The Story Of Kokushibo: UPPER RANK ONE (Demon Slayer)

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roughly 500 years ago during the sengoku period a boy named michikatsu tsugikuni was born he had a twin brother yorichi who was destined to be sent to a temple when he turned 10 due to his odd birthmark yurichi and michikatsu grew up very differently yurichi being confined to a small room separated from the rest of the house and kept away from his brother michikatsu who snuck behind their father's back to see his brother pity yorichi who was thought to be deaf and clung to his mother's side whenever michikatsu saw her at some point he gave yurichi a flute he had made as a gift around when michikatsu was seven he was practicing sword swings while his brother watched it was then that yurichi spoke for the first time shocking michikatsu however yurichi's declaration of his goal to become a samurai like his brother was dismissed as he would soon be sent to a temple nonetheless yurichi continued to watch michikatsu's training and one day one of their father's men offered to give yurichi some instruction though he only showed yorishi a basic stance the boy was able to land four blows on the man this incident bewildered michikatsu who had never before landed a blow and he begged his brother to teach him his secret to michikatsu's disappointment mirici only expressed his distaste for combat and stated that he no longer wanted to become a samurai once however yurichi mentioned that before he took a stance he breathed deeply examining his bone alignment muscle contraction and blood flow implying an early form of the sun breathing style that yurichi would later adopt this conversation caused michikatsu to realize that for yurichi the bodies of living things were transparent causing him to pursue mastery of the blade with renewed intensity before we continue any further we want to thank raid shadow legends for sponsoring this video if you've heard of raid you know it's got a ton of champions over 600 now but it's also got a ton of badass bosses that fight in totally unique 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silver one energy refill one xb boost and one ancient shard so you can summon awesome champions as soon as you get in game the rewards will be waiting for you here as michikatsu studied the sword he felt envious of his brother who he felt was squandering his natural physical talent he also feared that now that their father likely knew about yurichi's immense potential their roles would be swapped and he would be the ones sent to the temple in yurichi's place yurichi recognized this as well the night that their mother finally succumbed to her illness he came to michikatsu's room at three in the morning to tell his brother the news and bid him farewell as he planned to leave for the temple before their father could make yurichi the family's new successor yorichi expressed gratitude to his brother and fondly held the flute that michikatsu had given him earlier michikatsu however was irritated wondering how yurichi could treasure a flute that couldn't even play in tune and watched his brother depart while saying nothing his jealousy of his brother only grew when he read his mother's diary following her death which revealed that yurichi had known everything about their mother's illness and had planned accordingly from then on michikatsu resented yurichi who he realized to be not only physically gifted but a genius as well he wished for his brother's death and for the next few years not hearing anything from him he believed it to be true ten years later michikatsu became a samurai and married a woman who gave birth to two of his children one night a demon attacked his camp and left him the only survivor but was quickly killed by urichi who came to his rescue and apologized for not being able to save his subordinates seeing the object of his hatred again and twisted by jealousy michikatsu abandoned his family and became a demon slayer to train with yurichi he saw his brother attempt to teach the other demon slayers his own breathing technique without success regardless he altered them to suit their own strength creating the first breathing techniques eventually michikatsu awakened a demon slayer mark and developed a breathing style derived from the sun breathing known as the moon breathing despite this accomplishment it left a bitter taste as it was still not as powerful as yurichi's own sun breathing as a demon slayer michikatsu was often prideful in the uniqueness of their generation but was irritated by his brother's optimism when he brought up the fact that the bear had no successors in line for their unique breathing styles the sun breathing and moon breathing frustrated from being unable to surpass his brother as well as fearing the faded death of those who awakened to their demon slayer marks michikatsu was persuaded by muzan kibutsuji and became a demon taking the name kokushibo because he was also a breathing user it took him three days to fully transform into a demon eventually he became the upper rank one of the twelve kizuki remaining at that rank for hundreds of years while his original name was lost to history sixty years after becoming a demon he came face to face with yurichi for the last time yurichi was devastated by his decision to transform whereas kokushibo became disgusted seeing his younger twin now aged and decrepid as well as infuriated upon realizing he defied the fate of all marked demon slayers by being far older than 25 years of age seeing yurichi cry shocked kokushibo as it was the first time he had shown emotion in his presence confusing him wishing to erase his human past he knew he had to kill his younger brother despite his old age and apparent blindness yorishi's fighting stance in preparation to strike frightened