Bill Gates Is Cancelled...

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before we begin I want to I want to tell you guys something that I always say to the anti-vaxxer groups on Facebook and and some anti-vaxxers that I know in real life everyone always tells me muda don't get the vaccines they'll give you the autism and I always tell them listen I'd rather be a little autistic than very [ __ ] dead and usually their response to that is right all right like a really [ __ ] audibly loud one you know one that makes you dig the earwax out and say holy [ __ ] humanity is [ __ ] devolved even further now you might wonder moody why are you making this video today well ladies and gentlemen I don't know if you know your [ __ ] holidays very well but I you might have heard of Christmas Eid you know a little bit a little bit of Passover what about [ __ ] exposed Bill Gates Day now ladies and gentlemen all right today's today's day's expose Bill Gates day of activin which is June 13 now if it's something that anybody should know about Bill Gates is he's the target of plenty of conspiracy theories now Bill Gates for a lot of people as a person has donated about like 50 billion and more to uh to charities and and to basically spread vaccines throughout the world a lot of anti vaccine groups and conspiracy theorist groups like to believe that this is a simple way for Bill Gates to control the population and kill off a lot of people now in the last this video is brought to you by again a lot of people that I know personally who've been sharing the stuff with me I've gotten into some heated arguments over Facebook I'm pretty sure I've been unfriended a fair bit because I choose to have like [ __ ] normal think with the with the crowd itself or I don't fall for this kind of [ __ ] and it's because of that that this video is is actually being formed now this video you're looking at right now which is proof Bill Gates is in league with the global satanic cabal is basically an info Wars video and just a quick scam and watch through it basically links Bill Gates to a lot of these I IBM corporations which were once linked to once linked to a holocaust organizers and [ __ ] like that putting Bill Gates up there with satanic cabal's which if anybody knew the history of the time there were plenty of organizations that uh that that worked or supported Hitler I'm pretty sure if you own like a Ford like an f-150 or something like a nice [ __ ] four truck you know at one point sure Henry Ford and like Hitler probably jacked each other off I'm pretty sure at one point of history if I know my history you know feel free to correct me so I mean there's a lot of links a lot a lot of a lot of [ __ ] causality we've pointed out but I saw this video sent to me and a family friend tried to explain to me listen to that satanic Bill Gates trying to vaccinate us and kill us and you know after if it's one thing you can't do with an anti-vaxxer is start giving them [ __ ] facts because when you start presenting them with facts about like herd and a herd immunity the fact that you need vaccines in order to [ __ ] stay alive or get rid of massive illnesses that if you don't vaccinate yourself if you don't do it it starts to [ __ ] up the rest of the system and basically brings back a lot of actual terrible illnesses which could [ __ ] the world up now because of all this covin 19 that's been floating around and all this protesting and people coming out of the Woodworks to finally say [ __ ] the quarantine because it's still in effect in many parts of the world specially bigger cities you got people who are coming out to basically protest and expose Bill Gates and this entire conspiracy entire medical conspiracy which don't get me wrong there's some shady [ __ ] for sure but when you get down to like proven vaccinations and you say and you start feeding into the whole like vaccines will will college that autism and kill you and all that [ __ ] you begin to [ __ ] lose me let me just put it out there okay I believe anti-vaxxers or without a doubt the most dangerous form of human beings to exist on the [ __ ] planet because when these people are left unchecked with their [ __ ] online essential oil [ __ ] peddling it over Facebook you you tend to run into an issue where like the actual logic they purport or a quote-unquote logic because when they start influencing like 10 20 dumbasses on Facebook that starts a [ __ ] chain a snowball effect of that infamous information being spread so [ __ ] far and wide that you got actual people putting their children and risk because they choose not to vaccinate them or they don't get vaccinated themselves you know it's it's a load of [ __ ] let me just put into one effect over here so this is like a tweet that someone made by the name of dr. sherry Tenpenny who said practicing medicine without a license why is anyone listening he's not practicing medicine he's just working with organizations and hiring people who practice medicine to work there okay so she's a prominent anti-vaxxer she's a doctor who speaks out against vaccines now if I got my father sitting over here is an actual doctor as well he would probably laugh as hard as he can at this [ __ ] and then feel really depressed knowing that there's doctors who are [ __ ] like this now if we go down Sheree is running a [ __ ] sale two hours ago time is running out for this introductory special offer of just five dollars when you use my link right so what the [ __ ] she be selling for five dollars well let's figure this [ __ ] out touch zone it sent chills PBX special okay let's watch this research shows that your body is exposed to over 80,000 known toxins every day aw it's one of those [ __ ] cures the best part about these cures is just just wait a second okay let's do the [ __ ] fact check homework real quick boys if you go all the way to the bottom these statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration our products are not intended to diagnose treat cure and prevent any disease if you're pregnant nursing