Watching True Crime Shows Means You're Disturbed?!?

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what's up everybody um I'm to hear more I'm about to cloud and this is another episode of damn internet you scary got a very special guest on right now you know I'm saying you might remember her from uh shows a Squad cast you know the drop uh shoulders of Atlanta ladies and gentlemen we got the one and only Scooby-Doo mag scoop in the building that was uh shoulders of Atlanta season one and two yeah I wish we could call you School but that's a that's a gang out here is it yeah we're not too close they say ski it's just yeah it's pretty close I was Atlanta Megan scoop it's Atlanta ing at per usual um you know it's got fair share of crime fair share of you know white people in the outskirts uh uh ain't no white people in Atlanta there are but I feel like in certain parts it's like what there's a lot of people here like you know certain parts where you go but then where I live it's like what there's black people here so it's a little it's weird because it's like outside of Atlanta and the fact that I feel like that it's different what you haven't been to Tyler Perry studio yet yeah I've been there actually that's um the press that gave us a tour um very nice and it was just like wow like bruh he got a whole Diner that he it was from like some South Georgia area it was a for real Diner he literally had it dug up and shipped like on a train or like by folks I don't know how they got it to his Studio I don't know if it was by Train by like truck or what they literally picked this whole Diner up it looks like every Diner you've ever seen on a movie set or on a TV show and they literally dropped it and this is for to eat or to shoot at no to shoot at so he has like he has a bunch of like because it's a bit it used to be um an army base so it's like open property so he's got a diner he's got like you see this um airplane it's like I don't know if it's like half an airplane or something so he can shoot airplane scenes inside of an airplane he's got like this um the White House it is for real looks like the White House on the outside is looks to scale to be honest and then he's got like a whole neighborhood I mean like the back there the houses are not there but like the fronts of the houses are legit like houses so he's got like a street he's got um a bank he's got maybe like a football field or baseball field or something like that it's just it's just a bunch of sets and then he has like you know like 12 sound stages or something like that yeah no he got more than that he has the most he has more than all this results down stages or I don't know it's it's a lot it's the most I think in the Southeast yeah but like the amount of square footage because we're in Georgia is way more square footage than any I think any studio in LA because I mean WWB as big as it is it's on what Lankershim like it can't it can't even really spread out that much so that's all that's really cool I always wanted to see it it's funny how you can predict what type of movies people will shoot because like until you like diners be in hella movies all right right you really really think about it like that diners uh what else did you say football fields like you can kind of predict what people will book based on just [ __ ] that that's out there like planes I mean and that's just the stuff that's like individual on the outside but I'm sure like he has a jail he's got but it's like inside of one building a jail Court House like the bank I don't know what else is in the bank building but there's like other stuff other sets all the stuff that used to be in YouTube Studios all right all right that's crazy bro I don't want to go yeah me too I want to make a tour or something they do tours like Universal I don't think they started yet they all I mean I think they had the I think they plan on it and then the pandemic hit and so I think now there's they haven't started it yet but I think the the goal is to still do it okay I definitely want to go check it out because I showed it roll up there a few like a couple of months ago with somebody that was in town and I rode up to the gate they was like nah turn on back so let you just like pull up to the front um before the gates of Tyler Perry Studios they'll let people like get out and take pictures but that day I don't know what was going on they was like sorry dang okay I can't imagine how much money he must have to have the biggest studio in this oh and to buy you know try to buy BT you know it's just it's just whatever it seems like he just has enough money to do whatever the hell he wants right now but that's look that's hard work paying off all them years didn't nobody want to um bankroll him or help him out he said all right I'll just do it myself owns the one of the biggest the biggest Studio square footage wise and lot wise now on BET well I don't think he owns it yet I think that's like their time yeah because I think they're trying to happen they're not trying to charge him like something ridiculous because they know how like now that everybody wants bet because at first I don't think they thought many people was gonna buy it but now everybody want to buy it they're like oh three billion dollars I don't yeah I'm glad that I'm glad that he got it more than Diddy I think [Music] I just was like I don't see I don't see Revolt in a lot of places I don't see it like making the strides that it potentially at the half the potential to be I feel like and I just don't know what did he has the bandwidth to do BET right I feel like Tyler can do it right one of his movies on every day for three years and he'll never repeat a movie I mean you know and plus I have that stuff on BG plus it's his anyway so it's like that's hella true he basically creatively fleshed out that and own bet plus and own remember he was doing all the programming for Oprah so you might as well it's already his anyway so that's crazy usually when people say like man I'll just do it myself they don't actually end up beating the big corporations they'll do they'll do like enough for them to like you know get rich but they don't ever go out and beat Sony that's pretty crazy just he just got so good at working like at this level that he just kept doing it and that's what made him all this money because think about it like he single-handedly with back in the day it's different now but he would write all the shows like every single episode before he he didn't even really have writers like that he would write the shows he would direct them he would act in them he did the all the plays like that because he just didn't have the money to hire people so it was like oh I gotta do it and then he kept doing it once he got like once he started making legit money he's just he didn't know how to not operate like that yeah I think it took him some years before people were like bro like how are you trying to scale you doing all of this for multiple shows like you that is not sustainable and he finally started getting you know producers and all type of help but that's crazy but that's how you make money you got to do it yourself yeah it's cool to see him as the new rich black guy you know how like growing up there was always like a rich black guy like man did he'll buy it or you know Obama oh [ __ ] I forgot to ask y'all how y'all feeling about uh spiel I'm trying to get on it won't nobody give me a call I didn't bag I sent you a call right now you're begging on Twitter somebody that stole the code that the girl sent me because she ain't DM it to me I got you man what is this it's supposed to be the Rival it's only for us real blacks pack don't you worry about it I'm a real black you're a Japanese high school girl you're a Japanese high school girl look at your background hey this is cool Trinkets and such