Who Would Have REALLY Won? Jiraiya vs. Itachi

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in anime there are some legendary fights fights we can't help but think about constantly fights that pop up in edits 24 7. fights that will go back to specific episodes or specific chapters just to reread or re-watch over and over and over again but for every legendary fight we get an anime there's three we wish we could have got and Naruto is no exception to that rule people want to see Minato vs fugaku or Rock Lee versus Sasuke part 2 or maybe more importantly than either of those Jiraiya vs Itachi see the concept of Jiraiya and Itachi battling has been around for almost as long as Naruto because in the very very early days of Naruto when Itachi and Kisame pulled up on konawa and we got to see members of the Akatsuki for the first ever time both Kisame and Itachi stopped when they saw that the person that they were there to kidnap Naruto was with one of the legendary sawning Jiraiya see both Hitachi and jaraya are ninjas of Legend being considered the strongest of their times in separate eras with Draya accomplishing the most missions in konoha's history in Itachi being one of konoha's most important assets and yet there's many people who believe that the outcome of this battle is relatively clear I mean we've been told by one of the fighters in this hypothetical fight how this fight would end Itachi himself stated that if him and Jiraiya ended up battling they would either kill each other or injure each other very badly even Kisame the tailless tailed beast The Man Who Would outsamejada required might guy to open to the seventh gate to kill him stated he was no match for jariah but was this quote Itachi simply trying to avoid conflict and make sure that Naruto remained protected by konawa or was it an actual confession of how he believed the battle would go well today those are some of the questions we hope to answer because today we're talking Jiraiya versus Itachi the boy Prodigy versus the Gallant ninja but before we get to talking about any hypothetical battles guys please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that Noti Bell and if you're feeling particularly generous guys please for me follow my other channel the weeb commander where instead of talking about Naruto and boruto I talk about all other anime and if you like the idea of me talking about other anime you're gonna love my anime podcast that I do with Danny Mata called utaku's Anonymous where me and him break down everything that happened in anime this week it's available on YouTube Spotify and apple podcasts so before we dive into this battle between two legendary ninjas let's introduce our Fighters a little bit in one corner we have Jiraiya the Gallant the man who fought against Conan in nagato's six pass of pain simultaneously and almost killed them the man who nagato himself stated if Draya knew his secret would have defeated all Six Paths of pain simultaneously the man that Kisame one of the strongest people in the entirety of Naruto's Universe said he was no match for the man who lived through and was the war hero of two separate Shinobi World War the man who gained moniker of one of the Legendary Sonic by Hanzo the salamander in the conclusion of the Second Great Shinobi World War the Sensei to three of the strongest ninjas in Naruto's history Naruto Minato and nagato each of them the strongest ninja of their era in their respective era the man who mastered the Rasengan ajutsu that it took Minato two years to make in a matter of weeks the first man we ever saw use a sage mode a man feared in every corner of the Ninja World in the other Corner we have Itachi Uchiha a child genius an Ambu captain at 11 years old the holder of the second highest scorer in the Shinobi Academy exam the holder of the fastest time to the forest of death until Gara broke it in Naruto not to mention a man who took the tuning exams by himself a child who awoke Ms by cutting down his own best friend who had been poisoned by the shadow Hokage they were working with to keep an eye on their own Clan the child who was able to cut down the strongest clan in konoha by himself well not by himself Obito was there but Obito was only killing non-combatants the man who was defeated what is believed to be orochimaru's strongest four who used izanami to put Kabuto in a permanent genjutsu that forced kabato to release at otensem a man who was basically solely responsible for the ceiling of nagato in his edotensei 4. Hitachi is one of the most beloved characters in not only Naruto history but anime history and as somebody who now wears his face on his thigh might have a little bias here what are the kits or the moves the jutsus of these two combatants and how do they measure up to each other well the first person we'll be talking about today is Jiraiya Uriah is hailed as one of the greatest Ninjas the konoha ever created would being dubbed a legendary Sonnen which just means three ninja by Hanzo the salamander gave him a title that made titles like being one of the seven Swordsmen of the Mist or a member of the Uchiha Clan pale in comparison like we've already stated Kisame and Hitachi together believe that