in amongst the towel display near them I had difficulty due to my knee but we managed my brother left at some point and returned with ice cream and while eating it is where it all starts I'll try to write the dialogue best I can from memory but may not be 100% correct cast will be me my mom entitled mom and employee employee walks over as I'm cleaning my daughter up since she's making a mess like toddlers do with ice cream ma'am you need to move we don't want you to make a mess of our towels me right sorry but I need some help to get up due to my knee as I said this my brother grabbed my daughter and went off somewhere else with her huge help since that was the main point of the issue employee didn't seem to understand ma'am I need you to move so you don't make a mess yes I don't but I need a hand I cannot get up alone my motion to my knee with the sleeve and ice pack mom says I'll need help up as well my back is bad and it was difficult to get down here in the first place employee looks around and realizes there is a bench within three feet of us looks at the family since the parents had now joined the kids excuse me can you let this lady sit please she needs to move and titled mom says I'm sorry seeming genuinely confused can your family sit elsewhere this lady had knee surgery I never said that and needs the bench to sit my family is already here can't you just do something else you're Disney for goodness sakes don't you have extra chairs or something for these situations at this point I wasn't paying much attention as I was trying to get another employee to simply give me a hand so I could stand once I was standing I realized the parents were both getting mad because they were being asked to move when I never asked that during this she of course demanded a manager miss it's fine I can find somewhere else employee says no we'll find you something ma'am well we aren't moving I never asked you to I just wanted help up and I'm up now some more was said but I don't recall why eventually they just rolled the display I was set on a few feet over since it was blocking some stair steps to a dressing room and just let me sit there entitled mom went on for several minutes afterwards about it's BS why should we move for her when we sat here first they should have chairs or something for disabled people I just tried to finish my ice cream quietly and ignored them after entitled mom walked away somewhere employee returned with the requested manager and the dad told them where to find entitled mom sorry it's anticlimactic but in the moment I was just really confused and hating the confrontation this turned out way longer than I originally planned sorry for that if this manages to make it into a video please send the link thanks for reading this y'all and our final story of the day don't touch me please I tried to tag this as /i don't work here but don't know how so please understand intentionally I changed the words to ease the reading process as I said before I'm in English this happened a few days ago I work for you company in person customer service but when I'm out with the uniform no one can tell where I work so can I speak to your manager doesn't work with me I'll explain our dress code only requires us to wear the t-shirts with the logo the color and size of the logo changes with the t-shirt and we can choose which pants and shoes we'd like to wear formal jeans or sport regardless of color but I like formal attire so that day I wore black pants and hat with the black t-shirt the story I finished my shift and went to a craft store to get some hoops for my mother she loves doing embroidery and the old ones broke since I don't know the country I used the GPS to guide me being my first time there and having no rush I wonder around the store looking at everything and sometimes rearranging items with the right price tags because I don't understand why most of the time customers wonder around the place taking things and placing them elsewhere instead of returning them to their place or giving it to an employee at the cashier because that's their job anyway eventually I found the hoops and was looking for the different sizes and quality closing them to check if there were gaps along the ring and in the meantime I received a friends call with more than five bamboo hoops hanging in my arms and facing the aisle I start talking about my day and what I'll do once I get out so while I'm talking I heard an excuse me sweetie on the background and thought someone wanted to enter the aisle so I move aside and kept talking thinking for sure they won't go their merry way ten seconds later the same voice changed to a Karen tone and said hey sweetie will you please put that stupid phone aside and assist me me facing her excuse me you should pay attention when customers need help before letting them waste time trying to find what they need now put all that down and tell me where I can find beads to put in my daughter's dress they're purple color small me still frozen by that argument I realized she doesn't know I don't work here and I went and made a bigger mistake interrupting a Karen oh please one second you'll have to excuse me but don't you see I'm talking how dare you interrupt a customer you should wait till I finish to help now shut your Yap and move it because I don't have all day usually when people tend to treat me like that I do not move nor reply till they go away yelling at me and so I told my friend on the phone who was listening and asking don't worry talk later but the phone in my pocket and stood there oops still in my arms she will listen what I have to say or she'll rot in front of me obviously Karen pointed outside the aisle for me to guide her but I crossed my arms oops in the same place and boy she