The Snyder Cut is Actually Not Bad

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this video is brought to you by audible so the day has finally come after years of bullying the snyder cut has finally been released and i have been on record saying that it is useless to release this movie for a second time because of course it can't be that much better than the original joss whedon version and like many of my peers in the internet movie reviewer circle i've spent years clowning on zack snyder i've made like a dozen videos making fun of him in his movies and this man basically pays my bills at this point so when i say that this movie is actually pretty cool you know i ain't joking now trust me i was ready to hate this movie i really didn't think i was gonna like it i didn't even wanna watch it it's four hours long it's in a series of movies that i don't particularly enjoy i was not looking forward to watching it i was ready to make this video an entry in my worst superhero movies ever made series but much to my surprise i actually liked it this is the first zack snyder movie that i've enjoyed since 300. and since i've spent so many years on youtube railing on his movies i think it's only fair to try and talk about everything in this movie that i liked and the stuff that i didn't like because there's some stupid stuff here but before that we have to hear a word from our sponsor this video is brought to you by audible now a lot of you have probably already heard about audible by this point they of course are the leading source of audiobooks after all and i've been a loyal audible member for years now ever since i became a member i've amassed an insane collection of audiobooks and you too can start your audiobook journey by heading over to cosmonaut for a free audiobook of your choice i find that with audible i'm able to burn through audiobooks at a ridiculous rate while i'm at the grocery store i'm listening to an audiobook when i'm working out and getting shredded i'm listening to an audiobook in the shower in the car on a plane i listen to them in my house i listen to them with a mouse i am not exaggerating i listen to a lot of audiobooks as of right now i'm trying to get through the legendary wheel of time series and you guys have probably heard me reference it in a video or two also you guys know i recently became a fan of dune and that's because of the insanely good audiobook which of course i listen to with audible i love it so much in fact that i'm planning on listening to it a second time it's especially impressive when they get a full cast to voice each character i mean listen to the production value here and tell me this isn't the most immersive audiobook experience the fat hand moved tracing details on the surface i invite you to observe observe closely painter and you too fade ralph my darling now with audible you get a free credit every month which means you get a free audio book of your choice every single month and those really add up it's pretty satisfying to be able to look at an audiobook and just be like yeah imma take that audible also has really fun features like saving excerpts as little clips which i just showed you a few moments ago or even sending entire audiobooks to people who might want to try audible for themselves so remember if you want to get in on the audiobook action for yourself you can head over to cosmonaut for a 30-day free trial and a free audiobook of your choice or you can even text cosmonaut to 500-500 i hope you guys enjoy whatever free audiobook you choose and of course i'd like to thank audible again for sponsoring this video so the snyder cut is intended to be zack snyder's complete intended vision for justice league but don't get me wrong this is not just a re-edit of the original film there are two extra hours of movie here this is double the length the tone is different the characters are different and they have different motivations and character arcs and the plot and events of the movie are completely different as well it's an entirely different movie that makes the old movie completely obsolete but before i get into all the stuff i like let me talk about the [ __ ] that did not work for me now don't get me wrong if you despise zack snyder's style then this movie is still gonna be a little unbearable there's a lot of slo-mo a little too much if you ask me there's a lot of slow musical montages a little too many of them if you ask me he really really really likes to make this [ __ ] seem more serious than it is and he keeps using these pretty angelic song choices but they just remind me of the sad musical segments and shrek i can never take them seriously also this movie's kind of ugly if you ask me it has like no color it's all washed out and desaturated and yeah you get used to it and i get that this is the style he's going for but when i can't even tell that a character's hair is supposed to be red i don't think that's a good thing also this is a personal thing and your mileage may vary here but i miss the danny elfman soundtrack from the original it's like the one thing in the original that i actually liked it was a little more fun and the original movie had the classic batman and superman themes and this just has mad max music and the wonder woman theme song but despite all this by far the worst thing about this movie is the length it is four goddamn hours long and it does not justify its insane length and hilariously enough i would actually prefer another cut that just makes this [ __ ] shorter because i would actually like to watch it again but i don't have that kind of time and a lot of people say you're supposed to watch it episodically but i don't think it works episodically because the first hour and a half really wasn't that engaging to me i found many scenes in this movie that could easily be trimmed or just cut altogether and as a whole i really think you can make this three hours without ruining it i don't need to see a scandinavian village singing a little song about aquaman i don't need this much elaboration on how wonder woman knows about darkseid i don't need this incredibly awkward creepy and overly drawn out scene i don't need multiple scenes of the main villain explaining the same exact plan to his bosses the other two still sleep but the parademons feel their presence where is the third motherbox [Music] he just [ __ ] said that an hour ago i'm a strong believer in less is more so a lot of this [ __ ] just did not feel necessary a lot of scenes feel very over indulgent and at times i just wanted the movie to get to the