✝️ Dan Mohler Power & Love North Carolina May 2018

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seems like we're doing good huh yeah awesome testimonies like I said yesterday I'm glad you're all excited some people come to me and say man that was awesome a great message and I'm thinking it's one thing about preaching good it's another thing if people want it and are becoming something because of it so that's a higher payday for me you know this one lady slipped over and she said I just want you to know my marriage wouldn't be what it is today if it wasn't for this message and then I got that again this morning and and one thing - there's so many of you guys like I'm a real people person so power loves are challenging for me like I feel stuff because there's so many of you if I'd come out there it's just it's too much and so forgive that I I can't do anything about that that's why I'd usually do smaller churches and don't even advertise my schedule so I could just hang out but uh these are a little challenging for me that way but I love you guys thanks for being here we're going to tear it up this morning and preach the gospel okay I'm convinced I'm convinced that last song we closed with is one of my favorite songs I it just makes me cry I sit back here just weeping and I'm like oh my goodness I lay on my bed and I play that thing over and over and I'll just cry because it's the heart of the gospel the gospel wants us to become something and I feel like I say the same thing sometimes over and over and I probably do but it's on purpose I'm sure it's so that we become it not that we know it but we become it amen and what you want the gospel to do is get you to a place in your life where apart from any other factor in your life anybody or anything that's going on in the moment you're shining that you understand and have a perspective of why you're alive it's that intense and I'm not gonna back it down it's that intense the gospel is amazing the gospel wants to get in you and and and overtake you in a way that you have a reason for being period and and we've been sold so cheap and short on this thing like because I'm 56 years old and and and I grew up in church till I was about 18 off and on until 20 but then I was done and heard a lot of messages went to church for a little window with my wife to try to keep her happy and sad and she took me to an Express Church where I had to blend in it was really sad you know we get in there and I'm like oh no a church like this like people are like and I'm like it's hard to hide in there you know you go stand there like this they're gonna be praying for you that's the last thing I wanted so so you know what I did it's the truth it's so sad oh my goodness so sad and I sang along and I acted like one of them pretty easy to do but your life gives you away you usually have my wife crying before we got home just because I was mad she made me and wanted me to go that's how bad it was you say I can't even imagine you that way that's because I'm born again yeah there's nothing about your life that one student needs to should stay the same the gospel changes us amen but this is what I've learned in all those years when I was around I realized this message took a shift the gospel took a shift somewhere along the line that self-centered tendency of man that thing that came through the fall of man I mean it's not wrong to believe you don't get laid off it's not wrong to have a prayer life and believe that you make the cut don't get laid off and you're praying for your company and all that but if you get laid off you don't let that change you you don't become laid off you're no less a son you're no less anointed your callings the same you shine you trust that God as quick as a door close the door will open I favor in my life it's it's not some grueling prayer thing it's an understanding you love me you sent your son to die for me and forgive me surely you're for me and not against me like you love me like I'm not sure why we get caught up in everything that's going on and tend to become a product of that and then take all that to prayer oh I can feel that we need to talk about this guys it's almost what we think Christianity is Christianity is not survival it's not beneficial it's not just the benefits of the Lord understand there's benefits and the scripture says there's benefits but I don't get saved for the benefits I get saved to become what he created me to be I get saved to become what he paid for yeah and he wants to put all that he is inside of us so that all that he has lives through us and that's Christianity Christianity isn't just plastering your refrigerator full of faith scriptures that pertain to your day working out better that's not Christianity because when I see people doing that they're always in quandary wondering why their prayers aren't working it's a self-conscious self-centered thing it's all about you it's all about you catching the green light missing the traffic getting treated better you don't have faith to catch a green light listen here's the thing that bothers me about this mentality you're supposed to prefer others like when your lights green somebody's is red and you don't seem to think about that you're actually supposed to want the red light just say it we got to be very careful with the gospel that continually serves us rather than a gospel that changes us I want to live through a tie that reveals him in the face of it all and that's so scriptural it says endure hardship is a good soldier you're a soldier you're not a Christian to avoid hardship there's there's trials come in to everybody don't say that Dan the Bible says that the storm comes to the wise and the foolish you're not praying against a storm if you're praying against the storm you reveal you're afraid of the storm so you'll have no authority when it comes you won't be able to talk like Shadrach and meshach and say what's your fire does so King because the fire matters look the wise man hears and applies and becomes what he heard and when the storm comes do you hear the wind oh god gives you a grace to apply that thing and become that but the storms coming Satan comes for the words sake he doesn't come for your sake he comes for the words sake you can't take adversity personal you'll make a big mistake it's not about you going through a hard time it's about the kingdom of God flowing through you in the face of it all if you take adversity personal you're gonna make a big mistake and it's gonna be your little saga your little soap it's gonna be your story and this is what I'm going through and keep me in prayer brother it's what you hear all the time everywhere I'm not being insensitive I'm not being uncompassionate I'm saying it's deception it's a wrong view it's not an eye that's single like like nobody should have to treat me right today for me to be okay in the light of what he's done like if my life if I'm gonna proclaim all this and single this and crowd up front do all that we do and then go out let somebody decide how I'm doing I'm Way to see that's not even believe that should be possibly true man I woke up today and he's the same he's a rock he hasn't changed and he loves me so I'm doing okay yeah chuckling we got to get to that place where even in a marriage it's not dependent on your spouse's mood you're not on eggshells in the kitchen waiting to see how they are today you make a decision you are okay and you're a peacemaker you love and you're gonna shine you're not fueling a fire you've been praying to go out your own fire in him and you're gonna walk in the light as he's in the light you're not gonna let what people don't see to find what you see because he's the light of the world I just believe we've tried to drink out of too many dry cups we're trying to get something from places that can't fulfill us we're expecting people to do us right you can't do that it's a false expectation you're set up to be failed all the time here's the paradox I'm called to live trustworthy but you're not supposed to ever put your trust in me but I'm called to live trustworthy but the day you let my life depend your life you've just made me Lord you say well I wouldn't be this way if it wasn't for or my spouse when people how much am I supposed to take brother well I got so much on my plate to begin with and now they're and they need it and they just need to love me a little bit why do I always have to anybody ever hear that language it is good I'm gonna keep coming to thanks for the encouragement I know it's good because it brings life it brings life it separates you from the lie see the other arena if you're stuck in the arena you show me one trace of life that comes out of that mentality the only thing that's dependent is that the person you're upset with they're hurt by changes that's the only thing that can work out and what you're saying is until that changes I can't be okay so your whole prayer life is driven for that to change instead of you to become more like him and you get