WHAT IF Fugaku became The 4th Hokage?

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so on this page we tend to do informational content or theories sometimes but usually even our theories are largely based in fact i think any good theory should be largely based in fact recently we actually did a video the first of its kind on this page which was a what if in that what if was what if brock lee gained the favor of lord joshine and got immortality now people really enjoyed this video and they liked my logical approach to explaining the story so that's kind of a green light to me at least to do more what-if videos and i would say today's what if is arguably one of the biggest what-ifs that you could do with naruto i mean this one event arguably rewrites the entirety of naruto and what's funny about that is it's something that seems relatively minor but before we get into nick trying to rewrite the entirety of naruto guys please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that notification there's tons of what-ifs that get thrown around by the fan base all of the time what if obito was never crushed by the rock what if minotau never died what if hitachi chose not to slaughter his whole clan there's a lot of branching paths that could have been taken that just simply weren't in naruto but there's an event to me technically an event we never truly see that has a huge implication on the story of naruto i put a headband on i don't like the way my forehead looks right now this event is the election of the fourth hokage see we all know that the fourth hokage was minotau right he served for like two or three years he forgets who the king of this household is it's me what if i told you that minotau being elected as the fourth hokage was one of the single most terrible things to ever happen to konoha now it's by far and away not menito's fault he was elected the fourth hokage and he was actually an incredible choice to be the fourth hokage i would venture to say that he was even possibly the correct choice to be the fourth hokage but his election started a domino effect of very negative events and this what if deals with the what if the other person who was up to run for the fourth hokage ship was elected yes the what if we're talking today is what if fugaku uchiha was elected the fourth hokage before we get to talking about this what if we should talk about the precursor to the election of the fourth hokage hirozin obviously was the third hokage and he was the hokage for both the second and third great shinobi world wars and while he rose in emotionally stood fast during the second great shinobi world war and willed his country into a victory the third shinobi world war was a bit different for him the third shinobi world war was the bloodiest conflict in ninja history and it went on for a very long time so long in fact that eventually hirozin just wanted it to be over so here zin wanted to go to the other villages to talk peace but that's not what danzo in large parts of the villages wanted because effectively kodoha was winning so a lot of war-hungry konohanians led by donzo basically insist that heroes in not give up the war essentially they stated with how much we've lost in terms of people and comrades and all of this we should keep pressing the offensive so here is in stepped down as third hokage in order to take on the burden of all those lost souls onto himself essentially he wanted to appease everybody and give them a common enemy in himself so konawa could leave the war telling you man oh gee harrison was a really good guy shapuden i don't know what happened kishimoto just decided he didn't like heroes anymore and then obviously after heroes and steps down they need to fill his position at the current time there was three people maybe four that could be considered for this role the first was darya jraya got asked to be the hokage three to four separate times i don't remember the exact answer and every single time he said no so drya wasn't an option the next up after drya was minito obviously minito was single-handedly responsible for beating back the hidden stone village essentially after the hidden stone in the hidden leaf decided they didn't want to fight anymore anoki was like let's give it one last shot and sent a thousand shinobi all of which minotau killed by himself so he was a third great shinobi world's war hero the third option was orochimaru this is actually who hirozin wanted to be hokage as heroes and raise the rochimaru but he didn't choose hirochimaru on account of the fact that he saw rochimaru going down a very dark path and the fourth option and the option we're going to be exploring today is fugaku uchiha fugaku uchiha for those of you who aren't caught up on their uchiha family trees was hitachi and sasuke's father you see fugaku was the current head of the uchiha family arguably the strongest family in konoha at the time and he like minito was also a hero of the third great shinobi world war a war where he actually gained the nickname wikitai fugaku you see at least in anime canon fugaku has a mangikyo sharon gone we never saw it in the manga but we saw it in the anime he tells hitachi he got it when he saw one of his friends die on the battlefield so fugaku is incredibly powerful is he solo a thousand shinobi sent from the hidden stone powerful we don't necessarily know today is not about power scaling fugaku uchiha it's about wondering what the political implications would have been should he have been elected as the fourth hokage so now that the premise is set let's get into the what if territory fortunately actually in terms of events in naruto this is a rather late one which means a lot of things would be somewhat similar like the fact that the uchiha would still be in charge of the police force toby rama was the person who assigned the uchihas to control the police force now this was done both to keep them occupied and because tobirama thought they would be really good at it but something that wouldn't have happened is that the uchihas wouldn't have been moved to the outskirts of the village basically