The Sims 1, Survival...

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ea games challenge everything this video is about survival the sims one was extremely difficult sims fly off the rails because they're hungry tired and lonely so how challenging would it be to play the game with a complete house full of eight children unable to cook for themselves higher maiden cleaning services among a plethora of other handicaps who will be the most capable powerful child i got this idea from another youtuber named zaryafan93 the home alone challenge eight children no adults who will survive the cops the nefarious clown and the inferno day one commenced with a great deal of childish activity between 7 am when we began and 8 am when the school bus arrived the children attacked the home donning vr headsets and climbing like orangutans on the jungle gym much to the disappointment of mortimer and bellagoth their new neighbors were not at home from 9am to 3pm school is in session then the youngsters returned home only to impede traffic for the angriest of bus drivers it's all your nightmares in one eight children unsupervised like a psychological experiment in anarchy the girls participate in team and relationship building exercises push meat and flapaboo read books together octavia sits on the couch and stares blankly at both of them not reading this is neutral behavior not really productive but not destructive either i've decided to just observe the children and make mental notes this first day the boys engage in physical and competitive recreation climbing on the outdoor playset playing a risky game of vr or fighting over control of the doorway like the panama canal dukakis played with dolls alone maybe he wasn't talking with the other children but at least he wasn't causing a mess either the chips came out of the fridge since children cannot cook there would be no stoving or microwaving of any kind the only option on the menu is potato chips breakfast lunch and dinner i decided to intervene and send flappaboo to the backyard telescope a broken and overpowered item that can make your kids from stupid to smart in the sims the evening continued with video games then swimming then video games after swimming and concluded with a midnight snack of yes chips again finally at 7 pm dukakis cornbread and peabody decided to embark on a productive hour of finger painting very profitable at about 13 simoleons around midnight the house was a mess and someone had broken the sink no one took responsibility so push meat took it upon herself to swab the poop deck it's a school night so bedtime's at 3 am the sun rose on day 2 and everyone sprang out of bed somewhat rested but still full of childish energy from the first day only cornbread missed the bus he spent the day peering into the telescope looking to the skies for answers while his peers wasted their time at school i'm not lying if you just keep your children at home in the sims and have them look out the telescope all day that's basically homeschooling them upon arrival home the stupid children stood in front of the bus again after about 24 hours of a childish explosion of pleasure-filled activity the reality of life without grown-ups begins to set in mood decays the alpha male claims his territory on the other boys weaker betas peabody is a slob i decided to have flapaboo call in a pizza to help rally the children who are incapable of preparing a large meal to feed one another i also called the cops to make sure we could get support in case anyone attacked the house it was becoming clear to me that well-behaved and upright children like push meat or cornbread were capable of a productive existence in the adult world able to act convincingly mature on the phone and receive pizzas from delivery men or even just take care of the other children on the other hand maniacs like huckleberry spawned chaos by staking claim of a corner in the bathroom like a troll under a bridge and prevented the other children from accessing the shower sink and toilet garbage piled up there was still a child in the pool at 3 48 am don rose again on the third day dukakis ordered a pizza an hour before the school bus would arrive lunacy but also a pretty baller idea the school bus came and went at 3 p.m the unwashed and unhappy children arrived home to discover the arrival of sunny the tragic clown a classic sims npc the nefarious visitor who arrives when you and your sims mood drops too low most clowns cheer people up sonny is a real debbie downer he upsets people by trespassing and participates in suspicious borderline illegal activity it started with innocuous but creepy behavior like leaning over people's beds and coughing on them or standing in a vital doorway and crying he's annoying and he makes everything worse bounded neither by night or day at 3 53 a.m he was still active party bombing the kids and disturbing everyone's slumber then obstructing more pathways with his stupid clown body i tried trapping him in a room with panels of sheetrock too bad he teleported away what about separating the children's bedrooms that might work so he couldn't party bomb all of us again and wake everyone up at once of course this also meant that he could physically trap people in their cells by crying and coughing in front of them which he did i tried to ensnare him at a pool party i failed to trap him what about calling the cops that didn't work either law enforcement is powerless against a slippery clown even the children with the highest executive functioning skills simply gave up on a good night's sleep they did better by settling down in the backyard and lying prone to rest and so sonny continued his reign of terror physically preventing huckleberry from attending school after an entire night of coughing out the window by his bedside so after one final session of virtual reality huck was unfortunately forced off to join the military due to his lack of attendance and failing grades roaches garbage when sonny picked up the children when they arrived home from school i knew it was time for a counter offensive if anything a clown can't resist a good birthday party so i moved the table and chairs outside and constructed a shack around them even hanging up his portrait on one wall to recognize him as the guest of honor cake was purchased gaity was planned whose birthday was it well uh it had to be um the kid with the lowest grades celebration cake eating sunny was seated nice and deep in the room where the festive birthday firework was launched at the carpet pandemonium several piles of ashes and unfortunate visits from the grim reaper later sunny narrowly escaped his physical demise but as every good sims 1 player knows art imitates real life if your smile's a frown then down with the clown what i'm trying to say is if you burn the portrait that destroys his soul sonny was finally defeated gone forever speaking of which we were also down to only four of the remaining participants all of the surviving children were smart but the rough home situation had prevented them from attaining a higher gpa peabody had a d and in a bad mood was in the express lane for military school you see even if you go to school but you're in a bad mood you go down one notch of a letter grade each day that's just how the american educational system works folks who was the most powerful child i decided to interfere and turn up the heat in this metaphorical oven a bit more after all necessity brings out the true nature of people's character so i squandered the last of the money on ordering a deluge of pizzas to our doorway pizza pizza pizza on the one hand this would coat the entire home in a layer of delicious cheese and allow the child capable of eating the fastest an opportunity to sprint ahead of his peers and stage an exciting comeback at school on the other hand it would galvanize the other children unable to eat as fast and starve them a vital pizza required to main a high gpa so i staged this evolutionary experiment the board was set i demolished the entire house to have enough money for what would come next the perfect arena to test my sims medal all the best furniture one for everyone three golden toilets three vr headsets three fine chairs three fridges and defense of caring loving teddy bears to shield them from sadness and adversity with a robot butler and a skeleton made which child could pull herself back from the brink and come back without failing out of school conversations were had games were played telescopes were looked into refrigerators were reached inside of the first two girls saw off little debbie in short order she couldn't take the heat one more failing day of bad mood at school and she was off to the academy but what came next i didn't see coming sabotage and skullduggery push me drained the other girl for her social media then boxed her into the bathroom with a bad mood so that she was the only one to go to school able to pass the class barely with a d-minus textbook takedown one of the most brutal backstabbings in sims history push meet was indeed the most powerful child anyway time to save i don't know what i'm going to do with this or the rest of the neighborhood where i've completed all kinds of bizarre science experiments in this game but she's destined for great things i'm sure well thanks for watching thanks be to my patrons for allowing a constant stream of pizza delivery men to leave italian cuisine at my doorstep each day i'm ambiguous amphibian until next time
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 1,050,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the sims, ambiguous amphibian, ambiguousamphibian, ambiguousamphibian sims, ambiguousamphibian sims 1, let's play the sims, lets play the sims, original sims, sims, sims 1, sims 1 2022, sims 1 gameplay, sims 1 survival, sims 2022, sims home alone challenge, the sims 1, the sims 1 gameplay, the sims original, electronic arts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 31 2022
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