All 9 HASHIRA & Their TRUE Powers in Demon Slayer EXPLAINED!

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welcome back everyone today we're going to be covering the nine hashira top to bottom regarding their entire life and their powers since the demon slayer manga has ended we will be able to answer all the questions you may be wondering in this one mega video number one how did the demon slayer corp get created i don't know number two why was the snake pillar in love with the hot pillar number three how is uber yashiki related to muzan we don't care number four why is the stone pillar considered the strongest number five why is the wind pillar an edge lord these and many other questions will be covered we got everything in this video so sit back relax and get that cup of tea or if it's not a cup of tea a cup of coffee get some snacks get some takis whatever you want to eat we do not care and listen to us explain everything you need to know regarding demon slayer oh and if you want to learn about muzan and the 12 demon moons in the same detailed manner we covered it in this video it will be in the pin comment for you [Music] now before i explain each and every detail about the nine hashera i first need to get everyone on the same page regarding the demon slayer story let's begin with the basis of the organization that tanjiro is a part of as they play a pivotal role in the demon slayer world at the beginning of the series once tanjiro's family was massacred by muzon the king of demons tonjiro had witnessed the change in his sister nezuko one of the nine heshira arrived to eliminate her who was the water hashira gu this first confrontation between both guil and tanjuro was quite intense but he read this situation and could see something was out of the ordinary he assesses the mental mindset of nezuko and even the potential of tanjuno becoming a demon slayer giu then recommended tanjiro to seek training and to not give up and to actually stop being weak stop being a little sassy a little sassy actually do something about the mission you want to accomplish that's the kind of vibes i was getting so he tells him to go seek out his former teacher alongside this he explains the fundamentals of the demon slayer core which is how tanjiro got roped into the world of demon slaying however what exactly is the demon slaying core urakidaki the former teacher of giu explains that the demon slayer corps is a very old organization dedicated to the sole purpose of eradicating all demons from the face of this planet it's a millennial old goal that the organization has strived to achieve ever since it had been founded and so ever since its conception the demon slayer core had been an independent organization not acknowledged by the government as an official one and ordinary humans don't even know they exist now how did a common secret of demons living in a world not come across to normal people for over a thousand years beats me but it's anime logic duh so now you're probably wondering why the heck wouldn't the government assist an elite squad to take care of a supernatural man eating beings right it's not like the government needs convincing of the existence of such beings as the corps can easily capture weak demons for a showcase well one reason is because the demon slayed core has actually been around since ancient times and has been dealing with the problem independently which was long before any formation or change of government in the first place how does the demon slayer call work as per usual anime organizations that the main protagonist wants to join if you want to join them then you would need to take an exam now now you won't be studying much for this one as what you must do is something no ordinary person would be able to prepare themselves for you must survive for seven nights on fujikasana okay pronounces am i really gonna get this to go fuji kasani i gave it a go guys give me a clap in the comments no well you must survive for seven nights on a mountaintop which is full of demons caught by the demon slayer call in order to test the people taking part if you manage to live through that you will pass the exam as a congratulations for surviving through hell you get a few gifts first off is the standard uniform which are given to demon slayers to stay drippy when killing demons of course they're also given the privilege of getting to choose the ore to be used when crafting their demon slang swords as it will be the primary tool to kill demons moving forward of course if you want to join the hashera rank you have to kill 50 demons or kill a member of the 12 demon moons as an official member of the demon slayer cool you would need a way to receive your mission updates and navigate right although a phone would be a great solution there's one tiny issue demon slayer is actually set in the very early 1900s during the thai show era so instead of spending their days sending memes to each other like we do they assign a rare bird species known as the kusa guy crows to relay information and will give updates to them so now you're probably a demon slayer you passed the exam you've killed a few demons here and there you're thinking wait a second i want to get a rank up fan i want to go to the big bob i don't know what i'm saying but you guys get the point i want to be a hashira well the rank of hashira is known to be the most elite warriors that occupy the demon slaying call they are the top of the top consisting of the nine very skilled swordsmen that can't be compared each one of the nine hashira possess a distinct breath style which genuinely takes years of training this is to the point where you know that you have mastered the certain breath style as it becomes second nature to you urakidaki a former water hashera nurtured tanjuro's abilities and allowed him to be the one with the water breath style which tanjiro giu and urakadaki mastered it's also noted that hashira are constantly looking for their successes that being one of the many reasons why giulio recommended tanjiro to urakodaki because these guys be dying out here because they're going against demons that regenerate and they scare me so a lot of these guys die really young so they have to find a successor on top of that really quick now although it takes an average of five years to learn a breathing style talented students take two years to master it and one of them is the protagonist of the show hanjiro each of these nine hashira come with different elements and are swordsmen who are considered untouchable in the ranks of the demon slayer core later in the series these hashira go even beyond and are able to unlock the demon slayer mark which gives you multiple abilities i might also explain what this is and what powers it gives you because a lot of the nine heshira eventually unlock it in their stories now for example once you have the demon slayer mark you have enhanced physical capabilities upon activating the mark the person is granted superhuman strength speed and enhanced breathing techniques beyond that of a normal breathing style user their strength and speed could even rival that of the strongest demons such as the upper ranks of the 12 demon moons like koko shobo it also gives you the power of the transparent world where you will be able to see the muscles blood flow and joint movements of living beings allowing the person to accurately predict and react to their opponent's moves this also gives you vital information to confirm the health and well-being of others like your allies this is especially apparent when the hashira are fighting kokoshibo akaza and muzon one more ability you gain is also hyper perception allowing the hashera to perceive the world around them at a much faster rate making it appear to them as if the world was going in slow motion the demon slayer mark is also connected to the bright red nichiren sword that you have to unlock demon slayer marks enabled the person to dye their natural sword a bright red color like the progenei yorichi the original person that created all the breathing styles and the one person that tried to spread his will to the hashera going forward for a thousand years to eventually defeat muzan if you do not know who yorichi is and what i'm saying right now you need to watch this video being displayed to you right now i'll put it in the pinned comment for you the red nitrogen blade is very important because it enhances your attacks and also stops the regeneration ability that demons possess now with that out the way let's not forget the leader who runs the demon slayer core without such vital information you guys wouldn't understand the purpose of the hashira our current understanding regarding the chief of the core is that he seems to be quite the mysterious individual going by the name kogya over yoshiki or usually called by his nickname i don't know what i'm on right guys allow me okay now his presence in demon slayer is as hidden as the main antagonist moves on however what we do understand of uba