yes exactly what a Japanese high school girl would say there is Hello Kitty over there but that's the only thing yeah all right boom I just sent it to you Pat you don't have one yet what is it I didn't hear what it what it was called it's basically like the new Twitter well it's black Twitter but it's black black Twitter personified what yeah we leaving now after the after he put the limitations on us like if you don't have a verified account you only got what what do you say 60 sweet sir if you're a new verified it was like 30 or 60. it was something ridiculous bro he running that [ __ ] like he playing truth or dare and he keeps taking all theirs wait is this limitations on which you can write or what you can actually read what you can view my [ __ ] that's crazy that's crazy so here's the thing Elon Musk what's the purpose of that Elon Musk is a genius in his way of putting people in places where you can make a lot of money Tesla in my opinion is still the best bang for your buck when it comes to electric cars they have the best range the best propulsion uh quality and but when it comes to what they've been doing it the longest right everything else he's a cornball and it don't matter how much money you got you can't outpay coin coin is always going to win you get some corny [ __ ] with money bro you corny and that's that's Elon Musk now you could have just I feel like somebody dared him to do something crazy they were like I bet you won't do something like buy Twitter and then he did the [ __ ] cause he's a cornball with money and now he don't know what to do with it so now he's just trying to he's trying to turn everything into a paywall because the company isn't making the money the type of Revenue that he's used to making but it's like some [ __ ] be it a long term investment and making [ __ ] change in the first 90 days it's like you are goofy Twitter is so cultural that yeah it's like corporations like it's crazy that they don't see this nothing kills something that's cultural quicker than corporations that's why music festivals and stuff like South by Southwest and Coachella they're hot for a long time and then they're not all of a sudden because corporations are like oh is this where everything is well let's fill it with you know all these Brands and then people don't like that so it's crazy he doesn't see a difference between Tesla and Twitter because Tesla's a huge Money Maker Twitter just needs to be what it's at like social purpose is like it's social media you're telling people they cannot be social up to it a point he doesn't understand culture regardless of him being born in South Africa growing up in Toronto and just being around all the culture he doesn't understand it it's pale skin reflects it you can't absorb it so he doesn't see the value in it he's a cornball social media period like that's just not if you're looking to make money in that way that's not it because people just gonna leave they're gonna be like oh well what's the new place called I'm sending you an invite call right now you're sending you an invite code Pat since now I'm a part of spill you sent me I ain't put a code in yet I know I'm just saying that no it ain't the same thing give him my code to what are you talking it's different I got three tickets [ __ ] do you like it too is it cool I do but I I haven't I haven't uh spent like a significant amount of time on it I got on it yesterday sent off a couple read through it and then today they had posted uh a link with like basically how to spell what it is what you spill when you retweet or you know repost something or comment on something so and Cat I don't know you know I'm saying why they hate no Android users I'm sure it's coming it has be coming it's too many of y'all for them to not have that that update oh you can't have Android using the spill app damn they probably put it out before they had all that stuff because of what elon's doing right now they might yeah the two guys that uh that created a people of color and they are former employees of Twitter oh wow yeah they are yeah one was like he won a bunch of awards he was like has to do with something and they they dipped because of what happened that they might not die he could have been they could have been in that round of people that he fired but they got 2.75 million dollars of investment seed money and then they came up with steel and it just so happened that it launched or it became widely known that it was launching the day that Elon set those limitations so it's like oh yeah I know I hope I hope I hope it takes off I hope it takes off and I hope people transfer from Twitter to here I hope Twitter stays there you know that's what it could be like the back door like you know what I'm saying that's the back way into the Matrix you still can go in there for what you mean every now and then but I hope spill takes over and I hope Eli realizes he needs to be completely hands off and just be an angel investor in Twitter everything he touches when it comes to social media is a [ __ ] was there something else with what with uh Elon did he do anything else in social media uh no it's just like him tweeting like even when he's talking yeah anything involved with social media I just I just don't want to I don't want to see his tweets yeah and it's only invite uh right now it's kind of like how Clubhouse was at the beginning remember I never signed up I would imagine they're giving them to like you know the the influencers and stuff like that so we can go in and get our name so nobody goes in and grabs your name on some [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah they'll give you your name and [ __ ] so like I would imagine that's probably what's happening yes yes well I'm signing up right to now yeah are there a lot of and there's like a lot of people like the your your timeline's already lit um I got a Spiel yeah so it tells you how to spill right here this is one thing right here and you just basically read it it's like is give or mean for it type of post right okay and then you kind of caption it with something and then you can reply to everything you could re-quote that and add a comment to the quote or you can just like repost it and do it there's stuff new like that or is it basically just like Twitter 2.0 um the layout is new the layout is completely new um I got the Patrick Cloud yeah I got mine too make scoop follow me guys I got zero same thing oh instead of followers and it's sipping and serving you get it the tea the tea spill a tape my Twitter always has the TV okay so now maybe now based on his teeth serving so instead of a tweet it's just like I'm spilling right now I'm I just did a spill that's sassy yep I'm on here this the uh this is the creator I don't know why you got that picture like that like you yo you would really be out here in these threes you see my name but it's because no he's like his name's Alfonso I don't know I don't know any white Alfonso what's your names just make scoop into here more yes sir yep what's going on what is this little thing next to my name that symbol what is that little symbol next to you see where it says Meg scoop oh yeah uh your Ultra remember or something like that what is your does yours have that next to it oh no you know what that's your astrological sign I guess oh and I should probably put it in the right birthday huh you're so trash man maybe somewhere close to my birthday not necessarily I don't like to be put my real birthday out there okay uh you're so trash is you right that's what it was okay yeah it doesn't post your birthday it just tells you that's why I didn't know what it was because that's not my zodiac sign so like what is this what is this uterus like it looks like Fallopian tubes I guess that's Aries all right boom my first spill whoa this is crazy with a gif hold on to your potatoes