deceived and you don't realize that I'm not talking to a room of evil people I'm not talking to hypocrites I am NOT man this is power love you guys came took the time to come here are you kidding you guys love Jesus the best you understand Jesus so I'm gonna talk planing and all are getting get understanding right cuz I don't think you're at this conference because you woke up this morning trying to find a way to miss God and get away with it I'm talking to his people I'm talking to the people he paid for and that he loves yeah I am so let me talk plane right well in other word I'm gonna what I'm saying is hear what I'm saying and then at least think about it okay yeah yeah both the house come on it's true I've just watched too many as a Christian for the years of an a Christian at the level you got to understand I was pastoring very early in man I was preaching in churches and I wasn't even a year saved I didn't ask for that I never asked the preaching to church I got asked to preach in churches people saw my life people saw my life they were calling me pastor and I wasn't even a year old they were calling me Reverend and I used to wear really nice suits I dress up nice my wife likes me dressed up I don't like to dress up she calls me or Ken das he says you look really nice but I got some nice suits man I got this little this little gold chain I had on in my little shiny shoes because I thought a pastor supposed to dress nice you know and and and I did I'm not comfortable with a suit my friends that love a suit man but uh it's not wrong to wear a suit it's not wrong to not wear a suit but if Jesus wants you to wear one and you can't you're in bondage you need to say yes to Jesus there it was a time he told me to put on a tie and wear a certain shirt and I'm like really he said really just put it on and I found out later why and I thought you were so humble you like he like wasn't trying to stumble nobody he asked me to just go with the flow and after a while they understood and it all worked out but I was at my my closet and I don't work I almost had to pray to remember how to tie one and he said I don't want to wear those clothes I said really he said no wear these and these and I thought man I don't wear those for years and my eyes fixed on a tie and I said you want me put on that tie he said I do and people told me later if I wouldn't Akane like that they wouldn't receive me we tend to think well God would say well then you got to get over your heart self and you need to just get humble and submit you know if God said you dress so you don't stumble them and once they hear what's in your heart they'll change [Applause] there was a time years into not wearing a tie or a suit and going to church and pastor and I went to church one morning and the Lord told me to put on these certain clothes this was a different situation and I said are you serious for Sunday morning he said I want you to wear it I wore it I didn't ask no questions I knew it was the Lord I heard him I knew it I was not talked out of it I put it on I get into my morning Spanish brothers era he's this guy is looks like a mannequin every Sunday like every hair in place the guy is sharp looking right and they were like brother Dan and they're messing with me wool and I'm like stop and they're like what's going on and I said honestly I don't know I guess brothers convicted me or something here lately and we're laughing and just being friends and right when I said I don't know and said that about my Spanish brother the Lord spoke to my heart he said Dan I wanted to make sure your freedom never became a bondage becomes a bondage and I listened he said I know you don't wear ties but on the day I need you to wear one and you can't your freedom has just become a bondage in other words you don't get so free that you can't do what the Lord needs you to do in the moment and he said all I was doing was testing your heart to make sure that your freedom that you realize your freedom isn't a bondage where I said well I don't do ties brother don't do ties wonder if he need you to wear one I don't know how I get on that topic but hopefully that'll help someone but but but I was I was nine months old preaching in churches I was pastoring I had a homegroup open before I was a year old in the Lord and I was pastoring by two years old and the Lord it's funny I've never I'm not against Bible School seminary Bible College these spirit schools that are all around I teach in them but I've never been to any I've never been a student in any it's kind of funny I've never been to a Bible College I've never been anywhere I've just been with Jesus and people have recognized it seen things in my life fruit and testimonies and open doors to come and pour out multiply that in the beginning it was more hey we want what you got in our lives in the sense of for all of us to be healed pray for us impartation blessing prophesy over all of us and I don't minister that way when I'm in front of a crowd like this my highest goal is to teach us who we are now that he came so that you can walk out and live productive yeah if I'm sitting beside you on a plane you're probably going to get my gifting if I'm standing here I'm probably not even thinking about my gifting I'm thinking about telling you who you are so you can live productive and walk in the light as he's in the life because I promise you were an army if we ever get this if we ever get this and really just pushed aside the distractions and the things that has stole away our disposition the gospel is good tidings of great joy it has nothing to do with the circumstances of your life nothing I could tell you so many stories Todd knows my life a little bit he said yesterday I watched this man he never changed he had me crying and I'm supposed to pray for him I couldn't even really function and cuz because it was just it was dissembling because he took me on a little path back I glimpse back he said this man been through horrendous things I mean I touch a little bit of it the reason I'm so passionate is because I'm talking out of my life not my theology I don't have to lean on Shadrach story I got plenty of my own he's Lord of the fire and he doesn't even put it out to put it out sometimes is just to honor it he's not threatened by the fire why are you yeah the goal isn't the fire going out the goal is you not changing what you believe while it's burning and not letting the fire decide who you are how else are you coming out with no smell of smoke see you look at my passion my countenance my disposition every time I preach every time I preach people that know me say that one thing you are is consistent brother you're like whenever a day they people call my house my friends you could knock on my door and friends well don't don't please but because people do that and that man that I wish you guys not you guys but you guys wouldn't do that some people just pull up and knock on my door and they think it's faith to come and knock on my door sometimes I'm not even home it's my wife she gets a little like oh my goodness who's these people I just don't I just I just yeah you're hearing me but people knock on my door and they say wow we know what we're gonna get when we talk to you on the phone there it's it's not a my back slit and am I am i compromising am I gonna give you worldly advice it's it's been Jesus or 23 years it's all I see and honestly a lot of people get get get a little bothered when they call me for counsel because I'll give you real narrow answers like I don't even give you permission to be hurt I don't even want you to go away from a counseling session thing and it's cool to be hurt you're gonna tell me what they did and be hurt and I'm not even gonna hardly listen what they did I'm gonna ask why you're so vulnerable that's how I counsel that's how I pastor and I believe it changes lives it allows no one to stay the same and it either get you mad at me in the gospel and walk away and stay the same and produce no fruit and let people be the reason for being or you'll listen and get free from yourself and others and shine it's gonna do one or the other because I'm gonna wander and I know there's tough situations and I can wrap your arm around you and cry with you first I'll give you 20 seconds 30 seconds seriously it's not a joke to where I'll seriously weep for you and wish you weren't in the situation and I'm sorry that people make the decisions they make and it grabs your heart you can cry with them and hold them for about 20 seconds but after 20 30 seconds I don't see any profit in it because I don't want to empower you to stay broke and I don't want to give you permission to not shine I don't I don't want you to let what people do have the power over who you are when what he did is so powerful like like if you're gonna let one person decide who you are and how you're doing and their name's not Jesus that's not cool to me yeah but it's my marriage no I get it it was my marriage at one point see if I stood here and ripped