Zombie SWAT Wizards in a Helicopter : Rimworld Modded

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yeah trade with Sparta over there and off you go still a pretty cool animation like the amount of mods out there and the crazy stuff they add in I think next up we're going to need an attack chopper that way we can play R of the valks and just like do some assaults on a few places that might take a little time though we're going to need some components so a couple quick trade runs should take care of that problem though ooh rare thrumbo meat yep yep yep we'll be taking those out I think uh some psychic shocks will come in very handy all right what have you got for us we want all your components that's 25 of them the two Advanced components and probably a few bits and pieces more that's 7,000 silver worth of trading right there to get two Advanced components a bunch of components plasti and uranium to help finish the last of upgrades a psychic suit pulser animal pulser and a shot glance there is a few side trainers here and I would really like to buy them but no no we are focusing on getting our zombies up and running uh I also checked I don't have any other things we're looking for oh damn it one second let's grab some fuel while we're here as well uh 100 fuel accept and then we can refuel while we're right here and we'll pop over there I'm pretty sure there was some pieces over here that we didn't collect last time so we might as well stop by on our way home then we can start traveling abroad like you begin to realize you can do a lot with this especially if we could make friends with a couple of other factions being Pirates is probably making this a little bit trickier than it needs to be though ah quick grab of a nuclear Stone a psychic Insanity lens plas steel and we're broke again yeah it's amazing how quickly we go broke doing this isn't it all right let's uh launch ourselves back home and pick a landing spot zoom in to choose one yeah yeah grand grand grand no no no right about there this makes traveling though so much faster again totally broken but totally worth it clear the runway incoming all perfect H cargo let's drop it all off all of it done now and that will be a yum and another yum nope nope nope turn that off and let you get away we grab this guy first Chief go over there and and the last one done right now I have been advised if there is no actual damage to the thrombos themselves you get way more out of them so if there's even a tiny little bit of damage it's bad so your best bet is nearly to heal them up because they heal so quick oh that one might get up again actually you know what what am I doing there's three trombos we don't care we've got three perfect trombos and one wounded one sorry I know this is uh inefficient but I'm just I can't care enough because we have so many of them right now okay Draco we've got all the stuff we need for you right now you are going straight into barage War casket perfect we'll give you the whole nine yards you can mix and match the shoulder pads and stuff some of them do different things for example we have aerial War C if you click on the info here it tells you that it's got a jump range of plus 25 this is basically a jump jet pack War casket it's a Recon War casket less sharp armor protection less blunt but if you then go and on the shoulder pads related to that it actually gives you bonuses related to the jumps so it gives you was it power jump range of plus five and power jump flight speed of 150% so normally from what I can tell you're better off doing things all combined together this one here gives a power jump range of plus 10 if you get the helmet so the helmet the shoulder pads and the armor frame usually all work together so some people like to mix in match personally I just well I just want lots of armor our guys are going to be standing there and just laying down wads of of Firepower they're basically tanks that's what we're going with now there is a whole extra tree down here of increasingly op ones called spacer War caskets the problem with these is they all come with one big minus minus 50% psychic 7 sensitivity for the uh the war casket torso and then minus 50 psychic sensitivity for the helmet basically it completely makes you psychically unsensitive wearing them at all just no you're done wearing one of them I'm sorry I just can't do it our guys are going to be you know Warth magic users whatever oh though I've just discovered THS cannot use Rings yep turns out people in THS don't have fingers so they can't wear sir Rings bit of a problem bit of a problem however uh Draco here needs their upgrade so you barrage barrage and barrage so done you 11 component on perfect 360 steel we got it 75 PL steel we got it and 50 uranium we got it we shall apply that immediately upgrades buddy uh all of their old stuff just gets turned into slag chunk that's it like their whole old war casket it doesn't get recycled or anything you lose it so if you're upgrading someone's War casket be aware it's an expensive process you can't get any of the resources you put into a war casket back so that's why I held out to get uh Willie and catgirl into proper gear just to make sure that we'd never have to change them again I mean 200% armor sharp that is just ridiculous hey hey hey Draco Draco come back here buddy put on that jump jet pack you're a jump jet pack uh waras who can jump this ad you've also got power leap because of your s abilities ah amazing now we do need to queue up a little bit of an operation on you though nuclear stomach namely because they don't need anything but that uh let me rephrase I don't like putting nuclear stomachs on our normal pawns why is Tyler even in here oh psychic coma yeah I got them to do I got them to do some research which would actually unlock artificial metabolism I got them to research basically a reprocess your stomach we bought ages ago and this unlocked artificial metabolism which gives us access to building nuclear stomachs and if you'll notice we've got a minus one of one which means we somehow managed to research this without having the prerequisite whatever healing Factor teack whatever it's broken um but yes we're going to give Draco a new your stomach because this means they only have to eat once every two days and you don't want that normally with your pawns you want your pawns to come back to your lovely very impressive dining room and gain the mood bonus and you also want them to eat the food so they gain the mood bonus meaning the fine meal this is like a plus 10+ 11 or maybe a plus 12 point swing let's just check that Muppet here eight of fine meal is plus five very impressive rec room plus five very impressive dining room plus five they get plus 10 points for the wck room for eating in the the dining room and the meal that plus 10 mood we don't need it for Draco they've got 100 mood as a thrw so we're just going to give them a nuclear stomach they only need to come back here once every two days the other rest of the two days they can just spend out here hugging a tree all day every day occasionally though the nuclear stomach has a bit of a side effect gives you stomach cancer or torso cancer the best thing is Traders come by and we can just donate the cancer to them meaning Draco doesn't care it's it's win-win situations here this is just h yep yep now we just got to make a bunch more nuclear stomach so that we can oh and I need to get two more recruits with good shooting skill and now it's catg girl's turn to finally link up with the tree and that is perfect and once this is done we need to go out and acquire two new fresh thrs basically a couple of level 11 shooting villagers yeah draco's already down to 10 Will's holding on at 11 and will'll be for a while longer they have a lot of points in it and catgirl how you doing yeah still at 5 yeah yeah yeah no we'll we'll keep most of them at 11 I'd say we're going to try another conversion ritual on Zoe and see how it works out uh hopefully at