THE FLASH - Heavily Reliant on Batman and it Still Sucks

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today we're talking about The Flash movie starring Ezra Miller the movie starts with Barry ordering a sandwich but he's late for work he makes it very clear to the guy behind the counter that he's late for work [Music] I'm gonna talk to you guys real quick about somebody so yeah that's my review of The Flash thank you guys so much for watching if you want to watch the video for real you have to go back through and slow it down isn't my review super clever it's super fast like the flash dude I successfully made a flash review only for the flash to view okay let's do this for real great news everybody this is the first movie to debut on the nft blockchain yeah isn't that so funny like why would you do that this movie cost a lot of money to make they put a [ __ ] ton into marketing and they lost pretty much all of it so in order to make back some crumbs they've resulted to begging the nft community it's so absurd to me movies and nfts don't make sense together at all okay let's move on I'm not a huge fan of The Flash he's one of those superheroes that everybody knows about but he's kind of like a secondary hero most people that don't read Comics just know of The Flash as the guy in red that can run fast sure the flash has his own TV show and he makes an appearance in the Justice League movies but this is the first time that the flash is in his own big Blockbuster finally we get a movie dedicated to the Flash and it's starring Ezra Miller oh [ __ ] we have to talk about Ezra Miller now don't we talk about taking the wind out of this movie's potential holy [ __ ] Ezra Miller's declining reputation was like taking a torch to the sale sales of the ship and sailing it straight towards an iceberg it's not about money it's about something a message because in 2022 Ezra Miller went crazy I'm sure a lot of you already have heard about some of these but I'm going to quickly break them down anyway not in great detail obviously I don't want this review to be 10 hours long in 2011 he had a disorderly conduct case and then he was a good boy for quite a while at least the law didn't catch him doing anything weird that was until 2020 when he had a strangling incident and then one year before the movie was set to release Ezra Miller took his tomfoolery up a notch he put his mischievous goggles on and went to town There's the Hawaii incidents the Dakota iron eyes scandals harassment allegations the Vermont farm incidents a burglary charge all in the same year can you imagine being Ezra Miller's agent and getting a call every other day from Warner Bros oh no Ezra no [Music] foreign [ __ ] get that piece of [ __ ] under control right now I don't care what you have to do anything drug the [ __ ] out of him put him to sleep first yes I don't give a [ __ ] just make him stop to him again meanwhile this is Ezra Miller we should probably talk about the movie now this movie was directed by a guy named Andy muschetti he also directed 2017 and 2019's it movies and I quite enjoyed those they weren't perfect I thought they were a good time this movie however but I gotta say the two elements dragging this movie down the most are the writing and the CGI the writing in this movie is worse than a fanfic and the CGI is some of the worst I've ever seen in a big budget Blockbuster like we've already established Ezra Miller plays Barry Allen also known as The Flash the movie starts with Barry ordering a sandwich but he's late for work he makes it very clear to the guy behind the counter that he's late for work he can't rush a good sandwich dude uh that's not true you definitely can it's almost like he's purposely taking his time just to be an [ __ ] they establish in the next scene that Barry has to keep his caloric intake up much higher than a normal person because he burns off his calories like crazy when he runs at Hyper Speed they use this aspect of his character for comedy it's clever and silly I didn't really have a problem with this we're then introduced to what I believe is supposed to be bat Fleck but it's an a i CGI abominable version of him he sticks out like like a sore thumb from his surroundings his cape almost appears plastic As It awkwardly and unrealistically Flaps in the wind and his face oh God his face it just looks wrong also this is the Batman that doesn't care about killing people right because yeah he definitely doesn't care about killing people in this movie either he shoots people's cars with machine guns that are on his bike he throws people out of a moving Humvee that's going upwards of 80 miles an hour the guy that's driving the Humvee jumps out of the vehicle as soon as he realizes Batman is there why not slow down first you could easily kill yourself by doing this but sure back with the flash he's near a building that's starting to collapse there's a part when a woman flies out of a broken window she has a baby in her arms initially but then it appears like she tosses the baby at the last second so yeah all these babies fly out of the window Barry looks at all these falling babies and he says baby shower baby interesting joke to make as these babies are plummeting to their