off the list of the things when he said horrendous things if I just ripped off the list of things and I'd get passionate and say can you see any of that when you see me you'd go no it's because you're not supposed to cuz none of that is Who I am it's just what I passed through but if I'm a Christian for my well-being if I'm a Christian for my sake if I'm a Christian for benefit and survival and to make it to the end all those things will move me we're a giveaway when people ask us how we're doing Todd Todd told me a while back the last pound lover dude he said dude I don't even ask people how they're doing cuz the answers break my heart because we got to get rid of that blindness he said I don't even ask him how they're doing and and he was explaining the way he talks to people cuz when you say how are you doing man usually people tell you the one or two biggest challenges in their life and say keep me in prayer which means were a product of what we're going through and we're only doing as good as it's going right now so all our faith is wrapped around it changing and going better which is a self serving gospel that you're a Christian to make your way smooth I've rarely had a person say I said how you do a man man I'll tell you a man life's life you know how that is but God is so good in the love that I'm receiving everyday in the way Holy Spirit's give me understanding in my everyday a circle of influence all men I'm having a blast you hardly ever get that answer you get man I'm not sure if I'm gonna have a job in another week please keep me in prayer and I don't know what's going on with my marriage right now my spouse is going crazy I can't figure her out it must be hormones dude pray for me you know there was a time in my life where everyone in my family didn't look like they cared at all about Jesus and I was so in love with him and you can't get weird with that you could try to beat them and bash them with Scripture you can just want them to want what you want you can just live to get the head nod or you could just be in him and realize they're not seeing clear right now and you can let who he is decide who you are and if he's a rock you could be planted on it yeah that season in my life lasted eight years you say eight years eight years truth doesn't no time come on if I'm on the earth to survive eight years is eternity if I'm on the earth to shine eight years is nothing cuz it's not about eight years it's about purpose are you guys are you guys ready for this this morning is this come on I want this gospel I want you to hear this gospel in a way that no matter what the factors of your life you have a right to shine in a faith to shine you have a reason for me it is not about our ducks are not in a row guys and if you're playing for your ducks to be in a row I don't think there's any such anointing the duck in a row anointing yeah you know next thing you know we'll have somebody stand up and I'll have perfect circumstances well I'll get in a line and they'll pray for impartation hoping we all get perfect circumstances that would be weird you know when Todd was sharing about Jesus saying he's overcome the world yeah he says in the in the world you have tribulation in me you have peace in the world you have tribulation be of good cheer for I have he's not talking about laying all the tribulation to rest the reason he overcame the world he brought the way and he brought an AI that we're all called to live from he overcame the world so you're in the world you're not of the world you live from a different perspective you've come out from among them and you're living separate you used to live for yourself and now you live for his glory come on be real with me if Christians really were living for his glory why are they hurt in their marriages let me stretch it somebody sleeps with somebody they shouldn't be sleeping with so they violated the Covenant broke the Covenant we have all that natural noise wrapped around that's how we brag they just broke my heart broke the Covenant folk I don't know that any of us are considering crying for them because if they're in this place and this gospel is real and jesus is coming back someday this is a scary real deceived situation somebody ought to cry for the person that's in the bed instead of just getting hurt by them because they owed me so much look love is love if God got hurt every time you stepped out a covenant if God got hurt every time you stepped out of bounds you'd never be able to approach him he'd be a basket case and nobody could counsel the Lord who in this room be honest since you've been safe be honest with me I want class participation and be bold and honest who in this room since you were saved new to do right and still didn't do it you hear what somebody said everyone but watch but we just expect the Lord because of his nature in Scripture we just expect the Lord to be okay with that and we're sure he will because he's the Lord but he made us for his image and he said as he is so are we in this world and as I do you'll do right if you believe and as the father sent me so I send you firstborn among many predestined to be conformed to the image of his son so the gospel wants to bring a mentality into your life the way a mentality into your life the life of Jesus the perspective of Jesus the love of God come on this thing's that's not hard it's very simple so the key is you say okay so how do I do that you have to want to you have to be willing and I'm not excited when I say this but I found especially in a room this size there's lots of people that really when it comes right down to it aren't willing to become loved they're holding on to their human rights that were given through Adam and they have lines that can be crossed and they won't turn the other cheek and they won't give the cloak with the tunic and they won't go an extra mile you hear how scriptural this is when it boils right down to it your life lift reveals what you're willing for your life is your faith the life you live reveals what you believe in you too because you know and by the fruits and I've learned that in small rooms this is a large room in small rooms there's a whole handful folks that don't want to become laughs they've been trained and tricked by the wisdom of the world in the way that seemeth right to a man and they grew up with the language that they stick to and live by are you with me and they say yeah but we'll say one that will how come well you don't know how I felt well you weren't in my shoes and then they have a reason for not being like him and that's automatic deception and the a no one can make up here's the paradox nobody can make up for the wrong they've done when somebody wrongs you they can't make up for it the only thing they can do is sincerely change and we're supposed to judge no man according to the flesh but give them a chance to change I'm gonna talk about enablement there's a time I had to step in in a couple situations in my life and address enablement because people were taking the grace that flowed through my life and allowing it to be a permission slip to keep living the same because they figured I'd always say oh well and after a while you have to expose that through their actions and call him on that I'm gonna talk about mushy love I'm talking about giving everybody a chance a sincere chance to change and never changing your mind about their destiny never changing your mind about what they can be and on their darkest day making sure you still see what they're created to be watch but if you're not fulfilled in Christ and you need something from that person then you're gonna have a deficit and you're hurting and you're insecure and you're wondering if they love you and why they don't care more than we realize we find ourselves this way rather than this way the most amazing healthy place you ever live is when you find yourself in Christ through Christ period and you wake up in the morning and nobody owes you a thing nobody owes you a thing why because you owe no man anything but to love and love lays down its life yeah it's it's it's it's what we're created it's why I'm so goofy most the time and giggly and then people say you can't are you always like that it's what I see it makes you that way now you don't have to get like me don't be discouraged here and say oh my goodness if I believe this I'm gonna get like him no no be the best you but the reason I get so all the time is because the freest thing is being free from yourself like the biggest the biggest bondage on the earth is self-centeredness self consciousness self it's where low esteem comes from its where insecurity comes from its where anxieties rooted it's where depression and discouragement find a home me thinking for me when I'm created for His image you being a Christian for you disaster if you're a Christian for your sake and not his namesake disaster there's no such Christian in that Bible there's no Christianity you being a Christian for you that's why I never preached heaven and