Rimworld starter guide Pt1: Rimworld Tutorial Nuggets

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and we're back with a rimworld tutorial a vanilla rim World tutorial we will not be including royalty ideology or biotech because trying to do all at once would probably drive you insane we need to get started as this is an incredibly deep game and I want to keep this tutorial at under an hour and my sanity hopefully intact first up crash landed is the best scenario lost tribes gives you two extra people however it halves your research speed roughly so that's terrible Rich Explorer starts with one person naked brutality is for when you're just being a masochist next up you get to choose your Storyteller now first and foremost rimworld is a story generator not an actual game I know I rolled my eyes to first time I heard it a game is a game However the fact that this is a story generator changes things quite significantly normally if you play a game well you get to succeed and keep going in this game if you play well and perfectly you can still end up dying that's just the way it is these storytellers determine how much threats will be thrown at you and things like that well it will try to moderate itself so it's not to completely wipe you out they don't mind hurting you a bit they can and we'll wipe out your entire base if you are unprepared or playing anyways lovely and even if you play well they can still wipe you out just because you get an unlucky Confluence of circumstances now there are only two real main choices Cassandra Classic this is your basic standard issue she ramps up slowly and threats get bigger and bigger as she goes along then there's Randy random completely random meaning they can throw way too much at you way too quickly in way too short a period of time and is possibly the most fun and then there's phoebeach relax which basically she doesn't throw anything at you for ages and eventually when she does it's been so long since the last threat came that this was too massive when you had no defenses prepared and you die by default most people will go with this their first time around and then switch to Randy from just about every scenario afterwards you will have to choose your commitment mode reload anytime is recommended for newer players custom is where you can set up exactly how everything is tweaked I would not advise this on a first run through next brings us to World Generation we are going to go with the seed simple capital S this is where you get to choose how many how much stuff goes into the world just leave everything at default and hit generate this is the whole world if you click on tiles you can actually make the sun move around just a bit the stairs there will be a 24-hour night cycle and day cycle there will also be well differences in temperature depending on how far or at north or south of the Equator you go what we want to do is find somewhere in a some most equatorial region where this growing period is quite long you see this growing period here is year round yet if we go up really far north you'll notice the growing period is only 30 or 60 days or 60 days in a year in room world all of these different house looking things are basically factions so the purple one is the one you want to trade with initially predictably because they have decent Tech as in they've got guns body armor stuff of around industrial quality the the more tribal looking stuff they've got bows Arrow Spears and stuff you don't really care about then you've got these angry looking ones they will always be angry with you and angry looking Pirates always be angry with you don't worry about where you settle it doesn't affect raids or anything that gets thrown at you this map is purely for just picking out a location to set up your initial base later on you can change your base if you want though and most people won't do that on the first run and what we want to do is try doing multiple things at the same time so we are going to settle here it has the stone type marble now some people recommend you should also get Granite Granite is nice because it's very tough but honestly for stone types marble is probably your best bet if you only get one stone type on a location pick marble everything you can see you can also get Limestone Sandstone slate there's a whole bunch of others all we really want though is marble we're also going to settle in the river so we can take advantage advantage of it for power if we try and settle too close to a location it will warn you that there will start to hate you you have to settle more than four tiles away otherwise it will not let you uh so we're gonna settle right here on this River tile close to a road the reason we want to settle close to a road is it actually reduces the movement difficulty movement typically of 0.5 if you check over here it's one one one so being on that road basically allows us to move faster when we get Caravans which makes trading more important and trading is incredibly valuable in this game and helps you save an awful lot of time so we have picked a place where the year-round growing period that has marble is on a river and is close enough to a trading location that we're happy we do not want to settle on tropical rainforest higher higher diseases more trees we do want to settle in swamps also more diseases sounded more annoying to settle on of all the locations you can settle temperate forest is considered the best the next screen is character selection and there could be a huge tutorial on this because it would take an awful long time to cover everything now the most important thing to do is find someone who has good construction this is going to be the hardest trait to find throughout your entire play through so finding someone who has it is great and they're incapable of violent I think this Pawn is completely useless you do not want to start with opponent who's incapable of violence since none of them have construction you're gonna have to start hitting the randomize button when it comes to finding someone with a little passion symbol beside their construction it's actually pretty hard they're relatively rare what we're going to do is search through until we find one or maybe two and then we're going to put them to the top up there going with some very very rough rules of thumb here you're going to have three different types of Pawn you're going to want to pick one is cooking plants and animals this person is what maintains your home they cook your food they plant the plants they obtain the animals then you've got your Trader socializer recruiters less intellectual their job is medical social intellectual we're going to heal everyone up they're going to recruit new people and do you're trading and they're also going to do your research when they're not busy doing the others and then finally you've got your Constructor and what you would like to do is get them with a bit of Mining and artistic as well but honestly so long as they've got construction and they can do a basic work you're good to go this one here is a hard worker giving them a massive bonus to Global work speed so if you're gonna hear under gender labor speed they got 120 that is very nice that helps an awful lot if you could have to say someone who has a bad back or something like that because they're calling us is too old you can check under here and you'll see that that has actually reduced their general labor speed to 90 percent this is a big negative if you see anyone with scares or addictions or anything like that go in here and check under this section to see what the general labor speed if you're losing 20 of their labor speed that's really bad that means they'll plant animals slower they'll tame things slower they'll create things slower you kind of want to have everyone about a hundred percent losing five or six percentage points might not be the biggest thing in the world but otherwise yeah roll until you get some decent ones for your first playthrough so to recap cooking plants and animals on one medical social intellection on the other other and then construction Mining and artistic on the last one and you want to hit the next button and it's going to start generating the map and you get your flavor text and you're going to land in the middle of this area and we have picked a river that will become very important later on but for now this is what you're going to start with first schedule it's not set up optimally let's change that this here is known as a biphasic sleeping pattern it just means they recreate twice and they sleep twice make sure that all of your pawns are well rested at all times in case something nasty happens and it's one of the preferred methods of doing things and it's this quick easy way there are optimizations you can do but this one's just the fastest next up assignments we want to go in here and change everyone to attack preferably if they do get attacked we're going to want to change drug restrictions as well immediately you want to get rid of four recreational usage you don't want them using smoke leaf or beer for recreation the bottom right pitcher is ripped directly from the Wikipedia it shows you what drugs are safe to take with it causing immediate addiction flick Yayo wake up go juice all of those can give you addiction with even a single dose however all of these other ones can give you mood bonuses so we have apply like this little schedule here so that if they're ever feeling unhappy they can go and get these drugs and use them depending on how low their mood is now we select 35 because that is the break point of most pawns if a pawn goes below 35 mood they have a chance of having a mental break so they should toast themselves up with something smoke Leaf is put on the lowest priority because smoke leaves gives a massive penalty to your Consciousness that is bad Hans on smoke Leaf don't shoot very well so that's why it's set at 30 to make sure that if anything nasty does happen they only use it in the absolutely most extreme entire of