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you cannot put a [ __ ] aluminum tin in the microwave is that a joke oh my god here we are it is time for another episode of the cookoff and today's one is a little bit different because it's vegan i'm vegan meat vegan everyone no it's the wonderful olivia neal i mean i am a little bit disappointed because like look at the state of this chicken i've had or a chicken i've had to buy what is actually in this that's gonna taste rank i just i hate when they try and make like fake things of it because it's like it's never gonna be as good says the girl making a vegan burger by the way i'm pretty sure i've tried this before roll the clip of me trying this this tastes like the beef burger i'm well impressed so runner what are you making are you just going for a burger then yeah well i'm actually kind of inspired like a krabby patty because i have made a crabby patty before it banged do you like gherkins they're disgusting god damn it there's [ __ ] pickles what am i saying about pickles stop putting pickles in burgers really they're foul i love gherkins oh weird this is you know gherkins are actually cucumber got some frozen oven bit fries this by the way let's have a little word about this because most of the time on this channel everything's homemade you literally have a bag of chili heat with doritos you could have you could have i'm going for nachos with chicken whatever the hell this is okay we're just gonna call it chicken okay i'm using these yeah you could have made them from wraps you know it's just a rot in triangles sorry i'm just blowing your mind today these vegans are moving nuts the rules are you have 20 minutes to make your dish hold on a second 16 minutes 16. yeah i'm gonna lowball you all right you get 20 minutes to make your dish timer starts now okay what do i want to make first i'm gonna go guacamole do we have any utensils no can i ask a question yeah why have you got ketchup [Music] i know this judge very well and this judge loves ketchup on doritos uh wait it says eat later have i bought some yeah that's not very much how do you get you know like when you cut an onion how do you get like the ring okay i'm gonna be perfectly honest with you yeah i am a [ __ ] terrible chef you have come to the wrong person for any advice you just cut the onion how you like it i thought you might be quite good because i looked this up before i agreed to it just to see what i was signing myself up for and you seem to have done this a lot i didn't actually watch any of them though this feels a bit dirty no there is a little we got the you want the brand new ones down there okay careful with that now if you do end up giving anyone food poisoning it will just be the judge and we're not really too honest about fields look at this avocado technique yeah that is prime oh you don't spoon it like interesting i would spoon it like personally yeah well that's because you're a [ __ ] amateur boom look at that i mean do you cook a lot yeah a lot i'm every day i'm cooking really yeah like what's your go-to well my go-to would be like a uh like a like a nice carbonara okay i feel like this is really unripe oh well that's your problem not mine sounds like she's got a problem with it baking tray oh god you're gonna get it come on champ put that knife away come on you want to see how to cut an onion so who's theo um theo interesting interesting about theo is he a youtuber yeah he is well is he in the side man with you not this again how do you not know who is in the simon at this point i don't know i'm actually quite a big fan of them as well well clearly not oh they're not even like the good chips either i mean i didn't buy these i thought you kind of did me dirty here you got a lot of vitamins in there are you deficient in anything uh vitamin d actually i don't get outside too much okay i'm working on it a little bit it's also part of living in such a depressing country i actually like i'm all my own burgers so you just but they gave it to you no i've cut this one in half and i mold it myself because i like a thin crispy burger i don't like it i agree i'm ready to start cooking you know what my biggest fear is cooking a roast i wouldn't know like the timings yeah my mom fought the christmas dinner this year she won't she won't appreciate me me talking about that how dare was the turkey dry no no no no that was fine she burnt the yorkshires no the orchards are the most important part that's what i said uh i'm not sure who's gonna replace it because it certainly won't be me but i am uh taking requests for a new mother that's not on okay are you aware of that it's on a very low heat because i'm just timeout i heard no sizzle i'm time managing tell me that doesn't look [ __ ] scrumptious that is [ __ ] disgusting [ __ ] sake all right what's his secret sauce is it just burger sauce yeah but it's got