The Flash is a masterpiece. We need a CW live action Flash show.

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when it comes to the flash everyone has Tau of this movie as one of the greatest superhell films of all time now that I've seen it I can tell you guys that is 100% true believe the hype I I again words can't do it justice cuz you just got to see this thing you got to witness it all and this movie better be [ __ ] awesome before we embark on our little tale we got to set the stage for our lovable little Speedster and the rules that come with him using what we know about him since bvs I am bringing up what this movie itself establishes since those will be surprise tools that can help us later Bartholomew Allen got his powers shortly before hell on Metropolis was Unleashed an event that he had a tiny helping hand in meaning he's been operating as the flash since 2013 this was something left ambiguous until now and I've assumed in the past that he's been a well experienced flash by the time Justice League happens so it feels good to get confirmation on that speaking of which this movie is a sequel to Zack Snider's Justice League so Snider fans can Rejoice that this is their followup shortly after this came out someone on Twitter demanded I apologize for saying the SN cut isn't Canon to the flash I mean the fal which first of all citation needed and second if this is because I said the SN verse wouldn't be restored I'm still right about that you seriously think that this is part of Zach's vision and an indication that he's coming back to finish his Justice League Trilogy oh Jee two continuity issues I will say about it being Canon though Zach framed this scene as two strangers laying eyes on each other for the first time and getting an Instant Crush while the flash establishes they know each other from college Zach had Barry used super speed right in front of Iris while the flash never portrays her as someone who lowkey knows his secret the SNY cut isn't to blame for either of these though the SNY cut implied that using super speed on other people can cause them harm meaning relocation is off the table and the Flash continues using this Rule and even points it out thank God the Shazam movies aren't part of the SN verse at least I don't think they are because [Music] uh even though this makes Snider speed force kind of a dick compared to the DCU and arrowe at least it doesn't discriminate against pregnancies and I much prefer this to raise the stakes when saving people especially if one were to make a N9 season show with 20 episodes each with a runtime of 40 minutes per Justice League also established that Barry needs to constantly eat to have the energy required for super speed thank God he doesn't have a Cisco in his life that can pull Miracles out of his ass like a super energy bar that instantly solves that problem that seemingly costs nothing to make and Barry's never seen eating again after it's introduced anyway we begin our little tale with an introduction to post Justice League Barry Allen he's running late for his job job job job he's also running low on energy so he's stopping by his usual spot to pick up a peanut butter banana raisin honey and cheese sandwich what the [ __ ] is that Barry gets a call from Alfred about situation at Gotham General a robbery gone wrong about her this sorry is my S I learned my lesson on the boat last year if the cashier is robbing you of precious seconds that could be the difference between life and death for civilians why not use super speed to put together your own PBB rhc concoction and leave the money how the [ __ ] did CW Bumble Allen have the brains to do this when he wasn't even in a hurry please don't tell me he doesn't want to use super speed in front of everyone because he does this minutes later the road to destruction this was never about her people literally react to something electric whooshing past them into the bathroom and Barry immediately walking out of it this implies the same happened when he walked into it and whooshed out of it kind of defeats the whole Anonymous superhero Thing thing uh you couldn't have at least made the flash nice to look at why is he covered in glow-in-the-dark spaghetti why do his fake abs protrude more than Superman's I don't give a [ __ ] if this is Comic accurate I've said it before and I'll say it again the comics aren't a holy Fountain of infallible content you know what this thing really needs it needs the belt to come full circle to break up the constant red I really don't get why it's only on the back half I need a full belt no half measures walta also don't make it even more obvious to these people that you're the flash by stopping right out in front of the cafe kind of defeats the whole Anonymous superhero Thing jeez if this is how Reckless Barry's been with his secret identity I can't imagine his personal data is any safer blood's probably got his social security number and address leaked online and he doesn't even know it but he could check by using Aura the sponsor of this video we all know there are sneaky pets out there trying to Snoop and steal from anyone who uses the internet oh wait that's all of us your full name your phone number even your relatives and their info it could all be out there and these punks who put it there are invisible to us but not if Aura has anything to say about it Ora shows you which data Brokers are exposing your information and automatically submits optout requests on your behalf you know that fat junk folder in your email account or those random calls from some pre-recorded lady speaking a foreign language trying to RIS you up those are thanks to them not only will Aura help you reduce the spam you get but also protect you from hackers who might use your info to try to access social media accounts bank accounts and other private things that really ought to stay private it's easy to set up you get many features like VPN password management antivirus parental controls identity theft Insurance and more all in one place at one price if you don't want to pull a Bartholomew and instead step up your privacy game game you can go to slm Advocate to start your 2eek free trial the link is also in the description anyway Barry is about to make a beline from Central City to Gotham when he's spotted by a big fan flash I love you sorry if this sounds we but are you actively eating that candy bar maybe you could throw it to me hi Bruce yes I'm coming the [ __ ] you got the candy bar and now you're not going to eat it why are you trying to make saving lives harder for yourself [ __ ] idiot can we please stop portraying super speed like this having the environment whoosh past but flashes in slow motion in between every step he takes it's like he crosses an entire city block as if he were leaping with super strength rather than moving his legs really fast his feet also stay on the ground as he's making distance so he's more so ice skating than running woo they actually have a shot later that I really love because they don't slow him down and he's rapidly striking the ground so Barry arrives at the Gotham hospital and casually looks around as the ground is collapsing a little bit more urgency and concern would be nice but he does spot a man trapped in an ambulance Bruce this is a huge mess why aren't you here why did you leave him literally hanging and not pull him up if more ground collapses he would fall deeper into the hole and it would be even harder for him to get out safely dude's been a superhero for several years now you idiot Bruce this is a huge mess why aren't you here sounds about right Bruce what were you just standing there throughout the whole call maybe go run around and see who is in need or what you can help with with it's just a giant hole no big deal no rush right Alfred then tells him that gas and water pipes have ruptured in the basement so he goes to take care of that but uh he tries tangling some cables together without super speed while more danger could be presenting itself elsewhere guess he forgot about oh there he goes he remembered his superpower so the front part of the building collapses and a nurse trapped at the top begins sliding off along with a handful of CGI babies had the [ __ ] checked every hallway in the building instead of standing around and not using super speed he would have known there was someone trapped and he could have broken the door open unluckily the babies are put in Lethal situations that will kill them before they even hit the ground thus begins a flash time scene and it uh it's got some issues flash hops on furniture and debris to make it up there but he starts slowing down because he's low on energy had he done the sensible thing and made his own sandwich or eaten that free candy bar that landed at his feet he wouldn't be in this [Music] predicament hey they're doing the thing where technology somehow has super speed but mate Batman made Barry's new suit and he's Batman so it is possible cuz he's Batman very luckily for flash a vending machine happened to be in one of the rooms that collapsed so he makes a beine for it and restores himself to Peak energy no movie please that's not how that would work what exactly do you think is holding the broom in place so that he can swing off of whatever flash performs a series of actions to prevent the imminent fatalities including the infamous baby in a microwave that everyone in their grandma has laughed at by now snacks a meme format right there very luckily it all works out for him oh oh yeah those babies didn't make it out of this unscathed wait why didn't he just pull this baby away from the flame if he can do that he can still put it in the microwave afterwards for more protection from debris but he lets it fall into the flame which is risky and stupid hello anybody [Music] home yeah I have no idea how the dog is now second to last in the lineup of babies when it was pretty close to the build I guess flash put it there off screen but you don't get to hide this when you establish he can't move living organisms that far without [ __ ] them up he then runs down and obtains a gurnie which he softens the fall of the baby [Music] [Applause] onto yeah that nurse is either dead or paralyzed from Whiplash she's been falling from the 29th floor and Flash didn't soften the fall whatsoever amazing how it looks like he didn't feel a thing upon catching her instead of collapsing because because you're not exactly going to feel nothing if a body falling for about 90 M landed on top of you guess he's Superman or something you made very tough the [ __ ] stop screaming already what did you come out of the postal [Applause] Universe flash Wast Time by being silly and telling the nurse she should seek therapy if that was all too scarring instead of immediately going to help Batman speaking of which what is