Overdeveloped sense of Vengeance : Rimworld Modded

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and we're back with some more rimor and our little colon has been getting along quite nicely in the background and did a little bit of leveling up just to get everyone closer to where they needed to be Brian's just about ready to be warcast they've uh they've hit it several milestones in the background though uh we have new lovers Zoe and Tyler so Tyler is our resident Constructor who's a pyromaniac with chemical fasination Zoe is our well resident supercaster psychically highper sensitive and an aesthetic so basically a fire starting drug idled lunatic and a spiritually sensitive you know minimalist yeah I think we can safely say that Zoe is Into The Bad Boys yes definitely that just seems like a relationship that should not work in fact I can't even put them in the same room together because well Zoe's an aesthetic she wants a terrible room and and Tyler would actually like a nice room so you're not sharing rooms and they don't seem to mind whatever I haven't checked our religion too thoroughly but it seems our religion doesn't care so yay oh uh and let's go through something here that's been confusing people it's a it's a little rotation thing for our pawns for example currently we have Brian and catgirl sort of paired off and by paired off I mean they're swapping Cy s powers back in Forth Just to unlock more trees and abilities and stuff so what we'll do is we will grab Brian here and we are going to give them an operation do you have two long we're going to queue up a long install on Brian here uh then we're going to let them go back and I've installed a mod at the suggestion of the comments that allows pawns to use these Gates intelligently in other words Brian just knew that that was the shortest way to get home so he took the teleporter to get back there kind of nice I'm not going to lie that one is probably stretching the mod a little bit but I am okay with that it just makes my life easier if pawns want to get from the tree back to here they just use the gates exactly what they were invented for all right uh now Catgirl here is paired off with Brian we're just going to wait till Brian gets their operation started then they'll be fully in ized now they're enzed we can drain their s Powers first of course we're going to give them a little bit of protection so Tyler is going to pop over here and give them a quick death shielding just to make sure nothing bad happens you talk fire wait a minute is that not finished did I remove along anyway we're just going to have Tyler apply death Shield right now and poof now Brian has been dead shielded successfully meaning they can't die then we grab along Catgirl at this is the important bit uh I didn't realize this until just now but or recently you what are you doing installing tox fire maybe hold off on that just one second now you'll notice that Catgirl here is level two sccer Brian is level 14 when we suck up his abilities we're only going to end up with a level 13 saster and catgirl diogenes it's just whatever way this set up I don't know what the exact mechanics are behind it it is a mod so I can't I can't read into the backgrounds of it so it does mean we need to do things a little bit differently than I was starting with so boom I no for level 13 they didn't get the full levels back that's okay that's okay that is all planned for you uh get back to operating on them if you wouldn't mind they'll get two lungs installed we've queued it up so that they'll get the two detoxifier lungs the only reason we queued those up now was that they be sedated so that we could do the uh the drain sence that drain cence things is requires that the person be unconscious now Catgirl here now has 14 available points to spend remember they were like level one so now that they've gotten all those levels out of them they've got 13 available points what tree should we unlock this time I think I want harmonist yeah I'll go with harmonist there's some things I want to do with that later uh but we can take all these points now and we can just unlock all of this stuff done now they have that entire tree unlocked we'll let them go back to meditating until they've gained a level and and then once they've gained the level we'll have Brian suck back up the powers from them and then Brian can unlock an entire tree and because we've got them all their other abilities or bodies consume thing going on they're all going to have at least decent neural heat and so long as we've got enough animag grass for them to consume they can all keep grabbing their uh their sigh level back just means by the time we're finished Catgirl here will have opened up several trees like they've already maxed out warlord static Lord archon and I'm pretty sure they've maxed out necropath so you got to remember here they've unlocked 50 points worth of spill spells but they haven't actually really spent them we can keep unlocking more and more until we've got the entire tree open if you want we won't do that it would take too long and I'd go crazy probably doing it but it does mean once we open this up for the last time they'll have all the powers they need and then we can just sync their powers into Focus types and cycer upgrades to make them even more powerful then they'll be a maxed out Pawn that is the plan uh now uh they're paired off with so Brian and catg are paired off each other and Willie and Draco are paired off each other though Draco is currently over here this is a combat as in this is a t we attacks to kill bad guys and in 21 hours they're going to try and come back and take it which case we're going to kill them take their corpses and use those corpses as fuel for our people as in we're going to consume the bodies that might be a while oh and we've installed a large wooden nature shine right here reason for that uh Draco can get their scci focus on in between raids we'll have to send maybe a few people over here when the time comes oh and now that Brian is up and about and recovered from their operation we'll give them a quick linking ritual and that'll get them their One S level and that they'll still have access to all of the powers they've got unlocked all that stuff it's all good and excellent for our plans now we do have this thing that's landed a while ago that we probably should take care of but there is one thing I'd like to do first and that is launch a bunch of toxic wasted people I'm figuring maybe if we give enough Gifts of toxic wasted people they'll come along and attack us and then we can feed them to the mechanoids maybe and we've got ourselves some walls all the way around the outside of the base walls walls walls all the way around just to make sure the only way in unless your breacher is through this area here so let's maybe encourage some more of those people to Annoy Us linking ritual is complete Brian how you doing there on Sy casts well you don't have any of those traits unlocked there but you definitely have access to more than a few side casts I think it's almost time you got casked up and ready to become a a full super soldier this is our combat tile over here it's located right there it's that little pink thing right beside our office of infernal Affairs oh there's another combat T I should really check that one out maybe it'll be better than this one however we only have one Pawn on this tile and the amount of enemies that spawn therefore the number of corpses we're going to get is completely proportional to the amount of people we have on the tile uh combat tiles are unique in that it's not the value of uh money on the tile it's the value of the pawns so the more pawns we have on this tile the the more expensive it is therefore the more enemies that should spawn so I'm sending over just about everyone uh Muppet should be inbounded in a minute actually no I left Muppet back home yeah I left the the other four at home now once this attack wave spawns we'll just leave the combat people here