Zooming With the Homies (ZWTH) EPISODE 109

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you know that's my thing man i'm meant to be all right i've got you because i just became a brand ambassador for this hat brand you hook that up [Music] that's clean like all this stuff for fruition dude i went and bought my own feathers and [ __ ] online yeah yeah yeah it's hard bro put an arrow on it you know your hairline's strong like ron g you ain't got to think about this [ __ ] i appreciate it man put it right there plug me up too babe give me get me ready to go i'm about to zoom with the hump hey we gotta here so you get a 7-eleven deal did you get it man we're gonna see what's happening bro hey hit me with the uh we love your work we're looking forward to working with you do you mind if we post a video and i'm like yeah go ahead post videos you know i'm saying get me looking good but i went to their page they didn't have no videos that did the numbers like my video did so i'm like oh my god i thought they were gonna throw some money at you or something that's what up i mean that's always the goal you know i'm saying there's always a goal so we'll see man i ain't gonna i don't like just you know though i'll hope to win just yet but yeah it is what it is it happens sometimes so got you bro work you doing man i'm so proud of you dude thank you bro i appreciate it man you know hard work and consistency that's yeah bro you said it you made it sound so easy when he was at the comedy union in the little uh i call it i don't know what it's called the uh the dugout he was like bro oh yeah yeah man the flower pot with no flowers yeah he was like man i was like man all right sound too easy but now the stuff that has came just for me posting every day yes ah yeah my life consistency is key bro it's just you have to condition yourself to do it yeah you know brother jordan what's up man what's happening man that's how y'all having going all right conversations wait a minute you posted 35 times today no no no it felt like it to me though [Laughter] you been on it y'all been y'all been on it bro and i love your podcast make all this money talking yeah hey man we still trying to monetize i was in the clubhouse getting all the gems and stuff how to monetize stuff so like i call me after this we'll talk we'll get you set up yeah i was i got first i thought y'all was already straight on that end but i i got somebody for you i'm talking and i'm talking about like for me on my personal youtube and facebook too so you know okay but yeah i think we're i don't think we have an i talk to you we'll talk okay cool you got anything that you can wipe the that's way better for the uh podcast same same uh complex different suite we like yeah but 85 software's over there close oh cool uh all right people studio level boy look at that jacket ronnie jordan what up what up spanx say the link ain't working give me a second let me get him uh let's send it again been out here in l.a for so long to look like one of these [ __ ] man one of these [ __ ] i like that background ron g what is that extra on your walls dude this is an accent wall my wife made which is super dope it's like panels and she put all of them on this one right it's like towels they come in like square towels am i right yeah she got them from the asian store yeah all right make sure they got it i get sure they got outside of that but yeah it's called the supposed to be in the mall they sell a bunch of stuff with no names on it what's that like a small it's like one of those stores cause they got some like wavy ones they got a lot of different textures and you can paint you can paint those too uh these you can't paint i don't think so you probably could but i wouldn't even bother to paint these but it's terrible if you shiny if you're doing a podcast i don't want to have them in the back because if you shine light on it it flushes out your face your face becomes white yeah so that's why i got it like half and half it's a good look that looked dope thanks bro i appreciate it i don't know i feel like that we play in the background hey ronnie did you know ranji was a clean comedian [Laughter] yeah i don't curse this is quality it's a curse-free comedy show is what i do i don't know we were on clubhouse last night first of all i got off around two something i don't know how long they actually i didn't get out to 4 30. and then you were up this morning when i got up you started another room with somebody else it was like eight in the morning i was like this [ __ ] rodney don't sleep bro oh you're working i was really concerned about your well-being cause i was like when did he go to sleep got out i took a nap like i missed my my my uh 12 o'clock podcast because i was late it was fun yo ronnie are you are you on clubhouse yet yeah i was on another night okay bro they was giving a bunch of jewels about monetizing and a publicist is important bro the funniest stories the craziest conversations everything last week where is chris piston why is he so far from the camera he you know you know he always got a flex in his richness he's not even controlling the lights through his phone that's what he do he's going to control the lights through his phone watch what i tell you look look look how you're looking up they got a 92 inch flat screen in the wall with track lighting i look as good as ryan she's goddamn set up the ground is amazing right thanks bro i appreciate it ron g is on msnbc right now because i'm a clean comedian there's always room for a clean comedy there's always room for our glee comedian uh everybody jordan how you doing mr spencer you're good man when i see you last dc he was in dc man y'all made me go yeah and i was [ __ ] bricks they made you go last [ __ ] up ronnie i'm sick of you being great though i have to have last month sometime to me it's kind of running you sound really far away bro me yeah yeah you sound far away hold up is it all right is that helping nothing you go last but go first money can you hear me yeah if you're talking to that thing it sounds better i wouldn't have bought a thing the thing called the mic right there again this thing here okay got it i'm trying to upstage run uh wait this [ __ ] is on the set of there we go all right i was on the view this morning you got all you get you don't you don't hit the back light you gotta announce tv on bounce [Music] still talking about the uh the link ain't working for him i'm like bro how's it working everybody else i think you don't know how to work it out electric spike oh spank listen what time did y'all get off that damn uh we were just talking about that to hear that he shut it down at 12 at 2 30. yeah i was there at 4 30 at least really close time but you look crazy for your wife in the house though just talking to your phone and listening to it just walking around looking at it listen and then we did it again this morning you in finesse man y'all got some great stories bro oh they're they're currently in a room right now i just saw that there's like 40 comments in the room right now [ __ ] missed the green room bro that's what it is mr green we missed the green room wow finesse had the greatest bomb story i think oh man i chose not to tell mine one of them rodney you got to tell one why don't let me let me do this um yeah why don't you start the show or do we already yeah i was trying i'm trying [Music] no he's in atlanta i think he just oh he's in spanky hayes frankie hayes is in you gotta change that name sir i'm not gonna read that i'm not about to read that mr willy you need to change your name on your screen bro you definitely changing your day draw my name oh [ __ ] my bad is full when we do radio and [ __ ] my bad let me go ahead [Laughter] was he happy but never never happened yo welcome to another episode of zuma with the homies we got a fantastic show with you guys uh tonight not gonna take a whole lot of time with the introduction because really nobody here needs an introduction you've seen everybody here a couple of times uh we're just gonna kick it off like that first and foremost my player partner from atlanta you know i'm saying you check out his podcast what with the culture um y'all y'all know him you're seeing you love him you play it the hoodies is on point he still hasn't sent me mine my wife literally asked me today where's my hoodie i was like you got to talk to this [ __ ] because he already [ __ ] ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the show mr ronnie jordan thank you man this is a great episode of unsung this is awesome okay is that a chalkboard behind you yes there is dangerous minds over this [ __ ] [Laughter] i got zoom school with a first grader at a preschooler [ __ ] they'd be done at 10 30 like what's up next on the board daddy going to sleep next up ladies and gentlemen he is one of the undisputed and underground kings of philly you see you see that the hattie's rocking right now so you know he's part of the heartbeat family you might have seen him on tour one of his one many world not just national but world tours ladies and gentlemen affiliate native a writer creator producer we got spank horton what's up ladies how y'all doing out there ladies you're good yeah on instagram too that's funny yo i've had a i had a couple of older rappers reach out to me because they heard i was putting on the ep and they was like yo i love to get on the ep big sam from uh east side of the look yeah i was like yo bro i'd love to get down i was like what okay let's do it let's go make it happen uh next uh next up to the mike ladies and gentlemen uh you seen him all over man he had some of the best stories last night uh on the clubhouse um you've seen him in semi pro he's been touring for years he's uh uh on a podcast and tv show with the hugely right now he was also one of the casting and writers of his own show grown folks uh ladies and gentlemen needs no introduction y'all put your hands together welcome back to the show mr j phillips what up what up folks what's going on y'all i didn't even see jason what's up the responsible dance sweater jay look like the coolest librarian you've ever met used to carry a pistol yes right hey you got the piston in your hand jay pull it down hey you better than this kid [Laughter] they look like he's no kid next up ladies and gentlemen uh this this this gentleman is a uh grammy award winner um one of the coolest people i've ever most solid brother uh and and authentic i'll say that because you meet a lot of people out here that will fly by night but this brother has always been solid with me from the day i met him been a great friend to me uh an amazing writer producer creator and comedian y'all put your hands together and welcome back to stage my homeboy mr ron you said a grammy you got a grammy dog i did say grandma i did not mean to say grammy i meant yeah i don't agree i don't sing [ __ ] and i just look rnb i was trying to figure out which one which one is he talking about i know ronnie jordan is dressed like he got a grammy but it the comedy album could get a grammy though yeah you don't be comedian right right i am i am but i can't sing though but if but look i got three moves you can't have one you can't get a grammy if you don't have a cussing sticker on your goddamn album man you got a clean comedy cd i don't know what you're gonna aim me for i only cuss when i'm naked [Laughter] uh unite i was consulting producer on united shades of america on cnn hey dude we gotta put up with ronnie doing this [ __ ] all show do we got to put up with this [ __ ] like this got to be a better way it got to be a better way uh ronnie come on come up with something else this [ __ ] right here is what do you mean already go ahead bro that's because ronnie making all this money off of these hoodies and these skull caps behind putting them back into the business he's looking at a multi-million dollar business over there ain't investing nothing back into himself i'm sick i heard already i heard he made 3 million in chalkboards last year i'm actually in school suspension [ __ ] this is where the price of three hoodies you can get a ring light and a cat and a and a mic hilarious like summer af [Laughter] ladies and gentlemen um he is one of the og's and highly respected amongst the younger cats but he's uh bridged a lot of gaps um especially for me um you've seen him on tour you seen him on a monique show he had moved out to atlanta right as i moved out to l.a everybody kept talking about yo my big bro rodney my big boy rodney and i was like yo what the [ __ ] is rodney man and why he ain't he ain't reach out to me and [ __ ] but i had the pledge of meeting him and he's just a solid brother throwing through amazing comedian amazing comedian can never say that enough and outstanding writing ladies and gentlemen put your hands together for rodney perry what up what up what up fellaini hey chris man do y'all know that it's funny when i first moved out here y'all were where i am now it's weird like y'all were like the guys i looked up totally married that too yeah man like just y'all the ones got married i i you know i first got out here i was full of hope and all this you know what i'm saying before you know that you came out with a commercial though you came to l.a with a commercial and yeah checkers and rallies that was dope but it's crazy like cats calling me og now like [ __ ] i just hold shocking sundays ain't no og you're last but definitely not least ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the show it's been a minute since he had a time chance to grace us with his presence because he's been working on 66 movies the 48 tv shows 36 commercials he's producing small projects and passive projects all at the same time ladies and gentlemen man y'all clap y'all make some noise from one of the kings of l.a he had i didn't even know he had a late night show at one time ladies and gentlemen comedian writer actor producer director father husband philanthropist uh rich as [ __ ] uh y'all putting your hands together i got the same amount of money as demantry hilarious people that got that should be laughing harder the comedian security guard i wouldn't call him back i know you're talking about that but i wouldn't call it wrong you said his name wrong you know i said dimitri no this is democracy that might oh he's doing like a security guard outfit yeah yeah yeah he's a nice guy he's a really nice dude he'll still be bad ronnie that's right you're gonna be nice yeah you can still be nice no so funny whenever you whenever you say something about somebody you we make sure like we come back with something positive positive to say yeah uh ladies and gentlemen everyone here is a comedian traveling comedian uh we can't effectively do our jobs right now thanks to the roanoke uh so if you guys want to bless the guests tonight with a little something they would be more than thankful i wouldn't be more than thankful please take care of the guests while they're here at this time i'm gonna ask anybody that wants to change their name to the cash app to go ahead and do that so the guests already took your it would be chris chris i'm going to host this [ __ ] out of the show that's why have you ever seen this his show yes ronnie okay have you ever seen jay phillips do an hour yes yes okay bang bang one of them two [ __ ] [ __ ] this is this is a [ __ ] room full of [ __ ] don't nobody want to follow ronnie jordan monkey ass special [ __ ] that was hard enough [ __ ] i'm doing pre-show how are you doing hey here you go oh my god i'm not responding with first impressions right are you doing first impressions are you all ready for uh in miami and it was a [ __ ] it was jd brown [ __ ] marvin dixon and it was it was like that show that they do the big annual show they do that yeah american airlines were you there rodney yeah or the miami american airlines arena so five or six of us went up steve harvey was hosting we all thought we killed i mean we did we all did great then all of a sudden he came out all right y'all ready for the real show wait a minute all right yeah steve harvey did and then you know steve was like chris tucker and marvin dixon and all these [ __ ] but he just negated whatever the [ __ ] we just [Music] [Laughter] memorabilia i did one of those i did one of those in like oh four and i was like i had like no business on the show i was like got the like a yeah morning guitar wow it's a guitar guitar why jay with a good posture like what's going on hey that's what i was going to say he just like i'm in my ultimate here i'm trying to look through these comments so you can watch um the youtube it's on my youtube channel so you just go to youtube.com and that's something that wanted to pop up just like this that's not like multiples to amass quite a following over here on youtube tell us about it yeah um i started the year at 3 200 and how could ronnie always be on other people's show and turn it into his show hilarious um curious man so tell me about when you first started chocolate sundaes god i i was just about to ask you the exact same question right wow that threw me off that was awkward um anything else you got going on you want to talk about um you know i actually have quite a few things going on but [ __ ] what i'm doing let's talk about the time you got the emmy it's so interesting that that name came uh from when i was in la when i first met you i'm sure you first got this joke lovely hoodie brother is that thank you you got your entire family on it yes my mother that is a great question