point it might be especially egregious to me because i know where the movie's going and i just wanted to get to that part like sooner and a lot of people don't want to watch this movie because it's just too long and honestly i don't really blame those people because i don't think it gets really good until like two hours in and that isn't to say the first two hours are bad i think it is the most stomachable zack snyder content if you've seen the original then you can tell that this movie is significantly better some scenes are removed most of the scenes are completely new and some scenes are tweaked just a little bit and they make a little more sense that way there's one scene where just one line is different and it makes the scene so much better than it was before so now we're gonna compare the two movies cause it's fun and it makes the original movie look like [ __ ] now before i watch the snyder cut i went back and i watched the original justice league and i wrote down dumb [ __ ] thinking that i could be a smartass and point out all the dumb things that they didn't change but to my surprise every one of my silly youtuber nitpicks was basically gone for instance let's start with a little one in the original we have a scene of this janitor finding an alien and getting abducted and i always thought it was weird how he has literally no reaction like i mean it no facial expression at all in the snyder cut he has a facial expression now you want to tell me that joss whedon took this one shot and for some arbitrary reason he turned it into this don't get me wrong him in the studio made some wacky ass choices but this seems like a stretch to me i think it makes more sense to think that someone went through the original saw a little weird stuff like this that didn't make any sense and picked alternate takes that made it a little more cohesive we also have this infamous line delivery from the original no and a lot of snyder cut cronies swore on god that this was an addition from joss whedon however it is in fact in the snyder cut but the difference is it's a slightly different take no no so then i start thinking that whoever edited the snyder cut probably tried to find the best take that they could of poor little gal gadot saying kal-el no and then i start wondering which version of this came first did joss sweden really go back see this and then pick a different take that was slightly worse and put it in i it doesn't it doesn't matter it doesn't matter i i'm a crazy person i need to stop worrying about it but this scene is just the beginning for instance wonder woman's introduction scene is almost exactly the same but her fight choreography is way different and i will say that while this movie is rated r it doesn't really feel like it is i was actually perfectly fine with it and it didn't feel overly edgy to me and that's something that i don't normally say the next different that may seem small but really changed how i watched this movie was with this scene this was my most hated scene in the entire original movie in the original these scientists get kidnapped and right when our heroes show up to save them our main villain steppenwolf starts killing them but instead of one of the four [ __ ] superheroes jumping in to help them they hang around for a second and they joke around with each other before jumping in out of the four of them nobody tries to stop the murders in the new version they jump in immediately and they save every single person yes you heard that right the superheroes save more innocent people in the zack snyder version so it's pretty safe to say that by this point i was completely on board i was skeptical in the first hour and a half but there were little changes here and there that really made me appreciate this movie more and more and there are more than small changes too like i said the entire film is re-contextualized cyborg in the original doesn't really get a backstory at all he just shows up and he starts helping them in this he gets multiple flashbacks and we learn what his [ __ ] powers are which again wasn't in the original for some reason we learn what his motivations are and he has like a different personality he's a lot more proactive in this movie and he's more driven to help the group as opposed to in the original where he just felt like he was along for the ride i think batman and superman are also improved if only for the fact that they don't really have any time to do anything egregiously bad in this movie like they did in bbs but it's worth noting that in this version batman has actual reasons for wanting to stop steppenwolf he actually feels bad for being a lunatic in the previous movie and as someone who doesn't like him in that movie i'm okay with this as for superman he really isn't in it that much but i don't know i think seeing less of him is good for me another character in this movie is wonder woman she gets to fight things and explain the lore to people but at least the flash has improved here and this is where i'm going to talk about the biggest change the jokes the joss whedon cut was full of weird awkward jokes the flash makes a bad joke about brunch like brunch like what is brunch there's a scene where the flash lands on diana's boobs there's a weird race joke between flash and cyborg there's a slapstick scene where batman references the do you bleed line from batman v superman something is definitely bleeding there's a weird scene where aquaman is sitting on the lasso of truth and starts saying weird [ __ ] you're gorgeous and fierce and strong there are two jokes about aquaman talking to fish two [ __ ] jokes i hear you can talk to fish do you talk to fish there are so many bad [ __ ] jokes and all of them are gone while still keeping some of the ones that i thought were fine barry still exists as the comic relief but instead of being an mcu quip machine his writing is more consistent with that of the other characters it feels like all these characters were written by one person as opposed to in the last movie where it felt like everybody was written by completely different people and this movie has a lot more levity once the whole group gets together and that's also when this movie stops taking itself as seriously and that's why i like it a lot more once they group up about halfway into the movie when they hang out they talk like they're real people there's an added scene of aquaman and diana having a heart to heart that i actually liked a lot especially when you realize that these two did not talk to each other at all in the original cut outside of this