some point she will be converted actually wait first we'll do the uh where is it we'll just do the regular convert that will only knock off about 68 percentage points though oh that's just that is just bad that is really bad then we'll do the conversion ritual and hopefully this will at least bring her a little bit over to our side all right Zoe what say you to joining our us you know we're The Winning Side Right also you're going to be our best side cter namely because that psychically hyper sensitive trait yeah we need it we need it desperately for a few of the really high-end spells and you just fit the bill so just convert already before we have to I wish I was going to beat it out of them effective conversion ritual oh my God down to 16% we're just going to have to keep hammering her few more con s should keep her just barely from like thing is she's happy enough that she's gaining back her fate at about 3% per day we need to probably make her more unhappy uh so that means in three days time we can do another conversion on them which should knock off about eight or 9% so we can just about keep them from converting maybe with a few or from Gaining back more than they lose assuming we have a few chats with them H Inspire timing Jason yeah yeah yeah yeah whatever uh next up we need to go and acquire two more tribals I also totally forgot to convert Catgirl diogenes to a shooting specialist so welcome to oh my God I love the way that all of the tribals have just formed this little click it's like yes we are the murderers of the group we go do the killing but they're just this giant ball of oh well anyway uh once they're done we'll take a few of them and go clear out some of the surroundings we've got o at least 20 tribals there and 24 tribals there I think think we sending out uh I think we send out the team Chief multi hat Draco Willie Catgirl and say one other with a shot glance and that should take care of any problems we encounter along the way and Dees how you doing successful role change now you're a shooting specialist as well excellent oo I was about to just be like that's annoying I was about to go raiding and then I'm thinking actually that's probably a good thing I didn't go raiding uh oh Scyther and more cyers so it's lots of Scyther right uh we need to get everyone back inside they will prepare for a while right if you're going to prepare for a while that is fine that means we just need to stay inside and you'll have to come through this area worst case scenario will pull you back to here we should probably beef that up a bit uh we shall put you at no and you shall also go with no one no you want anyone going near that uh you should all return home and then we can just set up say here and I'm want to try gutting them down as they charge at us assuming Draco Willie and catgirl are up for it in fact let's get another charge Lance going while we're waiting I don't think we'll have time uh I think we can afford 100 plus deel Che I want to say yeah I'm pretty sure we got the 100 plus steel and four Advanced components that'll leave us with only three left yeah yeah I'm willing to start that now all right uh you need to get back here immediately and I need to make sure everyone's inside like everyone no one's going outside anymore okay they're starting up they're starting up time to grab everyone and time to pull them all out here uh except for Tyler Tyler go grab a machine gun first Tyler keeps getting knocked unconscious because they do a lot of research in our service equip service rifle and because of that they keep keep ending up getting knocked unconscious because their research requires them to get knocked unconscious all right is everyone moving all right get going o you guys are pretty slow you know what it's fine it's fine you'll get out there in time probably everyone else line up this might be a bit risky actually no pull them back a little bit we're probably going to have to run back I don't think we can take them as fast as we would like or shoot that quickly but then again maybe we can okay all right Willie uh we want you to have controlled frenzy uh Draco also control frenzy Chief multi hat you are not part of that party just yet uh then we want you to have firing focus and then we also want you to have firing Focus uh yep that's a bunch of stuff Marksman command from Catgirl perfect perfect uh yeah you need to go into Siege mode as well and then yeah I think you are good you are good you are good Chief multi hat yeah well Chief multi hat and that is insane the rate they fire at is just ludicrous all right then now let's make sure we can kill them fast enough what are was it called was 75 of them on the map we've already killed five now we need to make sure the rest of them don't get too close or we need to run away wow that's an incredible amount of Firepower okay okay just double checking to make sure all of these things are staying on them uh frenzy fire Focus yeah fire focus is up and running and as well as that every time they hit something it reduces their neural heat so that should mean hey you got control frenzy on firing Focus Siege mode psychic Frenzy yeah yeah all that stuff good stuff is in place uh you need to Target that one uh the rest of you need to move back just a tad uh yeah you target that you target that oh my God uh you target that one Chris what kind of spells you got that can help us that you know what just do a Haywire right about there Mega sloth Revenge okay well whoops sorry about that one uh vo check you have skipped do you not excellent well they need to get skipped back to a less dangerous [Music] position um they need to get skipped back to a less dangerous position as well Draco uh how are you looking you've got all your stuff going on S yeah yeah you know what hit that one and then hit that one Chief multi hat I want you to hit that one and then I want you to hit that one and I think we need someone up front to tank do we maybe just a few more hay wires like if we put hay wires on it slows them down enough yeah I'm liking that that works a lot better Chief multi hat Draco you've got your shotguns up and running just start pounding in the ones that getting too close and how did I miss that one like you just you slipped through you slip through the net but it's fine we got you we'll skip you all the way back there all you can hear is just chinging okay you shoot over there how's everyone doing okay your Marksmanship command is up on you you've got psychic frenzy and firing Focus but they're about to wear off like the firing focus is the one that bothers me that only last for 10 only got 10 seconds left for both of them however yeah you can see oh guided shot yeah you need guided shot and you also need guided shot and [Music] my god did you just see that um right what's not on okay you got psychic frenzy Siege mode H will give you guided shot for double the range that's perfect only lasts 10 seconds don't care that is amazing uh you guided shot go for [Laughter] it oh seriously well that is um I think we're almost ready for the void there's a few things I got to take care of but we're definitely definitely getting close to void capable few cuts and bruises here so we're not perfect but dear God that was beautiful 75 good job good job everyone uh back inside we'll get you some medical attention Jesus what would be even better is if we had five people fully equipped ready to go and just 10 seconds of them firing flat out like that would kill everything I think anyway grab some snacks get some medical attention uh we we'll get you on a raid tomorrow morning so we can the ranks oh and hopefully this volcanic winter will go away 26 days I believe the expression you're looking for is why why 26 days just stop already looks like we're not going on a raid today turns out uh the carry capacity of our thrs is negative so we need to build a vehicle so we can then go traveling around okay so uh we're going to get the plane loaded up with drugs and go on to