didn't like that a bit I think I told you what to do are you stupid deaf or both I smirk and said I think both and I pushed the wrong button now listen to me and listen well you waste of nature it's clear that you couldn't achieve more in your life and that's why you're working here if you want to keep paying for that hole that you crawl out of every morning to work here and make customers look at your dumb face all day I suggest you move and move fast and get me what I asked for or I'll have your job and any job you apply for after this you're going to learn to lower your head before trying to upset someone who's above you now move and now she goes and extends the hand to grab me by the sleeve I'm steaming and my ears fuming for that speech and I saw the hand approaching me I had it don't even try to touch me you piece of crap I said that stepping back to prevent her from grabbing the sleeve you're so messed up if you think I'm letting you push me around I'm not your husband so keep your hands to yourself then I lowered my arms and gather half of the hoops in each hand and said try again and I'll make you eat this bamboo hoop like the panda bear you are seeing that she shut up for a moment I continued my rant I tried to tell you in a polite way I don't work here but it seems that when you open your mouth you close your ears like a seal and it should be that way because you look like one now scram before I break everything I can reach in your head she took two steps back I think she always made things go her way and I just crushed her dreams all of a sudden two crocodile tears appeared in her eyes and while sobbing she started looking left and right for an employee and told me in a low but menacing tone you work here and you're not getting away with this I'm not stopping till I get your job and make sure you don't get hired again anywhere oh so that's how powerful you are please stop and get lost you clown if you were that powerful you shouldn't even be here you're just a pain in the neck with a heartbeat and a huge entitlement problem get out of my sight finally one of the two employees appeared too late excuse me what seems to be the problem oh you the manager I need this employee of yours to be fired me and the girl looked at each other and I understood aside from the green apron with the name of the store embroidered in it I could be easily mistaken if it wasn't for the small logo of my company over the pocket and on the right sleeve I'm sorry lady I know it's confusing but he doesn't work here so that's how you want to play I said the first time and I'll repeat oh you the manager if not where is he I'm not moving till this employee gets what's coming to him employee he says lady I know it looks like he's one of us but he wears no apron and please look at the logo on his shirt Karen tries to get closer to me trying to read but I cover in part of the logo with the hoops while keeping distance just to trigger her Karen tells me playing funny now let's see how long this will last you're not getting away with this you work here and you will swallow your pride in front of me look who's talking you think you own the moon I'll be at the cashier and please looking at the employee keep this lunatic away from me I left Karen Banting about me being a jerk more menaces about getting my job and telling the board girl they need to look for better employees before picking up a first trash that comes rolling through the door finally I left that store with my oops and a headache I really don't want to find that lady again nightmare customer with too much money tries to nickel-and-dime me I'm sorry but I've had too awful days at work in a row and just have to vent to keep from going insane this may get rambling and I apologize for the length ahead of time for background I work at a specialty store in a pretty wealthy neighborhood of a major metro city in the u.s. yesterday a woman yelled at me because I didn't know the exact polyphenol content of every olive oil in our store she was looking for a number which does exist but even the professional tasters usually only say high or low then this morning I had to lift a 160-pound pallet up a flight of stairs by myself because the owners forgot his shipment was coming today anyway that brings us to our first customer of the day a lady comes in from the rain and it's clear she's had some plastic surgery done I know it's extremely problematic but I really judge people for plastic surgery I know I know but I'm currently uninsured and can barely afford to survive while she gets monthly Botox whatever she asks for something by the wrong name and I not correcting her just confirming use the right name she goes over to inspected and says um yeah that I guess as she walks away she mumbles something I can't catch this is how the exchange went me I'm sorry lady what sorry I just didn't hear what you said the neighborhood discount oh yeah I know the bakery offers one no I mean I would like the neighborhood discount here oh I'm sorry we don't offer a neighborhood discount here this whole time she's been looking at her phone she sets the phone down and looks directly at me every store in this neighborhood offers a neighborhood discount okay well the only stores I know that offer the neighborhood discount are the cigar shop and the and that's only for the what the bakery which bakery uh the French bakery it's two doors down from here this is a very well known bakery that has a line out the door every Friday and Saturday morning I go there once a week and routinely have conversations with customers and locals about it if she doesn't know about it it's highly unlikely that she lives or works in the neighborhood I don't know that one but I do know the cigar shop and every other local