uh yeah you should be able to handle all of that by yourselves if there's any problems I suppose we can always leave a few people behind or maybe it'll just be an enormous flood and I'll be like oops that was a mistake and let's get out of here we've got ourselves this little skip door oh and we've left this place full of survival meals namely because well it's only going to be these guys left behind or usually it's just one of them Draco here and they've got a they 100 mood they don't care what happens so we left them a table and chairs cuz we're not monsters and some survival meals and they can literally just stand here meditating at the tree they stop occasionally to grab a snack done and Siege from the hoys well then easy2 humans that is plenty of neural heat for everyone that's well 82 neural heat for everyone assuming we can kill a lot of them all let's go over there and kill them real quick before they try and Siege up on a combat tile this could actually be annoying several of these have low Shield packs which is going to make our life an awful lot more uncomfortable let's maybe pull back a little bit further what I've done is uh I've turned on the Range Notifier thing so I can see what ranges we are at and the circles over here they're just the range put on on a bunch of them that have those low Shield packs just so I can keep track of them a little bit easier there's a mark Pawn mod we could use but uh this is sort of like an allinone mod that works for me yeah perfect uh then we shall do yeah guided shot for range actually wait nope nope nope you will do you and you perfect then we'll do oh no faster firing yeah first then we shall do guided shot yeah and as you can see those low Shield packs are very frustrating and where were we uh Vortex no hurricane no no not the hurricane h no no no no no no no almost accidentally fired a hurricane there that would have been a little we've got this thing called ball lightning and we can should be able to use that to well cut back on any problems we encounter as in it should knock out low Shield packs I think I'm going to have to start manually getting them to Target people because those low Shields are just so frustrating all right open fire again and there we go Bunches of them getting slaughtered that's exactly what we wanted H if we could keep shooting them till as many of them as possible are dead that would be great we're here for the corpses remember uh 52 is respectable 58 yeah we'll take it and they even dropped us some resources that we can use oh there's a whole bunch of survival meals I don't think we're keeping this tile though thing is I don't want to be dealing with these low Shields every time we'll hold out for a tribal tile time to leave just I didn't see any of these when we took over the tiles so I figured there be no low Shields that's the only thing that really messes up our strategy is though so yeah let's evacuate using our old friend the uh combat tile leaving taking everything with you overburdening a pawn to the absolute gills with stuff uh Chief multi hat here is carrying along basically a graveyard and a whole bunch of animals as well I figured why not D the place out of meat while we're at it it's just a quick way of bringing back a whole bunch of food for the fridge once they're gone we'll have a double check to make sure we haven't left anything behind and then we can Evacuate the tile I think next up we'll try this play oh actually maybe this one oh no gaslighters gas blighters mean they're not tribal this this faction might be tribal so long as yeah independent group s house yeah they sound tribal they could they could totally be tribal it's a Pity this place was a dud I was really hoping to get a little bit more combat life out of it well and it's gone uh next upep we'll try the logging size all of that effort over over there was just so we get Brian here to hop on top of this pile and go ah consume bodies perfect this will make Brian much more powerful bearing in mind they've only got what s level one their neural heat is now going to be about 100 oh God why is that so slow yeah so they got a noral heat of 100 despite only being at s level one that's crazy good crazy crazy good all we got to do is do like about a week or two in Game of that and we should have everyone at about 200 neural heat no matter what their s levels are ah oh and I should probably go and take care of that nope nope nope nope instead of taking care of that I've got a better idea oh simir over here we've got a bit of a problem they're still losing their religion despite losing both their ears somehow people are still talking to them they have no hearing I presume they're sign languaging to convert them over I don't know how it's just oh and we've also given them a couple of feel hands to make them better at their job they they're just a 100% super specialized farmer however to keep their religion so that they don't lose their specialization and being a herb brain and all this stuff and the advantages that comes with that religion there was some wonderful suggestions in the comments namely uh do a conversion ritual and then just make sure that when you do the conversion ritual on them that you do in the worst place possible as in just a room with nothing else in it well okay a room without any of the altars or anything like that then remove everyone from it so that there's only two people show up to do it and your expected quality is 0% literally no chance it's either going to be terrible or ineffective there is no chance of actually improving their uh or disproving or what whatever they're going to stick with their current religion they're going to find this the worst thing possible it's like getting dragged into a room by your manager to talk about something that has nothing to do you know what it's fine it'll be grand psychic drone High female I don't think so I don't like the sound of that that sounds um inconvenient uncomfortable not good for our people uh voy Che how you doing buddy uh we unlocked your empath scicast section and we would like you to do a psychic drone for females psychic sooth for females it'll cost you 80% of your SCI Focus you won't be able to make drugs for a while but that's okay and once you do that it gets rid of the psychic drone High female or uh I don't think it overwrites it but I think it nullifies at the very best we have a psychic Soo over there H psychic Harmony no no no Grant y all done so that solved that problem it seems high psychic Jones are no longer an issue when you have someone who can overwrite them beautiful next up we're going to accept a quest waste pack drops not for anything good here there's nothing really good here well I will like the skill trainer for shooting that's not bad uh yeah you know what we'll take this terrible conversion ritual excellent absolutely excellent only time I've ever really liked that that has made them far more certain in the religion by about 10 percentage points ah beautiful all right Quest yes uh let's accept this for 821 toxic waste pack that's what we're in this for we don't care about the rest of this stuff at all where the toxic waste Pack's going to land that's the question oh here they come uh where did they land oh come on that's miles away it's going to take forever to drag those back to base and hopefully no one goes past there all right uh start dragging them in well you want to get them out of there before they start causing issues like oh I don't know decaying especially those ones in the water uh they all need to go well our pawns move all of this very very very slowly back to here fact you know what let's launch all of these pods now there is 25 waste 25 waste 25 75 waste if that doesn't get these guys annoyed enough to attack us I don't know what will damn it I didn't launch them as a group N whatever we'll launch a lot of them see what happens if they attack attack us back great if they don't well then it's fine we'll figure something else out we've definitely got plenty more