oh and when it's posting it says brewing your tea I like this this feels black okay let me do you have to pay um you don't have to know but I mean if it's gonna be your first post give it some Razzle give it some Razzle Dazzle all right hey this is fun I got a whole new hat well so wait y'all still staying on Twitter though yeah but like that's gonna be the sun stuff it like really get popular I feel like this is an opportunity to get popular with like early Tick Tock and Vine and all that type of [ __ ] so like not even from the stand place I mean the standpoint of malicious intent but now I was like all right well [ __ ] it if this [ __ ] pops off then you know I'm gonna hit the ground floor and just take off running and if it happens to keep me off of Twitter more than usual then you know it's a win-win so every every platform is an opportunity to grow and expand the fan base and the support group so I'm on it yeah it's kind of like if you have the chance to get in on YouTube or something early oh Megan who had like the chance to get into like uh shoulder supports early like like get stuck into you know like shoulder pads and you know uh places suspenders I don't know why you didn't hook me up and tell me about it considering for man bras really early on you could have told me hey look out for shoulder bras or something well my partnership with skins had a very tight NDA so I couldn't really just I'll tell you about that that was a good one [Laughter] yeah I couldn't be out here just talking all willy-nilly okay do y'all be watching uh true crime or like murder stories you know I love murder stories and true kind I think that says a lot about us too when we go to sleep watching that type of stuff did y'all see that y'all saw that study that said like people who go to sleep um major red flag major red flag and it's because you dealt with a lot of trauma in your life so this is just normal to you the chaos and the craziness um True Crime is just hey it's normal to my life I don't think and after I found out I said oh my gosh that is so true because think about everybody that you know that like loves True Crime that will fall asleep to it like to they are the have the most trauma all of all my friends that do that that's not true it's interesting that's like saying if you like action movies you're you've been through some like traumatic experience like first of all who has it second of all it's It's Entertainment like that would be weird to be watching boring stuff because you're like I've never been through anything it's boring it's what I'm saying it's a difference between liking True Crime and being like Oh I want to fall asleep to it like this is comforting to me that's what the study was saying a lot of times in those situations because I I you don't know the parameters of these studies bro like they just give us information with no background or no like supporting evidence but it's like I like the True Crime because I like to find out about wow stories that happen but the full circle effect is that usually they saw the crimes on like uh Forensic Files and stuff they end up solving and figuring it out there's a there have been a few that went unsolved but for the most part most of them are solve the DNA and forensic evidence and things of that nature so it feels like what we watch on TV we watch an action movie somebody gets kidnapped they hire somebody to go find them this person beats a thousand people's ass and then brings the kid home becomes full circle you feel good about it and so true kind for me is like oh my God the world's so crazy oh thank God they felt the person that did it and it provides a little comfort so I don't know you know why I don't like True Crime because every single time and my husband loves True Crime every single time he turns it on I look at it this person died it was somebody they knew this is the person who killed them the end I was like yo I cannot watch this same thing sometimes over and then the person did it somebody did it here's my recommendation switch over to hood True Crimes that is so much more interesting and it's so much smarter to watch because ninety percent of of True Crime is like this farmer in Wyoming killed his wife or just like this random dude in Jackson Hole but like you go to the the hood crime stories I want to know what's happening on Sloss The First 48 they be in the hood I just be watching it on YouTube Bro The First 48 be so [ __ ] Hood like God bless the dead but y'all saw what happened with the lady in the restaurant in her and her son yeah I'm gonna step in yes they had took the picture of dude and they labeled it and they said he went in for some uh oh what song that oh my God I know what you're about to say yeah we went in for like burgers we left with his wings I saw that day that's how First 48 like labels their titles too like it'd be just like that you're like what it means and you can see the tiger like oh yo they wow for this it'd be a double entender with their title so that's that was the person or the actual headline That Dope okay what is is the hood is True Crime you will get what is First 48 oh but that's but it's scripted though right no it's real crime that has happened bro they be they'll pull up on the scene and the body's still there you see the the trail of blood going up to the white sheet it was like Memphis Tennessee phone call is made because a man is lying on the blood on the concrete bleeding for hours y'all need to get down here these folks inside somebody just left them in the middle of the street yeah detective Jackson thinking of Veteran of the police force for 28 years homicide for 10 years that ain't the one that cuts to the the timer and it'll have the 48 hours it's like yeah yeah no it's not it's not because sometimes also you'll see they have like the the person's face will be blurred because I guess at the end of it knowing that because we're all we all do production I think what happens is any of the people that are on it they have the production company has to get like them to sign a waiver to say hey we're covering this crime you know we're gonna show your face so I don't the question is I don't know if they pay these people afterwards like we're because we're covering the story we're showing your face we're gonna pay you or is it a simple fact like you've got to sign this waiver for us to agree to show your face because sometimes they'll bore like the the witness or they'll blur the person who actually did it because it is weird because they'll do that sometimes they'll blur sometimes they'll show the face sometimes they use fake names to protect the people involved but then they started doing this at the end of some of them was like if you want to donate to the family you can you know email this number I mean email this address and or you know donate here or call this number so it's like damn so wait like it's it's a it's a lot of levels to it and every episode is different as far as like I think the first one was right okay yeah Terence I was thinking of 24. Jack Bauer I was like there's no way he's real wow it's crispy as hell [Laughter] great but 48 also does a little beep beep beep the timer or is that specifically when it starts as soon as they get there they're like and the timer starts and then throughout the show come back to the timer sometimes they'll show that it's 48 hours is up and they ain't got nowhere like that is so funny this whole time we talking about True Crime you over here talking about scripted shows that's what I was thinking no about but the yeah that I watch is real it's just online by YouTubers that are involved in gangs themselves I tell you what I do like though um because sometimes like you know watching a lot of those shows can mess with you a little bit so I'm just gonna let you guys know that this show this episode