Zooming with the Homies

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foreign [Music] [Music] 79 West Coast 10 to 12 only East girl you better tune into it and boy I try to tell you that the new Big movement sit down and catching Vibe because he fought foolish food that's what you can Bank on to the bank gonna cut the more mop in the rewatch game strong you are not tuned in the humming with the zombies [Music] told me [Music] yo what up welcome back to another episode of someone with the homies I'm your hosting here more we got a fantastic show for you rock castle live from the beautiful city of Nashville Tennessee let me tell you something I was here in Nashville last year but I didn't stay in this area I'm in the downtown area right now Nashville is attractive I would holla at Nashville I'll get the number on the low I ain't saying I'm gonna make a serious number when I pop in the city you know I'm saying I hit it up a couple days in the past too I'll give you I gave you elite four days in the fast so you can get your fans in order you know what I'm saying whatever satellite you got going on let the [ __ ] know you ain't gonna be available for a couple days Nashville is attractive they just opened uh another one hotel here a new Harriet's is here and it's a pack was here a couple nights ago DJ just found out he's on a tour doing vinyl he's he's just DJing and he's only DJing with vinyl this is dope little city very excited about it um shout out to everybody that is here shout out to the more mob shout out to the to the scary squash shots of rewatch game shout out to the mods that are here uh I saw a couple of y'all in the comments already uh Kim Young is here Angels here Azalea's here Virgo Brad is here Jarvis is here Jarvis I like that name uh Shireen is here miss Mia is here thank y'all all for pulling up man we got a fantastic show for y'all we got some very dope entertainers comedians creators writers one of my tour Mates is here she's gonna get big enough she don't even know how she's gonna get big up in this [ __ ] too been rocking it you know what I'm saying it's so beautiful when you can see somebody's it's dope when you see somebody's Ascension like you go online and you follow them but when you see they [ __ ] climbing in real time you see them every week man that should just make my heart smile so very excited about this show shout out to fans she's in the background holding [ __ ] down too uh really just making this [ __ ] just just go man uh apologize to the background or something I guess it don't have to be dark I guess [ __ ] you don't need to see what's going on it's a bar we at the W okay it's a nice ass Hotel out here uh we're gonna get it going man we waiting on a couple more people to pop in but when they get here we'll just throw them in the lineup as well uh but we're not gonna hold up the show cause y'all is already here uh shout out to Jazz Jones she's in here she is editing the clips from the episodes that I will post a week after uh the following week after the episode airs so people can see what they uh what went on and what they missed Jazz Jones just randomly started doing the edits of all Dev stuff and the [ __ ] was so dope I had to reach out to her I'm like yo can you can you do some stuff for me so she works with all them she works with Resources with a lot of people young black woman completely gifted totally amazing if y'all need some work done definitely reach out to her and pay her pay her with a word don't be like yo that's all it is you can you hook me no no pay her what the [ __ ] she's worth um let's get it going man we we in this thing boom we're gonna add it to the chat boom there we go ladies and gentlemen first off you know her from Detroit okay uh went to school she helped build a school for the less fortunate laid the bricks down made the concrete in her her kitchen sink uh she is Infamous for the elbow pose because that she just did you saw her scratch her hair she just did she can't help it that's what the [ __ ] she do amazing young lady she is a content creator uh she is a comedian she's a writer she's an actor she got her own web series she's all around ladies and gentlemen I want y'all put the hands together for the vampire Detroit's own Miss Keisha yeah vampire I was just waiting I was just like oh okay she saw this the steel shortage of of the set of she made it through the riots and she's still here and look at every bit of 27. I did I was 12 years old doing them 67 riots yeah two dollars at the store and she and she but listen when you try to hang out with Keisha she is every bit of her age because if you don't catch Keisha if she don't put it on her calendar and I'm not talking about a Gmail account I'm talking about like she has a physical calendar from the Hallmark store she don't put it on that calendar she ain't coming child that was a bonfire last night at 9 30. it's like my Chariot turn into a little pumpkin you know I'm 929 I'm lit we swag surfing at 9 30 I was a guard I'm out here it was like what I was like I turned into Kawhi Leonard I'm like I'm gone my body just at 9 30 I don't care where I'm at I don't care what I'm doing [ __ ] shut down okay yes listen I talk about that on stage that I'm at the age I'm not I'm a lot to you to your face to your very face I'm gonna lie to you and tell you that we're going out but with that I'm gonna go back to my hotel I'm gonna tongue kiss my pillow I'm Gonna Get Naked in between these sheets and going the [ __ ] to sleep you understand me I'm at that age yeah you should feel no way about getting quality sleep he said that's a good thing I feel no kind of way about it let me ask you something I heard uh every time somebody moves away from Detroit that angel loses their wings is that a true thing is that have you heard foreign I have nothing for St Louis because there's nothing there so I don't even have like what can you say I don't know we got real estate you know saying this they ain't even give y'all the second one they just left after that one like this [ __ ] up let's go it's just one Arch it's it's just huh he was supposed to be two no that's McDonald's yes it was you set your hungry ass up okay that's the golden one as a kid I remember we went to like a roller skate everything was in a barn it was like a roller skating rink in a barn it was a little kitty disco but it was in the barn everything was in the [ __ ] bar and my cousins to this day they come back home they come like a family reunions whatever they crimps French rolls gold twos I'd be like Grandma I'm so glad we made it out I could get a [ __ ] french fries in 2023. let me tell you something if I see somebody with a French roll I'm robbing it without a gun okay I'm like just give me a person with it moving on ladies and gentlemen we got Keisha and debating next up uh this is a young lady I was talking about she's on tour that she's currently our host okay uh you've seen her all over Instagram all over Tick Tock all over Twitter she is the black teacher at the Hogwarts she is the Black Avenger she is the whole tap [ __ ] the misogynistic Hotel [ __ ] AKA Andrew taste younger brother she is phenomenal at creating and writing and stand up Beastie let me tell you something it's not easy being a host being a host takes a lot of Courage because a lot of times you're going out there you're warming up the crowd for whoever follows you and hosting for Kev is something completely different because a majority of his crowd was gained from the church and she go out there and start talking about uncircumcised dicks 10 minutes into a set and it's hilarious do you understand me hilarious everybody loves it ladies and gentlemen put your hands together right now start clapping make a lot of noise for male Mitchell so happy to be here I'm just happy to be here as always [Music] help Mitchell how has tour been for you it has been great um it's caused me to quit my job which is great um air horns for quitting my job but it's been really great and I'm I'm definitely spoiled because I'm with like the perfect group of people um it's perfect I live like Zack and Cody on the weekends I get some I get some room service for breakfast hang out might go to the gym I'm having the best time I'm living my best life right now and I appreciate it doesn't know how good she has it she we tell her but she until she does her second tour she's not gonna have anything to base it again my [ __ ] yeah I was doing whatever y'all was doing first of all we was like I was like keep uh to here where was y'all at in Arizona wherever the [ __ ] y'all was at I texted yeah we were two different places yeah don't let the [ __ ] come back cause I want some spot flash me and me and Ty was like [ __ ] so when he first met first of all I was about to quit comedy that was number one that night I said I was done I said a prayer I was like Lord I'm trying to walk to my housewife here I figured out for me by the morning I wake up at 5am to a text from Kim like can you do okay see I'm like all right guys I'm gonna give it two more weeks yeah so when he sent it I was like let me check the flights because the flight's been tripping these days right so I'm like I'm doing the math on it like all right then the [ __ ] text back I'm like all right I do it he was like yeah Taylor will hit you with the flight accommodations in the hotel and I was like let me tell you something right in the hotel these [ __ ] out here be like get here how you get here I I've toured with some of the greats of tour with DL learned a lot from up to a Lavell Crawford St Louis on he's a legend not just in the city but across the board you can't go to a club where [ __ ] don't know the people that I've tour with I've never toured with anyone except for Kev that take care of your flight takes care of your hotel takes care of your food Kev was like Hey Y'all Gonna order room service if y'all don't feel like leaving the hotel just don't go crazy just don't go crazy [ __ ] I'm thankful for snacks 2017 the clubs know the same thing like they know we come in we do our job we ain't holding them up we ain't got a whole crazy Rider we were talking to the club owner George out here in Nashville he was like you guys sure you don't need anything else I was like yeah we put everything in the ride he was like it was just it was just water and tea it's like yeah that's all we need I bring my own drugs and liquor with