It's not called Dynasty for nothing : Medieval Dynasty Ep6

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and we're back with some more medieval Dynasty and yes our little peasants are working away nice and hard but we have way way way too much stuff to do today plan is well we got to put in a bunch of farms but we we've got way too much to do and not enough time to do it for example we need to put in three fields of about 50 wheat each we need to add in more housing we also need to hire more people we also need to build another barn and I can demolish this Farm shed I have been advised that four Farmers should be able to take care of all the fields we're planning to use which is good to hear well our first plan is to Chuck down two houses because we need to run around to all the different Villages and while we're doing that we might as well look out for potential recruits that we can hire so I'm just going to grind out some planks get ourselves some logs and stone and throw up a quick house or two just because I'm sure it will annoy some people well not just because that it's more convenient I'm going to place this house facing those and basically wiping out these people's sea view or Lake View not not out of any sense of meanness it's just this is the most convenient space to stick the housing and there we go another house completed but however before it gets too late in the day I think I might do a little bit of shopping what's the time 12:14 I think I might go around because we're going to switch away from bags and we're going to switch over to making clothing for money there was a suggestion in the comments that I'm going to take Shameless advantage of for money creation before we go though it looks like the wifey has a quest for us hey honey I think something is wrong and what's wrong someone not laughing at your jokes I'm serious it's about the baby tell me everything my belly it's it feels worse than when I drank that mushroom wine I think something bad is happening he what can we do get some help the closest herbalist you can find I'm on my way and husband yes don't take too long are all those turns light I'm doing that Quest first can't be letting the wifey get unhappy or we could end up in an awful lot of trouble so we're going to have to find a herbalist where is that well that R Ria place looks like it's got a little thing on it so I'm going to think that it's over there let's go check it out before we head to this herous place though we have taken a well a detour to here and uh this place here is not it's on the way and we can stop and get the wagon guy but it also has a Quest available and it would appear to have where is it where's the seamess no not you this one is it y that one show me your wares now we're going to start buying wool which is a bit crazy but we're going to do it anyway give us oh actually it's going to make us overburdened but that's okay we'll we'll sell them a whole bunch of our bags take them all that's 36 bags up to 1,400 or sorry ,000 that's a pretty good haul so far we also want to get our hands on all of your linen thread and we probably want to get our hands on some of that linen fabric see what we want here is an equal amount of wool thread to linen thread so if you have an equal amount of both that would be great however they don't have all the threads let's just buy say 10 in fabric will that put us over the top ah that'll be fine perfect let me can sell them the other bags we we made all these bags during the night we're going to be making some different stuff tonight but that that should bring us in a whole bunch of money later on so we're selling the stuff we've made to buy more stuff that we're going to turn into even better stuff now let me go clear out all the merchants around here all of these people have all of these Merchants have money and they seem to want to buy bags so you can have them all this is the quest lady and she wants seeds for the garden nope we're good the only quests we're interested in are ones that give us technology and there's only four Farm techs that give technology or four missions that give technology for farming and that would destroyed crops missing bucket and New Field where you have to chop down some branches or trees or something but she's not supporting any of those so we're not going to accept them I have a list of the quests I shall I'll put it in the description in case anyone's interested all right you take all of that and how are we looking on the food front we only have one fish tart left maybe grab another one while we're here and then sell all of our bags oh no she doesn't have enough money left never mind a good day all right let's go uh find this herbalist and by find I mean go and grab a wagon buddy uh we would like to go to R whatever the the rooll place Ria perfect I love that no one is at all mindful of the fact that this guy's running around with an axe in his hand like yeah yeah cool come on into my house guy wielding an axe damn it I forgot to check the recruits you have some bags oh we're going to need some animal feed from you as well we'll take it all need some animal feed for our pigs until our cops come in oh looks like we found ourselves a farmer excellent uh you can go join us I'm creating a new settlement yep see you there we'll assign you at a house immediately what you I make a better King now you're extraction and you are hunting and diplomacy never mind now herbalist where are you you are over here according to our radar oh