taking medication how about also if you're a living [ __ ] human being or have a medical condition consult your physician before using our products yes that is apparently the doctor who's criticizing Bill Gates right now selling the product that she legally cannot say is used to heal human beings because you got federal agencies who would shut her down faster than you could [ __ ] say faster than I could render this video out if she started making those [ __ ] claims again you got a fact check the people who are running these conspiracy BS nonsense videos anyways here's a good one right now okay this is like his wife Melinda Gates who's like I bet he's thinking about what why I don't know but you got Billy over here who's in the most uncomfortable [ __ ] situation in bed who's like how many people could my next vaccine kill dude Jesus Christ now there's one conspiracy that kind of gets me a little off about this that came out wrong is actually it 2020 which is something that a lot of people are referencing which is about microchipping of human beings and and in keeping like basically undocumented individuals like under like basically in a global registry which always weirds me the [ __ ] out about how people are freaking out about this one like instead of a microchip what's that thing you used on the toilet when you when you're when you're like you know pumping out a little turd right now your cell phone yeah I'm pretty sure that's enough of a [ __ ] microchip right there you already give enough information to social media that a microchip in your [ __ ] really wouldn't affect your privacy in any way in any fashion you're carrying microphones and GPS devices everywhere you go all right trust me you're private you gay you basically said go [ __ ] yourself to your privacy long ago before people started microchipping you that being said though I would not like a microchip in my butthole or my forehead or any part in my body I think the cell phone is is fine itself now the other big conspiracy is something called event 201 where John Hopkins University I believe the Bill and the Bill Gates and Melinda foundation had sat down and actually uh ran this giant simulation where I guess they apparently predicted kovat 19 which a lot of sites this one in particular actually didn't like a quick fact check on it where they actually even gave the [ __ ] sources for the [ __ ] although event 201 was a real event affiliated with high-profile medical professionals business leaders and government actors the claim that the event predicted the current pandemic or is tied to indirectly the same way as unfounded we rate this claim false because it is not supported by our research there's no reason to believe the current pandemic will resemble the event 201 simulation despite coincidences in the modeling and timing of the simulation which I believe at least the initial like the initial showcase of the actual pandemic in the simulation kind of somewhat resembled ours but I feel like the resemblance is almost indicative of many pandemics that could spread in this way but the reality of it is it's like the the actual model predicts like 50 or like 35 to like 60 million deaths or something maybe even way more and I don't believe where we're going to get to that stage so just just putting it out there as it is now before I end this video I want to say that Moodle loves a good conspiracy theory or - I do really enjoy them but when I see a lot of people throw out conspiracy theories regarding anti backs it definitely hits me on a personal level because I definitely do not understand these people I don't get the mentality it comes off as incredibly unintelligent to me and beyond that it needs to be [ __ ] called out now if you if you want to draw Bill Gates down under the bus trust me there's plenty of weight plenty of reasons to drop bill gates onto the bus if you ever look at how we manage Microsoft initially how he's basically snuffed out his competition as he started off maybe you might want to look deeper into that you might even want to watch Bill Gates's deposition and just see how he acted and all that way back in the day it's an interesting case study to look at Bill Gates's rise from developing an operating system to basically turning Microsoft into essentially what is a [ __ ] monopoly when it first started but Microsoft is a lot different now that's a whole separate video if you ever want to if you ever want to understand the shady history of Microsoft I would love to sit down and cover it but when it comes down to somebody like Bill Gates there's a lot of other things to go after him I think the notion of vaccines and and stuff that most medical professionals that they sit down would definitely side with it's not some global conspiracy this is simply human lives at stake and when you have these unintelligible thought patterns running around with anti-vaxxers you tend to put a lot of lives in danger if you spread these beliefs around and it needs to be called up because you have people with no [ __ ] credentials trying to act like doctors when you got actual doctors who have went to school for god knows how long practice their Met practice their practice their field for god knows how long telling you that no you're [ __ ] wrong I mean at the end of the day one's gonna have to believe the person who is a true professional at their craft versus the person who wears tinfoil hats and refuses to vaccinate themselves and put everyone else in danger so yeah I just wanted to make a quick little video on it [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] this whole anti vaccine nonsense and yeah expose Bill Gates for what it is ladies and gentlemen if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe just like if you dislike it the world's [ __ ] up this is me Mouton I am [Music] [Music]
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 404,288
Rating: 4.8278108 out of 5
Id: BAFEerc0mOY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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