Same Name, Different Game - Scott The Woz

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hey all Scott here oh I'm sorry I should be more specific you don't want to get me confused with any of the other hey alling Scots around here lots of people are named Scott for example well just in case we're both here at the same time and you need to know who to shoot I'm decided to say goodbye to my old name and from here on out I'm to be referred to by the one thing that's wholly unique to me hey guys want to play portal nobody lik likes me with a medium as old and Broad as video games we always bound to have this issue my favorite video game is titled [Music] football and my favorite fish swim same name different game because life wasn't hard enough hey loads of game franchises consist of nothing but consistent re-releases or just different versions of the same concept like for example how many games out there are just titled Tetris you know but see that I can understand this uh the opposite of that statement is you can't over sit Star Fox for Atari 2600 colors shapes lines that's Star Fox it's always been a funny little novelty out 10 years before Nintendo's Star Fox debuted Star Fox debuted I'd waiter to bet that 60% of the Atari game library is space shooting base so they definitely just titled this by picking two words at random with one of them being Galactic as man just call it space noun but then Nintendo made a game that was quite literally a Star Fox and they had to fight to name it that over in Europe they had to settle for the titles starwing and lilac Wars for Star Fox 64 I thought that was due to this game giving them copyright troubles in certain territories or this game yeah this is Star Fox for Commodore 64 from 1987 my god there are fewer games called ban an this isn't like a normal word how did three different groups of people settle on the same name with that name beinging Star Fox I'm so excited to debut my brand new game what do you mean that title's already taken turns out these games have nothing to do with why Star Fox couldn't be called Star Fox in Europe it was because of this German company starvox name was just a little too similar for Nintendo to move ahead with that title didn't stopped Star Fox for Comm War 64 that did the opposite and was titled something else in North America that brings up a good point how different regions can make for the worst next 40 seconds of My Life The Final Fantasy series was Notorious for skipping and renaming entries when bringing them over from Japan leading us to having two completely different Final Fantasy 2s and 3es the Final Fantasy 2 we got in North America was actually Final Fantasy 4 in Japan with three being six well that can already be confusing but what if we want to take things a step further what about the DS remake of Final Fantasy 3 the Wonders Swan version of Final Fantasy 2 I mean sure many of these games at their core are the same even if they sure don't look like it but we'd be here all day if we counted all the re-releases and remakes out there so let's try and stick to completely different games like thank God pray and pre these two games have nothing to do with each other even if this is supposed to be a reboot of that and that was meant to get a sequel for years eventually getting cancelled with this getting announced later on but this was never meant to be that pray from 2017 was not developed with the intention of being connected in the slightest to prey from 2006 publisher Bethesda just noticed this game has aliens that game has aliens what else are we going to do you know that game has the color brown well this game has the color brown Bethesda forced the developers to title this game prey maybe because after canceling prey 2 in 2014 they wanted to NAB some browning points from fans for announcing something dear God anything prey related just 2 years later at E3 2016 and just bring a cat out on stage at that point this decision alienated fans of the original game and newcomers to the franchise which left another reason to be pissed off math what does this have to do with prey about as much as prey has to do with prey prey an alien encounter for the Amiga cd32 from 1993 sure we have a subtitle here but as I really going to stop you from just calling it prey three products two of which from the same franchise all called prey all involving aliens all in first person with nothing to do with each other and you know what okay what are you doing the rest of the day this brings us two products which just like prey use the alphabet in their titles Disney's Aladdin on Sega Genesis and Super Nintendo is one of the most infamous examples of same name different game you can say the same about loads of games from this era nowadays multiplatform games are barely different across the consoles they're on sure some versions may look better or worse than the others but at their core these are all the same game however that wasn't always the case throughout gaming history and Aladdin is the poster child for this all right one version on Genesis developed by virgin games another on SNES developed by Capcom that's a cute little factoid I wonder what others think of it welcome to mistak making 101 step one do this is like one of a retro gaming Enthusiast favorite debates to have which version of Aladdin is better that may sound like a compliment but I mean look at these debates man they're both good games you can't really go wrong with either but time and time again the Genesis releas is considered the best even Shinji Mami the designer of the SNES version prefers this one well in my opinion I find the Super Nintendo game to be Rock Solid it has a pretty