toxic waste to feed them uh plane wise we are loaded up on loads of drugs and some corn we picked up we we collected a bunch of corn when we took out some people and over here I think we're going to head to this location to trade thing is we have actually traded with everyone we can possibly trade with for example over here we've traded with them we've only got 13 days till the next restock and all the way on the opposite side of the planet we've got 22 days till the next restock we have gone through all of them having this plane means you can trade with everyone on the planet kind of awesome thing is I went around this way across the top back and down up or down through here and back in but by the time we got to the last four or five places I was out of cash but I did have a quick look so let's go back and grab some of those things that we didn't get first time around and in the meantime yeah we've angered that Nation they're going to be pretty annoyed and we're still going to send more we've got the steel and we've got the components to make their lives well very toxic for a while to come this first place had a shooting trainer and an arite capsule which we can use to install some fancy jeans also it you know has a little bit of chem fuel we're going to grab the chem fuel now because we need to keep refueling as we go along we're effectively flying across the planet so we got a hopscotch everywhere buy everywhere we go well buy more fuel everywhere we go and that allows us to just keep going and going and going now what did you guys have did I oh archite capsules again we're going to need that for the genetic stuff ah psychic harmonizer thank you kind of and yes another one of those for our people those the thrs make the best psych psychic harmonizers I've ever seen and I'm pretty sure this was the last place yeah let's just have a quick look see ah super size sensitivity yes definitely wanted That Never Sleeps No thank you for our last stop s extrem Advanced components chem fuel low Shield Pack and a bunch of medicine that's pretty much everything we can buy and let's refuel and get out of here how far can we make it that's 70 fuel can we make it all the way no cannot make it all the way back home you know what we'll just stop there uh we can trade with them then we'll refuel and get back on our way finally turns out those uh wongo people have gotten a little bit annoyed about all the toxic waste pack we've been dumping on them which took a while how we DPed 14% their entire tile has been polluted up to 14% by the amount of toxic whack before they eventually send someone to complain 127 of them um are they going to break through the walls or they going to go around the outside come on and we have the front door open yes we do are you going to they're breaking through the walls well in that case let's send the entire team over and have a quick Ward with them yeah I think back here should be fine yeah yeah over here I was really hoping we could you know lure them into a combat situation that was well more beneficial to us oh uh Draco how about you take the pep out of their step by no NOP by giving us some rapid fire uh yeah where is your rapid fire ability God there's so many abilities firing Focus excellent now check at that one nope the wrong one tet that one perfect that should slow them down a wee bit Target that one you two are already H you know what this is fine these guys right here they should be able to take him without any movement required you activate uh you also activate that is perfect then we will also get you guys to activate your fast firing abilities as well and I'm pretty sure that's it Chief multi hat maybe Target that one right there uh you guys just maybe Target some of the closer ones just to make sure they don't get any closer uh you need to go you need to get got H how about you too oh that guy's actually shooting no never mind he's dead oh yeah I got a turn on void don't I okay I'm going to turn on void the moment this fight is over look at that guy he's just standing like never mind he's dead now but still the rate of fire is just ridiculous well thank you for your complaint it was Julie noted which reminds me we should load up some more toxic ways to send out their way CH from multi hat yep you keep getting injured we are going to have to upgrade your suit and thr you there's no point not thring you at this point just the only reason we haven't we didn't thr called them earlier on was they're not really that good at meditating where is it you see Chief multi hat is not tribal and since they're not tribal we'd have to actually get them a s trainer uh or a neur forer we've gotten two of those so far they' been keeping in storage I think it's time they got to use theirs and just start meditating since we've got the uh the auras active on the boys and girls over here we might as well use it to take this area out uh let's just highlight your turrets uh yeah there we go if we with their turrets you'll see we're just on the edge of their range so we'll Siege mode up and then once we're Siege moded up we will firing Focus then we've got firing Focus we'll hit guided shot doubles range uh doubles damage and a bunch of other stuff but that should be a case of can you shoot guys why are you not shooting let's get all of you to start shooting um take out yeah that thing first oh and we should activate control frenzy yeah there we go yeah that seems a bit right guys want to try anything new no no just walk straight into the meat grinder and die God these weapons are just so incredibly overp powerful overpowered all right void up next because this is just silly yeah done done and done only thing we're missing is actually we got to get back a little bit further in there don't we well that was pretty handy not a scratch on them helps be able to outrange all the weapons that was one thing the base game did very well it made sure you could never outrange the mechanoids they wanted to make things uh uncomfortable for you that way all right Hightech Shield yeah we can deconstruct you in fact we can deconstruct all all this leftover junk for a few extra components would you look at this more delicious tasty snacks all right let's get a few people out there to take care of them real quick that was I haven't even had time to take this stuff down you guys are just donating far too quickly for us we're not even going to try anything too fancy here we're bringing in the whole team um they've basically got all close combat Weaponry yeah few bows some muskets nothing too crazy some of our walls will get destroyed in this but you can notice the difference here we don't have all of our abilities active and despite having far more pawns we're not doing nearly as much damage let's try the Marksmanship command and yes is that it yeah one Marksmanship command the other one is still recharging is it yeah it won't be available for 2.2 days that is fine o uh might want to start hitting up a few of these abilities here I just didn't think we'd need them uh you know what Willie why don't you hit faster firing yeah go for that did someone just Chuck a rocket us I think someone did in that case we'll have Willie Target them guys y wow rid of like we are not even close without all of the abilities active it's just not the same all right let's go for it uh activate firing Focus uh you can have you got firing focus on yeah you do I could just right click them for autoc casting but I don't think we need them and does someone I mean anyone want to shoot that guy there we go we actually took a few injuries there that was much weaker well the thing was Catgirl at the time had just sort of burned through all of her neural heat because she was consuming corpses so I thought ah we'll just get the rest of the team to take care of it but goes to show you you got to be a little bit more careful here h all right everyone back to work that could have went worse uh get your neural heat back up and running again we'll have to replace some walls and then uh