circumstances this is pretty much the default for everyone though we will be adding uh numbers in here later you can get them to keep up to two or three in their inventory at all times we will up those numbers as and when we get around to drug production or purchase next up food restrictions first thing we'd like to do is tell them don't eat corpses no matter how desperate you are that is always bad also plant raw resources and all forms of drugs there's actually nutrition in beer and Ambrosia and you don't want them consuming them if they're Google ravenous then we should probably remove hay and kibble because they're not designed for humans and I also usually take off chocolate chocolate is pretty rare and you do want them getting into that meat wise yeah no raw meat we can manually tell them to eat raw meat meat if absolutely necessary and then yeah they could eat berries and Agave fruit but they shouldn't be eating any of the other raw foods unless they desperately need them then we can get rid of all of those and done so this allows us to manage what they should realistically be eating assuming we produce them that is the basics of excitement done now we have to go into work and change this immediately set this to manual priorities reason being they do try to make sure that there's someone available to do everything however some of your pawns will be missing skills or be bad at skills for example Mila here is terrible at tailoring smithing and Mining so no just she should not be doing any of those I have done a whole tutorial on how to use this and it's quite a long one because this can get really complicated and granular long story short never said anyone to a priority of one you want to make sure you always have a one Higher number that you can go to so you can do things like hey I would like everyone to start cleaning because the place is filthy or I would like everyone to start hauling because we need stuff to get where it's going this allows you to raise and lower everyone's priorities using a shift in the left or right click if someone does not have a passion something they usually don't get assigned to it it just takes too long for them to learn anything if you hover over a trade it'll tell you they will learn this at 35 normal rate someone with just a single flame we'll learn it at 100 and someone with a double flame we'll learn another hundred and fifty percent you want everyone to have a flame in whatever they're supposed to be doing the way it generally works is cook plants animals here will be entirely specialized in these two things in fact they'll probably end up specializing in only two and then you'll hire more and more colonists and they will spread out all of the load of the work having a specialized colonist is usually better than a generalist at the end of the day generalist what they end up doing is hopping from job to job to cover gaps when people die get injured or sick that means they never truly specialize in the one thing they're good at but yes definitely keep a few generalists around but look for Specialists more often than not all right that's the basics of setup before you even start then the next thing you're going to want to do is go into orders right click the allow and unforbid all items this will unforbid all the items on the map you see there's a bunch of other items that are around here like there is three survival meals over here there's another four survival meals somewhere over there all of these things are scattered around the map and including a bunch of Steel and other supplies so just unforbid the loss then you want to pick your best shooter give them the rifle your second best shooter give them the gun and your best melee person and give them the knife since our doctor is the most valuable Pawn we give them the rifle we give them we give them the flag vest and we give them the flag helmet we don't give anyone the flagpat they basically have very little protection and they slow down movement speed by 0.12 it's just not worth it it's honestly not you're better off just selling them the moments the opportunity presents itself all right well they're doing that we want to chop down some trees we've actually got some wood right here and this is the normal grid design I use simplest way to think of this is it's 18 Dam and it's 17 across or another way to think about it is it's always downhill after 18. so 18 is always downhill after that just that's how I remember it's 18 10 and 17 across this gives you a good grid design that's very useful for putting a lot of buildings inside and if you have analysis paralysis or find it a hard time trying to figure out how to design rooms pick the size fit everything inside it it makes it much easier in the long term this is going to be our first room base one thing to do make sure for all of the world segments where there's trees just put down a manual shop command the reason being otherwise your Builder will come along and try and chop them down despite having very low plant skills thankfully our Builder actually has decent plan skills so it's not the worst thing in the world but uh yeah you yeah they're going to go our cook plants animal person is going to go around and harvest these trees now medical social intellectual is a bit of a problem they don't have any real things they can be doing for us except for hauling so we're going to take all of this stuff and move it inside this room while it's outdoors you can see that it's unroofed outdoors and it's degrading at 0.25 per day and once it to that so in four days if you lose one hit point and x amount of days after that it will lose all of them and disintegrate so you like to move things inside that can possibly degrade especially that medicine then you've got stockpile zones this is what we're going to use to store all this stuff however uh this is where it gets a little bit tricky this is going to try and store literally everything which can be problematic for example steel wood some of these things we're not going to want to store inside later on for now it's okay but a good way to think of it is your indoor stockpile should all be said to about normal priority and then stuff that goes outside and things like that I usually set them to a higher setting build art Hunt is our only Builder their construction skill is four which means they can still Bosh things and waste resources but that's fine they'll get better at it you can see as they build their construction is going up once they hit 5000 points they'll go on to the skid level five and they'll get faster and faster and faster one annoying thing that you're going to find your pawns doing is cleaning all the way around your buildings for some reason and that is all to do with expanding Home Zone this little toggle button down here turn it off what it's done is if you go into zones here you can see your Home Zone it's uh basically added this entire area and the surrounding parts to your Home Zone I don't know why it does this it should really just add your walls everything inside you should probably have to manually add yourself so you're going to want to learn to manually add areas to your Home Zone this means they'll clean it and if any of the buildings insiders are destroyed they will be replaced automatically let's see app here we go toggle automatically rebuild of destroyed structures in the home area so your home zone is special and that people inside it will replace the walls and things that are destroyed very important once construction of the building is complete they will automatically start to roof it this doesn't cost anything and it's just one of those automatic free thing things you get when you create a sealed room you can also manually create and Destroy them using the zones tools to build and remove roofs when it comes to harvesting trees a good thing to keep an eye on is their growth if they're at 100 growth they will be ready to harvest you will get the most bang for your buck as in harvesting a tree that's at 78 it won't provide as much wood would will take just as long to chop down so it's a little bit time consuming but early on when you have the time it's a good idea to go through and find trees that are ready to harvest other than chop them manually there are mods you can get to change that but I think that's beyond the scope of this tutorial almost have beds for everyone now that means everyone can sleep we've put them into the corners of the room thing is when people are sleeping they can get Disturbed during their sleep if people walk near them so putting them in the four corners is just a smart way to start you notice that the center of our room is not roofed that's because you can only have six tiles of roofing off of a wall chunk trying to go further than six the roof can't support it and will collapse so what we need to do is put something in the center you can put down a pillar but a wall tile will do just as good in fact wall tiles are usually just faster to build to be honest and cheaper with one day behind us we put down a table three stools so that everyone has somewhere to sit this is all to do with mood currently the unhappy things they have going on is Disturbed sleep that's because they're sleeping in a barracks and people can stop in and out but it's early days eight minute table easily fixed with a table and some chairs slept on the ground well they were sleeping on these sleeping spots initially so now that that's gone they won't have that anymore except in the cold that can be easily fixed by increasing the temperature by putting a fireplace in here and finally they've got awful Barracks this will take a while to change but we can fix that one as well this is because the quality of the room is awful and it's giving them a negative mood we need to improve the quality of the room next up though we do want to get food sorted so for that we're going to build ourselves a little kitchenette down here so that we can do cooking cooking has the potential for food poisoning so we want to make sure