You Know Nothing About The 12 Moons!

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so on this page we talk a lot of naruto and i mean a lot of naruto but i know a lot of things about a lot of animes and that's why i've done videos like all the hashiro's explained and ranked and it hasn't been sitting right in my soul that we ranked and explained all the hasheras and yet we haven't touched the 12 moons so in order to celebrate demon slayer season 2 coming to a close here we are explaining and ranking the 12 moons but before we get into talking about any moons please guys for me go ahead and like this video subscribe to the page and hit that noti bell for all of your anime knowledge but before we get into all that guys a little bit of news from me we got a brand new sponsor and this is a sponsor that is very close to my heart well i guess not close to my heart close to my balls what could i possibly mean by that is a great question our new sponsor is manscaped gentlemen it's a new year which means it's time for a new you and manscape wants everybody at peak jonine level output but to perform like a joni joanie you gotta have the right ninja tools baby and that's where comes in let manscape be the 1010 of your life and let them provide you with all the right tools and formulations to reach that peak efficiency there's a lot to love about but what we're talking about right now is the perfect package 4.0 i mean look what we got in here we got the crop preserver aka ball deodorant let me tell you it smells like heaven we got the crop reviver aka ball toner if your boys are ever feeling down one spritz and boom they're right back to action they even send you a pair of performance boxer briefs these right here are the softest and stretchiest boxers i've ever touched but come on we all know the real reason we're here it's the lawnmower 4.0 trimmer this is manscape's fourth generation cordless waterproof in skin safe razor why do i say skin safe see this right here that's the advanced skin safe technology which reduces nicks and cuts in your body's most sensitive places and it's cordless and waterproof so trimming in the shower is now on the table but i know you're thinking because it's waterproof and it's cordless it probably doesn't last long at all the lawnmower 4.0 actually has a super smart charging system with a wireless charging dock and led lights that show you when it's done charging and this thing goes 90 minutes on a full charge boys if you can't finish the work you need to do in 90 minutes you got a forest of death down there well let's say you're traveling and you don't want anything vibrating in your suitcase tap this front button three times to enable a safe travel mode i can't believe i'm saying this but there's actually more in here like these disposable shaving mats these magic mats have everything from comics to crossword puzzles but my favorite part is mr johnson styles with the power of the lawnmower 4 you might be able to pull a couple of these off so guys you have a limited time to buy this perfect package 4.0 because remember these world's softest boxers i showed you earlier well these and this shed travel bag are two additional gifts added into the perfect package 4.0 for those who buy the perfect package 4.0 within this limited time head over to and use promo code nc hammer to get 20 off free shipping and two free gifts so what are you waiting for guys show the kunoichi in your life that you care these videos are actually very nice because it's very clear place to start and that would be with lower rank number six except this position's kind of weird because we know more about the former number six than i guess well the current number six by the way now feels like a good time to mention that i'm going to try and do this with the least amount of spoilers as possible i'll talk about who the demons fight and how that's good for them but i'm not gonna talk winners or losers or deaths at least from the manga if you're not caught up with the anime nothing i can do for you here so anyways former rank number six kyogai is where we're gonna start and the reason he's former number six is because he was removed from the twelve kizuki for being too weak essentially relegated like a soccer team in europe but here's the thing he's not weak at all it's just his abilities are very specific kyogai has six drums embedded to his body and these drums correlate to the room or the building that he's spent a significant amount of time in he essentially has to haunt a home in order to be able to spin it with his drums so if he hits the drum on his right shoulder the room rotates to the right he hits his left the left if he hits the drum on his right leg the room rotates forward the drum on his left leg backwards but here's where it gets kind of crazy these rotations do not affect kyogai for everybody else the gravitational pull will switch but he just stays wherever he's standing like the room isn't moving for him and if being disoriented and a spinning room wasn't enough for you his navel drum when he hits it launches a three clawed attack at his enemies invisible claws mind you and let's say he's maybe not feeling the room you guys are in if he slaps the drum on his back he can teleport himself and selected other people to different parts of the building so this man has gravity manipulation invisible claws and teleportation the only problem is you gotta be in his room or his house and if he really gets into a pinch he can use his ability rapid drumming which is exactly what it sounds like he just starts drumming faster and spinning the room in crazy ways but it also increases the amount of claws in his navel strike from three to five and here's the thing this may not sound useful because as long as you avoid his building or his room you'll be safe right but muzon lives in a place called the infinity castle essentially a different dimension which is this labyrinth of rooms and walkways and halls and elevators and all of these things and when muzon has an important event happen in the demon world he brings all of the moons there kyogai would be unstoppable in there it's already a labyrinth and now kyogai can teleport you to the other side of the labyrinth or turn rooms on you so you get discombobulated it's a dimensional rift he would be in control of i don't know how this never crossed muzan's mind but it's too late now because he's dead by the great demon sympathizer kanjiro but just like a lot of the other demons on this list kyogai kind of had a sad backstory kyogai was a writer before he was a demon we don't necessarily know why he became a demon but after he turned into a demon he continued to write after he became a demon his writing became stale and people started to criticize him for the staleness in fact it was his boss who was saying that he was such a poor writer nowadays that irritated kyogai into murdering his first person and as kyogai murdered this person then ate him he gained power but as kyogai continued to murder and eat humans he