The Contradictions of Battery Operated Vehicles | Graham Conway | TEDxSanAntonio

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TLDW; The argument he makes is that we're decades away from being able to call EVs zero emissions. The upfront manufacturing and source of electricity makes it so that the pollution is just made somewhere else. There is a pathway to make them less pollutant, but branding them as "emissions free" is disingenuous.

On a personal note, I don't think taxpayer money should be used to subsidize EVs. In California, you can get tax breaks or rebates for buying an EV. That is incredibly dumb IMO. Why not use those funds to increase the lowest emissions transportation out there? Walking.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/dippindab πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 12 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

While still a decent talk, it's definitely still very car-centric. It's been a while since I've heard of hybrid cars as a good solution. Yeah, there are a billion cars out there, but the speaker didn't address why we even have that many cars and long term solutions to reducing that number.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jcrespo21 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 12 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

I was worried this was going to be about PEVs/micro-mobility (ebikes/escooters). Glad its about cars.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/the-axis πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 12 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

What a load of bullshit . This guys is spreading misinformation and outright lies\_pozc

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Nourjan πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 09 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies
climate change is a hoax and the electric vehicle is an abomination someone once told me that to capture an audience's attention you need to offend them and what better way to offend people than to denounce climate change because if there's one thing the world may unanimously agree upon is that we don't like it to be here in the future so now that I have your attention let me revisit those opening comments I do actually believe in climate change but I do have a problem with the way we define electric vehicles so this talk will still offend some people I can almost see the YouTube comments on this video now it isn't pretty but this talk is not about demonizing the electric vehicle unfairly I absolutely believe they are the future of personal transportation they do a fantastic job at moving pollution our identity populated cities they're fun to drive and you can get free parking too sometimes and I know this because I owned an electric vehicle for three years and it was a great car they will absolutely be a place for the electric vehicle in our future but not today let me start with a question there are 1 billion passenger cars on the world's rows today if I gave you a button which would turn them all into electric vehicles would you push it the problem of climate change is a global one it is believed to be caused by increasing co2 concentrations in our atmosphere if you put a box around the earth and measure the gas is trapped inside that box you would indeed find co2 and that co2 levels are rising what is causing co2 levels to rise well one source is the cars and trucks that we drive emit co2 from the tailpipe and the way the industry currently measures this co2 is like putting a special box around the vehicle and measuring what's inside the box society's solution to the problem is the electric vehicle because if you put a box around the electric vehicle and try and measure co2 you won't find any so based on this way of measuring co2 we've decided to call these zero emissions or we call these dirty but let me show you why this is wrong consider that instead of changing all vehicles into electric vehicles we instead change them into horses now a horse breathes it in air and it breathes out co2 so if you put a box around the horse you would measure co2 if you rode that horse the same distance as you drove the car you would find something quite shocking the horse emits as much co2 as a Corvette so you can see based on this way of measuring co2 our only possible conclusion is that if we changed all cars into horses we will be emitting as much co2 as 1 billion Corvettes and that doesn't sound very good for the environment does it but as you sit there I'm sure something deep inside of you is saying that doesn't sound right and you'd be correct of course if we changed all cars into horses our climate would be better and here's why it would be better you see even though the horse breathes out co2 into the atmosphere that co2 is then absorbed by plants and converted back into oxygen which the horse breathes in again and so you see the co2 is in a cycle and because it is in a cycle it doesn't increase in contrast the car is different because with the car we dig all out of the ground we burn it and we produce co2 and it isn't in a cycle so it is increasing so you were right to be skeptical but based on how we currently measure co2 you could not possibly have come to this conclusion without doing this type of analysis let's go back to the electric vehicle remember the way we quantify co2 is to measure it from the tailpipe but the electric car doesn't burn fuel but it does use electricity so we have to look at where that comes from a large proportion of our electricity comes from coal now we dig coal out of the ground in large quantities we then burn it in power stations which produces co2 you can see there is no arrow along the top of this diagram that co2 is not in a cycle and it is increasing but you couldn't possibly know this by only measuring the vehicle's tailpipe what we need to do is expand our imaginary box to include everything and coal isn't the only way we generate electricity we also burn natural gas and we burn oil these to produce co2 