kokushibo who realized that his immense skill and power were still present despite gripping his blade in anticipation yurichi had already struck and sliced across his neck kokushibo became angry seeing his brother's strength had not weakened in the slightest and waited for a return strike despite knowing it would certainly kill him yurichi never had the chance to cut kokushibo's head entirely off dying due to old age while standing up at that moment kokoshibo became truly furious seeing that his continually excelling brother had appeared before him having transcended everything and died of old age instead of losing a battle as well as knowing that even muzon couldn't lay a scratch on yurichi his one chance at a fair battle is now gone and his brother remains undefeated forever enraged by the feeling of inferiority he slashed orichi's body in half but inadvertently broke the flute he gave him as a child seeing that he still thought highly of him even after his transformation kokoshibo couldn't help but shed a tear unable to truly sever his bond with his brother he decided to keep the flute for himself kokushibo was summoned to a meeting of the upper ranks arriving before all of his colleagues he silently sat facing a wall only speaking when his presence was acknowledged by the biwa demon and revealing that muzon had arrived muzon revealed the death of gyutaro berating kokushibo and his fellow upper ranks for being unable to destroy the ubi yashiki family and failing to find the blue spider lily kokushibo admitted that he had nothing to say in his defense as kagaya ubu yashiki had cleverly hidden himself after akaza brutally destroyed doma's head kokushibo covertly sliced off the former's hand stating he had gone too far he explained to doma that he had not interfered for his benefit but for the preservation of the hierarchy of the upper ranks system he then told the kaza to arrange for a blood battle if he wanted to take doma's position asking him if he understood what he was being told akasa acknowledged this fact promising to kill the high-ranking upper rank which kokoshibo wished him luck before departing during a meeting of the hashira reporting the appearance of strange marx amman ubu yashiki recalls that these marks were common among a select few users of the original breathing style kokushibo having been one of those few kagaku remembers his encounter with kokushiba while engaging zanitsu then kokoshibo overwhelmed him and he quickly surrendered but he decided to give kaigaku a second chance and offered him a large amount of muzon's blood hoping muzon would accept him so he could take a place among the upper ranks kokoshibu told the demon slayer to be grateful for his gift but threatened to behead him should he spill a drop following akaza's death kokoshibo is seen alone murmuring how akaza had abandoned his path to reach further heights and how he had failed to defeat kokushibo and reprimanded him for how weak he is shortly after moichiro tokito is transported to the same room as kokoshibo kokoshibo then comments you came demon slayer for some reason you seem familiar he then deduces that moichiro is a descendant of a child he left behind after becoming a demon he also deduces that his human surname of tsugikuni has died out over the generations after moichiro calms himself down and performs various styles from the missed breathing his demon slaying mark appears kokoshibo then compliments how accomplished moichiro is as a swordsman at such a young age kokoshibo states that it must be due to the powerful blood he passed down although moichiro dismisses such claims after some more battling kokoshibo manages to cut off moyeshiro's arm moishiro quickly tightens his arm to stop the bleeding greatly impressing kokoshibo however moyuchiro is effortlessly defeated when kokoshibo impales him with his own sword kokoshibo then offers moyiichiro the opportunity to become a demon and be of use to that man this discussion is however interrupted by genya shooting his nichiren gun kokushibo effortlessly avoids the gunshot appearing behind genya and then proceeding to cut off both his arms and his torso in half commenting that hmm i see you're the one who's been eating demons huh however he realizes that genya is unlike the other imitation demon from 300 years ago and that the way to kill him is the same way regular demons are killed by chopping off their head before he has the opportunity to do this genya is saved by his brother sanami after genya apologizes for everything he's done to sanami kokoshibu states brothers and demon slayers that brings back memories sanomi and kokoshibo then begin their intense duel with kokoshibo being slightly taken aback at the skill of the wintashira however he retains his composure and states that he wouldn't be able to survive if his senses weren't honed from long experience this goes on for some time with kokoshipo even stating that long ago in the sengoku era he gained a lot of experience fighting against a similarly strong wind shira kokoshibo then gets a good enough cut on sonomy stating that moving would lead to his entrails spilling out sanomi proceeds to laugh hysterically boasting the fact that he had marechi blood sonomy uses his abnormal body and breathing skills to control his muscles to coagulate the blood and stop the bleeding as much as possible after some struggling and kokoshibo showing glee at the opportunity to fight such a skilled swordsman he was about to deal a finishing blow until giome the stone hashira arrived kokoshiba was unable to retain himself openly stating that he admired guilleme's peak physical form following an intense back and forth battle guillaume reveals his trump card he meant to save for muzon his demon slaying mark kokoshibo then confirms that he too has the demon-slaying mark almost