me so I don't I don't need nothing else okay listen yes long as you on time possible to get fired by Kale now let me tell you something about mail mail Mitchell she gonna push that time limit okay we got to be there at six o'clock she's gonna be there at 59 and 59 seconds but she gonna be there before six hello 601 I ain't gonna beat it and if I am like yesterday I had the boo-boo so I was two minutes late so I was like y'all just give me two minutes she takes the group let me tell you what's up Bill is is the class is a lady she's the late member of AKA uh but she is a [ __ ] and I love it so much that didn't happen since it happened my agent happened first thing in the morning my body be like oh yeah my day ain't my microphone get that morning boo boo wow I'll go I'll go to the bathroom at the airport and I'll let people know I walk in like like like I'm in a like a boxing ring I'm like oh we here now we here I'm stretching before I go into stall cause I want people to know morning sex me out at this age you better you got 10 minutes listening to [ __ ] I show out after five o'clock with the sex okay morning sex gotta be seven minutes because what's my number once my stomach realized we are [ __ ] okay I'm farting in this bed so let's just go ahead and knock this out real quick let's not kiss because I don't want to disrespect you I don't want you ain't no kissing we're going from the back from the side you gotta understand that yeah you haven't tried to hold in a fart by somebody no [ __ ] holding in the [ __ ] have you ever tried to hold in the fart while you holding your nut oh you're that what I'm not here you gotta why are you you're doing too much man will tell you you got to get into a minute but we can we can come like this so when we go 20 30 minutes that's because we try to make sure y'all get jobs but we can go we can put that [ __ ] in oh we're good you're gonna hold your net while you're getting some head you'd be like she bout to be mad as hell okay I wish I wish I was holding money ladies and gentlemen moving on like has that one of the funniest people I've ever met in my life and I remember one of the first times I met him was at the comedy Union on my Wednesday night he happened to be in town and I had heard so many things about him when he got on stage everything I heard about him completely was validated uh he is just quick-witted he is just effortlessly hilarious he had done the con the college circuit or he's done the counter circuit since I was in college I low-key feel like he came to my college before I know DeSean did but no he probably didn't come to my college he had no money but he has done the college circuit for years he's done cruise ships he's done keep your distance he's done the word in his heart he is one of the funniest people to ever touch a goddamn microphone Atlanta's on well Georgia's Own because he said on the outskirts of Atlanta now he got some money he got some Landers in that yard he had workers back there cleaning up [ __ ] and raking leaves and [ __ ] ladies and gentlemen put your hands together uh for uh goddamn more than culture goddamn uh [ __ ] it Georgia's Mr Ronnie Jordan put some ass together thank you man sorry my tired of this I'm on tour with Desi Banks and they get they turns up for real we was in Dallas last night and he had a walk through it's pretty intense I was like oh okay let me tell you something let me tell you something I know the game has changed when comedians are doing walkthroughs and getting paid I'm talking about walk through packs people down the street to come see him man so it was you know all those calling shows are sold out so it's just a blessing man I've been on tour with Desi uh also too with aha Mafia with T.I you know Erica um Duchess nav Kate up special yeah I was just in St Louis too I heard St Louis sold out yeah St Louis pulled up um yeah it's like nine of us so we rotate out but you know me time you know with Desi banks on the purpose Chaser tour that's been going through I'm kind of now I'm in my older role as a comedian I'm kind of like on two of them opening and punching up you are OG I'm always punching somebody's stuff so that's the cool part about you know is is dope and uh also on the Miss Pat show too coming back season four let's go my boy uh season three drops uh February 22nd so okay later on season two and three I start out as a as a goddamn warm-up and got on got in the writer's room so um this past is open mic days you know what I'm saying so it just you know it's a crime you know you know sometimes [ __ ] be like put me on put me on put me up they can't really put you on you got to put your goddamn cell phone they put you in position like she was like in her mind I know I know Miss Pat doing she's like [ __ ] I'm gonna put you a warm up and the producer's gonna see you and that's what happened they like she like the creator of the show love you you just killing every day so uh hell yeah boy let me punch up that's a cute little shirt you got on [ __ ] I see you yes sometimes you know what I mean all black in a dark hotel room they look like Jeffrey Dahmer house I never get to meet mail before I'm a fan of all your work that [ __ ] is so funny man yeah I'm over here trying to edit get the stuff they've been before the deadline everyone been facing them listen so wait a minute write it first of all I thought running was my dog like I [ __ ] with Ronnie we are what's up I did the morning culture they never heard my episode but you know what I mean I did what you talking about here's your stuff we add everybody that we take that day we I'ma go look hey look that was my flu game we had like we shot all day we shot the Hyundai stuff for uh on death I'm talking about 12 hour shoot and then um Tyler was out of town it was only Tyler had remembers out of town so it was only me and Kamal so I had to interview Keisha I had to interview Keisha Lulu and Patrick same day back to back to backpack was there you guys like uh fruit like I [Laughter] 85 South more better because I don't see Carlos do three episodes back to back by himself like different guests and stay funny the whole time let me get this [ __ ] Carlos some flowers real quick I know man matter of fact I might Texas [ __ ] and see if he free to just pop in real quick so he can get it I think I'm Gonna Roll too I think they're in Phoenix so bro we all back outside man we appreciate y'all got me I'm doing a couple colleges too I'm doing like Johnson C Smith in March but uh a lot of my colleges I ain't really been chasing the the Showcase and stuff you got to go showcase and then you get yeah go to the schools but now I'm just waiting on them to call me and uh you know Anthony blessing though you waiting on [ __ ] to call you remember yeah yeah and all the showcasing nah [ __ ] you ain't no TI to tell y'all it's your weekend I have to tell you waiting on Desi Bankston [ __ ] I'm [ __ ] like I'm the only black daddy at my kids school they're kind of fine I feel all your cool shake off you shake all your Sonic Rings off trying to yeah you look crazy like he's shaking the truck again you checking the whole truck uh get back to uh to Carlos man Carlos I knew Carlos before he was doing wilding out and I remember when he started doing wild now Carlos had a little room in this Italian restaurant right I don't know if you remember it it was a smaller Italian restaurant it was straight like back like like a goddamn past Cafe yeah I think so it was like it's still going he still he started still going bro this [ __ ] was on MTV doing wild 'n out he was touring he was doing uh they were about to start 85 South because this was before he met DC me before he had uh linked up uh Chico and he was still doing this [ __ ] Open Mic weekly bro sometimes he wouldn't be there but when he was there he was still showing up so when you talk about him being on uh uh 85 South and interviewing people two or three three episodes by himself and still holding it down stealing hilarious that just really just speaks to his his work ethic because Carl been that [ __ ] bro like he ain't just getting this game he ain't just turned funny that [ __ ] Carlos has been rocking [ __ ] and holding it down for a very long time and he don't get the respect enough respect that he deserves executive producers of Television like that's a if you think about 85 South as a TV show they put out a comedy special every Friday for six years Nobody Does that nobody puts a new special out every [ __ ] Friday only only preachers every every Sunday your favorites take a year to get they set together they go on tour for a year they go to the clubs go to theaters go to Arenas then shoot that [ __ ] and then start over this [ __ ] every week really special every Friday so you know we appreciate it we you about to do some stuff with Channel 85 right now man I'm trying to produce some stuff over there about to go over there because you know we uh Atlanta's wakanda so if you don't get together you got them on the outside get down and lay down God damn I don't know where black Ron is man he was supposed to be here but you know that [ __ ] always got something going on with his goddamn internet they're gonna pop up in the courthouse with the phones I just I found a signal I have never done a zoom with black Rhonda he's in a normal environment he's all it's like truck stop or some [ __ ] like it's always going to be entertaining I already know that [ __ ] truck stop where they got a Wi-Fi signal and he got to get situated I'm telling you when you pop up it's gonna be random whole ordeal yeah yeah he's always on Ron always let me say that [ __ ] has never disappointed when he pop up when I tell you that [ __ ] I always got some [ __ ] going on in the background he he pop in while he's trying to light a goddamn Newport he like long suit no Park loans in the hard box that nigga's always got some [ __ ] going on boy that is that is um that [ __ ] was born the uncle did you do that yet but not what you mean did I go back and see it man I'm talking about you know mail you reenact like Harry Potter oh have you done forever yet I gotta watch it like I like watching [ __ ] and then taking notes while I watch it so once they put it on Disney plus I'll watch it again and do it yeah the mess gets kicked ass I ain't appreciate it they beat this one Mexican dude with some Jordan fours jumped out of the water okay and