You Must Be Kidding Me' Therapist Moments

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therapists have read it what was your you must be kidding me moment doctor i used to work with told me about a woman who tried to commit suicide so they put her in a safe room she then proceeded to try and overdose on water which he told me is possible but really dang hard to do never underestimate the mentally ill the reason it's hard to kill yourself by drinking water is because it hurts and your brain tells you to stop people with mental illnesses can sometimes chop off their own limbs or mutilate their genitals without batting an eye i imagine killing yourself with water intoxication is easier than that a client was going to probate court and thought he'd dress up by putting a non-slip sock on his collar as a tie trying to be supportive i told him nice tire to which he replied it's not a tight sock stupid sounds like someone who would give the same response no matter what you called it one client of mine bites and eats his fingernails gross but not unheard of then i learn he stores his fingernails in a box in his room to save them for a snack later a little grosser but he's about nine so i'm hoping he will grow out of it what finally made me want to vomit was learning that when anyone in his family clips their nails fingers or toes they give him the clippings to add to his box so when he's eating nails from the box they could belong to his mother father or siblings yes i've addressed the parents about enabling this behavior but it is still happening crap i'm late mom and dad are both in counseling for sexual addiction dad is into bestiality stepmom is into anything that moves daughter 11 was raped repeatedly by her real mom's friends parents are constantly watching pee in front of daughter and she sees multiple people go into bedroom and leave quickly parents wonder why daughter is very hypersexually and got kicked out of school for groping every boy in her class meanwhile normie parents get cps called for running in convenience store and leaving kid alone for three minutes in full sight on a cool day i used to work with children that have autism and down syndrome which means a lot of play therapy i had my moment when one of my clients wanted to sit on my lap while we practiced reciting animal cards followed with their corresponding noise but forgot what animal noise i made that made him laugh so much that he ended up peeing on me from the laughter that night was also date night it's nice that there's a happy story in here if a date wasn't impressed that your animal impressions are so good they made a little unfortunate fella literally pee himself laughing then they're surely not a keeper intake clinician here what brings you in today i'm here for pee addiction at this point not the weirdest thing i've heard let's go with that okay tell me about it i watch it three times a week for 15 minutes or so at a time my girlfriend said i'm an addict and forced me to come in i see lots of very extreme cases but this was so minor that it made me stop for a moment i sent them to couples counseling just today i conducted a threat assessment on a first grader who told his teacher he wanted to stab himself with a knife and die upon further questioning he revealed that he and dad watch the walking dead together and last time on the show he saw two people stab themselves to death because they didn't want to get eaten by the zombies why are you even watching that show with a six-year-old my parents used to make a point of showing me all the pictures of hopefully staged dead bodies and general mutilation that made up a good portion of when i was a kid some people just don't seem to see the issue with exposing young children to very morbid things had a client who we found out was storing his own crap under his bed he would then eat his crap for a snack i am done for today i will sleep now not a therapist yet but i'm currently taking a counseling and therapies university course and we occasionally hear some stories from our professors in lectures or tutorials one sticks out in my mind because i'd never seen an entire class shocked into silent horror before a guest lecturer told us about a client he had who used a craft knife to cut open his own scrotum and took out what was inside because he wanted to look at it and play with it oh one that sticks out in my mind was a mother that brought in her five-year-old for therapy because she was into disney princesses which are clearly sexual and since a five-year-old is non-sexual this must clearly mean she's being sexually abused by a close family member i've also worked with countless couples who have come to counseling for adultery wherein adultery equals p one client even became suicidal because she caught her husband jerking off after not having sex with him for months i know everyone has different values big come on y'all this recently happened to me i have a client who is a daily methadone doser during our last session he complained of sleep issues delving into this new issue he described his solution to me he saves his spit in a jar to drink at night when he is unable to sleep saves his spit in a jar to drink later worked one summer at a summer school for special needs children about two years ago when i was 14 i was just a teacher aide so most of what i was doing was playing with the lower maintenance children and just running errands for the teachers one morning i was helping the kids put their stuff into their cubbies and one of the kids was just standing in front of his staring at me with his lunch bag in his hands this was one of the more violent kids who would act up at the slightest of breezes he was about 11 or 12 and had severe autism i asked him if he needed help putting his stuff away and he replied with only some mumbling i asked him to speak clearly and he said i'm going to hurt you i was really confused and asked him to repeat what he said he then screamed at the top of his lungs i'm going to who will do at why oh you you you and swung his lunchbox straight from my head luckily i kinda expected this kind of thing to happen so i was ready to duck and he missed i was not allowed to even touch any of the students because i was not trained to restrain them so until the teachers got him under control all i could do was run around the classroom as he chased me until the teachers got him under control once the teachers restrained him he was under control within about 10 or 15 minutes when the teacher asked him why he did what he did he said that he was angry because his dad didn't bring him to denny's that morning