Most Embarrassing Alpha Male Ever

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LMAO that's great. You're totally right, and also his short videos always seem to hit the algorithm, so this will get a lot of eyes on these clowns

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/zowaly 📅︎︎ May 13 2022 🗫︎ replies

This would be good for the crew to see who seem to think he's a good guy lol

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/ScytheSergeant 📅︎︎ May 13 2022 🗫︎ replies

has H3 reacted to this? would love to see them lose their minds at this

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/dblspider1216 📅︎︎ May 13 2022 🗫︎ replies
the only thing more pathetic than a guy who calls himself an alpha male is a guy who calls himself an alpha male and then tries to sell advice to desperate lonely men hey guys we're freshman ceo and today we're gonna talk about all my w's stay tuned for it i love intros like these you get some like wacky wubby dubstep kind of [ __ ] going on there with a dumb intro it is so nostalgic takes me right back to 2011. anyway this is the fresh and fit podcast the entire purpose of this show is to bring women on to insult and belittle them to their face while also preaching that men should have the right to cheat on their significant other as many times as they want whereas their significant other isn't even allowed to look at other men they have to go in public with like [ __ ] horse blinders on and if they even so much as glance at a dude you need to kick them to the streets immediately because they're [ __ ] disgusting worthless [ __ ] it's a lot of horrible abhorrent [ __ ] that they talk about and i'm sure you've heard of them or seen them before because they've had so many viral clips over the last year of them getting dunked on by the guests they bring on i'm pretty sure the two of them have a humiliation fetish which is the reason they keep this show running but they're also kind of like the voldemort of youtube at least they were for a little bit they used to copyright claim and copyright strike anyone that would make fun of them or joke about them saying that it was damaging their brand or making them look silly even though they themselves are the clowns in their own circus they're making themselves look [ __ ] stupid they never actually won any of their strikes or claims or anything like that they all got overturned but still just absolutely cowardly [ __ ] behavior from people that claim to be alpha males but anyway i'm not here to talk about fresh and fit as a whole or the entire production of it i want to focus on one video they posted in particular one that i still think back on with a little wet spot in my trousers it's one of the most delusional things i've ever seen from a youtube channel it's one of the hosts that is telling a story that is completely made up just obviously fiction he is literally making up fanfic on par with maya mortal in a way that makes him look like he constantly [ __ ] even though i'm pretty convinced that the shorter guy here is a virgin yet he still makes these crazy claims and stories like the one i'm about to show you all right guys so you heard my elves marrying a single mom getting left out in the cold basically in the car never came downstairs but today we're gonna talk about my w in terms of having three women in one day let me stop you right there i already don't believe you it's super hard to think that anything they say is real when they constantly make stupid [ __ ] claims like this one not to mention they've both shown themselves to be frauds time and time again you know we're both triple digit notch count he's in the quadruples there is no reality in the entirety of the [ __ ] multiverse where this man is slept with one woman let alone over a thousand of them doctor strange could peer into an endless multiverse and never find one where this guy slept with a thousand women they just say a whole bunch of made up [ __ ] constantly but i met this guy at a pool party he's an nba player i won't say his name for some reasons but you know should we talk to your guy hit value guy right i'm at the bar ordering drinks for my friends and he says yo bro what's the good spot to go party at tonight i told him look bro you can go down downtown you can go to brickell wynwood it doesn't really matter but i'm going to uh downtown cause it's a really good spot and then he's like yo bro are you on instagram and then he added me on instagram we became best friends he got me a tryout with his nba team which i absolutely crushed and became a starter on the squad setting nba world records he invited me to thanksgiving at his parents house i [ __ ] his mom and then the whole family clapped that would be more believable than the story he's about to tell from here okay perfect yeah i am so i give him my instagram and lo and behold he followed me and said wait you know this chick so he posted this this girl's profile because you can see he was following someone that you just added from like the following list i was like yeah i know her bro i used to like do her back in the day he's like damn that's not sure do you want to come in town so basically you're smashing the same chick no you weren't the only thing you've been smashing is your meat into your hand you liar this story's already got more plot holes in it than kingdom hearts why would an nba player go up to a random guy at a pool party to ask for a party later he's clearly already connected he found out about the pool party so why would he go up to a complete stranger at a bar to ask for further advice on partying and then going a step further to add him on instagram that just doesn't make any sense unless fresh and fit dropped to the floor and sucked his dick raw at the bar in front of everyone why would this nba player care to add him on instagram nba players celebrities they don't follow like anybody at all except for like actual close friends or business partners or something like that so why would he add a complete stranger who he only asked one question to where should i party and pass that why would he then check who this new guy was following oh hey pardon me i couldn't help but notice that this girl that i'm piping is being followed by you are you that creepy stalker she has a restraining order