how it all began yeah that is a great question though right here how are all your brothers how old how are they how are they uh ryan is doing great ryan is actually um where is ryan running a comedy club in colorado springs you saying he married the white girls what you're saying oh no he stayed with those though he stayed with those he holds to the trophies and dinner yeah colorado springs i don't know black people in colorado springs right ryan is the black vote ryan he's a [ __ ] and a blood in colorado springs [ __ ] both good what you say blood hey they go right back home from after voting and be awkward in the car i hope you did the right thing stay at the protest guys let them talk my brothers are great though thank you for asking chris my husband life matters ryan made me mad because this [ __ ] i have never seen i mean we've all had great first sets this [ __ ] was fantastic his first time on stage poised the [ __ ] was telling stories i'm like i think he's a liar he had it though he sat up there and watched him he had it though wasn't he djing he was the dj but it was weird like there was no listen we all were funny we were all yeah you know i gotta look this [ __ ] was like it was so [ __ ] sm way better than rodney so exactly he had me he had a learning curve yeah he was incredible yeah he came up fast man got the cheat code man he stayed with lebron it's like brony over there brony you know you know the hardest thing for a comedian sometimes is to have a sibling though that's in the game right but lucky for him like a lot of people that unless they know us don't really know that that we're related that way yeah that's how a lot of siblings do though they don't want to be known as related as the one that's more popular i've noticed that's why guy toured with guy team for his first decade right really right damon williams jr had a whole nother name he was like just like your father you look just like your father knock it off what are you doing you gotta explain your father that's your father right shirt you got the holy clown shirt they have a little color t-shirt he's not yeah dad are you sure it is tough [ __ ] i don't know if god the only person that could have been there was probably rodney were you there when joe and guy had this like coming out party for this dvd at the comedy store and i was yeah i was there because they had that yeah oh tell the story chris don't just break it up and just shake your head [ __ ] we gotta get on with the show i'm just saying i just wanna know the show [Laughter] i took this [ __ ] sweater off take the sweater off jade i wanna put some pants on you're better than this jay i thought that was monica and brandon versus down there i ain't know what that was yo so joe and guys started talking [ __ ] about each other and they were going credits for credits right so guys movies were [ __ ] what was the one with uh and he was hitting joe with all the master p and all this [ __ ] yo it was the [ __ ] most uncomfortable most uncomfortable funniest night in comedy then they had a big ass cake joe was mad he went back and put his fist through the cake really them tory boys them [ __ ] was always three words away from beating the [ __ ] out of each other every time you see it i gotta put my money my money on on joe and any [ __ ] fisticuffs but guy is is wiry yeah yeah yeah i couldn't have these [ __ ] on the same zoom with the homies i had to separate them by a week i was like this [ __ ] ain't gonna work [Music] mean uh the brat and lisa reagan when they hit when they had they unsung though they made me cry i got to be honest oh it was incredible it was incredible i don't think i saw it it was great it was great bro i'll check it out hey uh joe sorry guy tori's 50 was awesome too chris like you murdered that bro buddy lewis it was epic that was funny i opened up for that too i opened the show i was a pre-show it was amazing you set the tone you said for the real show it was amazing i like doing oh i haven't been to a uh an official one yet i haven't done that yet so let me get a question here they had one on uh what's the [ __ ] was on till two in the morning last night clubhouse clubhouse some little young boys but they they have no manners they just be talking over each other i was like are you talking about the rose room yeah man i went in there and they lit my you ain't know who's coming up i did them like lance was doing i just started grabbing their pictures and putting messages on what's this yo lancers killing us put ugly on the picture here have you ever been to a chris benson birthday party i haven't chris didn't like that remind you think you popping right now on youtube instagram [ __ ] i had tv credits i walked in and [ __ ] i'm i think i'm passing out flyers i'm like this i ain't supposed to be here i've seen donald trump trying to get him it is the most disrespectful event ever if you if you ain't in that clique man as as a comic that's hosting a weekly night show in l.a wednesday weekly nights one of the best shows in l.a i'm feeling good about myself chris had the show at the savoy right yeah i woke up one night just trying to show love getting in there it was like yo where you going i was like going inside i'm coming he was like be 20 i said i don't know if you heard me i was like look thank you hello twenty dollars [ __ ] pray for the [ __ ] behind me why are you acting like that you know it's me i used to be one of my biggest fights with jonathan's like you can't [ __ ] charge comedian why [Music] i always say i'm gonna listen hopefully they recognize me because i know they got mad at me because i just made a comic list like 200 names i was like [ __ ] everybody's on there let them in i was like i took uber and uber was 40 i was like [ __ ] i live right here now [Laughter] that's my plan best rooms chris you've got some of the best rooms in l.a man a lot of companies might not know about like remember the spot you had on hollywood boulevard it was like comedy at first and then r b at night oh that was give me r b live uh that was one of them but it was another one i remember performing there and you were hosting you had some of the lives like it wasn't at a club but it was at us it wasn't at a company upstairs yeah upstairs you know that was r b live yeah it was like the first incarnation of r b live yeah there you go oh it was incredible bro that [ __ ] was great hey chris remember uh the first time i saw uh what's his name um dj uh mc light with dj outside in the after party yeah that [ __ ] was dope that was greg and philippe those dudes were [ __ ] promoted lately that's what it was yeah hey buddy when you had the comedy store and uh it just said spank and spanky hey you showed up you're like yo it ain't for you [Laughter] i was always wondering why that [ __ ] hate me you know cause you little why did he think he got booked if you hadn't talked to him though somebody probably told him yo i heard you at the comedy store tonight he was like oh i guess but you got a y on your name you got a why exactly you ain't supposed to be here but i got booked for a couple colleges and he thought he was booked too and oh that's the reason that's the reason why ladies and gentlemen somebody said i'm supposed to be here you know ironically headlining i saw him the other day his new eight by tens a [ __ ] had a plastic company so he's taking your gigs too the blue club uh spanking had a beef with tyrese for a long time it was awkward it was hard he was eating him up bro recently said that he said yo man you know i cursed you out by mistake i said what do you mean no somebody bring your name up i thought they were talking about the luma oh that's hilarious because you're the name close to him oh [ __ ] yeah that's what peggy hayes is hilarious i remember so we shot the wild al pilot pilot presentation whatever at the comedy union right spanky was in it killed then we got some more money and then we shot another pilot killed and then so they they cast it and they didn't pick spanky so we're at the studios and all of a sudden i'm at the door i'm like this and i hear chris chris he's like i was like i said what he said nick didn't call me i was like yeah uh me i [ __ ] killed that [ __ ] show and the audition go get nick i said [ __ ] we're in a meeting all right all right all right [ __ ] he waited had a conversation with nick and that [ __ ] was on the show he didn't give up don't give up on your dreams and you remember the spanking those guys had a improv group before they were great the other level the other level was incredible joe blunt yeah thomas award uh howie bell [ __ ] they were funny as [ __ ] they had a deal they had money on the table sure dude shout out to hollywood i hate that i miss that [ __ ] howie how are we uh back in the day i did a show at howie in new york i opened up for him right and uh we was cool as hell but at the end of the night i guess he went on monster and said yo you ain't the real spanky i'm like yo what the [ __ ] is going on this is the third time the day that i've heard spanky beef [ __ ] y'all don't remember the beef uh it went a little viral was on twitter he was coming at me all on twitter i ain't responding to him at all that's probably why i ain't hearing that [ __ ] it's only beef if two [ __ ] talk true that [ __ ] that [ __ ] was supposed to be a plastic cup boys he don't forgive you for it oh [Laughter] uh he said uh he said when um when a cheeseburger would come out it was called cheeseburger eve some [ __ ] like that and it was just a brilliant ass joke maybe that that's rodney been in the clubhouse all night he is fatigued he's in atlanta it's 117 right there ryan came in and said good morning vietnam on this month what are you doing go to bed [Music] chris it got so bad in the room last night man they started letting uh like uh people onto the panel that was uh spanky hayes that did that i thought that would have been a dope idea just to bring a horrible idea listen were you there when uh when tiffany came in yeah egyptian yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah shortly after you left they started bringing people up and asking them questions and stuff like i think you had got yours going by that time so any dude that they brought up if he didn't make them laugh within the first three seconds they was on this [ __ ] neck i mean you gave about 30 good seconds it was like yeah this story sucks so was it an open microphone it turned into open mic yeah they were just like taking questions and uh they were bringing people yeah they would have been happened mr king spank this side sweet willie hey hey guys hey guys why don't we uh let the people look let people start talking i said what the [ __ ] so then he let 40 people up now we got to sift through all the [ __ ] but but like nothing to make he made it incredible though yeah but what's funny about godfrey he's always been a great comic all of a sudden this year the [ __ ] lets us know he can dunk like all these [ __ ] impressions impressions i know right yeah yeah you steve harvey yeah uh i do the new mike tyson you know because mike tyson's changed now it ain't the same [ __ ] it used to be this the the new weed smoking mic that [ __ ] got hit you know he's talking mike tyson is scary no jay you gotta add when he [ __ ] flips the switch on some of his guests sometimes and go and go like i'm killing you you know you've never had a break if i [ __ ] you in your what if i [ __ ] you he was like yeah what nobody told me you know the scariest part about mike when he telling a story and he paused and he sounded like he constantly go [Music] i'm like oh [ __ ] boosie the funniest part about that fight and it was like hey uh roy would you like to fight him again he was like let me uh let me ask my family let me check with my wife bully today oh he's gonna fight against he was a kid he was like eight years old he said his mom got robbed and he said you know for a fact it was mike tyson so he did it on vlad so uh who said this you got from wu-tang okay so he was like y'all i know for a fact it was mike tyson so yes no it's been years later whatever so uh uh what's the other fighter from new york uh it's bald head from new york little [ __ ] fort floyd oh yeah uh zab judah interviewed mike and was like yo you guys said that you robbed his mom oh that's what you got said well tell you guys to come ask me for this money because i got money now and i give them the money back i was like [ __ ] ain't gonna ask you for that i'll be damned you can just have my mom here you go can you imagine the last time mike tyson said he was afraid of somebody he probably hasn't said that [ __ ] in the last 40 years i used to always try to get him to cover chocolate sundaes he's like no i don't like those guys those guys yeah i'm like you want to say you go [ __ ] somebody up if they say something about it i will i will i i can't take it i don't like when people talk about it i know they're going to i know they're going to come at me like yeah use me like mike tyson like hey bless you brother bless you your vows your family like hey hey michael used to hang out in dc a lot and go to uh like howard homecoming so i've i've run into might when he was scariest [ __ ] on the planet mike set and the dress shoes like this huh he had a short set the time that we let you know that he was still on that [ __ ] at the time we were standing we're standing on the fence right outside the seven um there's a mcdonald's right on the on on howard's campus and everybody would just walk through there that's kind of what homecoming was and he walked by somebody was like oh [ __ ] that's mike tyson and uh one of the dudes in the group did his voice like yeah this [ __ ] hurt him and turned around and stepped back and took two steps and what the [ __ ] you say i didn't say nothing i mean just like on ready for the [ __ ] dog like what's happening if you and your parents insurance you can't talk to me like that no you know the family here on a meal plan hang on his mommy insurance trying to talk some junk like [ __ ] gonna be together chris you were talking about when you started uh chopping sundays last night and how all the famous celebrities would just come did you reach out to them or you said that pookie had the the the contact list or the email blast or was it just word of mouth you know well i i at that time i knew more celebrities than pookie uh because poogie just kind of moved back here no not no disrespect i got the people who didn't pay and poo we got the people that paid right so um it just the word of mouth on a sunday just started to spread and his marketing prowess was [ __ ] ridiculous like right we were sending emails out people were in buildings in korea town going what is chocolate [ __ ] sundays flyers everywhere uh he just had a knack for doing that [ __ ] and so in terms of celebrity i saw you know us these are my peers so i would see them and say yo coming chocolate sundays and they would tell other people they would tell other people it just became an event but chris i remember me i was in atlanta man like early 2000s and i came to visit bro because james andrews y'all went to ucla together he went to my church in atlanta and he i guess connect me with y'all and i finally got up bro but the energy being used like all i remember in atlanta i was performing in bars you know what i'm saying and [ __ ] come to watch the game and it's a comedy show that just happened to be there you know what i'm saying but to walk in that room and all that energy you got people looking down on you like it's the most intimidating thing to a comic who ain't never seen them lights before like it was but but you had it rocking bro it was crazy to see it and you got to think chris spencer has this simultaneously with with the improv monday night being crazy so this was too nice crazy you know back-to-back that was crazy in la at that moment it was three because then tuesday night was uh suzy was yeah i toured it was crazy yeah no guy was actually first guy was first first off and then guy kind of teed it off and remember giroud came around and started doing tuesdays too yeah like joe claire hosting joe claire and uh red maybe no claire was here joe claire had a band yeah it was [ __ ] incredible i'll be honest with you i was up there that was that was way after that when we talk about this time frame though yeah no no but i was up the host that once i found out it was between me and joe and uh i was like [ __ ] please give it to joe i wish that he could get i wish that he would do a late night show because that's to me that's his vibe exactly when i was like what about zoo man hosting monday night was that yeah let me tell you something whatever you seen of course d-ray is amazing what they doing over there monday night with him and spiking them built that's all great but the the time i remember mostly when zoo man had and it would be people all out in the lobby all upstairs like the showroom was packed always like it is now but the whole vibe the show was spilled out onto the street i met denzel washington that standing outside there wow when was that man like what year was that do you remember like around where this had to be 98 oh no it's not that far back no sir no sir but maybe 2 000 jagged edge no limit i think it's 98.99 what spot was this this was the the hollywood improv on the improv like what d-ray is right now that yeah that show has been going on that night for for a couple i remember a funny story so i used to always go black room white