versus hell to get you saved because that's so self-centered most of the time a person that doesn't even believe that'll pray it in case you're right but you talk about laying down your life and getting water baptized I love what Todd said you say so that's like getting baptized it's just getting wet are you kidding getting baptized you died you died and then we ought to teach it that way we ought to teach it that way and take them right to water hold them under pool right [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] that's what we need to do yeah and if that breath doesn't come at least they made a right choice right before the end that's a joke don't drowned anybody don't drowned anybody in baptism and say well dan said it's a joke I hold a young man under in the you know in a hot tub it was hard to baptize there wasn't much room with all the seats and the humps and the but we put him under and I couldn't get his arm under and I was afraid somebody was gonna look and get religious and say that are mean sanctify that arms gonna lead that boy off astray it's gone you either get it under the water cut it off cuz it's gonna be a problem so I looked at the pastor and I said slide him over and let's get his arm under let's get his shoulder under and I had just talked about holding you under till the bubbles stopped and and if I wait 40 seconds after the last bubble I know I got you and I'm gonna be in faith and when I raise you up life's gonna come and and I and I acted real serious when I said it never I figured everybody just knew I was joking well we had him under only about a second and a half to two seconds longer than normal which to him felt like that guy serious so we're trying to get his shoulder under so his arm slides under and we got his arm under but we feel him pushing up he's pushing up and I'm like what it must be a hump and and we got him under nice to get him up we pulled him up to go and he was like I said listen are you okay I thought man we've ruined this whole baptism experience for this guy and I said are you okay and then it hit me I said oh my goodness you thought I was serious he said I thought you were serious it really happened he said he was 17 he said I thought I'm not ready for this I don't have faith for this and I was trying to come up so it's a joke guys somebody sent me an email they said they must have saw me say a kind of serious on a message and they said is that pulpit humor when you say hold him under the buffers ah are you honestly in that much pain I'm like email them back and say pulpit humor in all caps police so they don't drown to anybody in the baptism stop so so when you get baptized guys you die so that you live in a brand-new life as if you never lived before it's amazing how tricky it can be sometimes and I would to see if we get with the wisdom of the world and and and and and it says if a man thinks he knows anything in this life he needs to assume to know nothing so he can begin to see people say people say stuff like this well God gave us emotions brother you talk about no feelings God gave us emotions stop he did not give you the emotions you grew up with Adam gave you those your emotions are hinged on a self-centered foundation that came from separation from God not life with God it was that's what Taub said about little Azariah it's it's mine you didn't teach him that it's just there nobody you didn't have to go to school and study jealousy insecurity you didn't have to you didn't have to crash the books on anger and then try to master it it was all in the nature of the fall of man we were born into Adam the emotions you grew up with please please please don't credit God for them their emotions that are flowing out of a separation from God and they all come out of a self-centered wellspring complete perversion every emotional experience you had from birth till you were born again is because of self-centeredness that's why the feelings are so rampant and the trap is you get born again and live by the same feelings and then you praise for the feelings for the situation's to line up so the feelings change and we think the feelings are the truth so we think if somebody does us wrong we have to hurt because we don't gain a perspective that nobody owes us anything and I'm on the earth to shine and we don't let the new life overtake the old way so we get tricked without realizing it into incorporating him into our life instead of him becoming our life so we got a lot of new wine in old wine skin thinking and that's why a bursts and it doesn't hold it you guys good watch don't be conformed to the be how by trying harder see you guys know the book by the what you look the word up renewing and it means thinking like you've never fought before so where do you get new thoughts from new life from a new and living way from the way whoo that awesome so you look to Jesus author and finisher of your faith who for the joy set before him despised the shame in the pain of the moment and passed through because he saw something bigger and greater we follow him we looked on to Jesus and then he taught us through that scripture how he did it so that we can do it and then in verse 3 it says consider him so we're gonna look to him consider him hmm who endured such hostility against him self meaning his personal being but he doesn't live for himself who endured such hostility against himself from sinners least you be discouraged and weary in your soul so guess what he's telling me that discouraged Christianity is unscriptural for a man to be discouraged means he's tricked into thinking for himself when he's created for God's image and God's kingdom most pastors don't seem to agree with this because of our human experiences now our brother you got to find some balance and I've been talked to a little bit over the years about some of this stuff because people said well you can't live that way he can and he's in US the Christian life is supernatural the day you think you can do it you're the one that believes grace makes it possible so when you wrap faith around truth grace makes truth your reality and he gets all the glory and you're humbled by it and love him all the more and you want to live all the more in the light yeah come on so so there's people's discouraged people to go to church every week and they come up for prayer and they're waiting to feel different or something to change to erase their discouragement instead of a new I to live from the eyes the lamp of the body not your circumstances the eyes of the lamp of the body not your spouse the eye is the lamp of the body so how you see is how you be so you can see what a man sees by how he's living that is good that's this stuff changed my life it's why I'm so passionate about it and I can tell you testimonies story after story of situations and stuff we've all been through guys you you got to get along with God and a settle in your heart get along with God my life is not my own and nobody's looking nobody's looking my life is not my own you shut the bedroom door I love that place because it's one of two things I love Christianity it's one of two things either God's not real and I'm living a fairy tale it's probably should just get a hobby or he's in the room and he's gonna meet me there and change me where I meet him it's one or the other I'm either wasting my time or being transformed I'm gonna take my risk and go in that room because the things I've been doing haven't brought change right and just blame in my life on everybody else come on we have to know deep in our heart that's a zero well brother I'd be in a better place if it wasn't for this this and this well this listen this isn't Lord why is it governing your life see you give yourself away you're a Christian for better circumstances that has to change guys we got to put that away I'm not sayin that mean I'm not being controlling I'm just saying that has to change we've got to see that for what it is and and stop allowing that to be legit to us because if what I'm believing doesn't produce life it can't be the truth right yeah so you get alone with God nobody looking man nobody's looking you just get alone with God and father I just thank you my life is not my own I'm not on the earth to receive things from anyone nobody owes me a thing I've prayed this stuff so much in my life I don't even think it anymore it's just become the way that I live like I don't even pray this stuff anymore I really don't everyone so now I affirm it when I'm driving the truck or something I'll be like father thank you for loving me of my father and now just reaffirm some of the but but but I've been I've been molded in a place of prayer and submitting to God believing the things I teach everywhere I travel to where grace comes in the room and makes that desire a reality to where I'm not trying to not hurt when people do wrong things my heart automatically begins to hurt for them because I perceive they don't know who they are or they wouldn't be living that way and compassion