YouTube Removed My Friend's Video...

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hello guys and gals me mood aha and today's video is sponsored by friendship ladies and gentlemen if you want to say 15% for my homie mama max now if you don't know I'm close friends with a lot of the horror guys on YouTube next boat night Doc's you know mama max all these people they're great people good friends close friends to me personal close friends people that I have met in real life good people people that I have chugged good old pints with these are close friends to me and when one of them gets gets treated dirty your boys gonna stand up for him because that's what friendship is all about all right ladies and gentlemen so if you don't know who mama max is he's a great channel on YouTube he's probably in my opinion a [ __ ] Apex content creator guy makes really really well done internet docu style content and it's it's it's actually impressive how well he's made it so lately some of his recent videos have been him sort of targeting pedophile rings on the internet and this is this is a little close to home to me because recently I worked alongside with former administration staff for a clubpenguin private server Cavis and and meet we all sat down and we all sort of looked at this information for this Club Penguin private server we covered it and because of the attention that we raised to it and again a lot of deep-seated back-end stuff Disney had reacted and basically removed a lot of these private servers where allegations of child grooming were happening and you know the situation was made safer for a lot of children who just didn't know any better to begin with and the same situation is sort of starting over here but except because of it obviously drama kicks off and [ __ ] like that his video was [ __ ] removed okay removed by YouTube let me show you a couple a couple couple little juicy little tweets right here this is him making a Twitter handle just to communicate the team YouTube I recently made a documentary exposing child predators and a pedo ring currently on the Internet actual reports to the FBI and NCMEC has been made because of it which can be provided upon request so you didn't just make the video you know he made the video like I did and also reported it to federal authorities because making a video and raising awareness does Jack [ __ ] [ __ ] unless you start a dialogue with law enforcement agencies that can take [ __ ] a step further he actually appealed to YouTube and they rejected him all information was hidden or censored names and I entities were altered to protect the privacy of non-consenting parties all dramatization individuals dialogue are fictional and meant for storytelling purposes please reinstate the video team they do not [ __ ] reinstate the video all right that that was literally it and as far as I even recall this isn't confirmed but I believe the video is like 26 minutes long and their appeal happened faster than that so I guess they must have watched the video like 2x speed or something I'm not sure but the but but the video is taken down for the harassment and cyberbullying guidelines which alright drumroll please is [ __ ] now I'm gonna show you just a clip of the video from Mama Mac's real quick all right so that this section over here is one where I'm gonna censor stuff out myself because while mom and Mac's you know well max did a great job censoring stuff himself and making sure that privacy wasn't breached I'm gonna take it a step further and actually explain to you why I do that so here he's got Maxine 2007 an account that he's made I'm gonna censor the profile picture cuz I don't know who the girl really is I'm sad right now he put it himself as h13 gender female and said I'm mature for my age winky face woo alright let's play this so here he talks to a pedophile we're gonna we're gonna like Chris Hanson this [ __ ] real quick now in order to not have this video taken down I'm just gonna show you screenshots from the video that show you chat log so you can see here that one of the guys he finds says daddy here ASL do what you says 12 F from Texas in you now his normal responses I'm 38 I need a baby girl and then he says I'm married but unhappy hmm I don't know what the reason was nobody really knows what the exact reason is with our YouTube's automated systems work but the guy wanted to [ __ ] a 12 year old okay I'm sorry I understand harassment cyber bullying and I get it but the guy clearly wanted to [ __ ] a twelve-year-old because he was unhappy with his [ __ ] marriage now again alright nobody really knows the exact reason why this video was taken down but again with harassment and cyberbullying okay when you read [ __ ] like this yeah I guess I guess max isn't the wrong but what about the dude that wanted to [ __ ] a twelve-year-old you know I'm married but I'm happy oh yeah unmarried unhappy well better better doodle it's a 13 year old sorry let me correct it and a year higher as if that makes a situation any [ __ ] better right okay so let's shift the focus from maxsa way to this website in particular that he picked out now this is kids chat which is the world's largest chat for kids all right now ladies and gentlemen we are your number one source for free chat rooms and informative blocks for kids and younger teens we welcome all boys and girls all right so we're already opening a week hall what Maddie here calls a [ __ ] powder keg all right let's go to Ojai intent dating platform ads oh hell yeah do you don't want to get some oh I want to get I want to get some dating I want to I want to date my dreams single right now kind of a crazy I have to have on a kids website I know I know it's targeted to my advertiser ID this is a joke I just got to put it out there I just kind of thought it was [ __ ] funny but before we go into their website it's always fun to go into the blog and if you're in the blog wheel let's get started for this tasty [ __ ] drama real quick hey kids recently it's been brought to our attention that a video we created with accusations directed and the owners admins and moderators we usually don't respond to such crap and just continue to make this website better within the outside noise well harsh language for the kids there I don't think they can hear the word crap however with a little extra time