yoshiki is that he's been living with a curse which slowly saps away his life force every day apart from the fact that this curse actually kills you it also makes an effort to do it painfully this curse has left uba yoshiki with extremely poor health where the most visible effect of the curse is the skin at the top of his head rotting away which resulted in blindness now this curse was actually given to every child born in the ubayashiki family since the transformation of muzan from a human to a demon now you guys might be asking why why would muzan being a demon have anything to do with this poor family well the thing is muzan is actually from the ubayashiki family centuries ago and to pay the price for his sin the world balanced his crime with this very curse i guess he didn't just taint his own blood but all blood that's even related to him this also ultimately gave the incentive to the oba yashiki family to rectify the crime of the clan member muzon and henceforth the family have been leading the battle against muzon and his demons for one thousand years now as the ubayashiki clan leaders die rather quickly you know due to the curse they are replaced by their offspring who would then be the next head of the court this short lifespan also means that every objective and milestones in their life happens much earlier cargio became the head of the clan and effectively the demon slayer core all at the age of four you heard me my boy was a toddler while he's running this and at the age of 13 he was married mind you to a much older woman who was 17. she was specifically selected by a priest to become kagi's wife in order to care for his medical needs even with his bad misfortune and poor health kaguya is living his best life he had five kids for her where his son kiriya uba yoshiki becomes the next leader of the core after kagyu's death oh now you guys must be wondering nani did colga's curse end up killing him well no my guy blew himself up okay hold up just listen cargill after eventually being confronted by muzon at his own home he revealed that he set a big brain trap for muzon anticipating that muzan would come for him he set explosives around his mansion which he detonated killing himself and his wife with two of his kids now i know this might be like a crazy thing to do especially what the freaky killer's wifi dude get i'll come on guys his kids about to die anyways and this guy's a demon his whole family's mission is to kill this demon i would have done it actually hey scrap that scrub to take that out man but yes this was a kamikaze move where to avoid suspicion kargie had to sacrifice his own family and gaga's overall role as the demon slayer leader was fundamental to their victory even before his sacrifice hagia led the corps in one of the most successful era ever after yurichi's time this man was a huge inspiration for all the hashiras being able to change their life and help them live on after being devastated by the demons kagya also was the reason why nezuko wasn't sentenced to death by the demons their core like considering she is a demon this actually is a big thing khalgia saw the reality of nezuko's unique situation which gave hope to tanjido this later had a huge impact to the downfall of muzan now with all this said i think it's important to lay down the fact that kaguya did actually possess some supernatural abilities of his own as he has mastery of a soothing voice which is him being able to control the tone and rhythm of his voice to ease others around him this technique gives his leadership a whole new meaning as even impossible members like sun emis the wind hashida submits and listens to ubayashiki without resistance kagya and the rest of the ubayashiki family also has the prediction now i'm just kidding they also have an heightened sense of foresight this is like an instinct to accurately predict the future to some degree very similar to our abilities but in the uba yoshiki's family's case this helps everyone avoid extremely detrimental situations along with gaining advantageous opportunities to garner wealth and fortune this skill was also very important that without it the demon slayers wouldn't have had a chance in defeating the 12 demon moons during the end of the series as kagya's son kiria was also trained in using and directing this ability to their advantage okay so coming next we have the love pillar kanroji mitsuru at first glance she may just seem like your typical fan service waifu but let me tell you that that is not the case misery is much more than just a pretty face and huge boob boy she has a very hyperactive personality and tends to get carried away with such positive emotions her careful and positive nature is very fitting of someone with the title of love hashera mitsuri being among five siblings displayed unnatural strength at just one year old that could rival most of you guys watching right now yeah that's right she lifted a rock that was almost as big as her and twice her weight her mother was also known for her fortitude and nothing really surprised her but she was shocked for the first time in her life witnessing her one-year-old daughter do this i'm not gonna lie though i think everyone would be you know slightly shocked seeing a baby deadlifting double their body weight you know like let's be honest you don't exactly see every day do you this strength however is due to her having a special muscle composition making her muscles eight times denser than that of a regular humans her muscles are also compressed allowing her to be strong and also very agile during combat due to her body having more muscles than the entire anime community combined that's a fact by the way it gave her a massive appetite since her body would need more nutrients to sustain itself her hair color started to change to this pink with green accent colors that was said to be caused by her immense appetite for eating too much sakura mochi because of all of these traits her big appetite different hair colour and abnormal strength she was seen as a weirdo and no one really wanted to get near her even to the point that her fiance called off their marriage when she was only 17 years old or because he was worried that his children would be just like mincery just think about that for a minute isn't that stupid i would love for my kids to be some superhuman badass hottie like her like no man i such a dumb ass anyway this rejection caused her life to change completely as she began to reject who she really was dying her hair black skipping meals and pretending to be weak in order to make her more desirable and accepted by others her family started to worry about her but being so focused on others opinions about her made her forget about everyone else including her loved ones after a while mintery began wondering if she could live her life pretending to be someone that she was not she started to question her own existence asking herself if there was someone out there that would love her for who she really is i know someone it's me can she really be useful to someone is there a place for her in this world this fake version of herself was full of doubt and regrets which negatively affected her mental health even if she realized that she can't live being a different person forever she was able to move forward keeping her true self locked inside of her slowly becoming insane it wasn't until she encountered ubyashiki that she finally found the confidence to embrace her true self and he said that she was beloved by god and that she should be proud of her strength ubyashiki was the light that mitsuri needed for her to stop lying to herself and get out of the dark corner that she was placed in for being different ubiashiki's kind words were the push that she needed the trigger for her to move forward and embrace her true self now that she is finally loved by something this is when she decided to join the demon slayer corp to find someone strong that she could marry as she states or so that's how it would seem but that's actually only half the reason why deep inside she feels like she owes ubiashki for saving her from despair which is why she wants to repay him by helping him achieve his goals just like he was doing for her she loved being a part of the demonstrator corp too as everybody valued her even the people she saved would fanta with tears in their eyes this gave her purpose and meaning to her unique abilities her eating problem was even rectified as with the help of shinobu and egoro as seen in the demon slayer one-winged butterfly novel they helped her stop skipping meals being a hashera meant being a human monster with the second nature of wielding a sword with ease acquiring the abilities no normal woman has it is said that she always used to stand out of the crowd thus urging her on to master a breath style assisted by her unusual strength and thus she became the student of georgio rengoku a flame hashira she tried to learn flame breathing but was incapable of mastering this breathing style because