every time we see the uchihas they're in their own little section of the village and this was done by hirozin well more specifically danzo they were moved because they were suspected to be the people behind karama being unleashed but the thing is if fugaku uchiha was elected as the fourth hokage the unleashing of karama would have been drastically different it still would have happened mind you just because fugac was elected doesn't mean obito is not going to do his own stuff away from the village but essentially one of the biggest mistakes made on the night of kurama's unleashing is the fact that danzo and the two other village elders told hirozin to not let the chihas near karam essentially danzo specifically told hirozin to make the uchihas watch the border of the village aka keep them far away from the battle because we don't know whether or not they're in charge of kurama and if they were the people who released him specifically they were curious about fugaku whose ms was so strong people theorized it would be able to control something like karama and the president is there considering the fact that modera another ms wielder had used kurama to fight hashirama like 50 years ago but if fugaku was the hokage a he wouldn't have been with kushina on the night of the attack because obviously minotau would be with kushina and b hirozin wouldn't have been in charge of the village because the only reason that hirozin was in a position to make choices for the village is because minotau was away so hirozin became like sudo hokage but fugaku would have been in the office and therefore fugaku would have been like no i'm not doing this obviously i'm right here we're sending the uchiha in to suppress the nine tails in more likely than not fugaku would have gone himself obviously donzo and the village elders would have been upset about this but that's the hokage he can do what he wants so the true difference in this night would have came in the fact that minotau would be fighting against obito that hasn't changed but after minot defeats obito he wouldn't have to go fight karama because fukaku and his wicked eye sharingan in the rest of the uchiha would be countering the genjutu placed on karama in fact it's not wild to assume that they would a be able to undo the genjutsu on karama but b place him under a new separate genjutsu obviously obito's genjutsu was almost kodua matsukame level but here's the thing about both obito's genjutsu and koto amatsukame both can be broken out of relatively easily as long as you see somebody is under that genjutsu either koto or obitos you can break them out of it just like you would any other genjutsu we've seen this on both yagura and mifune then any other uchiha with a genjutsu specialization could have put kerama under a genjutsu and while karama was pacified they could have resealed karama into kushina and i know you're saying will nick if they reseal karama in dekushina well naruto doesn't get karama and you're right resealing karama into kushina is by far the most logical thing to do in the scenario hey she's a full-blooded uzumaki b she was picked specifically to be karama's in cherokee and see if you do not reseal krama into her she dies so now not only has cushing kushina's life been saved by resealing all of kurama into her minito is still alive because minotau didn't need to use reaper death seal see in the moment the only thing that minito could do in order to seal karama was a hail mary but if minotau had had the support of the uchihas and specifically fukaku in his fight against kurama he very easily could have just sealed kramen the way they've been stealing karama for decades the thing is minotau knows the eight trigram seal kushina taught it to him so he could have just redone kushina's eight trigram seal on her belly and then we're all good but we're already way off course of the naruto story naruto's not a jin cherokee and both parents are alive hell technically the only people who have died would be a fair amount of just kind of npc villagers but that's it and even the amount of villagers that would have died would be significantly less than in the true naruto storyline because kurama would be dealt with way quicker so if the uchihas are allowed to help in the battle against kurama and they have haven't uchiha in office there would be significantly less uchiha unrest here's the thing i'm not going to talk about this storyline like all the uchiha unrest would be gone because it wouldn't be ugaku was widely beloved in the uchiha clan but the uchiha unrest has been going since the formation of konawa essentially mataro was afraid that the uchihas would slowly be suppressed within konoha and while in the beginning everybody didn't agree with this take and essentially kicked modera out slowly but surely they realized it was happening to them so all throughout the duration of the first second and third hokage dumbs i guess there was uchiha unrest growing just getting a couple of things to go your way isn't gonna quell all of that that being said the coup would be on indefinite hiatus which would mean that there would be no uchiha massacre yet and if there's less growing unrest in the uchiha clan that means more likely than not itachi wouldn't be distanced from the uchiha clan you see itachi was brought to a third great shinobi world war battlefield when he was four years old by fugaku and he was six when karama attacked i'll explain why this is important essentially that means there's two years or less between the end of the third grade shinobi world war and karama attacking which is why we know minotaut served for one to two years this is important in terms of the scope of hitachi because essentially the uchiha unrest would start to settle when he was four or five because that's when fukaku would be elected as the fourth great hokage so itachi a pacifist since the moment his father brought him to a battlefield of the third great geneva world war littered with dead bodies wouldn't see the uchihas ramping up for violence which wouldn't push him out and separate him from the uchiha clan like we see in