we'll scoop up all these corpses for some more neural heat drain it's times like this that make me think you know what maybe I messed up uh that's another pollution retaliation that's the third one in a row in a very very short period of time I think I'm going to get hit with a couple more after this as well aren't I there's a lag between throwing the toxic waste of them and then attacking you and and I just tossed like just enormous quantities of toxic waste of them all right Catgirl you're on the way Willie you are on the way I'm going to have the three of them pop up over here if it's a problem all of them are going to have to retreat but that is for my God uh you have grenade barrage right uh yeah throw that there oh that's too slow um I think we need to run yeah Willie Catgirl you guys are going to come up actually can the enemies use the portals is the question you know what doesn't matter teleport uh teleport to home you guys pause here for just a second perfect okay you guys go there we're going to have to head back up this direction uh We've also got Zoe coming down here because she's got skip she's got a doom day and a dream now you guys what are you going to do are you going to go through the gate nope wait yes um okay they can use the gate in that case destroy we don't want that causing any problems okay we'll take our kill team we'll head over this direction we don't want them getting near the airplane as Zoe's on her way down there let's keep an eye on the mini map make sure everyone hits their destinations as required o you know what take a side approach come out the side and why are you guys so slow oh wait yeah you're wearing a whole bunch of heavy armor that makes you guys move as slow as wet weak fine speed boost yes uh speed boost makes you move faster is it fast enough who knows but we'll try Ryan's got some well on them now 15 move speed these guys have got nine 10 yeah yep that is um that is exactly what we wanted Zoe how you doing down there you are collected zo we can go down there ground the rest of you head over this direction One perfect start chipping away from a distance why don't just Siege moded up then we'll put you on you don't really need control frenzy control frenzy doubles their damage uh but what's the point of doubling their damage H you know what let's do it anyway takes a few seconds to kick in and then we'll give them speed boost or speed foot fire boost doubles rate of fire or reduces their cool down and they seem to be Milling about what is this pollution retaliation it doesn't tell you but it looks like this is one of those waight then attack moments in which case Zoe we want you to get over here you are going to get in there and you're going to get him with a doomsday and see what happens yeah the enols are beginning to Res bit late guys yeah that's not going to go well for you you target them then and that one perfect okay Zoe quick doomsday on these guys should take care of the problem yeah we're going to have lots of corpses after this how many are we up to right now 235 let's see what happens by the time we run out of um well Bia retaliations I don't know if this doomsday is going to be no that doomsday is not going to be get off a good shot at it just go back and hide then we'll let back to work we'll send then the other three the other three will take care of the problem they move so much faster with speed boost that is yep we are going to have to use that more frequently speed boost just allows us to really get in close guys get a little bit closer baby come on they should attack shortly or yeah there we go uh firing Focus the usual Ary and they can take care of all of these guys in no time at all we just want to make sure we have some SCI Focus left after all of this so that they can handle the next wave and the wave after that and the wave after that and the wave after that right priorities priorities and more priorities we need to yeah seal back in the walls forget the corpse moving we need to get those walls sealed up uh corpse moving was nice and all that but that's not important right now what's more important to sealing ourselves off so we have a chance with the next one of these hits we can move the corpses later well that didn't take long at all uh yeah yeah we're going to have how many is there left now uh there is another 267 of them on the map that is wonderful and we've got 328 of ah well I did want lots of corpses uh dreams do come true sometimes the next attack looks to be Milling about outside 113 over there 135 over there don't seem to have any breaching weapons so I think they're just going to come through the center yeah we're just going to let them do their thing Adis what are you doing holding nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope no holding from over there thank you very much do something else instead holding a short bow why why would you hold this constant attacks has revealed weaknesses in our plans weaknesses that must be ameliorated later but for now this blob that was down here they seem to be going around the long way towards our kill Pond uh this blob over here split in a half but they got confused by this door one of our people went in pretty close to the time limit so they kind of got half split up but they're coming through to the kill Pond here and we're just bringing everyone over to shoot them full of bullets uh so how you looking up you're the thing is we don't think we have any good combat abilities we kind of been focusing at all on our dreadn style war caskets however they're running pretty low on scast use ooh actually willly still good uh Willie we can overclock at least uh you can go for it buddy yep they can make a good mess okay this is not going well is it there's still 69 of them oh actually there's more than 16 left KN just don't have the Firepower anymore were that the abilities and like we had our shooting specialist abilities on but they're on cool down now and I haven't turned Brian into a shooting Specialist or Saro fall back just fall back we need to fall back to here and me contain them at this location they're all close combat they're all close combat we don't need to be fighting them in the open we could have just grenaded them like we normally do but it's just we had so much Firepower we were we were you know living on the high life oh guys run run run run run run run run run run pretty fast if you wouldn't mind just think of this as localized corpse delivery where they're delivering their corpses right to where they need to be as quickly and efficiently as possible how look at the amount of gunshots this guy took and he's still not gone down 1 two 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 shots how you don't even have go juice that is an incredible amount of tankiness I don't know what's going on there yeah uh who do we want to put up front now Wily's got good side Focus Draco actually Draco you can go up front willly pull back Draco Hold the Line H Draco Draco why did you not move forward you're you're you're killing me here buddy just shoot the guy behind the guy in front of you okay go go there go there oh my God that is very frustrating okay then uh shoot that guy uh Rizza I want you out of the way uh Zoe get back there for a second and how about you put down the time spere nope nope NOP right about there should be plenty good let's see how that messes them up I God I for how long that time sphere takes okay willly is there cat girl Deyes get in there Willie I would like you to overclock your shooting there just a little bit get some faster shooting going on all right perfect how are you guys doing in there basil you're good Bleeding Out nope no no pull back pull back uh would some of you please for the love of jbus shoot the gun how shoot that guy right there that was I feel like you were messing that up on purpose fine fine fine sorry about that Basel my bad okay that was horrendously badly done just horrendously badly done and I I'm not even sure the time sphere did oh my God