her body was not suited for it in turn creating a derivative of flame breathing which she later named blood breathing this is how love breathing was actually created it uses her body's particular muscular density to deliver tremendous blows while smoothing with exceptional flexibility and quickness it's a style only she can utilize due to her body's unique composition this breathing style also demands a whip-like katana that can unleash attacks that cover a wide range of motions as well as long ranges that a normal katana simply can't this hearty can legit whip you into submission and i i ain't complaining her technique is also considered the fastest amongst the other eight hashera as the mobility of her joints being very flexible and the softness of her muscle allows her to go into crazy speeds as like i previously mentioned her strength and mobility is incomparable we saw this when she would quickly and accurately kill the creatures created by gyoko before they could even react in fact she can even attack faster than the sound hashira tengen her incredible muscle density also gives her a phenomenal defense too as seen during her fight with zahaku 10 when she survived his compressed sound waves from point blank range that would usually tear somebody apart during the battle with her and the upper rank 4 she manifested her demon slayer mark which enhances your overall stamina reflexes pretty much all of your physical abilities for her this mark manifested into two hearts opposite from each other and angel-like winks in her final moments kanroji was able to find love as she passed away in iguro's arms along with him as they both pledged to marry each other in their next life as they reincarnate which we eventually see in the special final chapter of demons lair which if you didn't know already we talked about previously in the video being displayed on your screen right now now then this brings us nicely onto our next hashura the serpentashire abunai iguro he is from a family of thieves who used to serve a demon which they looked up to as they landed in an immense amount of wealth after robbing a deceased family that this snake demon had previously killed in order to keep the demon happy and stay rich his family would feed newborn babies to it igoro was actually the first male child to be born into the family for 370 years which instantly made him a favorite for the demon as he was unique to the rest of the children that it was fed as well as also having two different coloured eyes he grew up in a cell living in constant fear of the demon that would watch over him because the demon was so interested in him she allowed igoro to live longer than the other child sacrifices so that he could grow even more she even ordered for his mouth to be cut so it would resemble her own mouth and so that she could drink his blood my guy got legit turned into the joker he's walking around asking random people hey you want to know how i got these stars tyler's the worst joker ever man oh i'm not gonna be getting cast anytime soon my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined uh moving on serpent asherah snakey dude being in this cage alone he would fall sick as the poor ventilation made from the smell of fat coming from the food trapped in with him made him feel nauseous on top of this he couldn't sleep due to the sound of a demon snake crawling as well as a gaze upon him which would cause him to sweat the living conditions of sickness and fear made him think of nothing more than escaping and surviving day by day he would dig a hole in his cell with a hairpin until he and his only friend a snake named kabamaru managed to get out and escape eventually though the demon snake had found them but he was ultimately saved by none other than the flame hashura because of this escape however the demon had eaten the rest of his family all 50 of them and the pun returned the only surviving cousin of his blamed him for the death of their family these words cut deep into igoro and made him devote his life to killing the demons hoping that one day by defeating demons and ultimately museum himself it would clear his bloody past coming from his corrupt family this guy has a very different aura about him being known as the serpent hashura i know it sounds like some of rochimaru but it's much more different than that iguaro like any other character related to snakes is quite the dark individual he doesn't really care about anyone that doesn't abide by the demon slayer's conduct however he actually has a warm side to him he had a close bond with the previous hashera as we mentioned mitsurikaroji and fell in love with her at first sight he said how that when he spoke with her he finally felt like a normal boy whereas before all the women in his life would treat him differently making him scared and uncomfortable yet mitsuri accepted him that being said he didn't feel worthy to be her husband due to his corrupted past even though his character is perceived to be closed he has abilities that will actually blow your mind he is the creator and master of the serpent breathing style where igoro matches the actions of his swords with the movements of a snake his form mirrors mitsuri's movements but igoro's technique is much more direct and mischievous just like a snake to match this he also used a twisted nutrient blade which resembles a serpent similar to the indonesian chris sword that is used in real life he fights with the snake that i mentioned from his backstory kabutomaru yeah that's right the snake that's round of his neck is not just for decoration the serpent actually helps igaro during fights because he is half blind in his right eye igoro built his breathing style to work in conjunction with the serpent that way the snake can relay information to igro as he's battling covering his blind spots even after going fully blind in the battle against museum his snake would still help him in fighting effectively kaburamaru also seems capable of understanding human speech and emotions as he understood tan roji's instructions to grab yushiro's paper talensman and later even shed tears when watching iguro and mitsuru pass away listen okay right i don't know how we can talk to snakes it just kinda happens i suppose they've gotta fill the quote of a cool snake guy character in anime somehow anyway so i guess we just deal with it egrow has also been seen entering the transparent world which is a world that is said to be only acquired by the strongest individuals this world allows you to see somebody's muscles blood flow and joint movements allowing you to so-called sea into the future by predicting your opponent's next moves by observing their muscle movements however he was only able to access this world for a few seconds during his fight with muzan on that note igoro was also able to unlock his demon slayer mark but even with this like i mentioned before he was only able to access the transparent world for a few seconds implying that even though he was strong already he still had potential to become even stronger during his fight with museum he was able to turn his nichiren blade bright red which is also something that only those with incredible strength can achieve the bright red color means that the temperature in your blade has increased which in turn releases more of the sun's power making bright red blades is more effective against demons and was imperative in muzan's defeat turning your blade bright red requires an enormous amount of strength and him just barely being at that state he almost passed out from the amount of stamina he used all at once igoro is a hashira which means that he has superhuman speed and reflexes when tanjiro was about to be struck by muzan in what would have been a lethal blow he jumped in and saved him just in time he was able to keep up with muzan's whipper swords for a lengthy amount of time without the demon slayer mark's boost and yet he still manages to hit the demon king multiple times he was quick enough to sever both of muzan's limbs after awakening his demon's lair mark being able to escape numerous of his blows drive him into a corner and catch up to him and pierce his flesh as he was running even though he was fully blinded in the end igoro's time was cut short during the final fight with muzan and like i mentioned earlier he died along with the love of his life mitzering oh so romantic okay so now we move on to the miss tashira aka tokido now amazingly enough he is actually related to one of the most important characters in the entire series but as a kid mu ichiro with his twin brother yu ichiro would help their father in the woods cut down trees however one day his life was changed forever remember guys there is no anime characters that doesn't have a tragic backstory of losing their parents so let's cue the sad music his mother died of pneumonia whilst his father fell from a cliff and died on a stormy day the end man come play with me now for real don't play like that okay i'm taking a piss but seriously