the main naruto storyline but it wouldn't change the fact that hitachi would be incredibly talented in the same thing for shishwii because shizui was also a spy for danzo the faction was kind of the person who inspired itachi to be a spy for donzo for konoha so shisui and itachi would still enter the ombu and even possibly the root more likely than not danzo would be recruiting them a to be spies on the ugg clan that he still doesn't trust even though fugaku is technically his boss and b because they're incredibly talented and that brings us to talking about somebody who is not going to change at all if fugaku is the hokage gonzo you see the uchiha massacre is basically formulated by don so he's the reason it happens danto essentially used karama being unleashed on konawa as a trigger to launch the uchiha massacre see danzo always wanted the sharingan he wanted to use it to increase his power and also to do research on it but he also understood that the uchiha as a clan were very powerful and therefore posed a threat to the konawa hierarchy gonzo knew if the uchiha clan got together and fought against the hierarchy of konoha it would be a very bloody and very difficult battle for both sides so he wanted them gone but the problem is that the uchiha unrest that he was stoking in order to get them to plant a coup is now tied down and i know you're saying well nick fugaku probably wouldn't support the route fugaka would probably understand that donzo was trying to access clan and basically cut all funding to it but here's the thing the route has never needed konoha in fact after the ucha massacre when hirozin figures out it was donzo who was the one who caused it he tells danzo the root's over you can't do this anymore and danto's like oh no whatever will i do and then just turns around and goes back to the root because rude shinobi report to danzo not the hokage so without the leverage to use karama being unleashed to stoke unrest donzo would need a new way to kill off you chihas and here's the thing remember how i said uchiha unrest existed before fugaku became hokage well that plays an important role for the role of shishwii and there was a couple of people instrumental in causing the uchiha downfall and it's the same people who are instrumental in the original storyline see shizui would have been old enough to see the uchiha unrest before fugaku became hokage so when you combine the fact that he was both incredibly talented and opposed to the coup that's why donzo recruited him so even in the timeline where for gaku is now the hokage don zou and shishway have a working relationship a working relationship that would also most likely tie hitachi in because hitachi and chisholm are best friends so even in the fugaku timeline hitachi and shishway more likely than not would be working for donzo as spies so now since donzo's hand is forced to restoke the flames of conflict between the uchihas and konoha he has to spread a rumor kind of like how he spread the rumor that naruto was the jin cherokee of the nine tails after it was released in order to stoke all of konawa's hatred towards one thing and bring them back together through hatred essentially danzo would start passing around the lie that fugaku in all of the uchiha unleashed karama in order to make themselves look like the heroes as they suppressed it essentially danza will be passing information throughout all of konoha stating that the uchihas are trying to solidify themselves as the ruling class because they're the only people who can deal with these big bad scary things and the thing is this wouldn't be a hard rumor to pass considering the fact that the village elders were almost immediately able to deduce the fact that karama was being controlled by a new chiha i mean karama's eyes are quite literally in the shape of a sharingan when he's attacking the village if this rumor was spread successfully it would not only alienate the uchiha but also maybe dethrone fugaku allowing danzo himself to take over and because this rumor is so believable it actually takes hold of the village and begins to spread like wildfire people begin to actually rally against fugaku and the uchiha clan but there's one person who can clear fugaku and the uchiha's names that person is minotau you see minotau had fought obito somebody who had clearly stated that they were the ones responsible for releasing karama and obito had put a significant hurt on obito a hurt so significant that obito wasn't going to go off and be able to re-suppress karama so minot takes a public stance defending fugaku stating i can clear his name there's no way the person i fought would be able to go back and reseal karama in fact he goes so far as to state that without fugaku both him and kushina and maybe even possibly their newborn son naruto would have died without fugaku's genjutsu minotaur would have had to fight karama alone and just like that a person who could be elected as hokage a hero of a great war is backing up the hokage and his clan and once again ganzo was foiled but there's a problem with donzo's rumor outside of the fact that minotaur is able to overturn it there's the fact that both shishway itachi and no donzo very well they've worked for him for years and they understand that in the absence of conflict donzo is trying to stir up more and shizui specifically realizes that donzo is now the driving force behind the coup so shishwii goes so far as to use his kodu matsukame on danzo to erase all want of the uchiha massacre to happen essentially shishui rewrites donzo's personality to just liking the uchiha there's a problem it's the fact that danzo and all of his root members have a seal on them a seal that doesn't allow them to be put under genjutsu and as soon as donzo is put in koto amatsukame as soon as shishui begins to walk through his brain rewriting the story donzo pulls out a kunai and commits seppuku see we know for a fact that donzo does this to the members of the route because mukai kohinada in hitachi's light novel when he's hit by shishwiz genjutsu does this exact thing to himself now it's not a stretch to