slowly lost the ability to do exactly that essentially kyoukai hit the limit of how many humans he could eat and muzon saw this so muzan decided to strip him of his ranking as the lower sixth essentially kyoga in gamer's term was hard stuck silver but because kyogai no longer had the ability to eat humans he was looking for humans with rare blood people like tsunemi or kyoshi people whose blood made demons feel drunk he thought if he could eat them he could continue to gorge himself and thus win back the favor of moose on it and rejoin the 12 kizuki but he never got the chancey kyoshi because tonjiro's ending soon and no escape broke into the house and you know did what they did under the next one the current lower ranked number six kama nui kamanue was the person who replaced guillaume and after the death of rui lower ranked number five all of the lower moons were summoned to the infinity castle where muzon stood before them and asked why they were all so weak i mean think about it from his perspective he is 2500 years old he's a key or very rarely killed and he lost former number six and number five in like a month so this kind of flings moves on into a rage and he kills lower ranked number six lower ranked number four lower ranked number three and lower ranked number two that is in order kamanue mukugo wukaraba we're not gonna be covering any of them because there is literally nothing to talk on we know their ranks in their faces that's it the next person we do know something about though is lower rank number five rui rui had probably the least tragic backstory out of all of the demons for me rui was born into a rich family but he was a very frail human like very frail like walking and breathing were very difficult for him i think the guy from spongebob with the paper skin and the glass bones essentially even though he had to spend the majority of his life trapped inside of his room in his bed his parents who were rich by the way loved him a lot so rui had love in his life one day muzon stopped by and was like hey i can cure you of all of this all you got to do is become a demon and believe it or not this cures rory completely and he still kind of looks like a human so his parents are stoked that he can walk and breathe and do all the things a human can do only problem is he's got a hankering for humans so he kills a guy in their family home and makes a huge bloody scene out of it no body no crime rui get it together but anyways his parents find this huge bloody mess and decide well we probably can't have him running around anymore so his mother and his father decide they have to kill him in his sleep his father then sneaks up on roy with a knife and tries to kill him in his sleep but here's the thing his father's also planning on killing himself after he's done killing rui for the crime of killing his son good guy that being said though it wouldn't have worked anyways but rui wakes up and kills both him and his mother who was sitting outside sobbing about the whole situation rui says this is a self-defense and in his denial decides that his real parents would never try to murder him and therefore they must have been fake however as rui stood over his dying mother he heard her last words which were an apology to him for giving him such a frail body and it's at that point that he remembers that his father told him as he was about to stab ruri that they would also be taking their lives in order to pay back for what they were doing this throws rooney into an emotional turmoil and makes him even further confused about what's going on in his life but muzon essentially gaslights him and goes no you're right with your first gut reaction there they definitely weren't your family you can just go find a new family and boy does he do that brewery then spends his demon life consuming humans becoming stronger till he becomes lower ranked number five all the while seeking permission from muzon in order to build his own family he then finds soul demons and recruits them into his family by saving them from demon slayers or other monsters and gives them a little bit of his blood in order to strengthen them but here's the thing these people are a defense mechanism they're supposed to be his real family so if anybody tries to escape this real family it breaks the illusion of love that he's built around him so when somebody he created to be his older sister tried to escape he ruthlessly beat her strung her up with his webs and left her out there to die from the sun but since we're talking about his strength let's talk about his abilities it's stated that even though rui is lower ranked number five he possesses as much skill as lower rank number one or two outside of this he has the same ability as muzon demonic blood that allows him to give his blood to other demons in order to strengthen them and it doesn't stop at just strengthening no if you get rui's blood he can manipulate your he can change your appearance he can kill you like that the only problem is when he shares that blood and that power with other demons he himself gets weaker this is why i say he could have been as strong as lower rank one or two but the power that he distributed amongst his family made him a lower rank five levels of strength and what's even worse than that is if his family members die he doesn't get that power back so it's widely theorized that he could have given giu a good fight if he hadn't distributed his power amongst other demons but as he stood after creating the family he stood no chance his strength came from his blood demon arc thread manipulation essentially rue is able to make thin threads from his fingers that he can manipulate in any way he needs and these blades are almost indiscernible and as sharp and as powerful as nichiren swords and if this isn't sharp or powerful enough can actually make the thread stronger by pumping his blood into them which makes them red he can use these threads to create traps or offensively or defensively he can build a basket around you with threads and have it slowly compressed down onto you until it turns you into mincemeat he was a very daunting foe whose need for love and affection is actually the reason he died but you know who didn't want love and affection former lower ranked number two hiro pyro is a light novel character from rengoku's story essentially people really like to run goku in both the anime and the manga so there's a spin-off light series novel called rengoku gaiden and in rengoku gaiden before he's a hashira he has to fight jairo who is the former lower ranked number two demon jairo is what you would call batshit crazy jairo was suicidal but he was a demon so the way that he would vent these suicidal feelings was taking the revolver that he was known to always have on him and shoot himself in the head obviously because he was a demon this wouldn't do anything cairo in his human life was a member of the shin sengumi a police force in the late 1800s of japan during his human life he mastered the ways of bushido aka samurai