Unlocking Minds: The Art of Unlearning, Relearning, and Personal Revolution

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the first topic of a bid okay this is in no specific order but I want to know what have you learned unlearned and relearned about money that's a good one king who want to go first I'll go first I've learned to save your money okay but at times I unlearned to save my money and live and what I mean by that is you can hold on to money forever and never experience life because you're just holding on to the money you're not traveling you're not doing any vacation you're not doing any of those things so you're not living you're just saving the money but what are you saving it for are you investing in the house are you investing in that or just or you just want to see the number I have 500 000 in my bank account just to see that number but you're not utilizing it right what I really learned about money is maybe invest in money right so although you can still play but but make your money make more money for you all right ready one oh well one two three seven sections of Silence seven sections we know what's on my mind the second [Music] the sophisticatedly ratchet podcast is a round table conversational podcast that gives a voice to the black experience Millennials from New York City sharing our views on black lifestyle culture relationships religion and current events [Music] called a fake worldly professionals with class that also know how to switch it up [Music] now let's talk our wild [ __ ] [Music] thank you [Music] yeah [Music] welcome back try hey try hey guys what's good everybody smoking today um I think red eye OG red eye just out of sativa Indica hybrid in the Indica brother we doing an Indica today because you know when we're in a a nice smoothly yeah I want I want to set the mood today okay okay I mean all right I'm not mad at that at all I'm not mad so so for this episode I want you like to think there's gonna be just sexy music playing all through the background and [ __ ] okay sexy sexy music sexy music I'm in the mood all right what sexy music that type of [ __ ] I'm thinking Marvin Gaye Sexual Healing um sexual anyway for the people who don't know okay this is the sophisticatedly ratchet podcast okay and I'm gonna introduce some of my co-hosts on this wonderful production which we put out every week for y'all and we do this [ __ ] so diligently again almost three no days off no weeks off you know sometimes we repeat an episode but it's all good all right so I want to introduce you to my tribe real quick all right and you know usually I'm long-winded but you know we we got we got we get on some time today so I mean it's been a while since we had you do this for us I mean be honest I'm really excited got it all right so uh I'm gonna start to my to my left okay of course she's wearing something that looks like it came straight out of snowfall straight out of the the mountains the other Mall yes of course it was like let me see the cocaine the cocaine bubbles it's pearls okay all right I thought it was snow all right but anyway hailing in hailing in with the cocaine brawl please give it up for the wonderful TJ what up Queen can you try BT girl TJ the Unicorn Gemini and I bring Duality to the podcast hey tribe I miss you welcome back happy Wednesday happy hump day happy Wednesday happy Wednesday happy hump day all that good stuff and of course you know it's always slippery when it's sweat but sometimes it's it's soggy when it's spewy I'm not sure if that made sense but uh [Music] he's clearly like the the king of spew it's it's like a legend you know he's a living legend I should say you know if he's in contact with you you will be stupefied all right all right so you got to watch out but with that being said I'm gonna give it up for my guy to spew God himself Mash whatever yo what's good everybody it's your boy Mash okay if you guys [Applause] and I'm representing South Jamaica Queens only Queens make Kings uh for those who don't know speed was an abbreviation for spreading positive energy whatever and there's a few God it's my job to drench all of the people in my immediate circle I love you tried thank you so much for tuning in happy Wednesday and let's get this episode possible it's actual factual of course now I'll be remiss if I didn't introduce the queen of reminiscence all right but you already know anytime you throw your exes up either for wakanda or it's for this one Borough and this is who she reps please give it up to the queen Mo what up Queen what's good play my Anthem I'm sorry I got you you gotta turn it up yeah money back running back running back there you go uptown baby we get down baby for the crown baby yes hey there you go as y'all heard if it wasn't for the Bronx and it's your girl Mo I heal from Co-op City Section Five don't ever Zone my [ __ ] I am everything big bronze you heard yeah okay not smart big Bronx [Laughter] [Music] uh today I believe that imagination is your greatest tool okay it's your boy Flash the philosopher it is me it is I am this sophisticatedly ratchet where we give you the real in the world of Faith what up [Applause] can I say one little comment can I say one little comment about I'll I'll American AFS is not here all right yeah I didn't forget I ain't forget yes He Is We have to boo him he's sick he's sick he's sick okay yeah there you go he's sick so he can't he can't join us today we wish him a speedy recovery when you see this shade I'm just saying when you see this I got you bro we wish you a speedy recovery shape [Music] did uh you gotta check us out on YouTube um we're at so ratchet space podcast on YouTube loud now this is really loud that's why that's why I turned it down before go ahead okay all right Chad thank you guys for listening to another episode of the sophisticated ratchet podcast we drop new episodes every Wednesday everyone is here podcast Apple podcast the Google podcast Spotify I Heart Radio Amazon has podcasts and like I said if you want to see our beautiful and handsome faces am I there check us out on YouTube um we're on YouTube that's so ratchet space podcast um we go live every Wednesday of the every first Wednesday of the month on YouTube on Twitter and on Facebook join our Facebook group um we're on Facebook at uh the sophisticated podcast as or so ratchet podcast we're on Tick Tock at so ratchet podcast we're on Instagram at so ratchet podcast we're on Twitter at silverage and pod thanks so much and yeah and we have merch coming soon tribe we've heard you we know that you want merch we heard you loud and clear we're creating some really dope merch we if you have seen us we've had um the bucket hats we're gonna have that back for the summer time um flash has a dope uh vintage sophisticated ratchet t-shirt on right now you can go ahead and model that King [Music] let me let me model this man titty for y'all you see that right there that was our original logo shout out to Alex Russell's my [ __ ] a Russell yes that's our original it is some new things coming out for you guys click uh the link in our bio the best way to connect with us is on social media um we love to connect with you when we're on live too but on social media click the link in our bio shoot us a DM anywhere and we will respond back to you love you try thank you guys for listening hit the like button right now hit the follow button right now hit the Subscribe button right now right now all of it right now shares with a friend and we love you okay yeah and I will say we got another a lot of new stuff coming um in the Horizon especially we're rebooting the website I want to apologize to anybody who's going to like the old website especially like as of now but I'll be so glad to introduce uh the new uh updated version with just better everything no