Pacific Rim 2: The One We Agreed To Never Mention Again

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sometimes a sequel can be just as good as the original sometimes even better sometimes the sequel is bad and ruins the legacy of the first and sometimes a sequel is so bad that everyone collectively agrees that it does not exist that's Pacific Rim 2. [Music] you see bringing up the existence of Pacific Rim Uprising to a fan of the first movie is often met with confusion surprise bewilderment this is a lake Lao guy situation where a second movie just never happened sure would have been cool if a sequel did happen too bad it didn't and in my opinion that's certainly the best approach to view this movie from in fact I originally wasn't going to make this its own video I was gonna tack it on the Pacific Rim 1 to not break the running gag but it was going to be like a 50 minute video and I had other things to do but even though I'm talking about Pacific Rim 2 that doesn't mean that it technically existed just think of this video like I'm making fun of a piece of fan fiction because that's essentially what this is this is just fan fiction Studio run corporate fan fiction Del Toro and Beacham didn't return for this and instead had an entirely new creative heads came in at Studio request people may say this film was a mistake or an Abomination but I couldn't disagree more when you think about it Uprising is actually the perfect sequel because it shows just how easily it could have been for the original to [ __ ] this premise up you can watch it with the mindset that it isn't actually Canon and in fact is just a theoretical movie about what they would have done if the original was a soulless and Shameless as possible or you can just not watch it at all that's also a good option now a sequel to Pacific Rim isn't the worst idea in the world nor was it impossible sure those aliens were nuked at the end of the last movie but if I know one thing about Xeno scum it's that there's probably more don't think they're gonna let that one go a sequel could have worked but it didn't it didn't at all so what went wrong well let's start off with [Music] our new protagonist is Jake Pentecost the son of Idris elba's major Pentecost played by John Ryan Johnson will pay for what he did boyega apparently Pentecost had a son this entire time kinda strange he never mentioned him once years prior boyega had a falling out with his Dad he was a promising pilot in training but tried to Pilot a Jaeger by himself for some reason and it almost melted his brain why did he do that is he stupid because of this dumb act Elba kicked him out of school oops what a way to write off his absence in the original his dad was just ashamed of him damn he doesn't talk about me much [ __ ] betrayed by the country loves Jake the Dog turns to a life of crime becoming a wealthy Criminal by scrapping Jager parts and selling them on the black market you know it isn't that bad of an idea the son of the no-nonsense major being a punk that's interesting they don't do anything with it but it's interesting boyega's backstory is really only utilized for the first 15 minutes of the movie his life with debauchery catches up with him after a deal goes wrong and then the rest of the movie happens like we never get this aspect of him ever again he just becomes another generic protagonist this is our time this is our chance to make a difference the movie has to move on to all the other fascinating characters of Pacific Rim 2. white girl Scott Eastwood Chinese CEO random ass kids no come on we're not another base sorry man remember all the world had come together to develop and maintain the Jaeger program how the Jaegers were so expensive that the program was scrapped altogether yeah this girl built one in her garage I get technology is expensive at first and then trickles down to the public later on but this girl is building a Mech out of assorted Jaeger Parts in a post-apocalyptic Wasteland it takes forever just to build a custom car in a Suburban garage imagine building a robot by yourself as a teenager the movie excuses this by saying it's a smaller robot so that makes it more logical yet this little guy can roll and do stuff I've never seen another Mech do before despite this girl building her own little robot she just becomes another pilot it's like if in Top Gun Goose could just design his own Super plane but they just make him fly them instead speaking of Top Gun Jaeger school to avoid a life sentence at Guantanamo Bay boyega is forced to become the new instructor for the next generation of Jaeger Pilots what better teacher than the guy who was kicked out of Jaeger school all those years ago it's like if the new teacher had actually gone to the same high school years before but he was that kid that fell asleep at the wheel and crashed into a wall speaking of falling asleep Scott Eastwood you have to understand there was a time Hollywood tried to make Scott Eastwood a thing but he's always just there he's not bad he's just not really anything else and he's the co-lead of this movie so that's our Stellar main cast sure there's others like the Chinese CEO and Charlie Day and the random assortment of forgettable children but we'll get to those oh boy we'll get to those [Music] both of you are strong enough tone is important tone is the atmosphere the energy of