we minimize the chances what we need is a butcher's table and an electric stove we're also going to stick down a standing lamp in fact we are going to replace the lamp in here with an electric lamp and a bit and over here we're going to put our Wind Fire generator this here is going to be a sort of either a field for animals or plants so we're going to stick in our wood fire generator in here namely because this is going to give off heat and we don't want to put it in our Central Area just yet for reasons it will become clear multiple forms of recreation are required to keep your poems happy one of the most common ones is the hoop Stone ring so we're gonna place that right there then we'll put down a chess table as well this will give them two forms of recreation which is all they'll need for now when it comes to food production you want to make sure to minimize the dirt in the room as you can see this room has a tiniest of very dirty of minus 1.56 the default standard of just regular dirt is -1 you want to make sure that the dirt in your kitchen does not go below -1 if it goes to minus 1.01 you've got chances for food poisoning going up so what we like to do is make sure it's in The Home Zone Home Zone means your pawns will come along and clean this area at the same time what we want to do is put down some flooring we're going to put down wooden flooring right here now we don't want to floor the whole room the problem is people walking across floors can drag dirt but dirt itself is naturally just negative dirt so you can't drag extra dirt on top of it almost so by putting the floor tiles there people are highly unlock likely to walk over these three tiles dragging dirt onto them and it drags up the cleanliness of the room now we just have to wait till someone comes along and cleans it we are going to now need of course to get our hands on some food that is where hunting comes in before we start the hunting I want to pretend a stone cutting table we want to start turning these Rock chunks into usable bricks to do that we're going to make ourselves a quick stockpile Zone here uh this stockpile Zone we are going to clear everything and we're going to get into chunks here and we're going to allow all the stone chunks for now they won't move any stone chunks there though unless they're highlighted so we are going to grab all of those and move them into that section and build ourselves a wooden Stone Cutters table at the same time we're starting to clear up the trees in this area we're going to be walling this section in shortly and adding it onto our base this is an introduction to making bills at tables this is gets pretty in-depth in some of the little ones but for now it's really simple we want to make marble blocks and we want to keep making marble blocks until we have set amount so we want to do until you have X so we want to do until we have say 200. so once you have 200 marble blocks you can stop and what you want to do is drop them on the floor we want the worker who's doing it to basically grab the blocks smash them up drop them on the ground and just grab the next chunk and keep going and what we want to do is reduce the radius see this radius thing here that determines how far a worker will go to try and find those chunks to put inside the table reasonably small is fine so that means they'll search inside this radius what you want to do is try and limit it so that people carry the blocks close to them and then they do the rest of the work and that's going to be a reoccurring theme with food blocks production of just about anything day two is ending day three will be arriving shortly when it does that's when our first threat is going to show up around day three you'll get attacked by one Pawn is the tradition so far we have been crafting exclusively out of wood however that is a fire hazard which is why we gotta run into making those marble blocks as soon as possible now what we're going to do is start making our outer wall out of marble this entire outer section will eventually be converted over to Marble the inside will be left as wood for now because well it's a lot of effort otherwise but for now we want to consume this area here and we can say start using this to firm crops we would like to get a few of them in we'd also like to store some animals in here as well a visitor has popped by and this gives us a chance to trade away those Flack pads we don't actually want we can sell them off for actually a reasonable profit we'll accept the silver that will go a bit of a way towards getting us our first weapon now that this area is almost safe it's time to do some planting over here we are going to grow some potatoes a over here it's rice this strip is cotton and this strip is heel root now the reason we go well I prefer potatoes over rice rice is actually slightly more efficient however it requires more labor you have to harvest this faster and it gives but it gives you less each time however potatoes while only being 93 is efficient to as rice you don't have to harvest them nearly as much which means it requires less labor rice is sort of to get in that emergency early crops that you've got something to work with potatoes is more sustainable and corn is for the ultra long term we're not going to plant corn Because by the time we see it harvestable it'll be like really long into the playthrough so early game bit of rice potatoes good to go so for day three our threat is a mad raccoon if you you just hover over the letter it will point you in the general direction of the problem this makes it easier to find this is very important because honestly the map is not very well organized now we're going to want cook plant animals oh we don't really want to put them tanking they're our cook so if they start cooking and they're injured it increases their likelihood of causing food poisoning so we're still gonna need someone to tank I'm thinking love of our our animal over here it has a good chance of being used for that this is where we're going to use zones we are going to go to manage areas we're going to create a new Zone and then we're going to say give us that new Zone and put it over oh I'm saying over here should be fine then we're going to crank this door open lock it open we're going to bring everyone back inside so that the animal that's coming to attack us only has one way in to get our animal to go to that zone we created we just go into the animals section and we click on the number 10 the tab over here and you'll see that when I hold the mice over two you can see the areas light up now lubav should go over there and hold the line and we put everyone behind them and if we desperately need we can have someone running to help back all right so all the doors are closed this atom only has one way to attack us so it will try and come through here using our animal as a chump blocker is a time-honor tradition and there we go as you can see our accuracy is absolutely horrendous been there and getting some stabbing so turns out the knife killed him yep that's real for you however everyone's shooting skill is pretty terrible right now it will get better as the game progresses but for now we are pretty weak now that we have an animal it's time we made ourselves a fridge for that we're just going to place it in here but we're going to make a stockpile zone for storing those frigid animals first thing clear everything go down to corpses find animal corpses select a lot maybe don't include insect corpses you're not likely to need those then at the same time come up here and remove allow rotten the reason I want to remove allow rotten is you don't want you though your people going across the map finding dead animals that died out there and dragging them in if they're rotten you only want fresh corpses anyway that means they'll grab that one well when they get a break they'll go and grab that one same time we're going to pretend an art bench as we want to turn this place from being an awful Barracks into like a decent one if at all possible when it comes to Art we are back to the build section again we want to make large sculptures large sculptures are the most cost efficient ones to make Grand sculptures pointless small sculptures pointless in general you want to come in here clear everything and we only want to select marble blocks this was one of the reasons we settled on this tile marble has a beauty bonus to us none of the other stones are quite as good and nothing else is quite as plentiful making it a gold and Jade is possible but very expensive I'm going to drop them on the floor and you want to select the worker in this case we want to select build art hunt because they're the only one that's actually any good at Art then we want to make just one for now that should mean they should immediately go along and it'll cost them 100 blocks of marble and they will start crafting that it's going to take them a while while I would like to let them finish that statue we do want to refrigerate this animal we're good we could turn it into meals immediately but I think now is a good time to throw in the fridge you will notice we now have an idle colonist medical social intellectual doesn't have anything to do but now they do we want to find the animals and start stocking up our fridge that we're just about to build yeah Mega Slots are bad to hunt in fact the best way to figure out how to hunt is to go in here and sort by the chance this creature will attack when harmed we don't want to attack anything that might attack back not yet so said we want to find Mayors are probably the closest by these horses down here are the closest thing to our base that I would like uh also as well as that normally when you sort by this method it also puts the ones with the most meat on them near the top for example meat amount 269 uh the donkeys have 157 alpacas have 112. that's exactly what you'll get out of them but that's their potential media match so it's a good idea to go that way then let's go down here and grab ourselves a few of them