oh yeah that actually kind of seems obvious now they look at the building hey her BL I need your help my wife is pregnant and she needs medical attention um yeah is this her first child Yes she'll be fine just give her some juice or something I don't think you understand you're going to pack whatever potions and me you have and gladly follow me back to my wife to attend to her needs got it let me get my bag Splendid we need s some ingredients on the way just be sure to be sure we're prepared for everything wait wait wait wait wait first it was you don't care and now it's like we got to get ingredients okay whatever is necessary okay we're she actually going to follow us or is this one of those she teleports after us type of things hey by St John's wart or sorry three St John's wart and three Daisy wait how do I get St John's where are all the good da Daisy uh no that's a dandelion that looks like a daisy great now I just need to find some St John's wart found some okay you guys so the are a weird yellowy flowers and I think that's it better safe and sorry yeah yeah talk to your wife and the St John's [ __ ] stuff cool let's head back home oh actually wait let's take the cart it's far faster assuming can she follow us hey buddy uh two to travel is this going to cost more I doubt it uh should be 120 it's too much weight for my old Steed see you soon eat a okay fine let's start jogging and you try not to get eaten by anything along the way that would be very inconvenient would you look at that it's the guy we hired earlier just saing along take something off or you going to pass out lazy bugger you know from a distance our village is actually starting to look like a village I mean we're okay we've gone from Hamlet to Village like I mean there's a fair few buildings around the place it it looks alive well except for the lack of people at the moment hey wifey I brought that lady back for you uh okay what what seems to be the problem everything should be going fine it seems it was just indigestion I feel stupid to be honest you shouldn't not one bit uh I hate being useless you're not you're doing things I would blah blah blah BL blah nothing makes me happier than assisting you with them and all the dynasty reputation you're gaining me thank you you're getting good at this marriage thing you make it easy and I love you for it now take some rest or get back to cooking whatever affection maxed out dast reputation bunch of stuff and where did the herbalist go did she just like it smartass anyway before I was so rudely interrupted by that Quest I want to have a quick wh whip around to the two remaining material dealers or seamstresses whatever I want to grab all of their supplies now they refresh at the start of the season and this is the start of the season and I would like to get all of that processed by the end of the season into lots and lots of money-making stuff we don't really need huge amounts of money right now but I'd like to get that all ground out and out of the way plus it does actually give us a bunch of tech I'll get into more on that later once you've acquired the materials we have managed to complete all our shopping for the day and we're on our way back to Camp oh whatever uh I think I'll get in a little bit more building maybe before the sun completely goes down actually that might be too late I think I I think it's a little bit too dark but right now we have well a lot of resources here that we can turn into a lot of money uh why did I buy wool fabric idiot and we've managed to fill up this entire thing damnn I'll put the wool thread somewhere else for now we're going to spend the night taking all of that wool thread and turning it into wool fabric which yeah should be 93 actions oh God yeah let's just skip this forward shall we well that was a night well spent uh that is a lot of wool fabric oh uh technology wise we don't gain a lot from that it's think it's Zer 01 or no point 0.5 Tech or something like that we get 0. one of a tech sorry we got 0 one of a tech every time we do two which is not a lot all right uh you let's uh put the wool fabric away and maybe I should do some linen thread n no we'll do that another night I think I want to see if I can't get some stuff done actually wait wait wait I should I should show you why we went through all of that effort uh if we go down to trousers I have unlocked this to the tech menu this is joined hose it takes two wool fabric one linen fabric and one linen thread and it has a sale price of 920 base now we'll only get 80% of that but still that's insane it's just an excellent value proposition and yeah we're just going to do some D it does take 10 seconds however more importantly on top of all of those things we get more money it does take us a little bit more time but I think I'm going to wait till the end of season to craft these so that it's you know in in time you wouldn't be a use anyway but as well as that it also gives us three Tech points we get three production tech for making one so making just one of those pants gives us three production Tech we could make 50 of them that's 150 Tech points that's a lot like that's an awful lot I get into kitchen level three might be nope nope not going to think that way we still have other things we have to be doing another quick house well we need more people right lots and lots of people for the plan we got going and we're not really going to be able to utilize them for a while either uh the other problem we fac is we got to wait for the