room white room black room i bomb in the black room i don't want to see [ __ ] for six months i go to the mainstream room these [ __ ] ain't laughing the way i want them i go back to the black room oh i finally got him right so i remember one night i went to the [ __ ] uh i went to improv on zoo man tonight and pierre was there right and me and pierre used to always go at it immediately susie sees me it's no even hello it's just so he goes chris what you doing here ain't no white people here tonight wow without missing a beat i said so why don't you sit in the front row so i can feel comfortable wow hilarious oh used to [ __ ] always go at it with me was you there when arnaz and went on as it wasn't they got in the fight brandon poland no no no no no no no i want to fight brandon but uh freeze freeze love yes i heard about it they got into it over the word [ __ ] no i thought it was over done that was a different fight that was a different fight squared off a couple of times you know for different different things because arnez and jeff brown almost got into it you remember yes what difference it was definitely the the backdrop was joke thievery so it was all because it was based on that that old joke that jeff had did years ago but he had never ran into our net right i'm about to blow your mind with the next story keep going ronnie the joke is like 10 years old jeff is a martial artist so they outside they outside of the haha jab like this yeah what he did rodney what did he do he's like emoji that's the emotion and on there you know he did doing the crane it was crazy when they were doing this you know our dance had dress pants he liked to pull up so he hit all that on it was crazy but you have to tell how it ended please tell us no they never they never did fight they they broke it up they were afraid that's you [ __ ] next time dude have you ever heard the joke the uh the two dudes arguing about the joke you ever heard that joke there's a joke about two [ __ ] arguing about whose joke was first he said hey [ __ ] stop doing my joke he said [ __ ] that's my joke he said [ __ ] i've been doing that joke for eight years he's like [ __ ] i've been doing it for six weeks you lost man you just lost the great joke thievery moments one night trifling i remember driving aptly named you've heard of him anybody right i know you're trying yeah absolutely was in uh jamie fox camp yes he he stole the car is that what he really really lived up to [ __ ] was watching tv all of a sudden somebody go get the door it was a salesman from the mercedes dealership hi uh mr fox um we just want to know when can we get the car back he's like what are you [ __ ] talking about yeah uh you you got a car for your dad and then you said you were going to keep it for a week and then you know see if you liked it and bring it back i didn't get no goddamn car yeah uh a guy here um caprice [ __ ] it i think his name is trifling oh my first one night we're at chocolate sundaes and trifle is on the stage right now johnny mac is a stand-up kinda but what he did he built his toes in the water yes but the way that [ __ ] did it it was [ __ ] funny because it was gonna be either be incredible or horrible right right so triflers on stage and this [ __ ] does johnny mac's joke the one that goes yeah the [ __ ] got a joke i called johnny back i said [ __ ] you ain't gonna believe this he's like what [ __ ] trifling's on stage doing your joke he's like what i was like i gotta go he's like why the nigga's doing my joke hold on [Laughter] [ __ ] did my joke right after his joke but here's the arness j story which is funny i'm not gonna say i know he's a thief but this is what he said this night and i was like hello i looked for pearls i was looking for my pearls so it was me and edwards and jb me ian it was jb smooth arnez and somebody else right so i said to e and i go yo you know my family is jamaican and i want to do this joke about how jamaica's talk but i'm not sure and i know you know you know all them [ __ ] new york comics and i told him to joke he's like oh i think smokey suarez does something like that i was like i didn't forget it without missing a beat arness goes hey man just do it to your meat wow wow listen none of us gave each other eye contact whoa i was looking straight ian was looking straight jv was looking straight and i was like hey arnold's left i said did you hear this like i said whoa do it till y'all meet i was like damn is that how we is how are you supposed to do it what's his name approached me he thought i stole his joke uh kevin tate kevin t no no no kevin t what's the joke what happened was it was a cell phone a bit uh try to hide your cell phone from your lady and just little things that's going through with the cell phone yeah i had a million communities 1000 people doing those exactly so i think we did it might have been chocolate sundaes and i think he went on before both of y'all just stopped doing it i stopped once i put it on tv hey put the mic down you're better than that you're better than that you're better than that joke sunday night we do chocolate sundaes he's going before me he'd do the jokes i said all right i can't do that whatever so i'll go on and do it so monday he won't wasn't on monday but he was in the room i said well let me do this joke so he know that i didn't just steal this joke no way i could come up with a goddamn 10 minute bit right the dick the next day so i do my joke at the end like yo i can't believe you stole my joke man i just did that last night i said kev i had to joke but i couldn't do it cause you did it in front of me so i did it tonight because you was in just to let you know so you think i'm that good to come up with a 10 minute set that fast whatever man man but i put it on tv and i said ain't doing no more you got it now i had a [ __ ] do my joke on revolt and sent me the clip i said yo oh that was thank you most of the clip of me doing it in 2008 on first amendment stand up i was like this when i did it carlos carlos messier took my joke and did it better jesus the [ __ ] did it the [ __ ] added spanish to it i was like this [ __ ] is fantastic joel rogan was putting him out so bad yo joe rogan put a bill cosby clip and then call his messiness god damn yes basically the football the football yeah the football joke yeah i'm talking about word let me show you this is the coldest this is if you steal a joke you got to do it the way d-ray did it okay listen nobody on here does not like d-ray but this [ __ ] did the smoothest [ __ ] ever so the [ __ ] calls me he says yo i just gotta tell you right now last night i was in detroit or whatever [ __ ] got rough and [ __ ] i did your joke i said what you want you told me to joke we both laughed that was it five or six years later d-ray calls me he said yo i just shot my special last night oh my god good [ __ ] he goes i just want you to know i i did our joke joke not a joke remember the one i want uh at this point in his career he's already money mike you know he's already money mike he's he's almost gone gone are y'all in the bay no we we're we're in we're in l.a he's this is after friday okay and uh hey uh i'm outside come out down come out that sound like pistol [ __ ] i threw out the man around so we ride you know like you know i can't really walk into places no more i can't you know hey you want to play uh jordan i'm like [ __ ] what no wait wait wait wait yes did he look at your shoes when he asked you you want somebody and i said no initially you know what yeah let me get some joy [Laughter] yeah you know i just shot a special i said okay man that's good stuff man congratulations yeah um i used one of your jokes i said what joke do you use okay uh you gotta joke about blah blah um all right man you know i mean don't need trip what what what do i owe you i said yo me nut man i mean you know we go back too many years worry about one little joke all right so we still together for another couple hours and i go you know what i gotta i got a check coming like next week for a gig of deposit and i don't want to have to wait for that deposit if you could loan me like two grand to this deposit come through you know and i'll get it back to you i didn't see this dude for four years after that he never gave me nothing but a joke and i don't care either way bro i don't even remember what the joke was now well the reply to this [ __ ] is going to be off the chain it's going viral and you know i was gonna go rodney perry and kevin hart's boy coming that count hey spank he breaks his silence rodney finally breaks the plastic cup boy and roddy pair breaks his prepared newest plastic cupboard the funny thing is rodney gave up all his friends were made up and just watched just watch all the plastic boys used to be rodney perry's best friends kevin stole all my friends hilarious oh you know your jokes everything stole your phone no all kevin's legit are useless spanx you're my best friend too my roommate was [ __ ] wayne that was my roommate in college you know you said you saw your friend too yeah he was my roommate in the comments that's all he came around it's the intervention in this intervention kevin ain't [ __ ] it's all okay bro no kevin is just a better friend than we were hero hero [ __ ] giving is how he feels about us [Laughter] oh [ __ ] where did you and wayne go to college spanx with the temple name went there too that's why i met names let me tell you something spike is a real deal basketball player yeah i just think mark macon yes sir it's my old head it wasn't bill cosby a professor there he went there he went there something i don't know but was he teaching comedy when he was there no he wanted his account he was doing kids bill was doing chemistry [Laughter] turn your radio sorry i'm late fellas i was in the clubhouse i was moderating [Laughter] i was monitoring zooming with the homies and i was gonna come on oh gotcha gotcha gotcha my bad hold on look at this [ __ ] call the radio station with his radio hey did i win kevin nash did i win watching the youtube and i see me listening to y'all i'm like i'm like they can't see me i'm like oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] they can see me they can see everything right it's like seeing one of your teachers with a blunt like hey [ __ ] the [ __ ] hey everybody respect see the [ __ ] we can't do it we i remember when i did uh rodney jordan's uh podcast and uh it was so much weed and so much smoke it was like a uh and i said nah man i don't smoke oh oh and right and so they kept trying to offer me weed and ronnie was like no no no no this my friend he get white checks we're not [ __ ] up this man paper finesse you don't have to smoke but man i'm sitting there like just shaking like oh look at the hole it's more than culture rodney i mean ronnie i can tell you smoked that creme de la creme i don't know how you get that in atlanta man don't worry man you know we don't we don't discuss mob ties around here you know what i'm saying i get it i had to teach school in the morning don't do that for it don't do that am i the only one on here that don't smoke wow that's close excuse myself to go get my blunt not come back it's a whole nother [ __ ] here we it was like jay gomez i played cornerback and strong safety we won a championship in 91. i got kicked off for grades in 93. because [ __ ] all of them dwayne johnson uh uh warren sapp like do you rock the wayne yeah so you've seen them with the turtleneck and the fanny pack oh man that was oh that was him here dewey yeah man why do man man i could tell y'all some um story we had rojo marley on the team that's my dude this dude uh he had just reached a settlement with his estate and i believe he was getting in college like 75k a month just as one of the sons you know one of the kids or whatever man this dude drove his motorcycle on the practice field and the coach was like hey get that off the field what's wrong with you he gets the bike off the field we in the huddle this [ __ ] butt pad starts ringing this [ __ ] pulls out the first cell phone i have ever seen that's hilarious but that's my dude man i love that dude that dude has done so much personal growth that he's he's an amazing guy right now is that the lower hill baby daddy dude [Laughter] out of an angel because of this [ __ ] [Applause] [Laughter] you know hey finesse at one point tonight man i want you to if you if you don't mind to retell this story uh greatest story environment story please prince you talking about the apollo where when they started then they they did it up again he had won them back and then they started again apollo story yeah yeah i've told that story i told i called finesse i said i told that story 46 times by tomorrow it's it's going to be my name inserted instead of his name i mean we are chris was like i told you i told our obama story earlier i mean we should all have some bombing stories all have some dope but i did uh i did uh i brought y'all know matt rife right yeah so um i did uh me and me and rob gronkowski are good friends and he did the grunk cruise so all his family was on that cruise and when they went viral when he was driving yeah yeah yeah so i was on that cruise and i provided the comedy and i brought uh robert powell and matt rife jesus in christ monroe louisiana yeah boy i ain't seen them in a minute robert is a uh [Music] when i tell you that uh matt rife had the funniest bomb story from that cruise because first of all ain't nobody gonna tell rob gronkowski what to do and rob had never really been to a comedy show and since it was his his cruise his show i introduced matt matt goes up to the mic ron don't like his seat rob don't like his seat and rob take a another bar stool goes up on stage and sits next to matt as matt is trying to tell his joke on stage so matt is looking at him like uh i don't think you're supposed to be up here he's like oh i can be anywhere go ahead don't let me distract you man matt couldn't tell another joke he couldn't he couldn't finish a sentence he was so shook that homie was just sitting next to him on the stage just staring at him and i was sure i wasn't going to tell homie that he couldn't you know it's his boat at the time i'm like yeah man man i mean you try to sit in front of things and do a set and see what happens or tell thanos to get off the stage so that happened to me at in atlanta um earthquakes uptown years and years ago this was i wasn't even i was a super rudy pool so i i come down atlanta to do a set i get a chance to go on stage and this was when tiny lister would be in the club um [Laughter] so deepo comes on stage while i'm performing and stands up next to me with the whole thing he breathing wasn't still the same his i was still his overlay way peculiar okay okay cool and i'm and i and so i try to hit the eye you know and i try to he he starts choking me so he's choking me but i really can't breathe i'm really so it's a real joke it ain't no no it ain't no it ain't no tv joke this is a choke it's choking and long story short i get off the stage two or three lawyers you know you can sue this [ __ ] man you ain't people shouldn't be choking you know only in atlanta the lawyers sound like that i'm not trying to i'm not trying to i'm not trying to sue this dude but i was really shook i was scared my damn legs were shaking and [ __ ] so two weeks later i'm in new orleans at a house party [ __ ] tiny lister is dead you don't even want some jordans right you want some jordans no he don't even remember me and i'm like dude you [ __ ] choked me two weeks ago he said he said let me tell you something you ain't good company i choked i choked uh chris tucker october he went down a list of different comments here choking the cereal baby and he was cool as [ __ ] at this barbecue he was nice he was [ __ ] engaging he was talking to me i was like what this is the same maniac that [ __ ] choked me through [ __ ] time with that pistol on that [ __ ] you can't put a pistol [ __ ] after you pissed on the [ __ ] yeah yeah you can't now you can't watch friday now with your children that [ __ ] said you're in good company of people out of choke i choked many people gave his choke resume yo yo elevated after that didn't you was the greater comedian after that one no no i was just just very leery about people being on stage with me you know you can't get on stage with me for no reason last time um russell russell peters had his his 50th birthday party and uh yeah he had a little little gathering back there and we were supposed to roast them so uh me and guy uh i think uh i don't know it was a couple of us up there uh said and um and and and debo was there the whole time every time you every time you hit a little joke or you say a little something about it and then like yeah that's what i said and then like he'd be tagging them with devoisms yeah i'm like come on let's fight him ain't nobody gonna tell a [ __ ] to put the mic down he just they just adding in little devo punch-ups man hey uh any of y'all ever bombed because you didn't do the research before you did the room like me and nate jackson went to uh london and i performed in a town called leicester uh it's like a little north carolina england yeah but everybody there was like indian punjabi or whatever and me and nate like nate went up before i did nate was singing and killing him like destroying them like because they never seen nobody black and singing the way he was like he was killing it and i went up and i'm like relationship stuff work everywhere i'm i'm like i got this i