he been up to all right so he's been busy dying and killing people while going after this tank thought his Arc and bvs was deciding he won't kill anymore but I guess tossing people into moving traffic ain't nothing to be worth worried about for context Batman's after a bottled highly deadly virus that was stolen and is now handcuffed to a goon the chase ends with the driver throwing himself out of the tank which then steers off the bridge Batman busts out with the Goon and grapples onto the bridge but oh no his grapple Gun starts malfunctioning well I suppose he could just drop into the water maybe use his cape Wings to soften his fault if that briefcase falls into the water it could wipe out half of Gotham by lunchtime are you [ __ ] kidding me the [ __ ] is sealing the virus in the container duct tape does it open automatically upon contact with water they're not cracked or anything and Alfred doesn't even know if they are nor does he mention this I guess they just wanted a way to raise the Stak so this is what they came up with vessels that have been strong enough to contain a deadly virus this whole time but will leak if they touch water oh that's stupid no y no no nice suit looking good flash liar and you are welcome my ego's far too big to say thank you to someone else CRA is on the way initiating remote mode thank you Alfred my ego's far too big to say thank you to someone else liar but mate that's different because it's Alfred and he has a history with him Bruce values Diana and her place on the team his supposed ego wouldn't take over basic respect for someone like her especially after Justice League there are six not five there's no us without him I don't care how many demons he's fought in how many Hells he's never fought us not us United I developed this all powerful Persona to compensate for my childood trauma I too have childhood trauma why are you all talking without being prompted that's not how the lasso works you have to be questioned who are you the lasso of Hasa compels you to reveal the truth now who are you what a small group of reactionary terrorists I compel you to tell me the truth I am kalal the last son of Krypton tell me who you what is your mission whoever you are you are in more danger than you think what is your mission I am a I am a I am a spy you can actually resist when being questioned with the lasso but I guess Bruce is so [ __ ] weak that he will fold even without being questioned you better just give you all that money with him I really want and crme and poverty why the [ __ ] would you make this Bruce's truth like even if this was true as nerds on Twitter will claim every so often don't acknowledge it in universe and especially don't make Batman himself admit to this God damn damn it whatever anything for the funny right I know sex exists I've just never experienced it hey neither has Twitter Berry give me one more thing he and the Flash share in common apart from being insufferably inconsistent and I might just start believing he's the real life flash like I said earlier Barry does this [ __ ] in front of everyone doesn't even bother closing the do so all can see it mysteriously swing shut after lightning blasted through then see it reopen with Barry walking out after this though we get some consistent characterization for him hopefully he doesn't get utterly destroyed down the line and I know I missed the meeting but I'd still really like to present these case files for potential review I think we rush these cases we need to reopen Barry upsets his boss for wanting to linger on closed cases he believes weren't given proper attention something he can relate to as I talk to my father who's still in prison for the murder of my mother which he didn't commit yeah how did I get interested in criminal justice I can't remember so of course this is his response when his co-workers mock him for wanting to thoroughly analyze evidence you know what I'm so happy you find this all so hilarious but we are dealing with real people's lives people's families Iris West spots Barry and yells at him for leaving her while he saved the world oh wait uh wrong Masterpiece Iris West spots Barry and talks to him because like I said they went to college together I feel like we saw each other like a few years ago right feel like you saw each other she was face to face with him for several seconds after he had had just saved her from a horrible death and then did something Supernatural in front of her an event I imagine would be Unforgettable she just glanced over and recognized him enough to ditch her reporter duties and go chat but she feels like she merely saw him years ago no because we haven't seen each other since College Barry if you're so protective of your secret identity then why the [ __ ] did you let Iris see you they've made this circus scene worse now because she's not a stranger she was was a classmate ah maybe I was just thinking about you Iris makes things awkward by going into reporter mode so Barry flees the scene and walks home he finds a flash drive sitting on his doormat courtesy of Bruce okay to explain the contents of the flash drive I'm going to have to tell you about the events leading up to the murder of Norah Allen and the arrest of Henry Allen or uh mom Barry and Dad Barry as this kind soul refers to them in this sensible message I was sent once upon a time when Barry was a wee little lad he and Mom Barry had gone to the grocery store for some ingredients to cook a delicious dinner meal during said cookout mom Berry realizes she forgot a can of tomatoes so she sends dad Berry to go pick it up as Dad Berry was arriving home a scream from mberry is heard dad Berry runs inside Barry Berry runs downstairs you get the idea the movie does not tell us who killed mom Berry or what their motives were but Barry assumes it was some burglar who broke in thinking no one was home hence why it happened as Dad Barry was arriving all right I'll quit it with the mom Barry and Dad Barry you just had to be there uh what about those scenes with Barry and Joe Barry and Mom Barry and Henry pretty [ __ ] odd that the burglar chose to strike during a time where most people would be active at home given it's a nice and bright Sunday afternoon hey remember that sauce you make on Sundays AKA children aren't in school and parents likely aren't working pretty [ __ ] odd that a burglar would think the house is vacant when Nora was cooking in the kitchen which is by big open windows with clear views to the street and backyard but perhaps this burglar is simply a colossal dumbass nobody checked the window by the kitchen so Henry is blamed for the murder and unfortunately his only Alibi being caught on camera at the grocery store isn't admissible because the footage was corrupted until now thanks to good old Bruce who unglitch the footage using the latest tech from Wayne surprises yeah I was getting there Bruce has unglitch the footage using the latest tech from Wayne Enterprises that's what's on the flash drive and it's Crystal Clear now it's just you never look up dad you can't see your face oh it's useless anyway all right let's go over why this is all [ __ ] you're telling me this was the only camera in the store that Henry was in the field of viewin there weren't any cameras pointing towards say I don't know the [ __ ] cash registers were actual money resides No cameras at the entrance either the parking lot nah who cares about surveilling people in the main areas where robberies could happen but God forbid we don't keep an eye on the canned green beans I'm assuming the clothes Henry was wearing that day is on record when the police took him in and when the scene was photographed are you telling me that matching them to the guy in the video won't be enough to help his case next we have a witness and receipts I can understand other custom customers not being able to remember someone they likely haven't paid any attention to but the cashier the one who was face to face and interacted with Henry I guess they were of no help and just could not remember ever seeing him or the Central City police just didn't bother asking both are unacceptable so pick your poison receipts print the customer's name date and time purchases were made so that'd be enough to exonerate him as long as he used a card you you used a card right Henry uh no to Steelman the movie will'll pretend Henry made the unluckiest choices that day and say he paid in cash used a self checkout machine assuming the store in the early 2000s even uses them and didn't ask for or threw away the receipt even so receipts are still created for the store's records so the police could check and see if this can of tomatoes matches the receipts and the time Henry claims to have bought it and this hypothetical still doesn't answer why on Andy CGI Earth were there no cameras pointing towards the checkout aisles and entrance in other words this is a laughably non-functional setup to have Henry Allen arrested and you should be ashamed that the [ __ ] CW did this better you know what would make this even worse if the murderer as other flash media has established time and time again was the reverse flash if it was the reverse flash then this movie just made him a giant idiot because he chose to give Henry an alibi instead of killing noro with super speed while Henry was present could you imagine damaging a popular character that hasn't even been mentioned nor has any screen time well good thing this movie is an adaptation and if something from the source material hasn't been established in this universe then we simply cannot use it against the well reverse flash is uh is the elephant in the room right reverse flash it feels like you can't make another movie without addressing the one that in in all accounts is the murder of Barry's [Music] mom I want to point out a really embarrassing line of dialogue during the flashback because they wanted to slide in the theme of the movie in here but the execution is totally botched this question is stupid how many calculations can you think of with an answer of 24 there are bajillion answers indeed there are small fry there are an infinite number of answers to this question you could say there are infinite solutions to this problem you are right there are a vilon answers to this question I'm so glad to hear that mberry we are all in agreement that this problem has far too many solutions not every problem has a solution sometimes you just have to let [Laughter] go you just didn't understand what she was saying Advocate she means that not every problem has one single solution if this was the case then she wouldn't have said sometimes you have to let go she would have said sometimes you just have to to pick one solution and spoiler alerts this is not what the theme at the end of the movie is the ending is about there not being