bear in mind they have zero chance to turn Manhunter so we can just get nice Point Blank Range and start shooting at them however they will start running so it's a good idea to get them on the place yourself on the opposite side to your Colony so that they will run towards your Colony rather than away and then you can start shooting and this also helps because it will help our shooting scale right what 27.90 and there it gets into 100 points so with a horse Acquired and a raccoon it's about to spoil it 1.7 days but you want to take this refrigeration unit here make sure the red is pointing to the outside area and the blue is pointing to the refrigeration area then we want to hit -10 and that it tells you down here what the target temperature is we want to take that temperature down well actually let's just max it minus 19. oh you can go lower than that but minus 19 is more than sufficient for our needs this will start dragging them the temperature in this room it's currently 20c 17c 14c you can turn down this temperature overlay to actually get a better idea of the the temperature in here but what you really want to do is get the temperature in here below zero degrees as you do this stuff in here starts to take longer and longer to spoil once you hit zero degrees it will no longer spoil so now we actually have a fridge and what you want to do is double doors if at all possible don't have the doors touching that actually has the reverse effect but having a little Gap in here does help now that we have fresh meat in our freezer it's time to set up some butcher bills now the thing is you don't want to accidentally say end up with a fridge full of raccoons because you chopped up all your horses first which you want to do is use the smallest animals first and then work your way up to the larger animals this is sort of useful because Bridge space is at a premium so what I've done is I've set up three butcher bills this is my traditional one and what you do is you put down the smaller animals in the first one like Alpha beavers arctic foxes boom rats chupacabras in fact half of the things in here I'm kind of not sure if they're quite small like ducks Yorkshire Terrier stuff like that that they all end up in this small bill then you get your medium creatures in here and this is like just a few extras out of date and we're just leaving out Bisons elephants grizzly bears rhinos horses that type of stuff then in the final one we butcher up everything trumbles rhinos all that stuff this way we use the smaller things first then what you normally do is double down on it so that you end up taking all the small animals as quickly as possible and then you go to the larger animals when the smaller animals run out nothing worse than ending up in the middle of a toxic winter and then finding out that your fridge is full of rat corpses the source of the nutrition set up from both plants and animals it's time to get around to making some simple meals simple meals is where we started and we're going to start on cook simple meal by four if your cook is not capable of level eight cooking make it simple meals by one the thing is if you have cooking below eight you have very high chances of getting food poisoning and if you make four meals all four of them will have food poisoning that is crippling you're much better off cooking the meals individually that way well it will take longer if you do get a poisoned meal you won't get four all at once taking your entire team out having one person down with food poisoning is bad two is really bad and three that's just a that's a ticket to death so anyway we're going to be cooking four simple meals details wise we want to do until you have X we're gonna set that to say give us 30 meals then we want to drop them on the floor and the only worker who can do it is cook plants animals then over here when it comes to making these meals all you need is 10 ingredients either 10 meat 10 vegetables it doesn't really matter done then we want to reduce the ingredient range to about there and finished later on we'll be upgrading to fine meals but this is to wean us off our package survival meals what we want to do is start using this so that we can save the package survival meals for later they're great emergency rations because they don't go off and they can be stored anywhere as you can see the plants animal took the raccoon First Once that's done they'll go grab the horse and then after that they should get around to actually cooking as you can see it's slightly dirty in here at minus 0.33 unless this hits minus one our chances of food poisoning are absolutely minuscule one problem we are going to have though is when these meals are cooked they are not showing up in here see the zero of thirty that means the game has not detected that we have already cooked four meals simplest thing to do make yourself a Zone grab a stockpile and we want to fill this room with it then what we want to do is go in here and set the security to low and then clear all what this means is this is now a stockpile but it's not actually set to store anything nothing at all however we go back in here and unpause the game you'll see that the four meals are now showing up so long as we're in a stockpile even if it's not meant for them they'll show up now we need to enhance this place here so that it can store those same things so we'll go in here Foods meals and we're actually just going to set it to store all of the meals in fact let's add a few more things in here all forms of meat to prevent them from going off milk and unfertilized eggs though we don't have any of those just yet and the rest can all be left outside reason being vegetables last for about oh 20 15 to 30 days outside so we don't really care about those and fridge space is at a premium now that we have this actually Place sealed in we are going to break down those walls so we can refuel that from either side we have a build art hunt finishing this area out and we can finally go into assignments here and we can edit food restrictions we're going to change people's food restrictions so that they no longer eat packaged survival meals we don't want them eating that we want them eating the simple meals because those are more sustainable and we're able to obtain them well we have been filling up the fridge with horse meat you will notice that if you click on an animal and check under Health you can see down here that it's going to bleed out in nine hours in which case we will set this to hunt but we're not going to hunt anymore we're going to let our pawns back to work the reason being once that bleeds out our pawns will go along and collect its corpse however if we don't set it to hunt when it dies it will be exed out animals that die of natural causes as in you don't you aren't hunting at the time will automatically be exact to stop you from going around and collect them you're also going to install a shelf in here shelf have Unique Mechanics and that they can actually store three things at once now we've already set this up to carry our meat our our meals all that stuff so what we're going to do is just simply copy the settings and we can paste them to the Shelf uh that way the Shelf will actually have exactly the same settings but we're going to put them on preferred namely because that will mean people will move the stuff off the ground and onto the Shelf where it takes up less volume and we can store more in here the more shells we add uh why don't you just stay in there and prioritize hauling all of that stuff that looks much more Compact and it allows us to store far more in a smaller space animals unfortunately the the larger ones can will still take up a whole tile on the ground but that's fine you can we can enlarge this fridge later on as it goes it's time to start caravanning for that we will need to tame some animals to do a decent Caravan so over here you've got these berry bushes we are going to harvest them in fact let's see what are you at you are ready to harvest we will harvest you also we're gonna Harvest all the berry bushes we can to get ourselves some veggies and we're going to use those two tame animals day five and our first raid has arrived from actual people and normally it used to be you get it on day three but it turns out now it's on day five they are attacking immediately we want to hire them you basically want to hire as many pawns as you can early on even if they're terrible you can always fire them later for almost no negatives so let's uh grab our people and go outside and greet them now to capture them alive what we want to do is wound them but not actually kill them the game does try and make it so that it's very hard for them to die but if you do shoot at their head or shoot at their torso they will straight up die or you clip him in the heart oh damn I think they're going to go around the right side of the Rock and never mind we will just wait here for them and we will put our knife person up front the plan is we want to wound them if we can wound them that'll steal them down oh that was actually a really good shot yeah move speed is 3.86 meaning we could outrun them however it'll take them 22 hours to bleed out we want to shoot them again okay there we go they'll bleed out in 13 hours that's efficient what's their movement speed their movement speed has been reduced to 2.81 what that means is we can take everyone back inside except for one person run them around in circles until they bleed out by running everyone else back inside we have left them outside to chase after our opponent and they're slowly leading it'll take them a long time to bleed out but this way we can keep our Pawn running around uh they chase them instead of Smashing on the doors at the same time our other Pawns in here can still work we've set up a zone for them if you check here we have area one we just went under schedule we assigned them to that area they'll stay indoors they won't open any doors that means the enemy won't come after we'll just play a ring around a