the film or to put it simply what do you feel while watching it and that tone is why so many can just write off this as a fake sequel It's just off this is mainly thanks to a whole different directing style an inherent lack of Del Toro charm which is my way of saying the original looked kind of weird and cheesy but I liked it there was a strangeness to the world a majority of the film was either in darkness or at night it had Ron Perlman Pacific Rim 2 looked at everything the original did and threw it out the window now every fight is during the day the brightest day imaginable remove any semblance of these being large machines have those Jaegers do jumps flips whatever the hell this is who cares about any sense of Wade just destroy the illusion these mechs are controlled by people remove the anticipation between punches along with those vital pauses in the movement now they just look like Giants and power armor instead of 100 foot tall robots just because the action is faster now it doesn't make it more impressive if anything it does the opposite any Punch or swing feels less impactful but hey the movie does have a solution for that the classic way to show any moment as important slow motion and Dutch angles and licensed music [Music] it really is just not the same oh well it's already this long into the video and I haven't even talked about what happens in it silly me silly me Ten Years After the Kaiju attacks humanity is still rebuilding Jake Pentecost though is living the High Life thanks to his life of crime just like me his time of debauchery catches up with him though after a deal goes wrong and along with a teenage girl named Amara they both get coerced by the feds to join the Jaeger program you might be wondering why the Jaeger program still even exists while Humanity has just continued to prepare for something just in case which means none of these Jaegers or their pilots actually have experience fighting a Kaiju I think the only one with real experience left is Mako in Raleigh too but he's not in the movie that's fine don't worry about it because all these Pilots are going to be replaced with drones Chinese drones by a private Chinese company before this can get approved though the city of Sydney is attacked by a rogue evil Jaeger yeah there are bad Jaegers now just roll with it but who's controlling them and why we don't know all that's certain is that the Chinese giant robot drones are the future and in no way can backfire at all luckily manka was there to continue to vote against the robot drones she dies on a [ __ ] helicopter crash foreign yeah Marco the driving character of the last movie has like three scenes in the whole movie and then dies in a chopper crash lovely can't believe they assassinated a character like that you know killed her off in such a way not an actual character assassination nah that's reserved for Charlie Day the uh the main antagonist I'm ending the world [Music] Charlie day is evil get up from that you pilot junk you might agree with that assessment that this was a character assassination ruining a pivotal character like Dr Newt Geisler in that previous segment might have made you think I also think it was a character assassination but no it was just for a bit I couldn't think of a better segue I'm sorry I'm gonna be honest I wouldn't call Charlie Day being evil some character ruining decision it's not implemented really well at all [Music] now hear me out this guy was always obsessed with Kai juice remember that brain drifting he did all those years ago well he didn't exactly stop you read my mind [Music] is he [ __ ] that brain is Charlie Day [ __ ] that monster brain just like with years of social media use his mind has become corrupted beyond belief Charlie day isn't actually evil now he is basically possessed they confirmed that behind the scenes he's kind of like the girl in The Exorcist bye it's still handled pretty terribly the biggest problem with Uprising is that for half of the movie we just don't know what the plot even is there are no Stakes here the consequences of this world were decided in the last movie eventually we learn about Charlie's grand plan for years he's been rising up the ranks of the shell Corporation coming up with the idea of drone Jaegers thousands of drone Jaegers and he successfully was able to implant all of these Jaegers with Kaiju brains that evil Jaeger was just a Kaiju brain Kaiju brains control Jaegers now so Charlie Day betrays the rest of humanity unleashing his horde of half Kaiju Jaegers on the shatter Dome and the world now somehow by combining their laser Powers the robots are able to open dozens of new Rifts across the Pacific honestly when watching this I thought my God like that's insane how the hell are they gonna get out of this like just one Rift almost ended the world last time dozens of Kaiju coming in simultaneously and the Jaeger bases destroyed not to mention now there are half Kaiju Jaegers running around the place the stakes are actually kind of high now these corrupted giant robots look kind of neat alright movie I'm on board why not they're gonna have to fight this Army of monster Jaegers awesome then they just shut down the Jaegers [Music] yes that's it took him about 10 minutes the lady CEO of the shell Corporation hits an off switch in the army of Jaegers just aren't a threat anymore foreign all this