deaths Barry is critically low in calories so he has to find a way to eat and simultaneously save the babies and the woman Barry has to act fast he puts a baby in a microwave to save it from fire at the end of the scene he saves all the babies and the woman overall it's a pretty silly scene and there's some very Jank CGI in this scene but overall I didn't have too much of a problem with it we then get a scene of Batman trying his best or Worse to stop some thugs from getting away with some explosives which basically results in injury or death for every guy in the Humvee aside from one who almost falls to his death if it weren't for surprise random Wonder Woman Gal Gadot could not sound less thrilled to be in this scene sorry I'm late she sounds so bored why is she looking at the camera stop looking at me shouldn't she be looking down at the people she's saving the dialogue after Wonder Woman saves this Thug is so bad just listen to this scene dude it's so awkward but he goes far too big to say thank you to all-powerful Persona to compensate for my childhood trauma this is not Bruce Wayne I developed this all-powerful Persona to compensate for my childhood trauma how the hell is this dialogue in the final version of the film who wrote this a teenager from Wattpad or even worse and why does Batman's brow and nose look so weird in this scene and why does he turn like old school Batman with his entire upper body you know he has to turn like this to face people because he can't turn his neck because of the suit I thought this is something we solved already this was a problem decades ago why does Batman still have this issue and then the flash says this I know sex exists I've just never experienced it he says it out of nowhere too it comes out of left field for no reason this one scene has some of the worst dialogue written for any movie ever It's gotta be and you are welcome at least top five like holy [ __ ] it's that bad hilariously The Flash returns to the guy making a sandwich and he just finished making it how does this guy still have a job anyway Barry shows up late to his research center job he works at a lab I guess he's desperate to get his dad out of prison he talks with his dad on the phone they reminisce on the phone about Barry's late mother we get a flashback of Barry's childhood and kid berry looks nothing like Ezra Miller which I think is pretty funny so Barry's mother had been mysteriously stabbed in the chest when Barry was a child Barry's dad rushes into the house and finds her sitting there Barry finds them both and his dad urges him to call 9-1-1 so Barry runs out of the house where are you going bud the phone ain't outside I guess he thought maybe his dad did it at the time so he was afraid but like why they had a happy marriage otherwise and his father wasn't abusive at all so why would Barry come to the conclusion that his dad killed his mother it makes no sense why wouldn't he assume it's an accident after this part Barry is overcome with emotion so he runs as fast as he can faster than the speed of light and it's a pretty cool scene this should be terrifying for Barry but instead they make it goofy by giving him this stretchy Joker smile he then opens a Time Rift and it's a pretty fun scene until his goofy terrible looking CGI head pops out into the past if this happened then shouldn't he have seen his own head pop out of nowhere during the baby saving scene or maybe just happened so fast The Flash didn't see it Barry confides in Bruce Wayne he tells him that he's thinking about saving his parents with his Newfound ability but wait didn't he use it in the Justice League movie I thought he used it to like turn back time or something or was that just in the Zack Snyder version so it's not canon like brunch like what is brunch anyway Batman kind of warns him against doing this Barry who is clearly going through an internal conflict asks Bruce if he wants to get a bite to eat he wants to hang out with Batman you know have some quality time Bruce refuses wow cool Bruce you just learned that Barry is contemplating going back in time to save his parents this should scare the [ __ ] out of Bruce right knowing that this could destroy everything you want him to all this over by himself maybe getting a bite with Barry right now would be a good idea make damn sure that he doesn't do anything stupid but no Batman finds Barry to cringe he doesn't want to hang out with someone with that level of cringe when he said this to Wonder Woman earlier like they could laugh about that dumb scenario whatever later this news reporter named Iris stops by Barry's house to talk to him but not as a news reporter I guess she wants to scoop on Barry's father or something Barry likes this girl so he zooms around and tidies up his place in a millisecond just before letting her in but I guess he just shoved all this [ __ ] in his closets because that's a gag like all this stuff comes piling out he asks her if she wants a beer she says yes he opens this fridge to find that he doesn't have any so he vibrates through the wall to run to the nearest bar so he can buy two and run back he does this instead of just saying uh I don't have any beer like what he's a bit of a weirdo like come on that