is sponsored by Better Health if you ever start watching too many of those shows you feeling down or the holidays coming around or the seasonal changes starts to get to you you definitely want to remind you about better help okay better help is uh an amazing option when it comes to therapy you get the chance to really connect with your your therapist you get a chance to pick your therapist uh you're connected with a therapist Another 48 hours and then for any reason you don't really connect with them you could change your therapist it's very easy and it's it's free of charge to you all right whether you're dealing with decisions around your career relationship or anything else therapy helps you stay connected to what you really want while you navigate life so you can move forward with confidence and excitement trusting yourself to make decisions that align with your values is like anything else the more you practice it the easier it gets when I first started with Better Health be honest I didn't Vibe with the first guy and there was no disrespect to him it's just like we just didn't really click um so I requested a new therapist got another one another 48 hours that person was amazing they were able to understand what I was trying to say they helped me sometimes just verbalizing the thoughts that are in my head because you think about the slots all day but then you never say it a little out just saying it allows sometimes helped me talk myself through what I needed to do or what I needed to do differently so if you're thinking of starting therapy give Better Health a try it's entirely online it's designed to designed to be convenient flexible and suited to your schedule just fill out a brief questionnaire and get matched with a licensed therapist and switch therapist at any time for no digital charge all right let them be your therapy let therapy be your map with Better Health visit DIYs today and get 10 off your first month that's better health DIYs if you've benefited from therapy uh feel free to share your experience man post it on there the testimonials page and help someone else find their way back on track my first three therapists was on Better Health talk about it unless I have a few on now what number I'm on number four and she's I love her but my first three that I kind of and this I went they were good for different periods of life I had one that was like maybe I went to her for like six months another one I I did oh couples counseling on there I didn't really like her we was there with her for like three or four she just didn't Vibe with us and then another one we just found on there I loved her she was great so do you guys specifically need like a black woman and a black man or does that not always happen I do just for just for relatability right yeah yeah but one of my friends she's she is very pro-black and oddly enough her therapist is like a gay white man I was like wow and she was like no he gets me I was like okay she was like no she just you know you just go with who you know certain people Vibe with you just you just gotta go with that and you know once you talk to them and you you know you you will feel if you're comfortable with your therapist or not every time I found a therapist in traditional therapy uh like going into therapists and stuff like that anytime it was a person uh not of color and I would tell them like you know my upbringing y'all know the stories and [ __ ] like that like I could see them like I could see their faces like and it's just like I'm not here for this bro like you don't get this yeah you don't you're not gonna get it every story I'm gonna tell you is going to baffle you and I admit I've been doing some wild ass [ __ ] but it's like going into it you've seen that whether you're shocked by the story or you're thinking about how much work is going to be involved with helping me unpack this [ __ ] it just wasn't reassuring to see that on your face so that makes sense I was just like if that's the person who's helping you it would be nice if they had uh at least been in that same ballpark of you know like it not not just them like oh okay yeah let me flip to the back of this book it'd be good if you know they had some damn experience that makes sense that makes a lot of sense though Tia T Hudson said we will watch crime 360 in high school crime 360 was more interesting because they showed the animation of crime scene and how they will find the murder weapon I've never heard of absolutely true crime 360 was amazing they don't log in really air it oh and I like how I like the new thing that that okay stream yard I see when you you hit the thing and it pops up like that I like that okay was fire right so like they would tell you the murder and pull you to the scene and then that would tell you what happened and then they would have somebody come in and they would take a scan of the room so they can know exactly where the bullet was fired from what angle all that then they would do an animation of it so the person was standing here and the bullet would come out the gun and the show going through the person's legs all of a sudden been hit when it went through the leg all that types of it was fire but they only did like a couple seasons of it but crime 360 was bomb as [ __ ] I think yeah well you go on Hulu it was on Hulu at one point I have to see if it's still on there it just I just I just looked it up and it says that you can get it on Hulu you can get it on uh Prime and apparently apparently it's on uh aetv and I think they have their own streaming too yeah they do I think that was one of the ones I got a a seven day trial to watch something and then I just didn't cancel it finish my favorite new trial this MGM streaming out I'm watching the show from oh my gosh I'm on that right now we're out we're like almost done with the first season bro let me tell you something you're gonna be so mad man because they don't give you no answers no and it only gets more confusing the more it goes on you'll be like what the [ __ ] what is happening you start feeling really bad you'd be like I don't know what time at first I had a glimmer of hope tell me that I'm thinking I'm getting ready to get answered because we're getting towards they gonna lead you on baby yeah I feel like it's new is this something else that that changed over to MGM MGM 2022 no no I'm playing the app MGM plus was it something else before um I don't know oh I got the dude the black dude from Walking Dead on it yeah yes Harold pear no and he's so good in this world oh he's the he's the lead and he's the lead bro and he's so good in this road bro I just want to say why is he always doing some alternate universe a universe that ain't really there they say MGM is formally Epic Man or epics okay well yeah because epics seemed kind of like why would I buy that extra FX that was FX with an X I've never even had that I X that's what I'm saying so they had to Rebrand it because I don't think nobody was buying I ain't even heard it here the MGM plus does look fire when I'm streaming something I'm on that trial I'm just I'm I'm here I'm here so I don't get fined I'm knocking all this [ __ ] out then I'm gonna go ahead and cancel that bad boy right right it's just like some Supernatural type horror [ __ ] or bro yeah you just gotta watch the first episode because you can watch the first season for free on Amazon Prime Harold parano was also on 64 episodes of lost you remember this ain't been lost I think that's what I meant was he in Walking Dead too was he I don't think he was in Walking Dead everyone he was like a boy I'm doing all of this for my boy he was in something else though what else has it been there man I'm looking at all his stuff I think I think it was um The Best Man the best man that's who he is he was a corny friend with a wife that was walking all over