business on this block offers a neighborhood discount well I'm really sorry but no one here has informed me that we offer a neighborhood discount this is unbelievable totally unbelievable new local businesses beg all of us to support you and promise discounts for locals but when we do you don't honor them I can't believe this okay well I'm really sorry I could probably give you five percent off today that's the neighborhood discount right that's the neighborhood discount at the bakery in the cigar shop I don't know what other stores may offer unbelievable fine yes five percent okay great I start to ring her up I try to defuse the situation by just making some casual conversation so what business do you own or work at no I live here oh okay well I know the bakeries discount is really only for other local business owners or employees I don't think they offer it to people that just live in the neighborhood this is totally ridiculous I told you already I don't know what bakery you're talking about I can leave my name and you can look it up later I live here and I get the neighborhood discount if that's not necessary I believe you I don't it's just the owners are extremely strict on giving out discounts they haven't told us about beforehand I'm sorry for being difficult but it's my job on the line here you should know that locals get the neighborhood discount it's totally unbelievable that you wouldn't honor it she pays and starts to head out the door I say have a great day try to stay dry out there she said yep first and foremost I don't believe she lives here at all I think she lives in a notoriously wealthy suburb nearby and probably heard about this neighborhood discount from the cigar shop owner I'd assumed every business offered it secondly I basically gave her the discount to shut her up but it only saved her 30 cents I doubt the owners will even spotted but we did just get grilled about giving out too many discounts a few weeks ago I make minimum wage and my job is on the line because a wealthy snob wanted to save 30 cents next we've got entitled mother tries to guilt me into giving her and her Goblin this seat I have which is for people who are feeling sick whole bus yells at me so this happened today and I'm still partially in disbelief and frustrated I'm tired of people telling me well you look fine so gimme my condition is called ulcerative colitis it's similar to Crohn's disease and recently that has been really badly flaring up to the point where I have to have a spare change of clothes more than a gallon of water because of all the electrolytes I'm losing and vomit bags because I sometimes vomit due to pain today I went by bus to see a friend and we had a great day just watching movies going to the movies the next day and window shopping during the activities my stomach started to hurt and I had to sit down and stop what I was doing immediately my friend was worried but understood that this was part of my condition all sort of colitis and knew I couldn't speak just deep breaths regardless of that though we talked about all this stuff we missed with each other I stayed at her place for one night and cleaned up some of the dishes since it was also my miss but checked the time got ready and bought some food on the go so I didn't have to rush anything while I was waiting at the bus stop I saw a mother and her two kids one boy and one girl the girl was such a sweetheart but that boy was already being bratty and whining about something every two seconds the girl was much more patient than the boy once the bus arrived I tried to move away from this Karen as far as I could thanks to this whole scenario my stomach is aching really bad and I close my eyes while I put some music on until the paint was gone this is where the story begins we've got Karen we've got her Goblin we've got the sweet girl and the bus driver I was in my own world trying to concentrate on my pain when I feel a tap on my shoulder I take out one of my earbuds and smile at this lady even though she was frowning and scared me a little she didn't look like a typical Karen with her outfit but ding-ding-ding she had the hair I could hear her tapping her foot in an annoyingly loud way Karen well I looked confused well what Karen put a hand on her hip I need this seat my back is hurting and I need another seat I looked around and there were at least three other ones on the bus I gave a confused look there's plenty of other seats Karen but only that one has a bigger window my son would also like to sit next to me in your spot of course I was still in pain but I was just shocked and couldn't concentrate on my stomach at all Karen glared at me besides these chairs offer people who have some sort of medical issue I highly doubt a kid would have health problems by the way I'm 23 and most definitely not a kid I have an awkward smile I'm sorry miss but I'm getting internal pain and I need to sit down people who didn't even understand what was going on jeered at me telling me I'm being disrespectful towards this poor lady who has two kids and has a hard life I was apparently in need of a good beat to show me how hard life can really be I was shocked and disgusted into silence because I've never heard someone let alone several people speaking to me like that in my life all over a seat a seat I was too panicked to move at this point where people were trying to make me uncomfortable with their size and numbers Karin smiled like a psychopath because she thought that she'd be getting what she wanted I looked down just waiting for people to shove me away but I heard bus driver clearly yelling that's enough the poor girl is dealing with serious pain and you're all bullying her because some psycho jerk hold her to get out shame on all of you for