then then try to be friends after it's like bro you just killed my [ __ ] Mama bro you killed my mama trying to [ __ ] my sister lame man [ __ ] I definitely thought he's gonna get them drugs you see how they doing it one more two movies later Papa have Mexican little black boy have fish got them she killed his little girlfriend is that what happened wait no no no no wait wait wait everybody just wait everybody just wait Keisha did you see wakanda forever no listen that's what I said I dozed off for two seconds and I woke up and I was like where the [ __ ] they come from you know matter of fact I already saw when he was there I saw he was there I dozed off when they went she went underwater whatever and then next thing I know yeah the [ __ ] just coming for her mama I'm like what happened was that a drug deal went bad what went on woke up to Rihanna [Applause] [Music] when they get shooting up your mama house listen you know somebody was y'all in a movie theater with black folk we was talking back to the screen like that [ __ ] Charlie had a little boy what the [ __ ] like why we just what the bruh I would imagine in Atlanta is way different from everywhere else because in L.A because a lot of movies are made there [ __ ] be in there intently like they be watching the movie they'd be taking notes like they would oh man it was a great shot and [ __ ] like that in Atlanta Them [ __ ] be watching the movie movies like they they at their auntie house they fire up all the time they're like really they're dead oh no we went to go see wakanda favorite where were we at man we were in Milwaukee we're walking it was the most ghetto [ __ ] bro you hear [ __ ] opening up a goddamn uh Twizzlers and [ __ ] like I see the [ __ ] with a Chick-fil-A sandwich in the movies I'm like will you guys like abandoned malls that's what that movie theater was like [ __ ] they were selling whole regular sized pizzas in this movie theater The Little Caesar's pieces [ __ ] I because I make I make Vlogs every every weekend for my patreon I show them [ __ ] the pizza box was like this big like it was a whole regular size ass pizza and I'm sitting there I flipped the top back and I got real regular sized slices in this pizza but the first one I had to take back because I didn't cook it all the way the pizza was getting stuck to the box I'm trying to pull a slice up half the slices I feel like you was in the movie theater with your little pepper Flakes and Parmesan and [ __ ] like this [ __ ] [Music] it was so crazy it was a [ __ ] next to me with a bodily Hennessy he smelled like a pound but he also smelled like you haven't been in somebody's house like an older house like where they got to put the the wind paper up to the window oh the winter and they got the heat blast and they smell like their house he smelled like the 80s in that [ __ ] yeah like the 80s like Jasmine and goddamn must like Jasmine and mothballs [ __ ] [Laughter] I could say people like albums these my LPS [ __ ] I just saw I just saw something on Instagram it was like sound systems in the 80s was so special we kept them in glass and case glass encasing and like [ __ ] it had like the the record player the tape player the radio and it was like we really kept that [ __ ] like you missed my rolling box like it was that special I remember when we got our first CD player in the house it was like a meeting everybody coming here look you see that your daddy praying on that don't touch the component set like we had the component set look at the CD player lift up like they were like um this long [ __ ] CD box this guy yeah yeah back in the day what was considered like the big screen and it was on the thick ass little um whatever you know the thing the TV TV it wasn't a big group nobody was doing that like that stood up I mean I stood up with a big 50 inches yeah yeah on the thing though like it wasn't no plastic running through the wall like I remember when we first got that one oh y'all was wealthy that y'all Keisha family owned uh three funeral homes in Detroit oh no wonder she yeah she really don't want to tell us guys you know what's so crazy I was literally um Series right and I remember the day that [ __ ] when it was almost like when Kobe died y'all know how when Kobe died La was like gloomy like the place was the Atlanta was foggy gloomy too [ __ ] I remember that day we was just like oh no and then when you found out that [ __ ] was in St Louis you was like okay Detroit not dead just when BMF when they all got indicted it was like a big indictment it was like oh yes it was because when they was on the run so you were just like rooting for them but then when you find out the [ __ ] ran to St Louis she was like I mean you didn't want to go nowhere that required a passport you [ __ ] went to Miami have you seen the BMF documentary that go with the series and the [ __ ] they was doing it was like yeah Beach got in the car with the Miami I'm like why the [ __ ] would you he's smoking weed and [ __ ] he doing regular [ __ ] the crazy thing was that they had such an elaborate like well [ __ ] ran thought out whole operation for like 15 years and then you [ __ ] get caught up on the simplest goddamn well what caught him up was them [ __ ] had them Billboards in Atlanta that's why I knew when they was [ __ ] up he's Atlanta and I seen that [ __ ] that when they first dropped the billboard the world is I was being but I'm like these [ __ ] Detroit [Laughter] the audacity that you have to have to first of all written out a a billboard if you don't have a business or you're not like trying to get the good boy behind the social death billboard it's also deaf billboard is Iconic this [ __ ] [ __ ] beef like this it's also a little boy right here to meet the chest behind he looking over him social that billboard like it's just a BMF the drought is over I was like wow that was the first time I see like 12 Lamborghinis at a club I was like so what dealership do y'all get these because that [ __ ] ain't that CarMax hold on guys hold on we got a special guests real quick man we got this one second ladies and gentlemen uh he does everything y'all put your hands together for the goat Mr Kev on stage what's up what's happening I better vote for my dog image award [ __ ] going on everything everybody go vote for care right now just go with this Instagram and go vote for Kev right now you can vote only one time a day but you can vote multiple days to go to go if you don't go on stage your side team's gonna fall out what's up guys hey Keisha hey Kev what's up Mel Mitchell you fancy seeing you here I know haven't seen you in so long Ronnie Jordan how are you sir how's everything how's the family brother the family pictures are cute actually smiling I was very like wow wow that was every picture he smiled there's probably 700 more where he was like today are you sure it's the eyes of your sons are like count your days dad who's gonna run this [ __ ] they are looking at you like oh I'm on your ass sir the essence I said JoJo is in essence very unbothered [ __ ] do you know what I would do to have a my photo in essence JoJo like I I'm not trying to be here she's more regular to him he at school like yeah yeah whatever check the links you know what I'm saying it's good hey man let me tell you something I I wish Kev was my dad so many times this [ __ ] Kev sent his kid he said he said uh Isaiah to to prom and it wasn't even I don't think it was this is right it was a junior prom he said that the junior prom was a homecoming maybe it was Homecoming in a limousine this is just hunger this ain't prop this is this is just the dance we have in October because school is back in and we got some new shoes Homecoming in a limousine that was up I just want you to have a good life man you're doing good bro because you putting pressure on the [ __ ] who they who uh the girl date after them they're like so is they a good kid uh his daddy like really right afterwards they was like yo you want to go watch some anime in my Mansion like he ain't even playing watching the Tesla on the way to the match we can watch whatever on the in the Tesla the drive us it's outside ain't no drivers Roddy Roddy when they try to come over to his house to watch anime they gotta stop at the gate though they gotta yeah you got your ID I forgot to get you cleared boo [Laughter] first of all shout out to Nashville because Nashville right now is in the running to be in the top two cities we've done potentially Ever every show the four shows um last night the show was so energetic when when Mel called Kev on stage she didn't even know he realized or she didn't even realize he came on stage he came on stage the crowd Roar she jumped Michael Jackson this [ __ ] cam was feeling this so much he took his shirt off in the first six minutes of his scent so that was part of a joke though it was bad no you didn't hear the joke don't just tell the people that I was out there like different for chicken tenders [ __ ] he was out here Wilding running honey mustard and barbecue sauce like this was my stream yard I went to mute you and he just said mute yourself I was like no him so Ronnie I was doing a joke and I was like lifting my arm to you know do the act out and the first show I had a like a baggy sweatshirt on so you know what I'm saying I'm covered underneath right because I ain't wearing no tank top the second door when I looked down I seen yellow at the bottom of my of my shirt and I was like dang I don't know if I saw that or they saw it so I was like did y'all see my stomach they were like [Laughter] so then I was caught I was embarrassed because I hate when my stomach hang over like it's one thing when I take my shirt off I made a choice if you see my stomach by accident then you just caught me you caught me and I wasn't ready so uh so I was just like well forget it and I took my whole shirt off crowd went crazy uh it was great I mean I admired it man anybody could take their shirt off I'm with you I'm supported thoroughly because I can't do it my titties would be all about the crowd I had a black bar over my chest on Instagram Community guidelines it's so funny how you said oh me and Mel we haven't met yet but we've met at least 13 times yeah let me tell you how much weed I smoke okay the first time I wanted the first times I met you I was like oh my God Ronnie like I remember watching you on Comic View growing up and you had