How I Would Fix The Akatsuki

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everybody loves a good team up we like seeing Batman team up with a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Naruto team up with Sasuke in the fourth grade Shinobi World War even Vegeta and Goku teaming up to create Gogeta or Vegito but what happens when the bad guys team up what happens when the bad guys decide to see how many of them they can get together and form an alliance against the good well that's still absolutely incredible and we all love watching it happen but it is a problem but the problem with grouping up bad guys is that bad guys are usually bad guys or girls and therefore making teams of bad guys is kind of difficult because big personalities tend to clash in a way non-conducive to teamwork and the Akatsuki is no exception to this rule see the Akatsuki is a group of nine or ten or 11 bad guys in Naruto depending on who you ask but the problem with putting up to 11 murderous sociopaths in the same room with each other is that somebody's probably gonna get murdered and now the team just got one person smaller and therefore one person weak so when you're building a team of bad guys you got to try and find personalities that are going to work together so the bad guys can maximize each other's power and therefore the Akatsuki actually goes one step further than just collecting a couple of bad guys and giving them cloaks see the Akatsuki took the whole bad guy meet up thing one step further by splitting all of these bad guys into two-man teams of which there's five kind of and all of these two man teams are made with the personalities and abilities of the people in the two-man teams in mind at least that's what they say because I would argue that the two-man teams of the Akatsuki while they do line up personality wise do not line up power wise in fact I would even take it one step further and say that the abilities of most of the two-man teams in the Akatsuki tend to contradict each other and that the two-man teams that were selected in the Akatsuki might have actually been one of the biggest reasons the Akatsuki had a downfall in the first place because obviously every single member of the Akatsuki is killed but if every single member of the Akatsuki was placed with somebody who could maximize their potential I'd argue they'd still be kicking which obviously wouldn't be good for the plot of Naruto but it would be good for the Akatsuki and in today's video we're not worried about the plot of Naruto which is why today we're talking how I would fix the Akatsuki teams specifically to be as balanced broken and long lasting as possible and therefore probably win in the battle against all of the major villages in an act the eye of the Moon play but it's not my world so I'm not worried but before we get to balancing or breaking anything guys please for me like this this video subscribe to the page hit that notify and if you like the idea of me remixing anime you're gonna love my other Channel The Weave Commander we're instead of talking about Naruto reporto I talk all other anime and if you just like the idea of me talking about anime you're gonna love my anime podcast you talk who's Anonymous where me and Danny Moda break down everything that happened in anime this week it's available on YouTube Spotify and apple podcast so the Akatsuki one of the most iconic villain groups if not just Anime groups in history whether it be the cloaks the members the deaths or the Rings everything about this group is Iconic and quite honestly I'm not gonna sit here and complain about the teams on the Akatsuki in fact I would argue the teams of the Akatsuki are substantially better than any other team grouping in all of Naruto being leagues better than something like the konoha 13s teams now this makes sense because all the members of the Akatsuki came to the Akatsuki while they were fully formed adults with all of their moves already learned on top of this they had already developed their personalities therefore pretty much everything you needed to take into account about a human being before signing them up to be with an other human being 24 7 you have and because of this a lot of the yakovski teams work pretty well like I've already said the personalities of every Akatsuki Duo team pretty much match up as well as they possibly could saucery and daedara who are both either artists or Artisans get together through their love of art Itachi and kisama get along because they're both fiercely loyal to each other Conan and nagato get along because they're childhood friends kakuzu and hidon get along because kakuzu is unable to kill hidon and Obito and set to get along because they're pulling the strings on everything but just because all of these Duos get along doesn't mean to me at least that there is optimized as they could be as even though the personalities of these Duos match up the abilities simply don't so let's go over each and every single one of these Akatsuki Duos and point out where I think there are inadequacies and we'll start with sorcery and dater see sasury and datera both fall under the same category mid to long range Specialists who act more in a support role than an attack roll