Unholy levels of firepower : Rimworld Modded

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and we're back with some more Rim world uh properly this time of course and uh right now we're just going through the motions of getting everyone pumped up on power for example Willie right now has done the latest side R and they're a saster level 14 Draco is catching up from being drained but it doesn't matter they kept all of their light their abilities so they can still fight just as well unfortunately their neural Heat's a bit low we're going to have to make sure that these guys playing R Robin with their powers still have enough leftover uh neural heat to be able to run all these Powers when they're on low side levels so we're going to have to give them all corpse drain as well and for that I think it's time we accepted a few quests to get some people here so that we can kill them and use their bodies as a power source uh I've been trying to get it by tossing toxic waste at tribes people but they haven't seemed to get angry enough about it I've put down two toxified generators just so we can generate more toxic waste to encourage more tribals to attack Us by firing toxic waste at them but no hasn't helped oh and over here yeah I think Zoe will'll give her the honor we want to get Zoe up with the Empire so we can buy some things off them so we're going to do some comp compensated Warfare we're going to get attacked by a bunch of wasters we're going to kill them use their bodies as a power source and we also get honor so this works out wonderfully for everyone uh okay well maybe not the wasters but that's their own fault done now in about 4 hours we're going to get attack so I think it will bring everyone back home in a wee bit and get ready for a bit of an attack it's been 8 hours since we accepted the quest that means the enemy should be along shortly I've uh yep talks group raid relationship uh breach your walls determine their own path into the colony destroy anything in their patho there's a lot of them what's your religion by any chance maybe it'll be useful to us no no nothing good there never mind well it's 66 human sources of power and they're going to be breachers so I figure we get everyone uh except for Zoe Zoe is really not a combat focused Pawn just yet uh we're going to let them continue doing what they're doing we're going to put them all along here every single one of them are all going to sh come up here they're going to try and breach whoa they got grenades yep that's going to be fast we're going to bring all of our people up here line them up in a straight line and then we're just going to start pounding away come on come on come on fact maybe go a little bit to the side here get a better angle could you stop shooting our walls very inconsiderate of you perfect perfect perfect now what's your range I think Draco and Willie can do better range than that you can do Marksmanship command then move there H you two can do Siege mode to deploy then after you've deployed we want you to use controlled frenzy actually no we want to double your range first so yeah let's uh increase your range why can't you do that oh yeah you don't have the neural heat that's one of the reasons we got to guided shot on you um start shooting then what we want to do is crank you up with firing focus and that means you should fire more rapidly perfect then do we want to focus people down is the question or just let them go nuts probably Focus people down a bit now which one of you has got the low Shield Pack I know one of you does adris has the low Shield Pack okay so we'll move everyone over there but we kind of don't want to people getting that close uh do you guys have any doomsdays or anything we need to worry about uh no triples no doomsdays nothing too scary this is um actually a little concerning that there's not more firing Focus yep increase the cre a fire that should be pretty much the end of everything for them because the moment they get in range they're just going to get wow like there's realistically only two people shooting here and they just leveled them like people are saying we're not ready to take on the void I mean I get why they would say that but again I don't think that's going to be a well okay maybe it is going to be a problem it just seems uh improbable that we would have a lot of difficulty with smaller void raids let's say anyway let's just wait for the next raid to hit and then we can uh soak up those corpses the next attack is a Siege yeah it's not going to go well for them either 87 of them that's okay we've uh set up over here we're going to do ranged on one of them so all we have to do is increase the range on one they should get yeah guided shot perfect they can start shooting into the mess over there no and since guided shot is already on for you let's increase your rate of fire by giving you firing focus and then you can also get firing Focus I think is we've only got two people really maxed out so far and oh God uh you can't do anything more there's no point pretty much doing anything else here oh now that's a problem those low Shield packs would be an issue instead what we're going to do is start targeting ones that are out in the open Yep this way we can make sure that we're not wasting our Firepower does take a little bit of micromanagement but I don't really see this working out well for like any of our enemies uh let's maybe yeah do a few around here you know what that'll work for now you are already targeting people you are oh my God you're going to actually Target people in some of them moved fine you guys Target over here right a whole bunch of queuing up of