here comes another one right we'll send basil off to the medic and then I think we're going to timef for the next crowd in fact no I think we're going to repair those walls super quick if we can plan here very very very very simple we want to close this door uh then we want to Build That Wall segment and then we want to move everyone over here so they can shoot you this section at whatever is coming in uh to do that we simply would select something say like whatever the spear was that we want to move then we just create stockpile I love that quick create sh stockpile short but button it's just it saves so much time time and effort we've done the same thing with the corpse so the corpse will get pulled out of the door the spear should get pulled out of the way and then who's got construction Jason here yeah should be able to I want you to I don't want you to romance that can you build a wall prioriti working on the marble wall please thank you um yeah Chief multi hat Grand all right now let's get everyone arranged in a better uh line of fire oh do we still have time yep we still have a little bit of time before the enemies get here uh Sun Christ is taking away basle to the medical section um door is closed Jason Fenwick is taking care of that and then everyone else we can start lining up for the next round right we are good to go we're getting a few shots off on the distant ones everyone's lined up I want all of our Heavy Hitters right in a row down the middle uh Zoe get in here and I want you to time sphere again yeah right about there it's the time there's a bit of a time lag on this thing going off so I want to wait until we can catch as many of them as possible there we go aging them up 30 years should at least slow them down a few frail backs bad backs and all sorts of stuff Muppet uh get on the firing line o they'll get you over here actually yeah that should help so let's try one them no just give us one of the humans I just want one human okay they're 56 years of age 57 n it's not it's not fast enough I don't think we just have to do it the old fashioned way now Dake oh uh Willie go here Willie yeah perfect it's just we need people with the heavy AR armor up front it's the only way they've got just such heavy armor like Draco here has been tanking for a while and they've got a few bruises and stuff oh this might actually be working how are you doing I know you're bleeding out so it doesn't matter give me one of you here 40 years of age 41 trap long enough in there might actually kill them you know what let's time for again I actually no we can't there's people in there now so we might accidentally drag it onto ourselves and start aging our own people to death what why are these guys taking so long to Sun Christ why are you not tending to basle Basil's bleeding out and you're like hey you know what let's go shoot some people I appreciate that you are very motivated however shooting bullets from there it might be harming more than it's helping well this is at least giving all of our people shooting experience the thing is a lot of our guys never got a lot of shooting experience because most of the shooting was done by our THS uh zo there's not much you can do I'm afraid to help how many of them are left 80 well so long as they can't break the front line I think we're [Music] golden uh Jason I would like you to go over there if you would mind Catgirl I would like you to go over there I want you a little bit closer to the front line in case one of these other wall segments goes uh you can go back here go here and yeah our door well the doors are already boned so doesn't really make a difference uh there's a guy like right there and no one is shooting them guys seriously yeah there you go there you go oh my God how many corpses do we have I mean that was the 500 500 corpses this is go like the amount of time it's going to take to develop the neural heat just to kill them all it it's the game is running at a snail's pace because there's too many of them all over the place uh guys try and get off a few shots a few more I mean yeah a few more corpses why not all right then once they're taken care of we can continue on with the plan and hopefully we don't get another pollution retaliation I mean they seem very very annoyed like they have lodged 511 formal complaints they seem very motivated I think one thing I would like to do right now before we get hit by anyone else is call in a trade Caravan uh probably a combat one so we can sell off all of those weapons that are on the map there's too many of them and I just want them all gone so request a trade Caravan please combat supplier yes also we can perhaps heal up some of our people real quick that might be nice Willie how you looking bruises bruises what are you no no no Willie if you've got bruises there's not even bed rest for you you do not need bed rest just uh get up go about the place do your job you'll be fine well no more pollution attacks Revenge attacks yet um I'm not perfectly sure there won't be any more uh especially considering we've still got a lot and I mean a lot of pollution left to go 603 toxic waste packs uh okay okay we're going to clean up the corpses first then we got to clean up all the toxic waste packs this is going to be messy one way or the other however Empire has shown up they are here with their Royal tribute collector and we're going to do some silly stuff with them because we can we're going to trade with them uh Zoe here needs to get up with the Empire so let's give them all the gold and all the eltec we've got and they'll give us four honor for that that is pathetically small however what we can do is is under casts under harmonist there is mind control which um yeah this is kind of stupid uh we're going to mind control one second I think this is the right guy yep we're going to mind control the guy we just traded with so mind control poof thank you now we go get them to drop their gold and stuff and uh yeah you basically take them over and you can do whatever you want with them you can have to take all their clothes off if you want to or get take drop armor weapons so you can basically do this to anyone it's not even considered an angry or an aggressive action which seems you know incredibly broken so anyway uh thank you for that what are you doing no uh oh they're going to ha that stuff for us that is um that is sweet thank you thank you for doing that hauling uh I think that's it though yeah they're no longer the leader of the group so you can only do it the once but that's fine uh we'll take all that stuff back it got us a little bit of harmony with the or a little a little bit up with the Empire but I think that's minorly broken but not so badly broken that it makes me angry also since the Empire are here I mean we might as well donate a few of our health problems to them Draco is a little bit unhappy right now but now Draco is absolutely peachy Perfection uh Tyler you can get back to what you're doing and then we'll get the other two sorted out this will get Chief multi hat and Basel back up to speed as well our Trader friends have shown up though you can't really see them with all the junk that's everywhere uh plan super simple zones give us a stockpile we are going to make this entire area just one big stockpile fact we're going to keep enlarging it until we've got all the weapons in it every single last one of them and then we're going to sell the lot of them simple enough plan and that is every single area of the fighting has been covered in some giant stockpile Zone it's all been set to low priority as in there is no priority on this and we have cleared all the possible things that could be stored in it because we don't want anything stored in it then we're going to get Bjorn over here to do a little bit of trading with them so they take away all our junk where where's the guy we can trade with I'm not sure of the name of the mod it'll be in the description but the one that allows me to just go like this and drag down to select everything