that fat [ __ ] at the adult joke that's like a classic and my dad got rest his soul who passed away in 2010 to hate that joke so bad because he was a thick poppy as well and he didn't like man boob jokes so I an [ __ ] would be like that fat man what is wrong with you what is wrong with you I would do that all the time to piss my dad off hey to my defense man I've been married so long if you own a vagina you just go into a folding my brain of brown skin girl or light skinned girl and like comedian or not comedian like I just it did my brain just separate women like okay human being lady lady you know yeah I got the women my memory for me and thank you for doing that you know all the memories of my father that I have two years old when I did that [ __ ] I was 22 man Ronnie is almost 2003 that was 2003 but it didn't come on TV to 05 because it was like a big bidding war because um Def Jam was off um it was nothing else but common view in uh Walter Lathan was trying to make it uncensored and Diddy they were they were going back and forth between Comedy Central and HBO because that's what Comedy Central was going to start showing um cursing it after 10 o'clock so it was supposed to go on conversation but it went on HBO so that was it came on in 2005 so you know so but every time I go through a school it's always like a sigma or somebody hey come here well we just pledging we made him say the fat man at the door this [ __ ] like hell yeah that sticks like grits man I wasn't old much older there but I went to Chico Chico be was like you came to my school I'm like [ __ ] I am three years older than you well in comedy in comedy years you are way older oh yeah oh you're OG you was on TV before I was even before I even did comedy good at all before I ever even was people was giving away my first TV was O2 on common view in Miami with Bruce Bruce well it was Arnez J at first but then when it aired it was Bruce they had fired our day today in the middle of the season and put Bruce on there so yeah yeah I've been doing it a lot been doing this [ __ ] a long time man I I you know it's good to still be around and my to me my job is now to make sure all the Atlanta [ __ ] is funny because you know I just I don't like it when somebody from my city ain't good like you know people there though Ronnie you can't save them all well not everybody I'm talking about the ones they got some motion the ones is cracking a little bit you can't go out of town being not good so you know I I can appreciate what Ronnie did because when everybody else was hating on social media influencers transitioning to the comedy game Ronnie saw that as an opportunity to Mentor help and shape them instead of just talking [ __ ] and that's one of the great things I love about Atlanta the the uh camaraderie that they displayed is so foreign in a lot of cities man you don't see it that often it's like it's easy to talk [ __ ] from a distance but I love the fact that I I pride myself on surrounding myself with solution-minded people and it's easy to talk [ __ ] on your phone on the internet and all that type of stuff but like stepping up and doing something about it is something completely different and Ronnie you did that in a lot of instances bro like I saw you defending a lot of people when that shift was happening even down to like TI when they were talking [ __ ] about TI yeah and one of the first times I saw TI well yeah I was hosting a show at the Soho house I was hosting comedy show he came in and it's she's still pretty early in his game so he was getting his his rhythm down but the Showmanship yeah it's like getting up there is the hardest part the jokes will come you got to get repetition it's repetition that's all yeah a lot of comedians forget we was terrible at first but we was terrible in the dark so we had two three years horrible in the dark these [ __ ] when I when I tell you I remember seeing Desi banks in the in the back you know the club he was talking about I remember hosting cast and seeing Desi in the back like walking he wasn't going up he was just watching I'm like hey that's the little tweet tweet [ __ ] you know what I'm saying you know to see him now go up and do an island like that this [ __ ] picked it up quick you know what I'm saying because it was a conscious decision for me because when I was younger when I first started the older comedians like no I see dog and all the recipes and all recipes Tyler Craig all them Atlanta comments that was funny they was mean as [ __ ] like they never helped each other out not those guys but they helped me out but the the culture was I got mine get yours y'all [ __ ] that's exactly what it was because I was always like I'm getting [ __ ] promoters numbers and [ __ ] that's what [ __ ] had to you know trade promoters numbers and [ __ ] like that and I was like you know it you know you catch more flies with honey to me and I'm like wow bro these young [ __ ] because they coming anyway and I'm looking at I'm looking at the landscape I'm at the colleges these kids don't give a [ __ ] about the regular communities they want the [ __ ] they watching on their phone every day and I'm like oh because that is Comic View tv was that was the biggest thing because that was the only medium where everybody could see you now that's why they you know Comic View and shows like that always struggle to get viewers because then people are like I'm not gonna tune in Tuesday at 10 right yeah you gotta be [ __ ] up like Caleb just drive five split screens like everybody care like if you like like say Brad Pitt or Denzel that's your favorite actor and you watch every movie that they do in every interview that they do about that movie you see them for about six weeks of a year that's it and then the movie that's like maybe eight hours of content for the whole promo period of the movie including the movie if you like someone like me for example you see me for eight hours by Friday if you watch all the products and that's we you just consume way more content so it's when you come to town they're like oh I'm pulling the sea cab and the other thing that most Comics don't realize a lot of these people didn't grow up watching stand up and they'd never been to the comedy show at all like it's my first show this was great I didn't even know we had a comedy club in Nashville I'll be like people talking about stand-up comedy even when you're doing your movie promos he doesn't he tell how he started he tell it Kayla brought him up he tell that story and I'm like that's more ears to get people to listen to like stand up is already a sub genre and black stand up is a sub-genre of a sub genre it's like being a sneakerhead and you only collect Asics very hard to do that's a very hard to do that in the community it's hard to find your community so you know what I'm saying is why Asics there were so many different shoes that everybody don't [ __ ] with every time Asics that's why that was so funny to me I like the jail like threes they ain't got no thumb they got the split [ __ ] they got different things with fat ankles the landscape for comedy has changed so much because Ronnie when you were talking about early on when you were starting in the 90s it was very much a solo sport like you said like I got mine don't put me in the night though I ain't that old don't put me tonight well I'm talking about the people from the night the people from the 90s uh it was very much a solo sport so like you got you got like TI and uh and a lot of the social media influences coming up and like it's just changed so much even with Kev man like we were talking about it earlier the way that he books the tours the way that he takes care of the people on the tour with him like people be like yo I get on Kevin I'm gonna let you know I'm a gatekeeper now and I'm like you can't our responses for you yes and I'm coming off the bench so yeah yeah it's big nepotism [ __ ] it's big they be looking at me and there's a show they'd be like y'all got some guest spots on like [ __ ] I'm the guest spot [ __ ] [ __ ] you could be dming me too you think I got a kind of power [ __ ] get off my page I got the power and I ain't sharing it I'm gonna let you know I'm gonna join the world before it feels good it feel good I'm not sure to hear you I'm correct the oh geez they they don't pay like that they pay an opportunity and you get a look with me Kev got your hotel it's a Mexican dude right there the Escalade with a sign they giving us the respect that you know they treated us how we supposed to be treated so you'll know how you're supposed to be treated because they [ __ ] they used to be putting us in Crazy hotels I don't see my OG no I used to I used to have him he used to show me how to make the promoters act right he'll be like bruh like if it's a hotel with the door you know you can see the door on the outside he like bro we stand in this [ __ ] dog we don't know y'all [ __ ] in this in this town like [ __ ] would you put your mom in here that's the first [ __ ] he has a promoter would you put your mom here you know what I'm saying so that's how I beat man so you know a lot of these dudes you got to get your own room you got to find yourself there but you know just just being an opener you already you already counted your money you like damn I gotta pay for this ticket I gotta do this and that and I'm gonna take home this but you know it kind of eases it that makes it easier to be funny when all that [ __ ] is taken care of your break and focus on the set the job and get it done you know what I'm saying so I appreciate people like Kev Desi [ __ ] T.I that's changing the culture of this [ __ ] like man we we some Superstars [ __ ] cannot do what we do but Timmy [ __ ] can't even read in front of their [ __ ] co-workers you know what I'm saying so to be up there on stage is a big deal man it's [ __ ] that be looking at us like wow in every show you do you inspire somebody to go do some [ __ ] they would like every time there's somebody come up for you I'm sure they said I started doing this and that after I saw y'all you know what I'm saying God Ronnie I just realized you you started in 2001 and taped a TV special uh taped the TV spot in 2002 I was quick it was like seven years one when I first started comedy I was like remember we got whooped you know mom's hit us and we was like they was like preachers remember that guys well I came up in the fire