code etiquette sword fighting all these things but he was relentlessly picked on for his swordsmanship when he became a demon he had a lot of anger so he killed a lot of humans and ate a lot of humans and gained notoriety very quickly to this point that he came across shinjiro rengoku aka rengoku's father now shinjiro was a flame hashera so it was very powerful so in their fight he wins but jairo either escapes or throws a smoke bomb and runs away something like that we just know that he's defeated by shinjiro and he gets away this makes him even angrier so he gets up to killing more people and he becomes lower ranked number two and unfortunately for ren goku this is when he bumps into it jairo was very powerful and also very interesting pyro combined his swordsmanship with his marksmanship because he was the only demon ever who carried a gun and just that one simple fact made him a very formidable foe because he stood toe to toe with mitsuri the lavashira and rengoku the flame hoshura when they were both kinaway the rank under hashira he was able to do this because of his blood demon arc umbra kinesis essentially jairo was able to create and manipulate shadows a lot like a member from the nara clan except there's a bit more to it these shadows had a suction effect so a they would stop all physical impact or damage coming in and b they would make it very hard to pull back after you hit that shadow but it doesn't even stop there the shadows create a dimensional pocket for jairo where he can store anything he needs and guess what he keeps in there just so many guns but he can also create his shadows into things like a wolf to pounce at people but that wasn't the scariest thing the scariest thing was the guns because it's not just six shooters he pulls things out like rotary mini guns single shot rifles shotguns molotovs all of this this actually results in rengoku getting shot multiple times and if none of that works he just covers himself in shadows becomes a werewolf and is basically untouchable the light novels are wild man but since we're talking the light novels our former rank number one character is also from the light novels i'm sorry i misspoke ren goku's spin-off story is kind of a spin-off manga it's not a light novel kabume though is from demon slayer's third light novel which is why we have no photos of her boomey's backstory is kind of wild it was just she lived with her husband as a human and one day muzon made her a demon that's it that being said her blood demon art is insane it is literally just enjutsu yeah her blood demon art is literally called illusion manifestation and these illusions are no joke sanemi who is probably either the second or third strongest hashira when he was a kinaway the rank under hashira could not disseminate whether or not he was in an illusion or not the only reason cinema didn't die there actually is because sanemi's partner masachika broke out of the illusion and was able to break the mirror that she used to cast her illusions and that's about all we have on abume moving on to the current lower rank number one demon enmu enmu was the only lower ranked demon to survive the culling at the infinity castle after urori's death this was because enmu had a naturally sadistic nature that moves on light and moo has a relatively interesting backstory which is also kind of genjutsu adjacent as a human endmill couldn't tell the difference between dreams and reality at any given point he didn't know if he was awake or asleep this caused a lot of problems for the people in his life because he would do things that you wouldn't do while you were awake because he thought he was asleep this gave enmu a somewhat sadistic approach to life i guess nihilistic is the better word he didn't care what happened because to him nothing was real so he made all his money as a human by being a fake doctor essentially he would treat people with hypnotic therapies but here's the thing he would lie to them if he sensed that somebody was about to die he would tell them that they were cured of their disease then they would pay out all their money and they'd be dead in a couple of days so he wouldn't have to worry about it one day on his way home from his scam muzon pounced onto it and muzon completely planned on devouring him whole just using him as a meal and as muzon is eating his guts literally his entire organs enmu isn't making a sound this is because enmo doesn't feel what's happening and with his last words he praises muzon for doing this painlessly muzon is moved by these last words and makes enmu a demon kind of on a whim enmu immediately realizes what he's been turned into and realizes that muzon made him a demon on a whim and therefore will probably forget about it so anmood tries everything in his power to make himself very rememberable so he kills just a ton of people and eventually becomes lower rank number one but here's the thing the end mu we see in the mugen train arc is the strongest possible version of enmu ever this is because after all the lower ranks are summoned to the infinity castle when enmu is the last person standing he thanks muzan for all the suffering he puts into the world and he thanks him for saving him for last and he thanks him for wanting to kill him personally bit weird if you ask me but hey it worked and muzon likes that he's so sadistic and hates everything and everybody like a little angsty 13 year old so he stabs him with a needle with a bunch of his blood in it this makes end mu significantly more powerful like he was already lower rank number one but with the addition of all this blood he became a lot more powerful than he was and in order to get more blood from muzon and therefore more attention in more ranks he wanted muzon that is wanted enmud to kill tanjira and this blood helped enmu with his abilities most specifically his shape-shifting ability and with this increase of muzon's blood was able to blend his body with an entire train and it ratcheted up the strength of his sleep-based blood demon art i mean enmu was able to put 200 people including a hashera completely to sleep he made 200 people incredibly vulnerable immediately i mean it took hinosuke zenni to tonjiro nezuko and rengoku to take this man down and mu is also one of the few demons who's able to detach his flesh and control it remotely we saw this when he'd attach his hand and use it to crawl around and communicate with other people on the train like it was members of the addams family so remember how in his human life he couldn't distinguish between dreams and reality well that's kind of what made his blood demon art because essentially enmu's whole thing is that he can put you to sleep and then manipulate your dreams he can make you a perfect dream so that you want to stay asleep which makes you vulnerable for longer the problem with enmu is that he's a support character if you combined him with literally any other demon it would be an unstoppable duo but enmu was too busy putting people to sleep and then changing their dreams so