crops to grow I should stick down a couple of fields right now in fact I should put down three fields we need those fields when it comes around to planting season so maybe rip out some trees here or actually let me demonstrate the problem see this here is our farming core and we want to make sure that all of the farmers that are going to be working the fields will be stationed here in these two houses and then we want to make sure the fields are in the shortest walking distance so I think that feels really far away already we might end up moving that one I say put another field here here and here that should keep them all in a nice close area that will also mean we have to chop down a bunch of wood but that should be very manageable we've got ourselves a nice axe all right let's clear some space for these fields shall we when it comes to making Fields as far as I'm aware they're not actually feels until you finish doing the first round of of hoing on them once that's done you can leave the rest up to the farmers that you've assigned thing is we have four Farmers assigned but they will not make these fields in fact they're doing nothing right now because all the other fields are prepped and ready to go go or plant it so once I get this finished I presume they'll start fertilizing everything if not we'll just assign crops and see what happens hey would you look at them go they're actually fertilizing and Hing the place perfect and I was wrong you don't need to finish the field they will actually come along and start fertilizing this they don't seem to be a hoing at the start but maybe that's just it's a further away field never mind I'll finish off this field do one more the other side and that will be all of the fields done after that it's just hiring people and maybe putting together about another four kitchens once we get the kitchens you know what yeah four kitchens should be sufficient for what we're going to need because we can double up to two kitchens once we get the right Tech or sorry we can uh upgrade the kitchens and then the B hold two Cooks per kitchen later on and perfect keep up the good work peasants only downside to making Fields is the amount of stumps you have to dig up those stumps are well they're actually kind of useful if you dig up the stumps you get one log but if you leave the stumps there in about 2 years the tree will grow back gives you a sustainable way to well Harvest large amounts of lumber I would like to leave a few trees if at all possible just to keep the place looking nice we don't have to strip mine everything just yet they're actually being pretty productive out there they've prepped all of this for planting which is just excellent that is perfect if we check under fields we can go to wheat grade you can plant this Nei spring or Autumn currently it's spring or currently it's summer so they'll be to plant this in Autumn perfect that's going to be useful anyway uh next up kitchen wise we're still pretty far away from finishing uh kitchen level two but another kitchen level one right here should be fine and maybe give it a little bit of space so there's a way through and maybe try and line this up so it's sort of I think we're going to actually break our first Hammer here well our first Iron Hammer we've broken several wooden hammers before we manage to acquire one it's okay I got a spare iron hammer in backup ready to go YY we just snapped a hammer it makes a weird noise I think that's the same noise everything makes when it breaks but I'll allow it all right we should be damn it did I bring enough I think I brought just about enough to finish this maybe a little bit shy are we no kitchen complete all right I think I might go and buy a mass of grain just to get a stus on the cooking front or see two more kitchens fact we could put in one two three more kitchens there so that'll be five kitchens in total and then yeah we can upgrade them to level twos later let me go do some more kitchen construction well there we go that's three kitchens and we upgrade them to level twos that'll support six people so we'll need a couple more but I think I want to get some stuff done before the end of the day it's oo it's half two everyone kind of stops working at 600 and then goes to bed by I think it's about 8 or 9 or is it 10 whatever I need to get to those places quick enough to grab them for buying stuff and I'd like to buy a lot of grain and I would also like to do a big uh oh we're running sort of short on a few very big ingredients for us off screen I had done a lot of Mining and log clearing and this had sort of built up a nice stockpile I've burned through loads of that there used to be 600 Stone in here just uh we that's one of the reasons we had to upgrade our storage was we would gun over the 2,000 kilo capacity uh but we're fine right now I might go have to I might have to go get do some more Mining and some more logging first off though I do need to take care of one thing and that is there's a quest over here I accepted to get a guy a bow it'll get us some technology so I figured I'd go make him a long bow if I could have bought him one I would have and that looks like some barrels over there that we can Rel loot I don't think we need pear trees to be honest it's just taking up space in inventory oats yeah we can take some of these uh there's normally three things though so there's pear seedlings what else never mind maybe I'm missing something it's just normally all of these stashes you find have uh they come