we thought it would be appropriate to send a message in response to the channel and its author so here they call him [ __ ] mr. excellent was someone playing resi 2 that night that's that one of the inspiration was this website has always put safety first in front of our users as many rules and tips that we provide on the website is literally spread throughout we have never encouraged older users to WEP use this website quite the contrary cool website does not allow the use of VPNs which ok that's [ __ ] cool I'm using the VPN to use your website right now a pretty big VPN by the way so clearly you're not really enforcing that as hard as you want because I'm getting away with it [ __ ] we love that mr. X is against the bad guys but the list he created contained about 80% bots this is like what max had found in his well he basically created a list of individuals that he found on this website he was trying to who are trying to get like kids and I guess 80% of them were [ __ ] BOTS which in the websites defense here is understandable BOTS do tend to happen but ladies and gentlemen if BOTS do tend to happen you should have some counter action against that kind of [ __ ] where's your human verification when it comes to your websites that will actually touch upon real quickly so here's the next block post right now this is if you this is where the unprofessionalism really [ __ ] gets to a new level all right hey kids we don't know why we have to keep addressing this guy when false information is continually spread roads it'sthe read 72 hours after the last blog post you literally wanted to do this yourself don't [ __ ] lie let's give this clown a new name we will call him money max you know they you know they went out of fiver and like paid someone to come with that [ __ ] smooth brain insult dude got god bless I mean already name-calling again just random points which should cover any more fake news he puts out there all right so he claims to have sent screenshots to us I've gone through an email and searched for the so-called screenshots he provided not a single email has shown up with regards to screenshots from him he claims to have sent screenshots to us all right so what is this you go down so basically they'd they say that they didn't see his emails at all so you might have been in the spam folder I guess maybe he was detected for spam no idea at this point he's using a free throwaway email to conceal his identity yeah those tend to do get a bit rejected so I will defend but here he said that they were attaching he attached over four megabytes of files Jesus four MB is a lot to you T people what the [ __ ] what is your bandwidth like what do you what are you paying for like the what that's a lot that's a [ __ ] so here they say they do not store locks the software does not allow for it privacy loss would also discourage it if it were possible there's nothing for us to read Skype is the same it does not mean literally every messages being read there are tens of thousands of messages sent every day mostly as a private chat between users you have a reading comprehension issue and that is why you continually take our website out of context when we state law enforcement officers can be monitoring the website which part was not clear they do have and do they take screenshots they go after the bad guys there's no follow-up no victory lap it's just done software doesn't allow law keeping I mean maybe it's because of the new Coppa laws maybe it's because of you know data storage laws but I don't know iiiiii can take the word on it I don't know their back-end security myself but if they don't take logs they don't take log but I also find a little hard press that you got like active police officers maybe that's not too hard to believe but sure I'll throw you the bone here [ __ ] so we use the word BS [ __ ] don't get me wrong you also use the word crap in your last blog post don't [ __ ] lie about it great content for your viewers I guess the language use in your video is a hundred times worse oh but they are not kids right there are many kids who have now seen your video great job oh and if your viewership are not for kids it's okay to use foul language [ __ ] yes it is mother [ __ ] so why are you inviting your adult viewers to visit a kid's website wasn't the original victim who approached you a child why are you using foul language in your videos when you know at the very least of it your victim is watching you are a hypocrite if we were anything like you it would probably be made into a video accusing yourself of being a child predator thank God we are not we have some common sense at least bro what what kind of a [ __ ] what kind of look what kind of a brain-dead paragraph that I just [ __ ] read here is that rich Wow really deflecting the whole criticism just because he said [ __ ] god that hurts alright so before I get even further into it let me just cover this real quick this is a post they made way before all this where they said safety comes first hey kids some of you may have heard or saw the new leaving Neverland documentary on HBO there have been new or disturbing allegations against okay I don't know why kids would be watching a long ass talk like that that would be more for adults but okay guilty or not guilty aside I think it's important us to repeat and stress the importance of safety when using our chat rooms who we recommend you chat with users in the presence of a parent or guardian for the safest experience never give out personal information and yeah never meet up with people this is good advice okay when I was a child a police officer who was definitely hated by the department had to come in and explain to his children that if someone wants to diddle my butthole on the internet and then all I have to do is not meet them in real life and tell my mommy and daddy and then also notify the police officers through mommy and daddy and you know it's basic information like that that'll keep you safe so I'm glad that they're obviously repeating that I think they care for sure they care but the unprofessionalism definitely makes them look in a bad light about it but let's go look in their actual website real quick and see what the [ __ ] we have deal with so here if you go to I accept and you go to like guests long in so you can login using a real account you can use