no no no we're not gonna do that we're not gonna do that hopefully hopefully it's done by by the time you listen to this episode okay all right I'm a little shame I'm a little ashamed because like you know I work in web development and you know the website is kind of trash right now so I really like the complain don't say that it's not trash it's growing yourself I was on it don't say that I look cute and I click the link and I listen to an episode because I love us no no no it's not that but but when you do something professionally if I if my co-workers went to that that website they'd probably be like who made this like who who could you pay from Fiverr to make this [ __ ] and I don't feel comfortable about that all right your programming Street credits what's your experience to use right yeah that's what you're saying his experiences is is that that that's not to his likings I feel you fine right yo question how often do y'all record the podcast and y'all realize y'all got ashy elbows [Music] now because you know this crowd over here this little rowdy crowd okay it was just you know disrespecting the moderator all right now you know I got to bring it back to some damn piece okay so you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna set y'all soles back to balancing and I'm gonna send y'all to TJ the ice queen himself say that [ __ ] like you made it you should not have a bad day any day it is okay for you to feel bad it's okay for you to be in your feelings but not stay there we should experience our feelings and then move on um you are at choice for every thought every action that you make and you should not have a bad day and I'm going to introduce you to another chakra today I'm going to be talking about the third eye chakra located right here in the middle of your forehead between your eyebrows it's represented by the color indigo or you may know it as like like the night sky because it's like that dark dark dark bluish kind of purple kind of two like Hue um so that's Indigo that's what indigo is and I really love this chakra because it's representative of your intuition your gut feelings um your inner teacher what else did I put here and your intuition wait your strong intuition perception awareness and spiritual communication and wisdom like wisdom is a bigger 100 of course of course just tapping in with yourself right um I actually found some really cool things that I want to share with you maybe because it just uh came up for me myself if any of you guys have been feeling like you lack clarity you're feeling stuck in your Daily Grind without being able to look beyond your problems or or maybe you're unable to see like your vision for yourself because we all we all go through that that time frame in life it doesn't last forever but it does come up um if you're feeling close-minded and you just don't even want to connect with the spiritual side of you that means that your third eye chakra is unbalanced um when it is balanced because this is what I want to mention this because we all want this when I read when I saw this and I read it I'm like yes this is what we want when it's balanced we'll have a strong sense of self-confidence and self-worth we'll have a clear sense of our personal identity and our purpose and we'll feel empowered to take action towards our goals and our dreams we all want that right I love that and if you don't tribe I will set for you thanks absolutely yeah you sound like Dr shocker I'm over here like ask your doctor if uh if your third eye is right for you okay and if it's not tell them to come over here you don't need no pills you don't need no medicine and you don't need no surgery you just need to check in with yourself This is Gonna this is going to be a problematic for you okay go ahead but not even your ears tribe you check in with yourself and I'm going to share some affirmations and if any of these affirmations resonate with you I want you to think about that as I ring the singing bowl and take this time for yourself right now wherever you are um some of the affirmations are I seek to understand and learn from my life experiences talk about it um I'm connected to my higher power thank you Father God that's my preacher go ahead I'm connected to the wisdom of the universe and every situation is an opportunity for growth we learn from all of our experiences tribe that's mine okay so if that any of those resonate with you I want you to focus on those we're going to take a nice deep breath in Take Me to Church TJ we're gonna hold it for one two three four and exhale [Music] no bad days try I was having a whole conversation as you should sis take that time for yourself sometimes we don't take that this this minute if it was a minute take that time for yourself yeah TJ 30 seconds yes is your third eye color different from like your regular eye color it has no color it has no shape it's it's it's it's deep within it's your connection to the universe it's your connection to your soul we were created in this image yeah I felt that I see that it has no color no smell no taste all right you're done all right okay all right all right uh and with that being said last seven we got to introduce before the episode let's talk about our word of the week I could fix it go ahead Mash good spew God's word of the week you know my man Shake is not around today so I have the honor and privilege of talking about today's word of the week it's your boy mask you got your drip and today's word of the week is polymath all right polymath is today's word plurally it's poly mass and polymath is a person with a wide range of knowledge or learning okay an example would be most people who know me personally would say I'm a Renaissance polymath all right this is the word of the week I highly recommend you guys take the time to embrace this word all right this is going to be easy since we talking about learning and learning and relearning today all right I'm on your asses everybody in a square I'm coming out of here on top I'm coming out the gates all right we hear you brother you use it in a sentence for all y'all who don't know how to spell it is p-o-l-y-m-a-t-h okay that's polymath this is hard not to be mistaken with the Pokemon Poliwrath all right this is poly math all right I don't know did this word like makes me think of like polyamorous but it's about math right of course you would of course a wide range of knowledge of learning oh this is a good one this is a good one for the episode okay yeah you just caught on to that lady I'm sorry so speaking of this episode okay um we're doing a a nice little episode it's you know I feel like we live life and we kind of go through this universe you you you have these experiences and of course you know having experiences means that you're probably learn lessons a lot of us we learn lessons as we age we learn lessons as we go through different type of Journeys and we kind of wanted to do a talk and today's topic is what have you learned unlearned and relearned to a certain degree I think that's what we named it and I like it all right so we we got a few topics that we kind of want to talk about and maybe just give our best experiences from said topic and the first topic up for bid okay this is in no specific order but I want to know what have you learned unlearned and relearned about money that's a good one king who want to go first probably The Brave One to go first okay so realistically you learn um you know about you what you learn I'm talking about me yes realistically I let me change that realistically I've learned to save your money um because that's what you know it's going to help you grow and it's going to help you grow in life so yes you want to save it so I would say save your money I learned to save my money okay but at times I unlearned to save my