assume that danzo wouldn't put his own seal on himself danto loves his life why would he risk the chance of slicing himself open but at the same time if you think that you're also discounting donzo's blind allegiance to konoha if you'll remember donzo isn't a bad guy in his own eyes he just does whatever he finds necessary for konoha's betterment donzo knows more about konoha than quite literally anybody else outside of maybe the hokage and even then he might know more should he be put under genjutsu and have that information extracted from him that would be detrimental to the leaf in his eyes so should a hyper-powerful genjutsu like koto amatsukame be used on him i believe a seal of some sort would activate and he would die for konoha as for whether or not chiswi would use kodo matsukami on danzo i don't even think that's a question i mean shizui's original plan to stop the coup was to use koto matsukame on fugaku this is just him switching sides essentially and give him the circumstance i believe it would be very rational for him to switch sides but with danzo gone now that means no uchiha massacre and no itachi to the akatsuki but shishui did just technically murder a village elder something he feels conflicted and bad about because he wasn't trying to kill donzo he was trying to rewrite his personality so in his confliction he goes to talk to fugaku to either turn himself in or just get some kind of pat on the back he doesn't know essentially his handler for the entirety of his life in danzo is dead now so when shishwii arrives at wherever fugaku is let's say his house with itachi and sasuke he informs fukaku of what's happened hugaku was surprised in itachi who was listening to the meeting is also surprised bugaku states it's essentially going to be hard to cover up the death of a village elder and because yuranuchiha people are going to use that to vilify the entirety of uchihas and if i as an uchiha hokage defend you a fellow uchiha in the murdering of somebody who's been defending the leaf for generations and was ardent about the uchihas being dangerous well essentially danzo will win in death danza will have achieved exactly what he was looking for so he tells shishway what we have to do is you have to become a missing nin you gotta scrape a scratch through your headband chiswi would essentially have to take itachi's spot in the akatsuki and i know what you're saying once again you're saying nick how would they know about the akatsuki obito wasn't there to be involved in the uchiha massacre with hitachi so itachi wouldn't be able to relay about this organization to heroes the thing is you're forgetting the fact that jaraya has been investigating the ikotsky this entire time in relaying that information to the hokage's office so to assume that that information had been relayed to fugaku at one point or another is not insane so fugaku grasps this opportunity and says yes you have to become a missingnin and i understand what you did and i appreciate what you did but i need you to become a spy in this organization this organization called iacotsky why is fugakus aware of the akatsuki right now they're just a group of rogue ninja well fugaku and all of the uchiha better than anybody understand that karama was under the genjutsu of a sharingan they were after all the ones who had to fight him and break him out of it they know at this point a member of the akatsuki has the rinigon because obviously draya knew who nagato was there was also the information that minotau would have been able to pass along that the person he fought he suspected to have a sharing on so with these couple pieces of information cobbled together fugaku would be able to reason that the akatsuki might be behind some of these hijinks but regardless of what fugaku was up to the akatsuki would still form the wheels were put in motion for the akatsuki in the second great shinobi world war so this has nothing to do with the akatsuki forming but shishway would enter the akatsuki and just like hitachi shishwii would be targeted by orochimaru and just like hitachi shishway would be able to use the genjutsu of the sharon gun to reverse the switching body process on orochimaru and then arochimaru would flee the akatsuki we actually have a while until we get to that point so we'll hold off on it for a second for the moment we would essentially have naruto being raised by both of his parents and since minotau defended fugaku so ardently minotau and fugaku would most likely be pretty close friends and because minoto and fugaku were close friends naruto and sasuke would be raised in close proximity to each other they would more likely than not become best friends and not in the way that they're best friends in naruto like they would actually be like good friends they would be like choji and shikamaru and since minotau isn't the hokage he wouldn't have like a crazy amount of things to do i mean he would have missions occasionally but he would be able to spend a good amount of time with naruto and kushina which would mean he would be able to train naruto which would mean that at a relatively young age naruto would probably have mastered the rosengan and at a relatively little bit older age he might have even mastered flying ryzen because if you think about it in both of their base forms naruto has significantly more chakra than minotau and he was able to learn the rosengan in what a week he wasn't even learning from the guy who created it the same could be said for sasuke who would be able to be trained by hitachi obviously hitachi would have a bunch of ombu missions to go on and all of that but also he would have fugaku and even if hitachi and fugaku were both busy he would also be surrounded by other uchiha who could teach him how to use his sharingan but here's the thing because he didn't watch hitachi kill his entire family he technically wouldn't have his sharing gone as early as he did now instead sasuke would most likely awaken his shari gone during the land of waves mission this is assuming that team seven would be the same team seven if fugaku became the hokage which isn't