shots done and yeah we're taking shots but the thing is our armor is so incredibly good it really makes no difference and who is shooting at the shield was that you no how about you ah yes we maybe pointed you at the wrong person Stop Force Target just start shooting at random uh and I think that's plenty of corpses for the corpse well well we'll just keep shooting for a bit longer how you guys doing on exposure uh toxic buildup is initial but that's okay we'll walk you out of here in a second done thing is their aror is so incredibly tough that most normal weapons like o actually that hurt crack in the spine from a sniper rifle like it mostly high damage weapons can get through but even then most of those only hit like three to five damage oh that was just that's three people taking on an entire r it feels entirely amazing but also incredibly broken I'm just going to skip it forward a bit while we recruit two more people we pic picked up some people on a raid when we went out and about uh they've got five shooting and seven shooting we're basically just going to convert them over to our religion recruit them in as regular colonists and then mind break them later to turn them into THS but only after we've maybe upped their magic powers just a little bit that way they can wear the Rings and it makes things less complicated Excuse me while I start making some piles what we've done here is made a big pile of corpses for Willie now the reason we're doing this Willie just pop over here for a second is because we're playing round robin with the powers we basically have a saster level 14 here in Willie and then what we're going to do is we're going to drain the powers out of them and give them to Catgirl diogenes however Willie will keep all of their sigh Powers well once we give them a new level back at the tree and again another one level one s Focus all of their magical abilities or all of their s Powers will still remain so this allows us to keep passing them round and round and dumping giving people access to more and more Powers it just means that they're going to get knocked down to zero in terms of well neural heat and stuff like that so what we want to do is oh actually Willie we did buy some trainers down here so let's pop down and it's in the yep resurrect resurrect is under necropath necropath is this little thingy over here and once Willie gets it they will open up that tree that tree gives them access to ah here it is consume bodies this just makes it a little bit cheaper for us to buy this which means they still have four points to spend which we'll probably use to knock out combat skills before we drain them anyway uh please pop over here will so consume bodies this will soak up all of the bodies and turn it into permanent neural heat forever and ever and ever only works on human bodies though so consumed 45 bodies that's an extra 45 neural heat even if we drain them of all of their s Powers they'll still have that 45 extra neural heat when we start them off again which is just incredibly powerful all right I think it's time that Catgirl doogy got her promotion willly though we want to spend the last of your s Powers I think what we'll do is we'll give them kill skip uh M bonus uh and they've still got two points left over I suppose Ian we could give them stuff in here I kind of want to give them dead Shield but I think we'll come back to that later this clears out the entire warlord tree they will never have to open up the warlord tree again uh we'll worry about the rest later and then they get to pass their powers on to someone else for now what we want to do is get them an operation nuclear stomach for them combine that with a little industrial Tech medicine and yeah you can go off to the hospital well okay after you grab a bit of a snack uh Catgirl we want you to come down here you're going to you're going to be getting in on this as well so here comes Rizza a resident surgeon they are going to Anze Willie and apply a nuclear stomach uh they've been looking forward to this for a while it will drastically decrease the amount of food they need to consume which means makes them even better th fortunately it does come with Cancers just like Draco has got right now uh however doesn't really matter draco's got luciferium and plus we can always just you know swap them out with some traders who come by if we really need to get rid of the carcinomas uh let's see Willie is Now Yep they're now antiz case Tyler we want you to do a death Shield death Shield makes sure Willie cannot die perfect Willie cannot die today at all for the next 24 hours Catgirl deog you have casts available to you you have eight points to spend because we have not been using them and what we want to do is unlock archon that's the one and then we'll probably just go up this way which way you want word of Alliance no group link um mind break and drain C Essence perfect now that you've got drain C Essence unlocked you can drain C Essence on Willie now remember Willie here is a sidecast level of 14 uh Catgirl is at seven however it takes more points going up so cat girl should end up oh an extra three points or two or three points ahead of this so they should go to level 16 maybe level 17 from all of this Trin uh let's see what happens and 14 huh are we losing points along the way somewhere we must be may not be as efficient as I was hoping oh well never mind it's still passing it around uh Willie yeah so Willie now is is completely powerless in terms of Cass but we do have ways to fix that as well because we have a bunch of animag grass we're going to feed them the moment they wake up and they'll get all their scast back