money and live and what I mean by that is you can hold on to money forever and never experience life because you're just holding on to the money you're not traveling you're not doing any vacation you're not doing any of those things so you're not living you're just saving the money but what are you saving it for are you investing in the house are you investing in that or just or you just want to see the number I have 500 000 in my bank account just to see that number but you're not utilizing it right and then what i relearned is what I really learned about money is maybe invest in money right so although you can still play but but make your money make more money for you whether you invest it work for you whether you're putting it into a property whether you're putting it into stocks things that I'm gonna do putting it into your 401k things of that nature so I really learned to utilize my money in different areas of saving I would say so I'm going to sum it up like that fill out 100 I think that in terms of my experience when it came to money I learned at a young age that money don't grow on trees that's what I that's how I learned about money when I was a kid money don't grow on trees you can't have everything you want whenever we go to the store you know you gotta chill out right what i unlearn is that money actually do grow on trees shake them out of paper yeah you [ __ ] do why'd you lie to me I could have been growing some money um in all honesty though I unlearned well I struggled with money for a long time right when when I didn't have a lot of it but I don't have a lot of it now but I have none of it at one point in time and not having money I had to unlearn my emotional connection to money I used to be sad when I have money it made me depressed you know and it took a big it made a big impact on my life when I didn't have it because I felt like I wasn't a man I wasn't manly I couldn't go out on dates I couldn't provide for my partner or do things like that so I had to unlearn that connection to money I had to separate myself from those feelings that come with money and I had to relearn how to utilize money the right way like Mo said investing in money and making your money work for you you know your money if you don't use your money your money depreciates in value over time so it's really important that you invest your money properly you need to put your money in places where it's going to grow over time and that can be either the socks it can be making purchases of Investments you can invest in sneakers the aftermarket is crazy when it comes to Collectibles you know you can invest in those things um but just make sure your money's continuing to work for you don't waste your money you know that's what I learned about I had to relearn about money don't waste it because you can quickly waste your money Flash you sure because you were late it's okay okay don't treat me like a lady all right um I uh as far as I guess my experience with money or what I learned from money I think one thing I realized I don't want to say late in life but you know you just learn your lessons but I I realize you don't need money to be rich I think there's a skewed I like that you as far as like you know what Rich looks like especially in America and we equated so much to to money and I realized like nah as people were kind of like way more deeper than that um and I guess even with money I feel like you know it's something that we we all want we know it can buy things to maybe enhance or influence our happiness money is resources money is obvious it's a resources yeah it gives you options right and so this is why I always look at money as even just a tool like it's a tool and it's a tool like any other tool and there are ways that you can you know work that tool to get what you want I mean that sounds that sounds crazy but it's true yeah okay but um yeah I think one last thing I'll probably say is um yeah just even I'm learning about money is that yeah I don't feel like I need money to make me happy that's that's something I also had to learn I feel like if I put too much of my my happiness behind money then I'm probably never gonna have enough because I'm always gonna want more money yeah that's just true um so yeah it was like my few lessons as far as what I've learned with money what you got TJ I love hearing everybody's examples of like what it meant for them and what they learned um Mash I wanted to touch on what you said it's so crazy because in society we say that men are providers and protectors and all that stuff and with providers they expect y'all to like pay for the first date they expect you to hold down the household and that's that's got a lot of that's got to be a lot of pressure for a lot of men out there for sure I know that and I'm sure that that's something that you learned do you feel you still feel that right now or you feel like you're unlearning that and you're learning something else like I currently that is the wrong really feel that at the moment in my life money yes 100 you know being a breadwinner is a responsibility that you don't have to take a lot of pride in you know and I I wear that with a badge of honor you know to be like okay I provide for my family I can take care of you guys and the stress that comes along with that and I've been ignorant to say that it doesn't so definitely 100 percent um I was thank you for sharing that and that came up for me but I was going to say when I grew up I felt like I learned to save my money and I feel like I'm still learning about money um but what I did unlearn is that um you have to let your money work for you um and I also feel wait what did I say I say I unlearn that that's not unlearned no so now you learned that right no no I you do need to have your money work for you but why I feel like I'm learning right now is that um or I've learned this over time is that money is not everything and I'm not saying that I love money but I love what money can buy me I love what I can get for money it's a resource for me to get what I want and I feel like some people used to use it interchangeably like oh you love money no I don't love money I love what money can do for me I want abundance I speak abundance I want to be on Yachts I want to be on Amazing vacations with my friends and my family and whatever um but what I'm learning right now is that you have to allow your money to work for you I want to drop a gem for the tribe um flash I sent this to you in your uh message and you didn't even respond to me [ __ ] by the way um but it's a Netflix special that I want each and every one of you to listen to I feel like this enlightened me and I just watched it yesterday and I'm just so inspired and empowered it's called get smart with money and it's on Netflix I got that saved on my junior ain't watching yet though it's good yeah it's really good just hearing how other people have been experiencing it and um just the lessons that you learn from it I feel like we weren't really given those lessons verbatim because maybe our parents were in a different you know like our parents couldn't think about money the way that we can think about money and hopefully our children are not going to think about money the way we're thinking about it I feel like it gets better over time so get smart with money it's on Netflix no that's that's a really good point TJ in terms of money the the utilization of money has changed since our parents right they ain't have crypto they yeah right you know they didn't have such an extensive stock market of options to choose from that they did right now correct you know I mean if they had invested in apple when I was like four then maybe we'd be millionaires right well I know for sure we'd be millionaires now you know but they weren't privy to that information and