Brian spr actually no we are going to bribe the piggies over here into liking us we're going to throw them a bunch of drugs they're going to do why do I have something in this oh I think I was testing the oh yeah I was testing this and I stuck a simple meal in it that is still good huh suppose you can preserve things in there forever he we'll cancel load on that we're going to stick in a bunch of drugs and we're going to buy happiness from the pig people if memory serves 100 flake is worth about 17 mood so yeah there we go that should be just about enough take all those jugs it'll make you all nice and happy with us and yeah enemy now neutral perfect let's get our trade on we need more components we're going to need those components to buy all the necessary parts to make a helicopter that we can then use to go raiding one thing about this plane on takeoff and Landing is it's a pain in the butt uh let's see we have to get it all the way to the end of the runway yeah you're there there oh there we go perfect otherwise if we don't do that we can't take off we can't actually take off this direction because well there's stuff in the way but then we have to turn around but you need that extra chunk of space because ah they're right there you see it takes you one tile to turn around now you can use the handbrake to mess things up but that'll damage your tires or something so in testing this is what I found as the only way to do it was have a Runway that's one tile longer and then do a bit of mocking about if you make it two or three tiles longer you could probably make it a lot easier on yourself right let's pop over here uh let's trade with yeah the piggies and away we go I really do like that plane mod it just it adds a certain something I don't know what it is but I do like it all right let's hope they've got this a lynx hunting Jason Fenwick okay that seems a bit odd okay there they are where's Jason right well this is going to be awkwardly timed I think they're good we'll take care of this first please have some good stuff for us we want well we're going to want a bunch of components so we can build the helicopter we're looking for a not perfect shopping spree but we did get a bunch of components a car transmission couple of engine blocks a gene pack and some Advanced components all for well every single scrap of flake we have uh I got to take care of Jason here in a second but you need to fly home immediately uh oh actually no launch home immediately and we'll land you over there nope land you right there and then we need to take care of this you're in an awkward position Adis how about you come out here and give a hand in fact let's grab Muppet as well H just I still dislike animals causing issues and most of our Heavy Hitters are way over there at the moment I'm also going to call over check just in case uh just the moment they stop because they will stop to shoot they should be set to aggressive oh vo check over here as well yeah I think we got this I over prepared to Tin guys are you going to shoot yeah I'm sure it's decided to go Manhunter or whatever but uh we had already decided to go linkx hunter before that all right then then everyone back to work that was far less painful than I thought it was going to be and yeah someone hunt that down we'll show it in the fridge one other thing I want to take care of is Idris Smith here and the religion which it's going to be a while before we break them from it Demands a bunch of stuff one of the things they're definitely demanding is a neural supercharge which is a minus 6 so we've actually researched it and we're going to give them a neural supercharger uh this unfortunately costs 400 watts of power that's kind of expensive so for powerwise we're going to to go with the really good stuff and by the really good stuff I mean the toxic stuff so we're going to stick in a toxify generator right there this is going to serve two fold interests one it's going to give us power and two it's going to give us toxic waste we can throw that toxic waste at tribals so that they come and attack us so that we can kill them and then use their bodies to give us more Mana so you know twofold problem solving we get power and we also get to annoy some locals that'll give us more power for our SCC casters looks like the helicopter is going to have to waste I'd messed up on that as well uh turns out we needed for the car suspensions we needed silver and I sort of sold all of our silver for components which I thought we needed to make the helicopter it's fine it's fine we've got more drugs already and there's more on the way once we uh process that stuff we'll go on another flight we'll grab some silver to go with it right now though we do need to deal with this mchive that is attacking uh where are you Landing they are going to prepare for a while in attack I installed a threat points used things so I can see when we start to max out our threat points that way we can force maximum 10,000 points yes so oh we might actually want to start installing the unlimited threat mod oh oh three different blobs well that's great okay they've got to be cyers right look at the size of them mters maybe they can't all be cyers right that would just be an incredible amount there's over 200 drop pods there yep it's milter okay then to bring everyone back inside make sure no one leaves the usual right we're just about in range and I know that doesn't look like we're in range but you got to remember some of these things are not very human they're zombies so they're a little bit weird that way and since these guys are not close combat let's actually get everyone in the heavy armor up the front uh yeah everyone's starting to Target Catgirl uh Marksmanship command Willie uh controlled frzy yep Draco controlled frenzy and let's start the then you want to do firing Focus you want to do firing Focus uh Siege mode Siege mode uh Siege mode perfect um then what was the last one H yes we want to do guided shot unfortunately we need to wait until you drop some more uh nural heat well yep that's uh fine guided shot for you uh guided shot for you yeah this is totally broken anyway that means their firing frenzy will never give up because their firing freny gets refreshed every time they shoot something that doubles their damage uh firing Focus however that increases their range attack speed by 500% this is incredibly important basically massively increases their damage output and guided shot that means we always hit uh and say accuracy uh where is Chris kind of tempted to get Chris into a few things here it's just there is another ability to make people hit all the time and uh that means we wouldn't have to use guided shot so much however guided shots pretty cool because it doubles the the range though after a while that becomes less important as the enemies start to charge towards you not going to worry about it too much okay so firing focus is about to is still good yeah that seems to be [Music] working that um that worked out that worked out pretty good uh down here please damn like that was just a Slaughter well for our next group we are going to stay well outside of range and then we're going to start having everyone fire up and by fire up I mean guided shot for you and Willie you also get guided shot they're the only two that are just about in range and there they are this allows them to now you see they're they're firing really slowly that's because they don't have firing focus on we need a little bit more noral heat to allow them to do all the Spells simultaneously but then once fire focusing is on yeah they literally just open up like that however guided shot has already run out so we got to cast guided shot again and then there we go easy peasy absolute Slaughter and now they're going to start coming forward into range uh guided shot or firing Focus which one do we need now oh a little bit of both I think firing Focus thing is they're about to run in range so we don't need to worry about and yink yink