Willie is back on their feet and moving that anesthetic wor off pretty fast they're still dead shielded even uh they are now going to go up to the tree and get their side powers back or get well a level of side powers back perfect linking ritual is complete and they still have access to all of their side powers and they've got 80 neural heat to start because they kept all the bodies consumed things that is so broken well anyway we'll let them back to meditating at the tree and catgirl well now that you've got access to an extra nine points we're probably going to take it down the body consume route but we're also going to want to get you into combat Powers as well we want to have like a third combat person and Sao is our doest recuit and you can start shooting a smoke launcher to up your skills well back to the stupidity Catgirl she is going to crack open that s trainer that gives are the whatever resurrect we had two of those lying around then we're going to crack open yeah corpse consume bodies perfect then we're going to run over here and we're going to get her to absorb these bodies so that she can increase her her neural heat and after she's absorbed all of those we're going to spend all of her side points on stuff I was thinking I really do want to max out the combat tree but she's not really ready for that or he's whatever the problem is they have seven points we could do one two three four five 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 we could max out necropath um there someone else who's got dead Shield I suppose we could or we could max out this one you know what I think we'll max out this one it's not perfect but done and they even have one point to spare so give us word of protection this is actually pretty awesome sauce that one boom then what we do is we get them well actually we can't give them nuclear stomach just yet we still have to give them luciferium so we'll put them back on the to studying for now but once we get them on luciferium we're going to give them a nuclear stomach and then pass the powers back to Draco Draco will drain them which will give them enough scast levels to buy a whole bunch of new powers to add to their abilities uh right now sarrow how you doing you are recreating and then you're going to sleep and yeah you're recreating as well however both of them they have maxed out their learning to the day for the day on shooting and once they hit about level 10 level 11 we are going to promote them to well uh you know zombies while all that is going on we're still trading we've actually got our plane like we're located down over here and we're still flying through these areas just picking up any deals we can that will help us out right now we're kind of looking for some good genes we've picked up robust and hopefully we can find some more good ones so that we can improve our people oo burden Thunderbolt intensify Shadows they've also got some skill trainers we'd also like to buy o nuclear stomach no no we can make those one other side project I'm trying to keep on track of is Zoe over here you see Zoe has incredibly High psychic sensitivity namely we hired her because py psychically hyper sensitive and what we did was we equipped her with an LTE staff LX mask and an LX vest the reason for all of this is this enchant enhan enchant quality thing allows you to improve the quality of an item but normally you can only get it to good or excellent depending on your psychic sensitivity but once you go above 250% psychic sensitivity you can get stuff up to Masterwork so for example we can take this perfectly normal catract armor then we apply one enchant and it goes up to good quality then we do it a second time and it goes up to extent quality and if we apply it a third time yeah this is pretty obvious but it goes up to master workor quality in fact can you equip that if you wouldn't mind now Force spare catract armor why not this also works on well a few other things there we go now what's your psychic sensitivity at I think you oh 251 never mind we're still good I think they took off the best we put them we had them put on but they don't need it seems the eltech mask and the and the uh the eltech staff are enough to bring them above the the point this means we just let them back to meditating after a while they'll get back up to 100% SCI focus and when we do we can turn any item that's normal into Master workor quality so armor wait why are you smoking yeah armor weapons whatever I should really stay on top of that that's the first time I've really done itough we do have one other piece of cact armor over there meaning we can steal normal catract armor from people and then turn it into Masterwork stuff for our people and as well as that there's also a repair function you can get under that tree uh was it yeah the mend function so even if it gets damaged you can just repair it right back up again and what is wrong with you that you unhappy serious pain oh fibrous mechanites they just will not go away however those fibrous mechanites are turning out to be great for Draco over here I I've put his medical tend on Doctor care but no medicine I want them to have the fibrous mechanites for as long as possible improves their moving manipulation their blood pumping however it means they fall the Steep a lot more but because they're th they don't fall asleep at all so basically this is only positives with zero negatives also since they're warks they can't feel pain so the two negatives which are pain and sleep fall they don't care about meaning they only get increased blood Plumping increased moving and manipulation if we could keep fibrous mechanites on them forever