any solutions unlike Barry's homework good job anyway Barry takes a look at Bruce's improved footage and calls his dad to let him know that the video is ultimately useless because he didn't show his face you need to stop worrying about your old man yo hold up do I even need to say anything is it possible I will get comments asking me what's wrong with Barry wearing a giant [ __ ] ring with the logo of his publicly recognized Alter Ego who exposes 60% of his face doesn't even vibrate it and has a very distinct voice I will won't I this video will be premiered so I want everyone in chat to say it with Toby on the count of three ready ready 1 two three kind of defeats all Anonymous superhero Thing If you want to get technical I'm guessing Batman made the ring for him but Barry still accepted it so they're both morons the ring stores The Flash suit as revealed later in case anyone who hasn't watched the movie or hasn't watched season 5 or hasn't read Flash comics or hasn't figured it out on their own is wondering anyway as Henry gets nostalgic and reminisces about Nora's famous tomato sauce Barry runs to their old house the call gets cut off as Henry accepts his fate understandably leaving Barry a bit hopeless so he starts running very fast until he's faster than the speed of light because creates what he later calls the Chrono bow it's presumably in the speed force and it resembles a stadium where he can manipulate time as he pleases and his memories line up in the stands if you will it's not like what we saw in the SN cut though and it's also a new experience for Barry as he is visibly shocked about what he's witnessing I got to say I really like the concept of the Chrono I much prefer this over the CW's time travel which was essentially watch Mojo top 10 Clips floating past flash if only it was executed well with with good CGI and consistent Graphics like why is the building and baby a cardboard cutout when everything else was in 3D Andy musetti says some of the perceived weird VFX in the flash is intended the idea of course is we're in the perspective of The Flash he said everything is distorted in terms of light and textures we enter this water world which is basically being in Barry's POV it was part of the design so if it looks a little weird to you that was intended oh the VFX is bad because it's supposed to be bad yeah we believe you Andy G now I don't like the Chrono wait why is physically walking out of it the way to exit he got into it by going fast so shouldn't he exit by simply slowing down and how can he just walk to the edge he was suspended in the center and moving his legs was the way to move through time but now he can detach himself from the center and move his legs without affecting time yes yes this is a nitpick but the mechanics they chose for exiting the bull annoy me since I like everything else about it and we didn't need this repeat of Love and thunder now what isn't a nitpick is how the Chrono bll screws with Batman v Superman remember this scene it's Lo loest L if I do soon to soon how is it possible that the future flash doesn't have enough control over time travel and miscalculated how far back he went when the Chrono bow allows him to clearly see the events in front of him he can manipulate the speed at which everything is unfolding and even take a sneak peek before committing to the point in time it is of no concern again not bv's fault this movie retroactively damages that scene as you should know by now I prefer when super speed Isn't So op so there can actually be Stakes the scene ends with Barry retreating his head realizing what he's capable of and and it uh its mere existence is [ __ ] embarrassing this scene and by extension the rest of the movie happens because Barry decided to break his one rule because he got a bit sad I don't like to break this rule but when I approach the speed of light I look crazy things happen to time yeah I know the time traveling and the SN cut had no known consequences but it obviously scared him enough the first time he did it to give himself the no light speed Rule and he had to break it because Superman needed to return and urge was literally exploding he knows going faster than the speed of light will cause crazy things to happen to time and yet he does it anyway for no actual reason I guess running at like 1 million mph isn't fast enough to cope with his feelings he has to go more than half a billion [ __ ] off this is very stupid and out of character and don't tell me well he wants to save his parents of course he broke his rule no no no that's later he did this by by accident and as far as he knows he can only go back seconds so you're saying you went back in time like in P yeah except panov was a second this time I went back a whole day he's genuinely surprised that he was able to go back much further than what he's previously experienced it's what makes him realize that he could potentially go back years if he didn't break his rule for no reason he doesn't realize this and the movie doesn't happen good job Barry tells Bruce about his new found Discovery and the possibility of saving both of their parents Bruce obviously tells them to avoid doing this because the consequences could be disastrous but take a listen to how Bruce puts it any interaction you had with your parents or yourself you step on the wrong blade of grass you have no idea what the consequences to that can be and uh it might be worth pointing out Barry's acknowledgement of this I know the butterfly effect right this is followed by some awesome characterization for Bruce these scars we have make us who we are we're not meant to go back and fix them and there's nothing nothing broken with you that needs to be fixed take it from an old guy who made a lot of mistakes you want to live your past live your life it's just a big [ __ ] shame that this is undermined by him admitting under Earth that he has a massive ego and that what he does as Batman is inferior to charity last time we saw him no met your tragedy Define you what if it's supposed to Define me hey does anyone remember that Barry had an arc at the end of the SN cut I can't sit here and watch you run in place in Central City for some old dude I want you to make your own future you're living in the past make your own future living in the past make your own future Barry make your own future make your own pass that's all right now yes Barry had already come to terms with his tragedy and accepted that his past and future are determined by what he does in the present thanks to this film Barry's regressed back to square one so that's cool isn't it hilarious how it's only been made worse by making the SN cut Cannon the conversation concludes with Barry inviting Bruce for a bite after Bruce mentions he's lived a life of loneliness from letting his tragedy Define him and Bruce responds with not this time maybe some other time yeah all right then this could have been worded a bit differently so that Bruce didn't come off as not wanting to be with his friend who just confessed he's contemplating risking everything to reset his life whatever I guess Bruce is sleepy or something nice ride you have fancy friends no it was a Newber exact I like this joke suei what a joke Iris wants to have a chat with Barry just as a friend this time and that's when he starts thinking about a way to warn his parents about the Killer without directly warning them or stopping the killer himself he retraces the steps that led to the murder and figures that he could undo it by placing a can of tomatoes in Norah's grocery cart so that Henry never leaves to get it and this is Barry's rationale for deciding he's going through with this Bruce said no interaction this is no interaction this is just just quick in quick out back to the present like I was never even there and that's how I fixed it oh my God Iris so someone didn't pay attention to their conversation with Bruce he didn't just say no interaction with other people he brought up how something as minuscule as stepping on a blade of grass could have major consequences followed by Barry acknowledging this as the butterfly effect relocating that can of tomatoes is so much worse than stepping on a blade of grass if he actually cares about what Bruce said like he claims to then he should not be thinking about a way to do this no matter how insignificant his solution is this has been great I have to leave look at this dude wait till you see the no no no no look at his lips see you [Music] soon oh my God so as Barry is running back to the present our next Edge lord of the SN verse presents itself sorry steppen wolf you have been replaced must be some villain that Barry ends up facing short after he graduates in this new life of his I mean that's why this Monster is here amongst his memories right everything in the stands are just memories all right what the [ __ ] how did this creature get outside of the sphere it is of no concern why didn't the [ __ ] flash Dodge this punch when he saw Shadow the humanoid Hedgehog running at him from a mile away fastest man alive what a [ __ ] joke well that was strange wasn't it perhaps flash should go back into the Chrono bow and see what the [ __ ] this threat's deal is perhaps he should go back regardless because he's still in the past considering he had just passed his 18th birthday before he was knocked out no you are not entering that house Barry you haven't reached the present and you [ __ ] know this [ __ ] stop you know this is the wrong year uh you leave the front door open no wonder you were killed if I were a burglar you would be my best friend monkey I guess that punch knocked the couple brain cells he had left right out of his Noggin he knows any interaction with his past could be catastrophic and he's still going for it is that fairy and he's early what universe is this foreshadowing is a narrative device in which suggestions or warnings about events to come Barry changes clothes eats the delicious dinner meal with his parents they ask him how he's doing in school which should have been a reminder that he's in the past and cause him to excuse himself to go check the date but he just kind of shrugs it off cuz he's an idiot and it's not until he sees himself outside that he realizes he's in the wrong year but you hang on if Barry's younger self is here then why wasn't he in front of him when falling out of the Chrono bow they established that the memories in the Chrono bow are from his younger self's POV and leaving it means he re-enters reality a few feet away from his younger self so why was his younger self nowh even near him would have made this scene a whole lot different oh [ __ ] I have to [ __ ] dude wear the [ __ ] flash suit if you need to conceal half of your face this can easily be pulled off whatever dude has super speed even if it comes off Barry can