him yeah it was The Matrix Reloaded too yeah I don't think he was in Walking Dead I was like when I saw this I was like what's here driver on uh Matrix reloader like we should legit have a watch 40 for the first episode of from this is so goddamn good bro wow it is [ __ ] wild he's in Sons of Anarchy too I'm down this looks cool I mean I can't hear it but I'm looking at the trailer right now it looks like it's shot amazingly it's a very interesting every episode some of the things I just seen in there like I probably wouldn't do it like that yeah his name wasn't Oz He was a dude in the uh the wheelchair wasn't he yeah I think that was him yeah he was Michael Dawson and lost that's right and he had his he had his team always and this basically is like lost to me [Music] I actually wanted to double back on uh on loss because I want to say that damn it might have been him was he the one who said that it was like super racist on set I think he was just I think Harold was just in the news saying uh the law set was like crazy racist and it was oh really I do remember something about that but I don't know who it was yeah I thought it was somebody else I'm I'm down this looks good as hell bro Boyd Stevens and I'm so now I'm over here like because I'm watching that and I'm watching Silo at the same time on Apple TV plus so I'm over here like uh too many too many like fictitious worlds too many shows but way too bad I realize I need to probably just finish one and then start the other okay it was him he said lost was racist which sucks because he was probably one of the only black characters it was it was lemon yeah lost was fire but I mean after a few seasons I was just like I couldn't I couldn't do it anymore and I just hope that doesn't happen with from because it just got so confusing I just stopped watching Lost I don't even know how it ended I don't know if they ever got off that freaking Island I just I couldn't they started doing flash forwards to when they were off the island and then I was just like oh well spoilers this person lives I guess I couldn't I couldn't do it so speaking of TV shows there's a crazy story in the news like squid games is getting like a whole bunch of uh promo right now because they they showed that Netflix made 900 million almost a billion dollars from it but the writer the South Korean writer and director Huang dong hyuk uh it made him famous but not rich he gets no intellectual property rights and received no residuals so everybody's kind of like talking about this right now which does suck but I think that that's how all Netflix [ __ ] is you know I I feel like that's how it all is it's just a big deal because this was so popular but I don't know I think some of the show no I don't think all the shows are like that like for example and you take Dave Chappelle you take Chris Rock's like comedy special I think it's what was negotiated and I think he probably got like a really Baseline deal that because they didn't know it was going to be popular they just was like we're gonna put this on here I'm pretty sure I'm I'm sure trying to rob getting something for Bridgeton and all of that but the difference is because she was well known she already has hit shows under her belt when she came to Netflix so that's she can negotiate a different like a higher deal right but I don't know if this guy he wasn't known internationally no I I don't know how well he was known in Korea but even if he was one of the most well-known writers and directors in Korea Netflix was still taking a gamble on him so they probably didn't negotiate a really good deal with him and he probably just accepted it so unfortunately that's what happened to him he doesn't get it just happened to be a big hit but at least for the second season he should be getting something hopefully out of that yeah so you know Netflix is coming out with like a game show the squid games I did hear that yeah so me and my friends was gonna audition and be on it because we love this they're killing people no really really that's what's good that's what squid games is well it's like games you get eliminated but you don't die obviously they have that already no but I mean like the the type of games I guess they're like higher States they start killing contestants I think that would actually cause it remember they they had that story out that went nowhere there was like uh God creates a VR game that actually kills you when you die in the game would really buy this right like and it was like it was like a headset that did something to your brain right yeah like something actually winning your history oh that wasn't a joke it was a I did it I did a video on it it was um he he actually made it but it wasn't for mass production so it wasn't like a a dumb idea that failed I think he just did it but that's usually the first step in the craziness is somebody just doing it so I don't really know how many they would get sued so fast by white black parents they listen it's it's not gonna it'll never work even with Wafers behind and all of that it's never going to work what type of game would you guys risk playing if if you knew that you could die in the game is there any game that you could even think of that would make that risk worth it wait wait I don't understand what you're saying so you play the game and then you die in the game you die in real life it does something the headset does something to your brain or or something and now you're a vegetable no you're just dead yeah I think it Insurgency do they know that this is true it's it was it was built it wasn't made for people I'm gonna look it up right now VR but it wasn't made for people it wasn't made to like Mass produce okay so this was ironically this was the Oculus kofak co-founder so this was the one who actually made the the most popular VR headset and it says he made a VR headset that can literally kill you it's it's it's an actual prototype it says the idea of that dying in a video game or simulation could cause your death in real life it's a common Trope that has appeared in dozens of fictional Works uh but um this is a new VR headset that he has designed that has that uses three embedded explosive charges okay Planet above the forehead that can instantly destroy the brain of the user uh the lethal explosion is triggered via a narrow band photo sensor that can detect when the screen flashes red at a specific frequency which is easy to set off during a game over screen so to be clear uh it says the deadly headset um at this point is just a piece of office art a thought-provoking reminder of unexplored Avenues in game design that's scary that is very scary why would anyone right because somebody like I'm gonna try this let's see if it which is which is why this is it that's why it scares me because it's a serious idea and obviously building stuff like this make it needs funding so someone is interested in this and they also write the idea of your real life of tying your real life to your virtual Avatar has always fascinated us you instantly raise the stakes to the maximum level and force people to fundamentally rethink how they interact with the virtual world and the players inside it absolutely not I I feel like playing video games especially like that's why Grand Theft Auto is so famous like you can literally run outside punch an old lady shoot at the cops and then it's like you get killed and you're like ah okay like let's restart right right if that's that virtual reality reality I am only there because it's not real right virtual right now you're trying to make it my real life oh my gosh do I have to go to work every day as well in there because if so I'm not ignoring it then you literally become Ready Player One well then they need to connect the money to the a real bank account which I hear that there is a game that uh the new Grand