I Tried the BEST VS WORST Rated Takeaway

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what is the hair oh there's two oh whoa all right guys people have requested this video for so long people wanted to see more worse versus the best so now today we are doing the worst rated takeaway versus the best rated takeaway now if you guys watched my worst rated restaurant you will have seen a particular someone someone that is a connoisseur of food someone who loves food more than they do their own family his name is seven figure giver obesity flows through my veins yes food feed me all right so what we're gonna have to do is we're gonna go on we're gonna our app of choice they actually sent me a 50 pound voucher it's not sponsored or anything but in terms of repaired a favor i thought i'd spend 50 pounds on deliveroo so we're gonna go on delivery and we're gonna go ahead and find the worst rate to take away and then we're gonna find the best one i think we get two of each so we can give it a fair shout mm-hmm and then we're gonna compare to both all right so let's do um let's do worse rated so we just go right to the bottom so we've got the pizza we've got the indian and then one above it is a mediterranean scran and then royal grill the pizza must be dreadful we have to get the worst we'll get these two we'll get these two all right let's get let's get an order in at veto's pizzeria you down for the kingpin add some calamari garlic pizza bread let's add that all right there we go cannot mess up a plain margarita oh let's get the answer please no i hate it i think i already told you which one on one line i won't be able to get the anchovy yes baby so here we are we're at casablanca cafe and aladdin aladdin's suite i'll be honest with you casablanca that doesn't fill me with confidence look all i'm saying a real concern is the fact that breakfast all day full english breakfast we'll get the number five boss all right they're selling baguettes hello red flags let's get the bangladeshi indian pakistani breakfast is begging us to get it we've managed to pick the two worst ones now we go to the best ones so we got a couple five stars here but mainly it is it is 4.9 this japanese one looks all right farmer j okay that's a 4.9 so we've literally point one off of the top rating you can get and it's got 50 plus we'll get mediterranean and british so here we go this is what they do with the flank baby okay you want the flank i'm going to go for the chimola chicken marinated for 24 hours kombucha i'd love a kombucha squid and now the food comes no no we got one more we've got one more to pick from remember so we'll we'll go here tanaka to 4.8 so it's very high up there chicken katsu that's pretty standard chicken catsuit curry oh yeah i will be getting that okay then i'll smack rapper no sashimi i'll take some salmon pumpkin why not we're at 60 pounds bro it's 60 pounds spicy salmon miso soup yes okay that's it we're just going to go for the purchase that's it i've got like 300 pound worth of food i'm going to eat all right this is the last one from tanakatsu all right and we're good i've just gotten using good we've had a stinker from who message from delivery cs you'll never guess what what bloody casablanca cafe and aladdin sweet couldn't accept the order which one were those two no that was that weird ass woman where we got the chicken biryani from no they've bottled it they've absolutely bottled it they couldn't deliver all we asked for was a chicken berry honey all right we're just so upset [Laughter] right we need to pick another stinker so next up we've got the mediterranean or the royal grill both stinkers which one would you prefer i say royal grill curry is a chicken gel phrase or just a chicken curry hello what do you know what hallway is you pronounced it as if you knew what the hell means nice or beautiful just uh pilar rice yeah or sugar biryani rice no we get absolutely not all right no trust me we can get the biryani bro go get the biryani as well as well all right royal grill you're up next separate ones or one in total oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait this one this one here is the expensive one tanakatsu i got what's coming it's christmas it's the other expensive one yes elite ordering so i mean all i'm saying is the two expensive ones that we've ordered from also came the quickest and they weren't the one we ordered those last for my kombucha right so it's been probably about 25 minutes and i'm not saying they're late but what i am saying is the really good high-rated places have come very quickly so with that being said we're gonna open up the tanakatsu one in this order we have got salad boxed nicely nagiri salmon's just steaming the eel pumpkin it's not fried chip what do we get there chicken and this bag here as well or the katsu curry and then the salmon teriyaki now this right here is what you call a scran okay so what wait what are you going for the pumpkin should come to anything i mean i had pumpkin before what the wait you put soy sauce pumpkin sauce it doesn't seem like soy sauce it seemed like teriyaki sauce it's not buying into a pillow it tastes like potato ah it's got some funk to it right at you you got the eel because you like eel you're selfish you were selfish you say i was selfish i thought of you like i know you hate snakes what are some things that you're scared of can you just name them i only have one phobia only one snakes everyone knows this this is a