showing sympathy towards guillme he reveals the caveat of the demon slaying mark without exception the marked ones die before they reach the age of 25 stating that the mark reduces life expectancy and that guillme should be dead by the end of the night since he's 27 years old after an existential discussion of what it means to be a demon slayer and a human kokoshibo offers guillme an opportunity to become a demon so he can survive and continue to hone his craft the same way he has giome outright rejects the offer and states that kokoshibo stated one falsehood there must have been someone who lived past the age of 25 after reviewing their mark kokoshibo then appears to be somewhat shaken but the two continue their intense battle after sonomy manages to stitch his wound he rejoins the fray as the two now face kokoshibo in a two-on-one battle kokoshibo notes with surprise the ease with which they are able to cooperate despite being users of two different breaths the three of them continue their battle until suddenly sonomy and giome are cut by what appears to be an elongated sword with three blades extending from the sides two from one side and one on the other kokoshibu now appears to be completely serious in his encounter angrily stating you merely shredded my kimono not even enough to kill an infant once i dispatch you two the rest will proceed easily implying that giome and sanomi are the two most powerful demon slayers in the current generation in the meantime moyichiro manages to free himself from the pillar with a little life left in him he helps kenya by reattaching his body and feeding him a clump of kokoshibo's hair genya then feels power he's never felt before but more importantly appears to directly hear muzon's voice asking kokoshibo how many hashira he has defeated indicating that muzon is likely still incapacitated by the initial explosion and the blood demon art tamayo performed on him the battle then begins to pick up kokoshibo's attacks increasing with both intensity and frequency he is able to sever two of tsunami's fingers and both swordsmen are reduced to putting all of their efforts into simply avoiding his attacks right as it seems that sonomy is about to lose moichiro rejoins the battle saving the other hashira just in time genya who is hiding from the battle behind a wall recalls a conversation he had with tandro about being the weakest person in a battle and motivated by this swallows a broken piece of kokoshibo's blade in order to gain its abilities the advantage seems to again shift to kokoshipo but in an unexpected turn of events giome is able to sever the upper rank's right arm while morechiro stabs him through the torso immobilizing him while genya unleashes a barrage of bullets on the demon using his gun which he altered using his own cells in a similar manner to the kokoshipo's sword the bullets embedded into the demon's flesh then erupt into trees completely trapping him as giome and sanomi rush in to finish him off the sensation disturbs kokushibo who is reminded of an encounter from 400 years ago in which yoricci was able to land a hit on his neck something that no one managed to accomplish since then enraged by the thought of being defeated kokoshibo sprouts multiple blades from his body and severely injures all demon slayers still the four charge onwards undeterred as moyechiro's blade turns red seemingly seeing kokoshibo's organs genya unleashes another blood demon art rooting another tree in kokoshipo's back while gyome lands a blow on kokoshibo's head with his flail and sonomy rushes in with his sword their weapons all begin to turn red and struck with thoughts of his brother kokoshibo marvels at how the demon slayers who came after them have risen up to surpass them however wonder soon gives way to rage as kokoshibo's head is cut off and to the horror of the four demon slayers kokoshibo regrows it kokoshibo begins to celebrate boasting to himself that now he has conquered death by beheading any attacks thrown at him are now rendered meaningless however his triumph gives way to disbelief when he sees himself in the reflection of sonomy's blade his new form is monstrous with tusks and spikes protruding from his head face and back disgusted by his new appearance he recalls his original motivation to be the strongest samurai in the country and wonders if the path he has taken is what he really wanted while he reflects on his motivations gyome is able to crush his head with his flail again beheading kokushibo the upper rank attempts to regenerate but to his disbelief his flesh begins to crumble away and he is rendered unable to use his blood demon art as a result of moichiro's red blade stuck in his body as he falls to the ground disintegrating he reflects bitterly that he only wanted to be like yorichi he realizes that the one thing he wanted to forget so badly he can remember vividly yurichi's face while his life flashed before him he admits that he abandoned everything and in the end has achieved nothing by killing his only remaining blood relative and betraying his samurai code in his final moments he questioned why he was ever born calling to his brother for an answer before fading away completely and leaving only his broken flute behind click on this video where we explain the entire story of yorichi tsugikuni
Channel: Yeagerists
Views: 1,228,868
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: demon slayer, kimetsu no yaiba, kokushibo, upper rank one, upper rank 1, yoriichi, demon slayer strongest demon, michikatsu tsugikuni, demon moons, yeagerists, kokushibo vs gyomei, kokushibo vs sanemi, kokushibo vs yoriichi
Id: knAYWDXkeA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 54sec (954 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 25 2022
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