Zooming With the Homies (ZWTH) EPISODE 99

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today that's so many times i wanted to yell cut i just i just i just go with it i like [ __ ] it you know i mean that's what i do what i do over there is what pat does when he asks questions he's like i don't know so i'ma ask questions like i get it man that i was like i don't know i'm just gonna face the music that i don't know [ __ ] it that's what it is i think my favorite part is when y'all try to when y'all trying to guess because like i watched the episode with jenna do and like he his mannerisms and everything he was like so confident i was like oh he looks like you know i was like oh he's going and then it was like this dude has no idea what the answer is but he is like yeah because yeah it was believable you got to have the confidence i was like okay you know he don't know i'm about to uh he don't know i'ma send you this word and i just want to see your face when you see this word i really wanted you to get this word like this is a word for you i don't want it right now i'm gonna look at it in a minute let me finish putting y'all information in the description i'm gonna look at this little oh yes word look and let me let me go uh-oh okay well let me shut up because you might talk about that later okay uh-oh no i just saw something uh a headline i didn't read the article i just saw the headline so i'm gonna have to read the article later i don't want to step on the hose you know you you be you you you got a ship that you got going on here you know what you doing i don't mind up here okay look at you come on man i know some of them worked on him i thought he was gonna stump you because of that you know what i'm saying i thought it was gonna get got that one i got that one ty davis listen i'm pr i'm proud of you you did that friend what's up everybody welcome to another episode of zoom with the homies we got everybody pulling up right now it's gonna be a good time um yeah man we're gonna have a great time we got uh bt coming in he already let me know he's gonna be a couple minutes late but uh nick mccarthy is here you know what i'm saying you know don't you know hey y'all david you already know so we just gonna actually make i know them we're not doing the introductions with everybody tonight we just been having a good time we're chilling man [ __ ] becoming regular at this point same as keisha he's over there eats some campbell's clam chowder yeah she comes oh i made some um smoked turkey and um turkey drums and black peas and cornbread they call that detroit series detroit what detroit cereal that's what they had all right well let's go ahead and kick it off welcome to another episode of some of what the homies may already know who's here uh i said i want to do the introductions but [ __ ] it here we go ladies and gentlemen one of the first ladies i've seen one of the homies been here since the beginning i want y'all to clap it up for them goddamn swoops in that bang she got going on so sweet going over to that okay yes yes my little girl ladies and gentlemen put your hands together for comedian writer producer content creator ty davis in the building hey what's up yam fam look wait look i got all excited i was waiting to hear applause that's what happened when you don't you do a show in real life i'm waiting to hear the real it didn't come hey y'all hey hey yam fam what's going on with you here and nick and keisha e nice to meet you [Music] she does not have any emoji people are asking in the uh anything that's like dilapidated like if they got a car with flat tires any emoji for detroit [Music] that's messed up to here don't you dare ladies and gentlemen next up coming uh back to the show this is uh quickly becoming a weekly favorite um amazing amazing friend just good energy to be around at all times man very funny guy he has uh he has 16 shows out he's trying to compete with me right now [ __ ] shows he wears a wig on one of them he's doing karate and he's got he's got a push-up challenge he got going on on facebook and then he also has the only fans where he's working out naked uh ladies and gentlemen ladies welcome back to the show new york's finest um personal trainer personal chef ramen noodles uh comedian and content creative y'all put giants together for nick quartz thank you for having me out again to here man you got it man hey how many uh tank tops did you get from fashion over that one kind of fresh i'm sorry i want to say the secret man going doing the quarantine right target became like the new macy's at one point right and they had like mad dope ass tank top i couldn't stop they had ice killed the ice cube tank tile that the boys would tank tops i didn't get the taco bell one because i didn't want to be a fat ass you know what i'm saying but this flash gordon one was dope i was like i gotta get the flask going so i i think i spent like 150 in target and i told myself i was like man i wanted to target a new shipment this week so i just kept going and going and going i started buying bare oils right and i started buying [ __ ] that i didn't think i needed in target target one this year target hey listen you got to do your shopping at target online and just go to the store and pick up because if you go in the store and shop you're going to spend three times more than what you was planning on spending bro every time yeah keisha i just want you to know that they are putting cop cars followed by no birthday why don't you do that somebody said a baby somebody said heart eyes somebody said the goat from her story in africa it was kyle they got they got the police car and the ambulance they got the regular car being chased by the police car it is it's great i'm loving all this her fancy i love it ladies and gentlemen please welcome back to the show um i'm the godfather of her unborn child my new best friend detroit's favorite uh hero that made it out ladies and gentlemen please help me welcome back to the show comedian content creator actor back to show keisha [Music] since you attacked me i wasn't an attack it was just it was a verbal lashing and it was well deserved yo it was working for me i thought huh go ahead nick what'd you say okay i'm putting a taxi in the in the comments section because i can't drive hilarious what the homies don't give a [ __ ] man like hilarious oh no the the the antics that happens on this show follows you into your real day life right like you get the fans you get the zooming people in your dms they're like they're so nick man what's up with this like yo somebody was in my dm like a person so nick what's up with this license man like how could i help out the situation i miss the whole story you don't you don't have a license nick well keisha you you no i'm not even trying to be funny no way wait wait wait wait wait wait wait please i've never seen big time please please please bless my gift bless my guest right now i'm gonna ask all my guests to change the day to your cash outs real quick yo we're gonna have such a [ __ ] first show yo i'm exhausted guys i'm exhausted i got some great news uh i may or may not share it but i got some [ __ ] fantastic news that had me weeping crying this morning man so um you know depending on how the show goes you may not share it but you want to put it up i'm so excited to be here the fact that these [ __ ] taxi cabs are still happening that is making my heart full with joy right yeah that is that's hilarious i'm about to go put a taxi emoji in okay i'm sorry please please no listen listen let me tell you something man let me let me just say this real quick this is actually thanks to you man i want to say this it don't bother me because of the fact that yo your show your i got to just say how dope your show is man your show has brought so much attention to a lot of stuff like i was telling i told keisha i was in memphis and i was coming out of cracker barrel and this dude ran up to me like yo man you funny as hell and i was like i've never performed out here before so how you know he was like zooming man you don't drive right zoom it right like this i didn't know if i was gonna be like thank you all like hey [ __ ] not you don't drive in sacramento sacramento zooming with the homie like this like the show is getting attention everywhere so the taxi cab [ __ ] i just i love it man it's dope it's cool man funny bro yo lolo keto if you made like some some taxi cab thing t-shirts i remember when they were doing the um remember when they were doing all the jackets with the uh or the t-shirts with the uh the metro not metro car but the uh the subway tab card like when they had all of that they had it all over everything bro you could have the taxi you know the the on side the on one car for the taxi cab and have your yo at mccarthy and everybody whatever fire boy you've never had a license huh you should make you should make t-shirts with other [ __ ] licenses on it but nick i thought you said on one of the episodes that you just took the test and you back recently so keisha wasn't on that episode now i do but before like all the zoom was like to hear it as long as so here's always known i've never had a license so it's always been an ongoing joke so because of zoom with the homies and the constant attacks about the license it pushed me to go ahead again i'm just waiting for the id because that's why yeah so i was over nick house last week and i pulled all the way up in the driveway and it's like super when i got to the back it was like super tight and to get out i'm like damn i gotta bag out and i was just like i don't know right and grandma was like oh don't worry about it don't worry about it you can't get out i was like oh yo i just had nick you know batman she was like no i'll bag your girl oh now it all makes sense i hit in the background like i don't know how to do that yet hey look oh you feel like how they can do it they drive like this oh listen carmen told me to pull the car out right and and uh pull it out and do it and bring it back around to park it i pulled it out in the middle of the street and it left it like right there like babe look you wanted this you wanted to park this [ __ ] what's up nobody's gonna trust you to like drive them anywhere or like drive this car because you just so you you forever gonna be that dude [ __ ] licensed listen nick you missed so many opportunities to capitalize on it you could have had a whole t-shirt line called no else right and hilarious it would have been two it would have been twofold you ain't taking no elves and you ain't getting no [ __ ] like that would have been so though you missed out on this [ __ ] now you when he got a license now you're a regular [ __ ] now you're irregular let me tell you something bt probably how many road trips i've been with you on bt back back before that i'll see you bro bt would be like this look hey nick all i need you to do tv company talk to me you know what i'm saying you know vtv drive up like this y'all wake up bt eyes like this on the wheel wait you gotta be done now that you drive you gotta go back and do all the driving [ __ ] you never got to do you gotta just listen every time you have a car act like don't close your eyes all the way but kind of close it for a second and then do like this over is pick up everybody that gave you a ride and take them to a drive-in drive-through and and and don't let everybody order one at a time you got to keep going around that [ __ ] but all the times we have to take you home everybody got an orphan's order separate you gotta keep going back through the drive-through then drop everybody else and go pick up everybody else and take them to the same drive-through you gotta take everybody to lax at 5pm you know what i always wanted to do and i know it's probably like nothing for y'all but i just can't wait to like you i've always witnessed people like have like a breakfast sandwich in their hand right and got the the kneecap on the bottom of the wheel because they just be making a rule so i um when i'm on my way to auditions i put my makeup on in the car one day i'm minding my business and my car my personal space doing my but not my mascara here come the police with a problem but i'm like show me where in the constitution it says i can't put mascara on in my own car please break that down to me you gotta show it to you where keisha in the constitution cool i just wanted to make