started doing my relationship stuff hitting him with it neck tears like you ever cry so hard you have tears under your neck i'm like nothing and i'm like what's wrong this lady was like get out of here with that mess that mess mate she ran out and she like cursed me out and left i'm like what happened it was like their whole town is all indian they have arranged marriages so they're married for business not for love and i didn't know until halfway through my set that they don't do love like love is like business you know what i'm saying and i'm sitting here like nate was on the side crying he was like [ __ ] ain't nothing where he was screaming and i was just there like man this is terri i didn't know where to go i started doing my family stuff like [ __ ] they ain't understand my little southern references or nothing i was like [ __ ] this is trash where the sick was at it was like what funny thing is you found out why you bomb i never thought that i was right i was 20 minutes in i'm like why ain't nobody laughing oh yeah dude you can't even play in that one that's just god that's right i'll arrange marriages chris i got one md race stories with d-ray came up to me at on a monday night and he was saying hey finesse i just want you to know something if you ever get in trouble on the road on stage and you can't think of a joke it's cool to do one of my jokes i said no i'm good why you say that he said i just wanna you know return the favor i said what ah jesus d-ray was like yeah man if he he won the first comments ever told me hey man you get on stage you you you stuck man do it do it joke [ __ ] i got you i got it go go into my [ __ ] if you can't remember none of your [ __ ] because i remember a lot of yo [ __ ] i went into it right here that i had written down in my pocket remember when me and d ray had auditioned for snl they brought us to uh 30 rock it was like maybe seven people it was d-ray jb smoove it was of course keenan thompson uh kell mitchell um it was it was somebody else but of course that was the time when i had my crouching tiger hidden dragon joke and that [ __ ] was just a fire ass act out right listen let me tell you where that joke don't work it didn't work in uh pittsburgh oh go ahead and finish finish oh i'm doing so i did my set right and they got us in these little holding rooms in these little cubicles or whatever you know the cubicles are you know put together by these petitions or whatever and so uh after i do the uh audition in the studio this dude named higgins and shoemaker and a couple of the brass come into the into my little dressing room and they said uh so so is finesse your real name i said no that's not my real name that said oh okay cool they said where'd you go to school i said university of miami i said oh okay nice nice did you graduate i said yeah yeah i said okay cool cool are you in a relationship i said well yeah kind of not really oh [ __ ] uh oh hold on like lights went out about the tripwire on the man cave right [ __ ] got props and they cut the lights anyway so uh but um so they asking me all these questions and he said uh okay well nice set for that's nice to meet you and they all leave and i hear this so i'm looking around this [ __ ] was so out i'm like hey finesse and i look at the petition and you know how d-ray got them green eyes i saw this eye looking at me through the wall so i get up to get up to the wall i said what's up dog he said hey man i think you got it i said why you say that he said cause i went before you and didn't nobody come in here and ask me [ __ ] i was like oh we'll see wow sure enough man they didn't make that decision for whatever reason and we ended up auditioning at the laugh factory on some impromptu [ __ ] and i just had one of the best sets of my life that night [ __ ] was [ __ ] yeah eight was peeling yeah man that was just a fire ass set i remember those moments when when you booked it you was on the show the first night you was on the show like you were in the the show that night because you know maybe they kind of warm you up get you into a schedule you was on that [ __ ] immediately she was incredible bro i have one of them stories where and i don't you know i never really told this story that much but i had a i had a girlfriend we were living in the jungle jungle adjacent down there off of uh stalker and uh we're behind the magic johnson theater stalker and mayhem [Laughter] ain't nothing good over there we jungle jason let me tell you how let me tell you how you know you were in the hood we had probably 1600 square feet in this apartment but was paying 500 510 a month guys damn 510 a month you know how sometimes you go on the hood an apartment is huge but your rent is like [ __ ] all inclusive everything lights water yeah okay and the crazy part is some some months we had two people we had trouble making rent so my i'm gonna never forget man my lady came up to me and she said uh listen you know i love you and you know i believe in you but um i feel like we should break up and i said why she said well you know i'm just you know i'm not trying to be selfish but i'm thinking you know you should have you know something got to happen by now and it didn't happen and and i believe in you but i think we should break up so naturally i'm like who you meet like who are you right what's going on so anyway man it was just one of them situations bro where i'm like now my pride is like you know [ __ ] it i'ma leave and i told this joke on my special i literally tried to sleep in my car because i ain't want to stay in the house but i ain't know where to go so i was just chilling in the goddamn jungle in a cul-de-sac sleeping in the car and this is one of the first jokes on my spirit told me to tell you special i said man somebody tried to steal the car with me in the car [ __ ] if somebody violates you like that but they woke me up out my sleep the toughest thing i could say was hey somebody's in here i'm in here i was like that was that was empty but you're a melody but you and melanie are cool now right yeah man yeah we are sir yes when i found out i got the damn snl gig i told my girl old girl that we wasn't you know and we won together we was friends but living in the same apartment because neither one of us could move out i told her i said yo i got the gig you know um she was like oh congratulations oh my god i said but i got so much running around to do because they want me to get on the plane tonight she's like okay you go and i'll pack you up and i was like okay cool cool cool so she packed my entire bags everything and i called all my friends we went to bar my mom on uh sunset and we had like a going away party celebration and she never knew and when i got back to the crib all the bags were checked was there and she was like so oh my god i can't believe we did it we did it and i was just like we [Music] [Laughter] that was one of the moments where i went to new york i left that apartment and and really never looked back and i always tell that story to other comics about find somebody who is truly invested in you and if not stay single because comedy don't have no you know what i'm saying comedy get real jealous you know what i'm saying and what's crazy about comedy is the girl you dating get jealous of comedy right after a set and she looking at you at your your dopest moment and then y'all both driving back to the jungle after the show and don't nobody know how y'all living yeah i'm married to comedy i'm cheating with my wife chris everybody's talking about who the hell just walked in your room are you okay do you need you need saving or are you all right what like yeah they got less funny a little bitty like d-ray walked in earlier [Laughter] you want some jordans chris you want some jordan's like what has anybody ever done in college in the daytime anybody ever had like a hard ball my biggest heals have been a town college hey ronnie remember that one college we did and uh it was like you got a fashion show i said hey man i'm not going after no fashion show you got to put me up early hey man don't matter to me i said oh yeah because you're the king of this college [ __ ] damn that i went up first [ __ ] by the time ronnie went on i think i could shout out the wrong college i said oh this thing everybody go back are you talking about that southern and southern university won't do that and dominique and charlie went on stage and he was doing this joke about a lady in the airport and everybody in the crowd like this is fox theater bro this is a huge amphitheater right somebody was like i heard somebody else started but like this bumble started here the other booth started like like you know like 16 rolls away and then they just kind of go and then it's trying to start and then people was like no i started clapping and trying to say yeah man i'm already working man y'all booty [ __ ] booty boo you [ __ ] right and so they started clapping more he got him back he was like yeah like i was saying now the old [ __ ] me talking about sir okay you and then the [ __ ] said again [ __ ] just like that not again i don't know what it was about the again [ __ ] that activated everybody everybody was like you know what we agree with the way this [ __ ] boo the whole theater started booing charlie murphy right i'm sitting there watching like [ __ ] what charlie murphy goes like he's like man [ __ ] y'all i'm rich i ain't got to do this [ __ ] drops the microphone walks off stage right dominique comes on stage comes on stage she's like i don't know why they calling me the [ __ ] back up here i did my time i don't know what they wanted me to do unless they want to pay me extra dog it was the craziest [ __ ] mike came out and murdered it but dominique that's when i became a huge fan of dominique because he held it down for like another 15 minutes hey here were you doing comedy at the time or you just i was doing comedy but i wasn't doing it like regularly i was doing it at the school like i was hosting all the events all the step shows all of that type of stuff at the at my university but i wasn't doing it professionally where i'm like writing every day and hitting open mic we also didn't have a whole lot of that in st louis like we had a couple comedy clubs but the main one was like the funny bone but they weren't [ __ ] with black comics it wasn't nowhere in the city and where it was if you go out there you take a risk and get pulled over by the coffin getting hemmed up on some on some other [ __ ] and the other club uh in the city at the time uh was like comedy now yeah it was it was a lot of bars and clubs it's like a letter just like a bargaining club for the whole memphis big meech and everybody all of them oh bmf with the pistols and everything pisses all of it it was great you did ronnie these are coming up town every sunday to see nar jeezy was in there like t.i was young like it was hard they all used to know was a big deal nah was a big deal i brought the rappers into the atlanta comedy no it was that you know noah was cool with t.i he brought them to the comedy club and all the all the then all the drug dealers would come to the club and book us to go to these small towns and do like a car wash and making come down orchestrated my first boot [ __ ] my first time on stage [ __ ] it was trash uh trey black my cousin i watched them [ __ ] i watched three black is your cousin that's my cousin yeah the reason i started doing comedy with him and k dubs started around the same time and i remember sitting in the back and my cousin's like you should go up man go ahead go up man the guy had one joke and it was trash no it was apollo night uh a bunch of dope dealers and strippers i was like hey man hey uh this girl asked me to take her out so i shot her i'm just playing i stabbed because guns cost too much [ __ ] when i take them [ __ ] move me and i heard somebody say hey [ __ ] kill yourself then i heard a boo grenade in the back of the club all i heard was [Laughter] did the whistle at the same time and booed me i'm like it was a door i'm like do i run i ain't never been boo before the door i was like do i run out the door and i sat next to the dj booth [ __ ] gnar came up and was like hey man y'all give it up for ranjit it was like boom and he was like wait you build this [ __ ] name right it was like run boom boom ranjit [ __ ] and then i'm walking to my closet i said let me beat the let out i start walking to the car this [ __ ] walked with me he's a halo [ __ ] you ain't gonna never be funny and i was like oh it was like f you get you killed [ __ ] and i was like man let me put my head down like a [ __ ] i was like i ain't never coming back here i remember ron g moved to l.a from atlanta he bought we was in the uh it was a club vinyl like we was in like a comedy spot in front of the same stage he's like man i just want to tell you man i'm moving to los angeles and i'm gonna stay kid i was like all right [ __ ] everybody's like you're gonna be back [ __ ] you're gonna be back but i i was like cool [ __ ] do that [ __ ] i i'll never hate on like young [ __ ] that's what like when i first came up all the older comments like he said you're gonna be [ __ ] yeah all of them told us we want [ __ ] they wouldn't let you talk to them so like to me i highlight the instagram [ __ ] i reach out and be like [ __ ] do you have a set you bout to be famous and you need a set my [ __ ] and start with your funniest bit work backwards [ __ ] get cuz you especially from atlanta i can't handle you around the country saying you're from my town and [ __ ] that's [ __ ] ronnie you was the generation after the comic view cats that like changed the the climate of atlanta comedy like you dub and my cousin you're always just different bro when you remember that budweiser was it but like comedy the comedy search bro i remember that watching y'all and the show got shelved say it again i was supposed it was a search for the next king of comedy and they went around the country with the middle light but it was i remember there's the search for the next king comedy and we opened for the queens they had a semi-final atlanta i lost in it and ricky pulled me aside he said you lost because you had on the jersey and this is when the jersey [ __ ] was popping i had a sponsorship i had on like nine wristbands i was like [ __ ] so i already made it yeah [Music] you're doing the reuben stutter with the big honeymoon i had honeybuns with the queens and it was like each city it was a reality show it was each city we we did like three minutes of peace the crowd would vote and then we shot the whole [ __ ] reality show but we didn't have enough conflict like [ __ ] got along on the bus jeff b was trying to start [ __ ] because the cameraman was like had the camera down we wasn't talking about nothing we were just in that be like he showed his nice be on his bus got there building lighting everything like jeffy was like [ __ ] they ain't shooting [ __ ] like we so we had to like make up roasting [ __ ] but the winner was at madison square garden he got down to four people and the final was kaneki dar mee uh reggie ridge from chicago he did that denzel impression incredible yeah yeah he took the beat with that [ __ ] at that time but it was like it was the winner got 25 grand got to be the next king of comedy he gave me the big check and i and he gave me the little check and i left the big check in the hotel i did the one i'm straight but you know i went to the nba store and bought a journal i remember that man but the show got shelved it was like it was the same exact year last comedy standard came out and it was paramount the same company and they shelved our [ __ ] so i he was like you're the next king of comedy and i was like i mean it's cool thank you but you know but that's how i got on bad boys and comedy first atlanta comedy comedians just were not nice they were not encouraging it was nice them dudes just they would discourage you from ever touching the stage that's why i left man these [ __ ] when you let me talk as soon as i started talking boo [ __ ] and those are the comics it creates some tough comics though like i mean it's some cats that come up out of this this comedy scene that that is very dope um what my name is y'all okay i got it can i tell you a shorty story yeah chris man what's wrong i'm just about to be on comedy hype right now i know it it's coming go ahead rodney that's when i had a comment we're doing comic view cheryl underwood the host new orleans louisiana i know this story all right so it's new orleans louisiana first of all before i can show it they trying to build reality into the show and so when i get there i'm the one guy when i get there they they prompting cheryl to to to make the audience say for any comment to do bad gone with your whack ass jokes so they trying to figure out how it's going to work it's a produced part of the show they're trying to figure it out going with your white ass jokes so cheryl come to me she's like you know rodney i get i get there while they rehearsed she said hey ronnie how you doing it's gonna be a good season yeah it's gonna be cool he's like ready i'll come in one thing um what you think what you think about the gun what you like what you think see i said cheryl you know it's your season you know you gotta make it your own you know it's your thing do your thing i go go away from 15 minutes later she's everybody coming for a friend for real what do you think what do you think about come with you i can't hear what you think i said sheriff it's your season