✝️ Dan Mohler - 2/2 - Intimacy is where you are changed

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okay guys that's just uh let's just wrap this thing up for today anyway you guys doing good yeah you know honestly I say it and it's I save kind of fun-loving sometimes but there's a real serious side to it you know we've taken we've done well to take a lot of things personal in our life but it would be do us good to really take the gospel personal and say man he did this for me this is the truth about me as an individual it's not wrong when I got saved I didn't pray for anybody or anything for about five weeks it's a truth Spirit of God had me in a shut up place where I was just alone and I honestly I didn't pray for my marriage which was seemingly ruined or shattered and I didn't pray for leaders people my kids I didn't pray for anything for five weeks he had me shut up in this place where I could be formed in Christ where I could become the man that he created me to be and at times it almost seemed like is this a selfish place but the mandate on my heart was so big that it was so important for me to become what he paid for so that I could see everything else rightly does that make sense so that's where he had me for like five weeks I just stayed in a bedroom as much as I could now my marriage was in a place where it was actually kind of easy I didn't have the same marital responsibilities or things there because we weren't really together but I work second shift and I didn't go in till 4:30 in the afternoon I work till 2:30 at night so I'm not joking I would get up in the morning for that five-week period not had the total schedule to do this but I would get up at 5:30 and I in the morning I mean and I'd have to go to work at 4:30 I would just wake up in him it's talk and pray and thank and I'd go down and use the restroom or whatever I had to do brush my teeth or whatever and I'd run back up and I couldn't wait to get back in the room and I'd shut the door and I turn on a little CD of music or piano and I had a couple of things that meant something to me in that season hi I pulled him out of the archives I found him in a box not long ago it was a mess my wife came home from the grocery store and I had been playing all these things I actually found an old you guys even know what a cassette tapes were so I found some of them I was playing I sitting there fall and then cries this was the bedroom experience but I would literally do this cuz you know how you you think you know you think you should be doing something else or you look at time and you say oh I probably should go out now or whatever I'd literally turned my clocks against the wall where I couldn't see the time for five weeks I just turned the clocks and I would just camp out in the room with the Lord and just seek Him and read and pray and I'd read and I talked to him and probably get into some of that this week while I'm here probably on our wrap-up time maybe I I feel like we might get there because that kind of communion is vital to our lives here and about him learning about him reading about him is one thing knowing him is a whole nother thing yeah like you don't want to just read your Bible so you can preach a sermon you want to read your Bible to know him and in that season is where I really got to know the Lord at some level and I begin to find myself in him and my life was so dramatically changed and I didn't realize how changed it was but everybody around me noticed I mean it was ridiculous like I was four week saved I would take my kids over to the public swimming pool and people would come up to me non-stop and say ma'am what's going on with you what happened to you and I'm like what do you mean what happened you're just a totally different guy than I remember and I'm like well what do you mean it was just because of the way I carried myself loving my kids and actually had joy on my face I mean some people were like they think you're you know you're delusional if you have joy on your face like you can't be living life and have joy you know and they were at the pool asking me and I begin to tell people and share people I'm not kidding you I was I was probably six weeks in to go into the pool four to six weeks and I would sit down on my blanket and set up my stuff and usually jump in the pool with the kids for a while and throw them around and play I gave him this thing we called dolphin rides and then I'd go up and sit on my blanket it wasn't long people come up hey can I pull up my towel and just talk with you hey do you mind and I'm not joking I'm at the public pool I'm like a month save six we saved I got people all around my town and I'm like I'm like in reality chronologically I mean I'm a little baby Christian I guess but they saw I had something to give and they were gleaning on my life and I'm sitting there sharing people I remember this one guy sitting these times guy says see a pastor see if I was one month old little see a pastor I'm like hey I just got saved and Doc it's just neat and you know what that was from they saw my life was changed they saw me for two years coming there with my kids to the pool but now I came with Jesus it's gonna be hard for some of you to grasp maybe because it's all right to talk about him to people right but in I it wasn't that I said anything to him about Jesus in that setting I just showed up at the pool with my kids and they saw I was different and they said what is going on you see what I'm saying I didn't go there and preach to nobody I just preached with my life and in four weeks I had people sitting all around my towel I can't tell you how many people I prayed for at the pool I was a lot it was just fun so that's why we talk like this cuz we live sanctified without biting our lip trying amen we wake up in the morning and realize we've become a part of him and he's in us and we're in him in the kingdom is is is what we're a part of him and and we're righteous were redeemed we have reason for being in purpose and motive