attacking an innocent and sick person who was clearly ill I heard you all minimalizing her condition and guess what I have prawns disease and they're very similar don't talk crap about things you have no idea about the people who are yelling at me stopped shuffled away and silently went back to their seats even karen was taken aback and took her son to another spot quietly at this point I'm crying from shock relief and anxiety when it was my turn to leave the bus I gave him an extra fifty I had in my pocket and even though he refused to take it I told him it was my things and I'll be forever grateful and that those of us who have gastro disease should stick together jokingly he said thank you when I handed the fifty and got out I don't get to see him much since I moved but I'll never forget how he stuck up for me when I couldn't even stand up for myself it's things like this that make me appreciate life that kind man didn't know me but still stuck up for me because of how nasty people were being next we've got to the burglar who fed our office cat thanks I manage a small furniture store in a formerly upscale area the owner has been getting on to me for the last weeks about randomly leaving a light on at night when I leave he and I are the only people who have keys to the building and as far as either of us know our landlord doesn't have a key I honestly don't think I have been doing it I am very careful about turning everything off especially once I've already been confronted by my boss about it the last time this happened was Tuesday I had the day off and one of my employees called saying the owner was complaining about the lights again with him now complaining too other people I have been extra careful about turning everything off at night double and triple-checking before I leave with flashlights in hand I'm not the one leaving lights on I needed to be in early this morning to meet a truck driver and I beat the owner in as soon as I unlocked the door I noticed that the lights were on nothing had been stolen the store cash is still exactly the same as it was last night when I left the cokes in the refrigerator are still there my custom shop Kramer guitar is still hanging on the wall where I leave it my job is really boring the only thing that was different other than my office light being left on was a half-eaten pile of cat food left in front of our building where we don't normally feed the office cats I have called every employee our landlord the maintenance man and the owner's wife to make sure none of them borrowed a key and came in while we were closed they all deny knowing anything about it I trust them but somebody is doing it neither my boss or I really care whoever it is that's coming in at night to sleep on our mattresses isn't actually stealing anything other than my enjoyment of feeding the cats in the mornings we just want them to turn out the lights when they leave next we've got you have a cyst on your brain and can't work normal hours due to the pain watch my kid as a bit of background my aunt is only a few years older than I am she married her husband several years ago and they ended up having a kid together I love my niece to pieces she is the cutest and always melts my heart that said her parents leave much to be desired for the past few years I have been dealing with a chronic illness that ended up with me having to have several surgeries my aunt and her husband have always acknowledged my issues but usually feigned indifference always wanting to know why I didn't hang out with or see them more often rather than how I was actually holding up I just chalked it up to the fact that they didn't really quite understand what I was going through this belief was destroyed when several months ago I was in a car crash and started experiencing intense migraines that happened without warnings and seemingly without a cause my migraines would usually hit around 1:00 p.m. and would last for the rest of the day it reached the point where I was working part of the day at the office and finishing what I could at home during this time my family was updated with my progress and how I was doing eventually I had an MRI done and it was found that I had two benign cysts on my brain that were causing all of my pain and issues because of this I was rarely up past 9:30 p.m. as I just wanted to sleep my pain away and wake up feeling slightly normal this is important my aunt and her husband are fairly well off to the point where he doesn't think of anyone else except himself and his own selfish desires and will willingly rub his wealth into other's faces she grew up in a fairly poor household so she absolutely loves having money and the security that comes with it I don't blame her as I understand that feeling but she allows it to take over but no matter how much money they have they are constantly looking for friends and family to provide free childcare so they can go out and drink with their friends cares where the entitled parent part comes in while dealing with my medical problems that they were well aware of at this point they texted me several times asking me to come over and watch their daughter while she slept so they could go out and party with friends at a local nightlife bar she'll be sleeping you won't have to worry about anything just come over and stay until we come home around midnight or so it would be really easy I would gently remind them that I go to bed around 9:30 that midnight is way too late for me to be up and that I have a hard enough time taking care of myself without my boyfriend helping out let alone imagine being responsible for a two-year-old I ended up having surgery to drain one of the cysts last week to which I sent my aunt a photo of me the day before and she replied with