the closest thing that either of them have to any close quarter combat ability would be sorcery's actual body which has blades in the arms and is able to make a chakra shield and could technically only be killed if you pierce his core but neither sorcery nor datero want to be in a close quarter combat fight daederer's entire kit is developed around his ability to use his explosion release along with his chakra needed clay and thus datera ideally is flying on the back of either a C2 dragon or an explosive clay bird while throwing explosives at you and somewhat unfortunately sorcery's kit is very similar just replace the explosive clay with puppets as saucery's body is obviously within a puppet and then his body is an actual puppet which allows sorcery to be as close to his puppets as any Puppet Master ever but still when it comes down to it sorcery doesn't want to be battling you in hand-to-hand combat in fact the development of the puppet technique was made so hidden sand ninja wouldn't be face to face with the anime now obviously hypothetically dateron sorcery can fly around on one of datera's birds and sorcery can control a puppet from a distance but this would be inconsistent at best as the trucker strings would just rip the puppet around and it's not like data rug can offer sorcery aerial support let's say sorcery pulls out all 300 of his puppets and he's battling against the likes of great and cheap how exactly can daederer support sorcery in this battle if data recuses explosives they have as much chance to hurt Sakura as they do sorcery's puppets and now we just have explosions from daedara's explosion release destroying all of sorcery's chakra strings and while obviously the destruction of a puppet isn't as bad as the destruction of sorcery even though that would just be the destruction of a puppet their kits just simply don't work together they're both illusion types which means any high-speed enemy is gonna be able to Blitz them and get close to them or they really don't want them to be they have next to no close quarter combat ability to keep enemies away so the mid-range support Specialists can do their work of all the Akatsuki teams theirs is probably the weakest because of how ill-matched they are as well as having two of the weaker members of the akotsky the next theme we're going to talk about is the zombie Duo which is Hidan and kakuzu now this is a team that complements each other not as much much as they could but definitely more than sorcery and data see hidon is the weakest member of the Akatsuki born on he's self-admittedly disclosed attacker in the Akatsuki and he only has kenjutsu and his Lord joshing summoning Circle so when it comes down to it hidon is a close quarter combat specialist and that's it if he Dawn can't get close enough to make you bleed he can't do anything now the reason cockatoo is a somewhat good fit for Hidan outside of the fact that kakazoo can't kill Hidan and kaksu needs to be placed with somebody who he can't kill because he kept killing Partners is that kakuzu is a mid-range and close quarter combat specialist tikakuzu is able to do something that he Don very much cannot do and that's used Ninjutsu and he's able to use all five nature releases with ease and at a very high level in fact hakuzu was able to split himself into five entities that are able to control one elemental release by separating the four masks from his back Each of which has a heart of their own kakuzu can essentially create four incredibly powerful clones that control water wind lightning and fire release with his main body controlling Earth all fire of these bodies have incredibly powerful AOE attacks that operate on a close to mid-range left and caucus it was also incredible at taijuts and not to mention with the use of his Earth Grudge fear he's able to snag enemies and hold them still and if he can keep enemies still he Don can get their blood and then ggs so the zombie Duo as much as they hate each other actually is a pretty good dude but they could be better the third Duo is even better than the zombie Duo but once again not perfect because the third Duo that we're going to talk about is Kisame and Itachi now this is another Duo that complement each other Kisame is a close quarter combat mid-range specialist he wants to be up close and personal against you to use amihada to tear through your flesh and therefore seep out your chocolate but he also has incredibly wide and strong arsenal of water ninjuts that he can use against you in the mid-range now I wouldn't call Itachi a close quarter specialist though his taijutsu is incredible I mean I don't see Itachi threw hands with kcm1 Naruto I would say Itachi Falls more into the classification of mid-range support on top of that with the usage of azusano we could also will fall under the defense category as not only is the susano basically impenetrable but as yadamira reflects Alden and jute now this is a Duo whose abilities can complement each other though Itachi's abilities don't really need much in the way of compliment see basically everything that he taught you wields is a one-hit kill tsukiyomi Amaterasu is totsuka Blade with Itachi's only real weakness being that asusano is incomplete and therefore