because of this it was just him and his twin uichiro left the trauma of losing both their parents affected them deeply and you should have started to believe that by being compassionate it only helps yourself and by being helpful to someone else it accomplishes nothing the philosophy of this was brought upon him by the way the father died whilst collecting medical herbs for their mother however mooichiro didn't have the same belief as his brother and instead wanted to live by what their father said about doing something for others as it will eventually come back to help you too living with his brother yu ichiro was extremely tough as mu ichiro always thought that his brother hated him one day amine ubayashiki confronted the two brothers to bring them into the demon slayer core due to their lineage you see these twins were actually descendants of the sugi khuni family being directly from the land of kokushibor the upper demon moon one and for those who haven't watched our detailed demon moon video well kokushibo was the twin brother of yorichi the very first user of the breath of the sun who created it and all of his other derivatives if you don't know who the hell yurichi is and why he is the most important demon slayer in all existence then check out the video displayed to you right now again our playlist will be in the pinned comment section below anyways moo ichiro felt excited about the opportunity however his brother was quite the opposite he refused the chance and turned armane ubayashiki away yuichira's cold outlook on life was actually his way of protecting himself and his brother as he put the cause of his parents death down to overworking themselves and thinking of others each time armani would visit the twins you ichiro would reject her proposal and send her back however one day the two of them were attacked by demons leaving you ichiro on the edge of death this made a fierce anger boil inside muachito and from that moment he went blank the next thing he knew the demon was laying on the ground in a mutilated mess suffering with a crushed head until the sun rose killing it this didn't really bother me ichiro though he didn't care anymore all he wanted was to see his brother however he had died i'm not gonna lie guys this is some such we do not care anyways after this he served the demon slayer core slowly switching that kind hearted personality into more like his brothers even though he may have lost his memories from what happened that night the anger would never leave him which is why he trained so hard as a demon's layer to the point of even vomiting blood the breath style which muichiro acquires is missed breathing being able to strike from the mist formed through his nichiren blade his build is said to be the smallest and weakest looking amongst his fellow hashiras but in reality he is actually one of the strongest and i would say even stronger than the main protagonist himself well of course i'm talking about before tanjiru unlocks his main protagonist power after that there ain't no chance but seriously guys mu ichiro is literally a prodigy he was able to perfect his swordsman skills and be strong enough to join the demon slayer corps at the age of 14 making him the youngest person to have become a hashtag ever in history and mind you this was also after just two months of training this boy was such a generational talent that he even created his own technique which played a vital role in defeating the upper rank 5 demon gyoku muichiro in the midst of battle was able to create the seventh form of missed breathing obscuring clouds this technique allows the user to rapidly increase their tempo to confuse the opponent it appears as slow as a turtle when the user displays themselves yet moves in the blink of an eye when hidden in the mist during his fight with the upper demon moon 5 he also manifested his demon slayer mark with a miss cloud pattern all over his face throughout the fight against goku nuichiro kept struggling he was incapable of cutting the demon's head since his opponent was a fish humanoid-like demon who had scales almost uncuttable in this fight he gets trapped in his blood demon art water prison pot his attempt to break out using misbreathing first form low clouds distant haze was unsuccessful as he thinks about his approaching demise mu ichiro suddenly hears his father speaking from dangerous body the sword smith kotetsu swiftly arrives to provide him with a breath of air and he is then able to break out using missed breathing second form but during this life and knew each other's memories start flooding back starting with his father's words who said the same thing as tanjore had earlier on the anger over his brother's death manifests into his demon slayer mark his speed and ability drastically increases as he goes in to attack gyoko mu ichiro unlocked his dim slayer mark and combined it with a seventh form of misbreathing he was able to overpower gyoko and cut through his scales that are said to be harder than diamonds again keep in mind that he's still 14 so it hasn't even been a year since he joined the demon slayer core and is able to improve so fast in a short period of time just because of his naturally gifted talent miuicida's skill set doesn't even stop here as later on against the fight with the upper demon moon one kokushi bore mu ichiro also boasted excellent spiritual strength as he was able to calm himself down in just moments and the presence against such an evil monster like let's be real everyone else would be bricks in front of this demon and to add to this during his fight mooichiro was able to access the transparent world as well as to also turn his sword bright red kokushibo was so impressed by his descendant enough that he was going to personally recommend him to muzon so he can become a demon however after being one of the free hashita to play a key role in defeating the upper rank 1 demon mujiro sadly died from the injuries he suffered upon dying he was reunited with his twin brother yuichiro who was both sad and angry to see muichiro join him in the afterlife at such an early age as he never got to learn what he was born for however mu ichiro disagreed saying how he did know and that his reason for living was to be happy and the moments when he was the happiest were the times he spent with his family and friends next up out of the nine hashira is a sexy beast oh wait why did i just say that i'll probably cut this off anyway you can't deny that this guy looks good he's arguably the character with the most drip in the entire series tangent caught my attention when he was introduced into the series just like when goku the fire hashira tangan's personality is centered upon being very flamboyant and eccentric he likes to make things beautiful and due to this he has three wives what yeah you heard that right three wives my man has three wives whilst there's some of you out there some of us like me struggling to find one they ask you how you are you just have to say that you're fine when you're not really but i guess uh zenitz is holding the fault down for every one of you jokes aside tangent has quite the horror of a backstory which shouldn't really be a surprise anymore to be honest if you got to this point of the video let me know if you have in the comment section below honestly the more horrible the backstory in demon slayer the weirder the hashera will be however for once a demon was not involved in the murder of his loved ones like every other character because it was the children themselves who killed each other kangen grew up as one of nine children in a shinobi clan three of the kids had died before even reaching the age of 10 due to being overworked whilst training by their father and the other ancestors the remaining six were blindfolded and ordered to kill each other by their father because of their blindfolds they had no idea who their opponents were and it wasn't until tengen had killed two of his brothers that he caught onto his father's sick plan to find out who was the strongest amongst them and who could be the progeny of their clan as a shinobi by the age of 15 only he and one brother remained and so their father forced them to undergo harsh training so they could rebuild the clan's reputation after it had fallen he tried convincing them that their innocent lives were disposable and the only reason they should have a wife is purely just to reproduce he was basically raising the kids to be nothing more than murderous soulless animals tangent however saw through this and decided to leave the clan on a permanent basis taking his wives with him tangent's family practices polygamy so when tangent turned 15 he must have three wives who were chosen by the head of the clan after leaving the village with his wives he would later teach them to value themselves before the mission going against their teachings as konoichi for a while after he had left the clan it became a habit for him to say that he was going to hell but he stopped after makio got