whole vibrating through the wall thing is dumb as hell if this actually worked wouldn't he fall through the floor too anyway and how would these bottles survive being vibrated through the wall not to mention his clothing okay Superhero logic so he gives Iris one of these beers he opens his and it blows up like haha funny you know because he was vibrating really fast he starts mostly talking to himself with this random girl still in his apartment he starts talking in depth about his mother's death he even pulls up security footage that he wants to use to prove that his father is innocent this dude has zero RIS absolutely negative game everything this guy has done so far has been kind of a massive red flag for any woman out there what Barry does afterwards is far from normal as well he's basically talking to himself still he mentions how if his mother had never needed tomatoes in the first place she would have never asked his father to get some which would ultimately save her life so all he needs to do is make sure that his mother gets Tomatoes when she goes shopping and everything will be fine he says this all in front of this random girl by the way who he knows is a reporter and will probably remember this stuff that in itself is already pretty weird right what's even weirder is that she still head over heels for him she likes him a lot he's vomiting all this stuff out in front of the reporter she could report that Barry is an unstable mentally ill person and so his research at the lab is useless somehow Iris isn't creeped out by this guy at all after all this crazy [ __ ] he just leaves her there standing in his apartment alone he's like all right see ya I guess let yourself out or something let's talk about this potential mother saving scenario apparently someone had broken in and stabbed his mother his father wasn't home so he couldn't stop it when his father arrives home he finds his wife sitting there stabbed but his father only left because he had to get tomatoes so apparently Barry's father being there would prevent his mother's death so I guess this mysterious person that came in and stabbed his mother was thwarted by his father because they never tell us did this person never enter their house to begin with because he saw two people there was it an accident did she accidentally fatally stab herself with her kitchen knife how the hell does that happen oh my God they don't really explain any of this Barry is an impulsive [ __ ] in this movie and it's infuriating he's so desperate to get his mother back that he throws all logic out the window to do so he wants to completely rewrite history changing this one small thing will have a drastic impact on their timeline Barry even says this to Batman he's like oh the butterfly effect the butterfly effect right but he goes through with this dumb plan anyway why Barry doesn't stop to think once that may be altering their timeline like this might be a bad idea instead he instantly travels back in time to get that can of tomatoes he places it in his mother's shopping carriage and he runs back through time watching this new timeline unfold as he does this he's attacked by some random purple guy and forced out of his time portal was that the bite of it he runs home and finds his mother alive and his father is home as well he finds this universe is berry outside and he jumps him Barry attempts to question this second Berry he conceals his identity with underwear on his face how stupid is Barry how is it possible to be this dumb this guy works at a science lab and he makes the worst decisions imaginable how upon seeing yourself in this timeline why the hell would you jump him if original Barry just left the house at worst Barry's parents would just be kind of confused for a couple days and then they would move on with their life but then again Barry had already messed up the timeline so you know might as well keep going what is that phrase If You're Going Through Hell keep going well that's exactly what Barry does second Barry takes the underwear off of original Berry and he's like oh my God it's me and he faints which is another opportunity for original Berry to peace out he could try to use his super speed to go back to the time when he had that date with the girl but instead he decides to somehow carry second Barry to his bedroom like they just pop up there together no idea how they made it past his parents but who cares about that I guess he used super speed to zoom up there okay fine what did you do I had to move you but but I just did it a little second Berry comes to accept this batshit reality way too fast now I know they live in the DC Universe but later they establish in this timeline there's practically no superheroes aside from Batman and Supergirl but nobody knows about her so superheroes aren't like an everyday thing in this timeline so a random superhero showing up with your face telling you that they are you from the future with a superpower I think anybody would think they're going insane right like that's just crazy although they do make this second Berry this odd Stoner type of character did you know that in terms of male human and female come on reading human oh yeah Abby yeah they make second Barry this odd