you look really pretty for someone apparently having surgery tomorrow and thought that this would finally be the end of the free babysitting questions I mean brain surgery am i right who in their right mind would ask someone who just had brain surgery to watch their kid while they're healing you guessed it two days after I had been discharged from the hospital five days after surgery I saw her husband granted I was definitely hopped up on pain meds and looking really well for someone who just went through what I had but that doesn't excuse any of his behavior we were talking about how I was told by my doctor to keep active and moving to reduce the risk of blood clots and he looks at me and we have the following conversation him hey you can go on walks with and I'm sure she would love that me that's a great idea I would love to spend more time with her him you guys can even take the kid on walks with you me even better we can get some real bonding time in and you know you can even take the kid by yourself so we can have a break and do things without her I don't say anything him don't worry she's a really smart kid she knows the difference between pretend ouchies and real al cheese it's perfect me know I ended up texting my aunt later that day to clarify that I would one love to spend time with her walking but it would be on my terms near my home where I could easily return and be uncomfortable if things started feeling too overwhelming or if my pain was too much and too I would under no circumstances be watching her kid during my healing process I don't care how smart she is I can't run after her I can't pick her up I wouldn't even be able to drive her to the hospital if something happened not to mention that if something happened to me while watching her she wouldn't know what was happening what to do or how to call 911 and I'm not willing to risk traumatizing her because her parents wanted to go out and have drinks with friends I don't care if there is a 99% chance that she'll be asleep the entire time I'm there I'm not willing to risk but 1% chance that something does happen and the fact that you're willing to take that risk says a lot about you as a parent and our final story of the day crazy lady refuses to let fiance pass at the shop tries to get him banned from the store this happened today to my fiance so my fiance popped up to the local supermarket that's just around the corner to buy a bag of cat litter since when we went yesterday they had sold out unsurprisingly they haven't restocked yet so he heads towards the only open checkout to try to squeeze past and leave the line is long so he politely asks if he can just squeeze past and everyone in line is totally fine stepping to the side since he's not cutting the line and only trying to exit the shop no problems until he reaches the lady at the front of the line this crazy lady is blocking the end of the till so he politely asks if he can step past entitled lady is quite large and though my fiance is quite thin entitled lady is blocking the whole end of the till so he can't get past without her moving fiance excuse me could I get past please I haven't got any items I'm just trying to leave entitled lady no you can't you cannot cut the line you will have to go to the back I don't have anything they didn't have what I was looking for I'm just trying to leave no go to the back of the line and wait your turn like everyone else I'm not cutting I just want to leave entitled lady turns to the cashier this man is trying to cut the line have security escort him out and have him banned from the store now the cashier is a lovely Polish lady and is often on the tills when we shop so knows our faces and has just heard the conversation between fiance and the other people in the line allowed him to pass cashier with a very confused look at entitled lady says to fiance just go through it's fine so fiance kind of shimmies past this elephant-sized woman who is still refusing to move and is now huffing since everyone is ignoring her demands to have fiance removed from the store fiance finally gets passed says thank you to the kind cashier and is about to leave entitled lady turning to cashier jet security is probably stowed in something stop him he's a thief by this point the shops gone silent and everyone is just staring at this crazy woman yelling at my fiance for trying to steal from the store by this point my fiance has had enough and responds with listen to me I came to buy cat litter and they are sold out I haven't got anything else you're obviously in a hurry though by the looks of things you're carrying octuplets you might want to get to the hospital quick I think you're crowning turns around and walks out the store leaving the stunned woman in total silence and the kind cashier and several other customers trying to disguise their laughter this is the second time in two days he's been accused of stealing by someone in that store yesterday it was the jerk security guard who's rude to everyone including the staff no interesting story he was just told to empty his pockets and then sent on his way so I'm guessing his manners went out the window it's been a bit of a stressful week I'm just relaying it here as it was told to me as I was asked to huh I'm sorry if anyone is offended by his way of handling it the layout of the store is a one-way system so you have to exit via a checkout you cannot go out the same door as you came in through so this checkout was his only way out lady you think you're smart which is not the same as actually being smart I sell glasses in a big-box store I had a 60 something lady come in that basically had the condescending I've never worked a day in my life so I'm above you attitude about her you know the type the arm had snapped