Addressing the Reddit Controversy - LWIAY #00104

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welcome to Hawaii the show were I don't really ask you what to do next week I just react about your memes that more or less relate to me let's go leave your clothes the ultimate start when you buy eight Wi-Fi routers to make a meme because it's cheaper than buying editing software stinks well played I applaud your dummy dumbness you can literally just ask all your friends to hotspot and change the name of your phone of your hotspot this is stupid stinky brain down vote you don't have to buy eight routers you dummy them unless they pretended that they bought eight routers to legitimize the meme I will upload it so for now the pp is inconclusive okay do you think your wife tena deserve crater of the year no mr. beast should have wanted thanks Satan I mean I had a pretty good year too this whole subreddit is like mr. BAE's is the best I love he is I'm kidding when your memes never make it to Louie but your name made it first half second a pathetic victory is still victory can't tell if small or big VP hmm it's small for no reason at all 87 year old ran my shows hurt 3,500 plus our Animal Crossing town goddamn an 87 year old grandma is more of gamer than you pathetic I will personally confront everyone who dislike this agreed damn see this is why I think Rick being retired is gonna be awesome so you'll have so many epic games to play I'm gonna be in VR on one of those Japanese toilets where I don't have to wipe and I'm gonna have food delivered in my mouth and I'm just gonna sit there with my giant 20 arms well I would do cool stuff not that that's cool beating minecraft by walking only in a straight line terraria players first time pathetic this is this YouTube right now hey guys I made this pointless challenge in Minecraft oh wow this is so wacky and crazy oh cool you're not supposed to play the game like this I'm alright send PewDiePie picture of my freakin plop plop for Christmas what do you think he'll respond with oh my god PewDiePie delivered Oh what am I supposed to respond to that Jesus Christ Netflix you little flirt topic for me you just shooting my shot just watch a me-too movement for Netflix it's coming it's inevitable rewind this decade yes or no warning this may cost tear to fall oh I bet there Plutonians [Music] [Music] yeah damn that's nuts dude very nice at it big peepee not gonna lie loading in third perspective no that's lauding nodding you like you are nodding I loved it for you here we go loading I like have someone actually thought of like a clever it's a clever concept right you understand it it's a good meme people up on it but you can't spell loading and no one's calling you out on it bahding hilarious girls where's boys closed everyone so cute boy where's girl code that game no it's so unfair yeah what is that oh I guess I was wrong yikes cat's official trailer this is what the people in the bird box saw before they die man yeah I heard cats is like a fever dream to watch oh my god if life is a video game the graphics are great but the plot is confusing and the tutorial is way too long if life is a video game the plot is extremely boring and dragged out and the payoff isn't that good in the end and all the side characters are so annoying truth hurts ready it's just social media for people who think they're too smart for social media never before have I been so offended by something i 100% agree with i can't really fault that i can't really fault that peers are saying i have big PP me being a girl big PP people that walk fast are reported to be less happy the problem of being faster than light is that you can only live in darkness the problem with being faster than light is that it's physically impossible so go [ __ ] yourself sonic yeah I can see that it seems like in big cities when people are in a rush that's why I don't like a lot of big cities cuz we I don't know especially London people are so rude I can see people like that being miserable in 1953 due to high speed the eff Allah hears the say me the f/11 fighter shot itself because it was what no like how people in the comments are arguing whether this is real or not this is some heated conversation I like him young and innocent Stage six stages of growing up awkward and there's I mean I'm grown-up awkward and coughs age yeah remember that dank and a gteen stage we don't talk about this stage Thank You adult with existential crisis stage boomer stage def stage can wait hmm would you take a moment oh here we go this one I swear the summary this is gonna be mr. B's mr. B's is so good I love mr. B's so much mr. B's saved my life would you take a moment and appreciate what Jimmy has done for us it's hard to believe that he planned the 20 million trees gave a house to random pizza delivery guy Gammage found a million dollar and changed many people's life thanks Jimmy thanks Jimmy oh no this sub is going to [ __ ] it's turned to karma whoring Reaper see I don't even know what karma whoring is this is why I'm glad I'm a Boomer repost we've always had reversed and feuds unrelated post oh really why me what the muds don't care they don't care Pizza call people out on it and still hasn't changed I know this is going to get lost in new also self-deprecating but we need to stop this sub is now awful it's not our means our denk means go push means there can we go back to the good old days of awesome fan arts not five minutes scribbles I don't think people would like this to just be fan art it's nice to see every once in a while no one would use this it was just fan art that's a weird metric of its being better I I'm sure this person has good reasons to feel