is my immediate response and all of a sudden I'm not even tempted to get offended people say well you can't live that way well then the Bible's not true or are you gonna Lord your personal experience and everybody else's over the Word of God if God magnified his word above his name we should probably magnify his word above our own lives and we ought to trusted His grace is greater than our flesh ability we get tricked without realizing it into following ourselves all the time as we say we're following him but if I can't see it in his life well then I don't want it in mine and I don't want one yell but to legitimately erase that truth from my belief system are you with me so I get alone in that place nobody owes me a thing God what an honor today that life is a gift man used to complain and not understand but boy are you giving me understanding life is a gift this is a short little window man we're gonna run well so as many seeds as we can there is a harvest coming to the earth thank you for saving my life you take the time and talk like that to God before you go to work you'll be different on your job I've seen I haven't always been in full-time ministry as far as a pastor I've been in a warehouse work and I left pastoring after two years of pastoring and went back into a warehouse just to get into the darkness the board looked at me cockeyed and I just said I just something I feel unsettled I'm struggling with some things in ministry and they're looking at each other like what's wrong with Dan it was just everything around me was Christian and you're like isn't that awesome no the people back slidden said a man it was just everything was Christian all the language all the conversation and I was like God and and I I was struggling a little bit I needed Jesus to father me but the answer that I had and he didn't tell me no was to just go back into a warehouse so I found a very dark place where it didn't seem like Jesus was and got hired there and it was so fun like like I went in there worked where everybody was F in this F than that and you know how we come home and see I am so tired of working there I need a Christian job I hear f-bombs all day long and I'm so wore out by the end of the day I don't know why God lets me endure this I wish I had a job it's probably why you haven't gotten a new job he wants you to stay there til you get a revelation and learn how to never complain because when you complain it's a dead giveaway it's about you I can show you several scriptures that complaining is totally unchristian like never complain absolute destroyed by the destroyer devoured by the devourer complaining is a dead giveaway that things don't suit you and the devil who's roaming around like a roaring lion seeking whom a devourer here's a little complaining over here and goes easy target BAM and then in self-centeredness you say God why are you letting all this happened to me he's not doing a thing he sent his son gave you his word told you to study and show yourself approved and you're being destroyed for what you don't know and he's sitting there watching and you're just totally positioned for destruction and then you get driven into despair and now you just need to livered are you guys okay are you still like yay God okay yay gah you know why I'm excited about a message like this because we have answers we have answers because if it's just about our circumstances changing then we're limited to how that works but I'm not even talking about that man look how I want our spouses and and each other to be one and have great marriages I'm not saying I don't but even if a spouse doesn't change why do you have to that's what I'm saying and I don't know if people are bold to preach that because we've lived with so many feelings that we make that matter or then what matters most but this is where I find freedom this is where I find boldness this is where I find true peace man if I'm hurt by you because you did some wrong vs. loving you because you don't know who you are this is a much freer place this is a not a good place because the thing is when I come out of my house and go into my day I'm not carrying this disposition of being broken trusted now I won't have my walls up and now I'm afraid to get close to people it's all about touching people now letting your heart get hard through life man Jesus should have had a hard heart if he was anything like we've been trained everything he did good they tried to figure out what was wrong with it they listened to him for what they disagreed with he'd heal a whole city and they'd come up with a reason why I wasn't God the first day he preached he took the scroll and opened it to Isaiah and he said the Spirit of the Lord is upon me could you imagine that day he just came out of the wilderness tempted by the devil 40 days with God fasting defeated the devil through the word and selfless living and did you imagine when he opened that scroll and made that declaration for the Spirit of the Lord is upon me it was it since all eyes were fixed on him the people are like this man ain't talking like one of these Pharisees and scribes this this boy's carrying something it says they were like whoa where did this Authority all eyes were fixed on him and he's preaching and all of a sudden they get to look into each other going hey is he talking about us yeah I think yeah kill him and the very next verse is they're trying to push him off a cliff how encouraged would you be you go to your spirit school your supernatural training course and you're nine months you get your ordination now you got this ministry position and now you're going up preach in front of folks and you're praying and studying and right before you go out there you just and you preach with all your heart and somebody or some people try to kill you I bet you're gonna go in the back and say man I know I planted see today brother hallelujah can't wait for the next day to get in the saddle and ride this was awesome know you would probably handle it differently if you weren't careful how do I realign what I said man I didn't mean to offend anybody maybe I came across too strong next thing you know your debriefing now you're insecure now you're pleasing man yeah if you if you ever stand in front of people and preach please don't be an ear tickler but at the same time make sure you have love in your heart for the people because you're not just correcting people you're not fault finding when I stand up here I'm not trying to set you straight my goal is to tell you who you are now that he came hoping that somebody would believe it and let the glory of God grow and mature in them and they walk out of these doors and shine and not let anything move them because he has moved them yeah and not let anything change them because he's unchangeable look time has not changed the Lord neither has generations of people generations of sin animosity atrocity men have never had the ability to change who God is that's why God has the ability to change you men are he's the Lord so being a Christian is a lot more than being saved from your sins and going to heaven it's everything that he is coming into you so that everything you are is an expression of him you with me come on so you stay encouraged keep your eyes on Jesus you follow him you consider him because he authored and he finishes your faith you get it okay when I got saved the Lord came to me and spoke to me I didn't know it was him I just thought it was my mind it was very subtle at the beginning and just sounded like a thought whoever had a thought from the Lord and you thought maybe it was just your own thought you tested it and found out it was the Lord especially with the word of knowledge somebody's body and it's just a little just a little thought just like you think and you thought is that the Lord or is that me just and then the trouble is with that sometimes when you question then you don't pursue well the worst you can be is wrong it's not it's not a problem being wrong I'd rather I'd rather say something then and be wrong then say nothing and had been right are you with me it's like praying for the sick the number one reason the body of Christ individuals don't step out more and pray for the sick the number one reason I've learned is the number one reason is they're afraid nothing will happen it's not they're afraid how the people will respond to them that could be part of it but the number one reason they're afraid nothing will happen when they pray so that one thought that one fear keeps them from stepping out so they always have what they're afraid of nothing because they don't step out but were the body of Christ right so we have to be the ones to express him so it's time to just step out the worst that can happen in the moment is nothing but if love never fails why fail to love don't be afraid of the pain not going away be more in a reverent fearful way of not stepping out because if I don't so nothing grows and the kingdom of God if a man scatters seed are you with me so you