sure that that's right that's where she want to see it that's what she said what she said hey that that cop was like i wish the [ __ ] i would so my license was suspended right and i was just driving on my passport and i got through the boat typical detroit [ __ ] typical detroit [ __ ] i got pulled over one time i was destroyed like in the suburbs and he was like you know licensed registration insurance so i had my registration my insurance and i confidently handed him my passport and he's like ma'am you know yeah i'm like this is my pat i'm like listen i can fly to africa i can buy me a kid on a black market i can come back with this password but you mean to tell me i can't ride on the roads that my instance is built on a passport is that what you're telling me yes [ __ ] this [ __ ] said i was driving on my passport like that was okay yeah you know on my social security card you know what i mean what you got to do uh change your name to your cash address so the people can bless you and also bt is only 650 subscribers away from 10 000 subscribers almost dinner let's help get him closer to that ten thousand mark tonight if you're not already subscribed go ahead and subscribe 650 that ain't [ __ ] we can knock that out tonight man go ahead and subscribe to my channel please follow him on instagram today you think he followed back i don't i don't have instagram look i don't have instagram let me tell you something he said i don't even have an instagram i don't have an instagram look it's not working like this for the rest of the night i bet it don't train he said it earlier today at the office while we were filming he was like my instagram ain't been working for the past of the day so look at my look at my last post posting your stories for that to happen uh man [Applause] underneath these bundles i need you to know that uh i look like a shredded mini wheat honey i was like hey i had my hair done in eight months i went to the salon and she was like oh what are we going to do i said no leave out i need you for the closure i need you to cover all this up cause i ain't got time yeah i gotta head down tonight where you coming from the couch did you call yours did you call your spiderman boob back okay so all right now we got to add context because you can't just say stuff like that so so some of my favorite things of this pandemic have been the content that you guys have created like to hear you know wording is hard and zooming with the homies nick with the full disclosure show with marshall brandon so one night i'm i see bt posted something it was like discord something right and i was like well what is this so i said well i'ma hop in this thing so he was doing this binging thing of the marvel movies and i've seen a couple of the marvel movies but i was like okay well i ain't got nothing but time so now we're watching it and i'm i'm like oh snap so that's why in this movie this happened i didn't know i was supposed to watch the 16 movies before this to hear honestly she only watched in-game it was like this shit's stupid okay wait whoa whoa to here to here all right i do break up here fix your face hold up picture dear a [ __ ] uh so what happened was i had a boyfriend okay me and my boyfriend was together so when black panther came out he was like we gonna go see black panther again i'm like all right cool so i don't see black panther i'm like oh so look i'm like oh this is dope so i had seen the iron man movies years and years ago right so end game comes out in game comes out my boyfriend is like we're gonna go see end game and i was like well i haven't seen in game part one i knew there was like another movie [Applause] [Laughter] so so he was like nah we gonna go see it and i'm like alright cool so him and his brother they went and sat in the movie theater they shooting by townhouse give a second [ __ ] you [ __ ] so him and his brother they went to the movies and they watched all of the movies like back to back to get ready for in-game so i'm in in-game when i tell you in the lobby of the movie theater i was like oh that's a nice poster i was like that's a cute little fox everybody in the theater looked at me and was like i was like it's not a fox it's a it's a raccoon and i didn't know so i'm watching a movie and i was like i don't understand any of this [ __ ] this is crazy so i fell asleep on the movie i was like i mean i guess it's cool but whatever so i fell asleep so now we binging we binging in the discord with bt watching all the movies and i was like oh [ __ ] that's how that dude i got like that oh so that's what happened when all the people disappeared and i had an appreciation of it we watch an endgame and i broke down in tears because when that baby said i love you three thousand i was like [ __ ] that's what he meant when he said that to me and i didn't know and i was like i should probably call him and maybe we should get back together because he would be talking to me about stuff and i'd be like all right i love you 3001. i didn't know i don't know nothing y'all talking about i'm gonna be honest with you bt the dude left todd she called thanos batman she's like why batman's so bad like that oh no keisha what what do you mean you don't know anything about what we're talking about this feels like um when i watched coming to america a couple years ago and the dude was what what is that velvet and i was like oh [ __ ] when i was in high school this boy used to always say that and i would be so irritated like why don't this [ __ ] know his fabrics like her shirt is cotton he just said to somebody in class and i'm like this is supposed to be an advanced class we have to take a test to get into school and this [ __ ] don't know his fabric and y'all don't need it because you all laugh i just didn't get it yeah then i watched and i was like oh my god i gotta find him on facebook and apologize because then he used to like get on my nerve with that what year did you watch coming to america for the first time her like 2016 maybe what so this feel i i get what you're saying ty when you're like oh no no no don't try to put this on time that that's that's worse than in-game that's worse no i watched baby boy the other day yesterday i mean sunday for the first time i'm trying to get my car back y'all keisha you have said on the number of episodes that black men in l.a don't follow me now intelligently i was i was i was wrecking my [ __ ] brain like why ain't nobody trying to holler at me she's intelligent she's successful bouncy hair nobody try to holler at kitchen again and then you told this blasphemous ass story about your life you won't know in one of the blackest cities in america one of the blackest cities in america and you have to learn to fort gold watching coming to america into 26 [ __ ] team i wish the [ __ ] is so aggressive in here guys i would keycha you know what i had somebody in mind that i wanted to introduce you to cause he's a good dude that only dates black people protect that man's energy do not introduce him so now you're trying to tell me [ __ ] don't shake shot because making this sense that i haven't seen coming to america or color purple or do the right thing but she's solid do the right thing or i know that nobody nobody talk to kitsa for five minutes okay cause right now keisha right now [ __ ] now okay have you ever had orange soda have you ever had to make rib hell nah am it really what you're not about to tell me you got to be black to having it's not even a rib in a mcrib what is that it's poor don't try to let the only dudes that try to holla are comics comics with whole families are the ones trying to help me that's cause the dudes out here they like each other they have families well you know that they're stable if they can afford a family and trying to holla at you that [ __ ] that nigga's stable sounds like a good point to me keisha that don't mean he's stable keisha's right cause kisha was on my podcast and she told dudes how to shoot that shot and they absolutely the opposite they jumped in my dm for me to shoot the shot at her for them so it's not keisha i i thought there was something wrong but [ __ ] literally in my dm like yo can you do me a favor can you jump and keisha dm and tell her i said what's up i said absolutely not [ __ ] in l.a want a pen pal like there's plenty of people in jail you just want somebody right but did they ask you did they actually had she had seen coming to america she did the podcast on the episode dropped on sunday and a bunch i had so listen over i had a lot of dms about because a lot of people were shocked they was like what how yo i was in the barber shop they was like yo i watched the episode how in the [ __ ] is she single she's bad i was like hey i don't know and they were trying to they and but then i realized what teacher said was right they was like this yo can you hook me up i'm like absolutely not but then there was some dudes that one dude said something that made sense he said keisha looks like the type of chick you bring home to your mom right so i was like what does that mean it was like i'm not i'm not going to ask her out because i might just want to do something else that's all right i get it so it's it's keisha's fault for looking mama introducing out here in these streets all right please hold on real quick it makes sense that it aired on sunday because i have all of these messages in my my unknown folder and everybody was like yo can you see if keisha is seen coming to america and i was like [ __ ] just lie for no reason don't do that don't do that with her here you can't introduce no woman to your mama ain't seen coming to america i'm saying it y'all gonna act like she's she's she saw it you guys it's just like too many okay she saw it she started in 2016. nick you just got your driver's license yesterday [Applause] that's what you should have been doing we got a black vice president female in the house right now i'm going to protect my sister i'm going to stand up for her hey okay better late than never y'all always want a woman to wait for you to be ready it took her till 2016 to see coming to america but she ready now she saw it now so now ain't trying to take nobody home to your mama y'all wanna hear them bt did you see the [ __ ] shots go by [ __ ] cause i thought cause i got a [ __ ] no wait wait wait wait wait wait wait see here was talking more [ __ ] than i was right i got my elves [ __ ] i just dropped you off the other day don't you play me like this all right if i didn't sin for you you know what [Laughter] the eyes what is it the wiz it's overrelated you don't have to watch that exactly a lot of stuff is not good that y'all be saying is like you gotta see nah i'm not i'm not mad at you for uh for what did you say before the wheels for a color purple color purple's mad over nobody can even tell me what that movie is about i'm like what is it about slavery struggle what that movie is super already struggling that movie had some reason some good performances some good some good acting and some moments but it's not like cohesively a good film y'all said i had to see baby boy yeah who's that what you got to see baby boy it's a clock nobody said that nobody who said that everybody i was like that's what i need you to do i don't need you to put coming to america with none of this other [ __ ] you've named i can i tell y'all something real quick i'm gonna start watching movies guys give me give me a chance um so y'all know fairing that i got the podcast out more to the story on the first one episode we were talking about um sexting and dick cheers and all of that type of stuff right and i told her before we aired i was like listen reason i kept you in the in the in the you know and in the back seat and the passenger seat is to protect you from the [ __ ] when this [ __ ] air [ __ ] gonna start getting weird all right [ __ ] gonna start getting weird it's ensure enough last week when the episode aired somebody hit her with the hay saw the episode was wondering if i could send you a dick pic she was like uh thank you for asking but no i i respectfully decline and she he was like cool i respect that you know just let you know i got them on deck if you if you need one right so today somebody just like yo i'm watching the podcast it's so funny can i send you a dick pic she doesn't even get a chance to respond he said with all respect you're a beautiful woman and i watch the