Don't fear the Reaper man : Vampire Survivors

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and we're back with some more vampire Survivor and the plan today is very simple continue on with our plan of making lots and lots and lots of cash one of the steps in that plan is we have to get our hands on the Disco of gold this is an arc canar that will help us get lots of cash later on to get the Disco of gold we have to reach 31 minutes in the inlaid library I think it's a 30 minutes death spawns and and then kills you shortly there afterwards so we need to be able to kill death to survive that long to kill death we need to get our hands on two weapons well to reliably kill death we need to get our hands on two weapons and level them up uh the weapons are the evolution of Laurel which is this weird thing that Shields you from damage and the evolution of clock Lancet which it appears I've never taken huh weird why have I never taken clock Lancet oh yes because it's terrible at its Evolution never mind so what we're going to do is we're going to grab Elda basic simple standard amelda and then we're not going to go to stage five we're going to go straight to Moon Globe this is where we're going to get access on the upgrades that allow us to upgrade those weapons that will then allow us to kill death so we got to go to moow before we can even think about doing any of that uh hyper hurry and AR canas you know what let's leave it all hang out why not now these are the cards we have unlocked already there's loads of fun cards in here like ones that give you extra projectiles on different weapons and all sorts of things but I think we'll just go with Baloo of Illusions overall area continuously changes between minus 25 and plus 25% you just get more area on Stuff Plus it it gets better and better the more levels up you make and here's a shopkeeper huh cool oh we want to buy this glass vizard this allows you to summon the merchant in all stages and it's one of the things we're going to need to um well I get oh you got Cherry Bomb I do like me a good Cherry no no we don't need a cherry I'm still going to buy the Cherry Bomb why not anyway uh that was good enough let's go find our we have to survive to level 15 if we survive to level 15 we will get our hands on something that will send us to another level I survive 14 or 15 minutes in this and it'll send you to another level uh for ooh f one of the guns left gun and right gun yeah we're we're definitely grabbing this now you can see the projectiles are really small at the moment the reason those projectiles are so small is it's randomly switching between small size projectiles and big size projectiles area because of the thing we have SE ooh lightning ring got to go with the lightning ring we've actually got a decent amount of damage already I'm quite happy with this oh and you can kill those pots the pots drop money that's good to know I am not liking the farming experience in this section it's very hard to actually kill enough stuff to get enough gems to level up at any reasonable speed I don't like that at all at all what the I should have been looking around in the ground there's loads of stuff lying around in the ground here to upgrade ourselves with uh yeah let's maybe grab some of these now while we're around there on the Su that allows us to upgrade the guns yeah let's do this H NOP you guys are all good we don't care about you this might actually be a rare instance where I might take spellbinder we've got that cherry bomb I like Cherry Bomb so yeah let's go for it why not I'm also going to grab duplicator while we're here yeah we're going to grab that yeah good enough good enough uh thing is we do have access to a lot of things on the ground we're going to need the tur to sue definitely going to grab that uh we're also going to get empty to to reduce weapon cool down uh lightning ring or tray bomb got go with the light ring love that stuff Trey bombb is great late game but for now I just want to crank out as much Gems as we can possibly get our hands on I think I'm going to go with the attractor orb why not I may be spreading myself a bit thin here magic wand then just kill as much stuff as we possibly can and grab as many gems as we can birds now I can be tempted by birds a lot but you know what no no no no we're not we're not going to be tempted by the birds we going to invest into our weapons those birds are fun but if we get Santa water I would much prefer it oh Rune Tracer oh that's see run Tracer and Cherry Bomb and that speed upgrade like you can kind of compound down I kind of got to get Rune Tracer I shouldn't be doing this but I mean if you're not going to have a little bit of fun while playing what's the point he come on hit that guy hit him thing is we can still get the second gun hopefully and if we get the second gun we can upgrade that that's great and then hey dead it then once we get the second gun and we evolve that we can then get ourselves Santa water oh that's some good stuff but no try bomb and let's go up and get our hands on some of the stuff up here oh there's spinach not uh we already have a level in that so sure give us spellbinder uh we'll take cand Labrador yeah we'll take spinach God we have too much stuff now I shouldn't be doing that it's going to contaminate the amount of options we get ah eight sparrows excellent that allows us to get the Evolution for the guns we're loaded with weapons now all we want to do is focus on getting our weapons as high as possible ooh experience gain yeah we'll grab that the crown is always fun and a bit of luck never hurt anyone and more gold no no no let's not get more gold I've already got way too much stuff weapons weapons and more weapons is what we're going to focus on for now duplicator it's got to be few more projectiles some more lightning more everything and I think is we only have to survive to the 14-minute mark and then I think we go to another level so for now I'm not too worried y there's a crab again there's a lot of crabs on this level why is it called moonl it's just full of crabs uh this is nice and all but I prefer to get our hands on some weapons yeah more magic W thank you very much thing is the sooner we get some Evolutions the better the chance we have of maxing something out o yeah well take that lightning ring levels perfect I kind of went a little bit overboard with all of the support stuff but yeah you can't just leave that stuff lying right on the ground and not expect me to start playing with it all right what do we got more into the guns that's fine the guns are what are giving us those dagly shooting out blue and red balls actually pretty awesome and we should be coming up in the 10-minute Mark where we get the option to choose oh damn it no give me a weapon y magic oneand again I'll give us a chance to choose another Arcana and there's actually some Canada that goes quite well with this nope more into the guns we want damage damage and more damage that's a lot of experience down on the ground he magic wand is maxed out that means next chest we can now upgrade