common knowledge and i know you've got to make it it's a snake i'm not gonna lie so far the best thing here in the little side about salmon here we go water snake all the sushi rice seems soft that's okay though no i hate the fact that it's a water snake yeah the eel ain't great i won't lie you so you don't like the eel we tried it we tried it there so who you blame are you saying wait is it the restaurant's fault or is it your fault um i had eel this morning and i didn't mind it this seems more fishier than the eel that i had this morning by the way i do want to say all of this food here on the table cost 60 quid so it's quite expensive it's chicken thighs all right no i really like this yeah enjoy this because i hate the sound the sound the sounds the sound of you it makes me sick i'm not the lighter the sound is that you know the sound that yeah the sound you make you want outfits doesn't work i just won't breathe all right this is the salmon teriyaki thing i'm excited for this you said this was gonna be the best i think we've got a little bit too much grubby now terry quite a long time i'm full wow wow give me more oh god no it's put that cake in front of me again [Music] could you pass me some of the sashimi please grab it yourself you've been handsy enough you grab it you got to eat it now oh there's two oh what that was on the table on the table don't worry oh my god that was in the food brand no no no no no no tell me this isn't better than waggers stop that in your gob wow before yeah he looks like a new man every time he eats i got goosebumps you know i'm wrong bro all right eli it's crazy so what are you saying in general about about this solid 8.5 i would give it like an 8.5 even a now 8.5 is good what's the complaint what's the complaint to it the complaint he said this sashimi was a bit watery you you weren't the biggest fan of the eel i didn't mind it y'all i thought it was okay it was alright i had more and i was like okay and that's right but in order for it to be 910 it's got to be like oh my god i feel like a delivery could never be a 10. but they were really hot though and they came quick yeah i'm giving it 8.5 8.5 you know why i might have been watery why would it be next to the hot food it's meant to be on ice isn't it so that's their fault then but they should they should they should have known that they're cheaper on [Music] this has turned up it wasn't quite as quick as the other one he's there so this one is the worst rated the worst rate i don't remember ordering three pizzas no no because you've got a garlic bread thing get your hands off [Laughter] so this next one is it comes to like a receipt or anything realistically pizza can't be that bad oh my god i've had some steamers a bad pizza is if it's super oily sloppy and it all falls off right so here we go we got uh three pizzas we've got a margarita that looks nice by the way do you like anchovies yes okay go oh oh wait wait whoa what what pizza is we've got three pizzas that are the same okay first of all look how they've turned up all right it's it is 2.9 rated on delivery i mean it's not that one doesn't look bad i think that's the garlic thing by the way this is folded oh this is the garlic one that's the garlic all right so this is the most popular starter yeah yeah that's the stuff it's just but it's just a garlic pizza there's no difference between that and a margarita oh that's pretty good this is good they're pretty good there's mine sweat that's what i love it's good all right no definitely good the cheese on this is not good it's just margarita how can this be messed up it just tastes um the cheese just isn't very good i don't think it's not bad very basic tomato sauce but yeah it works basically look put it this way you come back from a night out you're steaming you're training this you're training it no it's true the cheese looks a bit odd they haven't melted it probably they just kind of sprinkled it on and left it like right give the interviews a little since you boys like anchovies for me this pizza is so high it's like a five out of ten [Laughter] i'm upset [Laughter] but i harry try it man maybe i'm being wrong well you've is the anchovies gonna be mush um no there may be a bit crispy it's brought down my mood to me is much [Music] [Laughter] look at it with some crispy onion rings right no no no that's prawns i'm not having the prawns for me it's a video man if you'd like a bottle of wine just eat a brawn yeah it's not cooked it's still it's not true i'll try i'll try probably never i've just just just just one [ __ ] ball i have prawn but still it's it's not how a brunch it takes he looks like he's not enjoying it i think it's a spell operation roy [Laughter] i need a [ __ ] i need the [ __ ] oh dude come on that's good we gotta eat more i'll bring the next all right we've got farmer james that's really made me sad bro don't touch me with your pizza hands here we go this next one is the other good one this one is farmer james you want to read about it we should have eaten this instantly we've got the flank steak spinach chili chickpeas uh frenchies vomit salad tomato red beans black olive rosemary here's your thanks some chicken brown rice sweet potato kombucha it's got a bucha yeah there's my company how much do you reckon this cost if i guess it within 50 p do i get to drink it you can have half of it okay i'm gonna i think it's between four pound fifty and five percent only a five pound in the middle yeah six