Rosie with him for a bit I did forget to bring back in the wooden butchers table so they have smashed that up that's fine we can replace it and they're down to they have blood loss moderate eight hours left in them usually it's a bit to four to five hour mark they start to pass out never mind it's the six hour mark okay we've captured our first prisoner last time to put them somewhere I normally dump them in the kitchen to start namely because I don't have any other place to put them just yet but we can make them a quick prisoners area and we will capture them now you have to set this up to be four prisoners don't forget to put everyone back to their normal zones when you're finished uh many a time you find your opponents starving because you forgot to do that hey we'll grab that in fact we'll probably take that steel Club while we're at it and luckily they have medical on their hands so they can actually heal them up all we need to do is stop the bleeding and they should be fine with the prisoner acquired it's time to start recruiting them we're immediately going to stick them on recruit here we're using this radio button the resistance is 12 but every so often our social person will come along talk to them and slowly reduce the resistance until they want to get hired however there is always the possibility that they can prison break you can see it up here their Prison Break interval this is affected by a lot of things how happy they are and basically how good their movement is so they lower their movement as in there's the moving is at 40 right now that means their chances of Prison Break are much lower the hot as they heal up and get better and better their Prison Break interval will drop and drop and drop until it hits I think about 60 is where it bottoms out just because it says the prison looking for the 60 days doesn't mean they'll wait 60 days every time they might break after five days they might break after 120 days or make their attempt it just means that the main interval between breaks will be 60 on average next up it's time to get ourselves some Caravan animals there are several different types the three main types you will find in this biome are donkeys alpacas and horses those three are probably your best bet I prefer to generally go with the alpacas out of tradition at the same time they also do provide wool so it's handy later on for when you want to craft different things tame chance fails 51 that sucks okay so we'll try again but we want about two alpacas and that should allow us to carry a decent amount of equipment the beauty of this room is basically all of those numbers those minuses threes plus a whole bunch of minus sevens and minus elevens all added together to give us the average Beauty which is well terrible however what we're going to do here is add a statue which adds 270 Beauty marble it's good for that in fact we had we got a good statue which was pretty good luck so with this installed it'll take our Barracks from awful to just slightly awful less awful right uh we may have to floor the place a bit to get it up even higher and we may want to get some of that stuff off the ground however all of that cost resources and all of that costs time but oh yeah we're also going to be digging out this entire area by digging out I mean removing all the trees this area is not quite finished yet and we might be taming an animal soon so one thing to do is we're going to put in a caravan hitching post this is normally designed for when you're starting Caravans but if you don't have a place to store your animals your people will automatically drag them over to the Caravan Hitching Post 51 chance failed three of those in a row nicely done Randy actually it's Cassandra isn't it four in a row hmm by installing three shelves and putting most of the stuff that was on the ground on the shelves we've managed to get the barracks up to dough slightly better than awful that's five failures six failures we have finally managed to tame a couple of alpacas I basically spread our net wider so we were targeting more but two alpacas should be sufficient for now now we just need an animal pen for them I've took a fence down here we're gonna use this area to hold them it keeps them nice and safe when Raiders show up uh you get fencing under structures and then you need to come down to miscellaneous and get pen marker now this is what basically defines it as a place where you should take animals you can control a bunch of stuff from there with that finished you can then go in here and you can check how many animals what animals should go in there by building a second statute we've managed to bring this Barracks Up To Mediocre uh that should mean when everyone goes to sleep tonight they've got a minus five from dull that should drop to a minus four or minus three it's bringing everyone's mood up just that little bit more before we Caravan I should probably point out we got hit by an Ambrosia spread these will show up and the simplest thing to and easiest way to manage them is do this first thread them in Road zones there we go now that we've got them all all selected inside good zones but what happened is people would come along and immediately chop them down that is bad we don't want them to do that we only want them to come along and harvest them when they're ripe so we're just gonna double select that and then we're gonna say get rid of a live sewing we don't want him to sew anything here we just want them to harvest when the time comes so when these Ambrosia planets are ripe our people will come along and harvest them and we'll get our hands on some Ambrosia which is a nice drug then it's time to do a caravan we're gonna travel to our closest trade partner in fact we have three trade Partners in reasonable range which has drastically increased our chances of finding what we're looking for and one of the reasons we held out until we got trade animals is to do with how fast we can move for example we're going to get our social Pawn and we're going to select them they can move at 22.1 Tiles it'll take the 0.5 a day to get where they're going however they need to bring travel supplies with them so we're going to give them about six meals just in case things go horribly around actually Four should be sufficient yeah looking four give me the 21 speed then we're gonna give them all the leather we've got lying around the place and we're gonna give them all the silver and we're going to give them the steel clip just in case they get attacked along the way and they have to defend themselves it's good to have both a melee weapon and a ranged weapon so that puts him at 31 out of 35 kgs however it's still demented 15 tells a day it's not going to take 0.6 of a day to move them however doing a couple of pack animals and we've dropped that down to 0.4 of a day allows them to move faster they're going to collect everything up and head on their way you can actually go in here make sure that their food is good their sleep is good and their Recreation is good before you send them off otherwise it could get problematic if they have any mental breaks along the way once they've collected everything they'll start heading towards the edge of the map now you have instances where the pawn is having problems where the animals are dragging them back draft them undraft them and the animals will disconnect and they'll actually follow them to the edge of the map automatically that whole rope to them thing is just graphical you don't have to worry about it when you're leaving when you're coming back that's a different story but when you're leaving the animals will automatically make their way to the edge of the map done now if we check on the world map you'll see that we have 0.3 over there to get to the destination once they're there we can do trading trading is vitally important to your early Game survival if you're not using trading or handicapping yourself up here you can see you've never visited here you can see that the stock is unknown and they'll tell you what they're capable of buying all the all the locations are the same pretty much now once we get here you have two options one is the saves coming option you can try trading there and if your trading doesn't show you what you want you can always just reload the game and open it again it only actually generates the inventory when you hit the trade button here so once we hit this all of this is locked in however if it has saved it beforehand you can basically save to them to get stuff I wouldn't advise this it's more fun to actually try and uh survive with what you get given all right there is an lmg it's not a great weapon of the four main Primary Weapons you're looking at you would be looking at actually five sorry there's a the charge rifle is probably the best of the lot however very expensive and you're not going to be able to afford them early on miniguns probably come in second and they're even more expensive then third you're looking at about the heavy SMG then comes the assault rifle and then comes the lmg the assault rifle would be better than the SMG but only once your shooting gets up to about 12-ish or maybe higher than that however we're going to want to buy the lmg that will drastically increase our Firepower if we could afford that smoke launcher it would actually be great by selling off the Leathers we brought with us we were able to afford the smoke launcher so we now have an lmg and a smoke launcher to bring back us and we know there's a charge rifle here if we can muscle if we can muster up 1300 once the Caravan arrives back they can arrive from randomly any direction in fact when it comes to sending Caravans out you can send a caravan to go down here and they might leave from the top of the map or the left of the map or the right it's completely random and when they return from the bottom right they might not actually come in on the bottom right of the map and this time they did they might come in from the top left or the top it's completely random it's very important