The STRONGEST Breathing Technique

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so there is a lot of breathing techniques in demon slayer and the beauty of demon slayer is the fact that breathing techniques are not inherently stronger than each other it's just about how you use them insect breathing can be just as powerful as flame breathing if used in the right hands and while some people might think that stone breathing is one of the strongest techniques out there that's only because guillaume is the person who uses it every breathing technique regardless of the technique is up to the skill of the person using it the only difference in skill techniques is how you learn them because they are inherently different techniques however this world does have one exception and that one exception is sun breathing now sun breathing for those of you who are anime only is something we've seen briefly we know that tundra is beginning to train on it however for those of you who have finished the manga you'll know that sun breathing is unequivocally the strongest breathing form but why is sun breathing the strongest breathing form how was it created and what is its story and most importantly how did it end in tanjiro's hands before i answer all those questions and more in a spoiler-free way guys please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that notification and if you want to answer the age-old question of how much nick content can you consume guys please for me follow my two other youtube pages one of which ncgamer23 where instead of talking anime i play video games and the other hammers collection where instead of talking anime i just build things from anime by the way if you notice anything different with my backdrop guys please drop a comment it's gonna be a little easter egg for this video so sun breathing also known as hinokamikagura or the dance of the fire god what is it is it just stronger flame breathing or is it something entirely different well before we get into what sun breathing is we're gonna start these videos in the way that we usually start these videos at the beginning you see sun breathing was created 500 years before the timeline of demon slayer this was during the sengoku era aka the 1300s this era is also referred to as the golden age of demon slayers you see sun breathing was created by a very important man in the demon slayer universe kind of like the hagoromo of the demon slayer universe in that he was the strongest demon slayer ever born this man was named yurichi tsujikuni and he had a twin brother michikatsu that'll be important later you see in the sengoku era having twins was actually a bad omen they figured one child would turn out evil and one child would turn out good and unfortunately for yurichi he was born with a weird mark on his forehead while michikatsu was born completely regular so yurishi's father said he would kill yurichi in order to prevent him from ever growing up to be evil however yurichi's mother flew to yurichi's side and said no don't kill him we'll just send him to live with the monks when he turns 10. however as you probably know that odd mark on yurichi's head wasn't a curse it was actually a demon slayer mark and not just any demon slayer mark the most powerful demon slayer mark of all time see because while a standard demon's layer mark may increase your physical prowess and your perception for urichi was that times two yes richie like every other person with a demon slayer mark got better physical prowess and perception but on top of that he also got access the transparent world the first person ever mind you to have access to transparent world now the question becomes for those of you who haven't read the entirety of the manga what is transparent world and don't worry none of this is spoilers it's kind of just explaining power systems that come along later transparent world is a bit like x-ray essentially those who have access to transparent world can see into the bodies of everyone and not like x-ray glasses where you can see through people's clothes no they can see your organs and your muscles and your blood and your arteries and because people who have access to transparent worlds can see your muscles and all of your organs they can predict what you're gonna do essentially they can see how your muscles are contracting and predict exactly where you're gonna go with your strike and because of this those with transparent world access kind of have an extra sensory perception but it's also very important should somebody have oh i don't know more than one heart think of kakuzo from naruto being able to use transparent world on him would show you exactly where all five of his vital organs are and that's important for later on however yuriji's parents didn't know they had access to transparent world or that he was physically stronger than his brother michikatsu so he was fed poorer food than michikatsu and kept in a really small room because yoruichi was raised so poorly he never spoke and therefore everyone thought he was deaf and because everyone thought he was deaf akino yoruichi's mother not akanov from high school dxd though she is technically half demons so she could fit into this universe so she is also a half angel so he would have to address now that there's angels and that's the whole thing regardless akano yurichi's mother made urowichi hanafuda earrings see akano made these hanafuda earrings so that the gods would bless uruichi with the ability to speak now hanafuda for those of you who aren't studied up on japanese lore is one of the first card games well really ever unfortunately though there is a little bit of historical disconnect between demon slayer and reality here because hanafuda was introduced to the japanese by the portuguese in the 16th century which would be about the 1500s aka smackdab in the middle of the sengoku period however uruichi was said to exist 500 years before the timeline of demon slayer which would put him somewhere in the 1300s at the latest the early 1400s regardless of historical context i really don't understand how hanafuda earrings would draw the attentions of the gods considering there was no religious aspect of hanafuda it was just card game but whatever it's a show about killing demons why am i looking this far into it back to yurichi and maybe