because Uptown was like if we talk about BMF in Atlanta Uptown was like the drug dealer prom every Sunday no I had the culture no it was like how Cato is not Kayla know every every strip every dope all the every people that be outside they go to k-dub spots and stuff but no I kind of started that recipe he just passed last year but you were looking to crowd I'll tell you I saw tiny and TI where they were dating sitting in VIP every Sunday the whole bmfa name is Jeezy number for Chris Tucker might be in the back and then you know I'd be like hey y'all can booties [ __ ] if you want to we got so many comedians in the back booties [ __ ] so they can get another job and get the [ __ ] out of here well you had 30 seconds to get that [ __ ] off and if it didn't get off no they would boot a headline and they was there all week I used to have to go up after the headliner after my probably about two months they he just started saving me he was like we gotta wait because I see the [ __ ] Thursday he ain't gonna be good so I kind of got thrown in the fire very early in like the high intensity rooms have you got them on you know you you like this with your jokes so when you get to a regular improv I'm like I could talk I could I get to take my time you know what I'm saying so it's like you know playing with ankle weights on or playing with stroke streams like once you get around some regular folks you know being around murderers is fun but you know normal hey you talking about getting booed in Atlanta and I just popped up [Laughter] getting booed is one thing on Sunday nights when the drug dealers and the strippers had the night off they were coming they would say keys at you shout out to Griffey too trillion he started that [ __ ] and then if you didn't have kids they make you say keys like big but they can they when they hit you and feel like that why we all getting hit y'all were getting Haze dogs this is the first time I remember Miss Pat it was like two it was like 2006. it's packing up on stage soon she said hey y'all this [ __ ] stand up and hit up the hair and she looked down she said this [ __ ] I don't know turtleneck let Rob this [ __ ] y'all and I was I was in the back because she was that was a natural reaction I was like oh she from Atlanta for real bruh oh she said that she said let's Rob this [ __ ] he got on the turtleneck that's why I notice when you do keep your distance a lot of Atlanta Comics they even like Mel Mitchell they come out the gate like big big Junior we were at um [ __ ] the White City Winery he was like y'all are so fast I'm like [ __ ] I came in 2018 right around that transition for people like social media spilling up seats with two minutes worth of [ __ ] drugs because they didn't stand up I came from the era seeing people get talk [ __ ] about for doing social media and like trying to figure out how to manage both but I had to all right my [ __ ] yo it's funny I gotta immediately get y'all [ __ ] to laugh or y'all are going to boo me like okay I literally do not go back to cats I'm so triggered from that [ __ ] place trying one try to get up if I do get up just being like wow it's a little guy with it's a little guy with glasses bald head he wearing cargo shorts and he looked like Myra he looked like the dude from Players Club I spent a lot of money on you he's like nah you can't go up because he got OG's in that [ __ ] he's like if I don't know you he's gonna he's gonna kind of watch you a little bit and see if you keep coming back but it's just a process man and then cats ain't that ain't the how did you get your you you from Atlanta but you don't have that same style you you come out at your pace regardless of where you're at was it hard to develop that coming through Atlanta I feel like I feel like some of the the boo rooms and the in the like some of that element caused me to figure out some stuff fast so I feel like I feel like I found a go-to fast and I I started off super young so for me it was cougar jokes it was you know I'm I'm the youngest person in here you know already like that that's my elephant in the room so that's that's where I'm going to immediately I'm I'm trying to be cute [Laughter] people love a little baby doing something for business yeah [ __ ] that's what Gerald Kelly knew that's early he got all his sons doing comedy yeah I hated when they came in town they'd take all my cuteness away yeah it took it all out the room baby he has a baby like children not only one it's the funniest one you'd be like this little [ __ ] animal dog get him out the way but I remember Isaiah was like 10 that's when I first started Isaiah was just coming off Apollo and now he older than me I'm like how the [ __ ] you get older than me I can't that [ __ ] blow my mind and see Isaiah as an adult I'd be sitting like I can't believe you 30 [ __ ] this is crazy I remember when he was coming up with his Dad and then they got the grandson going I was like dang cause I didn't know my dad I was like maybe we could have did it mean you got a sitcom family I'm definitely I definitely want to see the Kevin stage show with your family you know what bro I'm trying to tell you we we have been if I got a sitcom I would cast my children because my real children they I we wouldn't it would never work Joe Simon tell her telling the story telling the story about uh sending them a text message he told us last night oh dog so my kids never hit me back on the text I mean personally in the family group chat I'll be sending like cute dog tick tocks you know what I'm saying so at dinner this week I'm like yo man I'll be on the road man y'all hit me back on the tax man I'm trying to connect with y'all while I'm on the road you know I'm out here trying to make the money so y'all can have the house you know hit me back so I sent my son I'm gonna read it so I make sure I don't even lie and exaggerate I sent the family uh uh I mean the cutest dog video JoJo gonna respond that's so cute father thank you for being in my life oh man just leave me on red if you go act like that okay so ain't nothing worse than a Christian [ __ ] you'd be like you gotta stop being polite with your rudeness I don't like this [ __ ] that [ __ ] that's funny is man that's funny I bet your kids got to say it I bet money both of your sons got a set about you okay oh god listen to hear you can never uh you could never share this out uh and cut this out of the of the of the finals Isaiah didn't know he don't know this but he he the family uh you know the iPhone's be connected via family you can put reminders and counters and stuff he didn't know this at the time but it's probably about four or five years ago now he had used the notes section and he wrote um like like a stand-up monologue but it had it was but it had all he had jokes about Gollum and uh uh he had cuss words in there and I was like first of all you cussing second of all they're well placed I mean is great I like it listen the kid doesn't cuss in front of us she won't she won't do anything she won't she don't even say [ __ ] like the kid don't do nothing right but we called her while she was gaming with her friends she's like y'all wanna [ __ ] with you girl I'm out here you know every now and then she would slip with Fair she'll say like [ __ ] or something with fair but she ain't never said that with me and that's what I'm like just cut just cut some time so you can get it out she's like no no I can't she does all of this I know you'll be cursing I know you'll be cursed I asked my kids the other day one of them I just turned nine and the other one was seven I said y'all be cousin he took my My Savior said not no more I said what the what everybody stopped anymore that's the camera because I don't cuss like that like that like [ __ ] [Music] I'm like okay how all your kids your youngest my youngest is seven my oldest just turned nine you know January 3rd so Yes Man third grade and first grade yeah my kid my kid's 17. she grown she she about it March 17th I think March 10c graduate the first season of steps on Hulu I think I think the the second season is coming to Hulu soon I believe but yeah that's so funny yeah boy if you if you want to find it right now go get that AMC Plus app go get it yeah he low-key he's Rich that's why his background blurred he don't want y'all to know how yeah Robin Rob is a type where this is Rob excited Rob is very excited to be here if you woke up this morning for another 10 grand he wasn't even expect that this is Rob excited this is what you're gonna get so like the first couple times I met Rob I ain't know if the [ __ ] like me because this is the energy you get from me like what's up Robbie like hey man how are you doing everything he responds to you with so like he's got a question mark on the end of it like hey man how you doing just like do you feel for me I don't know if you really I don't know if I'm gonna be like that hey man I'm proud of Rob man I used to have Rob used to be at UGA man when he was in school man we I do a show of you DJ Rob on the show bring your ass come on let's go Randy passing my first mate really first time I was on stage Ronnie was hosting yeah in that little Club of Athens hey wait that's crazy yeah but I got a lot I got a lot of kids out here man I got a lot of DNA out here baby you know what I'm saying my little Squad official got them we just uh we just got the reinforced stage man Ronnie broke my first stage oh my God [Laughter] we got the steel now stuff so you hit Ronnie Ronnie could come back is it an act out what was she doing no what happened Tyler Tyler uh broke a chair the other day right the chair was already broken I was like I broke a stage I was like I came on stage show I just hopped down they was like why you hop down I was like because I did good laughs gonna be different will you do good it's like yeah he had to stay sitting on eight pizza boxes so this was an intricate thing to do I know this [ __ ] took a long time to build I'm gonna snap these people [ __ ] I thought that because I I really truly am I heard of her still believe don't know my first Chick-fil-A Ronnie you know what I'm saying like Ronnie I [ __ ] with Rodney I thought that was Lavell Crawford that said that they said what wow like y'all [Music] it's been [ __ ] with me for the past 20 years of disrespect Ed I didn't know you remember what uh Erykah Badu was getting interviewed by uh DJ academics and she