say but brother I don't understand that like if their pain doesn't go I don't want to misrepresent the gospel you don't when you're walking in love people see you care and you're genuine your your-your-your not threatened by their pain not going away you're threatened by not stepping out because you're making contact and you say excuse me ma'am are you on your way back from lunch work yeah yeah I don't have much time why what's up do I know you no listen and you I see you're really laboring what's going on in the left side is that a hip and knee oh and she tells you did you just pray for he asked to pray for the worst she can do is probably tell well the worst you could do is pull out a 9 millimeter in wacky ax but you will have a problem because you're not gonna die so that's the worst they could do that is the worst they could probably do boom done well hey at least you stepped out man you'll have that on your resume you stand before the king at ride lor come on in man I see your legacy forever man first time I stepped out by I'm Chuck one right in the chest well done my good and faithful servant I wish we would get over the fear of death read your Bible Hebrews 2 the believer through Jesus has found an end to the fear of the bondage of death who all their lifetime they've been held captive by fear of death is big time on people because we're sentimental understand families are important but we're family driven sentiments family driven in the sense of so we get God to just protect what's dear to us unless you love less your mother your father your spouse your children your houses your land and yes your own life you'll by no means ever fulfill why you're here Scripture that's not me that's Bible that's Jesus and he's awesome unless you love less and he shares the most intimate list in all of our lives and says if you let one of those things matter more than what matters most you'll never be a wholehearted follower and discipline learner go make disciples be real most people become Christians for the well-being of that list and God forbid if anything happened to anything on that list we're in trouble and drawback quandary upset hurt mad at God yeah it is true a pastor for a little while it's true there's people that are carrying loss in their hearts and not handling it through strong truth listen let's just get real loss is loss it's real and we're not so spiritual we talk around at physical loss is real but the only way to defeat physical loss is to live with a higher hope because you're living for that day and you over power physical loss with thankfulness intimacy with God and continuing to walk in purpose because on the day that loss quenches your light then loss and that thing that you lost was Lord are you okay me talking that Frank complain I don't know if you know this I lost my mother to sickness and while she was sick laying in a bed and couldn't walk and had tubes feeding her and tubes go in the bathroom for her and of course we're praying for her it was one of the biggest challenges in my life sometimes I felt religious sometimes I went seasons and didn't even pray because it felt so it was just my mother and then I'd see other people's mothers get healed at an order I saw the same disease get healed twice in one service jumped in my truck and ran to my mother didn't let nobody touch me I just took off for my mom I thought I'm walking in it now we finally got a breakthrough you know II think I could win there lay hands on her nothing see the analytical mind the thinker says we'll see that's because God and God does it and then you write scripture through that instead of through Jesus's life see just put away your pen stop writing scripts or scriptures finished the books written so put away your pen I find truth through Jesus's life not the passing of my mother I'm growing up into him in all things I know how I struggled in that situation as a son her passing doesn't change Scripture and her passing should never change me and what I have with God because I don't covet my mother over my relationship with God if it wasn't for God I wouldn't be here or have a mother he's first hello well I'm mad at God cuz he let my mother die he did not let my mother die I need to grow up into him in all things we need to learn a lot and grow and keep teaching and stay encouraged but if we don't lock into what we believe in quit shifting it and changing it every time life unfolds we'll never come to the knowledge of the truth we got to lock into what we believe and go after it till it becomes our expression yeah so can you tell I lost my mother to sickness you're not supposed to because that doesn't have any influence on the day when I wake up is the physical loss of real two weeks after she passed I'm driving down the road I looked at my clock and my watching my clock in the truck of my watch and I said oh my goodness I have time to see mom click I can squeeze in a visit and I turned on her Road and it hit me she wasn't there so what do you do go in depression and start crying no I thank God for her life everything I gleaned from her and that she was safe with him in his arms in his presence forever and ever and ever and ever that he triumphs over death that he triumphed over sickness and even though I believe in physical healing right now man was she doing good on that day yeah even though we didn't see her healed I understood there's something bigger than now and I'm not living for this day alone I'm living for that day so living for that day determines how I live this day are you with me so I just came to talk plain and straight to you today discouragement flat-out exposing deception if you're walking in discouragement check yourself and say whoa duh what am i doing man I'm tricked thinking for myself I've let circumstances overwhelming I'm trying to get God to change things so I'm okay that's a deception because something else will just come in the way down the road I gotta fix the real problem yeah you got to fix the real problem I use the boss in the work all the time because it's a common one people don't like their jobs though it's not about liking your job it's about loving Jesus when you love Jesus you have a different view on your job the job I went to when I left pastoring that dark warehouse it wasn't a fun job it was very physical I I didn't mind doing it I had 15 years of experience doing it was actually good at it I had had the knowledge of what I was doing so I didn't have to expend as much energy and get her done but I went in there to shine I just was in there loving people it was the coolest thing I'd be getting a move from a forklift who's treating you mean and they act too busy to help you but they're there to help you that's why they're hired and you go and ask for a move and three other guys ask them for moves and you're the fourth one in the last four minutes that walked up to them and they're ticked off because they're getting bombarded and they got so much expected of them and they treat you rough you can't take that person you got understand put yourself in his shoes for a second you can't be so touchy like if you're touchy you're gonna get touched and then and then you stand up and my Mike's on his forklift and then I'll just never forget it it's the most beautiful thing I go to give him a move and he says now what do you want everybody needs needs needs needs what do you want well you're gonna have to be patient because and he had no reason to talk to me like that I'm kind to everybody I'm not a hard head I'm not bickering back and forth I'm just a nice guy in there man that's all they know and some of them are a little wigged out by me mocking me a little bit and I said no Mike that's fine I said I uh I said I'm not in a rush I said whenever you can get to it I appreciate it man and I went to turn away and it was like that said hey Mike he said what now I you know I shared something really personal intimate about his life something he was struggling with and something he was believing in his family and I watched a grown man who was being mean a second ago cry like a baby on his forklift and you want to take him personal and take offense you don't even realize the tension he's walking in and the darkness he's living in and the lack of understanding he has and you want to take his snappy attitude and personalize that and let it take a piece of you away not today friend tomorrow's not a good day for that either you slide right in on that forklift and you grab him and you take a faith risk and you just hold him and believe he's gonna let you hug him and you just hold him and he cries on you like a baby like a brother I got a supervisor in that place I got a supervisor in that place he's coming by me guys are asking me questions and I'm sharing the gospel with him at breaking stuff and the head guy the guy he should be more professional that's what you could think analytically well you get mad at him because you got the court said again well he should be more professional he's trained he's