Super Hyper immature version of the original Berry hilariously original Barry asks second Barry to promise that meeting him won't mess up the space-time Continuum broski at you why would you original Berry remembers that today however many years ago was the same day he got his powers in his timeline he knows this because of a thunderstorm that comes out of nowhere okay that's dumb as hell but sure I know this is a very important day for him you know so maybe he would remember the day you know but the exact time it happened I don't think he would remember that but does he of course he does his plan is to give second Barry his powers so everything works out normally so he brings second Barry to the lab where this is supposed to happen to the same exact spot where it did happen and I guess in this timeline all the chemicals that are needed to make this happen are still there somehow even though Barry is not working in this lab so uh convenient so yeah whatever Barry brings second Barry to this spot because he doesn't want to create a space-time Paradox you know the butterfly effect right if he never gets his powers then he can never go back in time so he has to get his powers right it's so funny how the problems in this movie compound upon themselves all of this because Barry makes the most brain dead choices imaginable but he does remember the exact time when he got his powers on this day in order to get to this spot original Berry has to carry secondary and phase them both through a door and some glass this phasing through objects is pretty stupid right but for original Barry whatever he has the superpowers so he can do it but carrying someone out else and doing it to them as well it's friction it's the same reason why you can't move people very far at Hyper Speed but I just did it a little shouldn't that kill them you're shaking up their bodies so fast that they can phase through matter and that doesn't kill someone how so yeah second Barry should be dead he survives somehow like he should have scrambled egg brain his blood should be boiling his skin should be melted off like come on dude he would be like a soup human after doing this you know in an attempt to set up everything things kind of go awry and both berries get struck by lightning in this scene second Barry gets his powers and the original Barry loses his powers can lightning do that though like would lightning go through a window and strike you like that maybe it would I don't know I'm not an expert but it just seems unlikely right second Barry has the brain of a Chihuahua so when he gets these Powers he struggles to control himself and he zooms around the city I gotta say the Practical filmmaking in this movie is kind of fun at times especially during this scene there's explosions lots of fire a truck is spinning with [ __ ] flying everywhere what makes me so sad is that this scene looks so much better than the CGI vomit we get in the third act so yeah second Barry is [ __ ] stuff up but who cares about that later original Berry shows second Barry his special ring that houses The Flash suit you press the side of the Ring it opens up and a tiny suit flies out and expands to full size if that's really how you open this ring by just pressing the side of it do you know how often they would accidentally open this ring and then a suit would fly out although this is The Flash so it could easily just put it back into the ring without anybody noticing but I think opening the ring should require more than just a press to the side of it and then out of nowhere General Zod makes an appearance what's happening later Barry visits second Barry's weirdo friends and yet again he realizes that he completely messed up his timeline he finds out that Aquaman was never born he learns that Wonder Woman isn't there how many times does Barry have to learn the same lesson over and over he does learn that Batman exists in this timeline there's no Batman I'm Batman so they go to his Mansion to find him fortunately for Barry he happens to live in the same place so that's cool hey I didn't know you painted they find Homeless looking Michael Keaton he's this timelines Bruce Wayne I have to admit seeing Michael Keaton as Batman again was pretty cool for me because I grew up with those movies and it's like oh my God Michael kid is Batman again let's go I really hate that this stuff works on me because in the back of my mind I know it's a cheap attempt to lure people in with Nostalgia and I know that's basically all Hollywood does nowadays so I guess it's important to be mindful of that but I also think it's fine to enjoy things I don't know Bruce makes a space-time Continuum metaphor with spaghetti because Barry is so dumb in this movie that it needs someone to explain this to him like he's an infant Bruce refuses to help them so Barry being a genius decides that they'll just steal his back gadgets instead so they infiltrate his Bat Cave like what the hell's happening but Barry is smart enough to know how to use this timeline's bat computer immediately like he just finds the back computer sits down at it and starts using it without a problem there's no password to get into it I guess he just starts using it like you do there's a part when the