secret ingredients in it isn't it really disgusting to think that mayonnaise is made of eggs [Music] is it okay so i put in [ __ ] hell olivia that is so bang out of order you're just making burger sauce that's what this is no it's got a secret ingredient i'm bitter tell me for the love of god you're not putting that juice in there because that is foul that is disgusting if that's what you're doing i'm gonna put a straw in here right now and drink it i [ __ ] love wiggle juice don't i've sorry i just got pickled just all over your floor what so you don't whack the top it's cyan heavy yeah oh this is rock [ __ ] solid here we go [ __ ] oh well that looks quite good [Music] i think do you know if theo likes um pickles yeah he does actually he really does yeah he prefers um pickled cucumbers uh and he always does his judging in cycling gear so don't be intimidated by his tight pants right next up the beans how do you heat beans in the microwave you ever used a gas stove before didn't you go all the way back to ireland just to come back here yeah i bought you bought a house to then just say [ __ ] it i'll come back here i think i've come to decide like come to realize that i am quite an impulsive person i would i would be inclined to agree yeah wait this is this isn't beans it's refried beans i don't want refried beans [Music] what are you playing at like we are oh cooking god what's going on okay right just coughed up a hairball in the background is this vegan yes vegetable oil oh yeah god those burgers are looking sad as [ __ ] they look like meaty burgers i think i am so confident that i'm gonna win this god this actually looks like dog food you guys actually eat dog i don't eat that you should have got mint i hate having a messy workspace me too oh can i try the prime stuff i didn't get the pr package didn't get down to oh on the list i'm gonna put some cheese on this noise here we are here we are this is where we start getting techy what are you doing with that oh you're gonna toast them absolutely the big question is how the hell am i going to get it off this and onto a plate to look nice you could do it on the face i'll get marks off for presentation yeah you know we've got one of the most well-respected culinary connoisseurs this looks really [ __ ] sad have you got like a like a like why don't you just like cut a slice no because it it this melts easier it's got more surface area i've been told this is the best cheese can you keep your grubby little [ __ ] hands away from me while i do this this is a really important part nothing worse than not enough cheese nice nice okay [Music] wow that was a really sad amount of cheese all right i'll give you rock paper scissors the winner gets to go on top right ready one shoe that's what she said ready rock paper scissors shoot rock paper scissors shoot rock paper scissors shoot rock paper scissors shoot [ __ ] yes damn it this is actually a problem because i need oh no ah what do you get up to uh just [Music] uh uh you just turned it with half a picture it just it what else do [ __ ] diesel eat a bit of salsa i've gone for a vegan salsa every salsa is vegan that was a bit mean that's okay but you know i personally want to be my own salsa if i was doing the nachos i think i'm toasting my buns on the burger grease oh theo hates his buns toasted in burger grease really yeah seriously that's like his pet thing he hates it that's like a really particular thing yeah no it's like it's just like that's actually what he makes youtube videos on oh really yeah it's like doing that exact thing it's called cooking myth and like this is his big no-no for five years theo baker on youtube and toasted buns yeah sidemen edition do you go inside then tinder absolutely really one of the best lines actually hi i'm callum and i'm 20. actually now you're not really my type anyway what are you wearing and then she kicked off she didn't like that one it was a joke and we made up afterwards i said sorry about that there was one girl that caught one of the biggest elves i've ever seen he can't handle an intelligent lady you let me know when she comes in there that looks good and he's a little bit more what about your beans you cannot put a [ __ ] aluminium tendon in the microwave how do you eat beans i don't know what i'm doing is that a joke it's already been on is that actually it's already been [Music] oh my god how old are you 23 no you're not i actually i'm 23. what's your first year [Music] what do you mean what's my oh i thought you i thought you meant animal no i was going to say it no i uh 1997. how old are you 17. no i'm 20. what year oh my god it's actually disgusting so like you didn't grow up on road to division one or anything like that no no oh that doesn't really fit the burger does it oh well are we sure he likes gherkins he no seriously he does i am feeling really good about this it's time