these earrings actually worked because when yurichi turned seven he smiled and spoke for the first time and he declared that he was gonna become a samurai just like his brother machikatsu when she got to kind of laugh this off because he knew that his brother was gonna be sent to the temple when he was 10. only three years from now however one of the men that was training michikatsu that worked for michikatsu's father decided to humor yurichi and showed yurichi a basic stance however once yurichi got a sword in his hand and knew the basic stance flew at the man and landed four blows on him immediately this is a seven year old fighting a full-grown man mijikatsu by the way had never successfully landed even one blow on this man however yuriji didn't like the feeling of hitting somebody with a sword and so he instantly renounced his idea of becoming a samurai michikatsu was blown away and curious as to how yurichi managed to land all of these blows and essentially what yurichi explained to him was a rudimentary explanation of the first ever breathing technique unfortunately things kind of get worse for the brothers here pretty quickly akano once again not the half demon half angel their mother passes away from illness and when she passes away yurichi sneaks into michikatsu's room to bid him farewell because he's leaving the house and he wanted to bid his brother farewell and after yurichi leaves michikatsu realizes a couple of things about him one yurichi leaves his diary which reveals to michikatsu that yurichi could see his mother's illness weakening her left side this is why throughout the entire duration of their childhood yurichi was clutching onto her left side he was trying to help to support her he could see this because he always had access to transparent world so we could see the muscles in her left side weakening and secondly he found out through this diary that his father was gonna name yurichi the heir you see his father had been very impressed with yurichi's ability to pick up swordsmanship so quickly but if yahrichi is the heir that means michikatsu is getting sent to the temple so yurichi ran from the compound to make sure michikatsu got to live the life that he should and while most people would find that incredibly nice and beautiful michikatsu is a bit of a sasuke and instead of having the regular human response to being like oh my god that's one of the nicest things anybody could ever do for anybody ever he decides to hate yuriji urichi then runs away from the compound for one full day in one full night straight into the mountains he then stays away from the compound for 10 full years and i'm not going to tell you why he decides to pick up a sword again because it is a spoiler but uh he picks up a sword again specifically to kill demons and this is actually where he bumps back into his brother michikatsu you see michikatsu had become a samurai and was in a samurai encampment when a demon strolled into their samurai encampment and killed literally everyone but him who's at this point that uruichi saved michikatsu once again essentially uruichi comes upon the slaughter and he sees the demon and kills it effortlessly he then apologizes to michikatsu that he wasn't there quicker and for the death of his men it was at this point that yurichi and michikatsu became demon slayers you see yurichi was an incredibly talented demon slayer because he had accidentally created sun breathing but if somebody can create sun breathing accidentally it shouldn't be that hard to pass it along right wrong urichi tried to teach sun breathing to many other demon slayers but nobody could match his technique perfectly cuz nobody else had access to transparent worlds but uruichi wasn't fazed by this he adapted sun breathing to every single one of his disciples creating water wind flame stone enlightening breathing thunder breathing it should be lightning breathing and then the best of these demon slayers in their respective breathing techniques became a hashira so what did michikatsu learn well he couldn't learn sun breathing just like the rest of them because once again no access to transparent world i mean there's other factors into sun breathing that aren't transparent world but trust me transparent world helps a lot but michikatsu didn't learn one of those five techniques no he actually created his own technique just like his brother his technique was called moon breathing that is as far as i'm going to go into the backstory of yurichi we'll do it you know nothing about him at some point but that'll be a more spoiler forward episode basically all you need to know is that yurichi accidentally made sun breathing and because nobody else could learn it every other breathing technique was created by him except for moon breathing and i guess all later iterations like insect breathing and beast breathing those were technically created by other people but they are based off the breathing techniques he created i lied we actually have to talk about your richie a little more urichi goes through a lot as a demon slayer and eventually is kind of exiled and once you get exiled from your life scaling you're going to have a lot on your mind so in order to clear his head he went to go talk with his only friends suyaku and sumiyoshi whose last name happens to be what commodore yorichi asks suyaku to perform the techniques of sun breathing and much to yurichi surprise syaku could do them with so much grace that yurichi actually thought tsuyaku was a spirit and not a human and sumiyoshi watched suyaku use these techniques with wonder and after urichi had cleared his head after a couple of days with the commodores he gave his hanafuda earrings to some yoshi suyaku and sumiyoshi realizing this is the last time they would ever see yorice he called out to him as he was walking away and said that they would preserve his techniques throughout the generations of their family out of respect to him so these great great great great ancestors of tanjiro received their hanufuda earrings from yurichi which were gifted to him so he could receive the gift of speech from the gods and the hinokami kagura was passed down as respect to a man who saw no worth in himself and that's why tonjiro's father would dance the hinokami kagura and that's why tanjiro picked it up but what is sun breathing really