berries are arguing and there's a part when second Barry's mouth is barely moving with his dialogue you won't even tell me why you're here it's amazing Barry then says that he read all about temporal paradoxes and causal Loops oh he did did he could have fooled me because this is the same guy that purposely went back in time to mess everything up knowing that it would mess everything up but he did anyway Bruce decides to help this kid find Superman because he can relate to Barry's grief over his dead parents but it doesn't happen naturally at all he overhears Barry talking basically to himself and then randomly he's like all right you convinced me now it's time to Don the suit again after however many years of of not using it it took random twins from a different timeline to convince me that the world needs Batman again and then second Barry faints at the Batman reveal like he didn't know Bruce Wayne was Batman when he was literally sleeping in the Batmobile earlier he even comments about how he saw this car on the news a bunch when he was a kid or something why is the serious thing on the news when I was a kid I think it's pretty obvious that Bruce Wayne is Batman you're in the bat cave after all who the hell else did you think this guy was what did you think we were doing here I thought this was the cousin's dinner so the two berries joined Batman in his bat jet and they fly away seemingly without discussing a destination or any real plan Batman brings them to the Arctic where the berries encounter Russian scientists and soldiers why did Batman bring them here he knows that they're looking for superman but this timelines Batman doesn't know who Superman is because Superman isn't a thing in this timeline I guess he just knew that the Russians had a very powerful asset in their possession locked away in this little cylinder cell somewhere and Batman knew exactly where that was that's convenient I guess a 71 year old Batman then proceeds to kick the [ __ ] out of all these guys when he hasn't been training or doing the Batman thing for however long I mean he looked like this when they found him in the Next Room they find a giant locked steel cylinder Batman fails over and over to hack into it so second Barry uses hyperspeed to figure out the combination to the cell because he tried all the combinations I tried all the combinations which is clever unless you think about it for two seconds do you know how long that would take I know second Berry had a box of Twinkies earlier but he would need a lot of Twinkies to try every single combination and the computer is in Russian second Barry doesn't know Russian so he would just be pressing random buttons and hoping for the best so unless he slowed down time and was trying this for like five years it doesn't make much sense anyway moving on so this giant cylindrical cell opens and second Barry keeps commenting about how it looks like a testicle it's very funny because it's round the big scrotum security cyber scrotum with a flip phone they find a random woman in this cell and decide to bring her with them she's in this cell with a red and blue suit that's very similar to Superman's suit why would the Russians keep her in this cell with her super suit you would think they would put that somewhere else so they get cornered by the Russian soldiers second Barry is shot in the process they dive down down below the ball to find a different way out so this septuagenarian in a bat suit is forced to assist second Barry how has this old man's back not given out yet dude Batman uses an explosive charge to blast an elevator like a rocket ship upwards how much do you weigh 180 each plus her 440. how much do you weigh they shoot up what looks to be several hundred meters watch how they blast at this shaft but they're all fine though the Russians show up immediately afterwards the woman they saved is revealed to be a super girl and she saves the day they escape and return home to Batman's Mansion this woman is also known as Kara zorel she's a Kryptonian like Superman she informs the berries that she was sent to Earth to protect Superman but I guess he never made it to Earth she has an epic line I'm not a human I'm Kryptonian say it like it is girl hell yeah Boss [ __ ] moment and then she flies away because she doesn't want to help them they're below her screw them Bruce offers to help original Barry electrocute himself so he can get his powers back Supergirl finds Zod she basically flies directly to his location pretty handy this internal GPS every character seems to have in this movie she gets there just in time to witness Zod betraying the military she barely utters no and hilariously Zod turns because he hears her say this like come on dude I know he has super hearing like all kryptonians but how could he immediately recognize her voice she barely uttered one word and he turns to face her like oh hello there I guess maybe it makes sense because she's so high up in the air and it doesn't make sense for a human to be that high up so when he heard the voice he was like oh my God it must be her I guess it's kind of weird how they can hyper Focus their hearing you know what I mean there's gunfire going all around them but it doesn't drown out anything