yink yink yink their accuracy is not perfect but who cares when their damage is so high it basically incinerates everything [Music] and combined with a little bit of fire support from our other people and that is that where are these guys going what are you going to attack there's no one out there we don't have any animals huh weird I would have thought they would have come around this way okay looks like we're going back home the extreme range of the weapons we have access to is why our killbox walls are sort of extending out what I kind of want to do is have a big long tunnel so the enemies have to start over here and then we just get to riddle them with plasma fire or charge Lance fire the whole way through as they slowly walk through the killbox uh though right now we're just going to have to deal with a bunch of these I really thought this was going to be a lot more difficult normally these guys are a bit of a pain in the butt to deal with because there's so many of them but with this group you don't have to worry now uh give me another controlled frenzy from you and uh Willie we're also going to want to control frenzy from you yeah both of those have worn off and give me a firing focus and give me another firing Focus dear God like it's just a Slaughter and I get it because they're firing shots that do basically 100 damage a hit so it doesn't really matter where they hit whatever the hit is gone o they are getting a awful lot closer than I would like we hav't been using some of the other abilities uh okay well no firing focus is still up on both of you guys voy Che is just up there tanking shots like a boss guys shoot the closer ones would you well the cleanup on this is going to be an absolute nightmare there's 275 military corpses it's not even ah is it worth even scrapping those I kind going just go R grenades and Destroy them Joy of Joys they actually dropped 27 components over here h what do those other corpse piles drop maybe they left us some plas steel or something to go with that no unfortunately it was just these one Gifts of components all the rest of the stuff is junk I think I'll recycle these ones but all the ones like these ones are too far away it's not even worth carrying them back for recycling we'll just let nature take its course with them for our next stop we're going to try this Village way over here uh yeah we're going to trade with these guys thing is we can do this because we can afford the fuel it's not really a big cost and the more places we hit up the more chances we find find some fun stuff we'd really like to get our hands on all right what have you got going on uh resurrect oo necropath resurrect that's actually not too terrible corpse talk no I think we're good on those ones quick trade for silver components and advanced components I still am tempted by these site trainers but H I don't think we can I don't think we can afford them oh actually I might take that psychic suit pulser that could come in useful at some point in the future we don't need that much silver for what we have planned anyway you head back here H we'll land you down and get on with our day we have just about knocked out all the parts time to build a helicopter this is going to make raiding so much handier uh I'm going to stick you in here so that we can wall you in yeah we don't have enough of those uh suspensions in storage just yet but we'll have one more car suspension shortly then the helicopter will be complete and I think we're probably going to wall it inage just to prevent any drop pods landing on top of it I've lost too many nice things to drop pods I'm a bit paranoid about them at this point since Zoe is going to be our number one Mega Caster uh we have been pumping all of their points into Focus types they literally have access to what uh one consumed body spell is that because of their gear oh no we actually gave them a trainer for that one but they now have access to Natural Focus morbid minimal flame uh artistic science group the more people are meditating with the better and the final one is Arco technology which is a bit of a weird one uh it means that they get a bonus if they're near Arco technology when they're studying or meditating or whatever it is so what are they up to now they're up to 202% does that change if we move them a little bit closer to that arot Tech I don't think it does I think 202 is what they're going to be at though yeah 202% is their maximum but still that is it's a lot of gain they should become a pretty high level Caster fairly quickly that way and there's some other stuff we're going to Chuck on top of that we're just so close to finishing the helicopter and we got hit by a t toxic Fallout we've also got a psychic drone high and I just don't feel like dealing with these nope nope just do not feel like dealing with these at all and since we can just skip them we might as well so we're going to do a season time skip that cost us a bunch of sigh levels on Chris over here sorry about this Chris but it's okay uh you are going to take a nap but first you're going to do a season time time skip locks the entire planet into a season season long psychically induced slowdown effectively skipping forward a season night instantaneous effect very strenuous basically we manag to skip 15 days do we it's the 13th of April May you know what who cares as long as it gets rid of the toxic fallet the psychic drone High going away would also be a nice bonus if it pretty sure this worked I did some testing a while back when I was first using the game and this should skip well get rid of everything and whoa that strobe effect is the Sun going up and down is there someone in there no no okay so finished toxic fallet is done mosquito oh this is the helicopter huh I figure we go like old school classic Airwolf it's got to be like if you've got a helicopter and you want to go old school you got to call it Airwolf it's the only wayed I mean it's not exactly a fighting helicopter but it's it's pretty cool looking anyway once we get that filled up oh am I going to have to move that I really hope it doesn't have some sort of radius that we need to have it free so that it can take off that would actually be really awkward uh we'll worry about that in a minute for now how's Chris doing you are unconscious for 23 hours but you got rid of the toxic Fallout and you also got rid of that high psychic drone so good job you've had to spend all your side points but that's okay we got other people with free ones vo Che has got 12 free point or is it 11 free points uh Tyler has well okay only four we're not spending all of those because there's a few things we'd like to get done first and hopefully a few trainers we can find for our zombie thrs and we are loaded we have Willie Draco Catgirl Dees and rizer reason we're sending Rizza uh they have medical and int intellectual which means they can hack stuff we're going to pop right over here to this ancient complex fuel costs one land in ancient complex and choose landing spot uh land at Ed map or Landing yeah we will choose the landing spot and awolf is a okay we're away for a second there I thought I'd bugged it out somehow never mind we're done we're done off you go it's going to be a lot slower than the airplane I imagine well not too much slower downside of this over the airplane it can only carry 100 kilos excluding of course the fact that it's carrying several hundred kilos of uh mechanoid in there or uh zombie thrs incased in in armor where are you I should I have a chance to choose that I somehow messed that up okay that's a little bit close but it should be fine all right everybody out come on perfect uh I think some of them are grabbing meals are you yeah perfectly fine what are you doing off to meditate at right I keep forgetting these guys are all set up to meditate well uh we will suppos go straight through the walls we'll start off down here uh actually no we'll start off over here and we need to make sure Rizza stays at the back