insane but it's also not that likely considering the fact that they combined sasuke and naruto because they had the highest and the lowest scores and naruto would have much higher scores if he had both of his parents but for the sake of not complicating the story let's just say they're on the same team and then after the konohaw crush arc we obviously have the tuning exams you see nothing would really change about the tuning exams except for the fact that arochimaru wouldn't really be there you see if all of the uchiha are still alive and itachi is still in the village then he wouldn't be focusing on sasuke orochimaru would have a plethora of easier uchiha to pick off so more likely than not sasuke would never get a curse mark but outside of hirochimura not giving sasuke a hickey the majority of the tuning exams would go exactly the same as they did sasuke would still be able to use chidori naruto wouldn't have karama's chakra to bail him out of a lot of situations but he would also be technically much more advanced in his ninjutsu career and even though he wouldn't have karama's shocker to tap into he still has an insane amount without karama maybe a couple of fights go a little bit different now that there's more chihas around or something like that but at the core fundament the konahawk crush arc still happens but there's a couple of major differences in the konohawk crush arc the first being that technically konoha has much more in terms of firepower to fight the konawa crush now you know my guy and kakashi still go wash a bunch of sand ninja but more importantly hirozin doesn't have to fight a rochimaru alone maybe fugaku was off somewhere trying to fight manda but in my head canon minito would be able to help heroes in with the fight against the rochimaru if there is anybody who can beat that barrier going up it's minotau especially when you consider the fact that if minotau had a marking on either hirozin that roof or rochimaru he could just jump beyond the barrier so the fight would be orochimaru versus hirozin and minoto and i know what you're saying you're saying well then orochimaru is getting absolutely washed and that would probably be true in a lot of situations but if you remember anything about that fight you remember the fact that he summoned both toby rama and hashirama and while hirozin was able to hang with all three of them by himself he was by no means winning and while heroes and technically knows ever jutsu of the leaf outside of flying raijin he had no better way to seal hashirama and toby rama without using reaper death scene he didn't have he didn't have gara sand he didn't have size leaping tiger seal he had one foo and jutsu strong enough to seal edo tenside kage's and that was creeper death seal so the way that i see this fight going is that arochimaru summons toby ram and hashirama immediately and obviously there's no third casket to rise because minato's right over there and hirozin decide to take on hashirama and toby rama while minotau takes on orochimaru obviously minotaur absolutely washes orochimaru but here is in a minotaur have no better way to seal hashirama and togorama other than using reaper death seal they don't know that the only way that those two get erased is if arochimara releases them they could kill a rochimaru and hashirama and tobirama would just still be there and since they have tags in their heads they would still be being controlled by orochimaru so hirozin still has to use reaper death seal but this time he only uses it on toby rama and hashirama hirozin is able to complete reaper death seal on both of them and they all die and so does orochimaru sort of see obviously minotaur wins in a fight against hirochimura if somebody else is dealing with the edo tensai and minito has no reservations against killing so he kills orochimaru problem is orochimaru's already figured out the curse mark and he has that curse mark on onko kabuto finds out that hirochimaru has died and goes to anko and pulls orochimaru's chakra and dna out of her and puts him into a new vessel but this vessel doesn't agree with orochimaru so rochimaru is in the same situation he was after hirozin's fight in that he's not as strong and he can't use hand seals and all these kinds of ninjutsu's in this timeline as he is in the original so rochimaru whose vessel is rejecting him and it's causing him massive health issues needs tsunade nobody else can deal with him medically so he has to go to the greatest healer on earth but here's the thing about the tsunade retrieval arc technically it wouldn't happen in this timeline minotaur is still alive yes harrison's dead but he was in hokage and most importantly the current kage fugaku still alive so the village has no real reason to look for tsunade problem is rochemaru does so rochemaru finds tsunade and since she's still in the midst of her gambling and drinking saga with nobody to pull her out of it the promise of bringing back both dan and her little brother gets her to heal orochimaru there's no naruto or jiraiya they're fighting for her honor and trying to get her to not heal orochimaru she was in the lowest of her lows at this time in her life and the promise of seeing her loved ones again got her to hilorochimaru but after she heals herochimaru and orochimaru is gone she hears about what orochimaru did to the hidden leaf racked with guilt she returns to the hidden leaf to heal those injured by rochimaru in the konoha crush arc so she's back in the leaf not as hokage though she's there to lead the hospital essentially doing very important surgeries and just running the day-to-day kind of like sakura in boruto but we're not quite done with the rochimaru yet you see in the main storyline of naruto there was one plot point that never made a whole lot of sense to me orochimaru finds a child throughout his adventures a child named shin rajma finds out this child shin can have any foreign dna grafted onto him like hashirama's cell shahrangans all these kinds of things and in fact actually donzo's right arm is made from shin's dna which is why danza was able to graft so many