it supp next up we would want to max out o lightning ring would be good but we'll have to see which way the rules tumble H okay so Cherry Bomb and run Tracer I don't think I can Max either of those out I don't think I have the uh the support weapon Rune Tracer is with armor if you have armor and Rune Tracer you can get the evolution on that there is armor on the map somewhere yeah there's armor down there so yes let's go grab the armor uh first though I do want to grab whoa oh God what are these things the hell is with the Swarm over there uh no no you guys are not good this is an interesting swarm and there's the armor we were looking for we're just not going to stop for a minute oh and there's a crab boss hi crab boss H please stay away from me crab boss God we can't even grab any experience here we go great yep Cherry Bomb is fine and there's new bosses and they're standing on the armor I want that armor perfect now let's get out of here and here was me thinking this level was easy peasy uh Cherry Bomb everything into weapons and more weapons oo exent re War give me all that good juicy stuff uh sparrows room Tracer Rune Tracer whichever weapon is closest to Max stack damn it okay H give me guns those cherry bombs are doing work like just a solid solid work oh there's a chest that means we can upgrade the wand nice all we survived till 12 minutes we only need to survive I think another two or three minutes come on there's some nice chickens lightning ring or Cherry Bomb yeah Cherry Bomb we don't have the Evolution for Cherry Bomb but it's still a solid weapon chry bomb think it's doing work ooh nice flame and we get to find the treasure chest perfect this thing gives us access you get this one of these you're supposed to get at the 10-minute Mark or maybe it's the 12 who knows or maybe it just take me forever to kill those guys all right this one listed weapon projectiles gain a plus three bounce only works for one of the weapons we are wielding this one here Divine blood lines all armor also affects listed weapons damage and reflects enemy damage characters gain bonus damage depending on missing health this is good if You' got lots and lots of health coming in but not really great for us healing is doubled uh don't really care enables critical hits for the listed weapons we don't have any of those I think it's uh yeah this one this is the only one where that actually really works for us so we will grab that and oh level eight CH bombs thank you a lightning ring yeah and a chest well yep probably should have waited a bit wo what else are we missing uh five come on come on just give me another few levels never mind I'm going to grab this now before we have to run out of here I don't know what those eyes are doing but I don't like them lightning ring to level [Laughter] six there is so much junk all over the map yeah burn them all down oh lightning ring is level seven and Rune Tracer I got to do the lightning ring I much prefer lightning ring as just a consistent oh that's not good who are you guys please die lightning ring level eight ah why do he looks like we're doing the time warp again what is that weird legged thing doing that thing has too many legs everyone stand still for a second uh is there a chest around here somewhere I can't see anymore oh great there's a chest up above us a fair distance we should probably start heading that direction what the all right so I think we hit the time limit of whatever we were supposed to get to and we've lost all our weapons and all of our everything what the this this is weird what's that weird thing at the top of the screen following us uh are those things little angels Whoa stop that that's annoying please stop that uh is awkward uh any chickens around here by any chance any we going to a little of floor chicken be nice there we go thank you floor chicken for the save is that it we just have to like keep running around and trying to kill that guy ah exploders much head for the exploders stop stop stop stop stop stop stop oh come on that's too many exploders stop that what the hell uh that's rude Jesus Christ um maybe this is just one of those levels where you're supposed to just keep running as fast as you possibly can that's uh right let's try that again shall we for this next attempt we're going to use pora permanent plus 30% area starts with a temporary cool down bonus this could make things a little bit handier for us hyper hurry or yeah whatever let's go for it we'll start with a little bit of divine Bloodlines why not and what has the shop got oh you got bone and Cherry Bomb yeah well look I just like try bomb I can't help it and the thing is this character starts off with a massive cool down bonus when they're level one I'm thinking if we can survive and get to the secret level it'll set us to level one and hopefully we get this massive shooting bonus back which means we should be able to go through to the next level and well shoot at this kind of speed when we get there does mean we have to hold out for a while before we grab an experience the moment we start leveling up that uh go to level two that bonus goes away we don't want that bonus to go away we want to keep that bonus as long as possible so we're going to avoid picking up experience gems until uh well until the enemies start to become a problem right so we are coming up on the 5 minute Mark and we have not moved from our starting location well okay we went to the shop but you know that's it oh here's a boss no boss died right we've also made like 1,200 in Gold this is a bit weird I wasn't expecting this to be quite so successful but uh I'll take it oh the snakes almost got to us look at them they're almost getting there this is ridiculous this is absolutely ridiculous all right we're 7 Minutes in and things are starting to look a little bit hairier but no we're we're still good can we make it to the 8 Minute Mark it's may be the most hands-off way ever to play this game like uh okay so we just sit here and shoot I feel like something's WR oh there's a boss top no there's a giant crab up there on the top middle right and he kind of just vanished oh he's guys look tough they look very tough they're like no no never mind all right so do we have to move it all or do we just wait here until we go to the next level I'm not sure uh-oh uh-oh that's a lot of snakes and stuff never mind 10 minute Mark still immobile oh crab crab coming in from the left never mind dead crab oh the crabs are here unfortunately the crabs have got us uh uh okay okay which weapons do we want I don't like the looks of any of these damn it okay fine give me all of these are pretty much terrible give me the king Bible give me Santa water yep H God no I King Bible again Sant water now where is the red gem there should be a red gem ooh is is that an attractor orb down there I think we need to grab that attractor orb no that was not an attractive orb where is the red gem there's a red gem raner somewhere that'll give us a massive experience really quickly axe reduce armor Clover no uh we have to survive a little bit longer