they're the least well defended everyone else is well pretty tough to be honest they don't really have to care too much uh you guys would you also like no no y shoot the walls thank you well that was incredibly quick done now this is an old complex so it should be very easy to take care of we have hermetically sealed crate go open that you two go there okay medical packs cool hack to drop supplies ancient Supply sat light has been activated and will drop supplies we get cloth we don't care about like I said this is an old ancient complex so it's done we had very low difficulty not going to worry too much about this this is more just a test bed for the helicopter assault route now we could open the door these the these don't seem like the type of zombies that do that um huh there's a fire thingy over there I wonder how resistant it is to getting shot and instantly will it instantly explode if we shoot it probably but let's try yep instantly explodes well awkward can these guys put out fires cool zombie firefighters what do you mean an an unstable ancient fuel node has been ignited is going to explode no no I think it's already exploded uh fine we'll just uh give it a second for this fire to burn out and then we'll move on there is another one of those ancient caskets let's open it up hermetically sealed and chem fuel great we can refuel the helicopter thing is I'm not sure how much we can take with us well we can take 100 kilos it's just I don't think we really have a lot of carry capacity Well that took longer than it should have but never mind open the next door knock knock area revealed okay contains an ancient hostile mechanoid that not really that concerned to be honest hey boys get in there shoot it dead and it's done fair enough this wasn't I knew this wasn't going to be hard but this just seem just a tiny scooch okay oh great another unstable Power Cell ancient was Disturbed and might explode soon okay ticking hasn't started you I want you to pick up plas steel pick up plas steel all on excellent and let's get back on the helicopter and get out of here this was reasonably okay successfully wise I mean okay we got a bunch of cloth over there we don't care about but we'll worry about that at another time all right everyone get back on board Airwolf let's go home and that's d off I really hope people can't shoot you while you're trying to fly away that would make things really awkward downside we can only take 100 kilos of stuff with us and only one person can carry the stuff onto the helicopter but plus side we can fly four people pretty long distances and take out well it's like an attack Squad uh Landing Bay is going to have to be expanded we have to land them over here but we'll figure something out and yes everyone wants to clear the landing spot I presume if you get caught in it you might get deleted maybe or squished by the building yeah we'll see and you missed the goat good job good job let's see if everyone gets out automatically yes they do gear wise well we didn't take any cargo everyone's got what they brought with them you'll see Rizza there has got a bunch of Plasti and Medicine let's see if they drop that stuff off if they're going to keep it on them ooh fun times the red and Imperium has shown up for a Siege excellent now do any of you come with s levels we would really like if a bunch of you had sidecast abilities that would make this so much better oh there's 51 of you after going through the lot of them there's two level one Silent People all the rest are well who cares so kill them kill them all I suppose is the best bet uh bring the team back in they're going to be setting up for a Siege so we're just going to plink away at range and kill most of them before they can even get in range I'm I'm no I'm not going to feel sorry for them not even a little bit this is what mods do they unfortunately make some of these things just a little bit less difficult I think we're going to have to do a little bit of something about the difficulty at least to make it slightly more entertaining otherwise we may get bored to death uh Storyteller settings uh yeah we W on custom damn it did I not install that mod yet quick install unlimited threats galing normally your points cap out at 10,000 for a seed well for anything there are multipliers that can affect that but generally it kind of caps everything out at 10,000 points so we'll just throw on uh yeah an extra 5,000 so 50% larger raids are possible and let's make the threat scale 600% just to add a little spice to the playthrough as we wait it's just there's a few more bits and pieces we got to we have to get together to get all the full combos in play and we might as well you know get to use them a bit while we're waiting so you guys uh come all down here well the enemy have set up just about here they're starting to put their production together we've brought our our three Heavy Hitters right here they've got vek and Tyler behind them for pcast support now we are going to do a few things all at once the first thing is probably going to be controlled frenzy for the lot of them and does that actually affect all of them if I just did controled frenzy here two of them are casting yep perfect then that is exactly what we wanted now firing Focus means yeah reduces the range of attack cool down that is Grand that is perfect then we put them in Siege mode and they're firing so who do we want them to Target is the question though now I think we'll have uh three different Target profiles we're going to have oh Dam it I want you to Target that guy nope can't actually hit him can you huh okay you can Target that one with a triple rocket launcher I've marked a few targets of interest because well it seemed like a smart plan to pick out ones that we'd like dead quickly um that's two marked and a third one should be I don't know say you you're right in the open and then perfect and let's see what else we got how is that guy still alive you should be dead already you got targeted buddy there is no way you should be still capable of doing anything oh never mind you're still targeted you'll be dead in a minute next up minigun guys got to go uh you can Target plasma guy okay done and done that person there with that triple rocket launcher needs to get targeted go it's just it's weird that you get to just pick out targets and go delete delete delete and we're going to be leaving a bunch of the uh more mobile ones or the uh the close combat ones they're going to start closing with us so we may have to run from them oh dear God okay anyway you can activate your Marksmanship command uh you can't activate guided shot cause too much neural heat you can perfect has your fire Focus look looking yeah Siege mode psychic frenzy neural heat is safe firing focus is good yeah you are going to be absolutely monstrous from now on it's going to be almost impossible to keep up with you with your shots okay so you who we want to Target that's a lot of people with close combat Weaponry well the thing is we want to take out the ranged ones first uh then you can take out the close combat ones we can hit with a few side powers to hopefully down a couple for capture and drao here is now turned into killing machine Plus+ uh yeah there there there there there oh who whoa whoa whoa whoa doomsday and that guy over there needs to be targeted when the time comes too perfect uh I think fire at will is the order of the day for you guys uh We've also got a skip and a berserk yeah where's the berserk oh yes psychic shock sorry Skip and psychic shock for that we're going to use to grab a few people preferably people with decent armor or equipment that we would like to keep looking around all the stuff we want to keep is actually cact armor uh the stuff with the rear so I think we'll just wait until we've broken them and then maybe run down the Cataract people with a skipped Tyler we skip Tyler to the front lines and get them to shock people as they break of course um no you should be ready to do a