so handy this should just be in the game by default it makes life so much simpler when you got to do dumb things when you're selling stuff plus side we just made about five grand downside the guy actually has about one grand so we're just going to take some Phoenix armor we don't even want it but I mean the option is just not to get paid or get I'd prefer to have the Phoenix armor so boom that has completely cleared the map except for those little bits I missed in the corners H I'll grab those in a second but yeah that makes the map so much cleaner this is taking far far far too long there's too much toxic waste here it's going to degrade look what it's done to the area in the water I have an idea though something that could uh speed this along quite nicely due to some of the stuff we've got installed we're just going to stick to the skip door um toxic waste area perfect now people can get here and back through the skip door that should save so much hassle for people and that's assuming they use it right oh damn it everyone's gone to sleep okay we'll see what it's like first thing in the morning Yep looks to be working people pop in they grab the the toxic waste packs and then they pop out the other side again this is going to make yeah so much faster it's time for Brian to finally get their upgrade they're they're about to get warked so say goodbye to your petty human Limbs and say hello to 200% sharp protection okay it'll drastically decrease your move speed but you know price is to be paid now I was trying to think of what color to color in Brian and then I thought the only Brian I really know that's famous is Brian Cranston so I suppose Sky meth blue would probably be the best bet though H but to make them truly terrifying we have to make them Gus Fring bald now we could make them other people bald but I think Gus Fring was just like he was the scariest one of a lot of them so he's got Gus frings baldness but he's got the sky meth blue color for the body so he's a meth head but also he's he's Gus so he's a meth up Gus I don't know if that's better or worse best I can come up with for a Brien all right uh yeah we should probably get them built I double checked we just definitely have enough resources and does someone want to get along to that anytime soon now good thing this got started uh turns out yeah cold snap hypothermia standing around in your undies while you're waiting to get in tuned little bit chilly it's okay soon you will never be cold again and done all right the hypothermia should immediately disappear excellent all right I think all we'll do a little bit more body Scavenging make sure everyone's up to speed and then we're going to start dumping more toxic waste on our enemies that's just the best we have seen so far to get large quantities of bodies how many we got left okay we'll clean up another oh say 150 bodies and uh then we'll summon in some more oh I think I did something stupid I let a waste pack infestation happen inside here this is going to be really messy we might lose the helicopter uh but we can't go in there it's just we'll end up in a close combat match with those no what we're going to try and do is come around the side bash open the wall and then fight them from the outside sort of thing that is the H wow the game is getting so laggy that you can actually see people skipping when they hit the gates they just sort of just jump uh you guys I want you to start smashing down that wall we need a gap right there oh great it's raining that is not going to help our accuracy uh Qui Qui quick quick quick shoot at that wall segment perfect and we just need to pull back a bit the animals are probably dead that is fine uh actually pull back a little bit more maybe we can go back beyond the yep that's fine Zoe no B start shooting yeah there we go oh Jason no that's how you get your head blown and clean off Yep they're going for the helicopter and I think that was far less painful than I thought it was going to be well is that a regular infestation what oh actually is a whole regular infestation area that's fine it's it's Bugg today today guys yeah yeah shoot the close ones too little bit of prioritization there would be nice o I just figured you have so much Firepower you should be able to do this a lot quicker and I think that's nope that's not all of them we shall stop for a second there you go perfect so get a little bit closer get a little bit shoer and stop attacking my helicopter done done and all we got left is the helicopter Qui quick quick quick everyone in yeah they haven't going to [Music] Hope Oh beautiful yep it barely done any damage to it it turns out when you're not shooting it with Juiced up charge lances it's actually not so bad all right guys guys shoot that wall segment right there cannot hit Target oh fine we'll get closer we shall get a lot closer would you guys please come out come on seriously how close do we have a there we go that guy just ke over what killed him oh War casket yep yep charge land shot that's it dead is a door now well then that worked out quite nicely we'll uh send everyone back to work we'll hopefully round back up the animals uh yeah everything should be grand and then we oh and then we got to go down and take care of that infestation can't let those things Fester causes problems time to take out the bugs yeah I think we've got the attention so let's activate a couple of skills shall we in fact I need to do a few changes on some of their skills just after this fight uh Catgirl has got firing frenzy Willie has got um Whatchamacallit the regular version so shooting specialist version pirate specialist version and then firing Focus version and then it should be like just a solid B Beam of blue killing everything that moves yeah there we go that is more like it wow where are you guys going there's there we're waiting for you you know what fine you want to go that direction by the time you come back we're going to have annihilated your hive Muppet sometimes the AI in this game it's not the best I mean it's tries now I was trying to Montage a few things there and get all the corpses collected and things were going great we were tossing toxic waste at the tribals the tribal would get annoyed and attack us we would kill them and then we would consume the corpses uh we did maybe lose a little bit of toxic waste there to the background but that's uh that's fine minor price to pay a little bit of toxic spillage uh finally though the void have shown up uh N4 conversion chamber I remember this thing uh I don't think it has a black Le leaper black leaper I believe it's called I mean black leper just sounds way better in my opinion but but it's it is what it is uh however there's also loads of stuff that just keeps happening that you just H suppose it's the joys of uh R world first we've got new lovers Idris Smith and chief multi hat Inus here spends most of their time cooking these days though their construction skills have come in handy in the past animals are pretty much useless on this run through and they're generally all around a solid pod Chief multi hat is the one we got from that annoying Quest oh I think the Empire one the anti-empire one so basically a royal bastard and uh they're only good at shooting we War cast them ages ago which reminds me we should really upgrade their War cast they've got one of the the terrible First Rate ones but that's okay that's okay we can sort that out in a minute uh I was about to start doing applying a genan pack I had come up with a decent one I thought considering what we had access to uh nonsence so they basically don't get any old age related stuff like cataracts toen any of that stuff perfect immunity uh they've got very sleepy but that doesn't matter because well they're all ready not sleeping at all so they don't care uh Go Juice impervious very important uh awful social major cell inst stability major cell instability is free if you've got access to nonsence and perfect immunity oh actually it doesn't mean they'll age