but I'll take an axe uh attract to orb thank you where the hell it uh yeah we need the duplicator where is that red gem I need you fire one level lightning [Music] ring can Labrador yeah sure okay okay need to remain calm axe thank you very much there is I could have sworn there'd be a red gem orer somewhere but it seems we're not that lucky there's a red gem on the right hopefully that's the one H lightning ring uh axe pretty sure that was the right one then duplicator again axe axe again lightning ring level seven Santa water lightning ring level eight exit now uh Cherry bomber run Tracer since we're not going to be on this level much longer I'll just take run Tracer and be done with it uh give me that thank you we don't need any other junk for now we don't want contaminating our possibilities let's just grab everything we can and there's a chest [Music] perfect nice that takes the lightning ring up to thunder Loop and what are you guys don't [Music] care Trey bomb right still alive barely did got a bit sloppy there I should have found that red gem earlier should paying more attention listed weapons come to counterpart don't care overall radius yes we will take you and I took the wrong one mind I meant to hit except uh yeah we'll grab you whatever got him he axe cool then we're going to need more Santa water will take you to Great attract to war that's no good Sant seriously what are those little things and they're really annoying woo you guys just die already you're being really frustrating it's the little ones that are The Killers all cherry bomb tract to or more cherry bomb yes please Bo Tracer I think you're going have to survive a little bit longer n there's the freeze we'll grab that for now oh chicken yes got any more chickens that would be great perfect and here comes this bit Yeah Yeah Cherry Bomb gr don't care I think we're pretty good for now give me this can the labrador I'm not too worried as far as I can tell we should be moving on to the next level very shortly assuming we haven't done something horrifically wrong and no great I want more weapons seriously yeah great H just give me that grab that while over here grab spinach oh O It's the weird thing with many legs okay thing with NY legs please die who the hell is that guy and why stop shadowing me like that that's not fair what how are we not dead from that Death guy okay nice lightning is doing its job we don't got to do Jack this was y yeah I'm glad we made this decision so all we have to do is get to the end I can't hit escape and check the map so we're just going to follow the arrows no no no right so we can't get experience on this level we just let the lightning thing do its job and we just try and Dodge everything more walking simulator style stuff hope our lightning hits the stuff that's going to cause us the most problems oh floor chicken yo Dodge they haven't started firing the exploding ones yet which is a good sign you know I didn't think this area was going to be difficult I just thought this is going to be more of the same but I presume if they're hiding something back here yeah they wanted to make it a little bit more entertaining for you oh exploders I don't like the exploders we got to wait for the lightning to hit them and that's pretty random go ah get away from me well the problem is we're not targeting as many of the loers as I would like and I'm pretty sure we're going to die soon maybe I should have bought some revives oh great that's not good what the floor chicken please give me a floor chicken I never thought I'd be begging for a floor chicken before okay oh come on ah that was so frustrating another quick J back through the uh oh this time I bought bone as well as Cherry Bomb so we got bone Cherry Bomb and lightning blast all going on a tiny tiny cool down works pretty good 11 minutes still haven't moved well I think we're going to have to move now oh well good while it lasted now I just got to keep an eye out for a red gem but I think we should be good oh great knives P these are all terrible wow these are just just banish knife banish is one of those things you have to unlock by finishing with a bunch of characters and once you banish something it cat you up anym on your list handy at times H give me the axe now where I put a red gem great uh you don't quit give me a whip Cherry Bomb can't see a red gem anywhere oh there it is perfect lightning ring lightning ring Cherry Bomb wait is that it thought I was really hoping for more never mind we'll find the other one wherever it is first I'm just going to grab duplicator uh attract to orb I'm going to grab terasu as well just in case something goes wrong and empty to now let's go find this thing you first there's the red gem perfect and no seriously yeah there we go lightning ring fine give me cool down reduction this is annoying oh that oh there's clock glaner you know I me to grab that just so I can uh unlock it as one of the things we've picked up at some point Cherry Bomb H this is still just give me Lightning ring 11 seven a crown again lightning ring there we go okay so lightning rings maed out that all I really care about then we can grab this Max it out how did that not strange maybe it was a chest we got to early there we go that will give us the uh Thunder Loop the evolved version of the lightning and I think we're fairly safe to hit the 14 or 15 minute Mark yeah looks like we're entering the time warp again uh don't think it really matters what we get just oo stop messing with the screen like that and is there any chickens nearby oh there's one up above us let's see if we can't get to that chicken before the snakes get to us never mind I think I got the chicken can't see a damn thing with all of this uh Distortion going on and we're 15 minutes in what go away death death stop being a douche better let's do the time War again let's go go go go go now this stuff was all the easy bit now now we get the exploding ones this is where we died last time if this doesn't work I'll have to try something new uh oh there's a floor chicken back there but I can't go back come on come on come on avoid the great no chance at a damn it I would really like floor chickens but nothing shows up so that we for us a Target I don't know if we have a revive left okay uh what the okay that's a bit trippy and you are the yellow sign permanently allows the detection of hidden items in all stages that is exactly what we were looking for right well [Music] um great that gives us all the bits and Bobs to take on death and I think I'm going to start with Pella whatever we could go and try and unlock this one Galileo um where's the other one whatever you know doesn't matter we're just going to start with pagilla because they gain one might every level and yeah we've done a Melda enough let's let's give someone else a try in library I'm just going to turn them all on I just want this to be done faster basically now you um I think the first thing we're going to grab is Gemini listed weapons come with a counterpart this is just funny because it gives you extra projectiles if you pick