that would be kind of great what of the side effects of being a warcast no sleeping zombie thrw well some great news has happened the Empire has shown up for their yearly whatever relationship collector thingy don't care what we do care about is we can do a health swap onto that one and we can get rid of our luciferium addiction well we just got zero luciferium now it's gone they're completely fine they also got rid of their scratch scars as a bonus this getting everyone on luciferium is just completely broken now there was ah yes c yeah this P also needs to get off this we could only use Health swap once every 12 hours but if we were to say drop that ring and then equip the ring again it refreshes the health swap which meaning the same Pawn can do this multiple times which yeah also completely broken not going to argue that means we can get several more people off their luciferium addiction wait a minute how what did I do wrong how do you still have your luciferium oh wait never mind you don't have your luciferium need you were completely free of the need you're good to go back to work they've got it instead so now the entire team team everyone is on luciferium well they don't have a need for luciferium but they do actually have luciferium uh It Go course into their system giving them all the bonuses to conscious moving manipulation sight hearing blood filtration everything which means this flu should be far less dangerous than before I have stuck everyone on to industrial strength medicine oh we may actually have to buy more of that we're starting to run a bit low on Industrial Str medicine but it does mean that everyone should be able to recover from the flu an awful lot easier than they were before and why is there only five people here where is the sixth person supposed to be in bed uh oh there you go the new recruit we haven't named them yet but uh they have not been thralled yet because their combat skills have not been of sufficient quality and this one here has not been thred yet because they're still even trying to get their SCI Focus up takes them forever to meditate at the tree oh and that toxic waste we're collecting there is 25 toxic waste packs in here uh we are going to fire that right over at we're going to give that as a gift to that nation that really hates us over there yeah they REM us 100 I'm just hoping they attack us I want them to attack us because they have a religion we want to recruit from from oh and do we have anything at in the world map or worth attacking run ship of kavit no they look terrible I want some more tribals they don't look like tribals where's the we haven't raided anything in a while I'm going to get a little uncomfortable that give us something to raid well I got my wish those uh tribals attacked us I forgot they were neanderthals uh yeah these guys who come from The High party we've managed to recruit someone over here uh unfortunately I kind of let them a little bit too close in range before we zaap them I thought we weren't targeting but I think they accidentally got clipped a wee bit because they almost lost an arm a torso uh massive blood loss long destroyed right like we're kind of Lucky they didn't die however it's okay it's okay they should be fine we just need to get some visitors in and we can gift their problems away to someone else uh right now we're going to stack up some corpses so that we can do some corpse absorption in fact there's a fair few how many 219 Corps in the up that's 29 Mana or uh SCI Focus whatever that we can gift out to people uh who's next up on the rotation I think catg girl's turn is to donate all of her sidecast levels to Draco and then drao can use that to crack open another skill tree Draco is now loaded de with some pcast points and we're probably going to knock out the necropath 3 for them and that still leaves them a few points left over uh we'll see where that goes we still have wow we could we could put about three or four more people through the animat tree right now uh oh and religious wise uh yes we actually have enough points to reform the religion I thought we'd go with something well different how about pirate impact medium uh it basically is sort of the raiding respected stuff with a bunch of other junk troller on top which should make things uh more interesting for example raiding is respected actually let's make raiding required we need to go around and attack people otherwise not so good uh actually that's a global work speed of minus 16% what's respected give us minus 8 I kind of prefer that it's just I would like be at least work a little bit especially when it comes to cooking uh very fast ah camaraderie respect it Colin receive a plus three mood bonus after socializing with other colon and a lost comat gives you a minus three nope exalted let's go with that this means that if you lose a comod you get a minus 10 but if you uh have a good what is it been through some tough times accumulative plus five per slain colonist every time you lose a colonist you permanently gain a plus f move bonus for everyone that could seriously get out of control and I'd like to do some playing around with that and maybe sacrificing the odd colonist now and then and we also get a new role in here Captain this is exclusive to Pirates and they're basically a shooting specialist though a little bit different the shooting specialist they have all the same stat bonuses as a shooting specialist but when they activate their ability it's actually called firing frenzy instead of improving accuracy and rate of fire it decreases pain and increases rate of fire instead so this gives you a plus 40% increase in rate of fire the