in groups of three as in there might be a piece of letter a piece of cloth and something else or you know three things at a time only seem to have two hey buddy what do you got for us here's your new bow what do you was no you're supposed to give us Tech ah 95 production technology there we go better uh technolog is up to 9919 actually we're almost 1,000 points in that's actually not too bad and we've got more questing with uh I went back to say hello to him because I I haven't done it I've got to finish off some of these quest lines I wouldn't like to try something new I'd like to learn to shoot a bow sounds like a very serious life decision it's a bow for me would you help me find that Hunter who sells bows I don't know what it lets me along the trail blah blah blah Great lead the way also ask Phill where the hunter exes resides exactly righto we we'll get around to that in a reasonable time frame assuming it doesn't drag us too far off the beaten path oh the guy across the road uh uh fine I'll go over and take care of this now but I do need to get in a whole bunch of logging and Mining oh great he's actually following me well that's hope you like swimming wow your swimming animations are something else okay I get it hey this game has a very small development team and yeah still way better uh graphics and stuff than raft but let's just say some of the animations have been skipped on just a tiny bit hey Hunter has bow for sale sale ah Hunter has a bow for sale yes it's not the Hunter's name is because she lives far to the west of the village of whatever yeah take care in the Forest Road she has quite a temper yay sorry okay I should stop doing that okay in that case let's quickly get this over with oh no please tell me I don't have to walk all the way over there H talk to Gisella you're thing is I can't fast travel with this guy that's not fair okay I'm going to try one last time to fast travel but if that doesn't work we're going to have to Sprint all the way to the other side of the map please please please please please please uh sorry I canot take you it's too much weight for my old Steed you calling us fat it fine we'll have to just Sprint 1400 ERS I hope you had your fish Tarts today I wonder what that Bo is going to think of this guy you know what I don't care we're just going to keep running pretty sure they hey Alvin I think there's someone behind you oops what am I doing that was awkward uh I should maybe chug a health potion that was sloppy on my part ah good thing I bought these health potions ages ago for such stupidity ah 60 seconds duration 1.5 Health per second or an instant 35 I think we'll take the long-term one yeah I got to be more careful anyway Let's uh keep running our health will slowly regenerate over the next while that health potion is solid I mean I it won't save you if you're about to die but it definitely allows you to recover from any fights it's why I bought the uh the one that gives you the instant healing and one that gives you the long-term one like we're fully healed after all of that we definitely could have taken more damage instead got fully healed so he's just standing there he's seen me shoot a wolf and it dropped dead right at his feet and he's like yeah yeah take me to someone to teach me how to shoot a bow you know I'm right here like I I you just saw me kill a wolf that was coming right for us I think this guy needs some help oh actually I realized yeah that's technically what what he's doing but he could have asked me for help I teach him how to shoot a bow actually no no I wouldn't let'd be too much effort right this one should be awake I believe quests can't ever Quest people can't ever sleep through a request H there we go hello my friend I would would like to buy a bow from you did you did your friend lose his tongue show me your wares you both get on my nerves instantly you're perfect manal death now let's quit this jabber Lads and get to the point uh good now you're hitting the right notes Let's Make a Deal uh Dynasty reputation changed is the quest complete did I get rid of elwin there we go Elin she seem I guess I'll have to go back and change clothes now she seemed not didn't kill anything in a long time or anyone she's intimidating probably eats bears for breakfast okay so you two are going to get married I understand well you already have a bow experience will come in time here take a few arrows from my recent acquisition it's helping me again no problem any time definitely a problem we have come back out to the mines just to do a little bit of quick harvesting but this thing always seems to get damaged every time a season passes this thing manages to injure itself for some reason now what do you need you need four straw well you know what we can grab your four STW real quick perfect now you're finally repaired a second time all right but it's time to do some well time to have a little bit of fun you see normally when you chop trees it's super boring it's like one two three and we get ourselves a tree falling over and then you can just go around and do this for ages I mean okay going be wrong it's actually kind of therapeutic and and nice however there are more efficient ways to chop large quantities of trees and it's called getting loaded so we're going to smack down some plum wine which gives us a plus 150% more damage modifier now you would be thinking that must be great for killing stuff yep like those evil trees harant harant done and done now let's go Hog Wild while we're smashed