to know that because if there's enemies on the map you have to be very careful about bringing pawns onto it unless you can be certain that they're going to be able to get back to base if they'll end up anywhere on it because they might end up over here and there might be a whole bunch of enemies there who will immediately kill them our rice crop is starting to come in that means it's done to make a few changes on the meal builds when it comes down to meals simple meals are the most basic ones and they give no pluses or minuses fine meals are one step up they give a plus five mood bonus and all they require is that you use a 50 50 mix of meat and vegetables simple meals can be made from either meat or vegetables but if you combine a 50 50 mix you get bonuses you're going to do the same thing as we did with simple meals it's just going to be 30 of them Paul has been satisfied and they can basically have access to everything by default it will not include insect meat or human meat so you don't have to worry about accent to giving your people stuff that will make them unhappy drop on floor and make sure it's our dedicated cook you don't want anyone else doing this at the same time we want to reduce the amount of simple meals we're cooking because we're not going to be using those anymore we want to be running exclusively on fine meals we will keep a small stockpile of simple meals just in case something goes wrong your pawns will automatically try and break the resistance of the prisoners or make sure the person doing it has the highest social possible and you make sure it's them by setting them to wardening afterwarding they're set to manage feed chat and recruit the prisoners don't use if you have multiple people with good social make sure to use the one with the best that will allow you to do it the fastest the new meals will change everyone's mood 2A Plus 5. there we go eight fine meal plus five lasts for an entire day up until this point we have been just trying to get the basics done survival getting a new recruit in the usual however now we need to start planning for the potential things that could kill us one thing that could have hit us by now already and would have been absolutely crippling is a cold snap cold snaps will reduce the temperature on your tile by oh about 20 or 30 degrees and what happens is it can put the temperatures below -10 which means all your crops will die out and all the animals will flee the map leaving you with no real source of food so because that is the most likely thing to really hurt us right now we are going to clear the map we have all three of our people equipped we've got our new lmg equipped on our best shooting Pawn yeah they've got a shooting of three but that will go up shortly everyone else is yeah they're all pretty low but we're going to go after boom Loops namely because it's raining and I think we can risk shooting them now and they might all go Manhunter if they do that will be a problem excellent there is one of them you'll notice that one was X deck when we first clicked on it the reason for that was well we hadn't actually set it to hunt uh anyone want to shoot that thing there we go two down now the reason we do this in the rain is well these things are explosive and if you don't do it in the rain all other corpses will get eaten up by the fire come on last one uh yes now that is a trick you see it's not actually dead it's still alive just we've shot it so we're gonna get a little bit closer do some more shooting uh one thing shooting animals that are downed does not give you experience so these are the only animals I shoot from a distance everything else you just walk up and either melee it down or yeah there we go now we can immediately bring those back and then I'm going to clear the map we're going to grab as many animals as we can well all the larger ones so Mega Slots muffalo actually we might tame a donkey alpacas anything on the map that we would like that has a decent amount of meters we're gonna throw it in the fridge so that we've got a nice food supply do be aware that Mega Slots are pretty tough so and they will go Manhunter on you so do give yourself a little bit of wiggle room when it comes to hunting them I hunt them from max range and when they do go Manhunter you should be able to get off enough shots to slow them down so much that they can't catch up with you they are hella tough they take a lot of damage to go down light is a relatively common event that can strike and it will destroy a crop everything in here is basically lost however it will only strike one crop at a time at first for example if it hit the rice it wouldn't affect any of the cotton and vice versa however it will immediately start to spread so you need to cuddle the blight another thing you should probably do is get rid of a left sewing you don't want your opponents trying to plant anything else while they're still black to be removed and then another thing to do is maybe go into everyone's assignments and make sure that they do this as quickly as possible if you have multiple ones we don't we really only have one Pawn that does it but for now I think we're gonna Max everyone out we need this taken care of quickly or it's going to spread and cause issues there we go quickly and efficiently dealt with do not put one of those on the long finger if you do it will eat all of your crops alive you can't hunt animals automatically all you have to do is just basically click on this button here and you can Mark animals for hunting this is a nice way to get stuff done but early on you want to get as many as you can and we're getting rated again okay there was a few minor issues going on here but this radio is going to over here and this one's going to be much more serious we have three people showing up they are all close combat related but thankfully our shooting scale has gone from zero to two two to four and I think they started on two and now they're at five so we've been gradually improving our skill this is the whole reason we went shopping bought more guns and went around and killed all these animals this this one provides us with food and two trains up the shooting skill of everyone so they're not terrible at it early on you're going to be concentrating on getting people's good skills like oh construction we got that from four to eight or their medical or their food or their animals or their plants but what's really important is making sure you don't die when the enemies show up now this crowd here they're gonna show up and if our doors were all locked as in they could had no way of getting at our people because they were safely inside the building they would start smashing on the walls randomly they just pick a wall outside and start smashing it we have left our door open they have a clean path into our base which means they will come here directly since they are all three melee people this is very common early on when you have low wealth they are going to come charging right for us and go straight for this door we're going to stay outside for a bit shoot at them and then when they get too close we're going to fall back use our dog as a chip blocker and then shoot them down in the corridor if we could capture some of them alive that would be great but because there's so many of them that's almost impossible oh if you click on this it will tell you what's going on as in they are going to prepare for a while and then attack we get to prepare defenses so we actually have a little bit of time before they show up I'm going to let everyone keep sleeping oh we're waiting for the enemies to show up a very important thing about butcher Stables butcher's tables are naturally dirty as you know has a cleanliness of -15 as far as I'm aware this is the only building that has this attached to it what that means is if you install it in any room it drives up the dirtiness of the room doesn't matter if it's a brand new building and has never actually touched meat so for example the dirt in this room is -1.05 and when we install that it jumps from -1.05 to minus 1.13 this is actually causing dirt in the room that is why you normally separate your butcher's table from your electric stove you don't want to two of them in the same room because this causes the room to be dirty and having dirt in the room where your cooking causes food poisoning Paisa has joined us they're our newest colors and as such we can rename them we might just have to integrate them into the workflow what you normally want to do is pick one or two traits and get them to take over that exclusively I would think Mining and construction would be their best bet mining because we do not have a minor yet and construction because well they've got a burning passion out they are lazy which reduces their Global work speed by 20 this is bad however we don't care because they can hold a gun and they can shoot stuff in this game hiring more colonists is generally better unless the colonist is going to cause a negative to you you're better off having more colonists more guns the more Firepower you've got the better off you are now raids scale with wealth and the amount of colonists you have however the simple math of it is this the amount of cooking facilities and bedrooms and all that it takes to maintain a colony is barely touched when you add on an extra Pawn so for example one colonist could cook for about 15 and that means you can have 15 colonists for one kitchen if you upgrade to two kitchens then you can support about 30 colonists which means more people gives more Firepower while increasing your wealth by less every colonist you add getting up to 15 colonists is good 20 is probably about the point where you'll start breaking the game in terms of the amount of Firepower at your disposal right now our biggest concern is they do not have any clothing and our second concern is none of them have crafting we have no one who's any good at crafting our best is cook plants animals with a three everyone else either can't do it or has a zero