✝️ Love takes no account of the wrong done to it- Dan Mohler

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love is amazing people the reason it's amazing is because it doesn't seek its own that's that's my favorite description that you can read in corinthians and you can see the breakdown on love and what it is and define it but the fact that it doesn't seek its own watch it's a good barometer love takes no account or recognition of the wrong done to it then why are we so busted up by each other why is 99 of a pastor's counseling people troubles people having trouble with people why are marriages so hurt if love takes no account maybe we're christians for other reasons maybe we want favor maybe we want blessings maybe we just are scared to die and want to end up in the right place when our eyes open i don't know i'm not answering for you i'm just throwing out some thoughts but i know this it says love takes no account of the wrong done to it you gave me a mic i'm a preacher i'm going to talk about it no account chris it takes no account of the wrong done to it that's telling me my heart never has permission to be outside of love never has permission to feel sorry for myself it's the biggest trap on the planet i only knew how to fall feel sorry for myself when it was about me could you imagine jesus feeling sorry for himself for three seconds it would ruin everything could you picture him just dropping the cross and freaking out can't take no more come on it's brutal they're beating him beyond description and he's totally perfect he's never done nothing wrong he has total love he's given his life for these people and those same people are mocking him and spitting on him and beating him to you can't recognize him and not one blow is one too many to change his mind because love never fails come on he could be hanging there freaking out if he wasn't love are you kidding me god how could they do this i know it was planned before time i know it was supposed to be this way but man now that i'm here seeing it head on it's pretty freaky to see people that's deceived come on i mean they released barabbas he killed a man i raised the dead and they want to kill me he causes conspiracy i'm trying to make peace here sounds like he's got a lot of issues if he's not love sounds like when you're totally right you're probably right but he doesn't rule his kingdom right he rules it righteous and that makes wrong things right and gives the chance for things that have been wrong to be right oh i'm gonna oh i feel the gospel all over me right now we've all been wrong right if god came right and wrong we're just wrong he came righteous he came saying hey i know the truth about you you don't have a clue forgive them father they it looked like they knew the bible says some of them didn't even believe him the bible said some believe demon didn't acknowledge their belief because they feared men and didn't want to get kicked out of this synagogue there was a lot of things the bible exposes about men when jesus was on the earth jesus didn't discern all that and try to figure all that out and analyze he just said father they're blind if they knew who they were and if they knew who we were and who they were in us they wouldn't be doing what they're doing forgive them they're they're deceived i'm the light of the world i'm going to be lifted up and draw a man to me draw all men to eternal life draw all men to me draw them into benefit protection blessing favor provision draw all men unto me follow me so what'd he do he came as a man it freaks me out i'm 25 years in guys i talk about it all the time if you listen to youtube i talk about a lot freaks me out that god would come as a man that god would be so humble and so in love with us and in love with our destiny our purpose and our potential and our true identity that he would be willing to come as us without becoming like us pay the price for us to get us back to him freaks me out he's god he's god and he puts himself in the womb of a woman and doesn't take a shortcut he comes as a man he's curled up in her womb for nine months that's incredible let's don't let this be some christmas easter thing don't get desensitized with tradition and stories we're talking about god the son of god who nothing was made that wasn't made through him who was and is and is to come who was with god from the beginning he was the word he was with god and he is god we're talking about jesus the lord he he has holy spirit put him in the womb of a woman that's how much he thinks of you and your potential and your destiny and your life and you're gonna find your identity through a family member who is dysfunctional you're gonna keep trying to drink out all these dry cups and stay thirsty when he said if you'd ask me i'll give you a drink and one drink you'll never thirst again he's talking about identity he's talking about finding yourself through him and stop drinking out of all these other fountains if you'd asked me for a drink i'll give you a drink because up and out of me floats living water you'll drink one one drink one truth one revelation ding ding ding and you'll never you see what's wrong with me do you see why i'm a madman every time you see me every video i can't hold back the passion why i'm not trying the passion if i'm trying the passion then i'm a great actor somebody will give me some kind of emmy or some kind of whatever i don't walk through that door and leave here and go man that was intense and feel all wore out because i had to put on a good show i can't not be this way i don't know how to be anything you say calm down you have no clue you don't even know what you're asking it's good tidings of yeah and i don't know that there's a lot of great joy not comparing challenging judging what i'm saying is we're letting circumstances decide who we are and how we are and then our prayer life involves god changing our circumstances instead of communion in union with him where we become more like him and all of a sudden we have a prayer list instead of a fellowship so i'm a madman and i can't help it i'm this way every time you'll see me if you haven't seen me for five seven years i was this way i might be a little worse now because i'm a little more in him my hair's a little wider yeah so even though i knew last time now i know in about five more years man i'm going to know about five more years ridiculous how i know and through all those years a hundred circumstantial opportunities to be something else but not one opportunity in my heart because i see because now i understand why i'm alive and the days of you hurting me have ended the days of my wife getting under my skin i am not married to my wife for her to love me i'm married i'm in covenant to love her like christ loves his church i'm on the earth to love you not need you the day i need you you'll let me down it'll be your fault i'll justify not being like christ i'll use you as my reason well i'd be more in the spirit if it wasn't for i didn't know that wasn't for example was lord i didn't know that person was lord why are you letting them govern you why is one person deciding you and it's not jesus you don't know who i'm married to well he wants to be married to you are you making it easy for him wonder if he took your initiative and responded to you like you respond to your spouse i wonder if jesus treated you like you treat others you say well he won't he's love yeah you're supposed to be love if he loved us this way we not love one another anyone who loves has no cause for stumbling because of his brother it's first john 2 it's there first john 4 says beloved let us love one another why because love is of god the whole chapter he is love he is love he is first john 4 7 8 beloved let us love one another why because god is love and everyone who loveth is born of god and no with god he who loveth not does not know god he didn't say you don't go on a mission trip he didn't say you don't feed the hungry he didn't say you don't pastor or lead worship but he did say this if you don't love there's one reason not to or not one of two if you don't love there's one reason you don't know him like you could which means i can't know him genuinely know him without being so influenced by him that who he is begins to wear off on me jesus said this is eternal life not a prayer to take you to heaven this is eternal life that you might know him the only true god and his son jesus christ whom he sent you get it yay you probably don't need any more than this right i mean the service before i got up here was already enough
Channel: DAN MOHLER - Non Official Channel
Views: 11,487
Rating: 4.9189687 out of 5
Keywords: Dan Mohler, Todd White, Power and Love, Identity, Love, Faith, Born Again, Living in the past, Deny yourself, God’s Image, Image of Christ, Becoming love, loved by God, Communion, Guilt Condemnation and Shame, Christian sermons, powerful sermons, rare dan mohler, best dan mohler, pastor dan mohler, dan mohler identity, dan mohler 2020, dan mohler testimony, dan mohler healing, dan mohler marriage, Dan mohler divorce, dan mohler false teacher, dan mohler grace
Id: z-7n7c2pCvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 38sec (638 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 14 2020
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