podcast guys super funny love y'all and just sends the dick pic sends the dick pic this [ __ ] said i love you and t this is why people try to protect their families from from this type of [ __ ] because i told us like yo this is how this shit's going to go and she was like and she ain't tripping i mean she tripping but she ain't tripping like that you know she just blocked and reported the mess you didn't think it would go that way though it go that way for women it always go to it it goes that way for women pretty consistently with minimal effort no whatever talking about reasons now you got to do that i'm saying but to hear is running clearly that's his wife i wouldn't think no one would uh like just imitate just saying you're trying to get at both of them what you mean he's trying to get at both of them that's that's that's not what the message is what you're trying to do right now is very indicative of someone who just saw coming to america okay someone that saw years ago would know that no one would ever do that to somebody that i'm saying [Music] you don't do that if you sung that you can't sing a song to it you don't do that but you just saw the movie so you don't know all the rules or regulations go ahead honey marry you if you're really a friend okay honey take a chance literally literally last night i had this conversation because a dude sent me not a not a picture but a video of him pleasuring himself in my twitter dms and i don't care what i say i don't care how you feel about my pictures or if you think i'm attractive or if you think i'm funny what is it that makes a man think that his dick is so amazing and that needs to be seen first of all i've been [ __ ] since the 1900s how many dicks do you think i've seen i've seen a thing like that earlier we're from the tip your hat okay yo dick your dick wasn't wrapped in hundred dollar bills if you want to get my attention show me some [ __ ] i ain't never seen before but your regular dick you know how many regular [ __ ] dicks i've seen before i ain't never been to the vatican take me to rome [ __ ] show me something i never seen before get your goddamn regular raggedy dick ass about my goddamn dms violating my boundaries and the dude that sent fear in that message you clearly have no respect or no morals because you sent this to a married woman after she has already expressed that she is not interested so here's a public service announcement fellas i don't care how big your meat missile is i don't care how greased up you got it in your photo or what filter you put on it if she don't ask for a picture of your meat don't send it to that woman okay that's not how you get us and if you don't send a dick picture at least send it along with some additional attachments your credit score your last sexually transmitted disease results and also are you still in contact with your mama what's your relationship like with your daddy what do your baby mamas and your ex girl like send your whole history don't send your regular ass dick in my dms don't nobody want to see regular dick and studs and studs that go for you too don't send your strap ons out there all right your different colored strap ones that goes for you because they because they think they slick ty talk about y'all too don't be setting or different color your strap on out yeah nobody wanna see that and then and if you gonna send it at least present the package this is marketing you gonna send your damn unmanicured ass dick to me with all these goddamn knotted up comb it out put some moisturizer on it pink or moisturizer put some sofa you gonna see your raggedy brillo pad looking beautiful you ought to be ashamed of yourself with your regular dick ass get out of here raggedy regular you know what's funny i heard i had a lot of women tell me dudes do that i'm not even trying to be funny i ne i didn't think that was like a real thing i didn't think dudes this son that sent dick pics for no reason [ __ ] what it is too i i i only know this because i speak [ __ ] fluently i have never ever once in my entire life ever sent an unsolicited addict ever all right i just speak [ __ ] i know [ __ ] so well i grew up around there a lot of my friends and [ __ ] i speak it fluently [ __ ] will go to your page right they will see all the pictures you have very beautiful very seductive very sexy pictures right and so they automatically put you on a certain level right because you're beautiful you might put some funny captions in there oh man this is this is amazing this is great they figure if you see the message they have to lead with their best asset that's how [ __ ] think they think like i gotta i gotta say something that's just gonna win over and me and they don't go with comedy most times because everybody ain't funny most of these [ __ ] ain't built so they can't just show off the six-pack and a b so they say [ __ ] it i'm sending a dick right that's what i'm sending this dick in strong and so they jack it off a little bit let's get it to a point but at the time they're probably using their phone so they can't look at porn and use the camera phone right so they can find a joke you know good and well you don't get no good erection just jacking them for memory so they're sending you a [ __ ] they send me you a resource or a dick right there's a raggedy regular three-fourths hard dick and they send it power send a picture might throw a picture a filter on it but they put no lotion on it because it was it spared a moment i gotta i gotta win this [ __ ] over there that's sepia throwing on it so you say but that's my point but that's my point so you expect me to sit here and let all three of you black men you strong kings chastised my sister keisha e because she hasn't seen coming to america from two since 2016 when it's the same [ __ ] that the white's coming to america 7 432 times since it came out sending a regular raggedy dick to her hold on we got to do hold on we got nothing to do with those ashy dick un requesters set of dick pics we don't back though in all fairness there was a lot of [ __ ] that saw coming to america that didn't send their dick let's just say yes cause come to america's a clown i'm just saying if you go if you're gonna leave with your best asset don't send your dick send a picture of your [Applause] that was unnecessary shot [Laughter] wait a minute that was like ty invited me to come across the street and just shocked me for no reason okay i'm sorry you know what my bad but i'm just just think of just like if you're leading with your best attribute you telling me that the best that you can offer me is your is your regular do you and i ain't a whole all the time but i've had phases do you know how sir do you know how many dicks i've seen like really like in real life now i'm not talking about porn we're not even going to add in the dicks i've seen from porn you talk about lives i'm not talking about the dicks that i've requested dick pictures i'm not talking about dicks that i've seen in movies on porn i'm talking about how many actual regular dicks have been in my face more to the avengers yours is the best one you think yours is the best one you this is this is what you have to offer this is the best and then women already know fellas if you you really want to know how women think just because you got a big dick or a nice looking dick don't mean you know how to use the [ __ ] how many times we got to sit there and teach y'all how to work the bells and the whistles of what it is some of you [ __ ] walking around with a big dick and don't even know where my clitoris is get your goddamn regular dick ass out of here kyle you know what you do next time somebody send you a dick pic that's what you're gonna do you take the picture right draw a face on it right draw like a like a face like two eyeballs and nose and a doofy smile and then put it put it in your uh in your group chat you know what i'm saying embarrass them just embarrass them embarrass them out there put like a goofy face on the dick pic and just let everybody see it that's the only way they're gonna stop no they're not gonna like they're not they're not gonna stop i get these like often like if they get they get off think about it like this think of think about it like this like with all of the jokes aside if a man were to walk up to a woman in public in in real life and expose himself to her he will get arrested because that's indecent exposure at the bare minimum you have committed a crime and if there's a school closed it is okay be a pedophile exactly so why do you think it's okay but you what you have done is you have literally engaged in sexual assault in the rape culture that we keep trying to tell people about and and and because it was just like oh that's how men do oh okay imagine your little baby girl you're sweet little baby girl but i'm gonna tell my mom somebody sends your baby girl a picture you understand what i'm saying so like it's the severity behind it it's because when a dude sends me a dick picture i'm not thinking oh this [ __ ] straight i'm thinking he is a rapist he's a sexual deviant he is a pervert this [ __ ] is sick that's the type of [ __ ] had to take some ass from me and if you talk to me long enough and put enough drinks in me i might be down but don't just throw your dick in my face and i didn't ask you for it i i agree now titties on the other hand you can sit in the [ __ ] send them goddamn titties i ain't never bored with a cinnamon dude okay send the in all fairness don't send your [ __ ] to be though i don't mean just i don't want just monkey in my face in my face this but that's but that's my point but but see that's my point bt i got 40 year old titties these titties look amazing when they sitting up on the kickstand they look fantastic they look succulent when i take these [ __ ] off they look like soggy sad pears you want me to send you my titties wait for it tell them to hear yeah [ __ ] don't care time [ __ ] don't care listen there are still grown men that will eat off the floor them [ __ ] will say three second rule five second rule still eat off the floor even with a pandemic going on right there you think you think a [ __ ] don't care they ain't about to waste no food they don't care their [ __ ] don't care but but but but understand what i'm saying like behind that if i'm trying to get a man if me i'm a single woman if i want a man to to to consider me and and think of me in a serious way why i'm a lead with my soggy sad pair of titties why would that's not the best part of me that's not the best part of me i might as well send him a picture of me without my goddamn wig on why would i leave with that you can't see my personality or my punchlines in my picture with me without my wig and don't a coochie picture now that's something you need to get up and close personal to see you can't see my dangling meat curtains out my goddamn bagel hell no i got the tuck [ __ ] did you call your boy wait it's a bagel with a little bit of pastrami there's a little bit of astronomy hanging off that thing okay it don't look like how it looked when i drove it off the line i got a point a to point b [ __ ] it's gonna get me to where i need to go and it's gonna get me back home i ain't got time to be sitting here trying to lie to y'all that i got the top of the line oh i got the top of the line zero miles this [ __ ] got 275 000 miles on it but it's still run because it's a toyota that's how i keep the maintenance [Music] it's like it's like a avalon it's like my couch is like a toyota avalon it ain't a lexus but you know we do all right oh um it's still it's still a leather interior i heard that uh some of the leather is cracked but it do all right [ __ ] master is requesting that if you come to an event in 2021 you have to have the vaccine yeah they haven't had the vaccination or you have to had just had a covet test proving that you're negative if you plan on going to any events held by ticketmaster how y'all feel about that have you taken anybody taking the test it's dumb i've taken a test a number of times now i gotta take one or more i actually get hurt no it don't i'm taking it but you can catch kobe that night and then you go to the concert the next day or two days later well you're supposed to take your ass home after you take the test especially if you take it like for a production you're supposed to like take that [ __ ] after you've done all your running around