sharingan in there and for as long as we've known danzo his hand has been wrapped up which means that from the beginning of naruto orochimaru was either in contact with or had shin living with him in this new kind of emergency release vessel that's rejecting him orochimaru knows there's a timeline a certain amount of time that orochimar could spend in this vessel it's not an eternity thing and we know he's looking for eternity so the idea as to why he never took over shin's body who he had already slapped a bunch of sharing gone into see that just never made sense to me not to mention the fact that in shin's body he would be able to put other people's hearts lungs livers inside of him like kakuzo essentially achieving immortality immediately and also you know the hashirama cell so in my timeline he takes over he does this not only to achieve some sense of immortality but also to become strong enough to defeat minoto i mean we all remember how angry he was about heroes hirozin taking his arms minitow killed him i think a grudge like that would run pretty deep with orochimaru and just like how there's no tsunade retrieval arc there's also no sasuke retrieval arc sasuke is happy he's living in the village with his father his mother his brother his brother's best friend he's on a team with his best friend and maybe possibly a future lover because he wouldn't be such a shitty angst lord in my timeline and just like that we're ready for shapuden see there's nothing really stopping shippuden from starting the same way orochimaru can still form heavy or taka it would just be jugo swagitsu karine and i don't know maybe another uchiha but also like how we talked about earlier essentially the formation of the akatsuki wouldn't change at all all members of the akatsuki wouldn't be influenced by a different hokage outside of sorcery now obviously there will be minor changes all throughout chiputa and chaput in his 500 episodes and most of its filler so i'm not going to talk about each my new difference i'm mostly going to be focusing on individual characters here specifically the akatsuki i understand that not all of shippuden is the akatsuki there's some naruto chasing sasuke in there there's some naruto training in there there's some introduction of saiyan there but i'm gonna be focusing on the ekatsi because let's be real they're the most compelling part of shabu essentially i'm gonna go in order of the akatsuki's deaths so sakura versus sorcery still happens no reason for it not to essentially during the time skip not a lot would change sasuke might train with kakashi but he technically wouldn't need to because the only reason he trained with kakashi was because kakashi was the only person with a sharing gun sasuke could join the ombu or train with hitachi or train with fugaku or shishwii regardless for those three years he would be strengthening his sharingan ability and his lightning release basically nothing at all changes for naruto except for the person who would be training him instead of jariah training him minotau would trade him even in sage mode because minito is a perfect sage so minotau more likely than not would take naruto to mount mulibuko where he would train in sage mode and he would master things like the rosten gun and even possibly flying rising naruto would essentially in this timeline just become minotau with more chakra but i might be rushing on the sage mode thing here considering that naruto doesn't learn sage mode in the original timeline until the painter but if we're being real with ourselves in my timeline naruto would be a much more talented ninja earlier on so he might be ready for sage mode in the time skip that's roughly the age that jiraiya learned it the next big event is awesome's death and that still happens in my timeline as well fugaku being hokage isn't going to break up inoshikucho and asuma still would have been a member of the 12th guardian so kakuzo would still be looking for him so the first half of that fight would go exactly the same kakuzo and hidan would come up against inishikacho and asuma would die but the second half would go different for me at least essentially inishikacho gets reloaded for a part two of this battle with kakashi and naruto by their sides oh yeah also yamato goes with them so in my version of this story i wouldn't send kakashi or yamato obviously bokakashi and yamato are very very powerful ninja but instead of kakashi i would send hitachi during the fact that they know both tidan and kakuzo's move sets hitachi makes more sense than kakashi to go his ability to use very effective genjutsu gives him a significant leg up on both titan and kakuzo the only problem is in this timeline technically hitachi wouldn't have ms he never would have had to finish off shishwii so he never would have awoken it the same could be said for sasuke the only reason sasuke didn't go on that mission is because sasuke was no longer part of team seven but in my universe is so it's inushika cho itachi sasuke and naruto and just like in the regular universe they dog walk him now daedara loses to shishwii in my universe you see the reason that data rejoins the akatsuki in the regular universe is because he loses a battle to hitachi so i'm kind of using shizui and hitachi interchangeably here because if daedra loses to shishway and has to join the akatsuki he would have all of the same motivations as if when he lost to itachi he would still hate the uchihas he would still train his eye against genjutsu and he would still hate arochimaru because hirochimara leaving was the reason that there was an open spot in the akatsuki which is why he got dragged in so daenerys through information channels that orochimaru attacked the leaf and he hears that in this battle orochimaru was killed he then hears that herochimaru is actually back alive because of a leaf medical ninja the reason that daedra gets into a fight with sasuke the one that eventually kills him is because sasuke was the person who killed orochimaru daedara wanted to be the person who killed orochimaru so daenerys would be a furious with minotaur who killed