i was assaulted because a kid didn't get to go to denny's you almost got the grand slam yourself i'm a speech therapist that counts right and i see this little kindergarten who also has massive behavior issues we are working on language and pragmatics because he enjoys calling people stupid freaking b and little dirty w and goddamn disgraces most likely for attention he will walk around the room calling me a stupid bee a smelly see and repeating the word frick until he runs out of breath just to see if he can get a reaction from me i would work on articulation with him because he doesn't actually say those words correctly but i figured best to work on that later after i've got the swearing and name calling down to a minimum i was working surveillance one night at a psych ward keeping a close watch on a mentally ill patient right before my shift started i was briefed that the patient had started eating one of the light bulbs and attacked a nurse at a town 5 am he woke up and saw me eating there at the end of his bed i said good morning and he didn't reply about 15 minutes of silence went by before he stood up and stared out the window and said a person is most vulnerable while taking a crap i didn't sit back down for the rest of my shift i'm a therapist and have a few of these stories but this story was actually told to me by a therapist friend of mine he said that he was working in a mental hospital a few years ago and he and other staff heard a loud scream from down the hall they ran to go check it out and got to a patient's room to see blood all over his face and hand and realized he had torn his own eyeball out they tried to defuse the situation and start looking around for the eyeball they couldn't find it he had eaten his own eyeball not so much are you kidding me and more what the frick have a masters in clinical psychology and currently working towards my doctorate i laughed reading this question because i feel like i have at least one of those moments per day at my clinic rotations regardless of type of setting one that stood out the most was when i was working a camp for children with various psychological disorders most with some sort of behavioral concerns the girl i was paired with had a history of aggressive and violent tendencies we went the whole day without any problems that was until we were doing some group physical activity to wind down and focus before leaving for the day she didn't like that this meant no longer playing with a certain toy so she took off her shoe and threw it the little boy in front of her he had autism and immediately started crying and screaming while someone helped him i turned to the girl to explain to her what she did was wrong as i turned towards her she punched me square in the face then grabbed a hold of my hair managed to pull out a good chunk i'm about five feet one and this girl was maybe one or two inches shorter than me and had about 20 pounds on me despite being nine years old trying to get a safe physical restraint was difficult and comical to say the least finally got some help from other staff and we were able to calm her down after about 15 minutes the kicker was when we told her mom what happened she basically dismissed the entire thing and laughed about it so frustrating because you just know this kind of thing is reinforced at home as there is no punishment the girl then starts hitting her mum who grabs and holds down her arms the little girl laughs looks at me and the other staff member and says ugg a little help over here are you going to let her do this to me she's hurting my arm i went home and did this weird laugh cry for a few hours luckily you learn pretty quickly not to take things personally and move on so things were back to normal the next day i do occasionally look back at that day just baffled at how quickly that whole situation escalated most of the other moments that come to mind involve poop in some capacity my client told me his family didn't appreciate his interest in guns to which he proceeded to tell me he is always carrying he then places his gun on the table in front of me and asked if it made me nervous it did but we focused more about why he wanted to know if i was nervous and it brought it back around to his family from then on i made sure to always have access to a door and never put the client between the door and myself again just to be safe i provided therapeutic counseling rehabilitation services for people with brain injuries at a family conference i was trying to explain to the family that they needed to accept their son brother as he was in the moment and that he was not going to get much better than he was they were being unkind to him calling him stupid etc and generally being the worst version of family support imaginable the family said they would never accept him as he was and demanded that i arrange a brain transplant for him so that he could go back to the way he was before the accident i didn't react but my student lost it and started laughing uncontrollably she had to leave the room the family was outraged at her and demanded to know why she laughed at them i literally had to explain that one brain transplants are not possible and two if a brain transplant were possible that would mean putting a different person into their son's body they didn't grasp this and insisted i could do it if i wasn't too lazy to do my job i felt so bad for that poor young man i had a client an older female refugee that i worked with for several months before she told me that she had caught the next week and was worried because she could be deported if found guilty she didn't tell me earlier because she was ashamed and suffered in silence she was living with extended family in the family got busted for smuggling and selling cat a stimulant narcotic the family determined that she would take the fall for her husband and sons who were behind the operation at the arrest the police brought an interpreter for a different language from a different ethnic group in a different country than the client was from on top of that she said the police didn't have an interpreter present during the questioning of the station and she waited there for almost two days until they found an interpreter for her language i asked her if she understood what was happening and she said her lawyer public defendant she met once told her she would be deported beyond that she had no understanding of the situation process etc i had seen her psyche val stating that she had the cognitive equivalent of a seven-year-old so i told her that we have information that could help her case and that her lawyer should