angry with him hinatsuri cried and sumer bit him he anguished over whether he should have exterminated the uzui clan his own family but he couldn't bring himself to kill his father or brother after abandoning his clan with his free wives he sought out master uber yashiki and climbed the ranks of the demon slayer core becoming the sound hashera the breath of the sound is a breathing style created combining his heightened sense of hearing his musical score technique is also involved as this is mixed with his shinobi expertise and anti-demon bombs musical score technique allows tangent to deconstruct his opponent's movements into sound waves and rhythms by doing so it creates an opening for him to strike his opponent just like a beat to a song in conjunction he uses anti-demon bombs made of gunpowder that plays its part as an accessory when defeating demons which complements his explosive and flamboyant personality he has honed his herring to the utmost level being able to use echolocation as an advanced application of his herring tengan got forced into training hard as a descendant of a ninja family this training was harsh but also very useful as he developed an immunity against poison tengen is also really good at being extremely stealthy to the point where he would not make any noise nor disturb the air in the environment not even disturbing airfare tangero with his protagonist powers of having incredible sense of smell no inosuke with his extreme sense of touch could detect tangent because he's a shinobi he fought with dual nichiren cleavers a weapon that was said to have killed anyone tangan had landed a blow on until of course he fought upper moon 6 and he survived now saying all of this and i'm hyping the guy up he's featured in demon slayer season 2 we're all thinking about wow this guy's gonna be strong well he's not the sound pillar is actually one of the weakest hashera out of all of them he doesn't have the demon slayer mark red blade or any other unique ability that others unlocked as the story went on in his fight against the upper demon moon 6 gyotaro's poison had spread throughout kengan's body resulting in his inability to speak as he lays down dying nezuko intervenes and uses her blood demon arc to burn the poison out of his system allowing him to rejoice with his wives once the heshira abanai arrives at the scene he tells him that he is officially retiring from the deemsley corps and assures him that the trainee he hates so much has grown strong enough to fill the void in his absence when he leaves this is all alluding to the protagonists that we know tangerine tengen ends up of course being right because at the end of demon slayer after muzon's defeat he celebrates with tanjuno and the others on their victory and enjoys his life with the wives happily ever after and they all become really good friends my man took the credit for the victory i didn't know she and he gets three wives on top of that i lived his life got old age had kids lived his life back my man had one of the best endings in the entire anime he got to live next up we got sunny me the wind hashira most of you guys however probably know him as the edge lord who stabbed nezuko but there's much much more to it and there's a reason he was so adamant about it but firstly i have to point out that he is actually genji's older brother if you guys don't know who genya is basically the guy who eats demons sanemy was the eldest son of seven children and lived with both of his parents sadly though their father would abuse his children and wife but one fateful night he died by taking a stabbing by someone who had a grudge against him he was a terrible person and karma hit him right in the face regardless sunny me and genia decided to take it upon themselves to support their mother and their siblings but again faith had decided to pave a dark path for the two brothers as their mother failed to return home so sonemy left to search for her he eventually found her but realizes that she had become a demon not being able to stop her she returned home and killed five of his siblings however before their mother could kill genya sunimi tackled her through a window onto the nearby street armed with only a knife this is where sunny me got his iconic scar across his face his own mother gave him these scars that ran deep even up until adulthood sunimi was also born with marichi blood that is equal to 100 people this blood is so potent that it disorientates demons so when sanomi's mother had a taste of it she became intoxicated subsequently given sonomy the chance to kill her but genya who had found his siblings bleeding out at first believed that they were attacked by a wolf as he went out for help he saw his mother dead beneath his brother sonomy killing his mother in self-defense made him look like a murderer in the eyes of genya who had not yet understood that their mother had become a demon so witnessing the death of his mother he screamed calling sonomy a murderer and this is where the brotherly bond ends up breaking but guys don't worry please stick around till the end of the video because everything comes full circles to make their love shine through it in the end but anyways at this point of time this caused stunning me to abandon his brother and run away embarking on his own suicidal mission by fighting demons off the demons even without knowing what the demon slayer core or what a nichiren blade was sanami was still able to fight and capture demons keeping them captive until sunrise by just using blades in his defense along with utilizing his marichi blood to his advantage even though he was in search of death and was fighting demons night after night without much knowledge a combination of luck and his special blood kept him alive this domino effect then led on to sonomy training to be a powerful swordsman after meeting massachusetts a demon slayer after completing his demonstrator training kumuno died in a fight alongside sonomy against a lower rank 1 demon this tragic death of his friend is what gave sanomi the determination to make the step and become the wind hashida sanomi's fury over his parents death was also then directed over yashiki who he accused of cheerfully issuing orders from above whilst demon slayers bleed and die for his cause to his astonishment though uber yashiki gracefully accepted their criticism before mentioning kumuno by name khane then informs him that kagia has learned the names and backstories of every single demonstrator that died since he became the commander how you guys might be thinking well that's because he subscribed to anime balls deep and has that notification bell dink if you guys want to be knowledgeable as the uber yashiki leader then you guys know what to do smash that like button and ding the notification bell to stay updated with all our content going forwards but this bold deep knowledge and care that uber yashiki had gave sunimi some newfound respect for the demonstrative core leader especially after discovering and reading kumino's will which was delivered to him by kagya himself but now coming to sun emi's abilities and skills his style is wind breathing which replicates a cyclones of attack as he can move like the wind by falling from the sky with numerous attacks on his opponent giving him the rightful position as the wind hashira however he was able to master this breathing style and with his insane flexibility he can utilize wind breathing better than anyone else could you could even say that he's moving with the wind now before we go into how the wind hashira actually unlocks his demon slayer mark i want to mention that even though the wind hashira seems tough to deal with especially towards his brother it's actually out of love now throughout the story it's illustrated that kenya is trying to ask for his brother's forgiveness for reacting the way he did when his mother was killed after realizing his error kenya purposely joined the demon slayer corps all in order to reconcile with his brother however sunny me responds negatively to this making us believe that he is angry at kenya but in reality it's quite the opposite sonemi's perspective is explored during the hashira training arc where all the student had to fight him head-on until they were unable to continue when it comes to tanjiru's turn sanami attempts to frighten him by stating that he has not yet accepted tanjiro to which tanjiro responds that he has not accepted sanami either since he was the one who stabbed his sister nezuko this response leaves sun and me impressed by tanjiro's guts and gives the first levee between the two later tanjiro comes in on genya attempting to communicate with his brother during one of the rare gabs but sanami fearfully reprimands him telling him that he has no brother and he quit pestering him or he will rip him to pieces he continues stating that kenya should resign from the court due to his inability to apply breathing methods and then walks away kenya is heartbroken by his brother's statement and