just run and use another article of clothing any interaction you had with your parents or yourself you have no idea what the consequences to that could be I think I'm having a mushroom flashback is that a thing how old are you shut up shut up shut the [ __ ] up he already knows the answer to this he was cheesing in awe as he reached his 18th birthday and if he somehow forgot this is the easiest thing to figure out by picking up a [ __ ] newspaper and yet he felt the need to directly ask himself [Music] 18 okay this is Barry's cue to get the [ __ ] out of here and travel to the correct date 2013 Barry who I'll call Terry for Barry thought he was hallucinating from prior drug use this is the perfect opportunity for Barry to dip since Terry will likely continue to think think he was simply tripping once he wakes up what are you still doing here you're telling me Barry carried Terry upstairs while his parents weren't looking and just waited for him to wake up this should not be happening and Barry [ __ ] knows this any interaction you had with your parents or yourself you have no idea what the consequences to that can be what could possibly be so important that he needs to risk the fabric of reality this is mad trippy no wait this is not Tri dude this is catastrophic yes it is and yet you're not treating it as such for some reason okay okay I'm I'm calm I'm calm let's just see what Barry so desperately needs to tell Terry before he leaves I was supposed to be back in the present but I'm still in the past and there's not supposed to be two of me you and I are not supposed to be occupying the same reality at all let alone interacting you that is correct [ __ ] so what the no no no no no Barry just needs to tell Terry something something very very important that's why he's still here just got to wait for it you are not do me a favor anything which is good this 1 minute and 48 second interaction between these two amounted to Barry asking Terry to promise him to forget about their meeting so that SpaceTime doesn't get screwed up but he wasn't satisfied with that so he considers drugging Terry so he passes out and forgets but he wasn't satisfied with that either so finally he chooses to knock him out in other words he's trying to make Terry pass out like he did in the previous [ __ ] scene he had nothing important to say to him this was just a big waste of time I don't want to see anyone claim he couldn't think quick on his feet because he can literally think with super speed all right let's all chill out our protagonist may be in insistent and dumb as a sack of berries but the plot can continue to move on as it would have if he left here or here as long as he runs back into the Chrono bow asaps possible Barry cancels the KO because Terry was saying he has a date that night then he tells Terry to go about his life and change nothing even though he already made him promise this seconds ago and wasn't satisfied with that but I guess he is now who even [ __ ] knows anymore and now this is it he's finally leaving we have so much to learn from each other this storm's going to ruin my date what day is it today okay first of all put your flash suit back on you're leaving with Terry's clothes dick move and second this is why everything idiotic just happened why he didn't dodge the punch why he forgot he was still in the past why he didn't check the date why he didn't conceal his face why he didn't leave after Terry fainted why all this time was wasted it was so that he could be present for this thunderstorm yeah that's definitely a case of me just not knowing what to do with the script this storm this is the day the day I got my Powers the day you get your powers because Barry believes he's literally him from the future this is concerning he's operating on Back to the Future logic so he thinks if Terry isn't present for the lightning strike that gave him his powers there's a chance they will cease to exist thus it's time to break into the crime lab where Barry was interning at when it happened via vibrating this ability was first seen during his talk with Iris at his apartment Iris had asked for a beer so Barry stole two from his neighbor what a great guy man what a good guy you are I appreciate this being established in a trivial moment like this and not as a DSX mocka to stop a world changing event however I do wonder how exactly Barry was so sure no one was on the other side or looking in this direction kind of defeats the whole also however this makes the instances where he changes at the cafe worse since he could have just vibrated out of the building from the bathroom instead of doing what he did anyway the crime lab is broken into Barry sets everything up as it was and instead of Simply doing it he says this now right under this shelf of chemicals and that's when the lightning hits if Barry had a modum of Common Sense he would have known that anyone would be firmly against getting struck by lightning and kept his trap shut not only that if he's trying to recreate the accident as accurately as he can then maybe he shouldn't [ __ ] spoil it since he didn't know what was going to happen that day Terry starts freaking out who could have guessed but Barry calms him down by saying psych no no no you don't get hit by lightning the lightning hits the chemicals which then you get bathed in and that's what electrocutes Terry starts freaking out again who could have guessed and they begin having a little tussle until Barry is in the way of the lightning strike luckily for him goes through both of their chests and gives Terry the Speedster powers unluckily for him it removes his powers The Flash causing easily avoidable catastrophes because he won't shut the [ __ ] up since 2014 no clue how this works by the way blood emits an absurd amount of lightning every time he moves but being hit by a single bolt removes his powers it's as if it canceled out the initial strike because it's totally just like math speaking of which the gaping hole in Terry's torso heals back up because he has Speedster Powers now Barry got punctured through his chest and his head but he no longer has said Powers Barry should have a gaping hole going through two of his most vital body parts Barry should be [ __ ] dead how embarrassing Barry realizes he's Flash no more when he tries phasing Terry and himself self out of the building again now that security suspects there are Intruders security the entrance knowing security is searching the building Barry makes a bunch of noise and raises his voice like a dumbass instead of keeping quiet [ __ ] so they're probably on their way here now Terry is flopping around like a noodle harder than I was on September 14 nor does he know how to phase yet so he and Barry are stuck here I wonder what creative solution Barry will come up with to get out of here I'm slow oh oh despite the entrance being blocked they're just at Terry's apartment now somehow yeah that's definitely a case of me just not knowing what to do with the script some Tom Foolery ensues once Terry realizes he has super speed and it leads to the destruction of an intersection and a Citywide power outage but it's his first day so it's fine a naked Ezra Miller is the second to last thing this movie needed right in front of the distasteful cameos at the end apparently this is the most accurate depiction of getting superpowers for the first time and if you disagree you're just upset about someone having fun what am I supposed to do sit still like I don't understand Heroes unbounded kind of outed themselves as someone who would steal a civilian food now that I think about it dick move Terry figures out phasing he's tired he's wasted I'm tired I'm wasted knocks out whatever it's the next day Barry thinks there could still be a way to get back to the present by making Terry run fast enough to create the Chrono B again and then then uh yeah he doesn't even know because there's no [ __ ] way summoning the Chrono bll requires going faster than the speed of light and relocating Barry at that speed would kill him so yeah your optimism is misplaced and now it's man of steel time so Earth receives General zod's request to turn over Supergirl who everyone in their dog knows is in this as Superman's replacement for some reason Barry doesn't hear the parts where Zod refers to her as she or her which is convenient because otherwise it would have made him raise an eyebrow and question if Zod is actually referring to Superman for reference this is the message in Man of Steel I request that you return this individual to my custody for reasons unknown he has chosen to keep his existence a secret from you he will have made efforts to blend in he will look like you but he is not one of you and yes it's the same message my custody what's happening the reasons are s's looking for Superman what's Superman Barry explains the Man of Steel or to Terry and how terraforming is about to happen followed by this if I can find the entire Justice Le then maybe I can prevent the whole thing from ever even happening at all you know earlier I was going to criticize Barry's decision to move the can of tomatoes instead of taking out Norris's killer because he should have considered it's entirely possible they didn't break in based on Henry being absent meaning they could end up killing both of his parents or they could just come back another day when Norah is alone this decision also neglects the painfully obvious this is a dangerous person Barry is allowing them to walk free to potentially kill other people but figured fine he's choosing to avoid direct contact with anyone to preserve the timeline as best he can so whatever if I can find the entire jusy then maybe I can prevent the whole thing from ever even happening at all this line just validated my criticism he doesn't give a [ __ ] about direct contact or preserving the timeline if he stopped Zod Not only would he save thousands of lives that originally perished he'd be uniting the Justice League years earlier than they're supposed to which rewrites their history and they will potentially reduce the amount of Destruction that originally happened and the effects on the economy and society as a whole would severely differ from the original timeline like you don't need to think much to realize this will thoroughly rewrite history from 2013 to the present on a global scale if Barry prioritizes preventing the death of Innocents over avoiding direct contact with others then he wouldn't have rejected iris's idea of stopping the murderer if I could just go back in time and stop the guy who did it know I can't do that cuz that's way too much interaction yeah [ __ ] you Bruce he's ignoring everything you said now he's even ignoring the only reason for being here in the first place which was to only change his life Barry and Terry return to Terry's apartment