the best outcome they could get against Uriah would be a stale mate this man was asked to be Hokage three separate times and if he had lived just a little bit longer he would have been offered a four Kakashi one of the strongest ninjas in the history of Naruto not just konowa believed the idea of Jiraiya being beaten in one-on-one combat absurd and upon Jiraiya's death he became one of the most desirable people for Kabuto to reincarnate a passion which hasn't disappeared even into the era of boruto as Jiraiya was brought back to life through the medium of kashin Koji his clone created by amida as Amado believed a world without jariah truly was in a world worth living in at all now when it comes to chakra reserves in physical prowess in this battle Jiraiya's got Itachi beat by a pretty significant margin Uriah had enough chakra to consistently summon gamabunta the leader of the Toads of Mount muhambuka not to mention he is one of only six people in all of Naruto's history to consistently pull off some version of save seven people still pretty good company and the thing that a lot of people don't realize about being able to pull off any version of sage mode is that the chakra required to do so is relatively immense as one has to be able to mix their own chukker with however much nature chakra they pull in creating senjutsu chakra in terms of physical strength he was also one of the strongest people in Naruto's history being able to incur serious damage to the multi-headed dogs that nagato was able to summon using the animal path as well as being shown lifting and throwing incredibly large Boulders not to mention when it comes to physical resilience dry also has Hitachi beat pretty bad as we've seen jariah tank in unprotected kick from Mike guy and attacks from some of the largest summoning animals in Naruto those summoned by the animal path in fact the only time prior to dry is death that even brought to the brink of death was while fighting against Naruto's foretail form and soon not it two people he didn't go all out against because he didn't want to hurt them when it comes to Ninjutsu drag I was able to use every Elemental release except for lightning that is to say he could also use yin and yang and because of this he was hailed as a Ninjutsu Master given the name the toad save now a lot of people believe that jariah's entire kit is dependent on the Toads because he would often summon gamabunta or Ma and PAW or a Toad's esophagus to swallow people whole or he would spit oil from his mouth or have a toad spit oil from its mouth and light it on fire but his Ninjutsu prowess went well beyond just that of toad jutsus he was able to grow and manipulate his hair using his Lion's main technique as he wanted they can use his hair to do anything from shoe projectiles to grab people to defend himself in all directions the defense of his Lion's main technique was even more impressive because anybody who tried to attack him got injured not to mention the fact that he completely mastered the use of the raw sank on something that very few people have been able to do and also was able to use the big ball raw sank on something that only Naruto was able to do but outside of ninjutsu jariah was also a master of Fu and juts being able to immediately deduce what Naruto's eight trigram seal was in how to release it to make it as strong as possible for Naruto and not to mention we've also seen him seal off Amaterasu before yeah that's right his control over ceiling techniques and barrier techniques was so Elite that he was able to seal Amaterasu in a scroll saying that he would study it later and on top of that Jiraiya's barrier technique was Elite as Draya basically had n from Hunter Hunter see dry has an ability called barrier canopy method formation that creates a bubble around Jiraiya this barrier is able to be extended in all directions a lot like the rotation of the hyuga clan however unlink rotation this bubble doesn't give dry a physical defense but it does sense anything that enters his bubble like end essentially makes this bubble around him a sensing technique that allows him to immediately deduce if anything or anybody is coming at him and as Jiraiya moves this bubble moves with it meaning that there's essentially no way to sneak up on Jiraiya because the second you hit his bubble he's able to react to exactly where you are but if Draya wants to take the barrier techniques once step further he has his technique barrier toad gourd prison that summons a specific type of toad from Mount mulbuko that has an insanely huge dimension in their stomach dry is able to then pull people into this Toad's stomach that's filled with corrosive stomach acid and once this enemy is trapped inside the Toad's stomach they can either be sent somewhere through reverse summoning or simply just digested by the stomach acid and only dry it as the Summoner of the toad is able to enter or leave freely when it came to simply just straight up Elemental releases like fire or Earth the scale at which dry could perform these techniques was on par with the highest level of ninja and Naruto being able to spew Fireballs as large as any Uchiha and Earth release as large as any such a kage and