the way they do but I found in general as someone that's run communities for a long time on the Internet after a certain while people just tend to complain and a lot of times it doesn't seem completely funded I would say I remember mild forum back in the day the exact same thing happened like it was it was a fun space and then he grew bigger and big and then people like it sucks now because before it was better because fine art people complaining doesn't help either Lawai is fine I would rather see a caramel whoring post than people complaining to be honest after all these years I finally have them all discord ready okay I take it back this person is right oh god you're right now I see it I can't unsee it I still have fun reviewing it so I don't care if my crowd world is infinite how does the Sun get around everyone at Mojang everyone emoji and be like oh my god even much he's onto us please send nudes placin nudes Pleasants pewds that's a pretty pie meme and it's good alright for now on I will upload what is really important for the subreddit big pay P don't worry guys I fixed it can this video get the same likes as the in dislikes oh my god big P P big P I'm handing them out left and right the power is mine alone oh there's someone else doing the same joke babe a babe definitely a trilled me turning on the car like my dad holo and Anakin you're gonna get us both killed prequel mean and relevant meme at the same time big PP well done I checked this on Marzia few days ago I turn on the lights just to see how she would react and she wanted to turn it off it's one of those things that everyone was just taught not to do it for whatever reason and then we both laugh how stupid it was cuz once you realize like yeah why why why is that an issue I think I know why though I think I know why because they're not automatic now the car lights are automatic right so the thing is like the kids in the back forget them on right they click um when it's dark and then they leave the car but then the light is on during the day which is annoying and then the parent has to go back in the car to turn up the light that's why they said it was illegal it isn't actually legal guys like I'm pretty sure pretty sure at least don't take my word for it like if you go to jail for it I can't help you but I'm pretty sure her you okay Polly come on how are you not looking at doggy we're spring in Edgar's ear going there I'm gonna [ __ ] murder their Bunch Oh scare that is so good no we had a great Christmas okay oh by the way big PP forgot big PP I think this is just some natural awkwardness that's right the flash I'm the fastest man alive the camera man are you challenging me oh that's a good point actually I never thought of that how'd this camera follow them huh I do hate this I don't know why I hate this Scooby Doo mean so I'm downloading it and I got a voice crack while I did it so I think that naturalizes it media study shows that video games cause violence me which study media well I don't freaking know what how am I supposed to know that it's toads video games that causes all those violence in America we watched that movie yesterday what was it called mid-90s have you seen that it's a movie about growing up in the 90s where these really young kids goes out drinking doing drugs car crashes and drunk driving accidents while falling on skateboards all these crazy stuff and you're like maybe maybe letting kids play video games isn't so bad all right parents it could be like it used to be a lot worse if the only difference that is that they parents see the kids and they're like oh my god they play game with the stinky stinky boomers be quiet I said it be quiet boomer PewDiePie I think I almost discovered everything in terraria terraria veterans watching PD PI it's weird it always feels like I'm done with the game I do think I should probably end the series though because I'm going on a break soon and I think it would be awkward for me to come back into it even though I do enjoy terraria but I'm sorry it's over senpai of poor what is your wish to this sub reddit has GOG gadget it madly made every pouch see this is thing I think the reason I don't like this impulse is because alright don't don't get personally attacked okay I don't get personally attacked but people don't know what to think I'm not talking about you I'm saying as a group it's one thing I learned about being half in charge of a group on the internet they can't think for themselves a lot of them can't think for themselves so when people start saying oh this has gone edition it kind of spirals out of the way and then people don't even know why they think that they just heard that other people said it's like oh it some read it to me since the same as it always been if you have any ideas on how to improve it by all means but just complaining it's just stupid to me I've seen this happen so many times that to know when it doesn't mean anything all right so small PP that's so cool know this so Bridget has gone to guys can't you tell that's not I feel like I should this should be could you make me like an animation of this without the background so I can use it in my videos mr. Finn Bo because everyone else does that so I feel like I have to do that now sighs can you edit this in so this is in the video so to remind people to like the video yeah there it is all right we have another one where I put doggie on top of his head is so funny it looks like dog is riding edgar your mom gate ro whoa delivery guys working on the 1st of January everyone where have you been I ordered the last decade delivery guys it's so funny that I forgot to laugh thank you yeah that's probably my least favorite type of humor