see it as soon as possible this was on a friday court was on wednesday and the client didn't know the name or any information about her public defender we got a friend to help her collect the information the client brought it to me on monday signed the roy lawyer called me back that afternoon saying they've got nothing to help this poor woman even though the case seems completely set up i told the lawyer that we've got a whole bunch of insight and data and records that will get the charges dropped i didn't work tuesdays and was going nuts worrying and hoping everything would get to where it needs to and in the hands of the people who need to see it on wednesday news from court comes that all charges were dropped i used to get all kinds of sprung on me at the last minute then have to perform all kinds of bureaucratic trapeze maneuvers to alter the outcome of high stakes situations i wrote so many many letters i was hired to be a mental health provider but i ended up doing tons of case management because nobody else wanted to i look at them i'm late to this thread but forensic therapist here i work with parole sex offenders one time a guy i worked with urinated on my co-workers car in broad daylight she was in the car he made eye contact with her while he was doing it his po picked him up from group 20 minutes later he's current having a little vacation at a state facility comma one time a guy i worked with urinated on my co-workers car in broad daylight but that's not so bad comma she was in the car okay that's pretty terrible coma he made eye contact with her while he was doing it yeah alright this guy is fricked up i work in a community residence for adults with mental illness most of them are very capable and independent one girl 27 years old constantly acts really dumb for sympathy and will do dumb things because she can i guess first week she was admitted she tripped on something getting out of bed she's five feet one and like 200 lbs and she fell on her foot and broke some of the small bones in the foot i take her to get her cast and she gets the usual don't get the cast wet use your crutches elevate blah blah since her bedroom was on the second floor we had to send her back to her mother's house for a few weeks since she would not be able to exit the building in time in case of emergency well five days later the shoe boot thingy to put over your cast comes in and we call her up saying we'll bring it over her response well i don't think it'll fit why not we ask because i cut my cast off i got it wet and it was too tight they didn't give her a second cast and she never used her crutches claiming they were unstable and she would fall and get hurt if she used them her foot never healed properly and two months later she fell and broke it again had a client who was told he absolutely had to start losing weight elsie would become troublingly diabetic and begin losing appendages he didn't put much effort in eventually having his foot amputated time after that i saw him i had to explain that having a foot amputated did not count as half a stone towards his weight loss targets he was genuinely mortified this just made my day saddest wtf moment saw a woman who presented for anxiety in the emergency room interviewed her and found out what was making her anxious the listening devices that had been placed around her home by the government the lady had psychosis possibly related to her recent pregnancy although that part was not certain and she had two small children and had been going more and more quietly psychotic and her husband hadn't noticed a very painful situation but i'm glad we got her help funniest wtf moment also from myer experience a guy who was high on a cocktail of substances ran into a stuff area took the fire extinguisher off the wall and started filling the hallway with it and then started shouting the lyrics to sympathy for the devil it upset another patient who was waiting admission for schizophrenia and he freaked out and started saying satan satan is here and tried to run out of the front doors it's the most chaotic situation i've ever been a part of was running an addiction treatment group some of the participants were referred by the court usually for a dui the referral conditions were simple if they finished treatment they would not serve time in jail for the dui one of these court-referred dui participants ran a limo service and showed up to group with the tablet and cell phone he spread things out and proceeded to treat the space as his personal office i intervened explaining he would not be able to conduct business while participating in the group he gave me a look that would have killed an ordinary person said it was a busy time of year and he really needed to stay in touch with his drivers i told him i understood but he still needed to put the stuff away and pay attention lots of eye rolling i can't believe this lady and he still kept checking his phone and getting up to go outside and take calls during the break i told him his behavior was disruptive and he would have to leave this seemed to make him happy until i added i would be telling the judge he did not complete treatment for the first time he seemed to slowly realize he was there for a reason and might actually end up in jail because of his behavior he apologized and asked to stay and he settled down after that oh good for you obligatory not a therapist but my hypoconservative parents sent me to an addiction therapist because they found out i smoked pot occasionally in high school the therapist they chose was a former white house drug czar a renowned authority on sea addiction and hard drug abuse and an expert on rehabilitating extreme problem cases my parents must have spent a fortune and pulled strings to get me an appointment the first session he asks me what drugs i use i told him i smoke pot like once a week and that was it after a few rounds of come on you can trust me and we can't begin treatment until you admit your problem he realizes that i really do only smoke pot once in a while and literally says you have got to be kidding me tell your parents you are a normal teenager and you don't need to come back when i was 19 years old i was arrested for possession of marijuana as part of my probation i was forced to see an addictions counselor i had only smoked pot like twice in my life and i didn't even care for it after one meeting with my addictions counselor she called my probation officer and told him not to waste her time social work not therapy but close enough me we need to think of some new ways for you to discipline your daughters other than spanking