we haven't even mentioned Jiraiya's Sage Mode yet see jiraya is in imperfect Sage the only imperfect hode States we know of this isn't because he didn't have the body to undergo the sage mode or enough chakra it's simply because when it came to mixing nature chakra with his own he wasn't as perfect as it as Minato or Naruto however fortunately dry found a way around the shortcoming dry it would simply summon Ma and PAW two of the Elder Sage toads from Mount mumbuko and have them since they were standing still mixed nature chakra with their own chakra and pump that senjutsu chakra into jariah which actually gives jaria one of the strongest if not the strongest version of toad Sage Mode we've ever seen see dry with this mode is able to accomplish something that neither Minotaur nor Naruto is able to figure out and that is how to create senjutsu chakra while moving see the only other person who's ever been able to battle while mixing their own San juicy chakra is hashirama this is because hashirama was able to stand still on top of his wooden constructs and therefore be constantly mixing chakra and have the wood do all the moving however since dry is kind of a Close Quarters combat brawler he needed to be able to move while making senjutsu chakra and that's exactly the luxury that Mom paw forwarded him on top of this mom power able to combine their attacks with jaria to make incredibly powerful Ninjutsu combination attacks like sage art goima where Paul would use wind release jaria will use oil and Ma will use fire creating one of the most devastating fire techniques in all of Naruto on top of this mom power able to use some of the strongest genjutsu in the entirety of Naruto's Universe yes tsukiyomi included and that is demonic illusion toad confrontation chant one of the only sound based genjutsus in the show again due to so powerful it was able to place one of the Six Paths of pain in genjutsu this genjutsu is so powerful that no matter who hears it regardless of what level of skill they have or genjutsu resistance they have they will fall under the genjutsu and this genjutsu can only be undone by having one of the toad samurais Jam their Stone swords into your heart or by having the casters willingly undo it there is a reason that Jiraiya in the third Data Book had one of the highest ratings we've ever seen on the ninja in cumulative points that being 35.5 points and you know who else got 35.5 points in the third Data Book Itachi yes a live Itachi in the third Data Book and by the way we're going to be talking about a live Itachi today received 35.5 points in his appraisal as well meaning in the eyes of Kishimoto these two are equal but how equal are they is the question one of the other legendary Sunny openly admits that Itachi is stronger than it just sweet no one is just we have the body flicker hailed as one of the strongest uchias of all time openly admitted that Itachi was stronger than him Obito even goes so far as to tell Sasuke that in his final battle against Hitachi if Itachi wanted he could have killed Sasuke Itachi while restraining himself hoping to not actually hurt anybody from konua pushed Kakashi kuranai and Osama to their limits by himself however when it comes to chakra that was always hitachi's weakness see when it comes to chakra control there are few out there that are better than Itachi however Itachi suffered from a chakra ailment his entire life which meant Not only was his chakra pull significantly smaller than it should be but overusing his chakra would make his terminal illness even worse so roughly how much chakra did Itachi have this is kind of up in the air we learned from Hitachi shinden book of Dark Knight that he was able to use his Ms about five times during the Uchiha Massacre however mind you at this time he was 13 in his terminal illness wasn't nearly as bad as it would get down the line see we learned from Sasuke Jin Ryden that Hitachi was actually going to a specific Village to take medicine and eye drops that were keeping him alive as he thought she was essentially on life support for the last couple of years of his life just hoping to live long enough that Sasuke would get strong enough to kill him and without the use of these eye drops that Hitachi was getting from the Howling Wolf Village he would have died substantially earlier now this is mostly to do with this terminal illness but also the overuse of his Ms definitely sped up the speed at which he died as we know by the end of Itachi's life he was almost blind in fact we know as a adult that Itachi was only able to use his Ms ability three times in one day and after that he would be rendered pretty much useless no longer able to use the sharingano with barely enough chakra to sustain any kind of fight whatsoever now fortunately for Itachi prolonged battles were never really necessary for him as summoning his susano or using Amaterasu or placing somebody under tsukiyomi was usually good enough to end a fight like that however in situations when Hitachi has to undergo a prolonged fight he gets into some issues however his lack of chakra does not equal a lack of physicality as he thought she was able to go toe-to-toe in hand-to-hand combat with the