guided shot now wait no firing Focus or guided shot no you've got firing Focus so we'll give you guided shot from now on perfect someone fired something it sounded nasty and that guy's head is gone um hopefully these gu these guys have got good armor they can take it they can take it Tyler I want you to shock someone we are going to skip someone in decent armor there's no one in decent armor this is terrible in that case uh we want you to Target that one then that one uh I don't know who you're targeting but you're going to Target that one and then that one perfect they've broken pretty much as expected this team is this team's just beautiful I love these zombies all right you guys skip forward uh we want to skip you all the way to there you guys need to hold fire sorry about that my bad uh void check you can run forward as well Tyler psychic shotgun a few of these what gear you got catract armor cact helmet charge rifle that's good but maybe there's better let me have a quick Goose see what's left on the menu so the plan there's three people here we would like to capture there is one person there we would like to capture that gives us at least four and if we have any more scci Focus after for that there's another one left over there so first up psychic shock on that one uh voy Che is charging forward H in that case we can also skip damn it why can't we skip you any oh the skip is entirely dependent on the Caster now that's unfortunate uh skip you forward to there Tyler are you going to get them all is the question uh skip is still recharging on you is there any other Targets in range we can hit with psychic shock oh not guy over there perfect skip Tyler all the way to there oh we should probably start capturing those guys yeah capture that one H where's the other one gone capture that one no one else is going to survive really from the manual stuff uh psychic shock excellent ineffective ah psychically immune psychically immune psychically sensitive there's another one all right what about you guys psychic sensitivity zero and psychic sensitivity zero okay well you know we got a few of them we didn't get all of them but we got enough that I'm happy clothing wise that is three sets of CCT armor with three sets of catract helmets excellent uh we can actually recycle one of those helmets to research it so we can get make more if we want though why considering how easy it is to grab more maybe we should annoy the Empire some more no no no Noe I've been meaning to make friends with the empire for a while and we can give them back five people which should buy us an awful lot of Happiness um let's just maybe get all of that stuff out of there before they start getting up him we have to shock them all again I was going to keep a few of these around to just convert over to our religion for religious points uh that's what I realized no they have apostasy horrible which means they have a global certainty loss Factor multiplied by by 60% meaning it's it's just a lot harder to convert these guys I'm thinking these prisoners can all be released well a couple of them have developed new luciferium needs but that's you know just accidental goodbye uh when it comes to luciferium actually how are we looking on that front we have one two three people who are on lerum four that's 1 two three four five six six who seven or are not eight so we need eight more luciferium in fact I'm pretty sure someone dropped some luciferium over here excellent that means we have enough luciferium get the whole team on board that has taken our relations with the Empire from- 32 to minus 20 yes yes please that means we going to throw about 150 drugs of them and they should like us again oh we finally converted zo I just chucked another convert from Yorn there at them and it it finally broke them I didn't think that was going to happen finally uh Chief multi had CH Bjorn tried to convert Zoe to her own ideology Zoe is not convinced Bjorn tried to convert Zoe and succeeded well uh that occurred 4 seconds ago and that OCC to oh they tried to convert them by talking to them failed and then tried to convert them using never mind it's done Zoe is finally on our side that just leaves one hold out Idis oh they've got steelism which is another annoying one ah it's going to take a while but that's okay that's okay we got a little bit of time left to make the Empire friendly with us a quick jilt of drugs there you go there's 150 fores uh that should make them perfectly neutral excellent Zoe's got morecast experience as well which is completely expected and we have found steel we've been using this to scan we've got some steel down here plast steel over there more steel over there and I'm pretty sure there was a couple other patches I missed a quick conversion ritual for Idris hopefully they decide that this is the right thing for them come on buddy we still have haven't got a masterful conversion yet so I mean we can always hold that hope terrible conversion ritual they actually got more sure in their beliefs well you know that happening now is better than it happening when we've got them Halfway Broken so it's fine it's fine got to expect these things we're also going to throw together a quick ritual here it's just one of those happy go-lucky ones and hopefully it reveals a nearby ancient Rune that we can go out and raid with our people uh we've got three more rituals we can do of the same type at any time uh that's why we've got these loud speakers here that I've never actually used he boring ideological celebration well yeah you know what let's let's let's try that again then okay Supreme Fiesta why not go for it h we just sort of leave out the zombies I figure they're off doing their own thing so why would they bother need to get in involved in this doesn't really change this at all we should get a leader I just I don't want one leaders are just more burden than anything else I wonder if you could have a zombie leader that might be interest no they don't have the option to do so yeah yeah never mind Unforgettable Supreme Fiesta oh we got two development points out of it and did we yep you discover the location of an ancient complex perfect let's load up the helicopter and goat shooting this is Airwolf one on takeoff you're only Airwolf one because at some point we able a second one so we can bring eight people along on the raids that might be even more fun uh awolf has arrived at their destination okay I think oh generating map it should give us the option to pick a landing spot unless I've messed something up if it just lands us right in the middle again that could be awkward ah there we go perfect uh land at the front door or land at the back let's land at the back door over here I think we'll blast our way through the walls walking in through the front door does not seem like a good option it's a bit weird the way that disappears though I do like the graphics it actually kicking up dusted everything like that uh you guys nope nope nope nope let's draft up uh going to blast through the walls over here Rizza you're to the rear you're too precious to be uh risked these other ones have far more armor plating than you ever will uh okay I think we're going to be opening two doors at once perfect yep lots of unstable power cells I see no reason to enter either of those rooms let's just uh yeah let's go around the edge our first stop will be a hermetically sealed crate let's see what goodies are inside H while you're busy opening that we get 54 irium that's going to be heavy to bring back in the helicopter but well that's a lot of bugs yep kind of what we were expecting you go back there all of you get to there go go go go go go go go go um no one's aggressive yet right let's just take a step back I don't understand that and then let's shoot a few of them and see what happens actually let's take a few more steps back we've got a bit of a range advantage on these ones uh yeah R to the rear go for it shoot whatever's in range ladies good job Rizza taking