for them they can pick and choose what they hear is it always this loud in the next scene Bruce helps Barry into an electric chair and they fry the [ __ ] out of this dude and it doesn't work like he's practically dead already Supergirl arrives she picks him up and flies him into the sky because she knows what they are trying to do somehow when did she learn that Barry's trying to get his powers back by electrocution anyway she flies him all the way up into the clouds so he can get up close and personal with the lightning he gets his ass Zapped again and she flies him back down obviously he gets his powers but it would be so funny if he just died and doesn't he need these chemicals to Splash on him as well it's not just electricity that does this to him right so make it make sense when they electrocuted him in the chair they had the chemicals but it wasn't enough electricity he had to be struck directly by the lightning second Barry spends some time to spray paint an old bat suit red he saws off the ears and he puts a flash logo on the chest because obviously the OG Berry is going to be using his suit again so I guess it's very convenient that the berries happen to be the exact same size as Batman like these are skin tight suits the bat suits are fitted perfectly to Bruce Wayne it would be very strange for them to just happen to fit Barry they do second Barry does comment on how it's a little bit looser or something but it looks to me like it fits pretty well there's this super cheesy exchange between Barry and Bruce Barry is trying to convince Batman to join them to defeat Zod he says are you in and then Batman says you want to get nuts let's get nuts you want to get nuts let's get nuts and he says this with his denture list it's so bad dude how am I supposed to take him seriously oh my God Supergirl has been a prisoner to the Russians ever since she arrived on Earth I don't know where she got the Supergirl suit who cares about that whatever Zod also says something about terraforming Earth to make it more like Krypton he says now let the terraforming begin but technically terraforming means shaping a planet like the Earth to make it habitable for humans so Zod is not trying to terraform Earth but to crypto Foreman Batman Supergirl and the berries fly into battle Supergirl punches a missile that's headed straight for the bat jet Batman just flies through the explosion he does do this little spin maneuver with the ship afterwards and then they start getting fired upon by like a million bullets and strangely Batman decides not to do these evasive Universe when they're getting shot at maybe it's just been a really long time since he piloted this thing and he kind of forgot how to do it why aren't you spinning the ship dude I think it'd be a really good idea to do that right now the berries and Supergirl arrive on the boring desolate span of flat desert to fight CGI Zod and his goons there's not a single Cactus or Sand Dune Insight just flat nothingness I couldn't think of a more boring place to have an epic showdown this scene is a terrible CGI scramble even Barry's face is noticeably [ __ ] looking dumbass second Barry gets cut while they're running by a random goon it's almost like he ran into the sword on purpose or something OG Barry runs back to save him by vibrating his arm into this guy it looks so weird if you can do this whole vibrating thing then why don't they do it to Zod it seems like that'd be a really good idea eat like a hundred Nutter Butters run up to Zod and vibrate both hands into this guy's head I don't think he would survive with two hands in his head and you can't tell me that he moves just as fast as the flash because later in the movie second Barry is running around him and he's like oh my God I can't see [ __ ] so why didn't the berries try and kill Zod very peculiar apparently it's called phasing when he can go through objects or use his limbs to kill people by phasing his limbs into things man if only red Rush from Invincible had this power because then the entire show basically wouldn't happen back to what I was saying before Zod tells Supergirl that they need her blood to remake Krypton he also tells her that Superman died as an infant this puts her into a rage and they fight right Barry is trying to teach second Barry how not to be more of a dumbass than he is this scene tries to convince me that it's good because they play a Jack White song in the background and I like Jack White's Music I don't know if it's actually Jack White but it sounds like him but I'm not fooled okay nice tactic but it won't work unsurprisingly Batman's jet gets hit I mean he clearly doesn't remember how to fly the thing and the ejection hatch malfunctions so Batman flies his ship Kamikaze style into zod's ship so yeah he's dead Supergirl manages to punch Zod into like this steel thing he gets squished into it like an idiot she thinks that she just defeated him so Supergirl tries to use his wrist device and while she's preoccupied he just stabs her must have been a pretty crazy stab wound because Supergirl just kind of lays there and lets them get the KO on her so that was easy Supergirl's dead second Barry is like they don't have to be dead right so they both run faster