likes of Naruto using his Jin cloak and shisuit two of the fastest ninjas in Naruto history in fact his hand seals were said to be so quick that even users of the Sharingan were able to perceive what he was doing indeed just like shitsui could use the body flicker technique now when it comes in Ninjutsu Itachi's bags a little bit smaller than jarias as he wasn't able to use Earth or lightning release however his Mastery over again released that being his Mastery over genjutsu definitely makes up for the lack of Earth release now Itachi didn't have any big or flashy summons like any of the legendary sawning or Sakura or Sasuke or Naruto but what he could summon were crows and lots of them he would often use these crows to distract his enemies or to hide in transformed Shadow clones as he would launch a murder of crows at you and then appear as one of them he could also make Shadow clones out of crows however while he is obviously proficient in Ninjutsu he he relied on other things like his shuriken Jutsu which he is believed to be the greatest user of inuchiha history with the throwing speed of a shuriken and kunai being so fast it was considered imperceptible even by those who wielded a Sharingan like Sasuke but Itachi's true strength came from his eyes see what if he touched his eyes he wielded Amaterasu a black flame that burns anything including fire until its ashes or until Itachi decides to turn it off Amaterasu is one of the fastest traveling Ninjutsu in all of Naruto though it is absolutely dodgeable we've seen it multiple times now since Itachi was a pacifist by Nature this is actually what he preferred though the Illusions he created with his genjutsu were anything but pacifistic see with the power of tsukiomi Itachi is able to dilate time to make one second 72 hours or 80 years when used against Kakashi we saw Itachi torture him for 72 hours which broke him mentally however when Itachi used his genjutsu against his girlfriend in his light novel he was able to show her her entire life before killing meaning that there's really no upper limit to the amount of time dilation that Hitachi can incur by using tsukiyomi however Itachi doesn't even need to use tsukiyomi Itachi is able to put people under complicated genjutsu simply by pointing at them and he's able to use his genjutsu at such a long range that ow the mizokage assistant believes that he can control multiple people outside of the range of an entire sensor unit meaning that Hitachi from kilometers away could place people under kenjutsu however also as a wielder of the MS Itachi also has access to things like the izanami and the izanak izanaki giving him the ability to tap into things like creation of all things and recreate his body through the use of his own imagination and give it physical form through the use of chakra allowing him to completely negate what would be his death at least twice he can also use izan Nami which allows him to place somebody under an infinite Loop of genjutsu until they realize the error of their ways he is also the wielder of the strongest incomplete susano in Naruto's history this is usano which is in Complete because he doesn't have EMS was the wielder of the totsuka blade in the Yadamir the Yadamir able to deflect all Ninjutsu and possibly genjutsu attacks as it was said to be able to reflect all physical and mental attacks and the tootsuka blade when either pierced or slashed into somebody's body seals them away in a sake gourd that contains the realm of drunken dream again Jutsu reality where you are dizzy for eternity and with all of these abilities Itachi was gifted a 35.5 while he was alive in terms of cumulative points in the third data book so both of these characters equal stats for all intents and purposes they meet each other in a battlefield with the only purpose being to kill each other who comes out on top well in order to answer this question we need to speculate how this kind of battle would shake out what Jutsu would either dry oritachi use in this battle and how could the other counter that but on top of that we need to take things like their betrayal reputation and Feats into account here to truly ascertain how strong they would be in this battle after all we've had quotes from Itachi saying that if both he and Kisame fought drier simultaneously they would either all leave very injured or just stalemate each other we've had pain say that if Dragon knew his secret that Jiraiya would have won we know pain is stronger than Hitachi you've had Kisame who is admittedly weaker than Itachi admit that he wouldn't even be able to touch jariah Benito the war hero of the third great Shinobi World War who lived at the same time as heroes in fugaku all of the legendary Sani and sakumo Hatake told Jiraiya that he is the one true Shinobi that everyone should follow and that he couldn't imagine Shinobi greater than him implying that Minato described as a once in a century genius by Tsunade might have believed that Sharia was actually stronger than him Draya the man who accomplished over a thousand missions 300 plus of those being S rank when it comes down to the portrayal of these two characters Jiraiya takes it pretty handily when it comes to Feats Itachi