approaches him expressing his desire to apologize for accusing his brother of killing their mother but sanemy shrugs his words away urging him to go at this point genya reveals that he even ate demons so he could fight and come this far in hearing this this news shock anime who loses his mind being ready to stab his brother's eyes out but kenya is rescued by tanjiro's intervention he pushes him out of harm's way in the nick of time sanami states that he will leave genya in a state where he's unable to regenerate and then he can leave the demon slayer core once he is out then he will forgive genya in reality once death is knocking at the door for both characters sanami reveals that he wished genya never chose the path of the demon slayers wishing he would had just settled down and having no more family during the fight against the upper demon moon one kokushubo he apologizes to his brother genya whilst he crumbles away genius sacrifices his life in order to succeed as without genya and his unique technique of eating demons there was no other way for them to defeat kokushi ball and since he trapped him in place he was able to prevent his healing and left an opening in the end it was genya who fulfilled the role as a protective brother and a demon slayer exactly what sun me was trying to achieve for him by protecting him all this time sonemy cries his eyes out telling him that he never once troubled him and that he can't die before him he begs god to help him and bring back his brother despite this seemingly bad blood between the two siblings genius still thanked senemy for protecting him showing that deep down he knew his seemingly abusive nature was his way of keeping him safe and the win hashira was always actually a nice person probably even the nicest person ever the exterior he showed was just a gimmick it was also during this battle that sun and me manifested the demon slayer mark which resembles a windmill on his right cheek he was also able to make his blade bright red during the fight by clashing his swords with the stone hatchiness weapon thus turning both weapons bright red this is the peak of a demon slayer in the terms of strength as the bright red sword stops demon healing and makes abilities amplified later on during muzan's fight he used the exact same strategy in order to replicate the same result and it worked out for them sadly after defeating muzon sanomi actually passed away as he saw the rest of his family in heaven however he also noticed his mother was not allowed amongst them due to her harming her children sonemy then decided that he would want to go to hell alongside his mother as it was too soon for him to go see genya in heaven however before he could his abusive father stopped him instead taking her to hell with him whilst also telling sun to me it's not his time yet explaining that sunny me actually should thank him for all the abuse he pulling through because now he's extra tough and because he's tough he's able to defeat moose on well i don't know the logic there but you know i guess for him abuse is okay and thus sanami regained consciousness and managed to survive probably still thinking what the heck his father was on sanemy then became the final win hashira ever as after the battle against muzan the hashida was disbanded seemingly everything he went through brought out the softer side to sunomi as he even apologized to nezuko and saw and after the image of a young genji in her as it reminded her of him in many ways even though kenya was dead all the remaining demon stairs became his siblings anyway guys that's it for sending me next up we have the strongest demon slayer out of the nine hashira himajima the stone hashera is labeled to be the strongest out of the nine despite being blind talk about being a child with no eyes he still surpasses them all like what the stone hashirah himajima raised nine orphans in a temple alone they were all together as a family in harmony the temple was always prone to demon attacks so himajima would burn wisteria incense to try and ward off any attacks himajima set rules to the children for their safety as he was older and wiser to inform them of how scary the outside world truly was he cared for them deeply and wanted them to have fulfilling lives despite being orphans but one night an orphan decided you know what i want to break the rules of the temple and then they ventured outside only to be immediately compromised by a demon like didn't he tell you not to do that you literally compromised the whole temple for selfish desire and ignorance not only did this child do this stupid mistake in a selfish act of self-defense the child also led the demon to the temple so the demon could feast on the other children and himojima instead so he erased the wisteria incense and allowed the demon to attack the temple four of the kids immediately died and the three others were killed in the dark of the night as they ran away disobeying himojima's orders to stay behind him in fact only one orphaned child had survived hiding behind himijima in chapter 135 he brutally punched the demon into a bloody pulp this is the fight where the stone hishera got his famous scar on his forehead and he also realized wait a minute i have frightening amount of power an unusual amount of strength that ordinary humans do not have he stated to tonjero the feeling of punching a living thing was like hell i can never forget my disgust for the first time i swung my fist with my full mic with a power frightening evening to me if a demon had never attacked i would never have known my own strength eventually help had arrived at the temple and things got even worse the last remaining child sale created a misunderstanding by stating that man is a monster everyone he killed everyone the stupid villages thought she meant himejime and not the demon so the people didn't bother to investigate the claim or find out the truth they pinned the blame on himejime claiming he was a monster who killed everybody rather than being a selfless man that was trying to help orphans this betrayal by the hands of the ones he spent years protecting broke himajima and made him grow to view children as selfish individuals and also made him lose trust in everyone in the world this attitude is showcased while saheshira discussed what to do with tanjuno and nezuko because he was framed for the murder himajima was sent to prison and was also to be executed if uber yashiki had not intervened to save him upon being saved from death row himajima then became the stone hashira at 19 years old of course this means that he mastered all five forms of the breath of stone he wasn't the one who created this breathing style he was taught by the previous stone pillar we see him jim's past catch up to him in the present even the way he views the world for example he takes pity on nezuku's form that it was a shame she was born into this world and upon hearing tanjuro's determination he says that it is a pity how obsessed tanjuro is and that they should have killed him to release him from his suffering which pretty much emulates how he must have felt due to his own past this highlights the stark contrast between before and now now due to him being blind himijima's hearing became much stronger his incredible sense of hearing allowed him to even be able to hear the sound of regenerating demon flesh and he also uses the sound of his chains on his nitrogen weapon to detect its location and use that information to guide his axe and spike ball towards the desired place it needs to be during the hishira training arc himajima says that the most important thing that the body needs to become the strongest is the limbs and his training was geared to strengthening the limbs he explains that his training consists of only three things training underneath the waterfall carrying three logs on one's shoulders and finally pushing a large boulder through a nearby town tanjuno noted that he could sense that himojima was the strongest demon slayer and stated that the rock khashira was the only one who had a different scent from the others tanjuro eventually completes his training with the stone hashira and himejima talks to tandra about his actions in the swordsmith village which was prioritizing the villages over his sister he believes tanjuro is a true swordsman however tanjura states in response that the choice was actually made by nezukul and not himself and thus he could not accept himijima's compliments and acceptance as a swordsman upon hearing this the stone hishera is left impressed by tonjiro's honesty remember in his backstory the reason he was thrown into prison and despair and was given this harsh life was because the children lied about what happened and this was a misunderstanding himejima states that he has now fully accepted tantra after learning that he is honest and then he proceeds to tell him his backstory incomplete now when it comes to their powers he is able to access the transparent world but in a slightly different way of