that they stay that way to go around and kill people which is why he had to recruit all the children to sneak into people's dreams and them by cutting their consciousness like even by fusing with a train does not give him a whole lot of offensive capabilities outside of the tentacles he was able to produce and that being said these tentacles were strong enough to bind nezuko who was able to tear through rui's webs though they're nothing to scoff at but he did realize as he was dying that he was nowhere near the upper ranks which is where we're going next upper rank number six oh technically former upper ranked number six daki in guyotro this brother-sister combo shares the distinction of upper rank number six and this is because usually they share a body a bit like sakhan and ukan from naruto gyotaro is usually asleep inside of doki but unlike sakon and ukan you have to kill both of them simultaneously for them to both die without decapitating both of them at the same time they will just continue to reattach their heads under their bodies but before they were demons what was going on here's the thing for you anime only watchers here the anime pulled a lot of punches on gyotro and doki's backstories so i'm going to tell you the manga backstory yothro just like in the anime was born into the poorest part of the entertainment district yotoro's mother would beat and even try and kill him because he was born of an attempted miscarriage this means that kyoto's mother found out she was pregnant tried to abort the child but kyoto just slithered on out she was attempting to cause this miscarriage because she couldn't afford to feed a babe but unfortunately she died before gyotoro got the chance to because she got syphilis kyotaro was a couple years older than ume aka doki and was berated his entire life for his appearance hygiene all of these things but when ume was born gyotoro became her debt collector because she was very beautiful and therefore very popular in the entertainment district and when ume turned 13 she really started working as a sex worker i i know i don't i don't like it either but that was 1800s japan i i don't make the rules but ume also had a bit of a temper so when a samurai tried to stiff her on a payment she took out a hairpin and stabbed him in the eye but samurais being high-standing members of society didn't think that it was super dope to get stabbed in the eye by a low-born 13-year-old so he tied her up and burned her alive and she almost died and this is when kyoto finds her yothro cradles her almost dead charred body and cries to the heavens to return his little sister i mean that sister is the only thing he has in the world until she was born he was just the smelly dirty ugly kid but now he had a purpose and as he's holding his own little arm in the same samurai comes up and slashes him in the back as gyotro is laying there bleeding out essentially he hears the brothel manager from ume's brothel chatting with the samurai about how he wanted gyotoro debt so gyotoro does what you would naturally do in the situation and murders them both with a sickle he then carries ume through the entertainment district begging for help and it's at this point the doma the now upper ranked number two demon who was at the time upper ranked number six finds them takes pity on them and makes them both into demons please don't sim for doma he's a really bad guy but then again so are gilthero and ducky we'll cover donkey first because she's the non-true upper six meaning that gyotro is the true upper six and she just kind of shares the distinction doesn't mean she's not crazy powerful though in fact she is killed and eaten seven hashira and most of her power is derived from her use of her obisoge and obisage is the belt that women wear around their kimonos except in docky's case it's basically like tentacles that shoot out of her back she can extend these sashes almost infinitely but here's the thing the sashes are also sentient they're also technically her flesh so she can make them harder or softer as need be but here's the thing she's a bit like rui when her sashes are spread out all throughout the entertainment district like they are in the beginning of the arc they're not as strong or i should say she's not as strong but she has the ability to pull all of these sashes back to her to regain her full strength unlike rui but here's thing if her sashes aren't enough of bending and twisting scariness she can also control her hair to attack people a lot like jariah i don't know why she would need both of those things but apparently she does but if both of those things aren't enough she can take an eyeball from guillermo throw it in her forehead and that allows her to be faster than zenitsu in thunderclap and flash mode outside of god-like speed that's the circumstance where he's faster but he can only do that twice a day and like i said before she cannot be decapitated permanently unless you also decapitate gyotoro simultaneously but decapitation immunity is pretty much a must if you want to be in one of the upper moons well let's talk about the reason she has decapitation immunity and that would be guilt through yothro has more than doubled doki's hasher account he has killed and eaten 15. that is because from the second he became a demon a hundred years ago he just started fighting anybody he could get around this is mostly due to jealousy of people being better looking or having a better life than him but regardless there was 15 less harsher because of him i mean kyoto took on inosuke zenitsu tangent tanjiro nezuko and muzon himself states if it wasn't for gyotaro's arrogance he more than likely would have killed all of them but his arrogance made him put his guard down which is why tanju was able to get a little sneak attack on him which gave tanget a moment to close back in and let's not forget the fact that if nezuko's blood demon art didn't destroy all things demon it would have been the zenitsu show inosuke tangen and tanjiro all would have been past tense remember that eye that he slapped into doki's forehead yeah that's his core this not only enhances her strength and speed but it also gives them a telekinetic connection it allows him to hear see and sense everything that's going on with her it even allows him to take over her body so they can better coordinate their attacks which means all of the information relayed to docky through her ob sashes is also relayed to guilt throw but since we were talking about gyotoro's poison let's talk about his poison this poison is extremely lethal the second you get hit with it you die type lethal in the manga tengan has to stop his own heart to stop the poison from spreading so it won't kill it and this poison is absolutely dripping all over his sickles against people without poison resistance like tangen essentially all he needs is one cut on you and you're gone let's talk about his blood demon arm it's very literal because gyotaro's blood deminar allows him to control his own blood he can push blood out