so Barry can Google each Justice League member to find them except he literally Googles Wonder Woman and Aquaman which is moronic because he should know that at this point in time the only one that the public even knows about is Batman three individuals Rise and Shine from the bed and couch two of them being Patty and Albert Barry's Co co-workers I mentioned earlier Barry is confused about this but isn't concerned whatsoever but why should he be concerned I hear you ask well because moments later Barry begins having an existential crisis when he learns that in this reality most of the Justice League members don't exist Marty McFly is played by Eric Stoltz Michael J fox plays Ren McCormick and Kevin Bacon plays Maverick in Barry's reality he's supposed to meet Patty and Albert once he gets his lab technician job and they are not supposed to be dating but they are here and live with Terry in 2013 so that alone should have made Barry realize that the can of tomatoes has indirectly changed other people's history speaking of Maverick I'm now in the mood to watch an actual Masterpiece but mate then why do you call the flash a masterpiece in your title because it's a Twitter Berry copy pasta okay and it's funny because there already is a CW liveaction show of The Flash look at me explaining the joke [ __ ] you I'm watching Top goo [Music] [Music] done lock nine he's the fastest man alive it's actually hilarious that Barry is freaking out saying he completely broke the universe when his entire goal right now is to stop 911 2.0 which would continue to completely break the universe what the [ __ ] does he even want or care about anymore is this Epiphany that moving a can of tomatoes caused all of this finally going to convince him that he needs to let Superman and Zod do their thing nope uh-uh oh my bad for some some reason Barry thinks Superman doesn't exist despite thinking that at this point in time he's still undercover as Clark Kent and this is the reason Zod is coming in the first place I request that you return this individual to my custody Z's looking for Superman Superman is an alien who lives on Earth I'm assuming still Incognito a few moments later there's no Superman hello anybody home he also thinks Batman doesn't exist either despite not even Googling Batman or Bruce Wayne there's no Batman I'm Batman if it weren't for Patty saying the Batman catchphrase right after Barry says this the idiot would go on thinking he doesn't exist kind of contrived that he didn't Google Bruce Wayne or Batman because if he did he would have seen that he's a completely different person and uses a different suit but then it wouldn't be a cool reveal you see just like it wouldn't for Supergirl if Barry heard Zod say she Barry and and Terry take a taxi to Wayne Manor where they Snoop around looking for Bruce in the kitchen a homeless man pops out of a cabinet and proceeds to beat the [ __ ] out of Barry along with some [ __ ] and ball torture not Barry's [ __ ] and balls he tortures Barry with his [ __ ] and balls after failing to behead Terry with a broomstick the man finally decides to take a breath and let Barry talk this dude who nearly cracked open both of their heads and almost impaled Terry's guts with a pizza cutter is Bruce Wayne Bruce [ __ ] Wayne saw two harmless looking kids calling his name and decided to give them brain damage and a C-section no offense but you are a stupid [ __ ] well this is an alternate universe so maybe this is a variant of Tik Tock Batman rather than Tim Burton's Batman is that water Sprite Barry simply says he's looking for Bruce Wayne and all of the sudden Bruce invites them for a spaghetti dinner meal even though he already knew this Bruce hey maybe we could find this Bruce guy if we just ring all these bells right also it's really [ __ ] bright outside somehow even though it was depressing as [ __ ] a minute ago Barry explains his situation to Bruce and his confusion about why things are different even way before the point where he made a change Bruce then explains that the way time travel works is that changing the past doesn't create a new Branch timeline from that point forward but rather it puts the time traveler in a whole new universe where that change exists you watch this is possibly the dumbest time travel mechanic ever to be put on screen and it was so obviously done so they could bring in Michael Keaton and Sasha Kaya as Batman and Supergirl seriously what the [ __ ] were they they cooking since this means it's impossible to change anything in your own Universe flash didn't stop the world from ending in Justice League he simply hopped into a different Universe where it doesn't end and that Universe just coincidentally happens to be identical to the one we're all familiar with and it coincidentally doesn't have a flash or Barry Allen otherwise there should have been two berries coexisting by the end of the SN cut and if there is no flash or Barry in the universe he hopped into then it doesn't make sense that anybody even knows who he is and this means Dark Side took over Earth in the original universe so great work DC getting Deja Vu to win no way home [ __ ] with the Ry and web universes and before anyone gets mad yes I'll be using the terms universe and universe hopping for Simplicity sake because Bruce doesn't imply Barry erased the other timeline he just put himself in one that has both a different future and different past which we might as well call alternate universe if timelines did get a rap then there would be no point in sticking around and trying to save this world because when all is said and done Barry is going to have to go back and let Norah die regardless so he can return to his timeline Bruce also says the more he time travels the more he'll end up with the Multiverse which literally means multiple universes are coexisting I know the characters are often going to use the word timeline but I think universe is more appropriate and it's not like Bruce took Barry's story and made an educated guess on how time travel might actually work it's not just a theory he straight up says we probably saw a movie that told you if you went back and change the past you'd create a kind of a branched timeline well time doesn't work like that that's not how time works if I had a nickel for every time someone named Bruce claimed to know exactly how time travel Works without any reason as to why he would know in the first place I'd have two nickels which is not a lot but it's weird that it happened twice I would love to know what experience Bruce Wayne has with time travel considering his world doesn't even have a Speedster aka the only in Universe method of time travel that we know of and I damn sure [ __ ] hope no one's used he knows how time travel Works cuz he's Batman because you know who else is Batman and doesn't know how time travel [Music] works it's Ben Affleck funnily enough if batfleck had Michael Heaton's knowledge on time travel then the movie doesn't happen because he would have just warned Barry that he would be putting himself in Another Universe essentially abandoning his father and remember this is like 2020s batfleck with flash as his friend for several years and yet Michael Keaton was somehow able to learn time travel before 2013 without a flash okay to the inevitable comments asking me if time travel is basically Universe hopping then why did I make such a big hoopla about about Barry's decisions if they don't actually affect the original timeline he was in that would be hindsight bias fallacy I don't know what the term is Barry was operating on limited information he had at the time so his character will be criticized if his choices breach ethics or consistency based on set information anyway Barry explains that in his world Batman is the team leader the strategist the best detective in the world so he needs Bruce to help him find an undercover Alien named Superman and stop Zod from taking taking over wait did he just say find Superman the world needs Superman you're the best detective in the world you're probably the only person who can help me find him but what happened to there's no Superman there's no Superman the world needs Superman there's no Superman no no so if Barry now thinks Superman exists then why is he acting like Clark is living under a rock and needs to be told to take care of Zod why doesn't he think it's possible Clark is currently prepared ing to turn himself in like he did in Man of Steel remember Zod just sent out his message and at least half a day goes by before he's in his custody anyway what does Bruce say when prompted with this world changing call to action will you help us pass you what Bruce was just proud of how Gotham became one of the safest cities in the world which I'm assuming is to his credit yet he just doesn't care that this plus the rest of the world is about to be tossed in a grave and the movie moves right along with zero explanation nah this ain't even an okay moment what the actual [ __ ] is wrong with you so Barry walks over to this manhole and somehow knows it's even here and that it's an entrance to the Batcave even if we pretend that the Michael Keaton Wayne property layout is identical to the Ben Affleck Wayne property because it's not I highly doubt that Bruce had Barry entering the Batcave through a manhole and not the main and more practical entrance Barry and Terry are breaking into the Batcave to use Bruce's connection to NASA to find records of Superman's pod Landing in Kansas and I guess Batman doesn't have a password on his super duper Ultra high-tech turbo computer that has access to [ __ ] NASA data you idiot wait why hasn't Barry Googled Clark Kent or any Associates like Lois Lane first he could have had Terry run over to her and ask about Clark assuming this universe has a Lois while he works the computer computer anywh who the computer comes up with nothing and Barry knows Bruce is watching him because of this little red bulb I guess and he starts regurgitating something else Bruce said during his time travel explanation he said there will be inevitable intersections between universes the intersections being certain events or people that those universes share but other universes are wildly Divergent then Barry points out that Bruce having an Alfred is an inevitable intersection just because he now knows a whopping two universes have an Alfred and this can only be explained with the concept of Fate he doesn't know what the other infinite universes consist of much like how cyborg Aquaman and Wonder Woman don't exist in this universe Alfred cannot exist in the next one I wouldn't exactly call two universes sharing a relationship with the same two people an inevitable intersection I wouldn't use the word inevitable period because if wildly Divergent universes exist out there without these intersections like