not only that I my mom is an immigrant coming from Jamaica my dad too they didn't have the capacity to invest money outside of maybe property and maybe stock market but it was like I they needed to work to pay bills and stuff like that to put me in a better position you know what I mean and I was going to say oh no oh right you don't know right and being no no you're right I'm just gonna add in their way of saving and I'm speaking about when I say that I'm speaking about mom you know from what I know of some of immigrants because my mama Jamaican their way of saying even money was being in a dag on Susu okay um right you know so that's the [ __ ] though I'm just being honest their way of saving money was putting their money into the pot collectively and this month is your hand the next month is my hand oh now I could buy a lot of people made made you know a house that they bought that's too super they're down payment for that house you know so like Matt said at that time they wasn't utilizing the stock markets and or investing in like apple anything like that but they their way of thinking and I commend them for at least doing that is being an Isuzu to try to support themselves or do a big saving or get that lump sum of money to ever either put down on the house or I'm gonna use it to get my car or things like that I'll tell you what you know suicides have broken up a lot of relationships too because oh yes or some people that got their money and then left and never went back into school so now that yeah thank God that's different I got people in my mind that I could think of today that I don't [ __ ] with you too man what before before I learned how to save my money myself save money I was involved in susu's because susu's forced me to have to be like communal when it came with money yeah right you know it was less accountable right and accountable yeah but once I realized that we all wasn't accountable I was like no no no no no I'm not doing this [ __ ] no more and I started saving my money myself but susu's definitely helped a lot yeah what would have happened if we all pulled our money together and like did something with the money instead of just putting it in a suit so and you get your hand you get in here what if we put money in a pool and did something with the money yeah right do a business or do a property even us we need to learn yeah let's talk about that on the side right I mean I think that that's something that we can discuss as a collective in this group like we have been we putting money in this for her no no no yeah no no no I'm talking about products this is the money right here it is the money but I'm talking about like an event space or something like that yes I'm with you Mo I'm thinking next up we need beachfront property let's let's go to settings and you know one last lesson I'll say too I learned um like quick money ain't always good money the quick way is not always like the best way sometimes you got to take like the route that's more sustainable so yeah let me just say um can I end it with this I learned it's how you speak about money everything is in your thoughts and in in your mouth and it's important that you don't speak negative about money because that's what you bring to fruition oh you got to work hard to get it if you have that mentality if you think that that's exactly it's going to be hard for you to get money I think to myself money comes easily and happily and it's an excess and abundance a co-sign at 100 because you talk about yourself like I'm broke that's enough I never say that don't ever talk about yourself yeah but but you know what it is I and I understand that TJ but it's just like there's an abundant amount of money but you also got to forget there's a lot of work that you got to put in to make sure of course you gain access to that [ __ ] yeah because it's like I I do feel like you are a direct reflection of or you can be a reflection of how much like money you you actually want to earn just in the sense of like if you if you're in service to people you're never going to be broke but if you are just more like hey I'm only doing certain [ __ ] for myself I feel like yeah you don't you may not get as much money so if you've given out whatever energy into the world which is going to feed the world like you'll get that back in in money and other things not even just to say like money alone but yeah you know so yeah I want to feel about that I want to take a back track right and I want to talk about a personal conversation that me and Flash had one they flash at yo how much money would you need in order to be happy and my dumb ass says some stupid little number and I want to retract what number I want to know 300 000 just give me 300 doesn't well well that was salary that was salary is it 300 000. okay oh that's good that's right that's good that's okay that's okay yes we can see what I mean we can do better right and I want to retract that statement and I'm just I'm gonna just go with a billion annually fast like I said okay all right so annually so next time this thing will be working hard as [ __ ] yeah just like TJ said it's gonna come to me easy but it's a Bible scripture it said prayers without works is dead so you do have to do things to do it but it doesn't mean it's going to be hard doors are opening doors will open for you I believe that but you got it look at this beautiful platform that we've created for ourselves we tried yeah all right all right so question then another another one learned unlearned and relearned let's talk about health this is my topic can I start sure tribe I mean I'm unlearning so many things about health right now it's scary I am a nurse I've been a nurse for 15 years I've been working in uh the critical care environment I'm an ICU nurse and I do not trust Western medicine anymore and that's because I recently got sick or was feeling under the weather I don't even want to claim that in my life um but just seeing how Western medicine works for patients was scary as F to me I was on the other end of it you know as a nurse but seeing it as a patient and having multiple surgeries is scary as [ __ ] and I'm learning that our health is so important it's in the foods that we eat it's in the the things that we put on our body from the lotions the perfumes the deodorants it's it's everywhere it surrounds us and we were taught something so different even when we were little remember and I say this all the time when you were in school elementary school they put a carton of milk on every tray and dairy is like one of the worst things for us um it increases inflammation and I get it I I crave cheese by the way there's a addictive thing in cheese called casein while you're why we're all so addictive to it but I'm learning more about the foods that we eat and the things that are in the foods that are causing us to have these health issues that we're not even aware of until it's too [ __ ] late how many of your family members have diabetes and hypertension and then they end up having to go on dialysis and there's a whole bunch of dialysis centers opening around your neighborhood and but let's believe it or not we think that because a a company like I'm gonna just do Cheerios don't sue me Cheerios but um allegedly I'll say you know there's a law that they can't say that oh it helps you know prevent um they can't say that it's going to prevent uh you from having cardiovascular issues but it will say oh it helps lower cholesterol even them saying that and I'm on myself I'm on my own go ahead sorry I feel like I'm sorry ice queen be icy freeze all right so a lot of these companies when they're trying to get you they Market to you okay and they're telling you that it's healthy and all this other stuff but then you're gonna find out all these preservatives in