and take your ass home and not leave the house i'm gonna take the test to see if i'm negative to put myself back in harm's way the next day at the uh i'm good man yeah i'm taking that i got to do i'm not doing it i'll take as many i'll take the test i took the test and it wasn't nowhere near as bad as everybody be saying yeah he was like tickle tickle and i was like and then it was all it was real contempt yeah yeah snap snarfs and then it was like oh that wasn't that bad it was like but i would take that i'm not messing with that vaccine though yeah i don't trust a vaccine but this is what they're gonna do i don't take flu shots i'm not taking a vaccine i don't know let me let me tell y'all something real quick and if this video ends up being taken down y'all know it's because i'm giving y'all this truth wiser pfizer the company that is supposedly 90 done with this vaccine is one of the shadiest medical companies out there you understand what i'm saying to you they had a 2.3 billion dollar settlement against this medicine called baxter uh which they were mislabeling and and giving doctors payouts for they had to pay ten point seven five seventy yeah ten point seven five million dollars of a fine uh for settlement for lying about a heart valve uh they had a 60 million dollar deal um suit a 60 million dollar suit um for this other medicine and what was it 430 million dollars um for manipulating studies um that they did just trying to sell more stuff and then they had to pay 142 million dollars um over this uh what is it it was called new routine marketing that they were like just marketing a specific group um they had another 45 mil the point is they shady as [ __ ] okay they had said that they were going to give all this medicine to africa to help with aids and all of these you know um medicine for aids and hiv they didn't do that at the last minute they pulled out pfizer is on some [ __ ] and they're the only ones right now they're saying that they're 90 done with the with the whole thing and i'm sure that's what trump was gonna unveil yeah you know pfizer had a very good drug that's how i bounce back all of that [ __ ] and what these these everybody's gonna start doing is they're gonna be like hey you should get the vaccine how you should get the vaccine hey you should get the vaccine then it's gonna get it's gonna change the verb is going to change to if you don't get the vaccine you don't care about the rest of the world you don't care about your family you don't care about your your uh uh the other employees at your job then it's going to change too you can't come here unless you've been vaccinated that's what exactly what's going to happen it's going to be a three stage thing you guys are going to see it and i'm telling you i'm telling you that's how you're going to yeah advisors on all types of [ __ ] they they have a history of so just just be aware what does ticketmaster want you to do you just have to show them like on the screen that you um yeah i guess like on your phone screen possibly i mean who who's in concert anybody who needs you had i'm not taking no test to see mims so yeah it depends on the concert you want me to get a copy test get your it would have to be some beyonce type [ __ ] for me to take that test but i'm gonna tell you right now all right they do the no limit all-stars i'm i'm good you ain't doing it for me ex what about fiend hey listen if they have listen if they haven't got no limit on all stars if they had mac out of jail if they had see murder out of jail mystical if he could stay out of jail mia xp and silk could come and do three songs but that's it he did more than three songs i'm leaving the [ __ ] concert wait and they gotta have mercedes in the back doing the album cover the whole time that's it she don't do no songs she just got to be on top of the mercedes she got to be now for the album cover if she then i then i might consider it you know i mean if they let me i'll risk it all for that do all 10 of her remixes [Music] i hey little sammy if they bring back little zane a little sammy we gotta we got ourselves a concert well sammy's still putting on music sammy said now zane i don't know what happened to lizzy he keisha get off your phone get on your phone one more time if they got the soul code that spoke calling d girls i'm down there oh no wait oh wait you talk about you throw our kisses cousins do you know that was ladies and gentlemen mr jt mess dude yo how do you do it bt you say everybody give it up for jt dude [Applause] look at what's your favorite movie belly oh okay okay you remember frankie williams i like video directors in general yeah i will say this there was an episode of zooming with the homies that we did and we said what song do you know all the words to all the words is there a song that you know all the words to it what song is it rap cause ty ty did ether and she bought it the [ __ ] are you wearing coat she was in this [ __ ] i know my father six in the 35 in the karate class you tied both trying to work it out without missing a beat she was in this [ __ ] so what what what song do you know word for word hmm um i know a lot i mean rap songs off the top let me get just give us a verse off of the song that you know all the words i support you sis go ahead queen g for the [ __ ] it up i got a song for all y'all huh let's go wait a minute you're gonna start from the verse nah just stop yes off in the front wherever you want to go yeah you you karaoke winner let's go let's go i think it's time i made a song for [ __ ] who know me i graduated up the streets i'm a real oh gee i've been trapping shooting pistols since i stood fo fee so why you [ __ ] acting mad you gonna have to show me you gonna make me bring this chevy to a real slow creep my [ __ ] hanging out the window full of gold when the guns start popping wonder when it's gonna cease to chopper hit you in the side and create it slowly we can end the speculation cause today we gonna see what's the future of a [ __ ] [ __ ] hating on me i give a [ __ ] about the fed's investigation on me i don't care that they have my shows then they waiting on me i'mma keep on flossing popping luggage truth is gonna be so police design stop and i'ma keep it in the streets contrary to your belief i'm as real as you can be so [ __ ] your thoughts and your feelings [ __ ] you don't know me oh my god oh [ __ ] hey look at him look at him trying to play cool though look at him that's right that's right you flexed this i'm not gonna see you coming to america but y'all don't know me you don't know her all right hold on i see i see another shot come in let me get out of here i feel like nick you gotta do one you gotta do yo listen i yo so everybody knows i'm a big little kim fan that was a [ __ ] hilarious you have a boy i know all the words the big mama thing you know what i'm saying i gotta get boys mad times i gotta say poised mad times another one i used to be scared of the pores now i don't lift to the pores headed like a ripple [ __ ] had to hunt the jetty jacked me shake it in the pores yeah that's what i got mad at switzerland but then that's how many times i want to pause 41 and another one and another one and another one 24 carrots [ __ ] that's when i'm [ __ ] with the average [ __ ] but here's the thing you don't say pause when you singing it with you by yourself though what all right hold up hold on hold up oh my god oh my god oh oh oh yo i thought being tired was yo tyler is shooting and she next to my screen she just over here in this climate i have to stand tall and support my sister and i don't like the way y'all was coming out i'll be supporting i gotta do the ja rule [Music] but i was proud of you nick i was the one that said you know congratulations i'm proud of you that you went and you you got to thank so i'm happy for you you can't drive my car though that's dead i need you to have that [ __ ] for like about five years before you can get behind the wheel of my [ __ ] are you driving in 2008 right bts on you is it on me yep let's go bt i don't know what to do i was sitting up here thinking that i came up with nothing r b or a hip-hop whatever hip-hop bro do your song you say dude [Laughter] do your songs specifically yes everything come back to me go fly they call me tuskegee i appreciate it man i know i obviously know the lyrics of that but that's a cop-out all right here we go gonna i'm gonna do a detroit song since keisha came with with with the ti so perfectly right i'm gonna have to do my my this was the first song that put me on the ti still to this day is one of my top five ti songs and the [ __ ] sounds so good and in the old school with a good system in that [ __ ] and the [ __ ] he was saying you gotta really listen to the words when tiana's been on his last was the last verse of what's your name this [ __ ] was spitting dog so he said uh [ __ ] hunger i bet some [ __ ] think i can when i take her out will come this week just watch me break her [ __ ] bank account eventually the psc hey we gonna take the south and grab the earth by the ankles and shake the paper out [ __ ] i bought my paper route so we gonna make a round anybody blocking my road to riches i will take them about keep under your mind picking up their minds keep running your way check hello i don't know how it works [ __ ] it i need i need the song i thought i knew more words than i did it'd be like that you got to listen to the beginning of it bro i know i know but i don't want to do it now i quit hey man i'm so warranted right i'll be obliged if you step outside because my ride is awaiting we dating and satan been nightcap relating i'm waiting i smell some perfume that i inhale and then tell i will we raise hell on the desert satin sheets be from your feet keep me warm the mood is perfected from the sounds of the storm you came stronger i lasted longer than i ever lasted your mouth was fantastic the [ __ ] test you passed it the way you made a [ __ ] last i had to get you and when i saw that ass pass i had to hit you you're making me fight against my will what would you do would you kill for me yeah if my life's in danger too even still for me yeah if that [ __ ] belongs to you then feel for me yeah if the way you act the truth who knows fine clothes lexus does you'll be closing when you become one of the chosen froze in different cases different places different cases got me tired like shoelaces no mistake it's mjg you ain't got to be occasionally trying to shoot that p claiming that you ain't heard of me keeping it real let them know how you feel when we communicate you respect your special mind instead of preferring the way some who can't do it lose women but a [ __ ] like me used to is space age pimping new while this york how we play the game new age that's my that's my [ __ ] hey i remember when i first learned twister on adrenaline rush i had never amazing album anybody rap like that in my life that [ __ ] said to put it simple you ain't cold enough tripping off like you can't control stuff like you looking like you know on the bus in a different zone for us you [ __ ] need to sit the [ __ ] down get a switcher and roll this up if you think you're speaking to bo what's up i didn't even know the whole [ __ ] plus the mob so thick i'm the type of [ __ ] you want to get them close to it take a smoke quick if it's dropping the check yo click but mine's so sick i was like oh my god [ __ ] this is before the lyrics was in the [ __ ] i had to listen to that tape so many [ __ ] yeah i was like [ __ ] right right you experienced anybody like twisted before dawg that [ __ ] like he's under he and even with throughout the we respect the skill set but he don't get respected enough as a lyricist if he did it without the speed it'd still be amazing bars hey you know who else got some dope ass bars you remember this song right here i mean you no harm hold on hold on cuz i can't sing these songs no more hey facebook one two three if you want more give me one more easter they're talking about dream girls ty is over there like this once again let me remind you i like this look girl i can't keep doing this [ __ ] i can't keep shooting nick if you don't know these people i run out of bullets running out of [ __ ] bullets okay you know what people don't realize five heartbeats ain't a good movie flash is a way better leader than fight than jimmy eddie kane was waiting first of all way better lead