was just like man you look like somebody for the whole hour she was like I saw that in real time sometimes Ronnie she was thinking about it for the whole hour she got a fat [ __ ] folder that she just put all of the fat [ __ ] got it no actually you single you're missing your blessed it's a big [ __ ] that like you you [ __ ] ignored them that's why you're by yourself that will buy you anything you want and you feel like Lavelle you got to specify man I thought I had a little sauce and [ __ ] but guess not I'm glad to have been put up on game you learn something new do you think my favorite joke [Laughter] Rob I ain't gonna hold you it took me a second to uh to realize what was happening hold on one second you should I am not mad because you already known for not keeping up with the black [ __ ] you posted it's cool it's fine are you sure about that a few moments later this makes me it makes me want to eat cereal sorry they put a lot of extra sauce in here a mouse from Tom and Jerry [Music] yeah that's funny as hell did she have jewelry Drew yeah like she had a little like drool did you say jewelry drain off a lip like a yeah it was like it looked like Drew but it was it was gold Oh I thought you were talking about it drawn I thought it was some spaghetti on the mouth I was like okay all right no judgment did y'all see this uh this this one video right here I don't know if y'all seen this right here this this was a good one though uh drop he gave the headphones no that's a Nigerian church members said during the church service that's what happened before did was that the end of the song again it's all now that's what it is hey did you think that was Lavell Crawford under drugs [Laughter] no it's not I never so actually saw it oh it was just you just heard people say it over and over yeah like I just oh say that then I thought you guys like when I see your head got there I like didn't even look like that big thing my bad I take it all back you get a pass you ain't see it before anything with me yeah but for real though yeah well a lot of single women miss out on big [ __ ] big [ __ ] would take you ain't gonna never be hungry foreign in the crock pot for you before I leave I'm like what's at eight in the morning okay that's what's up who the [ __ ] with that be going to the supermarket buying pork loin like who that's a real [ __ ] right there that's what's up look at what you think she was like it's like yeah yeah and we was on the campus we was at Clark Atlanta it was it was very black we had a very black cultural experience that was at the uh the Kia shoot the Kia commercial shoot the Hyundai what was your first time having a it was Hyundai yes it was Hyundai you're right in Atlanta on Clark campus that's hard like can anybody say that like one more cards they took your black car still you didn't get it back I don't think so I feel like I was I did something like a round Robert Udo tournament or some [ __ ] to get your black car you got to play everybody on this Zoom oh no Diana said uh Diana said Diana F said big guy still be cheating hey man that's the fact [ __ ] with a dick cheats girls be cheap too [ __ ] you tonight like these big old pretty girls be having nine [ __ ] like this [ __ ] he bring me the main course he bring me the sides Ronnie you're the your woman's voice slips in so easily it is that little Atlanta voice you sound like Mel Mitchell that's like every cousin I ever had like that's what's so you got to get what you can out these [ __ ] because it ain't for everybody for everybody like no for real that'd be a thing though because it's sharing a little pain and he will beef with you of a little dick and he's like man you know he trashed come on now why are you eating me in the club about that dude it'd be the shower pressure at the house to keep you [Music] this week oh my Lord I don't think I've ever experienced that good shower pressure what good shower pressure or a small penis I don't know I don't know about either boy you talking about small penis how was that does that suck or do you tell them like yeah it was like a purse so you wouldn't like but other than that it was oh he caught you early the small dick [ __ ] catch the versions start small I did the same thing you work your way up it's like a socket set like a richest he disrespecting these black candies out here because some of y'all women got big vaginas too yeah people want a huge penis that's like yeah my uterus over here it's not half empty it's half full [Laughter] yeah you got to be optimist what's a big thing like it's about perception you know what I'm saying it's not half empty it's half full you got two fingers in there she's like keep going hold on what's up come on now don't be scared you gotta you know themselves [Music] [Music] uh I saw the I read the article of the guy that had the I don't know if he had lymph attitude like his his I think it must have been like his shin area like he got like six eight six years taller yeah got taller like four to six inches taller he actually had that surgery I didn't know that was a thing I didn't know we were there and did the same [ __ ] like that's delicious [Laughter] no you gotta do it again now with Factory Parts [ __ ] let's go Factory dick what's up I can't respect it he wouldn't tell you he just got there and pulled that [ __ ] out and Pump It Up yeah Reebok Pumps I get the ass surgery now I ain't gonna hold you I'm gonna give you away I'm getting this [ __ ] about eight more months you know you can't do that yeah absolutely okay and then I'm gonna get these goddamn ABS so you're gonna you're gonna go in quick trip no shirt on abs and grab one of them hot dogs laughs it's not gonna look like it's not even gonna look right it ain't gonna look right at all they'll either laugh or don't laugh okay [Laughter] that is so nice yeah I was gonna support you and say once you get the tummy tuck you got to get the tattoo that the girls be getting a couple days yeah you gotta get the tummy tuck tattooed get some flowers or something you probably like it is that why they get that temperature and then connected to the back of your gun you always find a way to take it too far sweetheart you know what I don't even know that yeah I got the idea from you you were talking about getting the sculpted ABS too I was just playing though I know you wasn't look at your face what's the purpose of abs for these girls man it's not even like you know like what can you do with abs that you can't do without ABS I mean take my shirt off in public holiday shoes you can still take your shirt off Fat Joe take your shirt off Rick Ross take your shirt off they don't got no issue money makes you more confident okay that's why Kev had his shirt off on stage last night he was like y'all laughing and taking pictures but [ __ ] I made 150 000 this week okay yeah what was the origin of that like how did that tell you right I'm gonna tell you I'm glad you asked because I don't just do that unless there was a reason what happened was I was doing the act out I got a joke that requires me to put my hand in the air okay I had a smaller shirt on than I usually perform with as I looked down I seen some yellow and I said oh no was that my stomach I asked the audience they see it yeah you know I'm yellow underneath listen Mama tell y'all what happened I'm gonna tell y'all what happened I was there me and Mel were there we saw that the club y'all know Zanies in Nashville has a monitor so you can see what's happening on stage Kevin's doing his joke and he was eating the chicken tender while he was doing it he dropped some honey mustard on his shirt he saw yellow it was the honey mustard he took his shirt off but he could lick the honey mustard he was like they said no phones they said no phones because he didn't want us recording him licking the honey mustard off of his shirt yeah I was violin I was like I couldn't watch the video so I saved it because I was like what is happening here Kim's trying to make some extra money Nashville is it's male to here and cam are y'all are natural yeah literally like feet from each other [Music] when you start eating chicken tenders in the middle of your set like that's that's crazy you know like that's that's fire but I didn't do that condiments chicken with condiments that's another level yeah you have the honey mustard but you still never said what made you take your shirt off you say you look down and saw yellow and then what baby hello and I was like damn they shot my stomach so I was embarrassed and then to take my power back I was like okay you know what if I'm gonna have my shirt off then I'm just gonna have my shirt off okay real quick you look like a 80s wrestler okay so you do the rest of the set with the shirt off or there's a brief period where you put the mic in the mic stand and then you gotta put the shirt back on I put my shirt back on what's the hair and won't come out with their phones it broke the audience's trust we supposed to have no phones on and they had phones on you are a g mutant wife beater away from greatness off we see where the ABS can go and how the surgeon can really oh man I'm telling you what I already picked out my celebrities who are in my build who are killing Jack Black Brian Tyree Henry Jonah Hill I'm cool and your love interest next yeah did you see no that was a whole discussion on Twitter uh people were like there's no way he could get her real life it is a movie out [ __ ] obviously you know black people don't mess with the black girls so it is that looked true to me because and also people greatly underestimate how funny the funnier you are the more handsome you are if you funny and cool be like ah ugly is what ugly does we having a good time women are more forgiving ugly can go a long way you can be funny you can be powerful you can be rich you don't have to be rich you could be really funny even I just think it's great every comic in the world doesn't laugh somebody out the pan he said they didn't deserve yourself eating chicken tenders don't say I I I I pick off people's plate that's what I'm saying you lying on me and that's something you actually do during cold it's hilarious you you wow you eat off stranger's plates it's like you call covet seven times you're not lying 2017. I was yeah I was picking up that place like let me get something that is so funny they offer it they like put the plate up what you eating wings