of cuts or from his veins and use that to create massive slashes of blood but because his blood technically falls into the flesh manipulation category this blood can slice buildings in half and because of his insane regenerative abilities he technically has infinite blood but since it's also his blood it's also still poisonous so he can launch massive sickles of blood at you from a distance that can cut a building in half and if you don't deflect it you get poison but if you don't deflect it correctly it's so powerful it can shatter a nichiren sword that's what we learned from tanjiru so yeah it's not really a wonder as to how he killed 15 hashira well let's get to the current upper ranked number six that was ten time check i've been filming for three and a half hours kai gaku is the demon who replaces dakian gilthero as upper rank number six and he's got a fun little backstory he's a former demon slayer in fact he was zenny too senior he trained under jigoro kojima you know the old dude with luffy's scar and learned thunder breathing however he bumped into upper rank number one kokushibo and lost which is like not surprising because nobody wins against kokushivo but he offered to become a demon to save his own life and like listen i'm pretty sure a lot of us would do the same i know i would but before we got into the worst idea for a fight he's ever had what was his life like well it was an orphan and a thief who had to survive on scrap so not great and he was actually one of the orphans that gyome the stone pillar took care of at his temple one day he was caught stealing temple money so he was chased out of the temple until he bumped into a demon who he led into the temple in order to save his own life there's kind of a thing where kaigaku tries to save his own life a lot going on here so the demon kills everybody in the temple and kagaku gets to live yay because in this interaction kaigaku kind of realizes that strength and survivability is the only thing that really matter on earth therefore if you have to grovel to stay alive that doesn't matter because you're still alive some time passes he finds jigoro and he wants to become the next thunder hasherat i'm just going to go on to talking about his abilities because basically everything after that in terms of history is kind of a spoiler but essentially as a demon slayer and as a user of total concentration breathing you have to receive an insane amount of muzon's blood to become a demon and because kaigaku survived this he was a very powerful demon i mean he's a demon who knows thunder breathing and total concentration breathing like he was an okay demon slayer a very scary mixture higaku kind of got to eating humans very quickly after becoming demon like almost like he was thinking about it and that's why he rose to upper ranked number six so quickly but on top of being almost unkillable and having the fastest sword technique on earth he also got a blood demon art electrokinesis essentially kygaku was able to control and create black lightning from his blood think black lightning from naruto and this lightning when it hits you cracks and burns your skin imagine you're trying to fight somebody who is one of the fastest people in your universe and while you're trying to stop their sword they are also hitting you with lightning but the lightning itself isn't that deadly it still breaks you down over time for example it almost destroyed zenitsu's eyeballs but since they're talking about designing two zenitsu has a tough time keeping up with him zenitsu the guy who can use godlike speed in the worst part haikaku can't use thunderbreathing's first form thunderclap and flash he can only use the other five techniques if he could have done that he would have been unstoppable but speaking of people who give us the heebie-jeebies next we got up a ranked number five gyoko has the most confusing anatomy out of all of the kizuki with two mouths for his eyes and eye where his mouth should be and an eye on his forehead yoko's backstory is a bit weird he was from a small fishing village and he was disliked in this village because he did a bunch of weird things like collect fish carcasses out of the water but speaking of carcasses in the water his parents decided that they wanted to be ones when their fishing trip went awry and their damaged drowned body returned to the shore for yoko to find he didn't find this upsetting he actually became fascinated with their bodies and he start incorporating the ideology of his drowned parents bodies into his artwork because he was an artist until one day a kid from the village came to his house and started bullying him for not having parents you showed that orphan and gyoko did the rational thing and murdered him and stuffed him into a jar it was at that point that the kid's parents found out and stabbed him with a fishing harpoon and they just left him there to die kyoko then proceeded to lay on the ground dying for 12 hours until muzon happened to stumble past maybe he was looking for fish or something and turn him into a demon and once he became a demon he realized that he had a taste for humans but specifically children and because he was an artist and also weird and also a demon capable of flesh manipulation he would constantly rearrange his body that's how he got the unholy image that he is now just cause he looks funny doesn't mean he's not crazy powerful in fact yoko was able to go toe-to-toe with moishiro tokido after he had woken his demon slayer mark moshiro taquito who's probably the third or fourth strongest hashera of all but remember when i said he was an artist that plays into his blood demon art in fact it's actually the entirety of his blood demon art yoko makes bases specifically porcelain vases yoko can just make these vases appear of any size of any shape and anywhere he can then teleport from vase to vase instantly this makes out for the fact that he literally doesn't have legs but it also makes it incredibly hard to hit with a sword because ask obito it's very hard to hit somebody who can teleport but if that wasn't scary enough he can also shove whatever he wants or whoever he wants into these vases and let's say you're too big for the base you're getting stuffed into don't worry it'll just compress you into there oh and you can also summon giant fish monsters yeah he can just pull giant fish out of his bases and they'll just swim in the air and kill anything that they can find and they can't be killed through traditional means they can all be killed if you destroy the vases on their backs these fish monsters killed low-level demon slayers which was because these fish can shoot out a thousand poison needles from their mouth but enough about gyoko let's talk about the only person on this list uglier than him han tenggu aka upper rank four that being said huntangu isn't always terrible looking because he is technically multiple people ontangu does not have a tragic backstory he actually has a kind of messed up one huntangu was a criminal while he was a