man than eddie way better he was a better leader he was a bit better no he was a better leader though because eddie kane watched his manager get killed you know he said this he set his manager up remember when dresser came in there he was like this he was like this dude dress up yo i'm sorry first of all he didn't set him up to be killed he just knew some bad [ __ ] was going down and everybody knows he said this he said i don't need no manager trying to replace me he knew what was going on no big rap was like this he was like this house eleanor elena oh [ __ ] [Music] let me tell it that's when the hits came you see who had a career when it was all said and done and it was still touring he was on tv with the white boys you know he fell victim eddie kane gonna come back at the end of the movie after that run oh and just like the black woman by his side she like this she was over there back in her manner that was baby slowed it down i feel like that is i mean if you if but did you if you think about it duck and jt stuff come on barbie in the movie flash they come in that bbq and you know why he was out getting grammys because he dropped his album flash it's lonely at the top in two weeks [Laughter] this [ __ ] left the group and said yeah it's such a sad day and such a great day it's a sad day because it says my last day is a heartbeat but it's a good day you can check me out on my new album flash it lovely lovely at the time [Music] can we can we talk about how can we talk about how technically duck stops speaking to jt for the wrong reason because he thought that choir boy and jt had hit his girl and that's not what happened jt hit her long before him and her ever gotten together so he stopped talking to his brother for years because he hit her a while ago he you know what i mean like technically you shouldn't stop talk stop speaking to your brother the duck was a cornball first of all no he wasn't he was amazingly talented and he was the one that wrote the song if it wasn't for music if it wasn't for his sister final little pieces of tissue he wouldn't have been [ __ ] he sang all of those songs it's my music it's my music and ain't nobody in that movie called you rock ever choir boy go to joe ass damn everybody in the movie was flawed as a heartbeat except fo flash flash just came for the business y'all need a lead man i got you if y'all don't want to have the opportunity i'm good either way either i can rock with y'all or i can go back to singing my own [ __ ] it's literally it's only at the time i was only at the top it was watching flash are you ready they were watching flash at the family barbecue bubble it was like this yeah that came you want to get down like this you sure you want to ride [Laughter] yo come on you sure you want to ride they'll be sleeping [Music] they opened the movie with that song how did how did eddie kane have the realest daddy of all time you ain't gonna look at his eyeball you ain't gonna be [ __ ] because i ain't [ __ ] and then he told the mother i love him hey overacting is super underrated i don't know what be making it real like if you look at the uh the sergeant and beverly hills cop if you look at at tupac and juice overacting be great sometimes like i know some [ __ ] that really act like you know what you i am crazy hey that [ __ ] gonna scare you like if your homeboy came at you like that yeah like what's wrong what was scary when tupac when bishop killed their friend right and they all went running and then he was counting he's like this look what's wrong with you i'm just gonna be guy what's wrong with you still what's wrong with you still hey oh man actually what's wrong [ __ ] he said what's wrong with you tupac to uh to omar and two by like look yo they said somebody shot raheem yo they said somebody shot rahim [Music] [Laughter] wait wait wait guys hold on that we're not talking about movies that that keisha can get into okay let's switch gears you guys remember on home alone when uh hey look loki to here that [ __ ] cully was a thug guy i think i thought this mama bad that first movie i don't i don't want to go on with you guys oh [Laughter] what movie have you seen that we can talk about so you can join in with us hold on first off man i want i want to redeem myself with that t.i so i'm i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna because that's one of my favorite rappers man so let's go t okay here we go best of [ __ ] they got cake it when i take out become this week just watch me break a [ __ ] bank account eventually that psc is you know take the south they grab the earth by the anchors and take the paper how [ __ ] i'm about my paper route so i'm gonna make a round and if i block my road to riches i'm gonna take him out keep running your mouth and write your mind gonna be about [ __ ] i'm gonna get that part right there [ __ ] it it was better that time around did not ease them up i'm gonna lock them out of the leave them out and they don't change man in the season now open up the sauce y'all didn't see dudes who you reads about if it don't concern people pse yeah ain't nothing nothing if you ain't cutting it you don't see that house because you know i gotta practice what i preach about i be feeling distinguished when i talk like it's the lean back to make it major getting cadence you got to spit this [ __ ] you need a glass of champagne but just a little bit in it so you can swirl it around you need to go you need this when he says um [ __ ] you say it uh me i'm gonna get a whole who gonna make hell i mean i'm gonna get a hold that's gonna show my pockets to be about that part i always [ __ ] that up no matter what i don't give a [ __ ] how many times i said it i always [ __ ] it up that's all i mean something to your life though that's why it's close to you i know name i know 98 of the [ __ ] well you were you doing t i feel like saying that uh they go big little brother you know uh they go you know this is grown folk business right that's ato oh no i see acl oh okay okay i was like oh [ __ ] hey you don't do that vacation hey so who do who's the director for atl the director brian barber so [ __ ] i'm talking to this [ __ ] uh i think it's brian barber but i'm talking to [ __ ] brian barber about about ottawa right and he said you know the part where faison where terry's howard shoot faze on spoiler alert and phaser [ __ ] oh you was there right now faison told us that in the uh in the class where he said i'm not i wasn't supposed to i was he was supposed to just die and the [ __ ] wouldn't like daddy's hair how he lived he just kept going he just kept talking to him but no brian barbara told me too that he that that he told faison to keep going he's going to face our shut the [ __ ] up man he was just supposed to get shot and die and this [ __ ] fazon refused to die in a scene and they kept it in there [ __ ] it was like you shut the [ __ ] up yo i was dying he was like this watch [ __ ] you um do you know space jam keisha do you remember when the monsters that's stolen oh don't be disrespectful to her i'm clean come on i've seen okay we talking about like when it actually came out uh i've seen friday okay you see next friday see that's what i mean by black people what's the question there was a question mark okay one listen to the inflection it did you see i feel like at this point i feel like he should not he said you need to take your hand to the screen and you need to roast them it's a trilogy that was a valid question that's all ask your question i said did you see nick's friend that was a valid question if we talking about this friday why you want to bring up the next brandon you are you want an honest answer i think i think next friday i believe is funnier than friday i believe friday was a better movie but i thought next friday is funnier a lot like that you missed in the first friday like the first time i saw friday in the theaters i didn't see ice cube when old girl called ice cube early how was the whole another [ __ ] in the bedroom i missed all of that [ __ ] at first dawg there was so many like little amazing things that you missed and a lot of nuances that you missed the first time you watch it like that's what i love about the first friday what are favorite pieces the first friday had one of the most fire soundtracks ever [ __ ] that [ __ ] was exact keep your head up that damn keep your head bring it hey you sitting over there [Music] that was pitch perfect is that you on the song yeah that was ty on the song for real [ __ ] she sound dead on her that's why she brought that song up you still getting residuals on that [ __ ] you [ __ ] around again let me hear you just say i mean i could sing a little bit just a little bit i used to sing it you know if y'all didn't know in the chat is uh is actually short for uh tasha from both thugs and harmony that's actually it's actually lazy crazy if you say it a little bit that that but black a little bit i mean i could really really is saying all right hey todd never did the karaoke come on time up the back for our vocals drum roll please in the chat what don't do no rap [ __ ] [ __ ] we want to hear vocals oh you want to hear a song yeah okay i feel like i could do look that's what i was saying anybody that says like oh you want to hear a song and people like yeah they're like okay they're not gonna sound when somebody said oh you wanna hear a song they're again that's smack okay that's how you unlock the vocals i mean what do i want me to sing one thing let's see it was the monika who's your who do you like vocally uh i like a lot of people i got people just so okay you know what all right all right all right give me some jill scott you do something that's gonna hit the people i'm gonna hit you through the cord that speaks to the climate that we in right now but i'm afraid to die cause i don't know what to do it's been a long a long time coming but i know you when you know you can sing you'll get [ __ ] with you ty's on the porch on the porch it's 11 21 in ty's neighborhood this [ __ ] on the porch singing sam cook a change gold club it's been a long a long time coming [Applause] fresh off a cigarette butt the idea from the ring it's been too hot [Applause] [Music] that's why i told you in that story when i was doing the rap and the little young things made me feel bad i went straight to marvin chap he saw the destiny i went from rotty ritz to that because they made me feel bad i went back to the lord when my feelings got hurt that's what we do feelings get hurt you go back to the lord oh [ __ ] man i knew this [ __ ] show was going to be fun tonight i tell y'all okay listen i'm gonna tell you how to lose cuz y'all my friends y'all real friends nick you know kissing you my new best friend tell you my new bestie dt bt you know my [ __ ] struggle [ __ ] already for anybody that knows coming off in l.a like if you don't have a certain look or you're not a thespian or you don't have the money is it like a lot of this [ __ ] you got to get from the dirt when it comes to these auditions and [ __ ] like that like i ain't no skinny [ __ ] i ain't never been no skinny [ __ ] i ain't gonna be no skinny [ __ ] i i'm i'm funny and i'm telling you i act if you give me a chance that's literally how i got my agent i was at this thing and um long story short i said i need to learn how to get an agent tell me how and he was like well we do this i was like my [ __ ] but you're gonna be my agent and long story short like a week and a half later i went to this office audition he was my agent we've been going hard right like i'm be honest with you i've got more auditions doing covet than i ever have like in real life and i've done i've done some things but commercials are one thing that have always like have been so elusive of me like i could never get i would get in the room i would get a call back but i could never get to that next level or somebody would pin me to something and pen and basically mean it came down to me and one or two other people but it would never like just just fully just just come together so i did um i did an audition the kid helped me with it it was for uh this banking um commercial um did in the kitchen right before we about to go to dinner so i was actually really rushing and then didn't think anything of it and i got a call back i got the call back for it on friday now the callback was at the exact same time that i was doing the show for