normal shooting specialist this gives you a plus 50 % increase in rate of fire and Hales your pain this gives you plus five shooting though so you're losing out a bit on the accuracy but you're gaining on the fire rate slightly by about you know 10% anyway oh and we also get to sing sea shanties and yeah I do like sea shanties so let's go with that and we could edit these a little bit you see these things here give you recharge SCI Focus nearby faction Goodwill or random recruit uh we're going with discover ancient complex and yeah I've test this a bunch they're terrible ancient complexes are just useless to be honest uh re s Focus would be pretty useful considering some things but considering the amount of SC casters we have it's not really worthwhile especially considering how fast we can recharge most of them I mean we could try that actually you know what we'll leave in a couple of those a couple of recharge s focuses half of these now give us uh full SCI focus and the other half give us a random recruit I'm thinking if we can get a random recruit in and then have them have an accident we might be able to start increasing people's mood bonuses a little bit uh just you know it might be a thing that could happen especially considering these uh these singing shanties they basically have a chance here where is it ah here it is a good quality Shanty will remove negative thoughts from losing someone for all participants that is crazy good so that means if someone loses a relative or anything like that they can totally use that to just wipe that out as a problem but you can only have one Shany Max and it seems to be limited to a time of year we can't change anything about it so we can't make this but you know uh linked to like any time of year just a Time limited so it's not perfect but it should help us out anyway we'll uh say done oh go back for a second we now have Lun dunk as a relic just in case a Persona Zeus Hammer why not one downside of all of this uh we sort of have a need now for a grungy picaroon the hell is a gr uh it's basically the um the RO you shoo shooting specialist so gr pikaro is a captain so you need a shooting specialist on your team I'm thinking the best recruit for this would be Catgirl diyes and let's see we'll let them get on with that uh yeah yeah yeah basically it makes them a shooting specialist but a shooting Specialist of that particular fate and Idris how are you looking at the moment H you're not looking too bad and Bjorn I want you to convert them I think this should almost be the last one where are they at 99.4% come on oh finally they were just such a pain in the butt to keep happy otherwise well that should take care of them oh and we're going to need to start doing uh oh Whatchamacallit ah Conquest more reliably now and prot the fires after some faffing about we finally got Catgirl Deyes turned into a captain or whatever the hell they're called grungy picaroon oh that's a terrible name Captain was so much better anyway they get this firing frenzy ability the thing is the firing frenzy ability which decreases your fire rate also Stacks with the shooting specialist so we can have a Marksmanship command and a firing frenzy command meaning we can reduce everyone's firing rate or sorry reduce everyone's aiming Time by 90% anyone in range so everyone in range of both of those abilities will have a 90% reduction in fire rate which means we want to have half captains or half grungy picaroons half shooting Specialists and we'll have an Unstoppable team of super fast Shooters that's the plan anyway let's see how it works out another fun thing that's happened is we've had a LX or meteorite show up uh let's mine that sucker I think we've got enough rings for now and every we've got so many side Powers we don't really need the LX anymore but I'm willing to invest just need some way to generate more corpses faster and I think I have a way to do it it's just it might take a little time to get up and running but I I have a plan also we're going to start Walling ourselves in a little better we're going to wall in all across here so the only way in is through a couple of doors this just cuts this off as an attack route we're going to do something s similar over this side and over here that should mean oh and we'll have to do a little bit of a wall in probably right across there as well that's going to be a long one but that should cut off large chunks of the map and leave us a little bit safer when breachers and Raiders and all sorts of things show up oh one thing about this prisoner we tried to hire turns out they're unwaveringly loyal unless you have the numbers mod installed in which case you can still just set them up to recruitment um yeah I'm not bothered going to find another person I'm just going to recruit them anyway they have what we want which is basically plants this religion and medicine that's all we really wanted out of them and that's what we got there was several more we could have choose from so I'm not going to hurt myself over this one uh we'll just recruit them in and get them trained up though this is going to be a slightly painful recruitment process our newest rou here the one with the religion we've been trying to get our hands on well there's a few reasons we want them but uh let's give them a name first I kind of want to give them a name now before we start getting into the darker parts of this so so please welcome C simmer simmer simmer to the team well simmer we are going to dump all of your current health problems which is uh a couple onto someone else the joys of Health swap it is just so much faster than any other things boom perfectly healthy