human a heinous criminal at that man who killed many people and stole from anybody he could but all the while he claimed that he was innocent in that it was his hands that were forcing him to do everything one day he gets caught by the law and he gets thrown in prison awaiting the death penalty but muzan takes pity on him gives him some of his blood and then huntangu breaks out of prison he then kills the cop who caught him and with the cops final breath he says it doesn't matter if you kill me one day your past actions and sins will catch up with you and that's foreshadowing well let's talk about him as a demon because there is a lot to unpack here pontengu has seven forms well forms isn't necessarily the correct term hantengu can make clones of himself younger more powerful clones and each of these clones has a different appearance personality and powers and he can make four at a time so let's go over huntengu's personality and abilities and the personality and abilities of all the clones huntengu himself is a coward he shows signs of fear and paranoia he cries at the most insignificant things and this is why he uses clones to fight because even the smallest confrontation sends him into a sobbing fit hontangu himself's abilities are basically just stealth and his emotion manipulation but when i say his stealth is good i don't just mean like it's okay can sneak past a garden skyrim it is insanely powerful how good he is its death he snuck into the bedroom of moishiro taquito and tanjiro muyshiro was able to send demons from miles away and tanjiro can smell them from miles away he snuck into that room this high level of stealth is partially due to the fact that he can change his size a bit like nezuko so if he wants to hide he can get very small let's say you do find him and you stumble upon him being stealthy this is where emotion manifestation comes into effect essentially han tengu can create clones that are manifestations of emotions he's felt prior the first being sekido sekito is the personification of huntengu's anger sexual's ability is lightning generation essentially sekito can call lightning down from the sky to strike his enemies like thor this causes enemies to lose consciousness or just be stunned next clone is karaku karaku is the personification of han tengu's relaxation raku's blood demon art is aerokinesis essentially he can use wind breathing by flapping his flesh maple leaf shaped uchiwas he can generate massive wind currents and these just aren't summer breezes a gust of this wind was able to blow moisture out of the battlefield in an instant leave massive craters in the ground it even leveled an entire building up next is isetsu who is the personification of han tengu's sorrow zetsu's abilities aren't nearly as cool as the first twos essentially izetsu can form his flesh into a yari a spear and his blood demon arc allows him to thrust that spear over great distances which allows him to attack from very far away after him there's urogee who roge is the personification of han tengu's joy orogi can mimic avian physiology aka he can become a bird and his blood demon arc is called sonic screen essentially a rogue can generate massive sound waves from his mouth that can rupture your eardrums and make you bleed from your nose and lastly we have zohakuten zohakuden is the combination of the four clones i just set so he has many personality traits much more than each of the individual clones but he leans more towards hatred so hakuden can use wood jutsu essentially he can manipulate and alter wood from the flora around him by tapping a drum on his back he mostly uses this to make five massive wooden dragon heads that can attack up to 20 meters away from it honestly a bit like ashirama but on top of this he can either use separately or combined the other four clone's abilities so he can combine aerokinesis with sonic screech here's the problem if you behead one of the clones their head becomes a new clone and their body becomes a new clone while they are at the strongest when there's only four of them it's kind of like the cut of snake's head off and it grows two more and keep in mind all of these clones are as strong as an upper ranked demon and huntengu who's incredibly good at stealth and can change his size to be tiny is running around to make sure that you can't find him and the only way to defeat the clones is to behead hantengu who has an incredibly strong neck like so strong a nichiren sword will break on it you can see why he'd be ranked for but he's actually not the only upper ranked four demon we know no that's because we also know about nakime the current upper ranked number four demon not saying anything happens to han tengu but you know why would there be two nakime is a biwa performer you know that thing that zenitsu learned to play really well in the brothels that's a biwa in her human life she was a struggling b-wob musician trying to make ends meet but then she met a man and they got married but this man was hugely addicted to gambling so he would take the very little money that she earned being a biwa musician and gamble it away while adding nothing of value to her life and one night she was supposed to play a relatively big show but as she was on her way to the show she realized that her husband had taken her performing dress and gambled it away and lost it infuriated she took a hammer and she murdered her husband but after she was done murdering her husband she was like oh my god this concert it's about to happen so she had to go in a ragged old dress the crowd did not like that very much also she had just killed a man so her hands were a bit shaky but for some reason the combination of these two things made her play the most beautiful biwa set she had ever played the crowd screeched for an encore everyone loved her so she did the thing that any rational human being would do and before she had large audience shows she would murder someone for good luck so one day she's got a real big show and she's on the prowl for a murder victim and guess who she tries to murder mu's on kabitsu obviously she doesn't murder him and he's like hey listen i respect your grind to kill humans i've been doing that for a couple thousand years do you want to be a demon she says yes he says okay makes her a demon and she climbs her way up to be one of his top servants yeah that's right she's not out there fighting demon slayers she plays the biwa for muzon in the upper moons but her biwa is also what controls the infinity castle dimension her biwa essentially functions like gyome's drums by playing it she's able to summon the upper moons to the infinity castle realm she's also able to separate people in the realm she's so good at this that she's actually able to go toe-to-toe with obani and mitsuri to basically a standstill but that's enough about nakimi let's get to a fan favorite number three kaza kaza our resident donut maker has a very interesting backstory he was born in the slums to a very sickly father a very sickly father he loved a lot