against or like what's the deal there are you guys friends oh oh you guys used to [ __ ] too all right fist bump we just became best friends let's go so he's like yo dude you know what i'm having a mansion party like uh the next day come through i got you all this time you know we linked up the same night at the party spot i was going to we connected and funny enough we dated the same girls like a bunch of them it was crazy you know like i always say me and myron a lot of these girls share the same high volume men and they're on wrong in the same circles right you have the gall the hutzpah to sit here and insult not only the intelligence of your viewers but insult god himself with the claim that you and the nba player were having sex with the same women do you honestly expect anyone in the world to believe that and then to have the audacity to make the claim that women go for the same high value males you are somehow putting yourself in the same ballpark as a [ __ ] nba player you who runs one of the most laughed at podcasts on the internet since the my little pony fan club radio show you think that you were a same level of high value male as an nba player [ __ ] mind blowing i'm at his magic party right there's like 40 girls and like five guys in my head i'm like yo real talk this is crazy like i've never been at a party where there's been this much girls compared to guys so i'm like yo how's this gonna work he says to me yo come through bro so he's like yo pick three that you want and i got you i was like dude that i want is it like a buffet shoot i'll take it bro this does not sound like an nba player this sounds like human trafficking pick any three girls and i got you that should be like setting off alarm bells in your head i would think what might have happened is some guy came up to him and lied like yeah i'm in the nba i'm also ex-special forces over 500 confirmed kills and i [ __ ] on the daily in fact hourly in fact i'm be late for a threesome right now but yeah anyway uh just going back to fresh and fit lore here so our boy is now at a mansion with 45 topless babes big asses sudden dripping vaginas and every single one of them has his name shaved into their pubic hair i bet so i was like yo i like hurt her and her he goes tossing him calls him over and i kid you not i got a bedroom for you over here do your thing i'm like what the heck is it that easy so what happened was like i talked to them real quick they were mad cool and legit guys i kind of had threesome with them but i was like yo this is crazy like i had no idea what's going on i was like yo this is too much for me but far be it for me to question the math here but it would have been a foursome not a threesome unless of course the three girls [ __ ] each other and then told you to just go far away from them like hide in the bathroom or something which i imagine would have happened also he speaks fondly of this event but i imagine this was one of the worst days of all three of those women's lives assuming of course this story is real which it's not i'm just suspending disbelief for a moment obviously he is literally making this [ __ ] up as he goes along what happened was i did my thing with one of them came back outside hopped in the shower real quick talked to the other one i'm back in the room later on so basically i had three girls in one night it sounds crazy guys but there's a whole other world outside of the regular dating circle where guys of high value can actually like set up certain things that regular guys can't what an incredible story i can't wait for the sequel fresh and fit in the goblet of [ __ ] i don't even understand the title of this video anymore it's pull girls easily but doesn't seem like there was anything easy about this he he met someone that claimed to be an nba player that invited him to a mansion and then assigned three women to [ __ ] him like that's not exactly a lesson that can translate to most people of course it's all made up and [ __ ] but the takeaway here is basically nothing it's a [ __ ] nothing burger it's this guy trying to make himself look cool and embarrassing himself so translate that into like my own lifestyle not from instagram i say you know what i can have three in one day what can i do myself learning from deals on demand that you guys are gonna learn if you bought the course we're gonna re-release it soon uh coming up maybe like next month that whole setup there can be done for yourself through instagram or dating app how is me buying your course going to help me [ __ ] three times in one day is the course just that nba player's phone number for his mansion of sex like there's just nothing you can really teach from this story you've told here nothing translates there's no lesson you picked three girls that a guy then instructed to have sex with you and it never happened in the first place and i hate that i keep suspending disbelief for even a fraction of a second to entertain the idea that this happened in reality when we all know it didn't but even still what is the takeaway there is nothing that happened in this whole video that could help some lonely guy at all you can say l's all your life you can take w's but the point here is that like you can have whatever you want in this life you made that choice so for me i was at a point where three a day was easily done through instagram and that's what i did but even in this fantasy that's not what you did you didn't set up three girls in one day through instagram or anything like that a guy did it for you he [ __ ] told them to have sex with you you didn't talk to them through instagram you didn't get to know them or anything like that even in their own stories they can't help but just treat women like objects like you gave me three women to [ __ ] and that's why i'm the king of instagram dating like what are you talking about it's so [ __ ] wild it's incredibly embarrassing i don't know how they can post things like this and not feel any amount of shame but anyway i just wanted to talk about this one and that's about it so yeah
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 3,964,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DrlJLq9sF5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Thu May 12 2022
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