has easily defeated the likes of Orochimaru a legendary sawning and made a rochimaru realized that Itachi was stronger than him he fought against the strongest non-ms version of Sasuke and could have defeated him if he wanted to he was able to and a non-canon episode permanently crippled yagara the mizukage in perfect in Cherokee to hisoba he was able to protect himself from Kirin one of the strongest lightning techniques in the universe and when he was reincarnated he was able to go toe-to-toe with Kabuto who had assimilated all of the cells of the sound ninja 4 and had become a dragon sage and before that he was able to use kodo matsukame on himself to break himself out of Kabuto's control and seal the reincarnated nagito though with the help of Naruto and killer bee but dry destroyed four of the Six Paths of pain with no Intel and went toe-to-toe with Naruto in His Four Tails mode when Jiraiya was trying to not hurt him face wise I would have to say that Itachi's are slightly more impressive however the majority of his most impressive Feats did come after his death and we're talking about a live Itachi here but let's get down to with the individual abilities of each and how they would work against each other Itachi's strongest ability is his genjutsu whether that be his pointy genjutsu or tsukiyomi and when it comes to a battle against Sharia this is one of Itachi's most important weapons however the only game Jutsu that Itachi could use that would work against jariah would be tsukiyomi however tsukiyomi can only be cast through eye contact well it appears as though Itachi's pointy genjutsu doesn't require eye contact the reason this is kind of a problem for Itachi is because Draya fully understands that the tsukiyomi MS Genji to Ability is only castable through eye contact if Kakashi knew jiraya knows now if hypothetically Itachi was able to castaraya into tsukiyomi Itachi does stand a pretty good chance at winning this fight because all of the ways that Jiraiya has to counter genjutsu the most important of which being Ma and Pa who are connected to his chakra system most likely wouldn't be able to react as fast as tsukiomi occurs as tsukiyomi only really takes a second to hap however if hypothetically dry was able to avoid Itachi gays something I believe he should be able to do the only real option that Hitachi would have would be his Point again Jutsu something that Mom PA would be able to break Jiraiya out of now the reason that I believe that Draya would be able to avoid hitachi's gaze is his barrier technique and his senjutsu see we learned through Naruto using froggy Kumite something that Draya has access to and by Modera dodging Sasuke's attacks in the war while having no eyes by using hashirama Sage Mode that Sage Mode grants you an extra sensory perception akin to the sharing God add that into jariah's ability to create a barrier around him that allows him to sense exactly where any incoming projectile or person will be and there's really no reason for jariah to be looking Itachi in the eyes okay but what about Itachi's other abilities like Amaterasu but while it is absolutely true that Amaterasu Burns anything it touches until it's gone we've seen multiple times Amaterasu be aim dodged that is to say that upon realizing that Alma tarasu is being fired at them people simply have to move out of the way now this does require an insane reaction time but a reaction time that I believe leave jariah has tie that into the fact that he also has his Lion's main technique that could block amateras there's also the fact that dry has already come into contact with Amaterasu and sealed it off before and once again I would like to bring up jariah's sensing barrier that would allow him to feel any Amaterasu heading at him and give him extra time to dot now genuinely the biggest problem for jaraya would be Itachi susano as dry doesn't really have anything defense wise comparable to that of a Susana however what we're technically unsure about is whether or not the Yadamir could reflect a Rasengan see the atomier operates by matching the elemental release of whatever element is being fired at it however Rasengan especially one used by jariah has no Elemental release it is just chakra however the track record for rossen guns destroying susanos isn't great as the most comparable moment I can use for the situation is when Naruto use a big ball Rasengan against matara's susano ribcage the big ball Rasengan that Uriah has access to and Naruto using this big ball Rasengan doesn't even destroy matara's ribcage let alone pushing through a a mostly complete susano with the Yadamir however we do know that Itachi still can technically sustain damage in his Susana as he still sustained a rather substantial amount of damage by using his asano to block Kiri and Kirin otherwise would have killed it however one of the key weaknesses of Itachi susano is the fact that it's not complete now the reason that Itachi can walk with his susano is the fact that his susano doesn't continue through the ground otherwise Itachi would just be walking in his Susana and this is the case for all incomplete susanos this does however mean that Itachi technically susceptible from attacks