your Google Plus account but if you use guest login right and you go to like hey let's go to like username [ __ ] let's just call myself you know dude dong dong doodles dong doodles 14 right mail age and I'll get myself 14 hold on a second past mood oh what the heck is that actual conversation going on okay so now that we've done all that I'm here to show you some actual like screenshots that I've been gathering all night so I've been doing this for a couple hours and wow I really have no [ __ ] life but I've been doing this for a couple hours and I've come across some really weird [ __ ] so first off let me show you one of the administrators this is a general room message for everyone a warning to all pedophiles we had this room monitor 24/7 and we do work with all law enforcement agencies worldwide if you have a problem please seek help before you find yourself in prison soak a decent message now they said the room was monitored 24/7 so let's read some messages real quick and see just how [ __ ] monitored this [ __ ] is let's let's look at one of these messages solid I'm gonna censor names of course cuz I don't want to get taken out you know for harassment cyber bullying but I'm gonna read you message hmm my [ __ ] is wet oh yeah oh I must be dripping my [ __ ] cuz that that wouldn't be allowed on a kiss chat 24/7 moderation sure any girls wanna be eff age 14 PM me okay alright trying to get some isn't that not allowed on your website like I say isn't that like a strict no no but I guess people are just getting away with it sure I love how you have like a full swastika emblem going on where some dudes like if you think you're better you should die that's all or you're a sjw really seems [ __ ] kid-friendly to me right like okay I love how they have a bot that says we have a zero tolerance policy for overage users right like hey should help us eliminate predators and [ __ ] like that so they go over there and literally not just underneath that they've got who wants to play dirty truth or dare I'm bored just girl oh here's a good one I'm 13 horny p.m. mean look at that dude he's trying to get some [ __ ] on this website I'm pretty sure that's not allowed but okay if you're 13 or 14 boy send me a good description of yourself huh okay yeah that's fine that's all good 24/7 surveillance remember here's you got 1 p.m. for naughty pics girl see what the [ __ ] 24/7 moderation remember that and remember that okay so let's get back to the harassment and cyberbullying guideline so now to finish this video off I definitely don't agree with Max's video being taken down but after watching the whole video for myself I can see why YouTube has an issue with vague terms I definitely understand that with the harassment cyberbullying they don't really discuss why they remove the video but if you look at it right his video definitely has like skits that involve sort of violence and them like extreme violence and I can definitely see how that can be portrayed as harassment cyber bullying under these new guidelines so when they took his video down I guess they had a [ __ ] point but at least explain that point and to cover on things when I mentioned earlier whyme censoring a lot of names in particular is that that's also another big deal you know our privacy complaints definitely an issue on YouTube for sure you know I've dealt with them for years not like you know to a point where they've been debilitating my like content production but you know as long as you're on top of it and you stay care and you sense they're pretty much almost everything that can be used to identify you'll pretty much be fine harassment and cyberbullying guidelines are easy to toe the line if you really know what you're censoring and what you're doing and for Max's video when dude when you made some violent [ __ ] go on in your video and you made it I understand that was an artistic choice but I'm pretty sure that was one of the reasons why your video was removed and your appeal was also rejected YouTube is just very like [ __ ] finicky about that kind of stuff so really if you were to trim that whole section out and then upload the video again just go over the fact that some of the names you left in there while they were just screen names and not personally identifiable I'd also blurred them out and I bet if you re uploaded the video you know after a strikes dealt with he would be fine but again this shouldn't even have happened in the first place I feel like in the grand scheme of the things max didn't do anything wrong you know he definitely went after people who were in his own video wanting to [ __ ] a thirteen-year-old and it goes down to a lot of these kids chat websites to listen alright if you're running a website that's primarily aimed at allowing children to communicate to each other you better damn good have a [ __ ] moderation team that cleans that [ __ ] up faster than [ __ ] Mary Poppins and if you ain't doing that like I just saw literally I have screenshots upon screenshots of people trying to get some [ __ ] and sure some of them may have been full-on BOTS don't get me wrong could have been the case and yes some of them were the fact that even the bots are getting away with this [ __ ] because you have such lackluster Prevention's shows that you're not really putting in your a to stop this kind of stuff so ladies and gentlemen this is just my video on defending my homie mama max he's a good friend of mine and the investigation that he did was initially designed to help save people from this kind of nonsense to prevent people from being put into situations that they never should be put into in any sin in any capacity but with all that said ladies and gentlemen this is me mood har and if you liked what you saw please like comment and subscribe dislike it if you dislike it YouTube I hope that you do reinstate this video to an extent or at least give some form of an explanation on what to cut out so that can be dealt with redone and then re uploaded because it is a good video with a good [ __ ] message and yeah that's really it so this is me muda and I am out [Music] [Music]
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 580,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: frNT97-GkLI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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