off of her glasses and she wanted to know if I could put her lenses and a new frame this isn't an uncommon request in itself they didn't come from our shop originally so I explained that the lens had to be a very close match to the new frame and it can be hard to find that because suppliers like to use different patterns so you have to go back to the original shop I'm still happy to see if I can find her one though I go over and start seeing if there's one I can make work this is like hunting a needle in a haystack and there are usually only one or two frames at most that will work basically you have to take what you can get and it's rarely the ideal color or style her original frame is a narrow rectangle the lens size is 52 millimeters wide and maybe 32 millimeters tall at most most optical frames have the width stamped on the inside so she sees a 52 on the inside of hers she pulls down this massive cat eye frame it's in the 45 millimeter tall range her lens is a skinny rectangle this is a tall trapezoid this says 52 on the inside mine say 52 on the inside they are the same size I want these I'm dumbfounded but try to be as polite as I can I replied ma'am I'm sorry but 52 is the width of the lens while these two have the same width they don't have the same height your lens is way too small for this frame we'll have to go with a shorter one that's closer to a rectangle this was not acceptable she reiterates this says 52 mine says 52 they are the same size 52 and 52 are the same number ma'am I understand that but 52 is the width these lenses are not even close to the same shape I even hold her lens up to the taller one to show her I have no way to stretch your lens that's not something that can be done we have to find one closer to the same height and shape but they both say 52 what don't you understand about that 52 and 52 are the same it's the same size why can't you seem to understand that she says this like I'm a [ __ ] who probably can't even count to 52 this lady's seemed to think she had found some archaic knowledge by matching these two numbers like it was a shoe size if it matches it works after about 10 minutes of back-and-forth with two coworkers backing me up she just refused to believe me and left in a huff next we've got Karen tries to skit me online and I'm not having it there is a summer fair for kids in my town and we go there with the twins my daughter sets her mind to have her face painted but the line is very long it stretches along a bench which belongs to the next table or you can make your own name buttons it's a bit off to the side but the people kind of organize themselves and it's clear that everybody waits the kids waiting are all using the 30-plus minutes of wait time to make a button after a while my son comes over and wants to join the line I tell him no he has to get to the end there are three kids behind us now as it would not be fair to the others who waited while he went playing he sulks off after 20 minutes a mother with her two kids appears in front of the face painters ignoring the seeded kids waiting at first I think she just wants to ask something but they seem to be skipping the line maybe she misread the situation I fink and I speak up there are three painting stations and only two more girls in front of my daughter and her kids would take up the spot that is about to open for us me excuse me the line ends over there if you want to join Karen those kids are not in line they are making buttons we are next to have her face painted me um no sorry all those kids are waiting too you can't skip the line like that Karen you can keep your opinion to yourself are you seriously doing this karen says coldly yes really is that what you're showing your kids is the right thing to do other parents are speaking up as well the mother after me is also quite vocal about it me well if you really think this is right and how'd it be an example for your kids I just can't believe it this is just unfair and you are wrong I will not just be quiet and take this so last chance would you please go to the back of the line like a normal human being with manners I can't force you to leave but I will give you every piece of my mind that concerns you right now Karen if that's what makes you happy I don't care I'm shaking with anger now and I start giving her an angry mom dressing down from heck as she has no way of leaving while keeping her stolen spot in line I have a lot of time me you have no manners it seems did your parents raise you just as badly as you are now raising your kids to behave entitled does it feel good for your kids to be the mom who behaves this badly the woman who think she is better than everybody else who wants the world to revolve around her I just want you to know that you are a bad parent right now and if your kid lies in bed tonight ashamed of her mother's behavior that is your doing alone what would your mother say about how you act probably nothing as it seems she never had before when you cheated your way through just to be clear I do not shout but speak clearly and my daughter is absorbed in her button for most of it the other woman is either ignoring me our back turns to me or trying again to justify herself with if you are in line you should stand not make buttons reasoning as the kid in front of her finishes up I ask her again me you're still think skipping the line is okay Karen there was no line to skip I grabbed my daughter shove myself in front of her kid and set mine in front of the face painter great no line so we are next the face painter hands my daughter the book with examples to choose from the woman behind us in glares my daughter goes through the book without much enthusiasm and I feel sorry for the situation being kind of my fault I just can't