it that your body doesn't even know how to break down right and it's only hurting you there's sugar in everything this salt and and everything before you know it you don't even know that you can take all this stuff I want you I want to encourage the tribe to look at every label for everything that you can't work TJ what it's in moderation it's in moderation you do what your spirit tells you to but do what your spirit tells you to do and I've been on that journey I cut everything off when I got sick I cut everything off and then I had to go back what are you gonna say flash what no it's not that I don't believe what you're saying I just don't want to go to the supermarket like I'm going to the library like I got to go just read you know I'm sorry exactly but it's not important it's that important because let me tell you they're tricking us with marketing they're putting green labels on it and organic and all this [ __ ] you don't know what the [ __ ] is in yourself until it's too late cosign that I need you all to keep in mind that when you see products that are labeled as plant-based that is not vegan all right they are marketing to that crowd who want a plant-based product just because it says everything right now that just means you have a small percentage of vegetables included in this item that doesn't mean that it's completely based on vegetables all right it's a marketing tool it's a gimmick I think that TJ you hitting on a lot of amazing points about our health what we have learned we need to unlearn and relearn me personally I had to like you said when we was in school milk was on every [ __ ] tray I'm lactose intolerant as a kid I didn't even know I was lactose intolerant so I'm drinking milk busting down cereal cereals was breakfast lunch and dinner for me it was it marketed to us it was they had the cartoons on the box they had the toy inside they had like three pyramid that was twisted with sugar the food pyramid was twisted that we learned that's what that was our Baseline understanding of the things we need to put inside of our body we had to unlearn that [ __ ] and we're relearning now that it's all about bread right it's all as industries of milk there's industries of dairy you know and they they have contracts with schools like this is what pushes that narrative along you know and it's important for us to understand that because our health is maintained through the foods we put inside of our bodies and our level of activity we have to stay active we have to stay engaged so that our health is preserved and we do preventative measures for those things right eating good things to help you not have to take medication you know it's it's like putting the cart before the horse and I think that I understand what you say in Flash in terms of not wanting to be inconvenienced by having to read every label but I also know that there's a relevance to that because if you don't you're not putting yourself forward you know like I understand and need to cheat or understand the desire to cheat because I I'm the I'm not the best eater in the world me either we all struggle but in my mind I know it's bad like I'm like yeah I can eat this [ __ ] so I mean but that don't don't eat with that enjoy it when you do have a meal and it's the cheat meal enjoy the [ __ ] cheat meal it's hard I had to learn because I would give yeah when you're going through that so that doesn't support you either so when I when I'm having like a piece of chicken when I'm having a steak and I know I shouldn't have that [ __ ] and I'm having mozzarella cheese because it tastes [ __ ] good and I'm used to it and I love a good slice of pizza I'm from [ __ ] New York you know what I mean I'm like damn I know that this is increasing inflammation I know but I'm gonna enjoy it in that moment right so live your life have your experience moderation so that's what I was gonna you finish Mash did you finish complete okay so I guess with me with health I feel a little differently because I feel anything you eat even some of the stuff that you see that are vegan you look up and you're like oh this has you're not supposed to eat this either right that so I feel like any you're damned if you do if you're damned if you don't that's how I kind of feel 100. well because I've seen stuff well I agree yeah right because I'll just say yes the scariest thing is is people being vegan now because they wrap anything and fry it you don't know what the [ __ ] you're eating what the [ __ ] is in it that's what I'm going with right so that's why I said that's exactly and that's right right processed foods that are that are labeled vegan and all that other stuff as bad as the meat in my meat right so that is so that's where I'm going with it like so for people who have who are vegan and they're even eating that and the sewing stuff because it's marketed as this is vegan that's not good you order fried food you're doing all of that that's not good for me it's eating in moderation right that that's basically what it is for me um you know something else to you Mom it's learning your body I think yeah that's why I'm going that's where I'm going so I definitely have learned my by like one thing that I know for instance the BMI scale this is what I'm going with learned you learn to read off of the BMI skill right so when I go on the BMI scale and I see what the hell is going to be what's it being myself your body mass index excuse me so when I go and look at a a BMI skill right now a body mass index I would be considered obese according to that scale right so let me just break out where the skill is based on your gender it's based on based on your height and your weight yep and your weight right so I would probably be and I'm pretty sure if you pull up skill right now I'm obese however the skill does not inform people is that people of color are shaped differently then a Caucasian person right on the big asses yeah right like you should do that one baby I can't give you that one no you do because everybody is different everybody's different everybody carry your weight differently I know it's a regular right I hear what you're saying so if I'm so if I'm fine so if I'm supposed to weigh 113 and 40 or 30 pounds if I was to weigh 103 pounds right now people would probably be like what the hell is wrong with Mom brainwash in the black outfit is so what are you saying go ahead Max the only my only my only resistance to that is that I feel like that's a slippery slope I feel like I don't feel like I'm talking about maybe females maybe I'm talking about the females that's going to be in my skill I don't think we need a scale right we need to gauge it against something wait you know what I'm saying I don't think that that skill is biased based on your race I think that that scale is based on your scale right if you I don't think it's body is based on your race I I don't think it's biased based on you but everybody's Shake differently I don't think that skill is accurate I'll tell you that I don't think the skill is accurate I don't mean but but [ __ ] I don't think exactly though everybody everybody different I don't think it's accurate I feel like it's based on your hereditary you know what I mean because I think you know for me I'm a naturally small person I don't think I've ever been over 135 right but I'm very and I remember me and mo were neck and neck for a very long time we went to college and she just got booty and titties out of nowhere I'm like will you get that country I did go to school down South by the way I did go to school there you go they were eating them greens and [ __ ] yams and [ __ ] but I wasn't eating crazy because I ran I ran tracks so I couldn't eat you know I wasn't eating crazy because I still got a character you're being my balance out because you was running and