up the ones come up the rear no leave the helicopter alone that is bold very bold you hit that you hit that you hit that okay okay we're going to have to get a whole new helicopter quick quick quick quick quick get forward get forward get forward that is really frustrating how are we supposed to get out of here now this is proven to be rather frust rating right you have no fuel healthwise you are shattered how do we repair you I've launched over a bunch of fuel uh I don't think that's going to help though I'm pretty sure the fuel tank is destroyed on that but while we're here we might as well do what we can we might be stuck here forever and ever and ever unless we do something about it uh fuel excellent load chemfuel to pack animals pick up chemfuel how do we actually get the you know what pick up chem fuel all we'll figure this out all right we got the chem fuel loaded refuel from inventory needs more cre to operate okay board Airwolf as pilot uh excellent can we launch unable to oh damn it this is a problem okay so Rizza can repair it I just had to set him up to be allowed to repair he's now able to repair it it's going to take him a while well we should probably fire over someone who's better at it but once he's repaired it we can leave in that case you guys can continue upon your journey and no thank you well great more bugs fine we'll killed a lot of you seriously why are they not aggressive there we go you need to shoot that one right there in the face uh getting surrounded bit awkward considering we're ranged units where to from here corner actually what am I doing we have jump jet packs that's probably the smart plan just jump okay you guys jump over there you can jump over there and you can jump over there perfect can we just hide her in the corner and blast them to bits wait wait wait rette what are you doing praying come back here and repair the Airwolf uh yeah this thing is in bits we're going to have to send a better repair person over we'll load up a drop pod and keep an eye on that guy over there hey idra Idris welcome to the party Paul uh we would like you to repair this uh R you can stay over there for a second we're going to get Idis to repair why can't you repair prioritize repairing excellent you have a much higher build scill oh it's going to take a while is it you can't have multiple people repairing it either well that is fine rest of the team are just going to clear out what's left of this place I may have accidentally set off some unstable fuel cells but who hasn't done that well I think the fuel tank is leaking I can tell because the fuel is just just pouring right the hell out of it no don't put more fuel in it repair it you freaking until the chem tank is repaired I don't think we can do anything repairing Airwolf well no yeah great thanks for wasting all the chem fuel at least we have 13 left in ah it's fine it's fine we'll just have to we've got 13 chem fuel left we just got to make sure this guy manages to repair it back up to 100% before we start putting any more chem fuel God damn Muppets all right the cam tank has gone to 90% and it's turned a nice color I think that means we're going to stop leaking if it doesn't fix the leaking well that's okay we're going to send over all of the chem fuel we have 120 chem fuel we're going to load this sucker up and we're going to fly home one way or the other go go go H one person will be unable to make it prioritize repairing please uh we will expand that zone it just you're probably going to have to walk walk sorry buddy we'll send some people back out after you the moment it's fixed oh perfect right actually yeah you can board I think we'll have Willie walk home or wait no no no no no no no Draco Draco I think you can walk home reason Draco can walk home is they have the nuclear stomach we can leave them out here for a bit and they should be AOW to defend themselves all right is that fueled uh we have 120 chem fuel on board you guys get on board Draco start walking towards the edge of the map uh actually you don't really need to to be honest but we'll do that anyway the rest of this place can burn to the ground actually Draco you can stay here for now and I think about it we'll just leave you there you're basically just stand there like a zombie it'll be fine then we hit the refuel from inventory and we've loaded up the 120 fuel then we launch let's go back home uh oh can we yes we can land in here but we're not going to namely because we got to return immediately you'll be back and Draco will be waiting as far as I can tell we're repaired to 100% so there shouldn't be any problems let's hope nothing else shows up while he's waiting Willie is going straight back out to pick him up um yeah we're not hanging around here also we're going to try and land him through the ceiling I don't know how well that's going to work but perhaps Draco should get out of there just in case uh just thinking if he's coming through the ceiling it might cause a mess once they're landed we load up we take out of here again okay you're going to go through the roof you're going to go through the roof is that acceptable well that seems kind of weird I don't think we should be allowed to do that somehow you guys pour the Airwolf perfect unable to launch conditions are not suitable oh my God it's because the roof's in the way I'm an idiot so what we have learned helicopters maybe Park them a little bit further away for safety reasons uh also they can't oh can you guys take off yes you can Jason hop on board they're great for these little Jun missions but you got to be much more careful than me I was way too sloppy and that almost ended in tragedy oh my God that was horrifying I thought everyone was going to be stuck out there right note to self maybe be a little bit more careful with the helicopters are very very careful bye-bye horrific tile bye-bye when it comes to mods you got to give it to the guys they do some wonderful work but the thing is the people who make the game have to do things a lot more well in line mods are really for people who are willing to play by the rules because if you use mods and you don't play by the rules you can do dumb stuff like well loading up your character R A here with an absolute butt ton of slake chunks when you're on the last map so when you stick them in the helicopter the helicopter doesn't care the helicopter does not care about the waste inside the pawns but if you use the transport pod it does would build tilt in the game that's why Rizza here was able to take back well a lot of slate chunks we're not going to be worrying about slate for a long time this is going to be our Rock Source for the foreseeable future I think there's about 500 pieces in here this this is going to take a while and a lot of clicking I think that will keep us in slate for a reasonable amount of your future I mean we probably could have held out for marble but ah I was in a rush all right now that we've got all of the basics done I think it's time we went for the hardcore endgame stuff what I want to do is get to the point where we just have a stupidly overpowered force that can Slaughter the void I don't know if we can achieve Slaughter but uh I think it's quite possible with the stupidly broken stuff you've got available to us due to our inability to wear rings on the zombies this has sort of complicated our plan a little bit so uh the new plan is maximum mercantilism uh we are going to fly to all of the shops and we're going to see if they've got access to the SC casts we want uh squads off that will be three places they'll have to visit they can fly all the way down here then here then back to there every single one of them have refreshed I think they restocked because we did that oh thing that allowed us to fast forward time a bit I think that knocked 15 days off of the restock timers that's kind of useful if a little bit broken as well but we got planes so we'll be fine all right let's see what you've got on offer good shopping couple