unfortunately that's not very good we need to queue up a couple of operations on you actually before the operations let's start to put them towards their main role which is going to be a herb brain the religion has this well herbalist role or whatever the hell you want to call it that basically makes them a super farmer and we want them to be a super fer what are you doing attending rooll chain engine to hours hurry up what are you doing get over there since you're the only member of the religion I'm not even sure how this is possible but it works it's the same with shooting Specialists for example both Willie and drao here are shooting Specialists despite being the only two members of that religion here they're shooting Specialists for that religion very handy if you only get someone who can do other things like production Specialists and stuff like that anyway let's finish this off and then we can have a quick look at this role and see how useful it is to us and uh because of the particular strategy we're currently employing right uh farming command this actually improves a bunch of stuff but realistically you want to look up here's herb brain uh skilled plants plus six so basically they get a bonus to their plant skill I believe uh as well as that their plant work speed is plus 70% the Harvest yield goes up by 30% meaning they get 30% more per plant every time they harvest something not only that their religion has drug use essential which means when they harvest crops drug crops they get 150% extra or they get 50% extra yield I presume that stack with a 70% yield so I'm thinking their job from now on is going to be just harvesting their job will be to harvest everyone else can do the planting and stuff like that but their job will be nothing but 100% Harvest no and I think this Pawn here is about ready we we dose them with a shooting trainer and it's got them up to 11 shooting I was almost going to do up their melee skill but I thought you know what what n you're just about ready to get thralled and then you can become a full-time meditator for at least a little while a quick bit of a mind break here should bring them over to our side uh yep and now they no longer need to sleep or have any problems at all your new Warrior name shall be Brian your name Warrior name is Brian welcome to the team Brian um yeah well uh just uh I suppose back to worshiping the tree or something simmer here is good o they are very good at harvesting plants that's going to be their entire purpose from now on which means they should get an awful lot better at it oh and one thing we also want to do is I picked up a medical s trainer a while ago yeah skill trainer medical they're going to be our doctor and our planter and that's it that's their only purpose and reason for being and the downside though is though this herb brain thing it's only because of their religion if we accidentally convert them they'll lose it so we'll have to keep an eye on this and if they start getting too much religion thing well we should cue that up in a bit we've got a bionic GE we can implant bionic gears on both sides and remove them and then they'll be deaf and that way they can't ever get converted because no one can chat them I'd prefer not to do that unless we absolutely positively have to so I think what we'll do is just sort of confine them to this area their bedroom and the dining area just so that they can't wander about the place we're about to get hit by several centipedes a breach of termite some pikemen some Lancers some whatever who cares we have three super soldiers right here we're not even going to Siege mode them because already their range is pretty enormous it actually we'll Siege mode them anyway why not and then after we've Siege moded them we are going to give them o controlled frenzy yeah I think that's going to be necessary then we're going to give them range Fire Control frenzy double D their damage focused firing means it doubles their rate of fire then after they've done that we're going to go with where is it Draco is going to go with the Marksmanship command uh then Catgirl Deyes can go with wait a minute shouldn't you be a yeah you're a grungy picker on you should have some ah there it is all the way over here firing frenzy and now both of those are active now this gets super weird see the thing is Willie over here is already a shooting specialist which means they get their aiming time reduced by 50% uh let's just pop down here to show you the stupidity of this so their aiming time gets reduced by 50% for being a shooting specialist but they're getting the firing frenzy from the pirate firing frenzy Captain shooter P Master which is under minus 50% which is minus 100% to their aiming time which is already you know zero and then they also get the Marksman ship command which is a minus 40% on top of that from the regular shooting specialist Aura which which means their aiming time is 1% which means they instantly aim and then just fire uh throw on top of that that we have also activated firing Focus which uh range attack Factor speed by 500% uh basically they're just shooting super fast and if we just yeah see that that's that's just normal speed I think we got him oh my God anyone else anyone yeah there's one I think I think some of the bonuses and stuff have already worn off but who cares that is terrifying like just terrifying all right you no no no Jason Friendly Fire here would be absolutely catastrophically fatal there we we go all deaded really quickly yeah we'll just uh allow those to be scrapped up it's it's just silly one thing I've been putting on the long finger and planning for a long long time is