Theft Auto was rumored to be like that when you make money in there it can transfer to real life um that that's been like a like a floating headline you know there's a bunch of rumors around Grand Theft Auto but if anywhere I think that would happen first because it's already happening there's like a shooter that's kind of like Call of Duty that you can earn real life money in I think it's uh it's part of the crypto wave yeah that interests me I don't know about I don't know about me potentially dying but hopefully not in our lifetime or the next like five ten lifetimes so no man I mean listen we're living in in Crazy times you can have a full conversation with somebody face to face on the phone right now you don't have to go to the grocery store to go get your your groceries you can you can deal with hello fresh okay you get form fresh pre-portioned ingredients and seasonal recipes delivered right to your doorstep get to skip the trials of the grocery store and count on hellofresh to make home cooking easy fun and affordable and let's be honest time to hangout place to summer with crowd-pleasing eats from a backyard bratwurst bar to a Tangy key lime pie hello Fresh Market makes Summer entertaining a cinch all right it's peak time for summer produce and hello fresh make sure that you get all the best picks all season long the 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use the code DIYs 50 for 50 off plus free shipping all right hellofresh America's number one meal kid man come on come on come on Fresh I gotta I got a a crazy story um any of y'all have any plans to be as uh jump on Twitch or be a streamer no all right not in your cards well maybe I can change your mind even though this is low-key kind of creepy all right so there is a twitch streamer her name is something like that so she estimated that she makes more than about ten thousand dollars every night because she streams herself Sleeping so we always talk about making money in our sleep she literally took it literal so switch influencer I'm around or however you say it they recently told the ice coffee Hour podcast that her most lucrative stream is her sleeping she says that each sleep stream generates about 9940 with additional revenue revenue coming from conversions to her only fans account so there's two wildly crazy things about this first of all 10K at night that's crazy just to see you sleep it's insane but it's like I'm trying to think of like is that it might be more naked or in lingerie like you're probably sleeping with the covers in her hair and a bonnet like she's just asleep and yeah I don't know if you can purpose it's the sexiness too I think she's just asleep to hear but there might be a sexy aspect to it because I think some people think that's sexy to creep on somebody and watch them as they sleep no it's definitely a lot of that which I think is the biggest problem is like okay who who's my fan base who's really like all these people who like watching me somebody with a knife just rub it against your skin wire she she drools like that's a turn on well I mean she says that there's a lot of additional Revenue coming from conversions to their own her only fans so I think there is definitely like a sexiness part of it um but she says her monthly income from this is about two million dollars so wait what is the point of having an only fans if you have a twitch don't they do like isn't she I mean same things on both I mean no I mean only fans isn't right now there are people who do a numerous amount of things but the implication is that you're gonna either see a little more or get a little more um in the you know in the sexiness area uh from the only fans which it seems like that would be an easy a easy transfer from this because you know there's I think the biggest model right now is like half online half on only fans so if you think of like the atom 22 and Lena plug Talk podcast it's like the the first porn podcast they do a podcast with a porn star and that's what's a that's what you air as a on Spotify and then they literally like smash the porn star and that part is on only fans so the half and half thing is pretty big now and so I'm assuming maybe she sleeps for the 10K and then there's a little a little mo for for the extra but ten thousand she says if she says that about 10 000 a night every time she goes to sleep if she streams every night 30 days 10K each that's that's about I mean that's over 2 million ain't it that's three million I'm just wondering what she has to do if it's literally she's just asleep I guess I wouldn't mind doing that if it was like I would I would I would do it well I mean he was the other part like I don't I usually don't wear nothing when I sleep okay I like to be just free so I would have to go up version search of clothes on just in case I don't want nobody to see nothing like well that's the thing she's doing it on Twitch so she has to do that anyway she can't do that on Twitch so she goes to sleep and she uh cuts it out for an hour that hour that she cuts down is the sexy sleepy time sex and somebody comes in and like pulls a pack shorts down and then they get it in and pulls back up and he walks away that's what the only fan sings that kind of stuff is like that's a it's an interesting question because this watch people watching you sleep automatically creepy but that price tag attached to it man here's the thing though you got to keep that up we got a sleeping part if it was just a sleeping part that's cool ten thousand dollars a night 30 days in a month that's three hundred thousand dollars that's not bad that's not that's not a bad monthly take away right but once you start doing only fans the [ __ ] like you got to keep that up only fan sounds cool for a second and if you love [ __ ] as much as you know I guess some people do like yeah I guess it ain't a problem but like you know I feel myself [ __ ] before it's cool you know but setting up the camera and the tripod and lights every time every time you use lights sometimes I just use a light on the uh on the phone oh yeah but if I want to get a specific shot then yeah I need I need it to be brighter because I want my my hands life is hilarious uses a c-stand in the bedroom is hilarious that's funny I feel like if there's just one angle of you sleeping then is it really that bad I feel like you gotta I would practice though I would have like tonight I'm gonna practice sleep and I'm like yeah yeah and then like go back and look at it I need to like practice sleeping like let me see what I look like when I wake up in the morning because and I see this footage because what if I'm an ugly sleeper like what if I'm like and then all this drool is just dripping out make more money I wish I could get paid for people to see me with my CPAP mask though yo you would get so much money with your CPAP device that would be dope you could play like Star Wars music doing that to hear nobody is doing that um like hey who think that to here's uh that's what it looks like this is my new CPAP this is my travel one this is I look like Alexa that's the one I use when I'm on the plane so look this is the hose right here okay you got your hookah in place that's your hookah that ain't cpaper please my Mass is on my my stationary one but I put them yeah it covers the whole face right here nose nose and mouth and I just lean back with my hood on I'll be in that [ __ ] knockout and I can sit confidently on the plane wait you do it that's the one you use on the plane yeah well on the plane in the hotels this is my travel one so I plug it up and plug that part up into the cpaper you don't have no water in it uh you don't have to so the humidifier part is like for mouth breathers so when I breathe through their mouth they don't wake up with the dry mouth but I breathe through my nose most of times unless my nose is