and we need to make them some clothes and keep an eye out for someone we could recruit who has crafting so you want to go under production find a crafting spot and we're gonna go with the most basic clothing possible which is tribal wear and what you want to do is go in here and you want to decide what to make it out of checking in our make tribal where you see it requires 60 fabric or leather to make we can go into leathers and we can see exactly how much of each type we have we will select camel hide do specify because some stuff is better than others heavy fur is more resistant to sharp objects this is actually good for making your armors out of preferably your dusters then we'll just drop that on the floor and instead of any worker will select cook plants crafting and we're gonna have to make sure that they do this immediately because you would like to get them from not being naked anymore the reason being naked gives them a minus six and it also makes them chili which is minus four little crafting skill will mean this is going to be horrible quality more than likely oh and it drives people from the alliance are attacking you get this notification appear when they're ready to attack you so Muppet I would like you to force her oh normal that's highly unprobable this is its share protection as you can see it's pathetically small uh you need to have sharp protection of about 80 70 to 80ish before things start getting really noticeable however it does increase cold and heat resistance now one thing to note about this is humans have a comfortable range 16 degrees to 26 degrees if you go above 26 degrees they're going to get select in the heat if they go below 16 degrees they get slept in the cold you want to keep the temperature in your place below loads to keep everyone happy however that requires a lot of temperature management and is usually not worth it early on clothing does not change this clothing just means that they can survive without getting hypothermia or overheating by increasing these temperatures but it does not change their slept debuffs anyway we are going to get Muppet to equip a tribal wear then we're going to get them to pick up a plastille knife and then we're going to start up on killing these enemies the fight is about to kick off the enemies are about to come in range what we're going to do is line up all people here keep shooting at these until they start to get too close when they do we will fall back to behind here and where is doggo uh lubov is coming along and they're going to hold the door along with so try and do as much damage as we can if any of them go down and get knocked unconscious or become disabled we will totally capture them if at all possible and there we go so that's that problem solved now both of these are dead which is bad but we're still going to keep shooting at this one if we can manage to down them oh chemical damage and a sidekite addiction never mind it was hopeful that we could capture another colonists early on when you have low colonist numbers the Storyteller tries to give you more so they're more likely when you shoot people to down them there are lots of myths about using different weapons to be more likely to capture people if you go into the Storyteller settings you can modify them mid game you can change everything and this is what we're currently playing on in terms of difficulty and this is all the sliders that get changed down here you'll see enemy death on down 100 this is the chance that colonists go down or enemies go down when you shoot them however there's a few things affecting this if you shoot them with a really big gun that does 40 points of damage and completely takes their head off then they're definitely 100 going to die however you will see lots of instances of Pawns dying to getting hit on the arm or hitting the legs stuff that should not have killed them but they'll still go down and die this is to do with this number this is why using different weapons has almost no bearing on damning enemies using lower damage weapons will increase your chances ever so slightly but honestly it's very small so long as you're not using a big weapon that's going to just take their head or their torso clean off they just have a percentage chance of going down on average so don't sweat about what weapons you're using if you have prisoners and you want to download that's a different story you should probably use the least damaging things you possibly can preferably your fists or the butts of weapons disposing of the corpses is actually a bit of an inconvenience people don't like the sight of dead bodies however first what we'll do is we'll make a Zone over here in the water the reason we want to make it in water is water increases the Decay rate for example this Pawn here is decaying at one point a day it'll take them 100 days to Decay fully if we put them in water that jumps up to four which means in 25 days the entire corpse will be gone grenades Molotov stuff like that would help but we don't have access to them just yet however we only want one Pawn doing it we only want build art hunt to be doing it because they're a psychopath and they don't care about the sight of dead bodies more on that in a bit so what we're going to do is create another Zone we're going to call this only corpses and what you want to do is this go to expand the load area go only corpses and we want to make this corpse stockpile there then we'll do a minor change by inverting us by hitting invert The Zone includes everything but that section so if we go to only corpses you'll see everywhere but that stockpile zone is included into it then we just select everyone to only be in that zone except for our psychopath now they are not prioritized on holding so I've manually told them to go around and hold of them all over there and once they're done we'll show you why we're only assigning them to this particular task well they are busy doing that we're going to get Muppet and give them an additional task you see Muppet can do cooking losing your cook can be quite hurtful especially considering the five mood bonus it's giving you and the fact that well everyone's not going to be super happy at this stage of the game so we want to make sure that Muppet can take over cooking if needs be however if they cooked now they'd cause a lot of food poisoning so instead we're going to assign them exclusively to butchering so all of these butcher builds in here we're going to make sure only Muppet can do it with all of them changed that means Muppet will be able to get some cooking experience by butchering and when it comes to the actual cooking itself that's still restricted to cook plants animals to make sure that we don't get any food poisoning slowly but surely Muppet will develop skills at cooking and eventually they will if necessary be able to fill in the cooking rule if cooked planks animals dies get sick or gets injured in some way everyone is currently throwing a party these appear to be more likely to happen when your mood is low or negative events have hit you recently that have driven down everyone's mood this will give everyone a little bit of a mood boost uh you could well but just join in for the love of God you're new that problem solved we're gonna clear out the rest of the map of animals we want as many as possible we're about to do some mass trading again to fund our next Caravan trip we are going to chop up a whole bunch of animals this will give us Furs leathers and meat or this next Caravan I thought I'd point out the importance of donkeys and horses they actually have Caravan riding speed built into them it's this little horse symbol alpacas don't get it donkeys and horses do and if we tick this button here you can check our route travel time goes from 0.7 to 0.6 as well as that it takes our movements between 21.2 tiles to 30 tiles it's like a 50 increase in movement speed it's not quite always that drastic but keeping a couple of donkeys or a couple of horses around long term is always a good call especially when you're going to be doing a lot of trading yeah you're taking a bunch of food with us and we're gonna head down here and see what they've got to trade if you check on it show what they'll buy it'll tell you their next restock in this place is 24.7 days so going back here we'll just Nest the same things that is why we tried to settle in a nice central location where we can hit up several one thing I forgot to mention any pawns that see corpses they get it negative to their mood and if the corpses are rotten they get an extra negative on top of that that's why build air to hunt is the one set up to do it they're a psychopath they don't care about the sight of corpses however psychopaths are still affected by rotten corpses so your best bet for dealing with corpses later later on in the game is finding someone who has bloodlust bloodlust people are not bothered by either otherwise you're going to end up with people getting a lot of negative mood little Buffs from having seen corpses and we've got attacked again which is quite frequent day 14 and this is our third human attack all right and we've got another problem and this is sort of a demonstration of how they will mess you up we were out here hunting animals and our Pawn here is just on the uh is inside already the attack radius of one of the enemies we need to get out of here in fact we need to bring everyone back home in immediately and hopefully no one dies but I'm not holding it any hope on that one like I said doesn't matter if you play right you get caught at the edge of the map I mean this could have been worse they could have been right here and get surrounded and then they're just straight up dead that has happened and will happen to you so the standard policy applies run run run run run run run away run away and hopefully they don't shoot you if they land a shot on us that slows us down we're probably dead and movement speed 4.51 okay we're still moving thankfully it's raining which actually decreases their accuracy