the skip Master route for Zoe here and what we want to do is give her solar pinhole chunk skip chaos skip fast chaos skip skip door that's very important we'll also grab fire skip while we're here and just regular old skip just skippity skippity R and smoke pop and water skip will have to wait however we are going to put down a skip door creates an opening to a network of skip Gates when which can be placed in any location with a permanent presence uh let's just put it right there H we're going to have the skip door number home perfect now that is a gateway and what we can do is plant another one somewhere else and then anyone can move between the two well we'd have to actually click on them and tell them to teleport so it's not going to be like perfect but it does allow us to teleport between locations including I don't know if it works inside the map we'll have to test that but hopefully remotely as well as into other locations and other map tiles which should cut down on transport difficulties we going to fly out put down a gate bring in reinforcements and do what we got to do now that Zoe is recharged on her SCI Focus we're going to check try and Chuck in another skip door on the same map tile oh uh you are going to be sry home perfect now you'll notice here her neural heat has G up to 100 that's because every single one of these Gates cause 50 neural heat permanently so long as you leave them around you can destroy the gates and she'll get the neural heat back uh if we go teleport boom and now she's down here that should allow for some fast movement and this is not just internally on the map this is going to apply on other map tiles that's why we've given Zoe a fair chunk of bodies consumed to add to the neural heat so that they can do a bunch of this in fact we're going to use this to well grab a whole bunch more bodies while we're at it time to take take advantage of all the things we've been building up and doing all this time so let's grab all of you and teleport every single one of you this just should be a lot quicker yep H gets them all down here real quick instead of having to walk they're pretty slow uh Zoe here we're going to grab you too we're going to get you into the helicopter in fact get a lot of you into that helicopter go go go go go then with all of you loaded up yep I think we're good to go and this one looks good good this is one the Coco uh Landon farming site and choose landing spot Perfect come on that's it faster off you go then we fly over now this is going to be more of a dry run for what we want to do long term okay map is generating and we're going to want to Land O pretty far away from them well we want to give ourselves a little bit of room and done all right once those guys are landed we're going to get them all out Perfection Now Zoe here they're just for support uh these three are basically going to kill well everything we'll turn on Rangefinder so we can see exactly what our ranges uh that's enough of that then since we'll check on Siege mode okay that's good what is what are we actually facing here if they've got Shields this could be a little bit more annoying NOP no Shields no nothing this is just going to be a straight up Slaughter any of you guys got natural Focus not a single one useless a lot of use well in that case uh let's just troll this into normal mode which is this one over here which is guided shot it increases the doubles the range of everyone H we'll slow the game down a little bit perfect oh uh one thing while we're here we're not going to actually do maxed out firing rate because that's just too ridiculous uh we'll just do firing Focus as well and there we go they'll be dead in no time like the distance they're shooting over is incredible uh but firing Focus has worn off already and that's it however we're not quite done yet now that's a lot of chocolate but no no no that's not even why we're here actually hav't any good chairs yeah we can take some of the good ones with us the important bit is this see what we can do is put together a skip door right about say there'll be fine and we'll say give this place a name that's perfect then oh one thing we can do you see these all these corpses here would be a pain in the butt to collect normally but what we can do is this go out onto the map go uh reform Caravan grab Z Zoe here for now tell her for travel supplies take all the chocolate grab those simple meals the fine meals you can grab all the packet survival meals then take the corpses all of them and I think it's she was totally going to be overburdened but the moment that she leaves the tile yeah we're leaving All Those Behind that's Grand but then we immediately just go right back in again this is one of those weird tricks you learn I learned a long long time ago when I was living on a combat tile it was it was a weird time anyway now that Zoe's come back onto the tile if you check her inventory it's absolutely full of everything she's carrying literally how many you can't actually see how many hundreds or even thousands of kilos you're carrying we could have taken all the stone chunks if he wanted to then all we do is we uh teleport to skip home that means Zoe is going to skip all the way home carrying all of this junk and then the plan was this okay this is a bad tile to do it on because it seems to be this is non-tribals we'd want to do this in a tribal tile get a tribal tile and do this and if we stay here what'll happen is the tribal people will keep coming back to attack us to try and drive us off the tile so leave say one or two of our combat monsters here meditating to bring up their s Focus leave them sitting in the center of the