stopped up so I don't I don't you don't have to have a humidifier on your thing you on the night so your nose is stopped up you still use it that's why I have a full face mask then I use operates in my mouth um full face mask is for people who you know know that their nose might get stopped up and all that type of stuff that's right that would probably I would get on there sometime to see okay we're taking bets every night to see what time to hear his face masks is going to shift to the side because what happens is the one in the stationary one um what happens is is it's constantly pushing air right that's what it stands for continue is positive air pressure um it's constantly pushing air but like when you stop like basically what happens with me and my my muscles in my tongue relax and it blocks my Airway and so that it's my body like shaking like hey breathe [ __ ] oh my God keep you from doing that when the air pressure is blowing and your tongue like falls back or blocks it it increases the pressure yeah before you do that to keep you from interrupting your sleep because when you do that you basically like try to jump start your body to wake up but the air pressure comes it's the tongue the tongue moves airflow is able to go down and then you keep your flow so it's pumping area uh it's pumping air in and which makes you breathe in yes are you are you on the CPAP Facebook group that Joe Biden's in why is John Joe bison group about CPAP it's a joke he's he's got a snap machine too he does yes I was in the news you ain't looking at your internet okay I don't know anything about it I was like why y'all over here talking about Joe Biden his CPAP machine like he is like a billion years old let that man I don't really know anything about politics like that I just know that is about a speed pad no I mean I just don't be following Joe Biden because it seems like this season of like our presidency on the shade room pets they say like this season of our president this [ __ ] said is she like this I mean Obama was a great season Trump was at least exciting Biden is just it's boring it's just it's slow America is slow right now you know well he's old he just oh he'd be falling he'd be forgetting stuff but Obama and brothers in the headlines doing interesting things Biden just being the headlines falling falling asleep trying to shake hands with the wrong hands he's just like oh the core trip we got high walking worked I just I just I just think he's he's he's kind of lackluster with the after the build up of it was Bush then Obama then Trump and then it's like bite it like it's like a it's like a I feel like we're in our Filler episodes right now I understand why they always want older guys to run for president like they want you to you know they have these requirements uh but like you know typically this is 55 to 65 and older they'll be running from president it'd be like man we ain't gonna never get no fresh ideas how you gonna let them run the country like yeah I will say this it's true As Old As Trump was he know how to hop on Twitter he was big on Twitter he was doing his thing Obama too but like Joe Biden they know nobody believes that Joe Biden is actually tweeting like we knew Trump was sweet like this [ __ ] wild everything he upset he wow Joe Biden was like yeah went on a nice bike ride today it's a beautiful day in America such an old ass up somebody pushed you around that white house and then [Music] I have essential food oils I KFC oils big back oils yo that is hilarious zebra see boil oils you [ __ ] you [ __ ] is trash you said a seafood boil uh and the only essential oil I need is whatever they fry the chicken in that's what you'll be saying here uses essential flavor food flavored oil KFC oils in your CPAP is not okay MTM that is not okay Big Mac oil better than oils that's why you like that see Pap machine so much no no I do agree though Joe if you 60 or 70 that means you grew up so long ago that you're all the principles that you were like when I'm president I'm gonna change this it changed already so it's like you're giving an old ass and make them yeah it's like [ __ ] when did you start being part of your campaign this thing is just now working on covet plans he's like we're gonna end this pandemic damn it it's like yeah [Music] lemon pepper hot [Music] I knew that's what you had in your CPAP machine I don't know why they don't do that though because if it's like pumping air into your face all day it might as well smell like lavender I'm glad they don't I would my fat ass will find a way to gain weight while I sleep no not food definitely not Big Mac but like I don't know how I'm like man big black oil man yeah I think I gotta cut out red meat man I'm cutting out red meat I cut out some and I cut out the vape pen and I think I had cut out Dairy I had another flare-up last Monday Bro I made it through the whole day my stomach was hurting when I got back from Austin Texas but I thought it was because I had a smoked sack burger from uh from a Shake Shack right the little Peppers that fire right and I know I was like I'm gonna pay for it on the way out but going in this [ __ ] is good right but someone was hurting all Saturdays Sundays hurt a little bit my day was hurting but I was like all right I'm good I should be good right I went got into jacuzzi Monday afternoon got out of the schools and came back in the house sat down to eat and I was like this [ __ ] don't feel right went upstairs to the toilet and on the toilet the [ __ ] just like it happened it happened it happened so fast it's like it's like vital like boom now it feels like somebody's ripping the intestines right I fall off the toilet I'm on the ground right because the [ __ ] hurts that bad I get on the Kaiser app uh I make a um a virtual appointment with the doctor I'm like I don't know what he gonna see because I just I gotta do this so oh instead of doing a video thing be called so I was able to get him to refill the medicine that I needed in there fan where they got it but Fran came back from getting the medicine because he had to go at this time it's like 11. she had to go to the one that was on Sunset when she came back with the medicine I was in the same spot on the ground the medicine helped you right away though yeah by the next day I was back to like 40 40 50 and then I have to take it I have to take two antibiotics and then they gave you something for the pain uh but yeah one for inflammatory then one for any infection that might have been caused so here I am thinking it's just my stomach hurting but it was probably just the onset of the diverticulitis so I have been dealing with it for two two days thankfully nothing happened when I was on the road because they never give me enough medication to like like have some left over they only give you enough for what you have to take for that one and they'll give you any refills they want you to go back to the hospital every time so they could do like the the the dye and make sure that that is what it is before they issue the medicine but I'm like [ __ ] I can't walk it is what it is right give you the script what did they tell you you have to change man at first when I first got diagnosed with it they were saying that you know stay away from grains and nuts and small seed foods like that uh and then something came out last year that was like nah we kind of can't confirm that we don't know we honestly don't know but they said it could be made worse by red meat dairy uh and it was something else so I was just like all right well [ __ ] it I'm just gonna cut that out and see what happens so I'm just doing chicken basically a pescetarian diet oh so no chicken yeah I might cut out chicken for a while too yeah and if you do eat meat you need to get it like organic like pasture rate like it needs to be the top of the line meat don't get just