do your thing you go across the street to the hotel we're in there having drinks at the bar she said for real [ __ ] what you thinking going with your wacky what do you think i said cheryl this is what you don't want you don't know these people you don't know these comics you don't know what they gonna do if you embarrass again on national tv he gonna do one or two things he gonna [ __ ] you up or he'll go to the top of this building and jump off you do not want to have to deal with that [ __ ] on your mind she said [ __ ] you right she shut the [ __ ] down producers come to me rodney stab cheryl's head stay out of her head she's you don't need to do that karen daniel cutler was a producer was he white it might have been a it might have been a combination of whites and blacks 2020 make it make it tense so that happens right now they still trying to build reality into the show so one of the one of the elements that season is cheryl would would roast you if you did bad on stage you wrote you and you were watching on the monitor and they had a camera on you watching it so she roast you and the only thing that was wrong with problematic is she didn't roast everybody she if she knew you and you did you did my marginal she would let you slide everybody else she didn't know she would roast and that that was kind of the thing right and so she was roasting certain people that's why they clipped with flame monroe became epic because flame jumped the whole thing flame was like if she wrote to people she don't know she don't know me she got the rose meat and she wrote a cheryl at the gate she came out to say about she wrote the [ __ ] up [ __ ] shell got mad cussed the [ __ ] out and it was epic mode so it's still going the season is going i'm the one the guy uh the we get down to the last two episodes shawty shawty come up show this my name is let me tell you something to hear more shorty sure to come out to [ __ ] pandemonium ladies and gentlemen coming to state show to show he come out what my name is child the place explode the place is in pandemonium i don't know what he says but two seconds after that they are booing the [ __ ] i know what he said he told me the joke he said too what he said what do you think what are you saying he said he said what around with y'all houses in the wall and then [ __ ] don't be having no dogs and [ __ ] it look like team with the teeth missing and then they were like whoa like he said their house was like teeth knocked out like everybody's house they got no doubt so he does that joke they boo and shorty the professional he is he's hey hey hold on hold on hold on i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry you know what i'm about to reintroduce myself he goes ladies y'all come to the stage he comes you ain't coming to stay shouty shouted what my name did you play music come on what my name is the place isn't pandemonium again i'm like this dude is a [ __ ] genius 12 seconds later he's getting booed again fire fire they let this [ __ ] have it me and david arnold is backstage watching this [ __ ] like what the [ __ ] is going on so that happened shorty shorty gets booed uh now who's next um derrick ellis hmm i don't need i've nev i never saw this up to this moment derrick ellis has a horrible not a horrible set i'll take that back scale of 110 scale of 110 maybe a seven it was no it wasn't a bomb maybe a seven cheryl comes out lights into his ass right they got derek ellis on the monitor and you see a tear [Music] how do we do this to each other guys the tear comes down the side of his face oh but they wouldn't let him off the hook then cheryl says you know what this ain't enough she goes backstage they get a gunk a gong people they pull morgan they pull out they pull out a gun they open the camera the stage opens up they push it on that cheryl guns this [ __ ] post set goes derrick ellis now through the whole season there's a contest for new orleans for a new orleans comic to get on the show that season so that's going on and so the new orleans guys after that that the order's gotta come up and on a scale of one to ten he maybe has a five set wise and they start wheeling that gong out again and new orleans said hell [ __ ] naw y'all are not about the bull our guy not here today they start bullying the production the places in the places in pandemonium they they it feel like they about to rip the place apart it's crazy and somebody said cheryl you got to go back out there calm them down she was like ain't going out there they said well rodney ready you go i'm the warm-up guy it's really my stage i'm the one it's really my thing i go out there i call these i say child [ __ ] give me something give me something some some church music some that [ __ ] play step in the name of love and i swear to god the room calmed down that chaos was powerful and they walked out like zombies man they walked out of the club like drama and i've never seen it i need another impersonation that year comic view um that that that year kind of bothered me because she blindsided me and and it took me years to to really confront her did she wrote you on that show i mean i'm gonna show you how she did it which which wasn't fair because i i i destroyed that [ __ ] so it would have been undeniable it would have been stupid for her to say something afterwards um but i was so goddamn focused on it because i saw what she was doing to people right and um i kind of thought i was off the hook because me and my first concert ever was with cheryl i did a concert with me joe claire mike epps cheryl and and dominique um it was like it at constitution hall that was my first [ __ ] ever before we did you know what i'm saying we i knew cheryl you know what i'm saying and i thought that she was proud of the [ __ ] that i was doing because she know me from dc i moved out to la at this time i'd been on like i just booked my first like major [ __ ] i was on the shield and um so i've done my [ __ ] on the shield and i think about nothing like that and and and when she introduced me in this environment that you just explained this was my introduction coming to the stage you know him you see you could have seen him playing a snitch on the shield wow give it up for snitching ass jay phillips wow [ __ ] they booed the [ __ ] out of me from the time that i walked out there to the time that i grabbed the mic from that and went from that to then they're standing them up but it was like why would you [ __ ] with my energy like that while i'm trying to go up there and i tried to get to her to talk to her about that to figure that out and everybody protect it like don't yeah we can't see not right we can't talk to her right now i'm like all right that's what's up and we we didn't have that conversation for a long time time and when i did have a talk with about it she was like hey i ain't really you know remember all that i don't remember i don't know i don't know which comic it was i wanted that too i want to say flame monroe but i don't want to put this time out you you can't confuse flame with anybody else no you know but i'm this season and it was somebody because when when one of you guys said that uh you know flame went up and she had went in on cheryl or you know immediately somebody said give it up for cheryl underwood or or is that wesley snipes that was funny that was the place i tell [Music] everybody out i'm a real woman and y'all let this [ __ ] come the irony of the cheryl had been doing that joke anyway about herself right so but but when flames said it in that form shell lost it in that moment and it was it was really crazy to watch as dion cole says well [Laughter] man [Applause] i knew comic view was trash when i did comedy viewing uh miami well arnold sj that was a tragedy as the host of common view why i was doing my set that year miami oh that's my first year he brought you up but then when you came off he wasn't here like just go to your room go to your green room when i saw the episode it was bruce hosting they had got rid of him in the middle of that [ __ ] like in the middle bruce was a good host bruce did a great job in new orleans in the middle of our next season how many comic views did y'all do i didn't i did eight i did eight i did three i think ricky smiley was the host both times i did i did i did both of ricky's and then la i did i did the season when ricky had the sketches in the show oh and that's when that was an alternate that's when i had to go they said go get a tape so we at least watch it tony spires in them he was he was a talent coordinator early that was early on yeah he was like i'll get a tape from this and then you know let us watch your tape you can be an alternate and i said what are the alternates at man i went in the room there's like 20 other comics and i was like damn i'm gonna go get me a tape tonight i go to uptown and uh i go talk to ken spearman who was managing uptown dude and i said uh ken can i please go up and do six minutes which uptown was that that was peachtree yeah uptown comedy yes absolutely okay and so um he was like they gonna let you on comment view i said if i show him a tape man he was like go man go on tape your set and i was like okay dope i go up there in the dj booth wrong you know what a dj booth is yeah yeah my camera put my camera up there i i hit record you know get my camera angle hit record i they introduced me and you can hear the comics gathering and see everybody coming towards the back of the room like the comics do and they introduced me finesse mitchell i go up there i kill it i kill it i'm so happy about this god damn set i mean no way this is undeniable i don't even watch it i take the tape i give it to tony spires i said tony watch that he come back like two hours later he said hey man henry welch just got into a fight with ricky smiley so we gonna take him off and put you on i said you like my tape he's like tape was good but who is them dudes in the background saying watch this [ __ ] bomb watch this [ __ ] bomb wow oh i go back and watch and listen and watch my tape them comics didn't know my camera was up there wow and they talking [ __ ] the same uptown comics talking [ __ ] from the minute he introduced me to the first three minutes of my set and you can hear somebody saying ain't gonna ain't no names you can hear somebody say he got funny real quick cuz in miami they don't have enough comics so he was probably getting on stage all the time all right remember that from 20 years ago can i ask you all this chris spencer rodney perry finesse how the hell can we get the old comment views at least on bet plus who got the dax who got the tapes where is i i've been kind of researching this man yeah i've been kind of researching it uh uh uh the gasket uh gentlemen owns those actually does he really yes so bt and uh but but it's kind of tied up too in some um some viacom [ __ ] too so it's kind of in some sort of weird limbo and that's why we haven't seen it man but you think if they did anything with that stuff you know how much money that would be for those others it's a lot of comedy man the stage and the lights were way too hot everybody was sweating like a [ __ ] i remember that that whole set at the kevin when kevin hosted the whole crowd was like la extra they had their resumes under the seat so that was the first audience right i remember how pissed i was at the editing because i was working with kevin and kevin was [ __ ] murdering and really [ __ ] i was like this nigga's fantastic kill it and then when the [ __ ] came out all it was was y'all ready for the next comic are y'all ready i was like chris do you remember when he took this [ __ ] leather jacket and he had his shirt it was a [ __ ] with a red leather jacket next scene you see kevin with no shirt on he got a bottle of water to my the next comic he just pouring on his chest with no reason just talking this [ __ ] he was he was doing some he was like with the band up in the top and to your point rodney whoever owns all those seasons of comic view would be a damn 100 millionaire millionaire by now because to license all that footage that's why lauren michaels lauren michaels is on vh1 yeah now he's coming on in prime time now you're coming on at 10 30 on the on the east coast i mean on the west coast and 11 30 on the east coast and he's been doing that for what now like a 40 45 years of snl you can you if you go all the way back to d.l hewley because the young people are learning yes what the comedy was back in the day and even if you got a new comic now or a favorite comic you can be like oh that's where he got that joke from our the culture is all the old comic remember like [ __ ] was using the commentary line in the song and [ __ ] and like it's so much old culture in the old common views you got every star in comedy they have done comic view only personally has never done comic view with bernie mac dave chappelle and chris they were kind of [ __ ] i went to london like five like less than five years ago and they was doing all comment view stuff this stuff i grew up on i'm like [ __ ] why are y'all doing this accent that was doing literally all the stuff that we grew up on like 90s early 2000s jokes from london he was like you're big and lucky you're big in the uk rodney perry coming to the stage that did that [ __ ] was that somewhere come to the stage it's definitely somewhere come on man i remember i remember you doing that because i was out here i was the one who got the i was the resident woman how do you remember i was the heckler yes asked me to do that [ __ ] i wouldn't do it i didn't want to do it ralph farquhar that uh that [ __ ] wig right i i felt so bad coming to the stage that's that's who's got jokes that's what you got jokes that's a legendary show man there's some there's some animals that was on that show who got drunk who's got jokes tiffany um i was saying if they brought back comic view like if netflix brought back comic view and they brought back all the black movies that were out around that time you got to see where people left from from comic view and then how they like started in a movie game in the movie industry and everything i think that [ __ ] would be super dope the movies are out the movies are definitely you know making it but that my biggest jump on comic view what wasn't during like a season it was one season they had like a mid-season and they they edited a bunch of our sets together so they edited like like eight minutes set at the at the first um first quarter hour of the show of rodney perry [ __ ] that [ __ ] ran i was working after that yeah they like i didn't like how they were disrespecting comedians like they would show a comic and then they show another comic doing the same joke and then they had like graphics talking [ __ ] about them and i was like no they had the worst did anybody get the crickets i got the cricket did anybody get the cricket i got the crickets i remember with duke there's the crickets rolling yeah that's what i decided never seen an audience again cause i was one season i was straight laughing at everybody hey rodney i always wanted to ask you this man uh how do you feel about your hustle in atlanta versus l.a because i feel like you was like on fire when you was here like because i i kind of came up under you but when you moved to atlanta like do you feel like the hustle is different um not really but it's bigger rodney got improv classes [ __ ] uh [ __ ] training pit bulls he got a camera workshop his [ __ ] got him herbalife how to stop turkeys in 15 minutes 14 acres of land [ __ ] teaching krav maga ronnie how do you feel about these comics calling you uncle rodney you like that i i actually created that because uh when i started doing the side by side videos and i was listening in that social media space you know when you just you just started doing research and every everybody that was viable in that space had something they said at the top of the video everybody and so i was like what am i gonna say and i'm like i shoulda i'm not a young [ __ ] how do i maintain my age without without looking like a gump in their space and it would be uncle rocky and uh so i mean you know you gotta embrace something somebody gotta embrace being a grown [ __ ] and i take it i mean i i'm my my ego man sometimes you catch me on the wrong day because you'd be walking in l.a and the young cop and be like oh oh gee i love you i was i used to watch you when i was nine i'm like get the [ __ ] out of my face [Laughter] no it's worse than what's worse i'm just you know i'm 32. get out of my face when they call you unk hey i don't even know you [ __ ] remember you started booking dad rolls [ __ ] happened to me like [ __ ] i'm like i thought i was a cool young [ __ ] like nah [ __ ] you playing a dab on nickelodeon i'm like wait when i went in sweaters every day sweaters cardigans jay sweater jake uh phillips sweaters every day i was like dude but high blood pressure ain't trying to hug y'all in every city goddammit every fat [ __ ] like [ __ ] come here [Laughter] really that's a great og man he took me under his wing early so i was on the road me him and sean and so the reason my career ain't where it should be comedically is because i started off backwards i mean you look like out the gate yeah i'm in theaters and limos and [ __ ] and i was like you want me to stay in a comedy condo i'll get the roots so um yeah so damon took me under his wing early i started off opening for jeff foxworthy oh my god then damon wayans i did like a whole [ __ ] [ __ ] what i was listening