die die damn it I think I need flatter ground you can also go and maybe I should save this before I do it because I'm pretty sure I'm going to have a tree falling me at some point you can go you can go uh yeah you know what I think I'm going to find flatter ground and it doesn't help with the logging as in once they're down and you have to chop them up on the ground like this to turn them into logs that is not helped by being drunk so instead what we're going to do is we're just going to go chop trees we're just going to Judo chop every single tree we can find with an axe and then uh later on once the wine is close to wearing off we'll probably come back and I also got to do the mining I've been advised that you can mine with this and it also allows you to mine in one hit that sounds awesome so uh Excuse me while I do a whole bunch of chopping oh and I forgot to mention each one of these if we go to technology is worth building Tech so we're at 17 39.4 17 40.4 we just gained a whole point of tech in a single chop that is some just serious harant I was was told this in the comments and it was just like I I had to go test it for myself I'm like no no no way can't be that way but it is and it's amazing this was only patched in I think recently all the effects from alcohol food stuff like that so there's still stuff that people haven't figured out so I don't think everyone knows just how powerful plum wine is that's why I'm growing plums back at the base I want to have access to this like 24/7 and have our own people producing it well that looks to be a pretty good start to the day uh I'll have to come back and trim those a bit more but while we're still pretty Juiced up I would like to go do a little bit of Mining and let's check our inventory here I definitely brought a pickaxe didn't I yep we did excellent now I should probably increase our stamina just a bit but let's just try one piece of rock to start how you doing two hits yeah yeah I think that's acceptable we're just going to head all the way to the end and uh work our way forward but this should be a lot quicker what I'm going to do as well when it comes to mining I'm going to start at the back then just once my inventory is full I'm going to dump my inventory and then come back later when we've got some inventory boosting drinks to keep us going so by dropping all that stuff on the ground uh we can come back and grab it later but it just means we don't have to do it now right now while we're winded up we want to make sure we're doing as much swinging of our pickaxe as possible and then later on when we've got a Bonus to our collection Stat or our carry stat we can use that to carry the stuff out of here a lot faster just a little bit of efficiency ah we've gained a new extraction level I wonder why it might be all of the extraction God the power of Plum one cannot be denied I think I'll try and get in a little bit more tree chopping before the wine wears off in fact let's grab some juice cherry juice will give us 80% less stamina consumption uh yeah less water consumption bunch of stuff it's good it helps us out and I'll see if I can't chop down a few more trees oh there's actually you can't exit that way cool I did not realize that well the booze is almost worn off so soon we'll be back to just uh normal mortality none of this one shot in trees you know what I'm going to call that enough for now H time to start trimming these down first strike takes off all the branches second one turns into logs but I think for now I just want to trim most of them get rid of the branches and we'll worry about the rest later I may have went a tiny bit underboard uh I would have preferred to get more of them but it's just it takes time like Christ we're we're overloaded with one log and 697 sticks and 163 feathers every time you you chop the trees when they're down on the ground you get the sticks and the feathers out of them so we're yeah we're really overburdened just from that we haven't actually started picking up the logs yet for that we have booze ah strange enough you can actually trap things in here cool well that actually makes it a little bit easier to get some leather not that we need it this round that might be an idea logging an entire area where the animals spawn and then just letting the animals spawn in it trapped by all the trees so you can handily get uh you know what not even worth the effort all right I think we've got most of them logged I'm going to dump off the last of the sticks and Feathers we collected and then we're going to start on the more ardous process of moving them all into storage I don't think I'm going to have enough time to do it before the end of the season though I hope this stuff stays in between Seasons I think it does but I'm not certain to improve our capacity we brought along Rye beer plus 30 kgs to your weight limit that's a lot we started we're at 80 with all of the upgrades we've got and we have we've got backpacks satchels and the skills upgrade that gives us an extra 50 like that's a lot of stuff and then that on top of it excellent now is there anything here 10% of stamina consumption that is not enough we'll down some cherry juice to help out with that now we should be super yeah we're super sprinty and we can grab stuff on off the ground though I'm going to have to head back to base soon I don't think I'm going to have time to grab all of this we need to be back by midnight because the season's about to change and we want to do a whole bunch of stuff