Bruce claims then it can't be inevitable with Barry's logic he should be calling Bruce Wayne being Batman an inevitable intersection he should be calling Bruce Wayne living in Gotham an inevitable intersection he should be calling Bruce Wayne being rich an inevitable intersection he should be calling Nora and Henry being married an inevitable intersection he should be calling them owning this specific house an inevitable intersection just because that's how it is in the only other Universe he knows tldr the inevitable intersection [ __ ] is stupid Barry then says sorry about your parents I'm just trying to save mine and that's the motivation to get Bruce to help him why Bruce already knows that the world is going to end Barry is trying to save everyone I guess this guy Bruce met 5 minutes ago who he tried to put in a coma is suddenly very special to him and only his parents matter is the motivation knowing that other brucees out there having an Alfred is this supposed to be like a Alfred would have wanted me to help moment why would he need to know another Alfred exist to think that if he already had an Alfred of his own why is the world ending not enough motivation to help Barry to begin with it is of no concern so Bruce does the detectiving while Barry and Terry snooze and figures out Superman is being held in a Siberian black site they fly over there in Bruce's Bat Plane and once they break in this happens look I get that this movie is intentionally making Terry the dumbest man alive only to make Barry take first place by the end of the movie but like this is an insult to basic human motor function the [ __ ] Speedster just watches the shovel slowly tip over as he anxiously flutters his fingers instead of reaching out and stopping it the thing is literally a foot away from him and he just keeps his arms in you can't make this up though this ultimately doesn't matter as opening this bins Li was already loud enough to get the attention of these two scientists I do wonder how the shovel even fell to begin with take a close look at this [ __ ] the shovel isn't even directly upright it's leaning against the pillar and the lid didn't even push it forward it doesn't even touch the shovel for crying out loud what I think happened is that a little ghost named Andy mushti was on the other side of this room and pulled on a long stre string that was tied to the shovels handle to make this contrived BS physically possible this doesn't mean Barry is safe why the [ __ ] is he letting the person he very well knows is Clumsy and stupid take the lead in a situation where they don't know where to go and need to be stealthy to enforce how clueless he is a minute ago Terry asked where Batman had gone and Barry had to point out that he left footprints in the snow and why is Barry letting Terry go around the front of this pillar and full view of these scientists instead of behind it where they just were Barry doesn't even know there's an exit Terry is the one who sees it he should be telling him to stay hidden until they know where they're going some armed guards pour in after a scientist sounds the alarm and Terry doesn't use super speed to remove their guns or push them and you can't excuse this with inexperience because he literally knocks out a guard later without anyone telling him to and he can think with super speed so Terry lets them fire and sees the bullets coming in slow motion but somehow didn't see the shovel fall in slow motion he relocates Barry behind the pillar because the riters remembered that was a good hiding spot causing Barry to vomit the guards come up to them Terry still doesn't neutralize them but it's all good because they don't immediately shoot even though they did as soon as they came into the room upon seeing them surrender then a noise is heard from above and it's Batman on this balcony what the [ __ ] was he doing was he just watching Barry and Terry get guns pointed at them shot at and did nothing about it he then flies down breaks physics and the bones of the guards the three find a giant metal scrotum and deduce Superman is in there and Batman uses a Game Boy to try to hack the computer to open it but Terry uses super speed to try every password combination and they're doing the thing again where technology has super speed great work fellas I just I just wanted to be like the CW and I wanted you to be better they go inside it's actually Sasha Kaya everyone in their neighbors saw this coming and Batman says it's not him he got to go okay first of all you have no idea what Superman looks like all you know is he's a humanoid alien second the Multiverse expert doesn't think it's possible that Superman in this universe could look totally different from Barry's even though he was unrecognizable to Barry when they first met and was told that batfleck is much younger third the world's greatest detective can't put together that someone secretly imprisoned in a highly secured tank who is clearly starved and experimented on might be this way because of how powerful they are at full capacity and fourth bat [ __ ] man decides to leave a clearly starved and experimented oners to continue suffering in this black sight no offense but you are a stupid [ __ ] oh I guess I have to spell this [ __ ] out because video literacy is dead when I say Superman in this universe could look different from berri's that includes gender both Barry and Michael Keaton are aware that genetically different Batman exist gender could be one of those differences they should both know this Barry has the common decency to save her then grabs the Supergirl suit which is conveniently in the testicle with her this mercenary group contained what they understood to be a supernatural being and they decided to keep her alien clothing something they would be interested in studying and something that could potentially help her break out in her cell by the way this should have been the moment Barry realizes that this is Superman you did see the giant Superman logo on the fabric on the ground that you probably took a look at before grabbing it because otherwise why would you take this random article with you right you know the logo you should probably recognize by just glancing at it since it belongs to your hero use my hero the four of them hustle through the corridor and run into Chef who Terry takes care of with super speed but then a bullet goes through Terry's knee from behind and it's going straight meaning someone shot this while laying down or crouching really low except that someone is revealed to be standing and aiming for the upper torso so that's weird but it also doesn't make sense because there's no one behind Terry when he throws chef and everything is in flash time from that point until the bullet goes through making the shot impossible because that means the soldier would have had to pull the trigger before Terry even ran to Chef and there's no one behind chef and they would have seen him if he was and the wounds doesn't instantly heal even though a giant hole in his chest quickly filled itself back up with meat earlier and what I'm getting at is the shot the position of the injury and the lack of healing are all insanely contrived to sideline Terry for the rest of the scene because otherwise he would continue to KO the soldiers and then Batman doesn't get to do anything there's no epic action sequence to escape and Cara doesn't get her revenge anyway Batman busts them out but they crash land on the roof and get surrounded and they're still not executed on site for some reason instead The Mercenaries just stand and point their guns like they don't say anything or force them to move and they just let Barry and Batman talk it's really awkward but silly me they're simply waiting for Cara's queue to fly up once she's nourished by the sun Cara faints after wiping them all out and once they're back at Wayne Manor Barry tells Terry he was very confident he was going to find Superman and if he did dealing with Zod would be super simple even though he just [ __ ] witnessed a bulletproof woman with super speed who can fly and kick ass and he's definitely seen the logo on the suit he brought back with him by this point so he's just unbelievably stupid I guess can we talk about the timing of zod's arrival being really weird in this context the reason he found Clark location at the time he did in Man of Steel 33 years after Krypton exploded was because we detected a distress Beacon which you triggered when you accessed the ancient Scout ship accessed with the little Superman command key which was in the Pod he arrived in in the flash Zod later confirms Clark never made it to Earth so if the command key in this universe was in Cara's pod then how and when did it make its way to the Scout ship assuming it's not conveniently buried next to the Siberian black site rather in Canada and was just recently discovered like in Man of Steel and the mercenaries would have needed to see this hole on this panel in the ship to even guess that that's where it goes just like Clark did and I know you're yelling at me right now telling me Cara said General's Z is here he must have check my pot signal so she guesses he found Earth through a different way but that still doesn't mean the timing isn't contrived hasn't Cara been here for years she certainly didn't land last week by the looks of it extremely weak already EXP experimented on in this cage designed for her why wasn't Zod able to track Clark's signal in Man of Steel if it's because his pod wasn't traceable then why the hell is Cara's bottom line is Zod just happened to track Cara's signal at the same time the distress call was sent under very different circumstances in Man of Steel okay Cara gets dressed and recovers in the Sun but then reveals her resentment for the human race given she was imprisoned and treated like [ __ ] upon arriving and oh my God I would piss off Sasha Kaya if it meant I could get this death ster from her uh this scene has her acknowledge that billions of humans are about to be annihilated by Zod but she doesn't care because she's Kryptonian and humans are pieces of [ __ ] because they abused her we all got that good wouldn't want us to forget this in a couple of minutes anyway the writers forget this in a couple minutes when Cara flies over to Zod and lets out a fonden Cel no as his army begins firing on the humans she didn't care that Zod was about to kill them and is now suddenly concerned that Zod is killing them nothing additional has happened in between these two moments meanwhile at the Batcave Barry and Bruce are setting up a Contraption to replicate the accident that gave him his powers I love how chemicals splashing on the person is a vital part to getting Speedster Powers but instead of having the chemicals pour onto Barry as the lightning comes down to guarantee he will