faster but eh we can start that out if we need to perfect immunity also counteracts that because we've got uh no chance of getting flu malaria sleeping sickness plague infection L all that stuff is gone uh poor construction because that's free they're they're in war casks they're never going like this is only for our war casket people so Grant very unattractive who cares oh and Fire Resistance just to make sure they get set on fire less this seemed like a really solid Gene pack that was you know pretty decent and wouldn't be too hard to install uh but then we went on one last cargo run and we got our hands on archite metabolism this one's actually pretty interesting AR metabolism basically gives you uh six free complexity points so that's nice however it's bundled with tox immunity which cost us four points but it does mean if we install this we get two free complexity points well free being relatively speaking uh but they also get toxic immunities which means we don't need any more of those to detoxifier lungs which is a Pity because we just finish building all the detoxifier lungs but you know you live and you learn all right we'll sort that but I think first we're going to go over there and kill whatever's in that uh I don't know if we want the whole team or just actually know what Chief I think it's time you got your upgrade we are going to put Chief multi hat in the highest level armor casing we've got that spacer stuff this will complet nullify their psychic sensitivity which is a bit of a minus but we were never well I figure having someone who has this armor planting on why not this comes with a built-in low Shield Pack you can deploy so they basically have a regeneratable low Shield Pack which could be useful long term uh it does cost a little bit more than normal but why not also the protection on this is crazy 200% sharp 150% blunt they can stand up front and tank just about anything get them their old special Gene pack nope nope nope let's not get too detailed into it since Chief multi hat is a royal bastard we shall go with purple I think purple's the Royal color so wait is that pink or purple I can't tell that looks the most purple to me oh wait actually no that that's probably just a little bit better oh wait no no just just give them a ginormously pink helmet just to make them more visible I mean we want people to shoot at them they're the toughest one there all right that's going to be pretty expensive but I'm pretty sure we've got the necessary resources that's going to be a lot of advanced components but you know Muppet can replace all the that stuff and you'll notice that their previous war casket just got turned into a little bit of scrap metal that is um mildly depressing all right let's get them hooked up and once they're ready to go we're going to go out and take care of whatever's inside this and let's find out what the void have in store for us today that armor looks pretty awesome sauce all right let's uh let's get you guys on the road I think we plan will be this we'll have someone pop over here and shoot this then run back and then whatever comes out of it we'll draw draw them over here this gives us a nice big open area to riddle them full of hot plasma or charge Lance bolts all right now there's a few noises coming from this thing they don't seem Pleasant however we've got Draco over here they're currently experiencing a g frenzy which makes them go a little bit faster which is good because they want to shoot this thing oh what's this 31 move speed um yeah yep you're going to you're going to come back over here buddy uh you guys need to start activating abilities like crazy yep we'll activate that ability we will activate wait a minute you're not turned into a shooting specialist yet we will activate that ability quick quick quick quick okay now we need to activate everyone else's other abilities which would include oh I don't know Fast Fire firing Focus which let's still this game down a bit then after everyone's activated firing Focus we want to double their damage so we want controlled frenzy oh God that thing is fast fast and then I think we're going to skip it uh yeah all the way back to here just to buy ourselves more time my God that thing is quick all right uh so we've got a bunch of the stuff activated the only thing we're missing is guided shot I just didn't think this thing was going to be so fast bleeding out in 5 hours well that's uh good but holy Christ that thing was quick that thing was insanely Fast 5 like it has just crap tons of hit points ooo well War caskets charge lances absolute murder ensues it took a while but two Vol two sets of volleys we can't handle multiple ones of those still can we you see the thing is catgirl here is the has firing frenzy however that's because she's a something pickaroon ah a grungy pickaroon we can only have one of those in the colony it seems we can have as many shooting Specialists as we want but you can only have one grungy picaroon the grungy pickaroon is from the Pirates expanded thingy that we got oh okay and note to S do not chop up the volatile leaper because that thing will produce a awful lot of meat that we don't want and then everyone will get very unhappy from eating it so you guys can just uh leave that there that corpse can Decay or whatever and the rest of you can uh grab that stuff and go about your day Chief multi hat do you have to detoxifier lungs yes then you can walk through that corpse stink as much as you want there's a lot of corpse stink going on at the moment so I have disabled the collection of corpses just for a wee bit until that smell goes away that was um slightly nerve-wracking actually you guys should probably get back over here what I would like to do is take care of that thing now fact let's just speed boost you over there you can afford the mana burn right now and last time this thing was giving off a aura not actually seeing it though or maybe it just doesn't affect THS no one seems unhappy with it oh well destroy it and finished and what are you a volatile implant yeah it's been time we started getting into some of this stuff heat oh heat defense melee P armor penetration Consciousness yeah we we'll take all of that stuff thank you kindly it's true what there what they say life it uh it finds a way I have no idea how that works out also uh we're we're going to have to sort of uh mind DP Chief multi hat or mind DP them you know what I mean we're going to have to throw them because well they kind of need that if they're going to be going out and about on on fighting missions and it's just well it's not like they have any other skills anywhere question is will Idis notice think of it sort of like a Stepford Wives sort of situation but with zombies we're having a bit of a minor pollution retaliation here so we sort of teleported everyone as close to them as quickly as we possibly could we're now fighting in toxic waste but it it's fine now Muppet here just got hit by an arrow or something Longbow I thought we demonstrate our new ability here on Chief multi hat their Guardian warcast comes with a 150 built-in Shield they can still shoot but they've also got a built-in Shield of them and they've got an activate Shield field which is basically a low Shield pop that lasts about 10 seconds and it's rechargeable so it lasts about 4 minutes or so but this does allow us to at least buy ourselves 10 seconds while we well kill everything here uh maybe one of you guys might want to take out some of those people who are shooting at us uh if I could figure out where they are there's too many to Milling about you know what it's fine it probably won't last the full 10 seconds anyway yeah kind of predictable that well more corpses for neural heat we are definitely way way over time and I had to get this video out a day late just because of all the stuff I was doing but there's one last thing I want to demonstrate just some of the power creep we're heading towards in terms of stupidity uh Zoe over here is is pretty much max they're