i mean we've talked about the history of it now and how it got to tanjuro but what is it we know that sun breathing is reliant on one strike over the head attacks we know that water breathing is about bending your elbows in wrists in a flowing consecutive motion we know that insect breathing is about jabbing your opponent with a needle filled with wisteria poison but inherently what is sun breathing well sun breathing has 12 forms but these 12 forms don't fall into one category like with insect breathing or fire breathing they are not just thrusts or singular attacks sun breathing is considered the perfect mix of offense in defense and therefore all other breathing techniques are based off of this technique therefore every other breathing technique you've seen throughout the duration of demon slayer you can see in sun breathing and the mangaka actually does an incredible job with this say for example sun breathing's eighth form sunflower thrust this is exactly what it sounds like a singular thrust of the tip of the blade but this is reminiscent of insect breathing or look at sun breathing's sixth form fun fact about nick he can't say the word sixth i know it's supposed to be six but every time i try to say it it just comes out sixth regardless the form after the fifth one is called solar heat haze and this is an attack where the user charges at you and launches a slash at you that appears as though it's covered in haze and even though the slash appears to not land it actually does and this is reminiscent of mist breathing essentially by moving in an unpredictable manner at high speeds you can make your blade seem as though it's somewhere it's not or sun breathing's 10th form fire wheel which is just water wheel with fire essentially every single technique is wrapped into sun breathing because every technique was taken out of sun breathing people weren't able to learn the entirety of sun breathing from urichi but they were able to take small bits from it and build an entire breathing technique based off that bit that is how all encompassing sun breathing is you can take 10 of it and build an entire breathing technique based off that 10 but there's something else that's special about sun breathing there is 12 unique techniques in each of these 12 techniques is their own attack like a thrust or a slash or a circle but unlike every other breathing technique there is an additional technique that doesn't have its own individual move what do i mean by that it's a good question the 13th technique of sun breathing essentially takes all 12 of the sun breathing techniques and uses them in consecutive fashion essentially think of the 13th technique like looking at the other 12 techniques and reading them off a list euroichi would use the first technique then the second technique then the third technique and so on and so forth all in consecutive in flowing motion and by using all of these techniques in a consecutive fashion you can do them with more agility accuracy and less fatigue but was this technique just created so you could use a bunch of sword techniques really quickly i mean sort of but the number 12 is also very important you see this 13th technique was created to kill one person in one person alone muzon see muzon has 12 vital organs seven hearts in five brains and these seven hearts in five brains are actually always moving around his body hinosuke isn't the only person who can rearrange his guts so by combining all 12 breathing techniques of sun breathing in a consecutive fashion you would be able to destroy all 12 of muzon's vital organs and this 13th form is the hinokami kagura essentially the dance of the commodores do is this 13th form it is a combination of the 12 techniques of sun breathing done in repetition and this is why the commodores could do it all night long even if they were sickly like tonjiro's father because once again by combining these 12 techniques and using breathing techniques it would reduce fatigue massively essentially making you able to spam this 13th technique over and over and over again so while the commodores weren't necessarily practicing individual techniques they were practicing all 12 of them at once and what's a really cool little fun fact here is that the hinokamikagura is actually inspired by shinto mythology yes kishimoto isn't the only person who takes inspiration from japanese folklore you see the kagura ritual was actually created when amaterasu the goddess of the sun retreated into a cave and since she was the goddess of the sun her retreating into a cave cast the entire world into darkness the world being cast into darkness for those of you who live in your basements would be a very bad thing well it seems like fun at first it's not so in order to save the world ami no uzume the goddess of revelry and dawn hatched a plan amino uzume danced outside of the cave in order to entice amit rasu out of it and from this dance the kagura was born you see the kagura in japan is a ritualistic dance in order to serve honor to the gods specifically the sun god and if you can't see the connection there then there's nothing i can do for you that's it basically everything you need to know about sun breathing in the most spoiler-free way i could do unfortunately there's going to be some spoiler-esque things but that's only just so i can give you exposition on what i'm talking about i avoided deaths and plot twists and all of that so you should be good if anything you're just better informed now and if you feel better about being better informed guys please once again for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that note about listen well a lot of people might think that akano is the best girl from high school dxd and i can't fault them for that you're absolutely tripping if you don't think it's zenovia i'm sorry [Music] [Music]
Channel: NCHammer 23
Views: 117,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: weeb, weeb alliance, nchammer23, twitch, anime, breathing techniques, demon slayer, sun breathing, tanjiro, yuriichi, muzan, water breathing, flame breathing, thunder breathing, moon breathing, insect breathing
Id: n38edifITWQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 42sec (1002 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 07 2022
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