You LAUGH You LAUGH Challenge (Impossible)(NotEasy) YLYL #0068

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oh-oh-oh let's watch you know the rules lights freakin do these my brother came strapped for Thanksgiving that's true [Laughter] you can agree human exists right we're here I'm here I exist right I like that way of pointing out an argument ever expanding your universe you can agree you exist right I don't think that too correlates all right all right you lost me on the rush my guy look he thought he was gonna that's funny I seen this when she start licking my Gooch from the back a classic are you life you lose classic it's called find the invisible cow it's hot and cold but it says the word cow Loki wanna try it though I just find the most amazing and I have to tell you oh where is he well that was mildly amusing you should put that on the subreddit a good time thinking of a good analogy it was just an assignment if the rare insult [Laughter] little roasted vegetables never hurt anybody so perfectly cut without the audio even getting in anyone down to trade my yellow nd hood for a black or a white one it has no dings or anything perfect condition whose a Wallace trade as soon as possible John payin how did that happen oh my god wholesome meme how did that have so good views No rats uh-huh what if they learn about it in rat school and you just made that a little homey even more sad where the hell would have a rat as a pet they're literally plagues who the hell would have a rat as a plague man you're just vibing and then one day your girlfriend is sucking BP through the air and then you take the V R and you punch the BP with your fist is that gay why people be like meanwhile I get robbed shake my head and crime peepee [ __ ] you my pant and come beautiful timing well done can't wait for Alex what is it half light 1.5 they're like oh we can't we can't call it half life 3 which just can't get let the Nerds have it Wow another wholesome Mima here you go little fishies yes there's plenty for all of us he getting water not giving food to the free this says a lot about our society I gotta say mean school I'm glad this exists thank God for this David Bowers says meme school means school that's hilarious I made a ha ha Meem he said meme shrek shrek is meme ha ha ha ha ha what are those sounds he screams like toad for mario bros you're right he it is help me it was up slapping me oh god he's fed up Megan stop - I told me that puffer fish is only puff up if they are really stressed and they can actually die from stress if they puff up so we should stop laughing at puffy puffs fish's getting slapped because I feel bad about them now can't find the funny I agree this one trash substitute teacher the Bell doesn't dismiss do the studio ha anime that was beautiful it can't be true please someone tell me it isn't true oh yeah I've seen this ninja walks like virgin this is so sad Nina can't be virgin they gave me budget Wow sorry I don't walk how society sees his shed it's how I effing walk stop calling me a virgin he did not tweet that roblox that boy has a gift that boy is a talent that good boy will go far in life that's a chance alright ninja that's a chance [Music] Hey good time good time impressive impressive Bernice on a new record buddy please share if you think they should flip Oklahoma upside down and let Texas wear it as a hat smash like on this video and subscribe if you agree and I'll make sure it happens vote Felix 20 something but you can't mine obsidian with iron axe oh God dolma make him stop oh he's wasting so much time I can't look at this No all right my final mess you ruin it your lazy eye is not that noticeable no look at this dude he probably got that because he stuck as a child remember that there were parents told you that if you do this it will get stuck why parents lie about that isn't it kind of mean to two kids that actually have a lazy eye or something to say that it's because they cross their eyes on purpose and it gets stuck don't do it they will get stuck I remember when I learned that I'm like alright better if I'm gonna do it I better make it count because then you know I'm treading on dangerous territory here okay this is epic oh wow this was totally worth it they're virgin walk Roger this meme has made me so aware of my posture this meme has done more for my posture than anything I've ever ever anything ever could some up in the Allen Walker are you okay yeah hey smash like on that one very nice good meme this dude really acting like making a trickshot was a life-altering experience my story of falling Wow no attempting my most difficult shot I was getting so close I'm going to make the shot I just know it but then I had poo pee my pants the pain was immense eventually I jumped it was hard I felt hopeless I can't quit not yet did he get sign face sign him right as soon as you saw him make that shot I mean it's a good shot I'm not gonna lie and be like bruh but the only reason those shots are cool is if you only see he the result that's why like don't try and make the fail looking cool oh my god skate three I wanna play this so badly it's so annoying to plug in my playstation 3 and you need a special oh my god Keanu Reeves Keanu Chris D'Elia good means today oh you made a stinky dummy idiot idea wow this is why you shouldn't have kids just send them off to an island I've said it many times send the kids away to Islands it's not my fault you decide to have bad bear it's not my fault me showing my mum a funny me it's funny because it's accurate and relatable and why there you know when they start a meme like that the reaction is never gonna be good wait what it's not a spider it's like those that coin eaters isn't it but oh no thought it was gonna get fed up and attack his head yeah Loki was waiting for the thing to come out and eat his [ __ ] face or something she cheated on me what damn anyway thought can never trust even anime girls these days chick in my head downtown walking fast oh very good very good oh my come on join the barbecue cops let the man grill on top of the car stop trying to ruin everything oh my god that's so cute oh it's gonna be hard resisting the temptation of getting a she been there when we live in Japan what what the hell they're talking dey could never replace Edgar of course me after I finally catch a baby ah yes I can't wait to eat baby other I can't wait to devour that little fifty-year-old meat no no no no no 0-4 come on bro no is that come on brain wake up you got this I like I somewhere applied it's minus 4 cringe cringe I could tell that it was minus 4 as soon as I saw it that's one of the classic clips a classic you laugh you loose I've seen it too many times I have no left or left inside of me not these I've already you've already done this joke I've seen it already stop it you can't use up oh my god kind of dumbbell alright okay what okay fine hey I use the table to win the table tennis very epic see something you don't have his booty of a bathroom as me so you come in a little go down but showers on Dan stop flexing bra Jesus's these are the same kind of people that bicep B&W or something it's too good that is dead she's gone oh god damn I wish I was real that's so funny they're always so if you mention the other AI they're like oh they are also super good AI just admit that you hate each other great me oh that's great I left I laughs I made the Lavi haha alright guys that's all the time we have for you to get there oh if you enjoyed smash like check out the merch subscribe epic bye bye Adel Hey [Music] you are entering a new era where you shall grasp the hour of our spells and poop grades is coming marnya ender and buttons need you [Music] the timer you will face but crawlers when you are seated on the porcelain throne Bertie is the game to play I'm not supposed to have my opinion about that but the prizes you
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 8,704,566
Rating: 4.9502625 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 7sec (967 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 23 2019
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