the uh cbc the oh wow when i had to like i had to mute it to do the card back i was already ready to like i already knew what was going on but chitta do had the same callback we were going out for the same [ __ ] role that's what uh so that's why he went first because the show the order show was supposed to go tai chi chan and his cp attention was like he had to audition at 6 40. so i was like [ __ ] i'll move you up hit tyler was all good so chin goes up he does this thing funny as [ __ ] and he texts me after he this thing while ty's performing he was like yo bro they already picked the person i was like what he was like yeah they just called me and told me they already picked the person there's no need to audition i'm like [ __ ] because i didn't already move the lights down to the kitchen like because they want you in the kitchen doing the goddamn audition like it was very detailed very intense so i'm i will forget it so i go back to to the show i'm watching the show and stuff like that i get a phone call i was like hey it's here um we gonna audition at this time can we move you up real quick and we try to rap out the day and i'm like [ __ ] they just doing the whole courtesy thing you know i'm saying like they already signed me up so they're just gonna do it so i'll go in and do it i mute the thing because if he was like what this [ __ ] doing he about to cook something about to cook the peanut butter jelly sandwich right whatever man uh so i i that was the whole show so um i mute this show i hop on the other computer hit them with the zoom i take the notes that they give me i do the thing supposed to hear something by monday monday don't come i mean monday comes no nothing right so me and my age are on the phone talking and um and it just didn't happen we like [ __ ] it we don't get it because i like i like it keeps getting to that point i know what's going to come i know it's going to [ __ ] come right oh didn't hear that back monday didn't end up back tuesday and i'm like cool i i get another audition it's going to be all good i get dressed this morning cause i'm about to go shoot with kev checking my phones on walking down and um open up the phone email my agent was like [ __ ] this is what people been waiting on this is the big one this one i will never get tired of seeing this commercial [ __ ] they booked me for the commercial of chase this is a national commercial yeah internet tv cable network print bro when i tell you all the coins i [ __ ] like i just covered my i covered my face because no it's okay let it out get it out but nobody can do it she came out and she saw my hand she was like what's wrong and then she hit my back and i felt the crying coming because i was like yo [ __ ] i so long and then fairy came up the stash here just went outside she came up she seen me she was like you got it did you it's crazy i've been trying for so [ __ ] long and all these commercials they be going with people that's like super fit or you gotta know somebody and there's so much nepotism that goes on dog so they're like to get this [ __ ] 11 years it took 11 years to get this level of success to get the validation that i wasn't doing the [ __ ] in vain [ __ ] just it hit different [Music] so thank the kid touched me that i felt coming down it was like a [ __ ] car that you had parked with the emergency brake came up and you started got it back together the ferry came up and she saw i had got it she hit me again i was like damn this is for the start again because i was so good you work hard man you work hard for this [ __ ] and then when it comes dog like it just like it's just yeah thank you it's so like maybe five dog like it'd be right on time so i just wanted to share that with y'all man cause a lot of times i don't feel like doing a lot of [ __ ] but y'all come through with good energy on the show and then everybody watching show it'd be it'd be great energy man so i just wanted to share my successes with y'all because y'all really got a lot of keep going you when i moved out here in 2011 bro i know a lot of people know this but taher used to work come home create content go on auditions for you like the dude don't rest you know what i'm saying so i don't know if y'all remember when zooming with the homies one time that was the day uh btu was on here taher got sick he got sick or whatever he had to get off and i text him yo to hear don't rest like this is uh this is literally uh i go to sleep for two hours and drink 90 ounces of coffee all day you know what i'm saying it buzzes ass so man you deserve everything you got bro who was coming man so yo i'm happy for you man congratulations and i i definitely know more gonna come with everything that you create in both so i'm happy for you man yes relish just relish this moment bro and and enjoy this victory but you we have these conversations whoever they would be got to be a goddamn fool to not recognize the talent bro like the tide has to turn because [ __ ] is working too hard fam you working way too hard bro working too hard you too challenging too funny it make too much sense you know what i'm saying so it's a it's a it's a win for you [ __ ] it's a win for chase bro yeah they got a front man that has a huge audience of people that mess around and open their chase account just cause you there bro exactly hey man i just want to ask y'all one favor man please don't don't don't make a gift of me crying [ __ ] that's my biggest no [Music] man all right i'll be like [ __ ] [ __ ] i ain't gonna hold you my my allergy started acting up my eyes were sweating i was fine crying [ __ ] i was just broke i want y'all to know how real it is like [ __ ] come out here and they be out here their whole life and don't get something like this man a lot of it goes to like the work after the work ethic the talent can get you in the room but ain't gonna keep you your work ethic ain't matching your talent or surpassing your talent you're not gonna it ain't gonna work like that man like and i try to work as much as i [ __ ] can't love working i love we shot 13 episodes of a new show today yes 13 [ __ ] episodes in one day and i got to shoot tomorrow with kev like i work [ __ ] so like to finally have something big pay off like this was like oh that [ __ ] just it just it meant a lot so i was just super thankful for opportunity and like i said i wanted to share with my people man like you [ __ ] like y'all really behold me down on here and and my real friends man so i appreciate y'all just wanted to share this win for us thank you danny congratulations fantastic bro congratulations and like well deserved like you said you know you you put into work and i just feel like that's the hard part about this industry that a lot of people don't know and people just think like oh you're gonna get on something and it's so much that's out of your control like i'm sure you kill autumn commercial auditions that you went in and it came down to some [ __ ] that just had nothing to do with you but it's all about it being your time and this being a commercial like what god has for you is truly for you and when you are working he will open doors when you move your feet he will open doors for you this is only the first of many the beginning of so much that's coming because you do grind you do put in so much hard work you do believe in yourself you are super talented so and then you're doing [ __ ] for yourself you're like i'm making my own lane so i'm super super happy for you man let me know about all this in your original come in [Music] and on some real [ __ ] like i told you before like i'm genuinely and thoroughly like inspired and motivated every time i'm around to hear here everybody shot something earlier today and i came home like damn i gotta do some rewrites because i gotta get this [ __ ] together i gotta put something now that you know like it it the way you motivate others the way you're grinding your work ethic you know keeps people in your circle on their toes um it just doesn't go unnoticed so you know it's crazy too the like for the people in the chat like to uh tag onto what keisha saying is like you don't understand how so one this city and business choose people up and spit them out we've we've all had friends that came and left that have came and honestly didn't make it out for like mentally were changed on the other side of it like it took a toll on their spirit because you can go into an audition kill it the director says i love this guy casting says i love this guy the company says we love these guys the lawyers say not this guy i went in for insecure eight times yeah i'm like what the [ __ ] like and then like i got it like yo they they love you they wouldn't care if they don't it's just it's a matter of the right way it'll happen when it's so many things out of your control because like you because you know when you're when you start auditioning up you know when you're doing well in the room he was like yeah i body that one and and so many things can not have anything to do with you it's just like oh they just went another direction they you know what they just switched the whole thing and now they're gonna make it mail or make it female or they're gonna switch your whole part now they're gonna go with the dog he's like what oh it just it get weird man it goes down to all type your skin's on your height yeah yeah a dark skinned woman you know what i mean but don't have some morals or speak some truth or have any kind of backbone that just make it harder if you stand up for black people oh man that's all he put black lives matter on this page get him out it's like it's a lot bro it's it's a lot so super super super duper congrats man well not only that is it not only that inspiring like you gotta remember too when we all move out here to la mentally i don't know where everybody's head might be or just about trying to get on or make it to see any one of your group of friends get an opportunity you know what i'm saying and i mean like being on like all these episodes of zooming with the homies i remember a lot of people even know like just even with tiffany all of us have been in the room agreement and you know go eventually to see her on the screen it's like yo this could happen to here to here come on here and just say what he just said and been around him it's like it could happen so it's like man you sharing that news the way you did on here man everyone everyone grasp it it's it's definitely inspiring for everyone to say man you keep working stop worrying about stop worrying about when is your time able to wake up the next day and keep doing what you came out because the biggest win a lot of people don't even know is saying i'm gonna try to i'm gonna i'm gonna try to make this i'm gonna make it i'm not gonna try i'm gonna make this happen if you move from your comfort zone if you move from your comfort zone if you said i'm gonna do this because even saying you're gonna do this is a no-no in most households or friends like you really you bout to do what man get this money if you sin you're gonna attempt something you moved you you sacrificed you quit your job you left and you come out here or wherever you go it's a win so your victory is heard by everyone on here and i hope everybody in the chat room that's watching [ __ ] i don't have to be just comedy whatever it is you doing whatever it is absolutely man so to hear thank you bro love you man congratulations all facts man you work your ass out yeah work your ass off to be an overnight success yeah that's that part but like to hear you know i'm i'm happy personally to hear that because you have done so much good four and two other people and anytime i talk about you i talk about how giving of yourself and your platform and you remember what happened on monday when we were all on the zoo for that and you went with it and i was just like wait what and you know you're just getting back what you have been effortlessly and selflessly putting out into the universe zooming with the homies has become the thing that people call me and be like hey yo how you get on that hey yo you think you can put in a word you know what to hear from me like you have created some monumental things and there is a changing of the guard not just in our political process not just in our personal lives but all over the days of you gotta look like this you gotta sound like this you gotta be like this those days are