of a psychic suit pulter some Insanity lances a Jee pack but none of the trainers we were looking for oh uh I should probably grab some fuel while we're here yeah we'll grab 50 fuel then we can Refuel on the way out and we can immediately launch off again how could we attack this place with a plane is that actually possible that might be an interesting thing to try later on but not now not now all shopping all day this place actually has word of productivity that is that would be perfect that gets us straight into the archon S tree which will get us close to drain s yes yes yes we will take those and now we come up on the final and most stupidly ridiculous part of the plan Draco here has only access to one tree warlord but that's fine what we're going to do is use this scast to learn word of productivity uh this opens up the archon tree which is great because we can dump two points in here I think we'll do uh do we want group link you what word of Alliance and oh mind r and the final one is drain s Ence very important skill that allows them to rip the S levels out of someone however who are we going to rip the S levels out well okay I'm glad rhetorical question you asked what we're first going to do is we're going to give a death Shield to Zoe Zoe is our psychically hyper sensitive Pawn that we really really like for SI stuff and now they cannot die well today anyway for the next 24 hours they're immune to death that's okay Draco would you trade the cesin out of them and oh Target must be down I forgot about that h a quick unitization should sort that out once they are unitized we can then do a drain s Essence on them that Shield doesn't stop you from getting sedated and boom well we drained all the s levels out of him Draco now has three extra points to spend and is a level 12 sccer which is okay whatever not amazing but it does give them three extra points however why are we doing that well let's just skip forward time a bit until Zoe has recovered from this anesthetic and I'll show you while Zoe is sleeping off that anesthetic we're just going to do a quick little dance party for everyone those dance parties are pretty handy you don't even need a leader so long as you've got that I can't believe I haven't done this before this is [Music] perfect Unforgettable exent did that yep we got ourselves another ancient complex right next door we're still going to fly over in the helicopter though even though it's stupidly risky so back to Zoe there the one who we ripped the S powers out of we're immediately going to give her her s powers back or give her s power level one back by linking her up to the adomat Tre which we have 56 grass in storage half been using that for this very reason now once she is done well Zoe excellent you are a level one saster which has plenty of neural heat of aailable because remember we've been feeding her corpses she's up to 79 consumed bodies so she's she's pretty good on that front and her pastry is all locked up again however if we uh draft her up you see she's still got consumed bodies consumed bodies was the sidecast you learn all the s casts she learned before are still there well she's only learned one which is not great but also all of these are still there so natural Focus morbid minimal flame all of the focus types they're all unlocked even though she basically lost all her s lost all her s levels she kept all the s power she learned and all of the focus types it does not keep upgrades though your s cast if you upgrade if you spend your points on upgrades they they don't carry over and I did I spend all our points before I did this God I probably didn't I'm an idiot what this means is let's just say we took Draco here they have three points to spend we could then spend those points unlocking combat skills or whatever we want then we could get Zoe to pcast drain them which would immediately put Zoe up to level 12 she could then spend those 12 points on spells then she could immediately get drained back by Draco who would then have 12 points to spend on whatever he wanted to and as they go back and forth draining each other they keep unlocking new parts of the tree and new spells new abilities and new Focus types if they want it's totally totally broken the only thing that slowed us down was we couldn't put rings on Draco and Willi and the the um the zombie THS we couldn't do that because of the suits we had them in if we could have we could have just stuck the rings on them not worried about it we had to go shopping for those uh word of productivity ones we needed that to open up this tree because well they only had what three spaces to grab them this also means I'm probably going to be a little bit cautious with Catgirl diogenes and getting her into her warlord skills we're going to want to unlock the archon skills first so that we can get her the ability to drain C Ence we're going to turn Zoe into a massive massive just oh you know what let's uh let's show you what I mean Zoe here is meditating and getting 226 SCI Focus a day that's an awful lot for example Willie over here is only getting 50 Catgirl is only getting 50 and Draco I don't think is meditating at the tree anymore he's doing it because there's multiple people around him so he's only getting 70 so these three between them are getting 170% Zoe is gaining more s Focus or gaining more s experience per day than the other three of them combined however she does still need to sleep maybe if we turned her into a zombie thrw I mean there's no real reason not to that I can think of maybe there's something I'm missing here but maybe top up her shooting top up her melee then you know turn her into a thrw and then she can just spend 24 hours a day and right here actually that might actually work out really well I think we get a shooting Trader we get a melee Trader in fact there is a melee one over here that I've been holding on to for ages uh boom yeah and we might turn them into a close combat melee person that we can use oh this is going to be just so ridiculous after a while think about it once once we get up to level 30 we just need to get one person to level 30 we can start playing Mar go around to swap it between all three of them or all four of them and then someone will get basically 30 cpass points to spend which they can use to unlock well almost three trees of powers and then once they've unlocked those three trees we drain them pass it to the next person who then gets to unlock it and we're just limited by the amount of Anima grass we're going to get in that way we can have a bunch of casters who will have access to everything and then finally once they've unlocked all the traits like literally every single skill or actually no to that' be too many once I've unlocked enough traits that we're happy with it then what we can do is just dump all the points into the scyc OR stats upgrade which will reduce their cost for scci Focus cost and a bunch of yeah it should get ridiculously broken and out of hand which is why we're going to have to like crank up the difficulty but I think this is the only way we're going to be able to take on the void in a one-on-one fight we're not going to take on the void in some sort of sneaky backhanded way or something like that no no no we're we're going to face them straight up and shoot them dead just we're just going to take them on as they're not meant to be taken on that's the plan anyway I might do a little bit of work in the background just uh shopping we're going to have to hit up a lot of places to get pcast stuff but hey I can do that all in the background I uh I'm going to cut this out here I H hope you enjoyed and good [Music] luck [Music] a oh
Channel: Francis John
Views: 22,238
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lets play, void, Vehicles, expanded, psycasts, Psycasts Expanded
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 30sec (4230 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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