eating is that what happened probably and I still feel like and I work out and that's what I'm saying so what I'm learning is that I feel like okay so what I learned is that to me you know you you focus off to be in my skill I don't feel like to be in my skill is is accurate that's what I unlearned I unlearn don't watch the BMI skill watch myself watch what I know that I need to do work watch my weight watch how I look in clothes how I if I don't feel comfortable in the clothes if I'm feeling like that's that's how I know I'm not comfortable about about myself and what I really learned is to alter everything's not gonna be perfect I'm not gonna weigh 110 pounds and that's okay I need to be comfortable with myself I need to learn how what works for me that's what I'm relearning what works for me um also learning that just working out is not going to do it I don't care what people I'm letting y'all know just working out is not going to work you have to it has to be what you're eating you know it's a lot of people just think I can eat whatever I want to do and working out what it will do is you you won't you may not gain weight but you're gonna remain stagnant like you can you know you maintain your weight but it's you you just cannot work out you have to also kind of alter and monitor what you're eating you know I wanted to say this I feel like you cannot focus on the BMI scale to say whether your head whether you that's what I'm saying healthy or not or not because there are many people that are not healthy there are skinny people that are going to have cardiovascular issues because of the foods that they eat because they're not active stuff like that so healthy doesn't mean going off you know like you fit with them or healthy does not mean that you decided to go vegan because there's a lot of fat vegans and unhealthyroids because it's the type of foods that you're eating so it's being aware being knowledgeable and then taking those actions well you know TJ you sound like a polymath in this subject I think that you understand I love how y'all kind of went to um to food I think that's that's super dope when I when I think about health and but granted I know I'm I'm not always like the best eater or that's not always like my best specialty when it comes to health I'm I'm very big on Mental Health I'm gonna be honest with you no but everybody no but everybody shares about like they like the biggest lesson they want from from whatever I love the show I went to Food but yeah for me it's like not if my if my head ain't right then I know like my food ain't gonna be right my my love you know there's so much other things that like just stem down from that so I'm very big on like how do I talk to myself how do I find peace with myself how do I find peace with others is it's so much that goes into even find a balance even when I'm having like bad days and it's like yo I I don't feel like I'm I'm doing [ __ ] right or I feel like I'm not doing enough and all this other [ __ ] and it's like all right cool I I had a little day I have to acknowledge certain things not live in them you know for a longer and tender time than anything so yeah I'm I just try to be very aware of like what space I'm in like are these things are they serving me all types of [ __ ] and it's like what I put them on board it's like yeah that's one of my things I have like what do you have is it useful uh what purpose does it serve and even just being careful like how I use the words I am in in a lot of situations because I understand how powerful my words are and how they shape my you know what I'm doing so for me like I said health comes very big just mentally for me first and for whatever reason like everything else under that starts falling in line even when I think about like my food and it doesn't mean that I I have the best um you know Habit to eating but sometimes I find even balance with how I eat whether it's the the cheat meals all like the meals that are like yo I really drank some bubu tea and um you know I felt good about that you know blood of the Moon yeah I want to say two two things flash I'm just going to talk to mental health really quickly and then we can move the next thing so one one learned thing I'm gonna use nah I guess I'll but I'm talking about our culture one thing I learned about our culture in regards to mental health is um it's a taboo oh you crazy don't speak about it you know but what I unlearned what I unlearned is that it's not certain people it's it's an imbalance in their brain for whatever reason they have it right and what I and that or that or going to counseling is a oh no man should be going to counseling and all that stuff yeah well what I have seen and what I have relearned is I I am a licensed social worker right and I'm just putting that out there I have gone to counseling Flex um no I'm saying I'm saying that to say as a person in the field you need it I want to say oh that's why I spoke to me I'm saying as a licensed social worker right cool I do that I can you know give therapy to people I myself have an intelligent counseling I'm saying I can't talk to no one that if I didn't do it myself right that a person may feel oh well you give me have you yes I have I have taken therapy right and I'm a and I'm and I'm a licensed professional in in this area but yes I did that too not everybody copes differently everybody doesn't but I'm what I'm saying is that I relearned that counseling is okay everybody doesn't need it because everybody's way of messing huh I'm sorry yes were you required to to do that through your job no absolutely not absolutely not I wasn't absolutely but that's why I did it because I was then at that time I was going through um a freaking breakup which I feel like impacted me a lot and going to into my mind because I was in the midst of it the therapist had to break it down to me and say you do realize that that was a loss and I was like but she's like that's grief that's I didn't even picture it like that because you know I was angry at that point and not only that so I'm dealing with that I'm working at a job that I'm dealing with vicarious trauma right right so right so me going to therapy and release and all of that is like dang you know so I had to get out of that so then I could focus at work because everything was just going on so no it's not required and no counseling or therapy is not for anybody people displaced a different person they may speak to somebody that makes them feel okay and that gives them the Solitude that they feel like this is all I need so I'm not saying counseling for anybody I'm just saying I'm relearning that therapy is not necessarily a bad thing and it's not a taboo thing just because you take therapy that you're not crazy there's nothing wrong with you sometimes it's needed because you need that outside source and being in the field you get so wrapped up in you know what I'm dealing with in the field or not only that counter transference and and transference when somebody's I'm taking on somebody's stuff on me but I'm taking on their what I'm taking on their mess right because now they're they're unloaded on me and now I'm taking it on and I'm like so you need to release that is what I'm saying right right so slash I do want to say that it is important that we have good mental health um and you don't have to do counseling I've done counseling and I I really don't feel like it was it's as helpful as me doing my self-help Journey for myself like looking at the into the books and the documentaries and learning about my traumas and how they've affected me so I feel like it's really important for people to have emotional um intelligence and I think that that's something that comes you know as you grow and as you have experiences in life just thinking about things in a