map and then the moment any of the tribals come in blast them all into Oblivion collect all their corpses by leaving the map and then uh scoot all the corpses right back through the gate and bring them back home where we can absorb them to turn them into SCI Focus which uh or not SCI Focus uh ah neural heat and we can crank up the neural heat of everyone for example Zoe here can now head back and boom she's home and she's carrying all of the stuff we told her to bring back so all of this junk is here with her let's go drop it off and this should allow us to farm well as much neural heat as we should possibly want uh then we just let Zoe go back to work however uh here's the thing this is not a tribal tile so we're just going to leave this one but I'm thinking we just just need to find a tribal tile a nice wide flat open one with lots of shooting range for our people and we can truly Farm up I like I'm just trying to make the worst most stupidly overpowered team I possibly can right now there's no real threats to us but if we turn on all the threats it's going to get you know what let's just help on the helicopter and go home one thing I'm curious to see what happens does this skip door just instantly vanish the moment they leave the tile normally you have to keep a Pawn on a combat tile or the combat tile disappears Yep looks like it does uh Zoe has your noral heat L yep her noral heat had been capped out at 150 because of that extra door but now that the door is gone it'll drop back down to 100 and stabilized because there's two gates each worth 50 of points and finally I think this is the last religious hold out Chief multi hat has now joined us in the religion oh uh let's just check on our farmer oh I think your ears are going to have to go buddy sorry about that we're going to do a quick conversion ritual here for one of our people and I think we're going to cut this out for the day there was an awful lot of work that went in the background just doing some grinding up on things and I think the team has hit that sort of overpowered cusp we're just about ready to kill well void I think I'm just going to dis enable void at the start of the next episode and then we're just going to deal with them and by the end of the next episode we're going to wipe out one of their settlements probably that one or actually maybe start down here start and wipe out that settlement then work our way through and wipe out the lot I figure we can do it there's only what 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 n void settlements and in ineffective conversion ritual well yeah that was unfortunate well he is now even more sure of their religion was before they started that's that's fine it's fine we can live with that one thing I've learned about this whole draining s Essence from people it's not a perfect onetoone drain once you hit to about 15 you start losing out a little bit so I think what we'll do is we'll pair people off so for example we might get Draco and Willie and make sure that they just swap S levels back and forth between each other Just The Two Of them alone and then we' get Catgirl and Brian to pass their side levels between each other and we're probably going to get Zoe and Sarah who we haven't named yet well Sarah's kind of been mining some plasti for us over here thing is we're a little bit short on plasti and we need that to make ourselves some detoxifier lungs and we need to detoxifier lungs for our combat team so they don't have to worry about toxic Fallout or getting gassed and stuff like that it it's just a nice quality of life thing uh so a few minor things you have to do before we're going to be finished having this seriously overpowered team I don't think I've ever had a team this stupidly overpowered they can literally mow centipedes down from range that me never mind uh we need to get some genetics just a few basically I want go juice addiction or uh Go Juice dependency that would be really handy for them because that pairs really well with their SCI Focus gain and stuff like that that'll give them a few points maybe give them some perfect immunity non cence some fire resistance robust a few bits and Bobs here and there a few weaknesses I mean we can show on as many weaknesses as we want in terms of stats and skills because they can't do anything they're waras so construction mining cooking plants crafting artistic medical social intellectual are all off the menu namely because they're warcast and they're also shooting Specialists every single one of them are going to be and we'll have five of them and I figure once we've got them leveled out we'll take on the void and see how well it goes maybe we overprepared maybe we didn't I I'm definitely leaning towards overprepared though oh and as a final thing we're going to give each one of them some sort of uh combat s Focus casts so for example one of them will get fire one of them will get Frost one of them will get lightning probably one of them get actually I'll probably give them all a little bit of skip uh maybe something else but give them all a little bit of flavor so they'll have their own unique taste I suppose anyway I'm going to cut this out here uh next up I suppose we'll see what the void if the void is really as tough as we think they are I uh hope you enjoyed good [Music] luck [Music] [Music]
Channel: Francis John
Views: 18,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lets play, void, Vehicles, expanded, psycasts, Psycasts Expanded
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 46sec (2686 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2023
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