before the season changes oh and yeah we're a bit wobbly because we're still we're that that beer had a little bit of booze in it also the diagonal Shuffle you're overburdened you move slower going forwards what you want to do is turn sideways and it seems to make you move faster I don't know if that's actually true but it definitely feels like it does that has over doubled our Stone reserves which is nice we've also got in some more copper int and stuff that we can smelt up but I would like to grab maybe 50 or 60 more logs before we go thing is what's the map at time at it's 6:22 and we still need to Sprint all the way back home oh yeah I'll do like a quick run for logs and we'll get as many as we can with our uh extra carry capacity one full I know storage should do it maybe two I have only managed to harvest these two sections and it's like uh-oh I I really really overh harvested in there it would take me a whole day just just to collect all that wood it's perfect perfect H you guys can all go in how are we looking there I think we should be good for a building for a while 314 logs I would have preferred 100 more logs but I think we're at of time yeah it's 8:00 we got 4 hours to get back home let's leg it run oh we are so close to home what's the map say okay we got it's 9:42 okay we got a bit of time what I want to do is just craft a whole bunch of pants for tomorrow those pants will be worth an absolute for so we need but they also take a really long time to craft since it's about to hit the end of the season if we start the crafting session before midnight the season won't be able to change until we finish our crafting which basically means we get time from nowhere that we shouldn't be able to use but we can so long as we just don't stop crafting that means we have to have everything prepped everything dropped off and everything good to go the hungrier you get said that oh I'm hungry yeah right okay we'll grab a quick snack here's our first set of flatbread uh 22 food so give me four why not has absolutely no effects it's just food done right let's dump our stuff in here and get ready for a long craft oh we got about an hour and 20 minutes left which is not it's a few minutes in game it's not a lot of time so I think we'll just start our crafting now right now we have well a bunch of linen 51 linen fabric 51 linen thread and 102 wool fabric we've actually a little bit more wool fabric but uh I don't want to be bothered trying to make linen and fabric and thread and squeeze it all in instead we're just going to start our crafting now and yeah that's or that's how many of those 51 just like to point out these things are worth 920 and we're going to make 51 of them we'll be a to sell each one for about seven something anyway uh yeah let's let that run I'm going to grab a cuper we'll we'll be back in the new season just looking at this he's 49 in and hunger and thirst has not moved like even a little bit is that freeze when it goes over to the new season because I don't know what time it is we should be almost Dawn by now this this guy's been this guy's been crafting all night long poor guy come on and look yeah know there Sun starting to come up and yeah let's do the new season I wonder if wonder if the kid's been born first born have an air oh hell [Music] yeah okay let's hope the kid doesn't you know like this is Medieval Times the oh select your son's name are you kidding me I think it's got to be Wilhelm after the Wilhelm scream yeah it'll be fine uh right so Quest complete and now she is good can I help you he's perfect red bald and perfect I thought I'd broken a free hurt a lot boy how little did I know after experience the labor I'll tell you one thing one child is plenty but I'll stop bobbling now let's admire this beauty of our baby hey how's my beautiful family doing you don't believe what an interesting person I have met more interesting than your Plum expert friend oh don't remind me about this that guy to this day I yawn at them your sight of a plum okay um I've met a young woman who's a real inventor intriguing what did she invent well I didn't ask specifically but believe me she's so full of passion and knowledge it's been wonderful talking to her I think you should stop by bar baronia and chat with her for a bit while she's still in the valley I'll give her a try that sounds like a new recruit actually h no what's the weather like it's Autumn might want to rug up a little bit warmer oh hell's yeah it's wheat baby wheat wheat and more wheat and yep we need to get ourselves I need to produce a few sides just in case I want the maximum amounts of sides possible so all of our farmers can be working I'm going to take the iron one yeah they can have the other ones do we need a side or a sickle you know what I'll find out quickly whether we need to side or a sickle and then we'll make some more requires a scythe okay side it is I'll TR together a few in the blacksmith bronze side cost 350 a stick a log and a bronze bar no problems we shall craft three of them if you wouldn't mind right that's three bronze sides for the lot of you in fact you know what I'll make another one I will make one more I want them all to have a sidethe just in case because they can only one only one of them can work the field at a time so if all of them had sides they should all be out harvesting before we get stuck into this I would like to point out our technology is now 1,1 9 I think we're about 8 or 900 at the start of the episode it's just all of