than the speed of light to go back in time second Barry shouldn't know how to do this right when original Barry was explaining everything to Second Barry in his bedroom earlier in the movie literally nothing was getting through to him like second Barry's brain is a brick so that makes this part rather stupid he shouldn't know how to go back in time and not only that this is second Barry's first time ever going back in time but he immediately knows how to go back a specific amount of time he doesn't accidentally run back to like the Stone Age he just knows how to do it all of a sudden cool to be fair original Barry didn't really know what he was doing either but they solved that issue because random purple guy punched him out of the Little Portal thing before he could do anything so the berries go back in time just before Batman fires on zod's ship because they want to save Batman and Supergirl of course Supergirl and Batman die again despite their efforts second Barry is desperate to change things so it goes back again and again but fails every time original Barry tries to convince second Berry that this is an inevitable outcome he refuses to believe it and then the purple guy from earlier shows up he breaks into Barry's time bubble it turns out this purple guy AI is another version of second Berry this version of him has been trying and failing over and over and over and over and over and now he looks like this we then get to see a bunch of different timelines float through space time and we get a glimpse into each one this is when the movie decides to resurrect actors to give them a new horrific CGI or AI appearance and then wait oh my God is that who I think it is it is it's our boy Nicholas Cage as Superman what are you doing in this movie you guys have seen those pictures right when Nicholas Cage was going to play Superman but never did uh so who's the producer and they said John Peters I said um all right what do I do like you gotta go meet with him I said okay he's like I got some directives for you if you're going to move forward on the process he's going three things okay I said all right one I don't want to see him in that suit two I don't want to see him fly and three he's gotta fight a giant spider in the third Act but this movie introduces a timeline where he did play Superman except this isn't actually Nick Cage it's a CGI Abomination If Only They got the actual man to make a cameo this part would have been legendary old ass crusty Berry attacks OG Berry but second Barry saves him so old Krusty purpleberry basically ends up killing himself because second Barry is killed original Berry goes back in time again to take the can of tomatoes out of his mother's cart they share a moment together it's very touching Until you realize that this woman is acting extremely weird with someone she thinks is a stranger staring lovingly into his eyes who does that with someone you just met this woman is weird at the very end of this movie Barry rushes to a courtroom to conclude his dad's trial showing us that he'll likely be released from prison and then the girl Iris from earlier in the movie makes an appearance she asks Barry to ask her to dinner this is the horniest girl on earth I swear to God Barry is the best she can do come on dude that can't be true why does she like this guy this girl should think Barry is a whack job he's a weird ass dude that can't be saved does she not remember their last conversation together when he left her in his place and vanished out of nowhere after rambling on about random nonsense oh my God I guess this girl must have a king for mental illness that's the only thing I can conclude you thought we were done throwing old actors into their younger roles well you were wrong welcome back George Clooney his back credit card is reaching its limits so he needed this Cameo never leave the cave without him the post-credits scene is just Barry talking to drunk Aquaman it makes no sense Perry I have right here so yeah uh that's the flash a very dumb movie there's some cute moments here and there there's a [ __ ] ton of jokes and practically none of them land I should have seen that in slo-mo seeing Michael Keaton in action again as Batman was pretty cool even though all this fighting scenes were CGI it was still pretty neat most of this movie was nonsensical CGI vomit yeah this movie is pretty bad but yeah those are just my thoughts let me know what you thought of it in the comment section down below don't forget to check out that's a-y-y-l-i-e-n we have the coolest clothes imaginable you'll definitely find something you love thank you so much to all my patrons that make videos like this possible all the people scrolling up on the screen right now you can join them just go to Elvis the alien I love all you guys thank you so much for the support and I'll see you in the next one bye thank you [Music]
Channel: Elvis The Alien
Views: 806,603
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elvis the Alien, ElvistheAlien, satire, the flash, flash, ezra miller
Id: bC8PbA0zYgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 30sec (2190 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 10 2023
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