Why I'm Not Quitting YouTube...

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hey guys, what game is he playing in the video? Thanks in advance!!!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Lambor14 📅︎︎ Jun 10 2020 🗫︎ replies
hello guys and gals me mood aha oh you haven't had a video like this in a while have you which is some pure gameplay no camera no defocusing camera indeed nobody calling out my [ __ ] ridden pop-filter yes I've read the messages I read the comments all the time now this is a late-night video and I just wanted to get some things off my chest I've been thinking this for actually the last few hours and I just wanted to just articulate it in a video entirely because it's important to me now I've seen I basically tweeted out a couple things where I said I really have to reconsider uploading to this website if you don't know what's been going on basically YouTube has entered a situation where it seems like a lot of content that I make a lot of content that people I follow make basically a lot of critical commentary channels are facing a bit of a [ __ ] issue going forward now this is without a doubt one of the most popular forms of entertainment on the platform critical commentary and it comes in all forms shapes and sizes you'll probably enjoy videos from me you'll enjoy videos from charlie AKA critical or penguin 0 you'll enjoy videos from someone like optimus you'll enjoy videos from a lot of craters out there that make critical commentary but also provide a fun interesting funny twist to it now don't get me wrong there's an issue with toxicity on this platform and i totally understand that there's harassment and bullying that happens and there is no place for any of that but to see a lot of vague laws vague rules created on the youtubes terms of services just really [ __ ] shocks me going forward man like i'm not even kidding with you knowing how vague some of these terms are like basically i've been on I've been on this platform I didn't notice his claws and I feel like I should have but back in December 2019 there was a clause that popped up that basically outright said that if you're I guess monetizing hatred or or some generic vague [ __ ] like that then your channel could be put up to a termination or face a strike warning whatever you want to call it it's very vague and of course it's intentionally kept very vague because when you keep rules like this in such a vague format it's very very easy to enforce them in an umbrella fashion people who are not guilty of anything in this situation can be taken down and and that's just a situation and it burns me a little bit more like I know it burns a lot of other Creators when there's people out there that have for the longest time gotten away with outlandish [ __ ] like faking your girlfriend's death or other other other really stupid things and I've gotten away scot-free and not only have gotten away scot-free but have been actually incentivized by YouTube to continue making that content and that's the biggest problem we face either you are so [ __ ] up and detrimental to the entire system that YouTube says fine you're good or you're in a situation like me optimist charlie and a lot of these other channels where you'll make a video and it's kind of like you're walking on [ __ ] eggshells now in my defense over here and in my leg case rather I'm not so concerned about this YouTube it's not a job you know like I don't look at this as a job you know there's a lot of other avenues in my life that I used to survive and thrive with and you know YouTube is not you know sort of someone that I have to suck up to it's not really that situation for me and for a lot of creators that actually isn't really even that situation anymore everyone tends to go into a lot of diversification whether that be sponsors or or live streaming or things like that there are other ways for all of us creators to get by and in in mind in my case this isn't even sort of my own necessity I do YouTube as a hobby purely for fun but the problem with that is when you do something as a hobby for fun you have to actually play by YouTube's systems and YouTube's systems have slowly and surely become much more difficult to work with as time has went by it's not impossible and it never will be I'll always make content that works within the system and works just fine and I've been doing it for the longest time possible but that doesn't excuse the fact that it's just gotten downright difficult to work with as the years [ __ ] crossed like I'm sorry to say it that way it is definitely becoming a weirder platform to operate on and now with all that said when I made tweets about me leaving the platform or things like that or looking at a different platform I wasn't I wasn't kidding you know if another platform as big as YouTube was to pop up tomorrow and offered less of the [ __ ] I probably would consider switching but it got me thinking you know with all of this twitch stuff lately they have to worry about DMCA's and [ __ ] how likely is it that the next popular website that comes out eventually just turns into what YouTube is anyways you know it's like when you become so big that you know you you have to start following by a higher echelon of rules that's kind of where YouTube is anyways so anytime another creator comes out anytime another platform comes out they end up just becoming youtube anyways and it slowly becomes the case with twitch as twitch has become more popular more relevant in the mainstream yeah guess what they have to start following the exact same rules YouTube does so it doesn't even become a situation of hey can I switch to this other platform and have a good time no no you're [ __ ] okay you have to be part of this platform you have to pull a good time and have a grand old day and that's just that's just what it comes down to and beyond that tonight I went to some of my older videos some of my private haunted gaming videos that you know I private it a long time ago I look through a lot of it and it reminded me of an older muda you know a clean-shaven muda and it really kind of [ __ ] reinvigorated me alongside working with this metal gear video that I'm on which yeah it's gonna take a sweet [ __ ] time because this is a big [ __ ] passion project of mine it made me realize that this is the kind of stuff that I like doing on YouTube and you know what as shitty as the platform is it be even shittier if I was to just walk out on it and leave it and I feel the same way for other creators who are kind of thinking of leaving again everyone's different and everyone has a different story but at least with me all right I look at YouTube as a bubble right like yeah there's a whole grander community aside from me but we've got our own small little community here at some ordinary gamers and I really [ __ ] enjoy it and I like all of you I've met some great people through this community I've had some great [ __ ] times of my life through this entire community this has been