pounds that's all right that's all right that's all right that's cooked okay what's the flank section flank steak or still water for a flank mistake that's good what is the prank it's that long thing it's got the skutt stick okay what do you think about that that's all right so i i think it's like 12 quid for each of them this is good what's wrong something's stuck to the [ __ ] window give me back become boots this is the tremolo chicken i think they said i don't know that chicken's banging did you have it yeah it's very good all right the brown rice here let me try this i didn't try the rice off whatever the salad looks intriguing though oh my god more food well no impossible the last one by the way this uh this chicken thing bangs yeah i say that's better than this now out of the two or the good ones i reckon the japanese one with the asian one really beats this one what do you reckon i think that asian one is better yeah but this is that's a healthy meal though this is good order and not only the each of these were 12 quid 12 foot healthy no he doesn't look happy i think this is good i'm i'm i'm happy with mine it's better than pizza that pizza i ate a pizza right in my day considering you gave the um the japanese spot like at 8.59 what would you give 6.5 really that's quite low you know 6.5 no like it's good but it's just like not wow yeah like the rosemary pizza is probably just as good as all of this here first well i don't know about that wait what farmer jay's got spot wait wait wait wait wait do you just say that yeah it's quite good i thought the garlic pizza was right lost your [ __ ] mind it was all right it wasn't terrible this is good scratch now we've got the final one the stinker it's just arrived it took a while to get here all right here we go the last but not least we've got royal cafe you ordered too much from these places i told you not to do it bro i spent like 200 quid on munch here oh we got the naan oh what's this the right biryani bro the patty they're coming with the packaging had two packagings for that another one why are you making it so difficult christmas break stop stop samosas this is the tea all right we'll start with the massage i could do with honestly but that doesn't look bad is that is it actually this is a stinker this is like a low three low three rated oh it smells so good is that cinnamon smells like christmas you know yeah actually does you're a tea connoisseur you know that's actually quite nice i expected to have more flavor to it it's quite hot this is the problem it's an indian place and the only curry that they had was a chicken curry yeah that's it it just happened this is what's called chicken curry okay and you can already see the oil on the top look at that so it's a mystery curry the samosa test i'll tend for samosas as well but i'll give that a 2.5 yes it isn't good it is like not tasty like it's not tasty yeah what is it what what is this it's a sauce there's no sauce it's not sauce you just dropped whatever that is i like it oh it could be better none let's let's put it on oh no no this isn't a good enough wait do you even smell that it just smells i like it the problem is it's warm and warm bread is always going to be good no it's just that's a dead nod yeah right it's time for the curry bro oh that is an elk that right there is a red flag bro let's try mystery curry all right there we go yeah my stomach i'm doing butterflies let's go let's go let's do it shake it grab it come on you ready no it's not bad but i wouldn't no no no no no that is really bad i'm actually telling you that it's awful it's just glasses it's not bad there's no disgusting either i don't like it have you ever had a good indian bro you're better than pizza no i have the pizza over there you're right every day of the week i have the pizza over this sam but that's right thing about this it's not good i'm telling you i think it'll be like that's not good right now it's disgusting not that bad it's not great it's not recurring that's not the problem just taste that the salon is way worse than the curry no wait rank the restaurant from top to bottom the best one pizza indian pizza is the best one oh no first okay the best is asian the japanese tanakatsu yeah then it goes the char grilled place here yeah what's second bro second the char grilled here pizza no no wrong at the bottom okay from me i'm the same going tanakatsu japanese farmer jay's pizza this is so far at the bottom right this is just this is the worst that's not that i just got it i'm trying harry look at that just my pizza has more grease than that it's just it looks bad it's this is oil pizza is also terrible like the oil and the cheese and the slop and the anchovy mush the anchovy mushrooms wait bro you didn't try the me much bro that was like that brought my soul to the floor i didn't want to live with it you know i don't like anchovies bro you've done a poor show and wait no you and you're in this video [ __ ]
Channel: Calfreezy
Views: 3,390,261
Rating: 4.9532638 out of 5
Keywords: Soccer, Football, Calfreezy, Rebel, Rebel FC, London, England, How to, Footy, Tekkers, YouTuber, Challenge, Soccer Skills, Football Skill, Trick Shots, Soccer Fails, Football Fails, Tricks, Freestyle Football, funny, comedy, friends, vlog, vlogging, freezy
Id: hiQf39kmKws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 36sec (1176 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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