those pants we put together really did a good number I mean don't get me wrong getting to 10,000 points that way would be excruciatingly painful but it does get us a lot faster to Kitchen level two which I would like to unlock sooner rather than later but for now let's uh see how this sight thing works okay that gives us five wheat how about you uh yeah okay that's almost therapeutic there is one skill we could get here that would improve that and I've looking through this wouldn't think I would like to get a skilled Rider and stuff like that but skilled farmer gives you a chance to harvest additional crops I think I'll grab that for now I don't think it's hugely valuable to us but I would like to give it a go just to see we are going to have so much wheat after the end of today and we've unlocked Goose house under Farm ing I suppose we have been doing a fair chunk of it that was 390 wheat at some point I'd have to figure out how much extra we got but hey how you doing buddy well our people are stuck in why are you using a oh I think that's the Ry is it that's the oats I need it to grow cabbages which I into more to grow even more cabbages uh yeah I think I'm just going to start uh mowing through the wheat over here this is kind of therapeutic and that is 600 wheat wait let me count that again uh 608 wheat that's pretty mental and that's not including the other 300 we've already put away this is going to work it's going to work well that Harvest was not actually that bad it took well very little time that's what started at 7:00 in the morning 1:00 and we're done most of it so if it comes right to harvest time we can pretty much handle it so long as they handle all the planting and right now you're handling it this is rye uh This Is The Barley whatever they're they'll take care of it and these guys over here are planting wheat so we can plant wheat right now and they're going to plant all the fields go for it that's what I say in the meantime I'm going to grind up a bit of flour uh get more people on cooking and when it comes to technology wise our farming is up to 78 which is pretty good and our Productions 1,134 we're doing solid work on all of this so far and it's only been at the end of the first season out of the way I got to grind some flour you go back to make a fertilizer whatever you're supposed to be doing oh wait yeah no I got to thresh it first fine out of the way we're going to thresh some wheat 236 pieces just to get started we'll sign these out to people later I just want to see that's pretty quick that's 20 30 40 50 okay that is insanely quick so it takes no time at all for us to do it what's the bets if we assign one of our people to do it and take them in eternity if we assigned one of our people to do it they could do 19 operations in a day which would generate 54 wheat grain I mean it's not terrible but we did 19 there just now in fact we did we did about that manyy never mind uh oh sorry 5.4 5.4 seriously that is weak sauce never mind I'll put them all back to fertilizer we need a second Barn anyway to handle the threshing and all sorts of stuff so they're going to have to be threshing and grinding up flour that's where the bulk of our people are going to be going I think all right we'll leave you guys back to the fertilizer I'm going to dump this in storage and I'm going to make sure all our cooks are switched over to making nothing but this or nothing but flatbread well our first harvest is in we've got ourselves sorted on several fronts and there is a few things though that we're not so sorted on we just go under management here and we can check production wise we have only three kitchens we need at least two more before we're going to hit like the five well two more will give us five and then once we get kitchen level two that'll be 10 Cooks we can have running simultaneously however that's not the big issue uh the big issue is more farming we have that farm shed the one that's the main one that's over there servicing all of our farming section this one can go we don't need it is there anything in the storage chest no you can be gone reason being well we only need one farming shed so yeah you got to go can we just we have to break it down piece by piece um I think so actually ahuh it's actually kind of cool done so what we need is a second Barn reason being our barn right here is 100% dedicated towards making fertilizer we need one that also has to do uh we have to make wheat grain so we need one that's threshing the grain to make wheat and then we're probably going to need a third barn that's going to be taking the wheat and turning it into flour yeah and some of them are going to have to go around and make animal feed how have I not unlocked animal feed which is going to require us to get in the first harvest of Ry G I might just buy some of that straw is not going to be a problem in fact we're probably going to have to find some way to dispose of all the straw we get our hands on but that we'll have to wait for now Barn where do we put it and we're going to need a house so we need a house and probably two barns I think here is good it's on a bit of a slant so this makes it require logs to start up but that's okay we got a bunch of logs we're going to have to collect later anyway so I don't think wood is going to be an issue once we get around to some Ry beer and going on a little bit of a harvesting spree and there we go Barn number two too now I should really check on our employees sorry peasants I don't know what