different way so being aware of your traumas actively working on them not uh affecting otherwise in whatever way right in whatever way you do it and you can get and you can get therapy in different ways it doesn't have to look like you sitting with a therapist it could be watching a video reading a book you you know with their Partners exactly [Music] I encourage you okay so I'm gonna just give you guys that little sneak peek we are genuine friends here at the sophisticated ratchet podcast and we check in with each other every episode before every episode we have a mentality we do every episode and we want to know how you're feeling mentally physically spiritually financially whatever is coming up for you you get to have friends and if you don't have friends tribe we are your friends if you don't got no friends you got us you are a part of the tribe okay feel free to reach out to us we're everywhere you hear podcasts you can listen to our episodes on Apple podcast Google podcast Spotify I Heart Radio Amazon has podcasts then go on our IG we're at so ratchet podcast on IG on Tick Tock so ratchet podcast on Twitter we're so ratchet pod on YouTube we can see our beautiful and handsome faces we're at so ratchet space podcast um and then our every first Wednesday where you can connect with us maybe we'll do a mental health check-in on our Wednesday uh live for the first Wednesday of every month we love to connect with you so if something's coming up for you and you want to check in with us we would love to hear from you slide in our DMS we like when you slot in our DMS okay um hit the like button right now hit the follow button right now the Subscribe button right now the notifications down right now and we're gonna have merch coming for you soon so click the link in our bio so you can see what we wearing okay because we're gonna be cool and we're gonna keep you cool too facts all right yeah just if you don't have friends you have us yeah and not for nothing I like I said I've had friends that said when she listens to the podcast like she felt supported one of my girlfriends went on a training and she was like by herself out at that training and she was like you know I listen to the podcast and I felt that home I have another girlfriend that says she gets real bad anxiety when she's in the shower her mind goes a mile a minute and her therapist said do something to occupy your mind you know what she does she listens to us shout out to you Shaq thank you guys for listening to us appreciate that all right we got we got time for one more y'all okay yeah we can squeeze one more one that's up to you all right this is a good one let's do dating let's do love will we are like sex let's get right here for the last yes I'm funny we'll make a part two for this but we're gonna learn and learn and relearn let's do driving driving yes not everybody's the driver don't Monique I mean yeah I drove you driving like that all right she had to learn something more she didn't learn something yeah so what I learned initially is that everybody can't drive all right I learned that all right even though you have a license you cannot technically drive you were just issue this piece of paper by the state that says you can get behind the wheel I want to say like I had to unlearn that that I'm not a good driver no no I wasn't drunk I wasn't trying to show off I backed it to a tree once and then another time I backed it to my homegirl's mom's car and it ran the whole side of her [ __ ] her [ __ ] was all [ __ ] up wow yo please don't tell your mother [Music] [Music] before I had my license though wow so I had to relearn that you can [ __ ] yourself up really bad if you don't pay attention behind the wheel I had to relearn that texting and driving is a real [ __ ] danger it is it was a long time ago all right I got a lot better since then but I'm always I'll just thank God for backup cameras because going backwards ain't my forte I'm not gonna lie to y'all right now changed my whole life all right but initially it was a struggle for me I'm complete wow I I agree mash and learn yeah go ahead I I agree with some of the stuff you said I'm but I think this would be before I have my license I think my friend Shanaya had a car and I remember yeah I think for me and I don't remember we might have been younger than we were supposed to do and I remember she was sending the passenger side and we like she said something I was like what and her car like scraped another car beside us but we went so we went why do we try to do this by ourselves we went got spray paint definitely before I had a license I remember that I think we went to a shop or something like that but in the meantime before you know sometimes they take a while to fix the car we was like yo let's just try to spray paint this thing and I remember girl I think Earl I think he was I think he was around that time because I don't remember why we went back to I think Earl was there too and we just try to do that as right as a piece right there and he was like all right let's try to do try to help us out but um I remember I did pay I think I don't remember if the spray painted worked but whatever it was I did pay for it or whatever and um so that was funny so that's true learning that and and you have to be and you have I guess what I'm relearning is you have to be cognizant absolutely when you're driving um I'm not I'm not gonna text when I drive or nothing like that you know just got to be cautious because they always say you you have to drive for other people actually I would say when I did get my driver's license I did use Tiffany's car to take my driver's license okay you line up to the car to the middle and then you her and my pumps took me to a parking lot in his car and he made me go round and round oh my God so he took me I would say between him between TJ my pops and in the driving school yesterday a lot of people in New York City don't know how don't drive though or they don't need to because the mass transit is there so that I I shout out to him that's the Iron Horse that's my son that's a chariot MTA trains buses that's people's cars you know that's a challenge not mine go ahead of my driving all right so if anybody don't know flash I I love cars I I've always loved cars I got a thing for for fast engines but I don't drive them fast I like to get big engines and drive them slow okay I don't know what it is I don't even know why we call you flash you're a slow astronaut but P game no so I've always loved cars I've always loved engines and you know one of my previous cars I used to have a 2010 Audi S5 I remember that one that was mine that was my panty drop hood that was mine that was my this [ __ ] from The Hub but he but he's straight flexing that was my parking lot pimping vehicle it was it was amazing okay and it was small it was all of us in the back seat small it was selfish V8 okay it was a lot of horses TJ okay yo and and it was such a ego booster wait is that when we went to the boat ride you had that car flying yes yeah yeah pretty sure yeah oh okay yeah it definitely was in the back seat but let me tell you something like especially when it was fresh out let me tell you something women would jump in the car and it I would just instantly see their panties just get wet it was like oh you like you like fast cars don't you and then I would continue to do the speed limit but this is what it is but the lesson the lesson that I really got from from having a car like this though was understand that not all cars are made for sex I'm gonna be 100 honest with y'all okay and when I when I say that no I said this with with this story of mine like I've had sex in the in this car numerous amount of times I've had now I've had to position myself in the in the back seat in the front seat I've had to Yeah