stand cheaters luckily the face painter is very nice seemingly taking her sweet time meanwhile the mother starts ranting at me I will report you for harassing me me you are welcome to call any authority that you want to involve I'm sure they can help settle this but I am done for my part and so are the butterflies my daughter looks in the mirror and is happy so we leave as I am leaving I hear voices behind me the next parents are not letting her steal their place either I am quite flustered and have to take a break after some time watching the kids play in the bounce house I am better and I go over to get my kids some slushies on the way I see the mother with her much older daughter on her arm the girl crying on our shoulder no facepaint to be seen she sees me waiting for my kids and makes a final attempt to get to me Karen I just want to let you know that you ruined my daughter's day oh no that was your doing not mine well I talked to the boss of this fair and he totally agreed with me you should go talk to him if you have any decency you know what I will do that and see what's up you are a horrible no I'm done I don't need people like you in my life get lost I turn away and get my kids as the slush stand is next to a kind of informational booth I step over me I think you had to deal with an angry woman right now that claimed me for all her misery caused by not being able to skip a line she said somebody would want a word with me booth man well yeah there was an angry lady but I'm just the guy who takes care of the volunteers I can't help you me yes you can please give my things to the face painters for being so calm and my apology for all the fuss with her booth man seems to exhale and relax a lot I certainly will sorry people are kind of crazy today I just did not want to get yelled at again despite her saying I ruined her day she took the time to keep glaring at me for a while from afar I ignored her and after a while did not see her again next we've got entitled couple invades our bowling lanes before our league finishes this happened last night and I figured it would make for a good post I Bowl in a few leagues my Friday night League is followed by cosmic bowling if you don't know cosmic bowling is when they turn off the lights and use black lights strobes and disco lights with loud music the people who come to play during cosmic bowling are able to pay and also get their shoe rentals but are not allowed in the pit area our tables and lanes until all of the league teams are finished I am team captain so it was my job to keep the score recap sheets after we finished our three games I was totaling the scores on the sheet so I could turn it in because I was still doing that my bowling balls were still up on and under the ball return and I still had my shoes on it wasn't a big deal because there were six other teams still bowling so while I was finishing up the recap sheet a couple decided to invade our table they looked like they were maybe young 20s it was a rude woman and her bully boyfriend this is the conversation that followed boyfriend pure hon there's a pink ball just for you me my ears perked up ed pink ball I lift up to see him pointing at my ball still on the return um excuse me what are you doing Karen I'm just getting my balls so we can bowl our boyfriend ja and you need to get your crap off the table because it's ours me well first of all we aren't finished yet so you don't belong down here secondly that is my ball Karen's boyfriend buzz off I paid for us to be here now you are finished Sunita get lost and since you are finished we are going to use this ball now rude woman goes over and picks up my ball and promptly drops it it is 15 pounds and heavy if you're not a strong bowler this ball doesn't fit me right she then threw it back at the ball return me now really angry look you jerks that ball was $189 plus drilling costs and you are going to pay for it if you broke it and I am NOT going to tell you again we are not done so you need to get out of the pit her boyfriend comes over to tower over me and look intimidating what are you going to do about it you old cow me pushing the button for lane assistance I am taking my balls and I am going to put them away and I'm going to finish our recaps while you are going to get away from here front desk answers the call button front desk me can you please send someone over to my lane for help I have open bowlers harassing me front desk no problem the front desk employee comes over and tells the couple that they can either leave the pit area and wait until cosmic bowling starts or they can leave the bowling alley if they continued the harassment they would have the police officer escort them out they pay a uniformed officer to be there on Friday and Saturday nights during cosmic bowling to keep the idiots from getting too out of control the couple continued to complain about how they already paid and they should be able to start but the employee held firm and they eventually walked away to the bar area the employee also turned the lane back on for a few minutes so I could throw a few test shots with my ball and make sure it was okay I balled with it again in today's league and it seems fine thank goodness so I packed up and left it wasn't super dramatic but at least everything ended well thanks for reading next we've got Karen makes it about herself at granddad's funeral I was very hesitant to post this one but I feel like it needs to be heard I should also say that this is not my story but rather my mother's which I got her blessing to tell it on and the Karen is unfortunately my grandmother my mom's mother now to get a good idea of what this Karen is like she is short round does not have the Karen haircut but makes it up with the attitude