which means we may be able to get back to base in time but Rich you're going to take that actually works you were hit in the right shoulder okay no immediate danger perfect we can get you back home and hopefully get you some safety Now problem is all of these enemies are ranged this is the second type of problem you're gonna face what we're gonna do is the normal thing of we're gonna wit her in the corner wait until they put their head around the corner and then put bullets into their head here comes their Pawn now we're just going to sit in here for a second and maybe get a few shots off when you hide behind cover as in a wall your people can poke around and get shots off so you should be able to see this Pawn yet also get some shots off then what we're gonna do is wait till they start shooting back and then we're gonna take cover some more yeah go here perfect now this has split them up some of them have stopped here to start taking pot shots but others are trying to close in closer to get shots off oh problem we'll just hide around the corner here damn it I don't want all three of them at the same time are all of you gonna attack simultaneous yeah that's a problem all right so you are the most expendable blue buff you have training you can attack so what we will do is let lubov off the leash all you have to do to let them off the leash is find out who's actually attached to them so to unleash lubov what we need to do is go under animals and under here you'll see these two little tick boxes follow Master file Master is drafted and follow Master pile Master is doing fieldwork we just want them to follow Master while master is drafted I'm gonna have to turn that off again later this list this will bring up this option animals attack this way we're ordering lubov to go in and start attacking people we need to do this because we want to buy ourselves some time the third the fourth Pawn is out there but we were hoping to set them up a bit more it didn't work quite as well as we were hoping oh that's one down that is too damn shortly seriously okay two down uh you can come forward and you can come forward and yep it's actually the melee that's doing most of the damage good job blue buff all right that's three enemies down and one left you do want to try and Chase and kill the last one after you've done all your chasing and hunting and well capturing everyone what you want to do then is make sure your animal is not assigned to follow a drafted Pawn anymore otherwise that gets real confusing you only want to turn that on when you want to release them for attack and then we can get back to uh releasing our Caravan as well when it comes to tending injury the thing that really counts is the 10 quality best bet 10 that wound as best you can see that 76 that determines how quickly that injury is going to heal if you heal people in the field they're less likely to get a good 10 the 10 quality will be lower and it'll take them longer to recover from the injury you only get one shot out of ten so preferably bring them back to a bed in a clean room we have not invested in Florence floors at this point are almost pointless because we'll be dragging so much dirt across them we'll be spending more time cleaning them than actually getting to get benefit from them usually you start investing in floors around the point where you've got about eight to eight to twelve colonists before that it's usually not worth the effort our Caravan on the road literally it's going to take it 0.2 days to get to its destination because of the combination of roads with no mountains or anything in the way and the fact that we've got a caravan animal in there this increasing movement speed this is very important this is why it's really nice to settle New Roads also you will note that Muppets here has a -7 mood from observing three corpses this is because they're not a psychopath and don't have bloodlust either if you don't have a psychopath pick someone who's got some sort of mood boost iron will anything like that something that will help them resist the the negative effects because dealing with corpses is a long-term problem this bit here is the core of the tutorial it's focusing ourselves on buying weapons upgrading our shooting skill hunting animals we're making ourselves more resilient to attacks because we're better at shooting we can scrap up a bunch of these animals for meat this meat will go off in about three days so what we do is we chop up a bunch of animals we take the meat we take all the hides we go to the local trading location and that gives us 965 silver this is a cheap and efficient way to get silver early on while simultaneously training your people up and if you have a crafter on your team team you can then craft these things into clothing to enhance their value even more while training up your crafter at the same time and this gives us options to a few things for example even selling these weapons like this steel knife and the spear we brought with us are worth a what 15 bucks that's nothing the meat and hides are what are giving us all of our money now the one thing I would like to get my hands on is what a shock glance would be absolutely amazing a heavy SMG would have been preferable but that's unfortunate and oh wow they do also have grenades which you would like to come back for a flak vest would also be something that would be on a radar but this shock lens will allow us to knock two political unconscious which means we can recruit two more people this is very important early on the more people you have the more likely you are to survive so we're going to take that shot glass and head right back home then we're gonna hunt more animals and we're gonna get more meat and more Heights and then we're going to go to this location and see what they have to trade they will be our three main trading partners however that's enough of that for now we need to get into one last thing and that is research that is the one thing we have been neglecting now we are about 15 days in and we only have 45 days till the end of the year there's a whole bunch of milestones we have to hit by then one of the things you do have to worry about though is getting your Caravan ambushed this is one of the reasons most people don't do Caravans early on they're worried about their their home base getting attacked when they're away or the Caravan itself getting attacked both instances are not too much of a worry in this instance we've got two snow hairs that are going to attack us and our opponents over here if at all possible you would like to get into some sort of corner like in here so you can minimize your surface area preferably one where you're surrounded on three sides but that's not always possible uh your best bet though is always always bring a melee weapon with you and we do have a shotguns but here it is a steel Club so we're gonna drop the steel Club on the ground I always try and bring one melee we're up and around this and then what we do is we just stand on top of it this way if the rabbits get in too close we have the option to switch to a melee weapon and can we hit one of them just one just one no we cannot equip steel Club and there you go done problem solved when you have low welt the Caravan raids will be very small worst curious this would be one Pawn attacking us we could hide behind some rocks or if their melee was very weak we could run them down it's very unlikely you're going to lose a caravan and if your home colony is attacked your wealth is taken to into account we used to have three pawns and we've got them armed if we if our medical opponent was not here they attacked it lasted us would be missing at least one person which means we'd only need to take down two people and we still got lube off to health tank you're a good dog right now with the skills weapons and that shotguns we've got at our disposal there's almost no event that Cassandra could throw at us that would kill our Connolly that I'm aware of however in once we hit the 60 day mark it unlocks a bunch of other things namely toxic Fallout volcanic Winters uh there's also other attacks that can get us as we get bigger like mortar raids things like that so we need to start knocking at research and we need to start knocking it out fast from this point onwards right now it's just been survival mode and getting a good stable base but we're going to need to get our hands on solar panels batteries mortars Flack armor gas operation there's a whole bunch of things in here that we're gonna need and for late game we're going to need deep drills Grand penetrating scatter long-rangement scanner all of these things have a purpose and they help you survive other events that can happen later on this is not the only way to survive the first 15 days in room world you can't go the nutrient paste route nutrient paste meals have zero chance of food poisoning and don't require you to actually have a cook however they give you -3 mood that's a bit of of a harsh negative and on the harder difficulties that's harder to maintain everyone's mood especially when you start getting hit by psychic drones and things like that I prefer this method as it leads you naturally towards animals it leads you naturally towards hunting which increases everyone's skill and also leads you naturally towards trading to buy more weapons and armor which allows you to bypass a bunch of the early research and instead focus on Survival at the very beginning which is most important on the higher difficulty levels I've included the save game file from the start and the end they're Linked In the description if you want to have a look at them I hope this was at least mildly informative for you and uh good luck [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Francis John
Views: 79,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HtQF9vptgvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 40sec (3760 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 29 2022
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