before blue collar and all that [ __ ] [ __ ] it was me and jeff before larry the cable guy and uh uh ron white it was me and jeff now now you know stories about being out with jeff early or or brushing past jeff do you remember cat being around no jeff would have never had cat on this show look how serious his face is though well i don't know if there was a cleaner that i don't know about early cat was very clean too okay then maybe yeah [Laughter] it was so funny to see racism in your face but like they didn't know how to deal with a black like they would come to me and say hey you were funny black comedian i'd be like thanks white cowboy yo i used to travel with uh ron ron white yes and white got his own jet so you go from like we gonna be on a jet to to getting on the jet being terrified that this [ __ ] is so small i i was like yo i will meet y'all i'll meet y'all there but and he found he found that offensive he was like finesse i mean you got to enjoy the spoils i'm like dude spoils you gotta cut this plane [ __ ] [ __ ] there's a pistol in the sky at the time what is it called value jet or whatever that [ __ ] was i like i found a way to get there but i can't do this little plane again yeah that [ __ ] can't be too small you could bought that [ __ ] timing building and pull it up again hey sprinkle your og my old you was terrain terrain d lee tyrande lee lee just like how uh chris said he came out to jump doing all big shows d lee was the uh radio in philly so i was going to economy three four months and he would put me on the big shows with some more monique and all that just doing five minutes uh ron g besides me who's your o.g honestly man it's like you dave arnold and rodney man like i just watch y'all i know it wasn't anything formal of hey man you mind taking me on your wing but i just feel like whenever i ask you all for advice y'all just embrace me and i appreciate it i hosted the show with you i ain't getting a part of that that was really huge listen i'm gonna tell you the meanest angriest [ __ ] in comedy before i'll go ahead to hear him so what were you saying uh um i thought well one day i got a flyer or something an email on them pookie emails and they said which uh you know chocolate sundaes with your host ron g i was like what the [ __ ] like how'd that happen and i thought to myself that's huge for him and then i actually went to the show to actually see if he could do it and you know he does it the r b guy leaning up against the wall and just the whole energy all throughout the show i was like all right cool by the way the r b guy didn't work in leicester uh uk in london no [ __ ] i open with that and the bomb [ __ ] you had beef over that joke though didn't you i wanna know but i don't want it to hear i'm one of those being messy but it's all good yeah live love right yeah everybody love these i put my foot on the wall i stole it if you say somebody knew was going to take over monday nights at the improv or somebody knew was going to take over tuesday nights and it's one of the younger cats i want to see if they can do it i don't want the job i just like okay is this this show this show is a tradition is it in good hands you know what i mean so you've been around chris who do you think huh uh david was after you right david or tony no it was tony i think it was tony tony was after david yeah david tony then wasn't it you and danielle it was east esau maybe yeah he saw him left and then donald trump households for all of the rooms in hollywood for a while though since y'all out here still cause i know finesse and rodney y'all y'all or whatever whatever uh who y'all thinking who you are y'all think it's the young guy that's the young guys who will host monday and tuesday who you can see doing it who's young now cause ron used to be the young guy he's talking to ron right yeah ron i don't know here's a question would they give it to a woman would they ever give it to a woman is tony baker in your class ranji uh he's actually under me okay he started after me he's like probably 12 years i'm 15. like i think i think they missed their chocolate sunday window i think i think it would be like like maybe a takara yeah i mean she's hosting a pre-show now she's hosting a pre-show she'll be a natural progression i think yeah i don't know i don't know if monday would be a perfect slot for her that that not with that unless you change the whole vibe of the night i mean chocolate sundaes okay oh you're trying to get rid of me out of there already trying to fire me on wow i'm saying that when ron graduates hey but you know what man there's a young guy right now man uh jordan connolly he's actually doing the first impressions but it's a lot of young cats right now the social media slash comic generation like them [ __ ] they hungry bro oh yeah they study comedy too man them [ __ ] like like finesse like they're like hey man i grew up watching you like he was the first comedy show i've been to i was at the church and i was in middle school and i saw you i was like what okay but like them [ __ ] like they hungry bro i always get you remember when you ca you probably don't remember this but you came to my school i always get that and these people be like 35 years old but not something a lot of college is what you finesse i did a lot of colleges you know they saw you spanked ten years ago at dale state homecoming time flight i just do del state a lot too i did so many colleges i never did rooms my my side hustle in main hustle was college money college checks i would go find who was president of the student body i would get the email do whatever and i would use that capital connection to just book comedians at colleges college wow you weren't going through naca you were going through the the direct i went to one hacker i booked it but once i did my tour i got all the people's names so the next year i didn't need naca hey you want a show for the fall or the show for the spring tell me what your budget is i'ma book it and now what's the business of that uh running because you've been so long could you book your own tour at this point i could i could call that you can call any student government associate anybody who got a check you can freely call them or look them up it's easy to find them now on instagram now you can find like like a lot of comedians do this call the black student union and sometimes you know they always got a budget sometimes black students got a pair with another organization to get the budget for a show but like i throw a lot of stuff on campuses a lot of schools hit me sometimes to um throw it because my agency you know they're one of the top agencies but it's like i'm you know i got babies [ __ ] i don't know how you did it i did i did 100 colleges in one year the year one college county you know the way i got all them colleges the first time it was the first year i did it it was like old six whatever your soulja boy was hot oh 506. and there was only two black dudes on the showcase one of them was named lynn that [ __ ] got this girl to come on stage and do the soldier boy and the [ __ ] went you and went off the stage like 10 feet they were like no comics to bring anybody on stage no more another black dude i booked like 40 dates that day yeah i was the black history month comedian [ __ ] i was the safe black history month comedian [ __ ] everywhere everywhere i bombed and still booked 25 days really it was like he gonna be good but he they don't care they got to spend the money sometimes they just like oh god hey the worst is when you have a showcase on thursday and it started on monday now the worst is when you 40 trying to do a college what did you say j phillips i hate that i know i said i i crushed i crushed it but a lot of that was a relationship thing because knackle was a it was a whole it was like a weekend vibe like you it was it was two three days for this [ __ ] and you don't know when your showcase going to be so it's like you meet up everybody sitting at the same hotels and all of that so by the time i went up i'd already drank with ate with like all the little students and stuff just walked around we just kicking them i mean it was like it was like a kicking fest first so i had a few of them guaranteed that then you do well on top of that and it ain't but like you said it i was like i was before that i was like 0.203 when i did that and i got like 80 schools that year uh off of that little one joint so there ain't a place between the middle of america and in the southeast like i crushed like four of them regions out and um being the black dude on that tour it helps out it does yeah my life fell apart hey do you remember we did hampton university and you was up there and you did a rant of skinny jeans and all them little [ __ ] had skinny jeans right and i went i had just wrote this joke that was fire it was a it was a two-piece joke one piece was about skinny jeans and how you ain't supposed to be on the edge of the bed with your feet up you know what i'm saying trying to put your pants off and uh and then the other joint i did the joint about waka flocka and uh i opened it i was like didn't i hit the skinny jeans joke big [ __ ] boo [ __ ] out and i was like what's wrong with these [ __ ] they was like waka flocka was here last week i was like god damn [ __ ] fights everybody out there joy had also scared yes he was there jay them [ __ ] was quiet on the skinny jean part but you they were boom but you kept going you like so then forrest gump was on the bench like hey i did a tour in uh georgia man and they forgot to book a room [ __ ] i had to perform in the hallway i'm performing the hallway for three kids and then while i'm performing a professor came out and shushed me like i'm in the hallway performing for three people i ain't even need a mic it was a ted talk [ __ ] in the hallway i didn't see you [Laughter] i never got a chance to do comic view and i moved out here i feel like right when everybody already had their mentees and i remember now ronaldo [ __ ] say what i'll do ronaldo ray red fox no he remind me of the god i used to do all the voices what was the guy that used to do the voices on def jam oh computer yeah he always had a suit on he did all the got that this thing you got pandora in his throat you don't want the problem i was just saying i was uh i didn't really have an og i mean we had some people in st louis but sam was already gone the tories were already gone the only person that kind of looked out for harvard mitchell was you know but we really connected when i came out here but a lot of the the guys in the class what about what about g thing okay but when you came out here you ain't connect with the with the loop connect i connected with i didn't [Laughter] chris was with him yesterday chris you were with him right like probably a month or two months ago you live in uh let me tell you where g thing can't be touched he thang i'm sorry not g thing g thing i'm sorry yeah have you ever seen g thing at a concert man bro how are you murder he's incredible he's incredible he's a good guy what happened i asked chris at the comedy union to be my because i heard he was like james came up to me formally like hey you mind if i shadow you or i was like what are you talking about i'll be here wednesday you'll be here wednesday [ __ ] what are you talking about this perhaps if there's a i don't know how to talk to these [ __ ] like this i feel like hey if i come to the [ __ ] respectful right it would be the right way i came to [ __ ] with that with the hands like this sir chris if you would not that [ __ ] hit me with the hardest man look at the [ __ ] about it yeah but all in all he was always very approachable mj phillips rodney when i did meet rodney uh finesse i think we've only seen each other in passing um but i haven't had a lot of problems with the people in the uh the classes above me everybody for the most part has been pretty accommodating and pretty approachable spank we we connected on a goddamn flight on a flight yeah on a flight it was just chick sitting in the middle of us we were just talking [ __ ] to her pretty chick too we were talking to like she wasn't pretty he was like girl get your ghouls out of here who she going to talk to afterwards spring is my favorite plastic cupboard for the record i'm just going to say it i appreciate that right now over joey where else your your good friend yo well harry is my favorite human but this is my favorite place of course yeah okay all right everybody i said remember when i saw you at that super bowl party in minneapolis oh [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah you got your own section and your silk shirt on i was looking for the crew and it was it was like now this spanked nighttime that's just me baby look i used to host my own at the parties on camp tokens kevin got too big he's like i ain't doing parties tomorrow so what hey i was in your fat dope diller bag for like a month with the versace [ __ ] and i was jealous i'm like [ __ ] i've dreamed about this track suit how about this bank was that [ __ ] in philly already all right if you if you look when you if you're in philly and don't call spring phone you're going to be lost i always hit all the drugs popping back in philly that's what i heard i knew the dealers but i ain't have them popping up but if you needed something [Music] i got so many i ain't gonna say their names but i got so many people weed and all that when they came to town you need some crack [ __ ] hold on a second no no i said we i always take everybody to the club that's why i'm cool with all the og's man i used to always look out j phillips there a couple times damn straight yeah at what age do you become an og when i first man i think i think it like 15 years 10 years yeah 15. it's not crazy though like what have you 15 years ago like an open mic legend [ __ ] open mic legend i attribute it to age and a body of work your body of work that's what i'm saying it's accomplished you can't you can't just be a 15. this is about 115 [ __ ] out here last night the [ __ ] on clubhouse yeah what 15 16 yeah i went to his instagram page [ __ ] had 15 pictures on his instagram page none of them resembled anything dealing with comedy went to his youtube right because he said hey yo you check me out on youtube if i pop it on youtube one subscriber [ __ ] y'all got troll baby definitely got trolls a fugitive and cut two he's going on the road with uh tiffany different yeah yeah it's so easy too i was like [ __ ] let me change my last name i joined facebook [ __ ] in 09 [ __ ] i've been doing this i was on myspace when i wasn't doing this fam when i was on snl twitter hat came to us it was uh ashton kutcher and whoever was like the real ceo but ashton had bought into this app uh twitter and they was telling us about it and it was telling us after so you know if the celebrity if the comedian celebrities would you know talk about it and join the app it would get wildly popular and it was literally like you know in like 130 or 40 characters you just tell people what you're up to daily and angle never forget you know all the whole cast was in there listening to it and and tina fey was like so you want me to tell people what i'm doing that i don't know and they were like yeah you know and you get followers and she was like [ __ ] that [ __ ] i ain't doing that [ __ ] and because she was like the hair the writer we was all like yeah that's the dumbest [ __ ] ever we ain't doing that [ __ ] man when it came to like twitter youtube all that [ __ ] but you need followers and subscribers i was always a deuce and i ain't doing that [ __ ] and and i lost a valuable 10 years of social media because i literally was like i'm not doing this so listen i'm glad you told that story because i have a similar situation but not like that so stan lathan somebody comes to him however many years ago he said hey we got this invention man we're just trying to get some people put somebody in he goes what is it it's called an automated teller machine he goes well what is that so instead of going into the bank you can actually just we're going to give you a code you could type in and then you get your money he's like man that [ __ ] ain't gonna work people want to go in the bank to get their money get that show up famous last words famous that [ __ ] ain't gonna work paul craig i got another story carl craig you don't call craig the producer i know gordon his [ __ ] neighbor had a script he reads the script he goes man this is good carl craig's uh a niece who is yes yes yes his wife's his wife carl craig's wife and and nico's mom or sisters i got you something like that so carl craig has this script he reads the dude he goes man this this ain't this i can't do [ __ ] with this i do [ __ ] like mo money and i work with robert townsend and damon you need to go find like spielberg schindler's list [Laughter] that guy had schindler's list in his hands like maybe i can't do [ __ ] with this [ __ ] let's read this avatar [ __ ] avatar [ __ ] go somewhere with that oh the people that people get blue giraffes [ __ ] that i ain't doing that dumb ass [ __ ] e.t [ __ ] an alien so it's a giant shark and he eat people and people don't see them coming damn it you reminded me of another one my roommate ninja turtles ninja turtles [ __ ] really that's it that's what i'm about to tell you right now we're in college my roommate blows out his acl he's in the hospital bed in this bed it's a white boy in this bed so we're like what do you do he says i'm an animator