these weapons so free projectiles why not now clock glances we were looking for that thank you kindly we shall take it might as well grab that straight away now if we open up the map you see that red crossbow thing over there and that red crossbow thing over there uh yeah they're they're now on the map because we picked up that yellow sign we went to get that yellow sign simply so that those things would appear those things will now appear on every level they are also guarded unfortunately so we'll have to be real careful about that but as long as we can get our hands on those we can use those to evolve clock Lancet and what was the other one Laurel which we will have to get our hands on you see that straight line that went up and then to the right and now it'll go to the side that freezes things that's clock Lancet we're going to use that to freeze death so that we can kill it um else do we want want to go with for this I think I got to go axe here yeah we'll go axe all of other weapons don't really matter nearly as much as clock and Laurel but we would like some oh God no no no no Santa water oh actually we've got the eight Sparrow so Santa water sounds like a good choice I always do like that one right attract to orb this combines with the with the uh water so yes we shall grab that no we're not going birds birds would be a bad idea at this point instead we'll just keep leveling up the guns we are going to want to level up the guns at some point to maximum they are quite powerful but for now we're just going to keep farming we're just going to stick around here grab as many gems as we can level up as far as we can I'm not going to worry too much about leveling up clock Lancet and Laurel actually Laurel is the last thing we need to get our hands on I need to keep an eye out for that I almost messed this up already so we find Laurel and then we should be good to go ah candle Labrador that will combine up with the axe quite nicely for a decent evolution ution yes please I'm trying to keep an eye out for our secondaries I would just like to get one level in them no to oh damn we can't get spellbinder though can we actually I suppose we can get spellbinder if we really want because well once we Max these that we're going to pick up those other things off the ground so yeah you know what let's just grab spellbinder here on this level it's all right because we can get our hands on empty Tom later on that's the one that speeds up your shooting we want that but this one here we can just Sub in spellbinder for now pick up empty to off the ground later and once we've maxed out our uh our six support items we can start navigating our way left to grab the stuff we want so at this point in the level you start getting this one with the weird sort of skill holding Warriors The Warriors hold skills in their hands this is where things get a little bit weak sauce as in there's not a lot of a lot of experience coming in this is normally the time I try and start running yeah let's go that way we get we waste least amount of time losing experience we need to go to these places to grab stuff oh damn it I really need to get my hands on a tasu and a duplicator a tasu whatever the tiramasu thing for so we can upgrade the guns and a duplicator so we can max out lightning ring and oh we should also get our hands on a lightning ring but I'd like to get the two bottom ones first so that we can pick up the thing we're heading for for now let's just keep moving uh yink oh looks like it's experienced farming time got to stop moving and got to start farming there's just so much resources that are going to come our way shortly now uh okay axe yes go for it give me all those juicy juicy gems uh yeah axe again we're still short of turu though uh Santa Water Axe yeah we go Axe A give me turu in a ring no no no no no damn it come on Randy no seriously ah okay we're going to banish something instead of rrolling I'm going to banish them so that they're less likely to show up again yeah we ebony Wing is very unlikely to show up and I might want the Bible again at some point you know get rid of em Evony Wing g w you up again just means it's we're less likely to have any issues with it further down the lines so our future roles are o there's a boss oh yeah got good kind of Labrador there that gives us more attack or attack radius on our Weaponry how you doing buddy and you're popped or anything we have maxed out axe excellent since this is past the 10-minute mark this will evolve our weapons you can't evolve weapons before the 10-minute Mark except for one specific instance I believe all right let's do this right ah I don't want any of these so let's banish something else how about armor yeah go away armor don't come back and for you what would we like from you got to be Baloo of Illusions overall area basically more more area for weapon yes um Dam it I didn't want to grab that yay clock glanc set we don't really care about that just yet we'll worry about that later and we're starting to get close to this area thing is this thing is going to be guarded so we probably want to be like level 15 or minute 15 oh duplicator finally I've been looking for you we still need to get tasu and lightning ring I think that's the last thing left and that's probably what I'm going to try and kill death with will it work God knows nope nope nope nope nope nope nope where is the tiasu I I I'm starving for a dessert over here uh we shall banish the pul whatever that's for garlic and no chance it's getting garlic anytime soon so bye-bye oh maybe kill this boss real quick hey boss you want to die oh there you go thank [Music] you how are those guns looking are they almost maxed out ah we're two levels off maxing out the guns now all we need is the tiu to go with it and Santa water just needs three levels we're going okay and we're still missing Laurel this may not this may be a dead run already oh go no I don't want whip give me give me Lightning ring or give me death uh very worst will grab something but I really don't want to grab that weapon oh my God I almost completely forgotten I had Santa water it's been so long since I got an opportunity to level it at all and there's a red gem that should hopefully have a bit of experience in it hey lightning ring now all we're missing is the tur Sue thing perfect no Santa water give me the turu great we've managed to upgrade labora and a bunch of other stuff we still have not found the tumu um yeah we're running out of options here running out of options real fast there's a chest over here I'm going to grab real quick but then I'm going to just hope and pray we get a turu terasu whatever I'm going to call it a terasu from now on hey TR Jitsu Jitsu what whatever revives once with 50% Health that is it that is the last thing we were looking for no actually I was looking for Laurel wasn't I yep I'm on [Music] Muppet well there may be an option I'm going to go back to the shopkeep maybe the shopkeep has Laurel can they get Laurel you know what oh wait that was it yeah we get this it unifies the guns and then we have the option