when someone says something that doesn't really make sense and then you're like oh get it nobody Newton's third law of motion you bite the fry the fry bites back man that's funny only physicists 19 year olds will understand if you can read this then we're in the same boat I can't sleep how can you not see that are you blind you can't hurt me because I'm already broken inside 19 year old big peepee that's a billy Elish level of deepness I am 19 this is deep oh my God look at all these karma [ __ ] oh my god mother hits teenage daughter with flip-flop from impossibly long distance damn I respect that impossibly long just like my peepee and whoever made this mean well done what's that the bite of 87 was that the meme of 87 was that the approach of 87 the only boomers we can respect don't know who that is I'm not fine I'm a Boomer so I saw these on Facebook should we believe him new [Laughter] boots enjoying being with his friends a random 19 year old is madness it hasn't happened yet and I've taken a lot of selfies from last week okay disappointed disappointed I think I've done this similar one time before where I said if you meet me say this and then someone met me and they're like oh god I know I'm supposed to say something but I forgot what it is and then I brofist in their face and I said remember it next time but [ __ ] that didn't actually happen by the way the PewDiePie Draper shake oh my god I didn't even register it I am a train boys day yes like big peepee oh thank you can you build me that and send it to me so I can shoot people from distance and kill for those who don't know it's a dream of mine to be a trebuchet I've always dreamt about it when I play Age of Empires I always go only trebuchet only trebuchet damn god damn are they sweet based on Swedish portraits that's awesome very nice big BB a photographer took pictures of people before it after she called them beautiful god that's funny oh this could be the area 51 successor we recreate the seven-mile spanking machine from Sponge Bob spanking machine is that what they did that's illegal this should not be making me laugh this is so bad oh my god it's beautiful I'm such a big fan oh my god is map related to science I swear someone says to me that to me I'm gonna be like why what are you talking about I'm such an idiot it's mad for later this I wouldn't stop it what's wrong with you petition for peopIe to do a collab with Felix Kjellberg oh my god I love Phyllis Cadell burg he's my favorite youtuber he links should sort by new and Lawai so you can react to the god-awful memes there oh that makes me curious alright new Serpine new let's go oh god oh god makes me with pneumatic nomadic absurd watermark and me shop shop made with big peepee big peepee that's not so bad naw small peepee that's kind of amusing oh god there's so many repost I mean if I laugh I have that boat god damn it honestly I expected a lot worse I expected a lot worse can we take a moment to appreciate cipher working hard and video effects and adding legs for pills shoutout to scythe moment thank you so good that CGI he blends the blur in the shadows aware what Felix should play happy with one last time in the second because I don't flash players going to shut down I guess I'm forced to play it now the final video of this decade will be happy wheels prepare yourself it's going to be imagine your pose make it Tula why this post was made by me wow you're dead it smoked PP but at what cost I made the / dank means banner imputes showed it and I am so happy not so sweet I'm glad you were happy by that it's a good banner wish ours was that good Felix son mommy mommy can you show me daddy's old photos marzia here here have a look at this this is the kind of complainings I like because it's funny at least imagine being creative this pose is made by Peter Pan submission gang big baby imagine having to click your phone twice to like a picture this pose was made by reddit gang small PP me my friend remade this for some reason that's pretty good hey we got some fan art big PP that's cool I pretty pie will show you small brain fools the true power of my stand lasagna oh I get it is this full metal alchemist reference that's so cool I love my favorite anime because Edgar is the robot right I appreciate the groin very nice big paper very nice very nice hey boots we're still waiting for this year class it's reviewed this year is about to end hurry up I mean trying to buy less clothes just because I'm gonna move anyway so that wouldn't be much to show I'm sorry imagine having to censor all your words now Frick this post was made by Stream gang big P P P T PI when he slams his hand on his desk while reading any any change at night ok guys hope you enjoyed that episode of the BA smash like subscribe this is the last lie of the decade and I want to take this time to say thank you for all the love why I know people don't like it as much as they do and maybe it's not so big VP maybe some people get small PP but I just want to say you should be happy even if you have a small beat you take it for someone that knows I'm just kidding alright bye [Music] the hour of our spells and poop grades is coming marzia Edgar and putouts need you the timer you will face but crawlers is all about when you are seated on the porcelain throne booty is the game to play I'm not supposed to have my opinion about that but the prizes [Music] you
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 6,692,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: pSi5IzMs13o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 6sec (1206 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 30 2019
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