unique acrobatic flow to the level design focusing Less on com bad and More in traversing the stage smoothly which I feel represents the movie fairly well in comparison the Genesis game features actual Weaponry oh boy I what would you pick here isn't the choice obvious I honestly find the Genesis version to be way more annoying there's no tactility to hitting enemies it doesn't feel like you're doing anything to them half the time just some funky ass hit detection in addition to some level design quirks that are annoying or confusing or just flat out Bland like on Super Nintendo these stage layouts feel finally crafted there's such an awesome Rhythm to platforming here however Genesis definitely Takes the Cake when it comes to the Aesthetics I mean look at this animation it is so smooth like it's ripped right from the movie and hey what don't you know actual Disney animators worked on this version and I can't lie the sword is cool to have in capcom's game you almost feel completely powerless so my stance is SNES is the better game though Genesis is more appealing step too but yeah even though these two are incredibly comparable since they're both based on the same movie they are entirely different releases much like Batman in the video game Batman Returns Willow Jurassic Park Ghostbuster Spider-Man Spider-Man 2 Star Wars WS World Terminator Terminator 2 Home Alone Rebel cop Transformers Michael Jackson's Moonwalker Dracula Superman Rambo Rocky The Godfather Water World who frame Roger Rabbit Over the Hedge my favorite game is over the hedge what the f does that mean I mean I could go on and on with these licensed games because you know what they do most of the time a version for consoles a version for handhelds a PC release which who the hell knows what you were getting there the power differences in audiences of each platform were so different that at the time it wasn't unheard of to have a version for HD consoles a version for the lower-end consoles a version for the Game Boy Advance a version for the Nintendo DS a version for the PSP and a version for PC and for most of them to be completely different games with the exact same titles at some point though I think many start to wise up and instead of naming the Nintendo DS version of game like it's just the game when in reality I'm playing Black Ops and lying's a sin later on often times these releases would contain a subtitle commanding you to don't give your shits to me which hey I think that's a far better way to go about it as a kid I wasn't privy to what a Game Boy Advance could run and what it couldn't you tell me Tomb Raider legend is on GBA and I'm like wow this game on my Game Boy this was the moment I realized if there's Wonder in this world it ain't in this room handheld multiplats are the easiest examples of two different games with the same name very rarely would you get a onetoone experience between the two or at the very least something close enough to the point where you don't feel like a damn fool for buying into it Game Boy Game Boy Advance DS even 3s all would receive games with the same title as something on the home consoles and most of the time a Smurfs 2 I love that [ __ ] on my Wii U can't wait to play it on the go yeah on the Go I mean with this I guess they tried to convey the differences with a different box art but like who Keeps The Smurfs 2 box art on tap in their mind oh wait a second this isn't my Smurfs 2 this must be something completely different Smurfs 2 now I thought this wouldn't be happening over on the PlayStation Portable and Playstation vaita considering one of the key selling points of the PlayStation handeld was how they were practically home consoles to go this was a Playstation 2 for your pocket evident by Spider-Man 2 being a launch title for the thing the PS2 version was incredible I mean swinging around an open world new New York City but now portably didn't get my fix on the Game Boy Advance that's not Spider-Man 2 on the DS not Spider-Man 2 on the engage not Spider-Man 2 so finally we get not Spider-Man 2 to be fair Spider-Man 2 on PSP is far closer to the Home console game than any of the other handhelds still isn't Spider-Man 2 if anything it's like Spider-Man 1 on PS2 no open world no web swinging through the city with genuine physic just generic ass Spider-Man like action man it's serviceable but it's wild to me how many different versions of Spider-Man 2 existed on game consoles and sometimes the same one Spider-Man 2 on PSP and Spider-Man 2 on PSP at least the cover art is different I'm about to say my catchphrase if you're an open season fan you're yeah so these are UMD movie releases for the PSP many of which were films that got tie in video games also on the PSP I mean this is a bit of a cheeky example like yeah there's two releases titled Harry Potter in the Goblet of Fire on PSP but one of them's the game and one of them is the actual movie so it's like okay haha Scott what a fun fact can you please take a step back but hey this brings us to a whole new subset of this junk all right the same name different game on the same console this has been something that's fascinated me for years like Resident Evil 4 on the PlayStation 4 and Resident Evil 4 on the PlayStation 4 God damn having these two on the Shelf next to each other is so much fun uh of course the original game's logo just had to be for Resident Evil and the official title on the menu is all lowercase and then they added a parenthese 2005 once this remake was a thing and with this being a remake and this being just an HD remaster of the original this isn't like the wildest thing out there it ain't worth slamming on your brakes in the middle of a busy