to get Laurel uh right right right tasu or lightning ring oh it's got to be lightning [Music] ring perfect now we're just looking out for Laurel at this point once we get Laurel we're sorted can we get Laurel uh that's another question he we're coming up on where this crossbow thingy is or the red crossbow thingy I think it's guarded by something see that red cross over there so what ah yeah that guy guards it I think they're tough so let's not get too close to them they seem to get staggered by damage though so this works out for us seriously the guy can take a pounding though uh give us clock lanet yes or to actually who thinks they're rival for now this should increase the amount of weapons we G access to hey he just gave us an egg cool uh crossbow metalo left channels dark powers to protect the bearer fine we'll take it uh yeah lightning ring is fine and where is yeah the books over here on the left we need to grab the ring as well we need the ring and the crossbow and there's another ring and a crossbow on the other side yeah we're basically grabbing everything that's over here oh great another boss and we don't have a lot of time I should really get a Hoon lightning ring thank you we will get that where's the last one okay it's over here where are you yeah there you are top left okay oh you can't be frozen by clock glancing uh lightning ring yes H get the silver ring where clock I have no idea what that means and we need to head right lightning ring yes okay now all of this junk comes out we do not want any but I'm going to banish the garlic so that it stops showing up we need to minimize the amount of weapons we can get Laurel as a weapon so yeah let's hope Laurel comes up at some point H clock GL it sure why [Music] not hey we got the Thunder Loop for a ring that means we're doing even more damage than before we should probably kill this guy super quick if we can oh there's another one of these thingies gives us access to those Rand demo cards Arana that's the name I think I'm just going to go with like I don't think any of them are really good we haven't unlocked a lot of them but healing is doubled recovering HP damages nearby enemies for the same amount sure why not and that guy also died perfect now we need to get moving we got to get all the way to the right hand side of the map as quick as possible and try and pick up Laurel along the way somewhere okay uh empty tomb to whatever as you can see that uh weird beam thing that spins around us does an awful awful lot of damage it is pretty awesome sauce ah now this is the problem this is none of the things we want we want Laurel we don't want any of these so roll Laurel yes oh okay I think we can yeah this means we have a shot now perfect and wow what did we get that allows us to shoot fire out of both ends actually makes more sense you're eating a hot enchilada I get it all right so focus on which one of these Rec Health recovery increased by 0.1 HP Max Health increased by 5% all base area up by 5% effects last 5% longer that's a lot of good stuff going on here let's just grab everything we can I've decided to max out Laurel now because it basically gives us this invulnerable Shield so we can run forward a little bit faster without having to worry about accidentally hurting ourselves and we definitely need to Sprint fast we got a lot of distance to go how far are we away oh we're actually about to hit the shopkeeper let's maybe have a quick stop at him and see what he's got going on I shouldn't buy anything from him but I'm still going to and there's a boss let's kill them super quick ooh silver ring up base area by 5% or yeah hey you want to die there buddy thank you not a single triple chest quad chest anything this run so far uh shopkeeper where are you buddy there he is right you're sold out of everything well that's good whatever wasn't interested in your stuff anyway uh Health recovery sure let's keep going you need to get all the way to the right hand side of the map real quick once you got left o we're actually almost up on Stone mask if you look in front of us you'll notice a stream of axes kind of going forward yeah we kind quite keep up with them but they're basically mowing down everything in our path we sort of run behind it and with Laurel even if we do mess up by a little bit it usually protects Us by giving us this quick and vulnerable Shield just for a split second let's keep going where is this thing oh chest missed [Music] it yeah sure Oher uh bag of coins bag of coins bag of coins bag of coins I shouldn't have done that I wasted a whole bunch of levels on stuff then we defin definitely need to level some other stuff up in a bit all right you're done yeah I know I know fat floor chicken don't need it now where is this mask there's a mask around here somewhere it's probably the next area there we go yeah we'll grab that plan is to just chair charge forward and find these last two oh that was so sloppy on my part we just wasted an absolute but ton of levels on stuff that we don't need and there's not much time left in this I may have messed this up there's a cross over here grab that cool and there's a ring up ahead where is that ring all straight ahead of us we're taking a little bit of damage but that is to be expected considering oh my God it's 29 minutes in there's no way we're doing this I'm still going to try it don't care great let's see oh this is not good we're being chased by death the clock Lancet is keeping them off our butt we just have to survive a little bit longer eat to death okay okay death got us but we still got to revive on us and there is a oh I don't think we can do it but I'm going to try we're going to try and get that chest that should involve one of our weapons I don't think it'll help but I'm willing to give a shot ah cool we're done uh we've got everything leveled up okay yeah there's two deaths after us now two deaths is bad yep yep that's a couple of deaths this will only level up one of the weapons though God I was really hoping that was a double chest fine infinite Corridor evolves clock LS and halves enemies Health fine we we blasted past the 31 minute Mark all we have to do is either kill death or last past the 31 minute Mark since we have done one of those things I think we're fine and seriously oh there's a third death why is there so many deaths all right we've lasted 32 minutes that's uh okay that's a record me I'm actually running to grab that egg even though we don't need it but why not Jesus perfect do we have one more revive we have at least one more revive in US seriously how will none of these guys die ah there goes another revive pretty sure we're dead or close do it yeah bu of gems over here I think I think we just killed death he did Death that was entirely sloppy horrifically done really badly managed but we still managed to finish it so I'm going to call that a bonus uh what What's the dong noises and why is it zoomed in so so much I can't see anything oh right here's Mega Death mega death comes after you when you kill death well thank you Mega Death so right we've reached level 