now you might be sitting there and saying hang on a minute I charge my electric vehicle from solar panels on my roof so that's ok right well for you maybe and many developed nations are moving away from coal and natural gas to renewable energy sources the co2 is a global problem so let's have a look at things on a global scale how much of the world's electricity is produced by burning fuel which creates co2 it's about two-thirds so you can see when you plug your electric vehicle in you are probably producing co2 it just isn't being measured you see the automotive industry has cleverly found a way to move the problem not solve the problem but is the electric vehicle really worse well to understand if it's worse we need to look at how much emissions are produced during the life of the vehicle the average age of a vehicle before it gets scrapped is around 180 thousand miles you can see the conventional vehicle produces about 30 tons of co2 over its lifetime how is the electric vehicle look pretty good right because some of that electricity comes from renewable sources and because the electric motor is far more efficient than the internal combustion engine it produces less co2 but there is a problem with this graph this graph says that at zero miles zero co2 has been produced and you think about that for a second it means the two cars have magically appeared in the showroom out of thin air in reality a huge amount of co2 is produced just making a vehicle because you have to dig raw materials out of the ground transport them to factories where they can be formed into car parts before finally being assembled into vehicles each step requires energy and so we create co2 so you can see the conventional vehicle comes to the showroom having generated about six tons of co2 and now this is the critical part making a battery isn't easy the materials required are harder to find and mating in battery cell requires a huge amount of energy so the battery vehicle comes to the showroom having generated about 12 tons of co2 and you can see you'd have to drive it around 80 or 90 thousand miles before you offset that co2 penalty but it is better in the end so the electric vehicle still looks good here as well right well this is row gets interesting you see the conventional vehicle has a 400 mile range well the electric vehicle in this example has a 125 mile range now 125 miles might be enough for some of you but most of us want more we'd like to be able to drive great distances across the states or if you're here in Texas you might just want to get to the next city so really we need to be comparing a 400 mile range electric vehicle and as you may have guessed a longer range requires a larger battery which means a larger co2 penalty and now you start to see the problem over its expected lifetime it has emitted more co2 than the conventional vehicle it has contributed more to climate change in the conventional vehicle and that is the crux of the problem it has produced more co2 but we've measured none and so society is happy to continue to call these zero emissions but that is dangerous and unproductive but there is something we can do today using technology we have today which will make a difference today and that is to look at hybrids hybrids are far more efficient than conventional vehicles because at low speeds where the engine is inefficient the electric motor compensates and says don't worry engine I've got this you stay turned off until we need you and critically a hybrid has a small battery so the initial co2 penalty is similar to the conventional vehicle while the end of life emissions are far lower in fact to offset the co2 from the electric vehicle you would need to drive it around 450,000 miles before you offset that co2 but again I don't want to demonize the electric vehicle I just don't think we should adopt them today based on the way we generate our electricity in the way we make our batteries but how can we help the electric vehicle meet its potential well we need to invest in making our electricity generation from renewable sources around the world so that when we plug our electric cars in we know there is no co2 being generated we can do this by building solar and wind farms if we did that then you can see the difference we can make to the emissions created during the life of the vehicle we can go further to we can invest in new battery technologies battery production techniques to help offset that initial co2 penalty and you so you can see the potential of the electric vehicle you can see what it could look like in the future it's just as a society we are trillions of dollars and decades away from achieving this but we will get there one day but what we don't want to do today is mislead people into buying electric vehicles by falsely calling them zero emissions what we need to do instead is because we continue to invest in the internal combustion engine it hasn't met its maximum potential yet and we can look into renewable fuels this is where we combine water with the waste co2 to create fuels for our vehicles now there's a good reason we don't do this today it requires a huge amount of energy to do this but if all that energy comes from renewable sources then it isn't a problem for the climate so you see we've created a new co2 cycle and you can see how fantastic that looks for the hybrid vehicle over the lifetime emissions even without renewable fuels we should still consider buying hybrids today if we want to impact climate change now in the future there will be conventional vehicles hybrid vehicles and electric vehicles where they make sense the future is not just electric the future is eclectic so let me leave you with this if I gave you that button based on what you now know would you push it thank you [Applause]
Channel: TEDx Talks
Views: 3,409,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TEDxTalks, English, Global Issues, Electricity, Sustainability, Technology, Transportation
Id: S1E8SQde5rk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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