and in order to pay for his father's medicine he pickpocketed people around town he was caught three separate times and the magistrate of the town beat him senseless every time they even went so far as to tattoo him to make sure everyone knew he was a criminal they even threatened to cut off his arms if they ever catch him again and branded him the demon child foreshadowing but azakaza made his way home from the third time he had been caught he heard from a villager that his father had heard about his arrest and in shame hung himself his father left the cause a letter and said i want you to live the fullest life that you can i don't want my illness to be treated with ill-begotten money and bring you down with me but the problem was akaza already had the criminal tattoos and now he had no home to go back to so we wandered around etta and he picked fights with anybody he could and he always won but one day after defeating seven adult men simultaneously he was approached by a man named kaiser now kaizo owned the local dojo and he was very nice person that pissed the kaza off so akaza challenged him to a fight which kaizo won kaizo then takes akasa in under his wing mostly to take care of his sickly daughter because kaizo's wife the daughter's mother had drowned herself from the stress of taking care of the sickly daughter not a lot of happy stories surrounding akasa and akaza who was usually taking care of his sickly father was rather good at it and for two years kaza trained in this dojo and took care of kiyuki the sickly daughter and in two years she actually got better well enough to stand up and do chores and it's actually at this point that kaizo offered to give akasa the dojo and his daughter's hand in marriage which akasa says yes to but here's the thing two years before that a rival dojo had shown up to akaza's new dojo and dragged out the daughter and had her sit outside for hours while they made fun of her when akaza and kaizo heard about this they went to the other dojo and challenged them to a fight it's at this point that akasa defeats nine of them in a battle before the heir to that dojo pulls out a sword and tries to strike a castle with it to which he sidesteps strikes the side of the blade and breaks it to this point that the rival dojo accepts their defeat and leaves but when they heard akaza was getting married to kyuki they figured it was time to get even the rival dojo's heir the man who had pulled the sword gathered all the angry disciples and went to go fight a kaza one more time but once again they lost but this victory was short-lived because when akaza went to his father's grave to tell him about his engagement he had a feeling something was off the rival dojo broke into akaza's dojo and poisoned the water well and guess who drank from it kaizo and kiyuki they shortly died after so enraged akasa went over to the rival dojo and killed all 67 members with his bare hands he wasn't just you know punching them and they were dying he pulverized their corpses till they were no longer recognizable as humans and this caught muzon's eye i mean 67 humans go missing that's high demon numbers muzon was sad to hear that this was a human who had done this not a demon but he said hey listen probably recruit this guy anyways and he asked him if he wanted to be a demon in a casa who no longer had anything to live for said yes as a demon oh boy he got strong i mean here's a guy who doesn't use weapons he just uses his fists in his feet we don't know how many hashera he's murdered he just says numerous but his most important ability is his ability to gauge fighting spirit this is an ability that allows him to gauge how an opponent is going to move in a battle so he knows exactly where you're going to attack it also allows him to figure out your weaknesses very quickly so unless you have access to the transparent world he's almost unbeatable he stood toe to toe with tanjiro and giu who are both using their demon slayer marks at the time he has decapitation immunity and his blood demon art destructive death is one of the strongest out there destructive death essentially allows akaza to shoot shock waves from his fists and his legs these shock waves can take multiple different shapes and sizes they can be flowing streams or cannon like bullets without plot armor you're not beating akasa in a fight you could say the same for our next entry on the list upright number two doma who is said to be leagues stronger than akasa doma is currently most well known for his appearance on the anime where he converts gyotoro and daki into demons at the time he was upper ranked number six now he's up ranked number two and he got there by murdering so many people oh fun fact i forgot to mention akasa does not eat or murder women almost forgot to add that doma has a very short backstory as a human domo was born with rainbow color eyes and white hair because of this everybody thought he was the second coming of christ literally so he was groomed to be a religious leader of the paradise faith cult a position he he still holds as as a demon when he was really young his mother had a mental breakdown because his father kept having let's say extramarital liaisons with female cult members so she stabbed him to death and then poisoned herself and died and doma saw all of this but wasn't scarred by it he was just kind of pissed that they made a big mess then when he turned 20 he met muzon and he made him a demon literally that's his backstory that's all we know we do know a lot more about his abilities i mean this man once let akaza punch his head off just to be nice to akasa like okaza was angry at doma so doma let him punch him because doma said that he can avoid akasa's close range fist attacks and then just regrew his head and everything was fine all of this can kind of be explained by the fact that doma is clinically apathetic meaning he has no emotional range but no emotions doesn't mean no power because a kaza is shown to be able to keep up with the fastest hoshira on earth in fact he thought the fastest hashera on earth who he acknowledged as the fastest hashra on earth actually the fast tasha he had ever fought was still too slow on top of that he has extra sensory perception which means that he can perceive things that he's not directly looking at which makes sneak attacks effectively ineffective on him and he can absorb any biological matter that he touches let's say he grabs me by the shoulders he could just suck me into his body what's his true ability everything i'm describing is pretty much demon 101 well that would be cryokinesis essentially doma can create ice and frost from his flesh and blood he can spawn this ice or frost anywhere in his vicinity and manipulate it at will but this isn't just todoroki level ice no let's say you accidentally inhale some of his frost that frost will enter your lungs and cause your cells to start dying he is very proficient with his ice he's able to make ice clones ice appendages ice vines to grab things and in combination with