31 in the library so we get disco of gold which we after we filled 90 entries in the collection and so we unlock banish and we obtain the infinite Corridor which unlocks another guy and done infinite corridor did 366 million basically infinite quarter halfs the the health of enemies which is why death died quickly enough um ah labora did 8.5 million 8.5 million damage there you go solid weapon death spiral 4 million the fraggy 4 million yeah all all good stuff now what was the next step now I should quit while I'm ahead but I do want to kill death a second time but this time we want to kill death in a different location we want to kill them in the Mad Forest Forest killing death in The Mad forest or lasting till 31 minutes gives us access to the Mad Grove AR can it's it's pretty handy if we're going to go gold farming so I thought we'd get it's not essential but since we since the death of death was so weak sauce in the last run I thought why not do it a little bit more uh professionally oh level UPS wise we've got just about everything but I'm going to buy a couple of levels in curse this just increases the amount of enemies their frequency things like that just so that we have more gems so that we can level up hopefully faster and not have that horrible problem at the end where we just ran out of experience anyway we're going to take puga again uh we are going to go into the Mad Forest you know what let's leave all this stuff on is there any points yeah leave it all on and for this oo this one I like picking up gold coin bags from before triggers Gold Fever obtaining gold restores as much as many HP this is what we killed death for in the in library that's the card we wanted but I'm still going with bugalu of Illusions just for that extra area I I like that all right uh map now you'll see here we've got the two the crossbows are on each side of us we got to collect those if you want to kill death and the Rings are top to bottom we also got to collect those if you want to kill death I think we'll come straight down here grab the heart and maybe get garlic at some point though maybe we should do a little bit of farming first o you know what garlic it is I think that's a good plan next up o got to be ATT track to orb has to be now where was that shopkeeper you have anything we want no they do have these golden eggs these are the golden eggs you want to buy later but they permanently improve a character stat by a tiny amount this is why we're going to do so much gold farming because each one costs 10 grand and you're going to need thousands of them but uh we'll worry about that later for now let's get our move on and start heading down towards their first pickup oh here's one thing we do want to pick up uh P palaro whatever we don't want to pick that up because it's on the map no point in fact we can banish some of the stuff I don't want wings I no they belong to so Wings can go we never want to see Wings again thank you kindly ah Tri Su excellent we have been looking for you that actually it's really nice that we got that so early then uh spellbinder I think I think yep we'll grab spellbinder I want to fill out the bottom row as well so that we can pick up all the stuff on the ground so maxing this out pretty quick would be good I'm thinking we get toasu we got duplicator candle Labrador which is you the radius thing the attractor orb empty tome and spellbinder and that yes I wrote all of that down beforehand just so that we have a more organized run and I'm not half-assing at this time I mean at least you know should hold ass at one run of this here is a weird Quirk that has been suggested to me in the comments a couple of times when it comes to leveling up you kind of want to level up your weapons as much as possible and only put one level into the supports you just want to unlock the supports so they're filled up there and you only get relevant stuff however they suggest that when it comes to duplicator and teros Su you max out their level two when you get a chance reasonably because it removes them as an option and you don't have to worry about them showing up again which means you're more likely to get what you want I don't know how true that is but I'm going to give it a go this time around this way we select heru we don't have to worry about it ever popping up again in our feed uh more bats yes yeah garlic I get garlic F specifically for the bats that's just all there is to it finally we get garlic level two how long did that take that was Bloody ages we're at what 3 minutes in when we find get garlic to level two oh yeah our uh our Firepower is not nearly as high as we would like right now I'm going to have to do a little bit of Ducket diving weav to make sure we don't die but hey that's sort of the point of the game isn't it uh yep more guns please guns are doing solid work and I have taken to Heart the advice always pick up chests before the 10-minute Mark don't hang around don't bother waiting it's not worth it just get them now they can't level up anything and waiting is kind of pointless it's barrows let's go ah duplicator I have been looking for you [Music] though but I got to like figure out what the most common weapons are so that I can know how to more effectively wield banish to maximize our chances of getting Laurel and uh one the other weapons you want okay axe is always a good choice I mean could do it some extra Firepower right about now we leveling up the guns and finally getting those to no no get the axe I think the only thing the weapons I want to get are Laurel clock Lancet the guns lightning ring Axe and Santa water now I know that sounds like these two are are two weapons for now but they will be combined into one later so yeah grab the axe might as well H this is the part I not been looking forward to I remember these big bats they're the ones that just don't die uh there a pain in the butt o one of the guns will finally max out that's good delicious bats for experience horrific big bats for run away from let's just circle these guys for a little bit them into a nice big ball and then run away look at them they are just soaking damage like chaps ah great now we got to I'm going to go out this side this is my preferred method of Escape yeah this is going to take a while to chw all of these we don't have enough Firepower just yet and it's already the 10-minute Mark I am not super confident in this run but I know with the experience we have gained from the other rounds we have a chance oh skellies lots of skellies clock Lan it yeah oh okay I kind of want candle Labrador but clock Lan is more important and I'm pretty sure clock Lancer is an awful lot rarer yeah we got to go clock lanet feels kind of tight very tight indeed okay uh get that second gun leveled up come on come on come on come on give me more XP need to level this stuff up okay the guns are at level six we kind of got to go that way once the guns are maxed out we can get them we can get the evolution Jesus he garlic barely going to help us at all yeah I'm not really feeling a lot of these but hey garlic it is let's