one of the best highlights of my [ __ ] life that I'm not even saying very lightly this is a highlight of my life type of [ __ ] and if the day ever came that YouTube axed me put the hammer down and started really gunning for channels like mine or criticals or anybody or or people in our sphere then yeah sure I'd have to step away from YouTube at that point I'd be [ __ ] forced out of this system but until that day comes I don't ever really plan on leaving I'm here for the foreseeable future whether that be making content on you know image boards viruses the Deep Web you know the video game here and there you know what once in a blue moon I have a swat4 video but I have not released that because of the sensitive nature of things going on right now and then you know sometimes sometimes you know having a good old time laughing it like some cringe 3:00 a.m. stuff on the internet but that's one of the reasons why I don't plan on leaving you know because I do actually really enjoy this I still do and I've probably even with all of the [ __ ] on YouTube that you have to [ __ ] deal with as a creator I have actually enjoyed my time more recently than ever before because I personally make the content that I genuinely feel like I want to make on a day to day basis and I like it and it's because of you that I like it this much like ladies and gentlemen all things considered as shitty as this platform has gotten from rules perspective unless that hammer comes down on all of us and we're forced out I'm here for the foreseeable [ __ ] future and that's why I will not be leaving this YouTube channel it's just not gonna happen so if I put that seat in anybody's head yeah and I look it's a complicated [ __ ] situation but at least for now it'd be silly for me to just leave and leave this community that I've built that we [ __ ] built hanging maybe it's the Metal Gear Solid 5 in me talking that I've been playing recently but I've just been feeling some type of way man and with all things considered one of the strongest things that I've also had to mention another point is things like burnout while I also enjoy the content that I've made I think another big reason why this video exists is actually because I've been feeling a different type of burnout lately and it's not anything to do with making content I actually really love making content the other thing that I actually have to just do way less of is see the world like honestly living here in Canada right now Toronto were locked in pretty [ __ ] hard okay like leaving the house it's starting to happen but I mean we still have a lot of these public finds that are being enforced in all this nonsense I got to stay inside the house I got to do what I do and call it a [ __ ] day it's it's literally that type of situation and being stuck inside my house while at the same time producing content Internet related content and then looking at the state of the [ __ ] world through the eyes of the Internet it's a tough situation to see man and it's it's a really heart-wrenching world to [ __ ] witness right now 2020 has been without a doubt one of the most interesting and awful years you know we started this year off with threats of World War three and you know we're now getting into a situation where it seems like civil wars on the [ __ ] loose but at the same time a shittiest twenty20 has been I've had one of my favorite years possible just because I met good friends like night Doc's mom and Max blame it on Jorge next bolo Ely and all these people when I went to like pax earlier on in the year so there's been some [ __ ] highlights there's also been some goddamn terrible certain points of 20/20 and I guess that's just one of the big reasons I wanted to make it's not burnout it's just the state of the world is so [ __ ] right now that it makes it so difficult to make content and like sort of like you know it makes you want to take a break but you also can't take a break because when you take a break you just see more of the [ __ ] world than ever before and it's just a complicated situation going forward but yeah that's really just what I wanted to ultimately talk about I won't really be leaving YouTube I've you know maybe there is a consideration in somebody's mind of course there's always going to be a consideration but until the [ __ ] YouTube hammer drops down on all of us there's just no [ __ ] point in leaving you know we've we've witnessed too much as this drama nonsense we've hit there's too much of all of this [ __ ] collapsing on us in 2020 and with all these vague guidelines that YouTube is introducing which yes they are vague yes they're out there and I wish I [ __ ] wish 100 percent of this site was more goddamn transparent about its [ __ ] rules than anything before but they're not and that's just something that you'll have to [ __ ] deal with right you know it went from a website where you could kind of upload and have a good time to like nowadays when you're editing a video you're like sitting there scrubbing through the goddamn timeline and if you're a [ __ ] creator I know you do this to scrub through the timeline check every image here all the audio so you can get away with that video on youtubes new system you know making content has definitely become a little bit more cumbersome but I don't know I still do like making content and it still do like entertaining you and as corny as this [ __ ] sounds you know given the recent events that I've had just weeks ago with you know people in my community I I do want to make more content because the power of bringing you guys a smile is something that I I don't take for [ __ ] granted it means a lot to me like this is something that money can't [ __ ] buy okay you can't just buy what we have over here this is something that takes years to build up and even beyond how I feel someone connects to this channel day to day to have a good time and laugh alright it is well I'm not gonna say that I'm some [ __ ] saint and requirement of YouTube that would be really [ __ ] egotistical of me but the reality of it is they're people that come to this channel and I get DMS all the time there's people that come here to have a [ __ ] laugh and if I if I don't provide the laugh or at least try to then I'm not doing the right thing in my life in my opinion right and honestly what does it take for me to play some minecraft to play a some stupid game to talk about some stupid [ __ ] provide a laugh have a good day and see how the world goes forward so yeah that's just what I wanted to talk about just what I wanted to really bring up to you at like the the near one am feels if anything so yeah let me know what you think about it in the comment section below this is me muta har if you liked what you saw please like comment and subscribe dislike it if you dislike it I am out
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 460,579
Rating: 4.9547296 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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