this cryokinesis doma uses tessenjutsu which is essentially him wielding an iron fan that he uses to either attack or fan the frost at his enemies and his tesenjutsu is said to be greater than akasa's martial arts skill but even he doesn't hold the flame to our last entry on the list upper rank number one kokyushibu oh god we're even to start with kokushibu film update five hours oh i wanna be a youtuber it's not easy okay so kokushibo was born in the sengoku era which is about 500 years before the events of demon slaying and kokushibu was a twin when he was born his brother was yorichi aka the guy you saw in that flashback when tanjiro starts using hinokamikagura against daki however when they were born twins were bad omens so yurichi who had a weird birthmark on his forehead a lot like tanjura was sent to a temple when he was 10 years old so kokushibu got the parents nice because kokushibu didn't have the weird birthmark he was trained to be a samurai by his father but because yurichi was being sent to a temple when he was ten years zero to ten he kind of just was pushed into a corner everyone thought yurichi was deaf because he never talked but when he turned seven he told cookie shibu while he was practicing to be a samurai that he too wanted to be a samurai everyone laughed because he was the bad kid but one of his father's men actually taught yurichi a basic stance and yoricci to everyone's surprise then continued to land four blows on this man in a wooden sword battle kokushibu had never landed one blow so urichi was a natural genius pokeshibu was bewildered and asked how yaruichi landed these blows yoruiji said he just saw all of the bones in muscle fragments of the person he was fighting and chose where to go accordingly based off what he saw at this point that cookie sheep realized that yoruichi could see humans transparently but only after taking a deep breath before he took his stance urichi decided to not train in the way of the samurai but kokoshibu continued his training but his thing their father had heard about how much of a natural genius yurichi was and both yurichi and kokyoshibu were fearful that their father would switch who was sent to the temple so before their father could send kokushiba to the temple instead of yoroichi urichi actually left for the temple coordinated this with the night that his mother died of an illness because he could see into her body and saw exactly when she was going to die this act of pity made kokushibu hate yurichi and they didn't mean again for 10 years tokushibu became an adult and married a woman and had two children one night a demon came to his camp and murdered his entire family and everybody with him leaving kokishibu is the only survivor it's at this point that uruichi comes and quickly kills the demon this made kokushibu very jealous of uruichi's power once again so he abandoned his life as a samurai and joined uroichi as a demon slave fuk shibu watched as uruichi tried to teach other demon slayers his breathing technique but nobody could get it but they adapted sun breathing into their own techniques making the original sword breathing techniques okishibu also couldn't learn sun breathing so he adapted it into moon breathing which was very powerful but not as powerful as sun breathing and that pissed kokushibu off but he did awaken a demon slayer mark much like yoruichi and ironically this is why he became a demon see he was afraid that he was going to get prejudiced for his mark just like hirorichi had his whole life tied that together with the fact that he was never going to be able to surpass uroichi when muzon approached him with a way to get extra power he said yes and just like that he was upper ranked number one it took him three days to fully transform into a demon because of how much blood muzon had to put into it but it was a worthwhile investment because his abilities were insane i mean think about it this is a demon with a ridiculous amount of muzon's blood a demon slayer mark can use total concentration breathing and was literally taught swordsmanship from the creator of sun breathing oh also he's 500 years old that he's been fighting hashiro's that entire time so he's perfectly honed his fighting skills and he's got six eyes bokushibu held his own against guillotme in cinema who had both awoken their demon slayer marks simultaneously that's the first and the second strongest hasheros on earth oh and because he is technically a demon slayer with a demon slayer mark he has access to transparent world but not just access he is always in transparent world which allows him to see the muscles blood flow joints bone structure of every single person this allows him to see weaknesses identify illnesses predict attacks perfectly he was even able to see that moisture taquito was one of his descendants and like all other demons he can manipulate his flesh except here's the thing his sword is made of his flesh which means if a sword is destroyed he can instantly make it back or it can change its shape or it can add extra swords onto his sword i mean this man is so fast he cut off a kaza's arms before akaza even noticed what happened oh and also he can regenerate his head if you cut it off but let's talk about moon breathing essentially tokyo shiva found a way to combine moon breathing with his blood demon art which is just called crescent moon blades where he can create physical crescent moons sharp as blades and add them into his swings so not only do you have to worry about a sword you don't have to worry about several very sharp moon-shaped projectiles that come along with every swing and his thing these moons aren't predictable they follow no pattern in terms of size or in terms of placement so he's very hard to fight against not to mention moon breathing has 15 forms it takes 5 hoshura level people simultaneously just to hurt him very excited to see him animated i'm also very excited to see this video edited because it is done if you made it to the end of this video thank you so much this was the longest video and the most research i have ever done but it was also very fun to make i know it won't do as well as my naruto videos but if you're a demon slayer fan i hope you've enjoyed it and even if you're not a demon slayer fan and you're just a fan of hour-long rambling anime videos well then please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that noti bell i don't know how i ended up talking more on a day i don't stream than on days i do stream but here we are [Music] [Music]
Channel: NCHammer 23
Views: 533,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: weeb, weeb alliance, nchammer23, anime, demon slayer, 12 moons, hashira, akaza, tanjiro, nezuko, muzan, demon, slayer, 12 Kizuki, Kimetsu no yaiba, Inosuke, Akaza, Kokushibo, Rui, Doma, daki, Gyutaro, Gyokko, Upper moon, Lower moon
Id: HbAvnGbSa-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 17sec (3017 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 20 2022
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