what do you really get i got this animation i got this cartoon and uh it's about to be a movie wasn't about it it's about these turtles that live underground they know karate and blah blah blah blah blah blah we were like good luck with that [ __ ] and his last words rodney famous last words good luck with that blue we laugh like this did some [ __ ] like this though like get the [ __ ] out of here and chris he ended with turtle power good luck with that mister power rangers what the [ __ ] nothing well let me get this straight you got a talking car [Laughter] rodney i'm still laughing at your impersonation uh what my name is let me tell you something funny i saw her sober once no he's blind was regular hey chris listen i just want you to know blah blah blah blah blah blah i was like okay [ __ ] i must have went like this i came back and that [ __ ] was drunk like red what [Music] that is a queen guys that's the queen of atl she went from michelle obama to that she definitely means me she's definitely me too let me tell you something yeah she me too with everybody yeah i bet you ain't stopping though you didn't tell her no though first of all you let it happen [ __ ] dirty sound you let it happen and she looked real real she she looked like she was telling this heartfelt story and she was damn near crying through it and she got to the part where like because there was a show where they didn't her and tyler didn't get paid and i think it sort of ended because i i don't know the specifics but it went from yeah and as a matter of fact the dude that owe us money he in here right now and you still owe me i mean when i say sobered up real quick and one sad no mo yeah i think about it you still how did it go ronnie i don't know that's it she said when you compliment me and cussing me out at the same time she said when he was up here telling the story he tell y'all that he had me and tyler god goddamn money at a funeral oh [ __ ] i put it on my page immediately i reposted it [Laughter] that's how you send them all you know what i hated sunday nights at the uptown was it sunday sunday that was the day i became like uh a regular youtuber you got your strengths bro i remember that listen i was there one weekend when was it skull bubba what's his name they had his funeral on my sunday wow 49 000 comedians went on and they're like chris you ready i was like for what these the next [ __ ] carlos clayton like all the the [ __ ] that's running [ __ ] right now right yeah oh bubba was had had his hand on you know because he used to be security he tried doing comedy right yeah he's just like have his own room so he would have the room after uptown so it's a roast with me carlos got like a little bitty beard uh cory hogan pulled up chris jones clayton english we all in there roasting like for a long time it's it's still it's on youtube right now [ __ ] i seen chris tucker take a l fresh off a movie at uptown [ __ ] it was so painful to watch [ __ ] he had that celebrity grace you know if you get that celebrity grace and everybody like losing it hey after that went up and destroyed it wow the story i'm headlining who said that i'm doing uptown i'm headlining it's saturday night chris pop saying hey riding pit man can i let me do a set man i'm gonna do a set about five to ten minute man just five ten minutes man i said chris don't don't don't [ __ ] do an hour with my [ __ ] come on man i'm do five minutes i'm playing man i don't have an hour man i don't have an hour all weekend not one camera i see no cameras this [ __ ] walk up these [ __ ] pull cameras out they asked to take pictures of this [ __ ] had a disposable you had the disposable cameras let me feel it they were [ __ ] taking a one-time camera he was amazing and then he did 10 minutes and he got out there he's right there give me you know me i'ma call you man chris jam black comedy nostalgia chris tucker has on my leather vest on his second set of death jam no he's lying no he don't chris oh we're at the fun house and chris used to open up the show but he was the one he was the warm-up for jay anthony huh he was first impressions he was he was first he was mauranzio right wow wow so but less angry so one night he came late and they started showing out him and he's [ __ ] going crazy he's cussing everybody i can't believe this man anyway i got on this [ __ ] vest where you get that vest man uh it's a store on melrose he said let me wear it i was like what i'm doing man let me wear the vest no no i wore the best that night the next week he saw me and then he asked me about the vest i was like uh uh he said where's the vest i said at home he says nick i wanna do a depth jam let me wear the vest i was like they're gonna say high school we don't borrow clothes [ __ ] we grow he was shopping in your closet he said please i said [ __ ] it the next day this [ __ ] came to my house and an old-ass black jetta with a cardboard window that didn't work it was like the car from the best i was like yeah he said throw it in the window [ __ ] came up with the car in the front and caught from friday did he give it back yeah he gave it back but that's my vest in that [ __ ] that's so funny yeah that said change his life yeah did y'all um you just anybody ever worked with tommy davidson all the time yeah tommy's the nicest guy in comedy monster yeah y'all never got to ask me who my og was thomas i didn't know i mean tommy was most definitely uh between fat doctor and uh everybody talk about fat doctor he's legendary most definitely had me under like that was my first first dude that i was around it was like oh this [ __ ] got on tv that's dope and then uh you know joe claire was was rocking around then he was like our age but on tv so it was like that was dope but like when it came to like making me look at the bigger picture of this stuff that was most definitely tommy davidson because uh you know i did a couple weekends with him here and there and um you know him and roughhouse who is his um rough house rest in peace that's how i met chris yeah because roughhouse put so much pressure on chris to put me on stage because he used to always say yo there's two people out here that i think that that that that i'm putting my [ __ ] on is you and corey holcomb so he used to bother bother chris about me and corey ho he would tie us two together and and and and tommy was the dude that made me move to l.a roughhouse put so much pressure on him was like yo these the two [ __ ] right here they they gonna [ __ ] around so tommy was like look let's do it man and he put me in this movie with um with john amos and casey amos uh the watermelon heights uh who who uh know is who's some about the watermelon scrunchos in that movie roncho's in that movie what uh red grant uh please tell me the name of it remember no listen the po i just they just redid the poster this week i just saw it really that's crazy yeah i remember did a stunt in that movie and he had to keep doing it though he jumped over carson and he had to keep doing it no listen as you mentioned all those comics in dc i think dc and chicago have the best group of black comedians uh out these sea [ __ ] different because they're [ __ ] know about politics name them [ __ ] they they they can name senators and stuff and them [ __ ] they got james at the same time chris thomas uh you know thomas t-rex is t-rex dc he reckons i know i'm forgetting a thousand of them right now mike brooks and dc red grant [ __ ] yeah i definitely threw red [ __ ] one of the black comedy club in dc jay phillips huh one in the black comedy club in dc um yeah it definitely was it was uh the comedy the comedy connection yeah yeah that was going on that's why teddy it was the same ones huh what was teddy's room said he had his own club called it was the teddy bear teddy carpenter teddy's club but there was always another black look there though that's the club that kind of that kept us kept us rocking it was uh that's where pops uh you used to rock so pops has uh um oh [ __ ] what's my [ __ ] from uh chat room say to everybody shut this down you go ahead too oh [ __ ] is he um def jam or comic view i don't think i've heard him before [Music] that cleesy funny as [ __ ] bro whoa crazy still got heat pleasing show is dope dawg we did me chris they got a live band that that's that's the tv show i that thing they should have recorded that yeah he got a pilot of that he was producing that before the uh the kobe he's such a great guy too yeah man he when i got started from the radio we did we had a podcast before the podcast internet radio was me joe claire and shanti dawg shanti dawes was the a r from the face you know shanti y'all know shantae atlanta yeah you know she and the outcast pictures where they said this i've got something to say so i've been there with these two legends for like months just asking her stupid [ __ ] just andre you know how to call your phone i always tell joe clay you got the best laugh in comedy man that my [ __ ] laugh is contagious intimidate you somebody punch you and he laugh at you or slap you you're like oh i gotta fight this [ __ ] you're laughing man he got that laugh oh i got a brother named jimmy i got a swing on his name man is anybody coming to atlanta anytime soon let me know what you got over you do your podcast in that damn if that should look like when nino brown had that little [ __ ] before he made it recorder no you know what they met in the bathroom before they made it right with the card tables but we got a better setup now we got we you know i can't wait to come back bro when i met ronnie at his podcast place i mean these dudes were were held up in a warehouse that [ __ ] like it was like 3 000 square feet and it was just it's like four different studio rooms norton b one producer got a room there's another room over here it's really they're all ready it's a full business we you know what i'm saying we got what kind of [ __ ] going on very impressed bro i haven't no grass no lights no security [ __ ] we got it we got security we got every office in that [ __ ] look like one of them buildings nobody's supposed to be in and then when you walk in you're like oh this is just nice got a studio right over there i'm down i'm supposed to be doing something with that uh they they're filming uh the johnson's family reunion or the what is johnson so something some variation that that showdown is uh what i'll be down [Music] i've been trying to finagle my way into the sequel jj was in it jj ain't nothing like a family movie let me tell you something and y'all know that anybody got a family movie under their belt their [ __ ] the gift they keep on giving i i get residual checks [Music] listen i've been in 10 movies your hoodies have made more money [Laughter] like this one this is my jamie foxx 12 the goat hoodie when he was in high school wow no he ain't seen it because i don't need a season decision do you know when you get this like this it becomes uh a collector's item oh real quick take the picture there fat what [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] my kids i should change their names to technical and support i don't do [ __ ] without them customer service button right up at nine i didn't want to stop the flow because it was good in the clubhouse listen i'm being i'm being tactful because i don't [ __ ] with tommy davidson at all so when y'all have nothing but nice things to say i just let it go well what's your [ __ ] story let me see you platform in every platform that i get on that [ __ ] tommy davis until the day i die what happened yeah here's the thing with certain levels of disrespect it's very difficult for me to let it go because i'm a petty [ __ ] i'll be the first person to take i had to warm up for the second annual all-deaf movie awards not a real show but they had got to deal with i think fused or something like that so you know they asked me last minute to do the warm-up now you know how it is doing warm-up like first of all don't nobody really know me like that second of all people still going to the table snoop there i mean the star started score start tonight so they had me go out i'm talking hey everybody boom i'm trying to you know going to joke they don't want to hit no joke so i got to start just going to the crowd snoop said your tall ass down bishop don juan is saying man get you into the [ __ ] together and put sit at one table you know now we're having a good time but it's still a uphill battle because they don't know who the [ __ ] i am so you know people black people they ain't laughing nobody don't know so my time and um as i'm coming off um tommy davidson is somebody's backstage and tommy davidson was like whoa [ __ ] you suck i mean you ate it man i guess somebody had to do it but it shouldn't have been you right that's his in the first interaction with tommy davidson ever i never forgot that is he hosting is he hosting the event i don't think he was hosting i think he was going to be coming on as like one of the first presenters yeah yeah yeah so like he's just backstage in the wings like but that's our first interaction right so i'm like [ __ ] it i made my little 500 i'm gonna go get some drinks it is what it is but i remember that [ __ ] trying to play me funny stuff cause there was other people around i think the lucas brothers were backstage and it was somebody else that was backstage i don't it might have been snoop dogg it was somebody else for the backstage but i feel like he was putting on he's playing it on thick because of other people around no clear laugh was in the background again hey look to hear no clear laughs in the background to hear when i tell your story over he gonna say you suck and i'm running [Laughter] again um on a flight it's a american airlines flight i'm i'm sitting in my seat uh i'm i'm like first class tommy sees me i see him we don't really lock out but he sees me he drops his bag he comes back up to me and he kneels down he's like hey brother i saw you the other night you know you had a rough time you know i just want to let you know comedy is not a race it's a marathon man you know so you just get out there you keep doing your thing and so me being me i was like [ __ ] they about to tell us don't get back in your sexy fans so they close the curtain right you trying to make amends [ __ ] this [ __ ] ronnie i don't i don't make no man's just [ __ ] this [ __ ] to the day i die all right so i didn't know [Laughter] that's the first time i see him after the event right right so fast forward to the first year me kev and tony baker on tour we're in the airport i think we're in texas uh it's me kev tony and uh our photographer josh so we saw walking up to the uh the boarding gate standing in line and i'm standing here kev right here tony's like right here and tommy davis is on the other side of camp right as we walk up we stand there and then and tony turns to his left oh what's up uh uh tommy dave what's up td how you doing man and kev looks at me he's like hey here it's it's tommy davison and in front of me i was like [ __ ] with that [ __ ] bruh lie let him hear i don't [ __ ] with that [ __ ] in the airport he was just like because here's the thing tommy act like he don't remember he did some [ __ ] up [ __ ] and trying to play on cocaine sometimes dude i don't give a [ __ ] bro nobody can ever apologize to you no no some people can absolutely i've definitely accepted a lot of people he got on his knees what if he offered you some jordans and then don't see him for four years this is triggering something here this is not something we might be able to [ __ ] around right now i found this out about you dog because i was about to talk about your hearing bones i took it as disrespect because i feel the way he did it like and like i know it wasn't a great set like [ __ ] uphill battle and they don't know my name so i don't really care about that i feel like the way he kept putting it on there to try to like [ __ ] yeah it was back there so then using a comedy j phillips have you forgiven uh cheryl underwood yeah yeah let's let's grow from this guys can we grow here [ __ ] ice cube ice cube for game dr dre [ __ ] come on yeah jesus i've been i've had a couple of petty moments let it go let me tell you guys something when god put it on my heart to release it i will all right let me tell you something real talk and a lot and a lot of us know that let me take some real talking a lot of us know this if it's anywhere around show time with tommy davison there's a pretty good chance he's not in his right mind you know what i mean trying to say he's he and yeah and he's he's great to perform yeah but he's on some he do some stuff rather regular comics don't do you know what i mean [Music] [Applause] i mean i know i know tommy and and and i can feel that energy that that he gave because i i mean chris i know you know tommy really well as well so you know exactly what that night was you know that was him to me that was tommy watching you do that in his nervous way trying to get himself prepared to have the [ __ ] with the same thing that you did hurt people had to just get a laugh in the room somewhere and that's just what he do that [ __ ] tommy writes jokes by repeating them to the people that's around them seven to 10 times back to back so if something ripped and he'll be like [ __ ] that wasn't funny ah [ __ ] that wasn't funny ah [ __ ] that right there that wasn't funny ah he's gonna keep hitting you with the [ __ ] it's that's just the way that he do it i get the timing and the disrespect yeah that i