in that position he shouldn't be upstaged me like that I don't like him he walked by he had Oh air about him when he walked and he he'd come by the group and he'd say hallelujah brothers and he was being sarcastic amen and he he'd he'd always do it to me in front of the whole crowd and he's the head a thority so what do you do get mad and hate him and look for a new job question why God how God can love you and let him treat you that way and make a fool out of you in front of everybody no that's probably not what you pray you hurt for him because you realize he's hurting and he needs to look like somebody and feel like somebody in the front of people he's taken authority into a wrong way he's got issues he's got problems and he needs Jesus and Jesus lives in me so now is not the time to be a frustrated employee probably time to be like Jesus I was working in the aisle coming up the aisle working he's coming down the aisle and he just had an air about him he always did and he comes strolling by me and he says I think he called me brother hey brother Dan how are you today I said I'm fine man how are you doing he said I'm great and he just kept walking and right when he walked by and me Holy Spirit said he just scammed you he's not great he's in the deepest depression of his life he's quitting his job moving back to New York he's been suicidal hasn't slept for months it just came just like I said hey it's a good idea when you hear the Lord just say exactly what he said don't add to it don't don't just say exactly what he said I turned and I said hey Chris he's he's already from here to the wall I said hey Chris he said yeah Dan I said you scammed me he said excuse me I said you're not doing great and I said it was like a movie it was so fun I just started walking towards he you're not doing great it was fun you know if you don't understand what I've been preaching you're just offended to him and you'll never hear that word in fact you're bothered that he asked you how you're doing cuz you know he's being sarcastic and there's no way you're hearing that word of knowledge because you won't steward it from love you can desire spiritual gifts all you want but the excellent way is love and every gift flows through who he is not just what he does and I promise you Jesus has so much compassion for that man because forgive him Father he doesn't have a clue what he's doing and you can judge him for it and you can try to figure him out all you want but the truth is if he really saw he'd be different and you're the light of the world so why not turn the little light onto his darkness so I laid it out for him exactly like I heard it and he said it was comical he said he's trembling he said does it show and I said no actually in the church there's a word called hypocrisy you're an amazing hypocrite I said it doesn't show at all your play-acting that word means play-acting you're doing a great job covering it he said then how could you possibly and before he got the word no out it hit him the way I knew and the fear of the Lord came on because he realized the way I knew was the one he was being sarcastic toward it was the most humbling moment of his life I'm on the earth too so that kind of thing into men's lives not be offended by where they're not and have this shoes and go home and told my wife how he's acting and then you're both praying for him to change and then you go to homegroup and that's your prayer requests or your honey means well because she loves you could you just keep Johnny in prayer because he's having trouble his work in this boss we really need God to do something with his boss can you put that on the list all okay zero religious that yeah I said it cameras are running zero that's why those situations never change because we're praying from the wrong places we're praying because we're hurt by them not hurting for them we're praying because we're frustrated if they don't change we don't know how long we can bear it half hour went by I hear his voice down the cross aisle I said hey yeah he's still shaken half-hour he said I'm so overwhelmed I can't stay here I have to go home will you please come to my apartment and talk to me when your shift is over I said I said I'll be glad to how do I find your place so he told me where he lived and I saw I know exactly where you're at yep I said I'll see you at the end of my shift I called my wife and let her know she was all thrilled she wasn't like what you're not coming home whoo well you've been working all day and I've been here at the house and now you're not coming on she didn't did she said it oh my goodness that's amazing honey go give him Jesus people are very nice to my wife they send her cards they give me things to give to her and gifts and stuff and they always write these amazing notes thanking her for letting me you know just go do all the stuff I do and it wasn't that long ago as frie a year less than a year ago she said honey why do people just constantly say thank you for letting your husband I mean there's always like it's I'm not really doing anything like I'm just and I said well they're thanking you for not being upset or not Karen that I travel every weekend and just understanding the call of God that's all my life and dad had editor and she said well who would I be how selfish would that be if I'd have an attitude cuz you're going and preaching Jesus and giving truth to masses a multitude she said that would be so terrible and I said we'll see you think nothing of that but that's what they're thanking you for being that way and she went oh so so I went to his apartment tap-tap-tap he let me in he's sitting on the couch he still shook up because the fear of the Lord is on you you understand that the fear of the Lord is on him so I sat on his couch I'm real gentle with him I mean I didn't sneak in on him you know fire and real gentle because I could see where he was at you discern you know fire one like that well it kind of was at the end but I said on the couch and I just said listen man he's like I'm so freaked out what happened today that's that had to be God I said oh it was I shared the gospel with him and why God sent his son and what he's created to be and how life's been been been deceived and robbed and him the wrong things he thinks and feels and but you know what was so powerful that the man he persecuted the only man he was mocking in his life at work was the man sitting there giving him live and thank goodness and thank the Lord that that man that was giving him life wasn't just offended by where he wasn't you see so you don't pray for a new job you become Jesus on your job so he's crying he said I never understood these things I never heard anything so beautiful and I said it's good news man he said how can I know him like I see you know him I said it's pretty simple so I let him in prayer and he prayed with all his heart I laid hands on his forehead and I asked Holy Spirit to come and it was pretty comical cuz this guy had been stressed out he hadn't slept for months he gets knocked out on the couch he's just and he's not Pentecostal charismatic he don't have no church training he's not he's not helping me you know he's just I'm sorry he's out cold I mean like but I looked I could see he was out cold and I thought man the last thing I need to be is here he's with Jesus so you got to know when to sneak out and as much as I talk do you know when to stop right so I took off that was Saturday night Sunday morning they made an agreement when I got hired they would never schedule me on Sunday cuz I was still doing some pastor stuff you know the human resource lady was praying and praying and praying that Jesus would come to the warehouse and when I got hired and she met me she cried and cried and cried in her office watch what she said and it didn't bother me a bit in my former years early years like when I was a kid going to church I would have thought what she said was blasphemous but man it didn't bother him that she kept saying you are the answer to my prayer God has answered my prayer and I said what were you praying she said I was praying that Jesus would come and he has and I was like you see her ID so many testimonies the guy that interviewed me bill interviewed me precious black man shiny bald head man I mean it was did look like he polished that baby it was a cue ball head I mean it was good he got saved because then there was look like the glory of God on him he he's doing the interview and I'm answering questions and and and and I'm two three four years saved he's answer asking me questions we get down to the last two questions and he says Dan I need you to do me a favor on these last two questions I need you to just answer him apart from your faith and please stop trying to preach to me through your answers I was so confounded because that wasn't even in my heart you know how people think and it's not even what you're thinking you're thrown by it a little bit I'm like preaching to him through my answer I said no buddy listen