I'm like you done with them yeah let me do what he did right here everybody saw a laughing I'm just gonna like all right we got to get the food while it's hot it can't be you done with it my big dude and I get blamed for [ __ ] like that it'd be like he probably gonna get one of your ways off your plate because it was another dude came here like no I don't want to I eat under a bridge like a troll with a sheet over my head that's why that's how I eat it in another city so I'm gonna just tell y'all now when I'm in hotels um yeah yeah would you say careful I would say when I be in hotels I'll be going crazy on the room service but I'm I'm usually by myself so I we were in a hotel maybe two shows ago I think we're in Richmond I don't know where we were no no it was Alabama it was Huntsville where you had two trays of food outside of your door no I love Huntsville it was rich man congratulations my aunt had brought me some gumbo and peach cobbler they have these big old drumsticks that was like turkey legs I didn't know they were that big so I couldn't eat everything and I put it outside my room and I came back to the hotel first and the next morning we going out for lunch and they like we singing a little tray man when I saw the tray I was like this gift that the hotel didn't serve too it was like did you get all of this I think Kim had some Fufu on that [ __ ] he had all kind of international issues call Uber Eats get them to deliver some stuff put it on the tray bring it by the room what's up CP what's up man had to restart my little router and [ __ ] man yeah man these kids man there's so many tablets and phones up in this month right man chilling man what's good with you happy weekend man uh it was dope man a couple shows um [ __ ] I gotta clean out my garage today I got it like grown man all right [ __ ] now that's a father you know it's Sunday evening I got to get that deck of the rock I gotta be out there by three four that's somebody that's what your dad is doing on Sunday afternoon worst [ __ ] is when your kids is gone for the weekend so you and your wife decided to throw away some toys they're not even using no more and then first thing to do welcome to where's my play kitchen where is my baby oh [ __ ] [Laughter] myself excuse me little [ __ ] where's my play kitchen the worst is when they be trying to pick up [ __ ] that they might be saying like did you take that frozen chicken out of the uh fake refrigerator like can you stop please [Laughter] black kids playing house [Laughter] of bed her little fake food have like some tomatoes under this but I was playing the game she gonna come back and say I tell you what you're not gonna do you're not gonna move till this food is I'm like not angry twice until all this food is gone I know that I'm gonna tear this Tea Party Up I tried my best I was like look I tried my best and you know what fine whatever oh no that is hilarious baby y'all y'all you know what's funny about having kids I remember like carrying on some of my parents stuff but having no reason like my kids like drinking juice before they eat like uh put that juice down I'm like God why am I telling you that you could be thirsty too sometimes I want to drink some water before I eat I'm so conditioned like my wife be laughing at me I won't even touch my drink until my food is over I'll be suffering through some biscuits you can drink if you drink it you can ruin your appetite so you gotta like fill up with food and then and then and then soak the food and whatever juice you decide and that's how we became fat honestly like you know what I'm saying like that mixture of of drywall inside of our bodies uh Thanksgiving cement we ate you know what I'm saying like oh just torturing ourselves as kids like I remember as an adult I had this realization I bought an ice cream thing and it was nasty and I was like I gotta eat this all and I'm like I don't nobody nothing can happen if I don't eat this nobody's gonna whoop me I'm 39. I don't have to eat this that ice cream sandwich was a lot bro it was it was intense but I still feel like because my mom used to be like you know you asked for you got to eat it but I'm like now I paid for it so if I don't like it I don't have to but I'm scared remember the first time you saw your mama not finish something like wait like wait [ __ ] minute who don't have anything the rules apply like when you went out to eat like at a restaurant oh yeah my mom used to give us a sandwich before we go she ain't gonna be embarrassed to me go get your fish out of sale before you go to a restaurant yeah like bro [Laughter] hey hold on hey Ronnie remember them waffles and the waffles the freshest orange juice where where'd y'all um thank you yeah [Laughter] [Music] his reputation precedes him in the waffle Community this [ __ ] on the orange you take like it was made out of cuties I like damn this juice good as hell bro I don't care if they're scientifically wrong because whatever y'all that was what size orange abortions like come on now let these develop let these developers they do have little baby names like adorbs and pills and cuties yeah what is going on imagine the farmers a bunch of oranges [Laughter] come on now they cute as hell freak them out you gotta look through that red net because that redneck's designed to make them all look good hey you leaving me in your house too long without either turn the golf balls if you you leave a cutie y'all it's turned into an orange you know what I'm saying like they turned into like some little old ass marbles it should be hard as a [ __ ] y'all see live had it on a Little Cuties get the [ __ ] out here with these little [ __ ] ass [Laughter] in the grocery store picking up cuties and looking at the lives like [ __ ] I know y'all they be in like a little green net too like stop hiding the original lines really originated for only Coronas and modelos look original lives are grumpiest they even see a lime in the grocery store like foreign [Laughter] [Laughter] what is so true though I definitely have a different energy the fish tacos regular tacos walking out of the Staple Center or the crypto the other day and I saw a Mexican lady squeeze the lime over one of them bacon wrapped hot dogs give me two I know y'all hey they be aggressive equip with them the street meat bro I know I know you ain't supposed to be eating that they are cooking that over a a car battery and a [ __ ] sheet bro they heat up a tray that they heat up oh it was raining on the [ __ ] bro and the sizzle from the rain Benihana over there with the situations talk [ __ ] about me and my 7-Eleven hot dogs but y'all eat street meat here the thing about the 7-Eleven hot dogs it wasn't that you were eating 7-Eleven hot dogs it was that you were eating them at 7 00 a.m that's when I was up [ __ ] breakfast drinking coffee we going to set people drinking coffee they drinking vitamins to here pull up to the green room with two with two hot dogs it's 703 what are you doing breakfast could be anything I like my breakfast sandwiches to be hot dogs the only person that wear beanies and glasses and still eat 7-Eleven hot dogs how did I didn't even go with the fit you have yeah all right you said yourself for a good 10 a.m wow [ __ ] though it's gonna be your [ __ ] the 7-Eleven hot dogs don't do it for me that's street meat though I've never had a danger dog and not taking an explosive [ __ ] like 20 minutes that not that hard it's worth it yeah it's a cleansing process and I used to being all deaf I used to I used to get to it if I was walking by myself to my car I used to get two of those and then go home and have to eat dinner be like oh man I'm gonna eat this whole thing ah I'm so hungry babe let me just have this whole spaghetti like I didn't have free dinner he was out here Street me oh [Laughter] oh my God we're following them long cupcake holders like yeah what is this what is this I can explain nothing street meat cheese is hilarious your wife be livid if you ain't starving when you get home traffic man I can't I need something to hold me over here they hand you a couple juice the world have y'all ever got yourself something to eat when I get your wife something CP cam to here once or twice and man please I'm gonna tell you something you learn when your wife is pregnant you learn to never do that before that you'd be like get your own [ __ ] but when they pregnant you see the pain like you had to streak me you can bring two of the business you know what I'm saying like pregnancy cravings and it's the thing that's different is it's you did this to me and I'm suffering like you did this and you just living your life you just waking up walking you can laugh and sneeze you don't gotta pee on yourself and now you don't even bring me no ribs after what you've done I'm like we we wanted to have a baby now we didn't want nothing this is your child you did this to me they they get to cussing you out the way weak ass [ __ ] seeing your feet hoe ass [ __ ] looking at your feet I was up for the antsy I was I was raising the bar every time she wanted to do some fat [ __ ] up she was like let's just let's get some whities and France I was on this dip the fries and the frost she like that that's what's up yeah I was having cravings too my back was hurting me [ __ ] I'm like what's wrong with us yeah you definitely eat with your girls like y'all be eating the same [ __ ] you be sitting there with ice cream and chicken and pickles and dumb [ __ ] what the [ __ ] you got to keep some pickles in the house on some olives like my wife love olives yeah really I love all these I just started eating olives we did we did our show in London I think there was a I think it was a second time when I took my mom in there with us this was the first time I had like really like had an olive flake we found some weird Mediterranean restaurant on like some beating ass path and do recognize me from all death man that [ __ ] game was probably like 500 worth of food charged us like forty dollars but it was the first time I had tried olives and I was hooked after that [ __ ] I'm big Olive energy Olive was a vegetable and you've been away from it ever since finally came back you're trying to make Olive sound exotic yeah give me 500 worth of Olives like that was seven dollars man [Laughter] y'all don't have the olives they got the Jalapeno in the middle look at that [Music] all right then we sat there