and personality for example when I was living with my mother Karen would call her up maybe once a month if we were unlucky and they would spend a good four hours I know what you're thinking she doesn't sound like a Karen to me more like a mother just catching up with their kid now I would agree if I didn't know the contents of the conversations or rant in this case Karen would just complain and rant to my mother about the animals how she has too many of them how she can't get food for them the house the weather where she lives about people in town why she can't understand why people keep saying she is a terrible person just to name a few she is so predictable in her rants that you could write down a checklist of the key talking points of it and take every box for four hours she would just rant and complain never asking how mom was Ella's kids were it was just about her she also holds a grudge like you wouldn't believe she would be angry at someone but can't remember why she was angry in the first place but just knows she was angry at them so she stays angry I wish I was joking now to the story my granddad who I should say isn't my mom's actual dad but he adopted her and vice versa passed away my mom naturally was heartbroken and called me for a favor because the funeral is out of state on where we live she needs to drive to the city a four-hour drive then take a plane up about two hours for the funeral so she needs someone to look after her animals while she is away of course I agree it was simple just take care of animals for a week and if she has longer she would let me know so I could get extra food for them and would pay me back about the fourth or fifth day I get a call from mom letting me know she was back in our state and would be home tomorrow I was kind of taken by this but asked if she wanted me to feed the animals tomorrow so she didn't have to she said it was fine and told me she would see me when she got back the next day I did check if my mom was there sure enough she was but didn't go in since I wanted to give her some space to breathe for traveling for so long the day after I went to see her just to see how she was when I saw her she looked just hurt and what she told me just sickened me when my mom got up there she was greeted by her brother my uncle and then taken to Karen's house where she would be staying for the week and at first everything was going fine until it wasn't Karen starts to loudly speak poorly about granddad poor horrible things about him beyond disgusting about him mom asked Karen to stop Karen just spun around and shouted how would you know you're just a stupid jerk my mom clearly upset told Karen that she came up here to bury her father and not listen to this BS this left Karen silent and mum went to her room to cool down coming to the term that Karen had lost her husband so she gave her a pass after that Karen was docile for a moment once again she returned to her rant on grandad literally speaking ill of the dead my mom had enough went back into her room and packed all her things returning out and asked my uncle if he could take her to a nearby hotel Karen saying this asked why she was leaving my mum turns to her and says if I stay here I will hurt you according to my mom Karen's face was pure shock my mum's pure seriousness the day of the funeral came and Karen did not say a word to my mom which she was fine with then came one of the ultimate effuse - grandad Karen had booked the lunch at the RSL the returned and service league my granddad despises them I did later asked my mom why was this and my mother to the best of her knowledge said that grandad felt disrespected by them when he returned for more my mom feeling disgusted refused to go instead went to granddad's favourite pub to order his favorite meal fish and steak and a couple beers to honour grandad it's here she met with granddad's side of the family notice only mum being there they asked where everyone was mum explained what happened and they were equally upset at Karen as she knew full well how granddad felt towards the RSL but went there because she wanted to go there unbelievable with the verbal insults the attacks on granddad and disrespecting him just to make it about her my mum was done with Karen saying that she went up there to bury her dad but returning as an orphan my mom tried to contact Karen once several months after the funeral when she got diagnosis with breast cancer my mum naturally scared and just wanted to let Karen know remember what I said about Karen holding grudges yup she never responded back to her own daughter my mother who had breast cancer she did not respond because her pride is worth more to her it has been several years after that and my mum is far better off without the negativity of Karen in her life yes my mom is still fighting our cancer it's aggressive but contained if anyone is curious while Karen is now by herself in her own hatred and honestly it's a punish meant worth fitting for this Karen anyways thanks for listening I needed to get this one off my chest rest in peace granddad and shoutouts to our Regenerist of the day all Drake Hayden and Estonia become tomorrow's Regenerist by leaving as many trees as you can in the comments below and please listen on my playlist every night when you go to sleep [Music]
Channel: r/mr redder
Views: 276,300
Rating: 4.7452464 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, entitled parents stories, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, reddit stories, reddit stories funny, karen, r/entitledpeople, entitled people
Id: v5ABiNgedHU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 141min 6sec (8466 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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