I'm not trying to preach you throw answers you're kidding me Jesus is my life he's become my life so when you asked me those questions how can I answer without him in my answer if he's my life he changed everything for me all come on you can't tell me that you're not trying to let your faith be known so that I hear your faith and you can get me and I said actually that's not even in my thinking and right then the Spirit of the Lord was like I just reached over he's interviewing me I reached over I shut the folder I said no in fact bill you know what I did I shut the folder I said I'm done with this interview and I stood up and I said you know what I see that three years ago this and you said this and your family's paying a price for it and you're falling apart and it's time to come home because you've known the Lord and he's gone and I can't get to him the way the tables set up I can't get to him so I'm like thinking how do I get to him because now you're like a dog off the leash you're you this thing's on you you got the word you're your that's how you feel you ruined I'm coming he says no no no you can't pray for me I said oh I gotta pray for you and I was and his glass everywhere he said you're gonna get me in trouble you're gonna get me fired you're not supposed to be praying for me I said it's time to pray it's time to come home bill it's time to come home he's like no no no and I don't know how it happened but I kind of like I was up on the halfway on the table and I went I looked around and I thought a little bit Frawley what happened and I I backed up in the least clipped and I couldn't get to him anymore so I was just you know these things are true and he said and it happened just like that it was three years ago I said man this is God friend time to come home and you're so fired up when that stuff happens you're like you go out of the room joy you know and you get in the car and you're like Rocking Jesus you're so awesome and you start driving home and you realize that was my interview I wanted to get hired bummer serious I just walked out I was all ramped up and I just got in my truck and went oh well somebody else will hire me I Drive home I Drive home my phone has a message on which is not unusual like I checked the phone it's him he said Dan this is Bill I know we ended abruptly but I've decided to hire you I have you set up for ian's tation set up for physical here's the details call this number that's when I met the HR lady that cried I'm working there two months two months haven't even seen bill he's in another cubicles office and they just built new cubicles he's not on the floor he's HR he does all the hiring in this place is turning people over and they're hiring all the time they're always in that process so I've never seen him since I'm out on the floor work in two months two months I'm out four I hear the intercom called me to room three something and that's rare they call you off the floor you're working it's incentive the clocks roll and you're on a team it's just a different atmosphere smart company getting a lot out of the people I go over to my boss I said did he just did somebody call me it was a man's voice to room threesome he said yeah he said I have no idea why they're calling you off the floor now they know you're on the clock he said just try to hurry man I said well you know I'll hurry I'll get back here I'll make up for it okay I took off I get to the door that I'm supposed to go to and it's it's open but it's not open its just not latched it was cracked so I held the knob and tapped and heard nothing nothing so real slow I started to peek it open there's bill standing at his desk trembling sweat pouring off his head trembling like he's having a breakdown and I looked in my heart I went whoa cuz he looked he looked like he's having a breakdown and I said bill are you okay he said I need to come home help me come on and I said okay and I said Lord Jesus if he's touched anything unclean if he stepped out-of-bounds washing in your blood and the laid hands his forehead and bill is gone he's he's gone I gots my room watch the love that's in people's hearts I ran over to the other human resource lady that cried when I got hired I opened the door and I said hey girl she said hey I said check on Bill in a while give him some time I said he just came home [Applause] that sure beats just getting frustrated with the people you work with thinking works a grindstone the only reason people think life is a grind is because they're living it outside of why they're here why would God give you a full tank of gas to drive down roads you weren't called the travel no wonder people run on empty Oh Jeremiah are you here buddy come on help me listen they're gonna come up sing a song for us the only way your life becomes what I'm preaching is you get alone with Jesus now listen carefully if I must say that controlling I just need your attention this is probably the most important part of the whole session if you have anything that's telling you why you can't be with him I'm promising you that's a lie he has made it possible to be with you here regardless of where you've been what you've done and how messed up it's been he's waiting for you in his presence so what we need to do is go be with him when I got saved this voice came to me and it said this to me on the night I got saved it said you don't even know if God is really real in that amazing he didn't say when's the last time you've been to church when's the last time you read your Bible hey haven't heard you pray for a while he said you don't even know if God is real the second time it came oh my goodness is awareness of my wretched heart self-centeredness hypocrisy the pride the vanity the zero that my life was just flooded me and I cried so hard and kept saying my life is pitiful my life is so pitiful my life is a zero and everything I saw about my heart I confessed it I didn't know what's happening but man God just had me and then I looked up at the ceiling I kept saying I don't even know if you're real and I had enough church background to know that's not a good place to be I looked up and I said if you're real and if you love me I have a plan for my life I can forgive me of all these things I have a plan for my life oh I like this I said I'll live for you he came over me and made himself known to me I didn't prepare to go to heaven I wanted to get rid of the life that I saw inside of me I wanted whatever he wanted for me I didn't pray a prayer to go to heaven I gave him my life and he picked me up right at that place and began to teach me what love looked like and began to teach me how to become loved and it was only guys by spending time with him and making this great exchange putting off putting on the just live by so faith puts me there grace meets me there and makes me what my heart is crying out for he's going to sing for the one I want you to take 5-10 minutes be intimate with God take this message to your heart and say you know what Lord just have it alone just be personal you go wherever you need to be stay right where you're at but please meet with him for the next few minutes and even if your life has felt super far away don't live by that feeling don't say well I'm trying to get back brother no just be back be back welcome home welcome home just do this just if you feel like you've been way out there just say duh what was I thinking god I don't need to slop with the Hogs to come to myself I don't need to sink lower you have nothing but a warm greeting for me a signet ring a robe and a fatted calf you have loved me the whole time and I have straight from your love so good to be home you know just click your heels three times and say there's no place like home but be simple be simple and meet with him as Jeremiah sings this song and understand that as he sings this song this is this song is why we're alive because if they don't see him in us they won't want what we say and we are not trying to get people to theological II agree with us God wants to win their hearts and lives amen so don't applaud don't clap I know my sermon was amazing don't know if just kidding just meet him and let this song be your faith and your heart desire and watch the grace that comes on our lives if we stay in this place all the time love you very much [Music]
Channel: DAN MOHLER - Non Official Channel
Views: 32,450
Rating: 4.8000002 out of 5
Keywords: Dan Mohler, Todd White, Grace, Grace Of God, Salvation, Born Again, God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Counsel, Counselling, Past, Living in the past, Deny yourself, God’s Image, Image of God, Image of Christ, Becoming love, Pure Heart, Keep your heart pure, Light, God’s light, Your light has come, Let your light shine, loved by God, Communion, Guilt Condemnation and Shame, Power and Love
Id: ad6Vdb4l31s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 38sec (5138 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 10 2018
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