and we're here to shine and it just gets big in you and you don't lose sight of that watch that right there look what that would do just go into work how that would challenge and convict your life just going to work where you get familiar or you've taken kind of a shape and form an expression at work and now these true start growing in your life and everything start shifting and changing without you trying to make change it's just because you see different you have a different conviction you're aware of things now who knows you can't make up for where you've been who knows even on your job if you've not represented him well and all of a sudden you take these things into your heart you begin to change who knows that it's not about making up for lost time it's not about where you've been it's about where you're going right watch what I've learned like I lived a mess the whole time I work on my job but when I went in there saved it was it was it was so noticeable that in about six months they totally forgot about the first 13 years so for a while they tried to hold on to the 13 years but after a certain point I was so changed that they didn't even see the last 13 years because this is all they could see and then the rest of that time was very evangelistic I actually had people coming to me and asking me for council for prayer opening up secrets about their marriage asking me what I think they should do I remember in the back aisle one time a guy came up and these guys have persecuted me openly as a group but then alone crying out because they saw I was changed I had so much fun at work I had a guy come up behind the rail dock in the back and we were it's pretty private back there you don't have to go back there much but he saw me ride back for some items and he come rolling back and he said he's a little embarrassed in the hall and he said can you take me out that side door and just lay hands on me and pray for me I said what cuz I didn't even know he knew to lay hands on and pray and hear he told me that he grew up in church and he was so back slid in my life was a constant daily conviction and he felt like he couldn't get back to God and he just wanted freedom and and he saw Jesus in me every day and he's like could you just lay hands on me and pray because he was crying out cuz he knew the truth deep down in his heart but felt too far away to get to it and I simplified things and then I laid hands on him and pray fire I can tell you a cool story about work this lady who just went through a bad thing with her husband she grew up in church she let her heart get hurt by her hubby and she became kind of in the natural a statistic of divorce and she changed you can tell it hit her hard she changed emotionally she was frustrated a lot she carried the pain of her situation in her everyday life if you follow what I'm saying but she was a Christian her whole life and she would have told you she was a Christian and she was still attending church and when she saw me get saved it's so confronted her and convicted her that she began to change and one day she was in the aisle work and she had an abscess tooth and it was getting so bad and she called her dentist and he said listen that's nothing to mess with and you know they tell you like some kind of horror story they're trying to help you in a natural like that stuff could get in your bloodstream and go to your brain he was telling her you know if it's that swollen and hurt and you need to get in here so she goes up to the office and tells him that her dentist said she needs to get in there right away so they could do something with his tooth because it's dangerous she turns she gets her permission to go she's gonna go clock out and she doesn't think she's coming back that day so she's heading to the timeclock hisses fun story she goes I'm back working I'm working hard it's a hard job I'm lifting I'm sweating I'm working probably singing probably because people would just watch me through the racks Evita cuz they said you're always talking to yourself I said I have never talked to myself they said yes you do you're always you just talking to yourself I said I'm not talking to myself not guilty of that there's somebody with me and he'll never leave me or forsake me and he's always there and I talked to him a lot out loud when I'm driving I talked to him I've talked to him all the time I whisper I talk if I'm around people I try not to be too distracted but I'm aware of him in my life some are working she gets this idea this is before she's really this this was like a turning point for her but a lot of her childhood bringing in life scriptures were pressing on her because of my life and she was hurt and living her divorced she said you know because she she had actually prayed and asked the Lord to touch her to situation and she said you know what she said I know that man's walking with God I know he's filled with God and said nothing to do with me or faith it just had to her to do perceiving God in my life so I'm working I don't even know what's going on this lady is she's a black sister sees she could get expressive - I mean she's we did prayer meetings together she was Ellen yep she come running she's six feet probably one and she was a big frame woman I turned him she's coming right at me she's on a mission she looks distressed but she looks serious and I don't know what's going on and I'm like hey she grabs my hand I'm not I'm not exaggerating one bit she grabs my hand I have no idea what's going on I'm like what are you and she puts it on her cheek and she goes and I immediately perceived the anointing of God it felt like energy water electricity whatever just going into her jaw and she's going she begin to vibrate see start Ernestine like what's going on right now I was being used to being used I didn't even know what was going on she starts crying and weeping and I'm thinking this is amazing I could tell the Lord was there I mean she went into our Pentecostal expression that was beautiful she needed it