go uh Laurel oh yes that that's actually perfect we've got Laurel now oh okay okay what are we missing what are we missing stop and take stock for a second all we need is empty tomb and candal Labrador that's it empty tomb and cand Labrador and that's the supports functions fill that uh oh there's empty2 perfect uh okay so all we need now is cand labor this is level eight for the guns so now then when we get our next chest that will allow us to level that up in fact or not was I reading that incorrectly uh guns are maxed we have dragon soup unless is this one there we go gun Evolution perfect uh yeah oh and that's going to bring weapons back into the mix what's the last weapon we wanted probably Santa water because I'm a big fan of it and grab this while over here as well but I think that's cleared most of it's time to start doing the big run o enables Critical Hits unlisted weapons no let me think I think Gemini there's this thing Wicked season which gives you a whole bunch of bonuses that's really good for some challenges and things but uh I think we'll take the safe one this one just gives us some more projectiles on our gun and that helps wow that was that's an lot of light going on the light show has is in full effect that means we need one more weapon which is Santa water so we just need Santa water and what was the other one again cal Labrador so Santa water Cal Labrador and we're done all we care about right now ah Santa water perfect we'll grab you now Cal Labrador finally oh that means we can go grab the hearts and all the extra things we've now maxed out all of our support stuff so we can start picking up the support stuff off the ground you come here thank you then we need to go down and grab that oh there's a chest over here somewhere okay uh weapons first as always actually empty to got to give it a shot our garlic gets upgraded to Soul Leader uh there's a boss right now but that's fine we don't care we're after the ring and all this empty Tom or a weapon basically empty Tom because it increases their Firepower and a weapon because it increases their fire power that gives us the ring H that guy's probably going to chase us we don't care hey wait there's a chest over here oh the boss you accidentally killed him triple nice death spiral for the evolved axes couple of upgrades going on good stuff now what we got to do is is I'm thinking spinach first or do we go the opposite direction yeah spinach I think would be the plan so grab spinach crossbow spinach ring crossbow and we got to move we got 15 minutes or well 14 minutes before debt shows up empty2 probably should have got duplicators to be honest but [Music] chest hard part is every sting you have to stuff and check to make make sure you have enough to chest behind from something you killed and now you can see that our beams are pretty much consistently staying on they don't stop anymore and attract orb thank you kindly I will take that duplicator it's got to be and yeah we're doing actually really solid right now God there's so much stuff on this map we're going to have to run I I I kind of have to stop being so slow about this we need to run faster like even with all this running we still got to do I'm not sure we're going to have time to get all of the stuff we want as quickly as we want spinach obtained oh golden egg Left Behind no we're going to leave the golden egg we don't have time for this uh I'm going to max out Laurel and clock lances I think pretty quickly mly because they seem to be helpful uh o bats no I need to stop stopping for experience I don't care about the experience what we care about is getting the bits and pieces necessary to stop death everything else is secondary uh yep floral come on on come on come on move it move it move it move it out of our way you heathens I suppose they're all evil monsters whatever hey Dam it where is it where is it where is it where is it where is it actually we could take a little bit of damage doing this I just realized because well damn it I've lost track of where I was going yeah left the reason we can take a little bit of damage is because we've got some healing on us damn it it's around here somewhere there it is perfect there's just too much stuff on the screen and yeah we got this guy done healing is doubled it was like this one why not now we need to head to the next location which is ring top left so dagly top left as quick as we can this Diagon top left is pretty good because that's where a lot of our bullets are going some point I am going to have to level up a damn I left a chest behind all right I'll grab the chest really quick if I can just figure out where it was yep there we go just trying to remember do we need to level up anything no C of Labrador most of our stuff is pretty leveled except for the Santa water okay the lower than clock glan okay I suppose not everything's perfectly leveled uh clock glan it it's got to be this is absolutely ridiculous we're not even stopping we're just running and we kill everything that gets in the way if it doesn't die we don't really care about the damage because well we heal it all back up because of the garlic we've gotten I can see why people like garlic occasionally as well it does have its uses when it's damage May below that extra little bit of healing really does go a long way towards making this a sustainable run if I didn't have garlic I just there's no chance I could run this fast okay come on come on come on we're 24 minutes in I don't think I'm going to make this we've got two parts of it down we need to get together to and then we still need to level up and there's a couple of golden eggs floating around the map because I killed some things that drop golden eggs but I don't even have time to get them those things are permanent effect they're worth 10 grand a piece uh yeah worry about that later come on come on come come on hey second ring all right what are we left uh there's a bad thing about to eat me but there's the the crossbow we just need the crossbow and then to get a few levels that's it right so crossbows down this direction then we need to stop and do some farming to level them all out otherwise it won't work uh Laurel yes go then we're going to need chests as well so that we can Max them out I left chest behind of course I've left chest behind there's a chest over here somewhere that go grab real quick Co cool spellbinder well that not really going to help us as much as we'd like but that's okay that's okay plan is grab the crossbow thing then we should have enough hopefully we have enough time then to Max all of them out to where we need them to be 29 minutes yeah there's no way I can do this is there ah whatever thing is we haven't collected all of the gems we've been generating by killing stuff so my hope is that we can find the red Gem and then get a crap ton of levels uh is that possible who knows okay and there's got to be like a chest or two around no there is absolutely no chest oh God okay there's a chest perfect that means we should potentially be a to level up something H oh God like I need we have