build up for these monster robots and then it's resolved they had to just reboot their computers in the end only three kinds you get through the rift and head towards Tokyo you see the precursors have an ultimate plan to blow up Mount Fuji as blowing up Mount Fuji will activate the whole Pacific Ring of Fire causing every volcano to explode terraforming the world first off precursors that's what people call the aliens now I swear I'm not trying to relate everything back to Halo it just keeps happening to me why the name precursors that name implies something that came before like a past tense which is why they were the name of the alien race before the forerunners what exactly are these aliens the precursor of they and humans exist at the same time they're actively fighting one another what does this name even mean second why didn't they just blow up Mount Fuji in the first place two decades ago with even the first kaij two they had like 10 years to keep sending monsters at it but decide to just attack all over the Pacific instead the entire lore is just fundamentally broken now yeah so it was all set up to have this final fight in Tokyo our surviving team of child soldiers rocket their way to Japan to confront the Kaiju [Music] in the 2010s Hollywood really tried to tap into that Chinese market and like some Taps tend to do it blew up in their face what does it mean for a movie to be pro-china it can be simply depicting the Chinese like your average Michael Bay movie portrays the military it could be making a movie relatable to the mainland Chinese audience or it can be even filming next to a concentration camp thanks Disney and in 2016 the Dylan Wanda group bought legendary pictures for 3.5 billion dollars with that there were some changes to be had even to existing projects like Pacific Rim 2. I'm not going to complain about China having a more prominent role in the sequel Pacific Rim only got a sequel because it was so successful in China these movies are set in the Pacific it makes sense that in the sequel the Chinese would be more than just background characters now that said the character is an uprising they're well let's get back to Evil Charlie Day I'm ending the world so Charlie Day's the head scientist of shell Industries right the leading figure that pushes the Drone program he is if anything subservient to the CEO and founder of Xiao Lee Wen Chao Lee Wen is cold and Stern okay what sorry she doesn't do the whole hand shaking thing Charlie is afraid of her basically for the whole movie it's pretty obvious they're a hundred percent behind the evil Jaeger Attack they probably even killed Mako to stop the vote from going through this is built up for half of the movie and then Charlie day turns evil Lee when Xiao employed and trusted Charlie she gave him free reign to create these drones and yeah while she was betrayed by Charlie they're still responsible for this occurring in some way right imagine an arrogant Corporation getting its come up Ends by flying too close to the Sun like Xiao creates these drones and then the drones betray them typically the movie would reflect on that show how their arrogance was kind of a bad thing yeah that isn't what happens most systems are online sending help [Music] instead after Charlie's betrayal Lee went Xiao immediately solves the Drone problem she and her Corporation distanced themselves from Charlie and then they become the protagonist she becomes a protagonist she becomes a [ __ ] Jaeger pilot I'm not saying Lee Wen should have been blamed or punished for Charlie going rogue but at least recognized The Accidental contribution in some way maybe a character could have called Xiao out for not being more alert about what Charlie was doing maybe Xiao feels an immense amount of guilt for being Bamboozled instead we get nothing Xiao Industries is both an incredibly powerful Corporation and also not at fault for the actions of Charlie it seems like the movie expects the audience to just move forward and if anything cheerfully when as she helps Save the Day he went are you reading this that's one of my automated factories it was Newt Pacific Rim 2 isn't just pandering to a market that liked the original this is the only film I've ever seen where the all-powerful business is the protagonist it's like the Wanda group really did just purchase legendary and rewrote the script to include a Chinese company that saves the World Imagine If instead of the boys writing Vaught as the soulless corporation that they were Amazon forced the writers to make Vaught the real heroes all along and an equivalent of Jeff Bezos descends down to kick homelander in the nuts ORV Zuckerberg produced The Social Network and the lesson of the movie is that Andrew Garfield was stupid and dumb so now I guess the question we all have is who who the hell is responsible for this foreign as easy as it is to just blame Studio interference or the director the answer isn't that simple there isn't a lot of information available but the best Insight I got was from one interview in a video that as of this recording has less than 2 000 views thanks to the channel filmmaking and fandom station by the way so let's go back to the first movie it's a major hit the studio wants a sequel Del Toro wants a sequel and he's entirely on board wanted to direct in everything but delays kept happening legendary was