course himijima is blind so when he enters the transparent world he is not per se seeing their movements with ice he is in fact sensing their movements something that he obtained by honing his other senses you know the drill it's when one of your senses are gone and then your others become superior you know daredevil his most useful sense is his sense of hearing with this he was even able to distinguish muzon's regeneration sound and could tell the tremendous speed that muzan was regenerating at he uses a big chain which has a spike frail on the other side of the chain and a axe on the other end he was capable of turning his weapon bright red with the help of tsunami drawing their fight against upper moon 1 and muzon he was also able to awaken the demon slayer mark which resembles a cracked stone fissure like pattern on both his forearms not only that he also had the ability called repetitive action which is a technique that allows you to increase all your physical abilities by repeating a set of predetermined movements that combined with his total concentration breathing allowed the stone pillar to increase his physical capabilities which allowed him to stand his ground against kokoshibo in a one-on-one fight when we move on to the last fight against muzan the king of demons in the demon slayer infinity castle arc it begins with uba yashiki making a self-sacrifice in an attempt to weaken muzon himajima is the first demon slayer to arrive chopping off muzan's head before it regenerates kimojima warns the others that this is muzon and that decapitation will not kill him because he tried and it did not work himijima also mourns ubayashiki's sacrifice and now as they prepare to strike muzan teleports himajima and the others to the infinite castle himojima tokito sanemi and genya face the upper rank 1 kakashibo as their first opponent if you want to know the full story regarding that watch our 12 demon moon video the battle is incredibly difficult and time consuming necessitating the combined power and dedication of all the four demon slayers at once just to defeat upper moon 1. in this encounter himijima is particularly impressive matching kakashibo blow for blow and fighting through quite serious wounds to win himajima is then compelled to fight muzon after overcoming kokoshibo at great personal expense in the next sunrise countdown arc himajima appears to save the love hashira rogi by blocking one of muzan's tendrils himajima and muzan then trade blows revealing that he can keep up with the demon king only on instinct himijima finally gains access to the transparent world in this fight allowing him to face muzan on a level playing field the fighting continues with himojima ultimately landing attacks on muzon particularly in very strategic locations making enough damage for muzan to actually get scared unfortunately in an encounter as the fight continues himajima's leg is eventually crushed putting him out of the fight once the fight ensues and the healers try to help himijima they declare that he is no longer able to fight due to the blood and limb loss so the healers decide to cure the others first now when you think everything is lost they're down for the count what are they gonna do the fight eventually continues for a few more chapters but then himijima comes by constraining muzan's gigantic newborn form himajima is able to cling onto life and deliver one more gift to the demon slaves to succeed in their mission he chains muzan and gives them an opportunity to actually end the fight in the aftermath once they actually win tanjura has enough time to destroy the baby form and himijima passes on escorted by the other orphans that see him in the afterlife and they go to heaven together they forgive him and he forgives them in a very loving manner goodbye stone pillar you were the strongest i'm kidding how dare you well yeah when the stone pillar dies everyone basically cried and uh it's very sad he will do a power scaling video in the future now honestly we don't know much about our next hashira except one thing that he is the goat the next sashira we're gonna talk about is kyojiro rengoku the successor of the flame hashira rengoku is really an eccentric character regardless of the horrors he faces as a demon slayer he manages to maintain his enthusiasm just like a burning fire being over excited about even the smallest of things always having a smile on his face ringoku was a successor to his father the flame hoshira before him shinjiro he also had a younger brother who he would train alongside under his father afterwards rangoku continued to grow in strength until he achieved the title of hashira for himself however even with success ringoku's father continued to act unimpressed and uninterested this is something that hurt rangooku deep down but he continued to persevere rengoku when compared to the other hashira's instantly reminded us of the difference in levels within the demon slayer core ringokud not only inspired the next generation but was also a staple player in the current one and it's actually fair to say that he was probably one of the strongest if we look back to the rangoku gaiden one-shot manga we get a better look at him before he even became a hashira rangoku of kinowei rank at the time went head-to-head against cairo the previous lower moon 2. this was a hard f battle but rengoku came out victorious after thinking back to his family and the belief that he was strong to protect those weaker than him he unlocked the seventh form of flame breathing and put an end to hype and this was a demon who even slipped away from his father's hands this ideology was given to him by his mother's final words before her death these words stayed in kyogiro's heart and drove him to be the hashira he believed in his mother's words so much that he was willing to go against his father's changing ways this is why he taught himself the flame breathing style so that he could use his strength to fight the weak the true feelings behind rengoku's actions are heavy on the heart because it is rooted in the foundation of the cycle of life and death the strong protect the weak meaning the new life babies children or even just the youth in general is protected by the people before them the strong it is a heavy pressure on those who have strength but when goku was someone who approached it with bright smiles and no regrets but for now let's break down what rengoku was actually capable of since his father stopped teaching him goku had abandoned the idea of having a sensei and instead read the three volume flame breathing instruction manual to develop his technique so rangoku pretty much taught himself flame breathing and was able to become ashura of pure self-taught experience making him a genuine genius this level of understanding of the breathing technique is due to rangoku's high sense of perception and thought processing his high level intellect was natural and gave him many advantages as a demon slayer for example rangoku could sense demons extremely fast and could even tell what their regeneration levels were just by perceiving them nothing else he even has a healing techniques down when kanji was injured he could tell he had gut injuries damage to his blood vessels so he was able to accurately teach tanjira how to heal those wounds enough to get help for them later his power is immense even being able to go head to head with the third upper moon of kaza although he was fatally wounded after the fight his technique of the flame style was second to none this technique is so strong that he can create tremors in the ground alongside causing trains to go off track he can do all that and he was yet to perfect his techniques and was so close to access the realm of the strongest as stated by upper moon 3 akaza he has an indomitable will and spirit greater than the other hashira this increases his mastery of the sword since his heart as when goku puts it burns bright and with passion driving him forward and to greater heights he also possesses a superhuman movement which allows him to keep up with upper moon 3's high speed blows if renguku didn't die during his fight with akaza he would have most likely been able to awaken his demon slayer mark and enter the transparent world making him equal if not stronger than gyome so next up on the list we have the number one demon slayer waifu that's right it's insect hashira shinobu tacho chenobu is a sadistic character that finds fulfillment and others suffering and i know that some of you watching right now are into that don't lie i know y'all been watching that demon slayer live action you know what i mean anyway shinobu was born as the youngest daughter within the kacho household living alongside her mother father and older sister kanae kacho she was raised in a loving and caring household until her parents were slaughtered by demons right before her and her sister's eyes every battery is the same bro luckily though she was saved by the stone pillar himejima this event caused the two