line of course you're gorgeous in the joss whedon cut aquaman is like really mean to victor for no reason he's kind of like a jerk overall and it never gets resolved but in this one he's sympathetic to victor and he talks about how he feels bad for him and they're kind of bros see you can't find them or maybe you don't want to man i'm not doing this on purpose right because you can't control the machine we're asking a kid who just lost his father to go up against the most powerful machines in the universe it's not fair i thought you didn't care i never said that this is a completely different relationship now however i wouldn't say every single character is improved steppenwolf isn't as bad as he was before but i wouldn't call him a good character and also i am personally never going to get behind amy adams as lois lane this character is so [ __ ] lame and whenever these movies keep telling me how important she is i just roll my eyes but overall i think the best thing about all of these changes combined is that it makes these characters feel like they're a team they don't bicker or fight they know what they gotta do and they do it and this leads us to the climax and this is where i'm gonna get into spoilers so if you don't wanna be spoiled you can stop watching now even if you've seen the original i'm telling you there are still big spoilers it's surprising i know but this whole last quarter of the movie is almost completely new so that's your final warning let's go i think personally i would say the climax is the most improved part of the movie small moments are added that show the team working together the fight with steppenwolf is way more engaging in the original movie each member fights them on their own and then superman comes in and finishes the job but in this one they fight together they do combo attacks which is something i've always praised the marvel movies for taking advantage of superhero movies are a pretty ape brained form of entertainment we like to see the superheroes fighting together that's the whole point of putting them together in a movie like this and one of the biggest changes here is that the entire city is abandoned so instead of sending flash to go save a random ass car full of russian civilians flash's new job is to run around and build up energy so that he can charge up victor and stop the bad guy machine and first i was a little disappointed because it looked like barry's entire purpose in this fight was to [ __ ] run around in a circle but no this movie has an entirely different climax in the original they punch the bad guy they turn off the bad guy's machine and then the bad guy goes home it is very lackluster but in this one the heroes actually fail to turn the bad guy machine off so they all [ __ ] die and the bad guys win i love [ __ ] like this and it leads to the coolest and most creative scene i have ever seen in a dc movie it's honestly one of the coolest scenes in any superhero movie that i've seen i love wacky and insane [ __ ] like this and i love when superhero movies get weird this moment was so creative and fun and it really [ __ ] blew me away and i should say again all of this was not in the original movie and i can say that i even liked the epilogue scene with the joker though that has a little asterisk at the end i think the inclusion of this scene is a little awkward and i think its inclusion could have been done a little bit better but i can say that personally i like this scene just fine i never thought i would enjoy jared leto's joker but at this point i guess i shouldn't be surprised batman saying [ __ ] and joker talking about jerking him off are a little edgy but i read edgier batman dialogue and decent comic books so it didn't really bother me i think what saves it is when batman says imma [ __ ] kill you the joker's immediately like no you aren't and that made me realize huh batman didn't really kill anybody in this one thank god i don't know i just like that this wasn't the usual you and i aren't so different batman type dialogue that we usually get from these two i'm so sick of that [ __ ] conversation and i feel like it's the laziest way to write these characters and overall when you compare the lackluster ending of the original to this it makes this look like a [ __ ] masterpiece and that's kind of a weird thing to address with this movie is this movie good if you haven't watched the original and honestly i don't really know this entire video has been me just comparing the two and if you know how bad the original is you're definitely gonna enjoy this more but if you haven't seen the original or you don't really care about it i don't know if you're gonna care about this either it's not gonna change your life if you're the kind of person who watched the original and really wanted more from it this is definitely what you're looking for but if you don't give a [ __ ] about this series and you really don't care about watching this movie you don't need to spend four hours in doing so i think you can skip this all i can say is that i personally enjoyed this movie because as a professional zack snyder hater i have seen his movies enough times to count all the ways that i hate them and this movie directly deletes those problems from existence it's a normal cool superhero movie that just shits on all the dumb stuff i've spent years making fun of and yes it is too long and there's too much slow-mo and the first third takes itself way too seriously and that first third is the same length as a full movie but for me there is enough fun stuff to leave me satisfied cause i'm someone who loves superheroes and superhero movies and after being disappointed three times in a row by three different movies i was not excited to watch this i did not trust this [ __ ] and you can't really blame me but finally i got something i can enjoy so i'm not mad that i was wrong i'm glad to be wrong because i don't lose anything i now have a new cool superhero movie that i can watch featuring characters that i think haven't really gotten good movies in a long time and for the first time ever with this series of movies i can finally and definitively say that i would not mind watching a sequel so i'm going to give zack snyder's justice league a 7.5 out of 10. [Music] [Music] you
Channel: The Cosmonaut Variety Hour
Views: 1,560,704
Rating: 4.7883506 out of 5
Keywords: Justice league, review
Id: z08z8IfkLh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 29sec (1169 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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