over oh we not gonna put you on tv because xyz we're gonna go and put our [ __ ] on the free platform my following has increased by 5 000 people in eight months by me sitting at home because of people like you people like delay people like cadbury state people like bt people like nick sharing me on their platforms and not not wanting anything from me but just to pull up so when if anybody got anything funny or smart or bad to say about my good friend to hear more prepare to square up dog and this is a sew-in so i ain't even worried about it coming out like we can throw these hands i smoke newport 100s i fight [ __ ] and if you come at me wrong about to hear more it's going to be that like to hear you ain't even know me that well and you picked me up when i was in l.a and you took me to your spot that you were doing and you were like hey you want some time you made sure that i got time ain't nobody know me you know how [ __ ] in la tree y'all [ __ ] that's already there imagine how they treat outsiders when they come to l.a and all to hear did was like oh she she good she would she get the time so you take your moment you accept this you embrace it you feel it and if you gotta cry you [ __ ] cry if you gotta stumble over your words and be tongue-tied and say little lee 76 times in a row you do that i definitely wish that you and fan have a son and name him little lee so you literally one of the best people you want you literally one of the best people i've ever literally proud of you look literally literally [Music] with thank yous during the quarantine because i can honestly say before the quarantine started i literally and this is i never even said this like literally i was like i'm just going to get a job and this is this is automatically because i felt like i couldn't i the instagram i'm not with none of this internet i'm not with it i wasn't really with it or anything yo to here saw something in me and put me on match like from this this damn [ __ ] from that i'm not saying this damn so this show right here so word is hard i have a fan base of people that follow me to a whole bunch of i've gotten so many opportunities from this so this is really this is really whatever anyone believes in god i mean god whatever this is your payment your payment back literally because you've put you've given opportunities to so many there's so many comedians just like yo to hear if it wasn't for to hear if it wasn't this to hear to hear to hear like you know you talk about those gatekeepers literally gatekeepers are mad at you because you are here with the fan bases i i'm just saying yo can they tell you you need this you need that you have literally been the one at the side door like yo come on come on get it everybody everybody everybody yeah so if you if the hair don't like you you have to be you have had to be something like this literally put on so many black comedians throughout this [ __ ] quarantine it is crazy so once again man i'm done but thank you bro and i'm happy for you man man when i told somebody the other day i said yo if you had to ask me like my fate out of the stuff i've done in my career my favorite credits bro when i tell you wording as hard as the top of the tops bro but i'll tell you it's up there bro i'm like listen because because it's me and you and you you know you like my brother so it's like no i'm like i'm myself and he set a world up that made that allowed for that i'm like yo man hey man hey it's all coming back to you as it [ __ ] bro i appreciate it man easily and like and to hear and like to the people that have big followers like i don't have a big following but understand that i have been able to not only gain new followers but i've been able to retain them a lot of the people that like me and [ __ ] me is because they saw me talking you know and they're more likely to come and see me now because they are familiar with me on this so if you think i'm funny doing this just talking my [ __ ] imagine what i look like polished and working out and doing a show funny man i don't even know i thank you for here i really do she's so [ __ ] funny man her auntie everybody on this show man like i appreciate all the flaws man i really do and last night when i put the show together i was like man it's gonna be a really [ __ ] good show just because i knew the energy that everybody brings keith's is super chill but she know how to get out of pocket when she need to it's high stay out of pocket ty is a switchblade that you can't put back in like the blaze you got to just keep that [ __ ] on the table right that that's time right there now you like oh we're playing all of that but you don't realize it's serrated so it'll cut you for real this is gonna cut so it's delicate so it's nice right bt this man just wowed his hand you don't know where he gonna go with the stories but it's always entertaining it's always funny and nick is just a great comedian and a great host man i see so much greatness in you bro and i already told you like i've been saying for a couple weeks that i've been looking for like uh you know guest host to to hold it down while i'm gone and nick you are always on the forefront of my mind like you get asked fairness i was like yo i think nick gonna be definitely one of my guest hosts because you recognize it as a host to show it's not about you there are some people who they can't not make everything about them enough they're hosting the show but you're somebody that is actively involved in everyone being actively involved in the conversation you ask amazing questions you ask probing questions you guys you do an amazing job at that so whenever i get my schedule together and be like you know i'm gonna take these this next two weeks off i'm gonna have nick on for this day i'll help him book it pushing for him and all of that type of stuff but i know people are gonna still gonna come i ain't gotta worry about the numbers dwindling because i know you're gonna do what the [ __ ] you supposed to do bro and that's it's a beautiful feeling to know that you got people in place that can hold it down for you like i know bt would be a great [ __ ] host now i know that you know i gotta help him book it because bt will wait to the last minute to book that he'll be booking the snow at six o'clock but that's that's great because i know my friends so i know what i need to help him with so he can continue to be great you know 6 45 i'm looking at 6 25. 6 25 is making me hit people they got did it yesterday yeah [Laughter] and how we can help each other continue to grow on this and i know tom would be a great host too ty had her own radio show you know saying she was working with dtlr she was hosting that [ __ ] monday through friday she had a pilot i know you know that i got some amazing people around me and i'm so thankful man uh tony baker tony bacon would be great but you know he ain't you know when too many people started talking he would just shut the zoom down someone with the homies would be over by 7 17. he's always talking skippity pops across the screen but you know what's so dope about like you ted tony baker um pat like i've never met tony and i've never met like kev in real life but because of you like i've connected with so many like i've never met keith i know who peter is i've seen her i know her reputation so when i'm coming over here it's like one that's a therapeutic i get the kids with my friends i know nick i know bt i know to hear but then it's like oh [ __ ] it's another woman it's a black woman i get the opportunity to connect with somebody else like you're doing more than entertaining people you're also educating people doing with the homies is one of the best late night television shows i said what i said and not only and not only are you entertaining the people you are humanizing comedians because a lot of times people think that comedians we're funny and we're on all the time we said we go through [ __ ] we be ready to quit we be ready to [ __ ] these kids up kill your mama in the bedroom because you keep coming out here that type of stuff so you so you have provided an environment for us to feel safe and for people to understand and then i'm not even gonna talk about the aspiring since comedians learning how to conduct themselves when they come into green rooms when they come into clubs you're dropping gems on how to network how to socialize what comedic etiquette is it ain't about you being funny you know how many funny [ __ ] i know that'll never leave baltimore city limits because they don't know how to move and shake in the room they don't know how to talk to people so you're educating people on here not just in the realm of comedy but in how to conduct no business every five minutes you dropping a new show some new words i'm like [ __ ] i'm still trying to bend all the [ __ ] word in his heart and here he comes with some some new [ __ ] masses hard come on [ __ ] with the [ __ ] but i'm i'm happy for you by the way uh new more my i mean more mob shirts are coming out uh they're gonna be dropping this weekend um it's going to be 20 off um for for for everyone only this weekend uh for more of for the more my page rise is going to be 20 off up until black friday so you guys will get 20 the entire time everybody else you only get it this weekend so um those will go up tomorrow and i'll be pushing that all weekend so we can go ahead and do it i'm doing a pre black friday sale so you guys can just get it now you can have it hopefully by the time the holiday is here so thank you so that's gonna be out there but for me on this episode pushed the bar for everybody so i mean it's i mean this is great to like like bt this dude had made a movie when i didn't even know that was possible bt had three movies that he didn't put in a move in theaters that he wrote like yeah and bt will will disappear on you for like a year you're like what yo the bt bt you'll be in the crib with a whole script written across this whole wall like uh bt dope geek was his first movie that was inspiring keisha i've seen keisha in projects the netflix joint all that that's that's inspiring as hell ty is just a whole other story you know what i'm saying people talking earlier and i was like yeah i love being on like homies with people i know and i was like i don't know ty but i feel like i do because i didn't see her on here and she's just cool to say i'm like she's funny i feel like i'm wrong hell like funny as hell and then watching ty i watched yo when the quarantine started i watched tai on live for hours holding a holding an audience and that's hard like to hold like you know the only other person i've seen like hold the audience for hours like that on live like tony will have like people watch five hour movies trilogies on live for like hours right you know i watched ty have people from 6 p.m to like 3 p.m the next day on a live hold and that's hosting so just watching that so it's like this one with the homie just push the bar on everybody man to watch to make everybody just push their limits so yeah all right guys uh we have bt's youtube page that is literally only 600 subscribers away from 10 000. man i got that pin to the top right now please please subscribe to my brother's page let's get into that 10 000 buyer before the weekend thank you to ld scott i appreciate that that super chat also a big thank you to juan lopez i appreciate that as well brother uh we're about to get ready to start wrapping it up uh these hoes i got to get some cuts going for promo tomorrow uh you know what if you guys need something to watch after the show please check out the newest episode of more to the story we uh if we can get this episode around what the last episode did around 36 000 then we'll be able to get a deal with uh the company that we're working with and we'll be able to get the uh the podcast on uh spotify and apple music as well check that out um and also the new the newest episode of word is hard came out today that was the remix i mean not the remix the uh what is the rematch tony banker uh check that out the remax of me and kevin's rematch of me and cam on stage are coming soon and probably a rematch will be in business cam on stage as well uh btu get another remix if you want but i mean it ain't gonna be much different you know i won the first time all right y'all cheating me i'm still there jackie i'm still waiting for my jacket that i've won of molly wopping to hell