it's gotten creative it's a very small space yo bro how often do you clean your car spend a lot of time so maybe this is where the story plays in for me you didn't have a clean car your car was never like a so I said it to say there was an incident one time in the car with [ __ ] got messy and and number one it was uncomfortable we're trying to do positions in the back seat and it just wasn't it let me not say it wasn't working because everything was working but after everything was set was said and done I realized it was messy and and you know the towel done moved [ __ ] done got and it's leather in this [ __ ] okay and yeah it's hot it was hot so let me tell you something so for wipeable service though it's better than fabric so I I thought initially that you know I cleaned it out I cleaned it out well understand the third but I definitely think like [ __ ] juice ruined some of my seats in in the car just to be honest and yeah maybe [ __ ] like mash was probably sit in the back seat in that [ __ ] I have no idea I'm not worried if you was in the backseat I feel comfortable in the back seat whoever was in the back she just called I apologize if if no I'm sorry man you sat in some stains with somebody but um but yeah I just realized like I said I'd rather have a bigger vehicle to have more space and do things more comfortable [Music] you got a big birthday now so you already know I'm on the run all right but uh yeah I'll just say like that's my my lesson not every car is built for sex and you just have to be okay with that sometimes you just gotta just drive them you know yeah TJ's about to close this out go ahead well Max is going to say something first yeah thinking about all the times that I turned the automobile into a hotel on Wheels had sex in a car yeah and I was and I was living in my pops he was like no no [ __ ] in the crib he was like none of that going on so me and my shorty at the time we used to have designated [ __ ] spots we would drive to and get it popping in Queens and it was like instances where like we would go to people houses or the areas where we thought was safe and then people who lived there be like yo come on bro you got to go what was it was it what kind of mobile Hotel was it oh it was a Chevy Malibu it was a [ __ ] I was doing it okay so they would be like yeah really [ __ ] ever I had I had a call before I had a place to live in terms of like calling it my own or where I can like for sure like a bed that was mine and [ __ ] so I understand the struggles of like driving around with a shorty four o'clock in the morning you know we got two more hours till the sun come up like you like what's up for the most shady areas where there's no [ __ ] street lights 100 I feel you I went to a parking college and we got um police ran up like you can't be in the park After Dawn right now but I was drunk I said I was dressed by the time when like you know I'm from you know I got that New York fast Flex [ __ ] this was the North Carolina time that time to put the time the police pulled up I was in the back fully like fully dressed like what's going on hey yeah no I've definitely got caught twice I want to say the first time I was real young and I want to say exactly what you said Mash when you don't have a spot you know to go you know it's the car you know what I mean that's the mobile uh hotel or whatever I got caught when I was younger um in a park um and then I got caught almost this is almost recently um maybe like a good four years ago um I was giving head and dirty girls yeah I did that at the airport but I didn't get a point I got to go let's go let's go [Music] oh man I love how we name our exes Lion King all right so what I learned about driving so I learned how to drive real early I was on these streets my ex-boyfriend taught me how to drive shout out to Dale Victoria you don't have a good relationship but um he taught me how to drive and he taught me so well that he ended up buying like a BMW Mo that was not our car you can't tell it was a drop top BMW yeah that I used to be like I'm sure I'm taking a car to school and he would take the train to work and let me ride around with my friends yeah we heard about them I know and I got so good at driving um my mom ended up buying me a car when I was in uh when I graduated high school so I've always had a car I was always driving but I wanted to give a message to people it's not something that I learned or unlearned I'll tell you what I unlearned or what I'm learning now about cars um but I want to say this to people I was a motorcyclist I learned how to ride motorcycles and I think for you to be a good driver you really have to understand the road and being a motorcyclist really taught me that and it also supported um the people around me because when people knew that I was a motorcyclist they were way more aware of motorcyclists when they saw them on the street and so it's really important when you're driving to be aware of everything that could happen never box yourself into trucks and stuff like that what would you do if something happened you have space in between so you shouldn't be like tailgating people so I feel like I'm I'm a very good driver and I am so I could text and drive I could talk and drive I could do a lot I got you to promote that history we don't promote it but I'm really good at it that's all I'm saying and um and I don't do it often but I feel like what I'm learning math now about driving is more about the car it's like really not about the car and it's never been about the car for me um but I really am into like these techie cars although I didn't like the experience of a Tesla but I like the car of I like the thought of the car driving me in a sense like I'm into the the technology of it um but yeah that's all I'm gonna say that's it I'm completely yes that wasn't learned online I did my own thing no that's right amen all right I appreciate it take us out all right Chad thank you guys for listening to another episode of sophisticated ratchet um you are a part of the tribe that means you are sophisticated ratchet too and only you get to Define what that means for you you can go ahead and catch us everywhere you hear podcasts we're on Apple podcast Google podcast Spotify I Heart Radio Amazon has podcasts and then you can kick it then you can connect with us on social media or on igso Ratchet podcast we're on Tick Tock that's so ratchet podcast we're on Twitter at so ratchetpod and we're on YouTube where you can see our beautiful and handsome faces space broadcast and every first oh yeah we got merged is that what you try to do show them no you want me to show my go-to's I look like Captain gold Roger for one of these eyes [Music] I'm OG come on okay okay hit the like button right now hit the Subscribe button right now hit the follow button right now and click the link in our bio because we got merch coming soon um thank you guys for listening Deuces wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute exactly the word of the week you guys word of the weeks so it's his trophy just congratulations now we can go thank you for listening tribe we love you thank you peace
Channel: SoRatchet Podcast
Views: 47
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Podcast, Personal Growth, Unlearning, Relearning, Self-Improvement, Mindset Revolution, Journey of Reinvention, Perspective Shift, Candid Conversations, Transformational Stories, Challenging Beliefs, Empowerment, Wisdom of the Universe, Inner Growth, Authenticity, Thought Patterns, Evolution of Mind, Podcast Discussion, Growth Mindset, Self-Discovery, relationship advice, dating advice
Id: C14iKA3d1bo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 54sec (4254 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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