from the ground which dry as an incredibly proficient Earth release user very much has the most specific of which being Earth release swamp of the underworld a technique that allows jaria to create a massive swamp infused with chakra and the infusing of chakra into the swamp makes the swamp incredibly sticky Raya is able to make this swamp so large that it's able to completely swallow up entire summoning snakes which means he's almost definitely able to make a swamp large enough to encap isolate Itachi Susana now mind you ifitachi were to fall into the swamp his best option would be deactivating his Susana however upon the deactivation of his susano Itachi really runs out of options see look we've already stated Itachi is able to use his Ms three times in one day meaning he could do something like try tsukiyomi three times or try amatrasu three times or Manifesto susano three times or any combination of the three and for those of you saying the dry wouldn't be able to get close enough to pull this off dry is fully capable of summoning massive toads like gamabunta much larger than Itachi susano and while Itachi susano is obviously dangerous with the totsuka blade the totsuka blade can be Perry in almost every singular giant toad summoning has a weapon that could block the blade in fact the only people we've ever seen the tootsuka blade work in the first place we're kind of just standing still as Orochimaru was slithering his way out of his eight-headed Orochi form and nagato didn't see the blade coming and since technically we know that Kirin was able to injure Itachi while he was in his susano jariah wouldn't necessarily have to go from under he could also go from over as Draya also like Irene has a very powerful attack that falls from the sky it's known as food cart Destroyer where jaria summons a massive toad that falls onto his enemy now assuming that food cart Destroyer would work on Itachi in the first place is kind of a stretch especially when you consider the fact that Kirin travels at the speed of lightning and a giant toad would simply travel at the speed of gravity pulling it towards the Earth and in the amount of time that a lightning bolt was heading editachi's head he was able to summon his susano and save his own life and when it comes to reflexes and speed Itachi's got Draya beat pretty handedly but when it comes to physical strength and stamina dryas got Hitachi beat pretty handedly so all in all who wins well when it comes down to it I believe that Jiraiya has a certain moveset and amount of physical ability that stops him from being instantly one-shotted by Hitachi that is to say that he knows not to make eye contact with Itachi and therefore tsukiyomi is out he knows how to nullify Amaterasu and Itachi susano really doesn't match up all that well against Jiraiya's moveset and considering the fact that Itachi really only gets three goes at any Ms ability I believe in a relatively protracted fight Jiraiya's got this listen I'm not saying the jaria wins 10 times out of 10. but in 10 battles I believe jaria wins six I believe in 4 out of 10 battles hitachi's incredible battle IQ allows him to either make eye contact with jariah or catch him with Amaterasu at the right time or simply seal him away with a totuka blade but when it comes down to it if Itachi comes up and gets an opponent he can't kill with one to three moves he's kind of a Sitting Duck at least while we're talking about alive Itachi now the reason I want to talk about a live Itachi and not give him his strongest form which I believe to be his edotensei for is because jariah doesn't have one of those now if Draya had been brought back during the third grade Shinobi World War I'd very happily pit them both as zombies against each other but as it currently stands I don't think that's fair so I'm gonna take them both while living but I gotta say genuinely when it comes to matchups this is one of the closest ones in all of Naruto but what do you guys think who do you think wins in this faded 1v1 tell me in the comments below and why you guys down there please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that Noti Bell listen Itachi fans did any of you sit for 12 hours and have his face blasted onto your thigh this isn't even the end of the tattoo so don't even come at me being like oh you have a Uriah sir oh you just don't want Itachi to win he always loses in your one view once I love him okay so get out of my comments foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: NCHammer 23
Views: 232,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Naruto, Anime, Manga, Naruto Shippuden, Boruto, Sasuke, Kakashi, Sharingan, Rasengan, Nine-tailed Fox, Shinobi, Jutsu, Hidden Leaf Village, Akatsuki, Ninja War, Naruto vs Sasuke, Naruto vs Pain, Naruto vs Madara, Naruto OST, Naruto Opening, Naruto Ending, Naruto AMV, Naruto Review, Naruto Analysis, Naruto Theories, Naruto Explained, Naruto Characters, Naruto Moments, Naruto Best Fights, Naruto Best Scenes, Naruto Top 10, Naruto Top 5
Id: JghsCiZjuhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 47sec (1667 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2023
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