in this episode because he thought i was an uneducated black man you know what i'm saying but i transfortified how he feels about me right yeah episode yo loki i just saw that that uh that thing the comment from who is this flight gang tv tahereh needs to do a zombie with the homie zuma the day before he goes on christmas break i thought about doing like a four or five hour zoom and just getting people like have like 30 guests and just haven't come on we'll see there's a lot to commit to and if the cash happens this week as hell that's five hours out of my day that i'd have made 78 dollars on so no no we'll we'll see though we might promote it right like they be like yeah man it's hour three let's keep it going check cash out 13 okay [ __ ] y'all [Laughter] [Music] bye nick okay um so i want to give a thank you to uh thank you to reggie justin libera amanda brown smith uh jeansen i think gmj jasmine ah sydney wait what does cindy say hi hey sydney thank you sydney um lavonte here michael andre again brandon taking the stage jose martinez guy um and oh that's something else that's amigos yeah um so thank you to everybody for the cash apps i truly truly truly appreciate it um thank you again to tahir for having me on it's always a good time thank you for the platform of course um and to everybody on the show have a great time that's it y'all can follow me on instagram um i post whatever i have coming up there it's keisha dot e i t s k e y s h a dot e there it is uh before you go bt real quick watch black movie this weekend um y'all need to uh make sure you go support bt and subscribe to this page also too i forgot who that was that said it but i did get made scoop on the episode of working this hard while she was here so that was coming out too so nice okay right go ahead bt uh all right so uh first of all i appreciate y'all let me do these uh the catchy happiest first uh baron uh appreciate you bro strawberry cheesecake is leaning to my favorite right now in the popcorn world that's leaning to be number one that strawberry cheesecake was lit and for all the other zoomers here we go shaming the snow and the tomorrow morning and jenna's in the benate and amanda brandon i appreciate all y'all on the cash up pretty sure i nailed all those names perfectly um most importantly you guys i got hard goals trying to get to 10k for the year like my dog two years said um for my youtube page i literally stopped doing comedy on the road this year at january one to grow out social media and one of the goals was to get the youtube to ten thousand before a year out i was at i don't know a hundred and thirty around the the top of the year and between wording his heart and zooming with the homies and some shares from you know a couple homies ct and tyree is it's it's been it's been moving and y'all supporting give me five so if you have not please go watch give me five um most importantly please follow the discord if you follow the discord normally you kind of make your way to everything else and that works uh amazingly uh the kings and queens of the what i love y'all three thousand uh you guys are the greatest kings of crew um i appreciate your teammate you know what it is man you know and if you haven't please go download tuskegee and uh more music coming before the year is out you know i mean we lit all right let's go time what you got for all right well first of all i want to thank uh my guide to here as always putting me in positions to meet new people and and you have been a large part of me not having to file for bankruptcy or starting only fans so thank you um shout out to all of the people that hit me on my cat's app legrone rudy brands bro thai brands that's how you say jose martinez taking the stage jordan sprinters uh andrew brandon reeves ebony chief special eric smith digitizer timothy daniel miranda landry gwen thomas james stevens ii two of those guys kierra chad a aaliyah whitney b uh lavontay rogers sydney castillo desmond dixon juan lopez adrian rolls shamika snow dj maxwell christine mays felicia amanda brown smith jensen ben and why lebaron thank you i got to put in another order because crab legs is a hit in this house crab legs go hard in this household uh tony morton uh ray door stewart corey lang cat eyes confidence i think this is just nelson quinones junior darlene whitney denise collins if i said any of your names wrong charges to my head not my heart ideas refresh so if anybody sends anything in thank y'all if i don't see it just yet um bt uh one of my favorite things that you're doing is the binging with bt and i am all caught up on breaking bad yeah we're doing breaking bad right now yes that's really good nick you know i love your show you and and marshall brandon i love you all together he i'm so excited i had the opportunity uh to meet you and i think it's very important for you know women to connect and fellowship with each other you know outside of the boys you know what i mean because like like it's coming there's a shift there's a change in the energy and it's gonna be a lot of brown women's faces on the front and stuff so i can't wait to connect and meet with you in real life um i will be uh back on the road i'm in i'm located on the east coast i'm in baltimore okay okay and um but i will be in north carolina at the end of this month uh so that'll be my first road gig in eight months and i will be in la going to keep a different zombie show in december so um i look forward to all you guys and i just want to leave this message that i'm shut up i know that a lot of y'all support us and want to follow us and all of that and you're like when we go see you on netflix when we gonna see you on this understand that if you support us in the spaces that we're in right now it won't matter if those people called on us it's not that simple for us to just go into those rooms and get those jobs so if you don't have any money to send anybody on cash after support like to hear moore's video like his channel like bt spade subscribe like any of our youtube channels follow us on instagram even if you like i don't be on instagram like that i don't care create a profile right now and follow us and if you don't ever log on to it again whatever but when you do just know that you'll see our content so just make sure that y'all keep up with us because this group right here and any group that you're here had on this show it's a changing of the guard so the national headline is that y'all been loving and y'all been worshiping for the past 20 30 40 50 and 60 years the new class is coming in and this is it correct um we lost two for a second he'll probably be back in a second now side note you guys um the if you even if you don't have the ability to share take the youtube link and share it in your group chat you guys got all these group chats going on share it in your group chat text it to a friend like make a after this is over go into the regular comments and leave a comment because that all helps push out the algorithm and shows interest the conversations that you guys have going on that all helps tremendously side note i uh for anybody asking that but you wait a minute hold on because if ty going to be putting these girls in the in the screen she said what she wanted about these saggy ass cities the [ __ ] looked good pushing pushing me like that wait i'm sorry it ain't my fault she did it she can dangle them things on me my friend tonight when i take them off doggy pears soccer [Applause] [Laughter] yeah hey let me thank these people before you here come back and cut us out of here uh yeah no oh they uh first of all shout out to reggie bo for requesting money from me i declined it thank you nelson uh tony morton lebaron hey dill pickle popcorn is my favorite delphi dill pickle popcorn is definitely my favorite lebaron uh amanda brown smith jeansen shamiko uh shamika sydney lavonte coco ebony brandon reeves taking the stage jose martinez digitizer and guy newell um hey man listen i'm behind you all i ask is y'all didn't follow me on instagram uh i'm trying to get to 7 000 followers right you know what i'm saying just 7k i'm at 6 000 now just all i want 7 000. i get 100 views i'm humble i don't care that's all i want i will send y'all the information if y'all follow me on ig to the new uh podcast i have so just follow me at nick underscore cardband i appreciate y'all and that's it my my ig uh for everybody watching if if y'all mess with me my ig is shot to [ __ ] i don't know what's going on is my ig is just not opening dms bt yeah i just said no i i've i do not send dick pics i don't do that cause i'm really i don't like me i definitely don't do that i definitely i'm a respectful black man and i won't do that you you damn i definitely don't do that but it's it's down you guys yeah if you need to message me because y'all know our text over here go to the discord and just message me in there reset your phone like turn it off force close the app done that i deleted updated hit up time for myspace he's still taking care of [ __ ] like this today after here but [ __ ] down i hit up tom and he brought all this [ __ ] together so tom is still working by the morning time been sitting behind that computer for years like yeah they gotta get [ __ ] done when time time didn't look out of concrete like first of all [ __ ] i get money [ __ ] and people were disrespecting tom they were taking them out of the top eight you know what i'm saying all time was doing was providing us friendship and people deleted them so tommy's still taking care of [ __ ] with me if you want to [ __ ] yo on that screen your stars won't fall you whole ass [ __ ] don't delete me [ __ ] tom [ __ ] oh yes do you love you bro appreciate you man congratulations god damn it yeah i appreciate you man hold on let me see if i can get back this is like real love i don't gotta say pause love you man you're out here winning i'm happy for you thank you man uh to hear your your villain twin is on the screen right now and the blue jacket yeah i'm trying to close that one out man this one um it's it's stupid att is stupid um i know why it just it just it just just stopped working completely for me well listen you got that chase money coming in now you can get spectrum all right so anyway i'm just i'm gonna just finish it like this um i want to give a shout out to uh brother in blue jared brown um chanel renee tony morton uh cat eyes lebaron crystal amanda kiara uh janiece jeanson uh jimby andrew felicia brandon reese kristen gerald don sydney sydney dominique lavonte gwen andrew man i appreciate all the love brandon andrew jose chuck and uh yeah thank y'all so much man for the well wishes thank you for the positivity that you guys are constantly uh pointed to my life every day man uh again i can't do this without y'all i can't do this without my friends so big shout out to the more mod big shout out to the scary squad big shout out to the rewatch gang uh thank you guys so much for constantly supporting and getting on board with what we got going on again check out the new episode of uh more ma i'm sorry more to the story to drop yesterday and check out the new episode of uh wordness heart that came out today um and uh tomorrow's a new episode of damning that you scary as well as on these hoes and tomorrow's guests will be on these hoes uh on dealing with the homies so come here impressions are pulling up with a couple more people so make sure y'all pull up for that's gonna be a great time thank y'all for watching to here to make sure to make sure that i'm not just talking [ __ ] i'm making sure i share a goddamn more to the story right now i appreciate you man don't forget to don't don't forget to subscribe to bt kings and he's now at 9480 subscribers so we can get to 90 500 by tonight make sure you subscribe to my dog man like the video before y'all get up out of here i appreciate y'all you guys have been amazing as always thank you and you guys have a great night uh see you tomorrow another episode of zoom with the hummus y'all peace dessert i might leave it to everybody else leaves i'm not leaving you for donald trump i'm not [ __ ] leaving we're going to take over
Channel: Tahir Moore
Views: 44,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Y82Z7LF9q7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 30sec (7650 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2020
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