client but my parents did it to me and i turned out okay me stares at this high school dropout drug addict who has spent his entire adult life in and out of jail halfway houses can't get a job and had his three kids removed for abuse and neglect okay i actually did successfully turn this around in a gentle way and make him realize he hadn't actually turned out okay social work not therapy but close enough here here social workers should each have their own work provided therapist or their own office dog whichever works better had a patient who swallowed things as a self-injuring behavior this individual would swallow anything metal and pointy usually as a way of getting into the hospital or to stay in the hospital at one point they wanted to get surgeries or procedures to have the objects removed but they weren't actually suicidal one instance where they almost died after ingesting a series of closed safety pins that ended up opening inside their stomach stopped them from eating things that wouldn't pass anyway so this person was upset that they were getting discharged as they wanted to stay until the beginning of the month hate to say it but it's not uncommon to see people come in because they are out of benefits for the month the usual complaints of being suicidal weren't working because we know this person isn't actually suicidal so they went and swallowed the iron from the monopoly game it didn't work we still discharged them but ever since we haven't been allowed to have board games on the unit without staff supervision physical therapist intern backgen old lady with dementia i was walking with her in the hallway where visitors are as well she says her pants is falling off she can't use her hands to pull it up she has a rotator where she takes a lot of support she is wearing a skirt check it and i say now it is okay she says it again i say again that it is okay ten seconds later a diaper full of crap drops to the floor almost making her fall prevent that but she dragged it a little bit and spreading the crap all over the floor it smelled horrible hey she warned ya not a therapist but this is definitely a wtf moment i had to go to school consulting once i was there because the fire alarm in the building has ringed three times that night once was a drill the second is around dinner time and the last one is around three i snapped at the last one and threatened the kid who caused it with a baseball bat you know those stupid indoor fire alarms anyway i was sent to one session of counseling because you know anti-social behavior and all that anyway there was this dude also in for therapy it was a group thing the counselor asked him why he was here he said he was here because he was caught by his roommate freaking a warmed-up shepherd pie which was not his in the kitchen all of us seriously just stopped and stared at him like he wasn't saying this embarrassed or nothing he just matter of fact said he freaked his roommate's shepherd pie must have been a nice pie when i worked in bereavement a client of mine used the term skid marks when discussing the accident for some reason there and then the expression just caught me off guard i joined the dots and the corners of my mouth started to rise in actuality this may have only lasted a moment but it felt like minutes all the while i was drawing blood as i chewed down on the insides of my cheeks i felt like the worst human being alive i was in school to be a therapist for a few months figured out right quick it wasn't for me i have this issue enough in my daily life i can't imagine how bad it would be in a setting like that i am not a therapist but used to see one for my severe anxiety related issues i have been seeing her for a while and my condition was improving a bit no longer hyperventilation during normal day-to-day stuff is a major win for me a year ago we decided to meet up at a nearby coffee shop because her office was renovating so we meet up usual stuff she asks me of my current condition and i report to her the weekly chart i made which contains what gave me anxiety that she would give me a few pointers on cbt but me being a forgetful scrotum i would forget that crap and freak out in most situations here is where it got a little weird for me we moved on to the subject of my history and mind you though i have been only seeing her only a month i told her about how i was sexually harassed by my teacher when i was young and then when i told my parents about it they did no regarding that matter on top of thr face that i have an alcoholic father who beats me and my mom all that time she just sipped her tea and stared downward at the floor and dig her nails into her fingers planned while she clenched her hands rinse and repeat for 10 minutes all of a sudden i heard sobbing noises unsure enough she was crying i was shocked my mind froze like an ice cube and she explained how she had a baby brother who died around my age 20 and how when she was growing up her brother would withstand abuse from his father and was eventually strangled by the dad while her brother was protecting her from the psycho father while this was happening every eye in the cafe is on us even the staff who stopped dead in tracks i could hear muffled voices which speculated how much of him but i was thinking i was breaking up with a woman my mind and heart was on overdrive my anxiety kicked in which opened the amusement of horrors of sinking hearts panic attacks and why are you scratching yourself couple that with my stuttering my whole conversion was like this me paula sir mom don't cree i am so so rrry at this point there was no point talking to her since her head is buried in her arms crying arms folded on top of the table i hurriedly apologize to everyone paid for the coffee and suggested to her that we should get out i paid for the lift and days later got a call that she would refer me to a colleague of hers while she apologized to me about the incident i thanked her and not wanting her to get a second breakdown wished her godspeed and drank my strawberry milk while i contemplated whether she was testing me or not tldr therapist had a breakdown in front of me which gave me a perceptive that everyone got problems if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 117,216
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, doctors of reddit, doctors, doctor, medical, hospital, nurse, medical school, patient, patients, emergency room, diagnose
Id: v683W5HlmPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 52sec (1612 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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