you know what I mean it just is good and and I said I just was being funny with her I said you and the Lord mind let me in on what's going on right now and she said I was leaving and I perceived and I realized and she's told me the story and I'm like wow it was just her faith made a drawl on God but that whole experience God completely healed her abscess tooth in the aisle when she took my hand and put it on her and I had no idea what was happening I just like I said I was used and and that moment convicted her and brought her back to Jesus in a very powerful way and that awesome and there was another girl and then nine more guys to girls and nine guys came out of the woodwork and the nine guys I'm not being rude cynical about him turned out nine guys that went to church every Sunday with their families because their wives wanted him to and when I found out they went to church I'm not being rude I was astounded I couldn't even picture him in church because they were just another guy yeah well I worked with just as vulgar just as nasty you know reading all the porn mags in the hallway and they went to church every week with their families because they were supposed to and expected to and they came out of the work woodwork and said you're living something different than we've known and we have convictions in our life because of you and then the bosses left us do a prayer gathering time and all were invited but I had eleven people coming and sharing and teaching and praying and believe in God and now watch these men come alive inside in that beautiful and and stop being religious and living in deception and feeling bad about themselves and two-faced and double lives you know what I mean to where their families began to reap the fruit of Christ how'd all that happened not because I went in there and preached a message I went in there changed and they saw my life people honestly don't really care a whole lot about what you have to say if they can't see what you're saying in your life now in a pass-by on the street they don't have time and you just still got to go with Jesus and trust grace but on your job that's one of your greatest mission filled skies around your family that's where you live consistent yeah it's where you go to work and you're not going to do a job you're going to shine and you're gonna do your work under the Lord and men are gonna see him in your life because he's in there come on this is just important so why am I doing this cuz of what I'm about to read I got wow I only got 14 minutes left I just wow you sixteen of it pretty quick uh shoe yeah I know I'm happy so Ephesians three we covered that pretty thorough anyway so Ephesians four isn't really chapter four it's actually all the same letter so like if you pull out the three four and five it's just one big letter so we made chapters when it got translated they put them chapters in there but he said to him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus after revealing this revelation that he was anointed to make all see God's plan God's purpose knowing his love able to do exceeding abundantly by the pilot works on us he's gonna make known as metaphor wisdom to him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever and then he starts the next sentence off I therefore what he's saying is I'm personally beseeching you I'm crying out to you and exhorting you in light of what I just said in light of what I just revealed through Christ or through Holy Spirit I'm crying out to you so what he's doing is he's saying I'm writing in light of this truth do you get that it's very important that you read your Bible in context like this he says I therefore prisoner of the Lord beseech you look what he says to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called you say well I'm trying to figure out my calling that's why I'm at this school I just read your calling yeah I can show you your calling in first Peter chapter 1 or uh chapter 2 like verse nineteen twenty first Peter chapter 2 it says it says if you suffer for doing good and take it patiently it's commendable before God for to this you were called everybody says I want to know my calling you're called to suffer for doing good and never let you good change because of the suffering why because then your motives pure and then your motives really love if you do things to get things you'll respond according to what you get if you do things just because it's who you are it'll never change so if you love somebody to get loved back by them your loves conditional it's just emotional and expression to get something in return honestly I'm not trying to be so unromantic but I'm not a real romantic this way because we've been so seduced by Hollywood and romance most relationships are hinged on what I can get out of it instead of what I give to most relationships or I love you do you love me and if the you love and me doesn't come back in the way that I need we got a problem are you following me because I love you doesn't say do you love me it just says I love you if God came to us and said I love you do you guys love me we'd probably give him reason to be pretty insecure by now but his love never changes or fails why cuz he's selfless he doesn't seek his own he loves you to bring the best out of who he is in you and he'll never change his mind and on your darkest day he didn't lose sight of the truth that he created you for and he never ever changed his mind yeah on your darkest day your most willful venture and then the devil says well you knew better were you supposed to know better you were already a Christian well how can you and then all of a sudden some of these scriptures that are so misinterpreted come flying in your mind and next thing you know there's the devil again just trying to keep you in a heap of condemnation and keep you back slate and keep you like you have no hope whenever you feel like you have no hope that's a sure sign you're being deceived cuz he's the God of all hope so all of a sudden the enemy's tricked