herochimaru and b furious with tsunade brought him back to life just because he wanted to be the one who killed the rochimaru doesn't mean he wants him back from the dead so dadera would now have two reasons to fly to konawa one to fight minitow and two to fight tsunade i've been filming for two hours and he's had enough he's had enough he needs to be reminded who the unified world champion of rope tugs is he just he just brings the rope to me it's this easy that's an 80 pound pit bull baby but before he can make it into the village to fight either minotau or tsunade sasuke intercepts him and they have a very similar fight to what they do in the main storyline and eventually dater of dies now the true differentiator between my universe and the original timeline is shishweep see shishway being a spy in the akotsky actually means a lot more than hitachi being a spy in the akatsuki because shishway has an ability if used correctly that could quite literally disintegrate the akatsuki jesui has koto on matsukami and yes he used it on danzo so one of his eyes is still recovering from that koto and matsukami is his ability in both eyes so now that a couple members of the akatsuki are dead shizui sees this as an opportunity the opportunity to finally change nagato the leader of the akatsuki so one day eventually shishui uses kotowa matsukame a nagato he essentially changes nagato's personality to peace loving and not peace loving in the way of making everybody experience pain and therefore pieces achieves just regular old peace loving here's the thing just we didn't know who the real leader of the ikotsky was he didn't know that toby aka obito is the actual leader of the akatsuki it was private information and obito saw and overtone sausages we put nagato under this genjutsu and was able to see his disrupted chakra network obito identifying that shizui is a rat kills him just like that one more katsuki member is wiped off the list after obito has killed chiswi and yes trust me obito would kill shizui he breaks nagato out of the kodawa matsukame nagato furious that the leaf would try to silence his mission and change his directive so underhandedly decides to destroy the leaf village but not before jiraiya is sent to the hidden rain village to scout out what's going on amongst the akatsuki now that they're no longer getting updates from shishway you see drya was the reason that shishway was in the akatsuki in the first place now he was stepping up for the missing shishway but obviously jiraya wasn't a missingnin so he had to be a spy and you can't send a group of people to the hidden rain a nagato and konan are incredible sensory ninjas and b the rain acts as a sensor type ninjutsu for nagato so multiple unfamiliar chakra signatures would send up red flags this is why in the original timeline drive being sent to the hidden rain alone was actually the correct choice he technically wasn't there to fight nagato he was there to collect information just like in the original storyline in my storyline jraya has to fight nagato and it doesn't go well for him in fact he dies while this upsets naruto it upsets minotau more minotau was dry as student girayo was one of his best friends on earth so when nagato pulls up to the hidden leaf to destroy it it's not naruto who takes the center stage no no no no it's minotau but this isn't to say that naruto's not involved in the fight no minotau and naruto step up to fight nagato together both of them as perfect sages and both of them using mount mobuko toad summons they teleport all over the village overwhelming nagato's six paths of pain this fight is mostly about minotau versus nagato two of jaraya's pupils facing off against each other but eventually naruto slips up being less talented than minotau at this time and he gets injured by one of the six paths of pain and as one of these paths of pain is about to finish off naruto because let's not kid ourselves nagato basically should have won that fight against naruto without karama and also a little bit of plot armor from minotau being implanted inside of the karama inside naruto nagato is going to win that fight regardless as one of these paths of pain is about to shove a rod through naruto's heart minitow flashes in front of him and stops the rod with his own body minotaur obviously has a flying rhizome mark on naruto it's been there his whole life flying ryzen marks never disappear he put one on him as a baby with minotaur what looks to be fatally injured naruto stands up and begins to rage but this isn't rage in the way that will bring out korama because naruto doesn't have karama naruto collects himself collects his sage chakra and begins to fight back against nagato and he finishes the fight for his father tsunade is then rushed to the scene because she's in the village now the rod has pulled out of minito and his life is safe naruto still has to go find nagato he does it in the same way that he did it in the original storyline he uses his sage mode sensory and he talked no jutsu's nagato into bringing everyone back to life and killing himself no more nagato kisame versus guide goes exactly the same way there's no reason to rewrite that at all and konan still dies to obito and just like that we're in the war arc baby at this point itachi is still alive and actually doing pretty okay because he hasn't awoken his monkey kyo sharingan which significantly shortened his life obviously he still has his chakra disease but without spamming his ms every day to fight jin turkey he got to live a lot longer however some of that's about to change because after he finds out about shizui's death at the hands of obito he awakens his ms specifically obito actually drops shizui's body in the uchiya hideout as kind of a i declare war upon you my old clan move upon seeing this itachi's ms awakens after this the war arc starts kabuto still summons modera and a bunch of other people but the warrick is gonna go drastically different for a lot of reasons here one fugaku is there and the rest of the uchiha which means that all of the tail beasts that are going to be pulled out of their