be touched by both at the same time they have the chemicals sitting on shelves off to the side so they just kind of hope that the lightning branches out and explodes the bottles enough for the liquid to reach Berry imagine if it didn't that would have been a waste of a trial and possibly killed him remember the original accident had lightning going straight through the chemicals in Barry's Direction I don't know I just expected a smarter Contraption from two people who are supposed to be smart and it fails and Bruce can't shock Barry again cuz it fried his circuits then Cara is here meaning she didn't do jack [ __ ] about Zod murdering a bunch of people she supposedly empathized with on a whim but I guess she actually doesn't care why did she even go to Zod if she wasn't going to talk or attack him don't know she's just here now Cara who just got here somehow knows exactly what Barry and Bruce are trying to accomplish because she doesn't ask questions no one tells her what's going on she just takes Barry up to the clouds to get him struck again and it fails again it isn't until Terry and Barry touch tips when the speed force finally flows through Barry I guess and now he has powers Barry has himself a nap to recover for a bit which fair enough both he and Terry were pretty beat and floppy around after getting struck by lightning that's fine as long as Barry has any semblance of urgency to stop Zod once he recovers after all that's the whole reason he decided to further Break The Rules right anyway Barry has no semblance of urgency as he chills with Terry while footage of a genocide is playing on the screen next to them he spends 2 minutes doing this and talking about unimportant things with Cara instead of pressuring everyone to race over to Zod every [ __ ] second counts when multiple spacecrafts are raining hell on people they even have a closeup of the attack and nobody in production thought this was embarrassing the things they chat about can be discussed while aboard the Bat Plane they're about to ride to the battlefield which wait a minute why the [ __ ] would the two people with super speed need a [ __ ] lift or take the slower option when lives are actively being lost it is of no concern Barry even says the world engines will be destroying much more than just Metropolis with every passing second that we don't stop Zod while he's on the Bat Plane which is a nice serving of irony so good job if the intention was to make this scene look like a parody once the superpowered trio are on the ground Cara flies up to Zod to hear him out she doesn't say a word she just stares at him as the humans she now re empathizes with are being slaughtered behind her and she lets Zod activate something on his pit boy instead of trying to restrain him and it turns out he activated the world engine so good job while Cara is up there Barry and Terry just stand around and do [ __ ] nothing for 40 seconds as their fellow humans get annihilated cuz it ain't a liveaction flash project if there isn't any stopping to watch Barry then tells Terry and yeah they're konian and we won't be able to kill them which I don't know how Barry even knows that but it establishes the durability of the kryptonians and it raises the stakes I suppose would be a shame if this was immediately contradicted so now thanks to that shot there is at least one move that both flashes are easily capable of Performing to instakill a Kryptonian good job then this exchange happens Jesus they're they're fast yes but not as fast as us in case anyone is about to tell me that the Kryptonian super speed is equivalent to flash super speed it's not until Cara is told that kalal did not survive that she finally decides to stop Zod and no she was not going to ask him about that she was very convinced that kalal simply did not land on Earth and was never found by Zod so no idea what she was going to get out of just staring at him Barry then tells Terry that the new plan is to create a little tornado to distract the enemy and then Terry will kick them instead of tell telling him to Simply reverse flash through their chests cuz it ain't a liveaction flash project if there isn't any forgetting about instant wind moves so Terry performs a kick but he builds up too much charge so he relieves himself by using Force lightning a move that would have been useful against steepen wolf or the parad demons in Justice League but was never used by Barry I guess it would be fair to steal man this has a move he simply didn't learn yet like how that can be assumed about amazing if it wasn't a result of Simply using super speed just like Terry this would have been one of the very first things Barry figured out since it's literally a side effect from using his powers the Fight Continues it looks like absolute [ __ ] Barry and Terry aren't helping Cara kill Zod for some reason Bruce you copy where's Cara you go find her so these [ __ ] didn't give their most powerful Ally an earpiece to communicate no way to tell each other when they need help or what's going on Batman the strategist ladies and and gentlemen sure hope this doesn't bite them in the ass later 24 seconds pass between the moment Terry goes to look for Cara and her getting impaled it takes 1 minute and 25 seconds for Terry to find her with super speed which is absolutely ridiculous and he coincidentally does right as Zod dips all the while Barry stands around and does nothing when he could have been helping Terry find Cara the same [ __ ] that said this Zod somehow controls the world engines which will be destroying much more than just Metropolis now with every passing second that we don't stop him actual useless oh yeah Batman offed himself in a kamakazi attempt because his ship took damage and his ejector seat didn't work no Terry decides they should time travel to before their deaths and do things a little differently Barry joins him and instead of actually stating what they're going to change to be on the same page and minimize the amount of times they have to time travel they're just like you know what you're going to change I I know what I'm going to change but wouldn't changing the past just put him in yet another Universe I thought that was the whole point of the stupid ass movie upon exiting the Chrono bow Barry and Terry appear in front of themselves from a few minutes ago literally showing us there are now four flashes on the battlefield hope the writers don't immediately forget this anyway the writers immediately forget this when Barry is able to instantly connect to past Batman's comms and talk to him and past Barry and past Harry never show up you know if there are now duplicates of yourself you might want to tell them why and your new plan so they can help out Zod doesn't stand a chance against one Speedster with a vibrating hand imagine four of them Terry's change is going straight to Cara now that he knows where she was and he decides to run in circles around Zod instead of reverse flashing or Palpatine him Cara ends up dying again berri's chain is telling Batman that the Kryptonian ships are Shield protected so he goes for this giant this causes him to be grounded and go One V one with space Shack for a little bit Bruce ends up dying again oh no you might have noticed I virtually put air quotes around Barry's change and that's because aside from giving Bruce one new piece of information the sack of [ __ ] once again didn't do [ __ ] [ __ ] all he's seen doing nothing but watching Batman is off screen for nearly 2 minutes and then shows up as he's dying what the [ __ ] were you doing while the normal human was going head to dick with a Kryptonian Goliath God I want to call him the seaword from here on out can't thank you rocket so after going out of their way to save Batman and Supergirl a [Music] whopping one time Barry is already hesitant to try again again he wants to give up on saving the world because a total of two timelines have them die our hero ladies and gentlemen fyora comes in out of nowhere while Barry and Terry are distracted trying to remove metal that flung into his arm and just pushes them off to the side that's kind of a waste I guess she has no lethal weapons on her why didn't you lead with that you could have killed both of them right here and saved us from the ending of this poor excuse of a movie a ah add that to the list of Kryptonian killing moves Terry even vibrated the blade a little bit which should have reminded Barry of the reverse flash move but alas the [ __ ] has definitively given up he's just going to chill in the Chrono bow as Terry I can't even say actually tries because take a look at this brain rot how the [ __ ] do you arrive late you literally fix this problem earlier by knowing where they were just repeat what you did but instead of the running in circles [ __ ] just stab him with your new Kryptonian killing blade maybe he'll get it right on the next attempt so Terry makes it just in the nick of time but gets clotheslined how was Zod able to react to him Jesus they're they're fast yes but not as fast as us why come at him from the side and not stab him in the back Christ almighty what do we got for the next try oh so Terry's doing it all right this time but Zod has eyes on the back of his head and can react to flash level super speed because the plot hole fairy decided he can and it's twice as bad when you realize these last two attempts would have absolutely succeeded if Barry was there to charge Zod at the same time Terry did but he's just going to stand back and be a shitty hero because otherwise the movie Can't label this as an inevitable Intersection Bar this is an inevitable intersection I'm going to give Terry a pat on the back because he does call out Barry for doing nothing where were you what you just stand here the whole time Barry tells Terry they need to stop because the Chrono ball is starting to peel open so this is the consequence for retrying after a grand total of five times but again this wouldn't have happened if they got it right by the second try which they absolutely should have then Barry finally comes to terms with his parent situation a second time and Echoes his mom's irrel line about not every problem having a solution and they do this with only the utmost subtlety not every problem has a solution every problem has a solution sometimes we just have to let go Terry's like [ __ ] you don't let go of mom just let me try one more time which him being upset about this makes no sense because once again Barry is going to have to go back and let Norah die regardless so he can return to his universe as Terry leaves the being of pure crust and Edge from earlier enters and stops Barry this is not savatar a version of Terry from the future who pushed Barry out of the Chrono to create himself and has been trying to save Batman and Supergirl for decades as he is