stuff you can get easily off the grocery wait you saying Shake Shack don't got top of the line [ __ ] wow you shake nuggets is so trash bro nuggets they got they got they [ __ ] is trash [ __ ] Shake Shack I'm tired of these I'm tired of these businesses that have you come in and they want you to place your order on this [ __ ] screen thing right you only place my order here it took longer for me placing my order here than it would have gone to the lady but five [ __ ] it right it's a new system it's lacking every time I try to make any type of adjustment like at the Circle of Death right it took me eight minutes from start to finish to Place more order right then when I get my order my [ __ ] is wrong right but on top of that it's like y'all ask me if I want a tip who who who I'm tipping who's tip oh I guess the person who's heating it up that's that's his job why am I tipping for him you tip with something that's so amazing like at the end of a video at a restaurant or you tip or something was made such a pleasurable experience like I enjoyed myself so much in this small interaction let me little something if I'm taking my own order on a machine who am I tipping what are y'all doing to yourself you should get a discount I mean that's better than when they flip the screen and they're and then they look this way and it's just like you just took my the order of my sandwich and they're just like all right and just a signature right there no no like that's that's so weird to me because it's just like man this the interaction was not tippable but the how they do it is just so awkward that sometimes you just be like and all right five and I honestly don't believe that these businesses be giving all the tips straight to them I feel like just like at a strip club where the strippers make a little money the business take 20 30 right so I feel like they still like look oh man you guys maybe 500 test but it's really 700 because these sneaky [ __ ] I just don't trust these businesses bro if y'all gonna put the pressure on me to tip like that instead of just paying your employees I don't trust you bro that doesn't I mean yeah that that is true I always hope they at least split it with each other like the the workers but that's trash too because you could have somebody who's way better at their job than somebody else yeah that's something more deserving of it yeah some people don't like that that's really gravity like individually when I worked at a restaurant that's how I was like some people you you would get tipped individually but then they would have certain you have the option as a waiter to like pull your tips with somebody so you guys would help each other's table and at the end of the night you would split whatever you got but the only people that would do that were like the exceptional they're like I only want another exceptional waiter for goodness yeah you you know so you wouldn't get stuck holding oh so sometimes pooling tips isn't the whole staff it's just who like the two or three people that work one day sometimes it epsilon's different some other places like if you if you ever sit down at a restaurant and you want to know if they're pooling just see who's serving you if anybody's willing to help you that means they're pulling the tips for the night if you have one specific waiter waitress usually they're not pulling but sometimes there'll be like someone who's a waiter not your waiter but they'll come up and like maybe ask if you want like a refill or something or like that usually means they're most times that means that they're pulling the tips they're okay with like helping each other but if you like ever had to like hey can you go get my waiter or you know it seems like they don't really want to help you it's because they have their own tables and they're like I'm not getting nothing off of this that makes sense I've never worked at a restaurant I've never I've never been a waiter before so that's that seems like a whole I like how they they take up for each other though because it seems like uh the the nicest people I've ever seen at a restaurant in terms of like on the customer side had experience in the Food Service you know yeah they like you know they're just like really really good to each other yeah yeah like I'm a really good Tipper because I worked in a restaurant so like to me my standard tip is 20 if you just did your job now if you go above and beyond I may consider giving you more if you do less than what I expected then I'll give you 10 if you're just horrible I'm leaving it blank and I'm leaving an explanation of why I'm leaving it blank damn what's your explanation like you you know you completely miss a ball you mess up my order multiple times like I'll write I'll flip that receipt over and I will write on there bam the extra yeah ain't gonna be playing no games because I used to work in the environment so I understand what if it's busy again that's why my standard is 20 so if you do your job you don't do anything extra you get 20 for me now if you do like I said you're not you didn't it was busy it was off your kilter then I'll give you 10. but at least I still give you a tip but now like I said if you're terrible you're just horrible it doesn't matter if it's busy because every restaurant is busy every dinner time right that's just the nature of the business you don't know how to work in this environment that you don't need to be in there as a waiter or waitress that's true form of waiters they have the highest standards when it comes to the food industry they've like now I would have never did this like this why am I just now getting my drink and I've had my salad for five minutes right and I've been noticing that because I like I said I work in a restaurant so I look around and I can tell like okay this is your section I see how many people are working oh they don't have enough waiters tonight I see what's going on like it's very easy to tell but if I just see y'all standing around and I can tell if you're a lazy waiter or not if you're just gonna be lazy okay cool you know what all right I got you less say less yeah well listen man it's about that time for us to get up out of here man we appreciate you pulling up on us and hanging out with us it was good to see your face you want to let the people know what you got going on anything coming up that you want to look out for yeah so you can catch me on my twitch sleeping what's up um um no you can hit check me out on all of my social media including spill thanks to here you know see what I'm scooping up I would love to hear from you check me out all on Phil we on there now we oh yeah we about to take over it's in the game be that but listen man um as always we appreciate the schedule I'm on my mind pulling up man thank you for everyone that's watching even if you're watching us on Thursdays thank you for tuning in to happen in hope you had a good ride or a good drive while you were listening to this if you're watching I hope you enjoyed it it's always good to link up with our sister man can't wait to see her in person again we'll do a couple episodes podcast in person as always ladies and gentlemen I'm to hear more I'm Patrick Cloud we'll see you next time on the next episode of damn internet you scary peace guys all right
Channel: Dam Internet, You Scary!
Views: 38,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dam internet you scary, damn internet you scary, damn internet you scary!, dam internet you scary!, patrick cloud, tahir moore, podcast, comedy, funny podcast, internet undefeated, internet is undefeated, internet undefeated podcast, conspiracies, conspiracy theory, conspiracy theories, creepy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 51sec (4311 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2023
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