hey keep your [ __ ] eyeballs away [ __ ] feel from the sidemen always that tonight [Music] what does it taste like it's alright it's got a nice kick to it i like it chef fakies here i told her about the time you were in the kitchen five years as a sous chef a year and a half did you actually yeah i lied about breaking my arm why do i smell what's it he just put an aluminium tin into the microwave so that could be why no that looks like poverty you can't say that no you can i'll put it on my story you know i'm really honored to meet my favorite member of sidemen it's some kind of practical joke olivia bought a brand new car and guess what she didn't realize that you have to charge it and i can't figure it out how to charge it so it's just like dead on my stream new generation no mayonnaise in any of this is there no are you trying what is there pickles in there as well no obviously not so you got pickles and mayo you don't like pickles dude devil's spunk it's [ __ ] horrible yeah yeah i i have mine and pickles are like actual worst pickles are the worst thing ever yeah horrendous okay but that looks good i'm sorry i didn't there's nothing else i can say really you're done you're done you're done you're done look at the presentation if i if i walked into somewhere i know which one i'm picking obviously this [Applause] we have acquired someone that has yet to give me a win on this cook-off it doesn't necessarily favor me or like my cooking but i'm so confident in my ability to put together a vegan dish that i brought you in again man i'm an honest man you know and first opinions first thoughts can't like this is yours yeah part of [ __ ] there's actual part of [ __ ] there's an actual dollop of diarrhoea on your plate don't worry about the ketchup we don't need ket right now this one heart it's looking great up until you see this but where do we start also what kind what sort is this some homemade like burger sauce yes so like may own that no no mayo oh can you get points off for being so pushy boom and then this and then quickly it's quickly remember it's all vegan oh that crunch not soggy he's put the whole thing in his mouth you look really good today as well oh my god get that there's also a good bit maybe a bit of guac with that oh yeah but me cow this might be one of the best things you've ever cooked but like where do i buy this crap from welcome really right what are these what's it chips paprika paprika hand cooked fries so you put chips in the oven that's crisps no no these are handmade the flavor is actually really good thank you thank you i prefer if they were hotter but you know what i'm not tasting it on heat on level where do you get your chips from bro come on it's straight mccain let's not play around what is that just just don't look at it just try it just put it in there it's good for you okay it's a nice crappy burger sauce we'll put a bit more ket in there shall we yeah honestly what the [ __ ] is that no she tried the right what is that she tried to do the ring thing right what is that you got any napkins as well oh my god what is this um it's all vegan no it's not vegan it is yes it is no this is porn i think you're wrong on this one well i i did make it no i think i'm like a vegan isn't that amazing i swear to god i thought yours was good this is elite i swear to god this is elite in terms of taste i'd say these two meals are probably the best meals i've had on a cookoff before okay let's get some of this what is this then it's just gluten please stop asking questions you're just making the editor's job longer by asking stupid [ __ ] questions all right i'm not gonna lie on presentation out of ten cow yeah a solid four i'm not sure how you make this look good mate be honest this you know what i'd say for presentation i'll give it a six okay give it a six so four and a six uh next up we're gonna do taste yeah genuinely i'd actually give it an eight okay i love that a taste i'm gonna have to give it an eight point five no no just an eight so my overall winner if you do the maths oh no no it's just a feeling it's not based on math it's a gut feeling who won theo i will say in the last one cal you lost convincingly in this one you've lost narrowly [Applause] i am so happy i knew i knew that from the second i stepped foot in that kitchen i was going to win i i literally it doesn't matter because it tasted delicious no it did touch well enough and you know it cow
Channel: Calfreezy
Views: 1,282,248
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Soccer, Football, Calfreezy, Rebel, Rebel FC, London, England, How to, Footy, Tekkers, YouTuber, Challenge, Soccer Skills, Football Skill, Trick Shots, Soccer Fails, Football Fails, Tricks, Freestyle Football, funny, comedy, friends, vlog, vlogging, freezy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 17 2022
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