bought out by the Wanda group and this led to an internal shake-up which delays the project even further a few years of delay actually and by now Del Toro had already moved on to another project something about boning a fish I don't know if you've heard of it so Del Toro just kind of pushed Pacific Rim back to the studio with a few suggestions and ideas of course but he's not in charge of anything at this point the studio can do whatever they want and they wanted to bring in someone new so someone who could both write in direct a full Creative Vision for the new Sequel and in my opinion someone who wasn't influential enough to push back on any decisions the studio wanted to make so what the hell happened then first del Toro's lack of involvement the studio going ahead without his vision really should have killed this project from the start that doesn't mean Del Toro contributed absolutely nothing he actually did there were a few ideas Del Toro had for an initial sequel that went into this movie for one Charlie being evil yeah yeah people's biggest complaint with this movie that was something Del Toro discussed with Charlie for a sequel idea I'm just not feeling to totally myself these days in the first draft of the movie Raleigh was supposed to come back Mako was supposed to die and this scene would have been Raleigh failing to save Mako rather than John boyega now I'm just gonna say it Mako dying like this is still stupid she doesn't go out in a Jaeger but as a passenger and a chopper like what the hell tonight hints that maybe Mako isn't dead permanently like he kind of does a hint hint nudge nudge I'm going to interpret that as Mako coming back to life through some alien Kaiju hijinks so cool script is written up everything's good to go well Charlie Dunham has a schedule issue so they have to rewrite another script with a different lead they have a few ideas pitched around and none of them are going anywhere so Del Toro comes in and he has the idea for Idris Elba to have a son John boyega's character was a Del Toro creation which even the director thought was strange because nobody mentioned this guy before but that's why they wrote this elaborate backstage story of them having a falling out so John boyega's character was just their best attempt at resolving a scheduled dispute the Knight mentioned how a lot of the issues that he saw with the movie just came down to budget he wanted Mako to have a lot more presence in the film but in the end she only got a few scenes he kept bringing up how he was kind of powerless despite being the director while also not blaming the studio at the same time and in my opinion this just sounds like a small director who doesn't want to lose any future job opportunities it's really hard to say where his vision ends in the studios begin as much as we can talk about Studio interference in China sometimes A Creative Vision just isn't great I can't imagine the studio told him to change everything about Pacific Rim how the Jaegers fundamentally fight having the camera move around like this slow motion and Dutch angles so many Dutch angles according to deny Del Toro told him to not make a Delta Pacific Rim but to make his own which while that is an incredibly nice thing to say I kind of wish he didn't say it because after he did the Knight went off to the races the night did end up differentiating Pacific Rim 2 from the original by just removing everything that people liked about the original I guess it really is just a shame that Del Toro was never able to make the Pacific Rim sequel he wanted who knows Pacific Rim could have went on to be a successful franchise I mean of course assuming that a Del Toro sequel would have been good which I mean come on of course it would have right you know when I was researching this I came across this quote that Del Toro said like three years ago it was his original idea for the sequel which I'm just gonna read out verbatim the villain was this Tech guy that had invented basically sort of the internet 2.0 and then they realized that all his patents came to him one morning and so little by little they started putting together this and they said oh he got them from the precursors the guys that control the Kaiju and then we found out that the precursors are us thousands of years in the future Del Toro went on to explain they're trying to terraform trying to re-harvest the Earth to survive wow and that we were in EXO biosuits that looked alien but they were nine we were inside and it was a really interesting paradox had Del Toro made Pacific Rim 2. the aliens were going to be revealed to be future humans the entire time humans sent the Kaiju you know sometimes things just aren't meant to have sequels [Music] why the [ __ ] was it called uprising
Channel: PointlessHub
Views: 2,949,597
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pacific Rim, pacific rim, pacific rim pointlesshub, pointlesshub, pointlesshub pacific rim, pacific rim 2, pacific rim 2 pointlesshub, pacific rim uprising pointlesshub, transformers pointlesshub, funny review, pacific rim 2 review, mech, robot, giant robot, gundam, mech game, armored core, pacific rim mech, transformers
Id: qtI1AHsNRt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 53sec (1433 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 24 2023
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