a few lives so we can maybe last a little bit longer uh Health recovery tractor orb yeah ah gold ring silver ring I don't think it really matters come on uh okay that's right all we have to do though survive for the minute thing that's all we really need to care about so so long as we can keep death offer back that long and there's just not enough experience on the map oh there's some bats more bats oo yep we blasted the okay we've definitely got the card but I'd still like to kill death I think we need to turn on more curse so that we get more enemies so that we can actually get the next necessary level UPS it's just we were not able to farm a sufficient amount of stuff on this level and I think that's all the experience is it yeah we pretty much got all the experience and we're not getting any attractive orbs or anything so just grab the chest well I don't think we're going to kill death somehow but hey it was it was worth a try hey it's our first death 32 minutes in well let's just see how much more stupid we can make this uh I think I'll start heading over for that chest over there because well nothing else that can be doing and if we could find ourselves a uh one of those tractor orbs that would be funny ah death just would you freeze death no and I think we're finally dead dead how far did we get 34 and a half minutes I'll take it next time though we need more experience gain that worked at an unlock mad Groove and I think we can call that a successful trip for the day so I did a bit of a restart and this time I turned off hyper mode hyper mode is what makes the game Run twice as fast so instead of having 30 minutes to collect everything you have 15 so that makes this way easier uh I was able to take my time collect all the bits and Bobs I want now we're 21 minutes in and uh yeah we've got most of our stuff leveled out except for well the stuff we need for the the clock Lancet and the Laurel but that should be pretty handy considering we've got 8 minutes left before Dead shows up and we have plenty more farming we can do and our weapons are kicking serious ass uh I've also left ourselves a chest oo and I think we killed something else there one of those guys that drops eggs so yeah all I basically got to do level these up and then we get to take on death again and see if this time we can't kick his ass this should evolve yeah one of them I think it was uh damn it yeah the infinite Corridor involved clock lens that Hales enemies Health this should be useful now all we've got to level up is the two crossbow thingies and then we can max out the uh ah Laur pretty happy and we've got six whole minutes to do it and plenty of Firepower to do it all with go and we're also making a little bit of gold while we do it so why not oh and the final level up that's perfect now you can do whatever you want uh I think we got enough food we'll just get lots and lots of gold this is going to be a very profitable gold level as well I suppose we have to spend twice as much time here and give me that final level up perfect Crimson shroud anything else left on the map to grab I suppose there's a skull thing no let's not make the enemies worse that's probably not the best idea we have plenty of levels now and we can just do whatever the hell we want well we are coming up on the 30 minute Mark and the actual 30 minute mark this time right uh we're being attacked by a bunch of really shiny bats but still we're able to hold them off we do have to do a little bit of moving around because our main weapon is those beams and they are slaughtering everything H where's death I want to see how much better we do against death now that we have everything maxed out so much though our level is an awful lot higher than last time this is probably not going to help us that uh health is controlled by how much level you have sorry the reaper I keep calling it them death same they they are frozen and and okay it seem to be taking massive damage from Crimson shroud and they're frozen like crazy okay so basically Crimson shroud uh protects you from them or wait no clock Lancers is the one that freezes them solid and because they're frozen solid they can't hurt you uh the other thing is the Laurel protects you it makes you invincible for just a little bit of time it can take I think three hits and in the time it takes them to hit you you should be able to freeze them a clock glancer so they get Frozen while they're trying to hit you and the shield keeps you alive just long enough for them to you know not kill you before the freeze kicks in and that's it come on come on okay we're hitting him with everything we've got we're coming up on the minute Mark and I think every minute an extra Reaper spawns basically it's his boss going uh what's taking you so long this guy should be dead already right yep there's the second one so the boss is like uh a little probably annoyed that the first guy hasn't killed me yet but now he's got the exact same problem and he his boss will be along in a minute as well now assuming he doesn't [Music] die oh yeah well death uh where are you you're around here somewhere death I stop zooming in does he always come from the left or is it from the right or how am I supposed to breathe enchilada breath on him unless the guy you know shows his face oh there he is hey hot stuff how you doing yeah yeah yeah well that worked out okay uh we could revive but I don't think that will help us let's see yeah never mind let's just quit there's there's no point uh getting up to get knocked down again oh new achievement obtain the Crimson shroud well about damn time so valuable lesson learned hurry makes the game Run twice as fast which means you have half the time to get all the level up stuff done gives you 25% XP bonus but doesn't quite make up for that if you're trying to do stuff that requires a lot of experience good to remember that all those golden eggs we've been collecting we have managed to collect 20 with pgal and you'll see here that they've actually changed their stats they've got three more Health 1% more move a little bit more might speed duration it basically increases them just ever so slightly except for Magnus which has went from 50% to 110 that seems like a lot that meant to do that you know what who cares we have unlocked 99 of 145 things we have collected 98 of 136 things and we have not gotten around to the proper gold farming yet all we have left to do is unlock limit break mode uh that second whip thing endless mode inverse mode uh unlock trousers big trousers is one of the characters and maybe couple other minor things but you know there's only a few pieces left to go until we can start some serious go farming there's an awful lot of stuff to do in this game anyway I uh hope you enjoyed and good [Music] luck [Music] [Music] he go
Channel: Francis John
Views: 17,259
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lets play
Id: L-cA9R6lgMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 33sec (4233 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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