ginger key released and used by obito could be pacified by groups of uchiha this would significantly lighten the load for kushina and killer b who are gonna have to be fighting these tail beasts because mind you karama is still in kushina i mean technically kushina is most likely going to outlive naruto and minotau she's a full-blooded uzumaki which means her life force is significantly greater than both of theirs mito uzumaki lived to about a hundred and fifty inches in turkey until she was i think a hundred now would kushina be a perfection cherokee there's no reason for us to think she wouldn't be but it's fair to say she wouldn't be as strong as naruto but before we even get close to that far there's also the moral conundrum that moderato would have you see moderate would have to fight his own clan and while that's not something that mata was new to considering the fact that modero got thrown out of his clan while hashirama was hokkage i think it would make a really interesting writing point even after all of these decades matara is still the outlier to the uchiha clan and it's technically a full circle for the uchiha clan because the sentiment of the uchiha being suppressed by konoha was started by matara to see the uchihara rally against the physical manifestation of that ideal means that they feel accepted within the community and obviously matera is going to be able to run through the majority of your standard uchihas but in my version of the show we get one of the coolest possible fights ever fugaku himself stands up to moderate leader of the uchiha to the leader of the uchiha mangy kyo sharingan against mangikyo sharingan and in this fight ugaku dies seeing his father die actually makes sasuke awaken the mangikyo sharingan and while the rest of the kage pour in to make up for fugaku's loss and fend off moderate for a second sasuke holds his dying father in his arms this point that fuga could tell sasuke to take his eyes this is because fugaku is now looking and sasuke has now bloodied mangikyo's sharingan eyes and fugaku knows that if sasuke takes his eyes he'll get ems and so fugaku dies in sasuke's arms and then sasuke takes his eyes acquiring ems while all of this is going on itachi is fighting kabuto and ditachi blinds one of his eyes like he does in the original storyline to picabuto in the tsunami oh but in that fight hitachi was edo it also had sasuke there how is he gonna win that without that we both know that hitachi didn't need sasuke there sasuke basically just stood still and it wasn't a long enough fight that chakra would have been an issue for hitachi after kabuto is put in the loop the edo tensai is released except for modera who just says no you and just like that he's free but here's the thing hitachi's not done in fact itachi didn't even mean to fight kabuto itachi thought that obito was the one who had summoned all of the edo tensai puppets and therefore had tracked down whoever had summoned them hoping it would be obito and happened to find kabuto see because hitachi wants to find obito for one reason and one reason alone to get revenge for shish sweet the problem is obito and kakashi are currently fighting in the kamui dimension and their fight goes very similarly like kakashi puts a big old hole in obito's chest and then obito becomes the ten tails jin cherokee oh i forgot to mention while kushina was fighting a bunch of the reincarnated cherokee and the other tale beast she's fatally wounded and minotau has to transfer karama to naruto he doesn't do it to himself because he knows naruto is 50 uzumaki and therefore is a better match for kurama so by the time the ten tails obito comes around naruto has the entirety of karama so yes technically minotau does have to kill his own wife by extracting karama out of her and putting karama into naruto while she's gravely wounded kushina does die on the battlefield hey at least one parent's gotta die so now naruto minotaur sasuke and hitachi fight ten tails obito and they beat him down kind of like they do in the original storyline except technically hitachi's not there then mikey and matara have their fight modera regenerates and naruto ninja jesus's might guy back to life because here's the thing even though technically the cycle of hate broke after naruto and sasuke were born because menito and fugaku became friends that doesn't mean that they still wouldn't be reincarnations of indra and ashrae we technically don't know if breaking the cycle of hate breaks the cycle of reincarnation but even if it does break the cycle of reincarnation naruto and sasuke would have been born before the cycle of hate was broken gagoromo could have actually been like you guys are my last reincarnation all in part to you the entirety of my being in terms of chakra and dojutsu and then when moderate becomes kaggio they get to see okay together and then there's no final valley fight because they're already homies and that's it that is the entirety of what i believe the timeline would be if one small thing was changed 20 years before the war arc do i think that making fugaku uchiha was the right thing to do in the moment in the naruto timeline probably not but in the grand scope of the timeline that one small choice could have helped a lot but what do you guys think do you guys think making fugaku uchiha would have saved a bunch of people's lives and made konoha a much better place to live in tell me in the comments below and while you're down there please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that listen i know everyone's going to be like wow nick spoke so highly of the uchiha this video in my universe they're cool [Music] [Music]
Channel: NCHammer 23
Views: 531,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: naruto, weeb, weeb alliance, nchammer23, boruto, anime, shisui, fugaku, uchiha, sharingan, hokage, minato, akatsuki, hidan, pain, itachi, deidara, kabuto, war arc, kakazu, konoha
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 18sec (2658 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 22 2022
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