intersection because you just realized there's two Resident Evil 4S on PS4 or at least that's what the government thinks well how about Need For Speed Most Wanted from 2005 and Need For Speed Most Wanted from 2012 both on the Xbox 360 I mean that's a testament to how long that generation was the fact this game came out at the 360s launch and that console still wasn't dead when they thought enough time has passed let's reboot neat For Speed Most Wanted but don't get it twisted these are two completely different games they have next to nothing to do with each other besides cars and racing and Need for Speed and the Xbox 360 outside of those these are two different beasts Most Wanted 2005 was primarily a game for the sixth generation of consoles the original Xbox PS2 GameCube but since the Xbox 360 did debut that year and racing games are generally solid showcases for fancy new graphics I mean there were three available at the 360s launch alone this just made sense then 7 years later they thought let's make sense again I'd say this is less a reboot and more uh they just wanted to use this title again the developers said they just really love the idea of being the most wanted so just call it best year how about this one here Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade by Tao and Indiana Jones in the Last Crusade by Ubisoft both on the NES both completely different even the covers are nearly identical like how does just happen well the ti version was released in 1991 and by and large was just an NES Movie game Diamond dozen kind of stuff here the version by Ubisoft was actually an adaptation of this PC game here titled Indiana Jones in the Last Crusade the action game which helped differentiate it from another PC game Indiana Jones in the Last Crusade the graphic adventure but then they wanted to bring the action game to consoles including the NES but just titled it Indiana Jones in the Last Crusade well then how do we differentiate between these two well this one's bad and this one's worse well those right there were the best examples I could come up with for same name different game on the same console of course we could keep going as long as we want but is it really that interesting that there are two games called Destroy All Humans on PS4 with one being the original and the other being a remake like that's not the same as two crosswords DS games so let's Veer things back to more traditional examples such as Mega Man X and Mega Man 10 oh my God yeah this one's just sort of funny I mean loads of the original Mega Man games well their box are used regular numbers their title screens used Roman numerals all the Game Boy releases used Roman numerals across the board and these are also different from the console games of the same name but around the time Mega Man 6 released on the NES Mega Man X released on the Super Nintendo the brand new Mega Man Subs series and you look at this and you look at this and yeah I think it would have been fair to assume this was titled Mega Man 10 but then we got Mega Man 10 in 2010 so we have two games titled Mega Man 10 or Mega Man X your pick but hey that's part for the course with this franchise it seems like every entry has this problem there are four different Mega Man 3s this is one of them well f it if this counts oh my God five versions and none are alike the punch out series is one of the worst offenders though every damn game in this franchise is just titled punch out or super punch out or arm wrestling I was hoping they were going to call it Mega Man 3 oh my God six games to be fair punch out's kind of in this weird territory where these games are different but they're all practically remakes of each other so it's hard to fault them but at the same time God damn just add another exclamation mark or something I don't know it's so hard to explain to somebody your favorite game when there's a million others called the same thing I'm so tired of saying I love Africa with a just to get the response which one well damn it let's go simple here there's no confusing this my favorite game is pong with such taste like this you may be asking off what's your second favorite game pong oh you got to be kidding me what the hell is this you really named your game pong in 1992 and released it on an Atari computer system the company who owns pong pong is Aid scroller where you are ball thank God they named it this what do you have a better title seven we got crack down and crack inhale down Journey Destiny wipe out for God's sake ninja guid and ninja giden ninja giden ninja giden ninja giden like my God how hard is it to give your game a unique title I mean I know numbering entries isn't very creative but you really got to try to get confused with these let's take Madden for example naming scheme is boring sure but it makes sense and hey sometimes they have a bit of fun 2013 was the franchise's 25th anniversary so instead of Madden 14 they titled it Madden 25 that's cute and all but I always wondered over a decade down the line what they call the Madden game in 2024 there's no escaping this hell you can't refer to any game anymore without even a hint of confusion oh Mortal Kombat 1 what the hell does that mean we really need to evaluate what we're doing here and honestly the video game industry should take a good long look at me and see just how easier this is you know what [ __ ] it just call me Star Fox oh
Channel: Scott The Woz
Views: 247,104
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: R1cj14TzTds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 1sec (1081 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 15 2024
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