you into getting your eyes off of who he is so you can't see yourself clearer now you're just caught up with facts and you'll become an emotional being without a revelation are you with me so what's the first thing he says walk worthy of the calling to which you were called so is walking this life out I'll just set us up for tomorrow because I'll be out of time is walking this life out important so does this life have an action to it so we're not saved by our works right but guess what we'll be judged by our works in other words what a man really sees what a man really believes and what a man really has become will be revealed by the way he's lived his life there's no way around that your life lived reveals the faith you live by are you with me the Bible says we'll all stand before him and be judged for our works are you with me what's he saying you know them by their fruit so what he's saying is what a man has really become will be seen through the way he conducts his life now what we have to make sure when we teach something like this that we don't teach legalism bite your lip you need to try harder do better will shape up or knock it off we ain't supposed to be angry we got to teach people how to walk free from these things what it means to put off anger what it means to what it means to not just lust after one another in a relationship and live in fantasy and need to get something from someone even if we don't have a covenant when those feelings are real and we've grown up with wonder if the Gospels not trying to find a way to harness them and manage them but a way to destroy them to bring the new and the real and the true into your life wonder if the gospel is all about change new creation old things pass away all things new I wonder if I'm not the man I used to be I wonder if I'm not just trying to be different wonder if I'm not the man I used to be I wonder if I'm not waking up trying not to do bad things and focusing on good things wonder if I'm just a changed man that's Christianity it's actually what I want to talk to you strongly about in the school this week and how we can walk in a manner worthy without feeling like we're failing without being condemned in the process of being changed would that be helpful if we just focus on that for a little while like tomorrow I feel like we'll just camp on that and we'll just read these out and and it is just so liberating and I could take you to a lot of sections but I feel like the Lord compelled me to to do it this way right here so okay let me just finish this and I'm gonna close in prayer I even got seven minutes left on the clock but really I've used my time let's watch this with all lowliness and gentleness with long-suffering that means patience look at this bearing with one another in love what's he mean don't let people get on your nerves and get under your skin stop letting your preferences be low we just don't realize the preferences we've acquired in life where we like certain personalities don't like certain personalities I mean we we get so vain sometimes in so shallow that we'll just look in a book and read it by the cover will judge it by the cover we like I just don't like her well I just don't like the way she's acting was yeah this thing she has attitude and all of a sudden we think we got people figured out and we're deciding we're passing them through our test that's a sign of needing to die it's not normal God never made you that way it's a way we became through Adam time to get born again cuz it's self righteous it's proud and it's making your preferences Lord it's running everyone through your thing are you with me so here's what we do we bear with one another why because we understand we're all learning and growing and molding into Christ so if I just get tricked into letting where people aren't decide where I am I'm just the same you follow me okay so I'll close with this when endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace so we'll close there that's gonna come in in in handy and be important because that's what he's talking about immediately here in this chapter so we're gonna walk worthy of the calling in lowliness gentleness with long-suffering and we're gonna bear with one another in love endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit so we're gonna keep the unity to spirit we're gonna have a life in the spirit we're gonna live by the spirit and not fulfill the lust of the flesh we're gonna walk in the life and peace of the Spirit amen there's a bond of peace in the unity of the Spirit so I'm gonna close there I'm gonna pray over you guys and yeah we'll just be done and I think I actually have another group yet today so yeah so father we just we just right now we just thank you that this is true I'm just asking you in these next couple days Lord just really really asking with all my heart that you would establish these life changes by grace in us as individuals where everyone in this room would so enjoy who they're becoming in you and so enjoy growing up into you and all things I pray there'd be no strain no struggle I pray there be no uncomfortable old feelings of shame condemnation I think of you we can talk freely in the next couple days and come out of this thing so clean and so inspired and just so ready to walk more in you thank you that it's possible thank you that you are able to do abundantly above and it's through the power working in us your grace is with us you're with us you have loved us you have not cast us off thank you for your unfailing love so I asked for this grace Lord God that individually each student would see themselves through your eyes and beam to walk in the grace of change in Jesus name Amen you bless you you
Channel: DAN MOHLER - Non Official Channel
Views: 16,834
Rating: 4.9041395 out of 5
Keywords: Dan Mohler, Power and Love
Id: bNkahLRDvfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 51sec (1611 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2019
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