of them to become demon slayers so that they could protect the lives of others from experiencing the pain the sisters had been through this event also shaped shinobu's personality as a demon slayer where she has a very relaxed demeanor on the outside even claiming that she wants to get along with demons when we first see her in chapter 41. but this is just part of her sadistic charm as right after claiming this she slaughters the spider-daughter demon she was even about to kill nazika without hesitation if it wasn't for you this hatred was not only fueled by the murder of her parents by the hands of demons but also of her sister kanai her tranquility is just masking her intense anger for demons even tangier sensed this when they were holding a conversation all she could think about was defeating demon after becoming a demon slayer shinobu and her sister noticed a slave child being taken away much to shinobu's disregard but her older sister kanai purchased the slate and named her kanau and made her their sugoku this is where the close bond between shinobu and kanau which we see now came about after the passing of her older sister shinobudin became head of the butterfly state where she treated all of the children there as her own sisters her technique breath of the insect requires her to cover her nature and blade with wisteria poison just like a deadly insect would and she strikes her opponent with even the slightest of cut could be major damage depending on the dosage chinobo is the one who created the breath of insect a form that derives from the breath of flowers which itself derives from the breath of water birth of insect has four forms which all complement shinobu's use of poison during battle this is greatly beneficial to her as she doesn't actually possess the physical strength to go toe to toe with a demon and behead it so instead she uses her medical expertise to come up with the wisteria poison solution instead she even mentions in chapter 142 during her fight against goma the upper moon 2 that she feels inferior to all the other demon slayers because they all got thick muscles and strong bodies which makes her feel less effective in combat however like rengoku shinobu possesses an indomitable will this is due to her great hatred toward demon she also has a keen intellect being able to figure out how much poison and what mix she should use against a demon during the heat of the battle it later turns out that she did predict her death at doma's hand thus with the help of tamayo she had begun to intake and absorb wisteria flower poison regularly for over a year in the hopes of that if doma consumes her he will also devour 37 kilograms worth of wisteria poison which is nearly 700 times the lethal amount she hoped this would be enough to kill the upper rank or at least weaken him enough for him to be slain by her allies later ultimately shinobu's plan works out as canal along with enosuke managed to sever doma's disfigured head from his body fulfilling her revenge at last inside the limbo shinobu and doma's head are conversing with each other doma finally chose emotion by saying he has fallen in love with shinobu and he proposes that they go to hell together shinobu is last seen with their sister kanai and given their blessing to kanau before happily reuniting with their parents in the afterlife she was also able to create cures for many types of side effects or poisons that demons inflict into the demon's lair when she teamed up with tanjiro and yushiro they were able to successfully create a cure that would turn demons back to humans he was the reason that muzan was nerfed and was weakened heavily for all other hashira to kill him if it wasn't for her poison and cure against demons there was literally zero chance for any of them to win okay so now we finally gotta talk about gu tomioka the successor of urokodaki and the current water pillar he's already had a massive impact on us from the beginning as soon as we saw him on the screen we were instantly hooked the way he read the situation against tanjore nezuko the strength the power and empathy he showed made him an instant fan favorite tomiyuka's personality is uh how shall i put it he kinda got that sasuke the uno vive you know what i mean the edginess alongside the vulnerable side you know even shinobu agrees with me where she says that she's not liked by many because kind of a loner let's be honest they ask you how you are you just have to say that you're fine when you're not really fine he doesn't speak much and seems to have trouble interacting with others this makes him quite unique especially right after us talking about all these flamboyant personalities and hashiras and let's not forget how he protected nazuku a demon from shinobu while every other hashiro seems to have deep hatred against the creatures who have wronged them he only hunts the demons who have hurt and killed humans but it's not like gu didn't suffer because of demons either as his sister was murdered by one and his whole family shunned him as they took him for a mentally ill kid for spouting nonsense about demons and tried sending him away to live with a relative however he knew what he had seen and yeted out on the way to his relative being on the verge of death since you know he was a little kid who had never survived alone he was taken in by urukudaki being the student of urukudaki he became best friends with sabito the same guy whose spirit helped tanjura figure out how to cut the rock in half in order to take the final selection exam giu and sabito took the final selection exam together but only you came out alive as a demon slayer he will laments that he doesn't deserve the title of hashira or even to be called a demon slayer as he never really passed the final selection exam sabito was the one who defeated all the demons and gee wishes protected throughout the exam the survivor's guilt is the reason for you stoic and cold exterior maybe this is why he doesn't have so much hate for demons who wronged him in the first place as he's too busy blaming himself but when push comes to shove and the people he cares about in the present are threatened giu becomes a different beast when akaza ambushed him and tanjo in the infinity castle arc he became enraged by khaz's threats towards tranjero allowing him to manifest the demon slayer mark and gaining the upper hand against them although akaza overpowers his 11th form of water breathing the death calm and tanjo is the one who beheads akaza in the end giu defends tanjira risking his life into unconsciousness although he has great care for his comrades even being the hashira to vouch for nezuko's safety as a demon you does not hesitate to defend his friends from demon king tonjiro during the final fight against muzan he is the first one to declare that they must take tanjiro down his brother from another mother finally after the battle against buzan and the demons is one giu has also overcome his survivor's guilt and embraces the happy side of life evident through his smile alongside nezuko tanjuran urokodaki in chapter 204 now let's get into bew's water breathing style we've seen multiple times in the anime poncho putting the water style into its full looks then for example switching the breathing patterns this makes the user more agile with each strike he takes komioka has mastered all 11 forms of this where the technique increases the amount of oxygen in his blood which will then open up the accessibility to the other various forms water breathing is originally supposed to have 10 forms but gu created the 11th form death com all on his own this is something the other hashiro's were not able to do during the fight against muzan he was also able to turn his sword bright red with the help of sanemy the same way he did with kiyomi just like rengoku and shinobu gyu possesses an indomitable will that allows him to keep going and never give up even after suffering so much damage during the fight with akaza okay guys so that's about it for you and all the hashiro's in demon slayer if you liked the video hit that like button and subscribe and become a member and join the premium discord where you know we're playing games pomo party all that good stuff we'll see you guys next time bye
Channel: Anime Balls Deep
Views: 808,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: demon slayer, kimetsu no yaiba, tanjiro, 9 hashira, anime, sanemi shinazugawa, tengen uzui, obanai iguro, Gyomei Himejima, anime balls deep, 9 hashira explained, 9 hashira backstory, every hashira death, all 9 hashira explained, manga, demon slayer season 3, all 9 hashira, all 9 hashiras, all 9 hashira ranked, demon slayer breathing styles, every hashira ranked, tanjiro kamado, hashira vs upper moons, strongest hashira, demon slayer mark, giyu tomioka, yoriichi, muzan, nezuko
Id: 0nyqqkzgujc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 54sec (4374 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 01 2022
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