now an old man as embarrassing as it is that a Speedster with two Kryptonian ending moves can't kill a Kryptonian after a lifetime of tries keep in mind he's always been ACC companied by at least two more flashes and one Supergirl and they still somehow can't kill Zod the Reason Not savatar looks like this is because Terry's been getting pieces of Kryptonian metal flung into his body from failing to phase you'd think he'd start succeeding after the first few times but then we wouldn't get the Epic emo savatar look remember how one hole through the knee was enough to incapacitate Terry for a long time and he couldn't even insta heal yeah now he has big pieces of alien shards embedded in his body mainly around his chest neck and back yet he's alive and at is most powerful somehow I'm not going to entertain rationalizing what the [ __ ] is going on mechanically because it will end in a massive migraine and the movie is already beyond the point of no return so even if this part made perfect sense it's not like it's going to enhance the overall quality in any meaningful way so not savatar is here to kill Barry apparently Barry is an inevitable intersection that's stopping him from succeeding because Barry will go back and let Norah die no matter what and he explains all of this to Barry which there's no point to he already had him restrained which was a perfect moment to kill him he takes long enough for Terry to come back and then Terry takes the stab for Barry and this erases not savatar from existence the most powerful flash variant in the SN verse is defeated because he stopped to talk oh you were waiting for me to talk about the cameos right must have slipped my mind because they add [ __ ] nothing to the story the three flashes stared up at how all this time traveling is causing other krono BS to crash into each other which also would have been a great time for not savatar to puncture Barry but I guess he was just so in awe of the colorful lights the Chrono blls had Nicholas Cage Superman because that was a movie idea that never saw the light of day Jay Garrick Helen Slater Supergirl and Christopher reev Superman Adam West Batman who might have been made with AI considering his bat ears are missing and George Reeves Superman and you're lost cause if it needs to be explained why including those last three is downright disrespectful and unethical but but but their families gave Warner Bros permission shut the [ __ ] up they do not speak for the deceased these aren't people who were once part of the DCU or SN verse not even as a running gag even Disney knew when to stop this movie isn't a [ __ ] celebration of the Multiverse or DC's history the one character from the past that they integrated into the story is destined to be killed along with his entire planet how embarrassing they canonized these characters into the [ __ ] storm in an attempt to make you gaspen point where the [ __ ] is The liveaction Flash who just retired from a 9 season show and is actually beloved but Advocate you hate that flash and the time travel mechanics and the a overse are inconsistent with this movie look first of all I hate that Flash's writing second these two have already met plus they had no problem forcing Christopher reev Superman who timed travels in his own movie see the Cameo choices are so [ __ ] that I'm turning my brain off and ignoring the World building implications to say they might as well have picked from the arrow verse at least those actors are still alive and third if you're going to throw in brief cameos in a Flash Multiverse movie I expect more flashes not Batman and super people and I especially don't expect cloning [ __ ] Ezra Miller wait he's Batman apparently this isn't even supposed to be Teddy Sears just generic Golden Age Flash but he Grant Gustin and John Wesley ship were right there is there a reason why the Ensemble we got were chosen over more meaningful and respectful ones I wonder as long as there were DC characters everything was allowed adds Andy and I made a list of superheroes that I love that I would love to see and it was a long list and then for time matters for pacing we had to short list that a little bit the movie is the result of that short list but I'm pretty thrilled by the superheroes that we get yeah okay Andy whatever you say let's just wrap this [Music] up people think this is a genuinely good scene probably because the characters are acting sad and Barry is saying goodbye but there are three things that he does before he even Returns the the Tomato can that should be changing the past again first he takes a pack of baby wipes and removes one which would have been used by someone else and down the line the pack will now run out faster than it would have if it hasn't clicked yet I'm explaining the butterfly effect the very thing he knows he needs to avoid second the interaction with Nora itself he wastes 1 minute and 45 seconds of her time which she would have otherwise spent continuing to pick groceries which could now change where she falls in line at the check out which cashier attends her which lights she runs into on the way home what time she gets home I'm explaining the butterfly effect again he [ __ ] knows he needs to let his mom's trip to the store play out exactly as it did if he wants to return to his original universe and third Nora discards a tissue on Barry so a repeat of the baby wipes and I sure [ __ ] hope Barry put these clothes back exactly where he found them for the same reasons anyway as barrier Returns the Tomato can to its place he looks up at the camera pointing at him I guess he sees no issue with his older self showing up on this tape from 15 years ago that will be fixed by Bruce and examined for Henry's appeal whatever he gives the camera a pensive look almost as if he has an idea but there isn't an idea there can't be an idea because there is nothing you can change in the past without Universe hopping a tough pill to swallow but he's now learned his lesson right right right runs to the Future and not the present for some reason yes the future because it's daytime and Iris is gone why did he choose to return several hours after the time when he left it is of no concern Iris had left a note saying she'll see him in court which Barry is now late for gee if only he had the choice to return earlier he could have gotten to court on time Barry reminds us that not savatar definitely scrambled his brain earlier by using using super speed in front of several people from their perspective a man just teleported in front of them while lightning streaks followed behind him and created Sparks kind of defeats the whole Anonymous super hero thing he could have like stopped behind a tree or something but since none of these civilians react whatsoever normies will tell you this is 100% okay and the scene is fine since this is Henry's appeal Bruce's uncorrupted security footage will be presented in an attempt to exonerate him but as we all know it's apparently useless since Henry never looked up and showed his face cuz that's how it happened and with the exception of talking to his mom and wiping his face Barry had everything play out exactly as it did so he wouldn't Universe hop right right right Henry now looks up at the camera because this [ __ ] [ __ ] decided to move all the Tomato cans to the top shelf he changed the past again he didn't learn his [ __ ] lesson George Clooney's Bruce Wayne shows up as evidence berries not in his own Universe which beckons the questions of where the hell is this universe's Berry why isn't he at his father's appeal why wasn't he at his apartment why didn't an hour Berry pop out in front of him when exiting the Chrono bow wherever he is holy [ __ ] is it an extreme coincidence that this new universe is identical to the original one with a different looking Bruce being the only exception that we know of wait did Barry just not see George Clooney in the Chrono he saw Ben Affleck earlier wouldn't Clooney have taken his place in every memory he had with Bruce and made Barry realize he hopped again [ __ ] me why even ask I guess this new universe is Barry also time traveled last night which would explain this iris's note but for some reason he hasn't returned on time for the appeal bottom line is this [ __ ] Chad knew this would happen again and he did it anyway and the movie ends here after Barry is like oh oops uh this is awkward giving the impression that he won't simply time travel again and put the Tomato cans back where they [ __ ] belong to return to his Universe if he stays here he's leaving his actual father to rot in prison with no son to visit or call him in fact we know Barry stays in this new universe because when he's talking to Arthur in the post-credit scene he says you're missing the larger premise here in my timeline in my timeline me the one he's currently in isn't his and if this new universe's Barry ever returns then there will be two berries maybe then he'll go back to his universe and by that point we'll have wasted a bunch of time here who [ __ ] knows this ending is atrocious this movie is embarrassing this character is infuriating congratulations to Warner Brothers and Co for making both of your modern live action flashes the worst superheroes of all time Rest in Piss DCU you will not be missed though I still haven't watched either Aquaman maybe those are low-key bangers they tried to get rid of me but from Ocean the ocean they going to have to deal with me oh yeah I've been missing out getting paid more than a man life is special thanks to sh talks for reading those statements from the director he's made several flash reviews himself including the later seasons of the show if you're itching for more if you want to get bullied at school or get [ __ ] talked at the water cooler at work you can wear this expertly designed doozy by purchasing it through the merch link below big thank you to all of these Lads for the support on patreon I know progress has been slow for personal reasons but I haven't quit I'm still at it expecting to pick up the pace this year if you haven't seen this tweet I made in like July I plan to do a season 5 video the season 4 video reached the goal I set by its first month which is good enough for me I'll probably start watching it after this is posted and of of course shout out to a buzz3 azaz Dominic the donkey frosted fakes ghost based IC teal Jack Lenahan skids Steven T aot and Studio [Music] devil The Flash is a masterpiece we need a CW liveaction Flash [Music] show a
Channel: Madvocate
Views: 967,979
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: insufferably, inconsistent, time, travel, supergirl
Id: QNkiXqFf_gc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 24sec (5544 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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