and watched House when you beat bro relationships when you be into your wife's show it'd be so funny because you start off I always thought of walking down the stairs like what is she watching right the next thing you know you open the refrigerator you looking over and then by by 30 minutes you like now Danielle went over here and your wife is watching this is us and she's crying like a [ __ ] you like man what does Sterling do today oh man these are my favorite these are my favorite olives but I always feel like I'm saying the word wrong so that's why I didn't say the word in the story because I was like okay [Music] the thing is the [ __ ] is [Music] everything everything in there everything in that word do exactly what what the alphabet is supposed to do hey so many times [ __ ] I've messed up duh I pronounced the tahit so I'm not feeling it I'm not gonna chances hey that's how you in an argument two filters if you got a wife we'd be in the separate rules I'm like you'll keep your attitude and we're gonna go we're gonna watch love about the lock up what's up what's up you watch a 90-day fiance or no it's so funny how the longer you're in a relationship apologies can look so much different than I'm sorry okay I'm sorry it is one for sure but you could also be like I got these Wings on the way that's an apology it's an apology did you eat I'm trying to think what you got taste for tonight my wife be like you gonna stay mad or what's like what's up you good like you trying to go in the bathroom have a little prayer meeting or what like the kids sleep like a little prayer meeting a little downstairs bathroom actually what's up and we smoke like we smoke like Junior High kids in the bathroom we build a bathroom at the other on the other end of the house is with the window open [Music] that's what my kids say you Daddy ain't feeling he mad he got to go in the bathroom [Laughter] you need to go in the bathroom or something no [ __ ] wait a minute care speaking of this dog your kids was growing up at a rate that's scaring me bro man bro JoJo wouldn't like you both for my Dad the funniest [ __ ] skin like he lift the weights but it's out of battles he gonna challenge you to a fight in about seven months he's strong though we be wrestling and low-key I'd be like stop stop [Laughter] like you know them Country Boys lifting logs and stuff they don't really they're just strong because their environment desires it right right he be I'll be like hey this little [ __ ] low-key if I was like what are you traded for your ass yeah but I'm telling you the thing about his voice is why it's so crazy for people is it because if you follow me for a long time you literally heard him be like ah hello I'm five years old yeah and now [ __ ] gotta throwing stuff he all move slow it'd be it's weird to me to to look back and be like dang [ __ ] you sound and their voices are deeper than mine because I'm not trying to sound deep but they'd be like yeah it's cool it's cool Loki one time I came home that [ __ ] was peeing I was like what what [ __ ] is in who's that [ __ ] sound deep hey what you don't see is your son that do a pull-ups in PE class talking about JoJo on stage Studios he got one hand GoPro on stage Studios yeah I'd like to bring you that he got to do a one-hand Pull-Ups all right man listen it's about that time for us to get up out of here man I hope y'all had a good show uh definitely want to thank all my guests for coming through we have Mel Mitchell Keisha e Ronnie Kev hopped on he was only supposed to stand for a little bit he hung out with us Rob Hayes hopping on the last minute of course CP did the same thing uh so I'm Gonna Make Way for everybody to tell you what they got going on what you should look out for where you can follow them at all of that also uh the cash apps are up right now so if y'all want to go ahead and bless them with a little something right there you could do that as well and I guess we're starting with CP CPU at first [Music] um two funny Tuesdays every other Tuesday those globos every Thursday at The Comedy Store um I just uh [ __ ] the ink is dry I just booked the roll man I'm about to be in Toronto for like six seven weeks congratulations yeah man you in Toronto I'm about to be throwing shows up there um so you know y'all need to tap in and uh yeah man shout out to Hulu shout out to Natasha Rothwell about to get it going hey it is that's dope that is amazing yeah yeah let's go with uh let's go with Rob next oh that's not gonna do it okay I don't know how to switch that to the thing okay I'm just keep it on this one boom I appreciate all the cash apps um I will be at the NFL honors uh you can watch that on NBC Thursday before the Super Bowl um also motherland every Wednesday in Eagle Rock at casino Filipina uh good heroin every Saturday at stories and Echo Park and listen to the inconsistent podcast with Rob Hayes on all your streaming platforms we just launched a patreon so if you want to you know pay then you got some exclusive content for you so check that out all right there it is Keisha e what's up um y'all can follow me on Instagram I'll post everything I have going on there it's keisha.e um I have some shows coming up around La I'll be also opening up for uh the cocktails podcast if y'all follow them in February um some college shows coming up but I'll post everything there um shout out to thank you for everybody for the cash app Sandra Jackson Brandon reads Mario Dion Sia I might be pronouncing that wrong shout out to Eric Eric sent me some money for being his second favorite Detroit comedian after CP so specific with this [ __ ] too this is very specific like but I gotta I got love for you I'm like okay thank you it is Kev on stage uh vote for me for the NAACP image award for outstanding social comedian social media personality um other than that get cap on stage Studios or uh get a ticket when we come to your pretty Link in my bio to show you where we're gonna be at okay bye all right uh Ronnie Jordan what's up man I didn't I didn't know we were doing our cash app so that's why I had my website it's dollar sign Ronnie Jordan if you guys want to contribute to the doordash fund that I'm ordering uh yeah yeah officialblessaf.com go get your blessed day of merch um uh go to YouTube backslash Ronnie Jordan I got some new stuff on there and uh more than culture uh it's uh got some more new content coming and also um this past Show season three about to drop man right here on that show um season three drops in February um also I'm on a beat I got a series on BET plus right now so I got a story to tell um I'm on episode two called gas station field with young job and um currently on tour with Desi Banks right now we in Dallas we're in Arlington right now sold our show had to add a show tonight we'll be in Milwaukee next week after that All-Star Weekend in Utah so what's up man thank you I appreciate everybody tapping in man this [ __ ] has been dope this is how I got my popping during the pandemic on zooming with the homies everything after this point happened for me after um you know during the pandemic so I appreciate you bringing this [ __ ] back I appreciate you here oh yeah what's up my boy all right young male Mitchell what's the business hey guys um my Instagram is [ __ ] um on Tick Tock and Twitter I'm the baddest Mitch period um yes I got my little stupid ass kids I've been doing so follow that um my podcast is jokes on you podcast follow that I'm doing way better this year because we've been inconsistent as hell the past three years so we're trying to really like support to that this year um come see me on the tour with Kim and to hear best opportunity ever thank you again Kev and similar to Ronnie like I got one of my first shots of being even in this it's like group of people and during the pandemic I did this in June July of 2020 I was on something with the homies so that was really cool so thank you again to here and I think that's all I got going on right now thank you guys oh I got an emoji now shout out to me have an emoji we going come on now that's big that's right they'll give you the Emoji you know what I'm saying about that merch up so shout out to the more mob and everybody else watching Man scary Squad we watch game for more mods appreciate y'all as well shout out to everybody that's just been supporting movement and Rocket was in with the armies from the beginning um as always you know I'm gonna push the patreon because we're definitely trying to increase the tribe um it's a good vibe over there man it's a real good vibe but we got some real big things coming uh in the upcoming months uh so please make sure you check out more to the story every Tuesday I want to hear more uh I'm sorry youtube.com um like I said as soon as I hit a hundred thousand I'm sorry yeah 100 000 subscribers I'm doing uh another roast so the quicker we get to the hundred thousand we're gonna do that roast that Road's gonna be fired up uh y'all can see the the more my patreon out here of course your parents also do uh the Moors air it all out that's a a real talk conversation that we have that's really reserved for our patreon and I tried because we talk about a lot of different stuff on our personal life uh just trying to share life on stuff and also educate and just give you know look tips and stuff to the people that may be interested or curious about certain things uh a friend has a new show coming out called secret menu it is not about food I would just tell you that much it's her and Kenisha so you can kind of guess which direction they're going with that man it's so nasty I won't even go on the show currently on tour with Kev on stage man I think we're gonna be on tour to like the middle of August so go to kevinstage.com to grab your tickets for that uh and uh yeah man man too you like the video subscribe to the channel uh and check out my Instagram even though they demonetized me I'm still gonna be posting videos so I appreciate y'all we'll be back next Monday on another episode of Zoom with the homie shout out to all my amazing guests we appreciate y'all we love y'all y'all take it easy peace guys
Channel: Tahir Moore
Views: 34,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Bb8AAP98PJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 12sec (6372 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 29 2023
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