like level 20 it takes forever for them to gain any levels and we're going to start swapping their powers back and forth with that SAR over here they'll get their their Warrior name in a minute and they haven't got their they've they've got one level in s Powers we're going to use sarrow and Zoe and P their powers back and forth to open up a whole bunch of slots for them so Zoe here has been pretty much vanilla made as in there's no real we haven't done any exploitative stuff with her which is why she's only got access to a few small like she's all the skip Master Powers but that's about it now we're just going to de Shield them one quick drain C Essence later what was that explosion oh right all the gates went down well that was expensive going to have to replace all those chairs uh Chief how you doing because that thing just exploded right beside you you good okay let me just double check to make sure no one got hurt uh siir where are you oh nope you're in the hospital and Riz sorry about that buddy uh we need to be more careful about that those teleporting Gates were all linked to Zoe So when Zoe went down all the gates went with her and they're explosive we should have um disable those before we started my bad anyway fixing that in a minute Saro here is got 19 pcast points to spend well 20 points to spend so we're immediately going to unlock archon and we're going to go up here make them drop drop the ring I made this mistake in the past they have to drop the ring here otherwise they can't learn the ability while they've got it on and we go up here and boom drain cence they've now got drain cence without requiring the ring then we go down to necropath open that up grab them this this and corpse talk and get them death Shield where's that other one no in fact I think they've got all the ones we really want in there I used to grab all of the things in here but yeah I don't think they're necessary well maybe word of protection word of protection basically gives all the PS in who get it uh tough it gives them the tough trait combine that with group link you can basically make a whole bunch of Pawns really tough really quickly I honestly don't think we're going to need to use it but better have it than and not need it than need it than not have it uh also we're going to go down and grab static Lord while we're here we've got eight points left to spend and we shall give them oh where is it yeah we want to get this this this and we want to grab hurricane that gives us two points left over I'd like ball lightning that gives us an EMP blast that we can use and I'll spend the other points somewhere else uh I think we may have broke something here Zoe when she wakes up despite no longer having any sigh levels somehow still has s focus and and neural heat I think that's because of those Gates huh interesting that is um well you know what let's uh let's get back get you back to the tree and begin a linking ritual uh that that might hopefully help make you more normal again please zo we got their levels back well they got a silink back and then we gave them the ring for drain of cence whatever then they can Now drain their levels back from sarrow usual Malarkey we've been doing before however there's some things we can unlock now that will be quite tasty the two trees we're going to need are static Lord and harmonist which I've been hitting up quite hard because there's two abilities in here we really want to get access to uh I just grab these and then we will grab this heat focus and hurricane now the reason for that is oh it's going to be so dumb but so funny actually one more skill we'll grab while we're in here where is it ah transmutation that was the other one I wanted there we go transmutation perfect so here's what we can do uh first we'll have to grab a little bit of scci focus so Zoe will have to meditate up again right time to put this stupidity into motion first up we're going to summon a hurricane uh this cost 50% of your s focus and takes about 6 seconds boom and it's raining yep yep just raining away now anyone caught outside will get their movement drastically reduced for example Muppet here is at 30% movement so they can move at 30% normal speed their manipulation and sight are all reduced to 30% as well it makes moving fighting shooting doing anything outdoors really hard well we have ways to r that of course but more importantly what it does is watch the neural heat here on Zoe it goes through the roof really quickly to maintain a it she basically has to pay neural heat she has a lot of neural heat but even she can't maintain it forever so the hurricane will now dissipate after a little bit of time but this is where the second trade comes in heat Focus initiates heric medit blah blah blah basically it turns neural heat into SCI Focus I think it's about a 2 or 2.5 ratio so two or two and a half neural heat gets turned into 1% SCI Focus so when we hit this we're going to convert all that neural heat into CCI Focus so [Music] and boom 100% SCI Focus yes now you might you might have went wait what did that just happen yes now we didn't get rid of all the noral heat it only converted the amount of neural heat it needed to turn it into SCI Focus however what we can do is well let's summon another hurricane it only cost us 50 50% SCI Focus so what do we care and boom so then we'll hit the heat Focus thing again it takes uh five 6% side Focus you need to have at least 6% side Focus left to use this thing so 56 done and now we're finished we're right back up to 100% SCI Focus so let's do something even dummer let's do uh not luck transfer ah transmutation uh 6C cast in time cost 30% of your s focus and we're going to use it on a big pile of drugs what this does is it randomly turns into something of equal value so we're going to take 150 flake and turn it into something random and it gives us time quake that's um actually delicious you know what we will uh use that thank you kindly it just so happens that the full stack of flake is equivalent to a lot of spells and abilities so like 50% of the time maybe 30% of somewhere between 30 to 50% of the time converting drugs gives you some sort of s focused based skill trainer which seems like a good way to get a lot of them considering we have well a lot of space over here and we can effectively do this indefinitely because after paying for that we can then well do the good old Wombo Combo of we'll cast a hurricane yeah and then once the Hurricane's cast we'll do the heat Focus uh and then once the heat focus is cast oh I should point at something else SCI Focus experience Gain is based on how much uh SCI Focus you regenerate so you'll notice we're at 4 40 Point well 4 44.7 SCI Focus right now or experience to the next level when this goes through we are going to gain oh about 80 points and boom look at that so you're gaining experience you're gaining s cast powers and you get to cast anything that costs under about 43 or 44% SCI focus and you can just cast that for free and keep doing it again and again and again the only downside is you need a lot of neural heat for this you need about 450 to 500 neural heat which means you got to consume a lot of corpses to do this and be healthy so so I think all our zombies are going to have to consume a lot more corpses before they can really hit this Wombo Combo but it allows for some interesting shenanigan R so it's why I've been sort of spending a lot of time developing them is because I don't want to just kill the void I want to dominate them so hard it leaves a mark on them permanently anyway I I am out of time for the day I'm going to cut this out here I uh hope you enjoyed good luck [Music] [Music] he
Channel: Francis John
Views: 22,075
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lets play, void, Vehicles, expanded, psycasts, Psycasts Expanded
Id: 1RjUhrQ17nk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 17sec (4157 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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