ain't i am not covering for how you feel somebody said tommy was [Music] picture that dave chappelle sketch with rick james and just substitute tommy davidson i slapped you in the face to here i didn't know [ __ ] should have never gave you [ __ ] money that's the best analogy that i would have you you slapped me in my face last night and then here's another thing which i kind of i think i was on clubhouse or some interview sometimes like people blow up but they still want to feel like they're not blown up so they want to joan and do [ __ ] and they don't know like when we bagging and both of us are broke it's different than when you [ __ ] making some money and talking [ __ ] like i had to put anthony anderson to the side because he would say [ __ ] to people i go [ __ ] you can't talk to people like that what are you talking about i said [ __ ] it's it's not jonah no more with you [ __ ] it's condescending and mean anthony is mean though i mean he really means it was like it was like i like me and finesse like i said we've seen each other in passing right but from last night to tonight there's a report so if he said something like that i know it's not coming from a place of hostility and malice right and it's also a way to say that somebody sucks and and you know they could come back from like oh [ __ ] you had a horrible set you suck but that's what warm-up is [ __ ] you got it on the next one don't let this [ __ ] rounded like that's anything to curtail it and you could you could save it but the way he delivered it i was like i have my [ __ ] i'm gonna catch you and i'm gonna [ __ ] you up to here i bombed i remember bombing really bad twice in my whole life bad like i don't want to do this [ __ ] no more and because and i had a music joke and i bit a honey bun and they still blew me music and props so i'm backstage like damn and all i heard was they weren't ready for your dog and i saw the littlest fist it was a little duval it was a little tiny and i wanted to throw this [ __ ] so far but then the next time hey so ronnie when you getting booted are you still chewing the honey bun like yeah i had to put it back in the package i was like this is so [ __ ] i feel like you let me tell you something about the way that we came up though yeah i mean i was surprised we came up a little different because there was certain rooms in the country set up and dc was a place that had a bunch of nights like that to where there was some few people chris thomas would be one of them he'd do it in a cool way but he would do it if you don't do well [ __ ] you are the next four to five minutes of material yeah that's just what i still remember the jokes guy turret did when i bombed it fantuzi absolutely so that [ __ ] [ __ ] you would have a hit list of [ __ ] yes robin harris [ __ ] j anthony [ __ ] even buddy was [ __ ] mean at the goddamn haha back in the day if you [ __ ] had a bad set it was like you know to them to them you know what i'm saying especially a host man if you bomb it is the host job it's my duty [Music] [Laughter] somebody young bomb up under you i'm glad dudes would say what they said because i tell you man i'll be straight up honest i ain't never had more motivation than bombing and nard coming up behind me doing at least 10 minutes on me with my father in the crowd and i never forgot it my father never forgot it my best friend was there to this day man it's like 25 years later my best friend say you remember that dude who helped with you after your set that day i was like yeah yeah i know you talking about he brings this [ __ ] up like it hurts like he was hurt he was on stage but he brings it up like it was yesterday because he said man i'm so proud of you i'm so proud cause remember i was like let's just kill him and i was like no this was early atlanta this was early atlanta you don't know who [ __ ] know and he was like you man your daddy was there man you go like he was really trying to do that uh coming to the hood [ __ ] you gonna let that [ __ ] get away with that [ __ ] [ __ ] you know you shot your cousin yeah man he was really on something you sound like a real [ __ ] right now homie but i'm sorry is that motivation bro that fire that you got right now man tommy davidson helped put that that hustle in you because you helped you learn how to work windows [ __ ] that that [ __ ] helped you create this youtube channel yeah okay you would have never met tony baker [ __ ] [ __ ] hey but the host told me that you showed me that you should have them on the show if you're waiting for tommy davidson you have a regular size microphone right and just be wearing one chain [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] that's tommy's chain yeah hey that's the name of your special tommy's changed i'll just decide your energy is so great man and i've never seen anybody push you to that space till today and uh just don't let nobody have that power dog yeah for real i don't carry it around with me rodney like i don't know when you hear his name what about james with a suitcase full of that [ __ ] does not remember he really does not remember nor does he care right and what he is what he'll care about and to hear characters today what he'll care about is trying to connect with you today like y'all never met and he never and it never happened and that's the real sincere tommy davidson let's try to get him on zoom in with the homies i think that'll be dope i'm a facetiming right now y'all [Laughter] cheryl underwood tommy davison [Laughter] real quick we can go through real quick and let you do your signing off um chris has yawning like 36 times so i definitely want to get him out of here so he can go here yeah y'all you did one of these y'all you covered the whole mouth with the whole hair like that i tried to do the the tight the tight like [Applause] [Music] spanx was like spain got the prion face frank what's the h behind you for uh horton my last name uh the wife i started with heartbeat oh no no no that's foreign my wife uh yeah i don't know if y'all know but i can break the news now uh i got a divorce yeah i'm out here in these streets i already hear that sorry don't be sorry baby you come to a hit me up so we can do you do my part listen i got hey here you go that shady [ __ ] say it again spike yeah i got a divorce man i'm saying all right let me see is she okay okay instagram you had a pandemic divorce it was a pandemic divorce yeah we broke we split last year but february she moved out so it happened in march yeah but yeah so i was in this [ __ ] lonely then the [ __ ] the first couple i see you walking around that [ __ ] when you that was the first couple days you got on uh instagram live yeah yeah playing music in the middle at night let me ask you something did that the turin and and that hollywood rockstar lifestyle affect your marriage i think the money then ain't gonna lie to you i think the money i don't want to hear that [ __ ] right now i feel like we came from the bottom and we here now i don't want to hear your [ __ ] right now i don't i don't want to hit an everyday concert did you have to break bread cause you was married a couple years did you have to uh we did it we did a god what's the name we good we good we straight yeah are your kids both are you both your kids from her just my daughter yeah something from another woman right yeah but we could you want us to move on spank you want us to move on how does the first baby's mama feel like about you coming back to her oh she definitely facetimed me i'm not young she didn't know rich spake no what you doing jesus but i know my wife and christian's wife is cool and all that stuff i think i throw the news to chris so you have a good pillow talking tonight i usually do well when other [ __ ] fail over [ __ ] fail right there you go he's like what i can't believe this this is crazy it ain't nothing like telling your wife somebody else that y'all they ain't make it and all that [ __ ] y'all was bickering about that week go away because then she realized oh [ __ ] people are breaking up for real [ __ ] just like you let my wife be friends with nobody else that [ __ ] had sheltered her like chris has died and you got time for a rumor no way for a rumor i need my wife to know that this hot bell as good as it get over here right yeah your woman start want to live that kevin hart life like alpharetta is the top [ __ ] alpharetta my goodness oh blessed af.com and help them baby get some criminals i'm still waiting on my goddamn sweater rodney have a new printer and that dude is fired that was doing yours but i got you don't worry about it ronnie i'm gonna send you my basketball picture to make one i can't find you guys you don't have no cursing on it can i get one too yeah i got a homeboy i can do a.m i can't do it now some cheap cheap uh uh we're not cheap but inexpensive uh images but hey all right rodney wrightyprayer.com i'm sorry go ahead i'm sorry unless you got anything going on you want to tell the people about you want to throw your instagram out there anything like that man the instagram is at finesse mitchell the new podcast is called understand this so you can go to understandthispodcast.com and just check out the shows i'm on show 15. it's going great great response and uh that's pretty much it man i'm glad i got a chance to break bread and chris i appreciate you inviting me bro i'm i i have told myself that i am going to make myself more open because i'm a very standoffish guy and a lot of comics know that and your name is finesse i know but i'ma try to like i i wanna i wanna i wanna plug in you know there you go my whole career has been from plugging in yeah and being [ __ ] and you know knowing people talking to people right now i promise you on youtube i got 100 subscribers so if anybody want to just go to my youtube page and hit subscribe that would make me feel real good hey finesse can uh kristen you're contacting me so i can lock you in i'll shoot you a text right after this absolutely yeah chris can you shoot me his contact i think you got to talk to tommy first that [ __ ] was triggered like jasmine sullivan [ __ ] that [ __ ] took his glasses off he turned his chain around he was like he said look homie let that go man let that go man cause that man that man fueled a lot of blessings in your life you don't even realize that yeah all right hey so listen if y'all don't mind please follow me comedian ron g come on siri stop shut up uh comedian ron g comedian rong i'm almost at 50 000 followers on instagram please follow me comedian ranji also every thursday night me and my wife do a really dope game show which i would love to have chris spencer oh that's on uh called couples couch we actually taking a break till january but we're still logging on and doing q and a with you and the wife taking a break no i mean my legs ain't going anywhere i actually like my wife she's my friend i'm i'm cool with that can i get that invite to ron can i get that everybody hit me with the weight yeah give me that i can't get i can't get that invite around a couple of springs for couples and then every sunday we do virtual chocolate sunday super dope show all the details on my instagram comedian rong appreciate you all right uh jay phillips what you got for the people bro man uh well every monday night on my youtube page i would really uh love for y'all to come hang out with me on my youtube page i'm building it with some really dope content right now i've learned a couple things on how to do some live streaming really dope so i'm live streaming my podcast every monday uh at 10 o'clock on the west coast time and then you can also catch that uh the audio of that on your you know whatever you like podcasts on and then i'm also doing a dope show over there instead of doing interviews and stuff like that i do a little uh game show style thing called uh what you think so he has come over and done it with me a couple times it's really dope it's fun uh so uh check that out as well uh what you think and mind of the quiet dude that's my podcast and uh that's right uh i forgot about that part the [ __ ] that i'm actually popping to uh the dluv radio show monday through friday two to six in whatever city you're in most likely and um on lol network on pluto tv and peacock tuesdays and fridays d.o newly uncut are writing learning so much trying to write jokes for political [ __ ] that i would never want to know nothing about [ __ ] hear me sean king [ __ ] you got the game unlocked right yeah ronnie went ahead and just changed his hoodie up so he can go ahead and sell some more uh that's my smoking hoodie this is just the older one i got i smoke a nilla okay gotcha gotcha gotcha um rodney i mean ronnie who ronnie which one i get ronnie then rodney go ahead uh yeah yeah y'all hit me on instagram ronnie jordan uh follow my podcast more than culture that's m-o-r-e-t-h-a-n-c-u-l-t-r we we just have poor minds podcast on there uh just doing well y'all follow my youtube uh ronnie jordan as well and go to official blessed af.com get the merch i finally i had to do the website myself because you know i had to i had a technical difficulty but my family member doing it you know how they go so yeah we finally got you know everything up and running officialblistaf.com and i appreciate y'all for having me it is rodney pegg what you got for the beautiful people brother uh the website rodneyparry.com all my social media is rodney perry live i am the official brandon ambassador for bellissimo hats uh you can check them out if you want to get a hat you use my my promo code rp live hats dope hats fly huh i'm buying one today done appreciate you listening right here i'm to be in a newcomer to america man so hit the dm all y'all to hear fans man i appreciate y'all and thank you guys for hitting the cash up i appreciate it does the hat come with a cigar i got i got a black hole coming in i'm [ __ ] with you guys oh wait i do got something to pub i have a show with my wife okay called date night uh wednesday nights on instagram live at six but we starting next week december 11th we're moving over to siriusxm where i'll be oh dope radio partners with big spank uh over at the lol network and sirius xm date night with chris and vanessa uh friday i think at 4 pm something like that i'm not sure yet it's brand new all right man i love all this money being circulated man from these jokes it's beautiful yeah chris do something else you can follow me on ig spank horton twitter spank horton and uh you can check me out on siriusxm straight from the heart uh four o'clock p.m pst time every tuesday and thursday channel 96 series xl oh yeah i also got a podcast with tommy davis called why can't we be friends because it all goes through it bother you [ __ ] don't do that tommy davidson or oh we don't even bother me fam they don't even bother me better than the airport but i'm good damn please bother uh i'm gonna give a me out to josh english alan r joanne josh j mo tinashe shamika taking the stage adam at rated intimate ernestine habiba brother in blue christine christopher tj and [ __ ] casey and tantamiya appreciate you for all the donations uh big shout out to ready intimate black owned sex shop you can find all your sexual needs there uh for couples uh marriages everything they got everything you need there uh and big shout out to popcorn world um 250 flavors of popcorn you can find whatever you're looking for amazing try the jerk try the crab leg goddamn meat um all the flavor crab leg popcorn chris i me cp and a couple other people are trying to get a location out here like we're trying to buy space for a location area it's the best popcorn i've ever had in my life it's called popcorn world that their website is uh doing the world of flavor all the information is in the in the description you can go to the description get it right there if you buy something that you don't like if you if one of the players i recommend i will pay you i will give you your money back my [ __ ] that's how much i believe in it nice they ship they ship to here they ship yes and they ship it fresh they ship it fresh he's in um i think he's usually in in the chat uh he might be working right now when we first started promoting him he had he got so much business he had to hire three new people for the job like what's it called chicago popcorn it's it's like chicago popcorn yeah but he got way more flavors than yeah he got oxtail flavor he ain't got oxtail but [ __ ] the crab leg he got the um the dirty dill pickle the spicy dill pickle goddamn me um the jerk is my favorite the jerky goddamn me hey this [ __ ] got a nate robinson flavor put you right to sleep [ __ ] um more to the story came out today that's the podcast with the wife make sure y'all check that out that's every tuesday and a new episode of awareness heart comes out tomorrow new uh that one's gonna be with sydney castillo is gonna be a great amazing episode damn in the natural scary on thursday and uh we'll see you guys tomorrow night on another episode of zuma with the homie shout out to all my guests i appreciate y'all man i'll see you on the next round y'all man love everybody in this room all right thanks for watching after partying here whatever should i give tommy i'm already on clubhouse see you all today
Channel: Tahir Moore
Views: 111,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1PdgPIFQH70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 182min 1sec (10921 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 02 2020
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