you call them they're unpaid interns no we have been hiring like crazy uh the kid cannot be assigned as an intern I already checked you can't assign them to a workplace the the Villager is too young to work I mean they're one I mean kind of expected that okay what are you you are farming and you don't have an assignment yet which is perfect we shall assign you to our newest Barn there you go perfect oh we do actually have to select what that Barn does their job will be to thresh grain or thresh wheat that means they will produce 37 straw and 53 wheat grain I need a second person to stick in there don't I I think everyone else is employed except for Wilhelm the lazy sod uh the mother is off on holidays we need more people like we've got so many but it's it's not enough we have one person doing the pigs we have four Farmers doing all the fields we have three Cooks already we have two Barn workers making fertilizer just so that they can fertilize the field one Barn worker who's threshing so that they could make the grain we need another one to make the turn that into flour um I've already done up some flower and stuff so there are stuff going on we need Lumberjacks just so that we can get the the wood to keep the place heated actually we're good on that for the time being I might want to scale that back I have not covered actually heating of the houses we're making solid houses so that they're out of Good Wood and all that so the the actual insulation requirements on them is quite minimalist so if you grab any of our small houses you'll see that the insulation is 87% 92 92 92 wait why are you only 87% I presume it's oh I probably have to change a wall or something there's something wrong there that should all be they should all be around 92% they're proper quality ones that house needs to be renovated or something I think I've got a wrong wall but uh that controls how much wood they burn now it says 3771 wood a day but you have to divide that by five to find out how much actual wood they're burning it's based on value not actual wood burning so it says it's burning 37.1 an easy way to demonstrate is if we go into this stuff here it shows the items and you see that we have 287 firewood stored but it has a value of 1435 yeah that confused me for a bit so we've definitely stockpiled a bunch of firewood I'm going to stockpile a bit more just in case but uh for the time being our two firewood people are well one person's doing logs the other person's doing firewood exclusively uh what else does that leave us with h that leaves us with one minor whose job is oh actually I should change their job to get uh Limestone uh one mother who's doing nothing and well raising a kid and one water carrier whose job it is to get water in fact we're going to need several Wells I have realized if we go under water extraction you will notice that well a guy one guy on a well can only produce 3.98 buckets a day that's not each bucket holds 10 water so that's you know 39 water a day which is okay but that's only going to support about two of our Cooks actually a little bit less we're going to need to start bringing in water just to help out that's not good uh I I'm very concerned about water and the amount of people it's going to take to make that work because right now our water demand is 510 we only have 885 so I'm going to have to start bringing in water buckets just to keep up with so we're going to need more people on buckets um we're going to need more people on we are going to need a more people on the baron uh we going to need more people on the wells and we're probably going to need a third barn so a third barn and probably two or three Wells and we're going to need another two cooking places this is ridiculous it's perfect that is actually beautiful the graphics on this are you can tell the they feels slightly dated but the Unreal Engine just works somehow I don't know what it is anyway I don't get it I can do like 15 buckets in in under an hour in game time like so what does this guy only do four I I really think that these peasants are not working as hard as they could be true we're not paying them so they're not very motivated but you think they'd at least want to eat or something well that solved our water demand problem quite nicely that should keep us going for at least a few seasons I'll sort something else out on that later but the plan uh make more housing I'm going to need at least we've got one empty house and one that's got a cook in it so we need another cook another two Cooks uh another two farmers another yeah I need to build about two more houses and a barn and then we're going to go recruiting and collecting wool and all that stuff that's going to have to wait till the next episode for now I amum yeah I'm going a little bit slower than I should be I should definitely be plowing through this more but I keep optimizing my time just because I'm concerned but I think I don't really need to be this is a it's got medieval Dynasty in in the title and I'm optimizing maybe a little bit too much of my time management so let's be a little bit lazier and uh more slap Dash in the next episode anyway I'm going to cut this out here I uh hope you enjoyed good [Music] luck [Music]
Channel: Francis John
Views: 13,394
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lets play
Id: uiLs8Qpza4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 8sec (2588 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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