it can't fly so in an Ideal World Itachi has a teammate who's able to funnel people towards which I guess with the usage of high-level water Ninjutsu Kisame could do but there's a huge dichotomy between these two characters that I actually believe makes them bad teammates see kisame's entire kit is actually built around a long fight see samihad is not the kind of sword that can cut you in half in one swing I mean it could cut me in half in one swing but I'm not a ninja a fight against Kisame while he's wielding samihada is actually just him trying to cut you a couple of times and siphon off all your chalk and therefore Kisame is more of a long fighter however Itachi is the exact opposite Itachi tries to end the fight as fast as he possibly can be isn't this because Hitachi runs out of chakra incredibly quickly while Kisame is considered the tailless tailed beast because of this difference in their fighting style both of them are at very different parts of their fight if they're fighting simultaneously and in an ideal circumstance Itachi has somebody with a transport ability who can move him if he ever overextends his chakra so even though their abilities do complement each other's a little bit and personality wise these two probably click more than any other duo in the Akatsuki there are some definite points where these two could be substantially better matched to each other the next duel we're going to talk about is nagato and Kona nagato is a genuine all-arounder there's nothing he cannot and will not do that's just the Rinnegan for you he has the ability to track and sense chakra he has the ability to heal his sixth pass of pain he has the ability to absorb Ninjutsu the devopath was able to square up with Naruto in his six tails form he's a close quarter combat mid-range long-range support defense healer everything you could ever want in a purse so matching him up with somebody is it hard because he basically covers all of the bases by himself so is Conan a good match for nagato yeah like I said he would be well matched with anybody but Conan herself is a mid-range specialist and probably has the highest battle IQ in the Akatsuki outside of Itachi so she would also be well suited with a lot of people and I think honestly she would be better suited in other teams that allowed her to shine more now obviously she's fiercely loyal to nagato and hates leaving his side and there's probably nobody in the Akatsuki who would take protecting nagato's body as seriously as her I still think nagato and Conan would be better if split up and our last team is Toby and zets this team is met Toby isn't even always teamed up with zetsu that's it was obviously incredibly powerful he punched a hole in moderate like Modera was a free coffee punch card and Toby is Obito who was also just like nagato a complete and utter all around her well obviously zetsu Falls more into the support slash IQ role as Etsy probably has the highest IQ out of anybody in the Akatsuki but zetsu is boring to talk about so when we're building these new Akatsuki teams I'm gonna replace him with a former member of the Akatsuki Orochimaru because he's way more interesting to me oh yeah don't like that I don't care it's my video just like that we've covered all five of the Akatsuki Duos what their roles are in their specific teams how they feed off of each other and how they're holding each other back so how would I fix these Duos well I would focus way less on personality and way more on combat ability sure there's a possibility that these two team members kill each other but there's also the possibility that they get along and we learned from makotsuki hidden even though each and every single one of them are terrible they do have the ability to relate to other people even he died which is why first off I'm breaking up the zombie Duo and I'm placing hidon with saucer see the biggest thing that sorcery's duo needed was a close quarter combat specialist that could have been Kisame kakuzu he Don and a couple of other people but most definitely not data now the reason I chose Edon is because he Don more than any of the other close quarter combat specialists in the Akatsuki is straightforward but the problem with hit on straightforwardness is because all he has is kenjutsu and Odin Jutsu to back himself up he's kind of easy to avoid I mean he's a guy with a scythe running at you as long as you stay away from him you're gonna be okay but what happens if you lose sight of the man with the Scythe that's when he gets dangerous before he Dawn the element of surprise is massive if you slip up for even a second in a battle against Edon and lose track of where he is all he needs is the tiniest amount of your blood and you're dead but the crazy bit is it doesn't have to be Hidan who gets your blood it could be anybody who gets your blood so long as your blood gets to he Dawn so I can't imagine a better place for a man who thrives on the element of surprise then being lost in the commotion of a 300 puppet Army I mean think about it all he Don would truly have to do is blend into sasury's puppet Army and while this onslaught of Puppets is attacking the opponent Hidan can sneak up behind them slash them get their blood and then pierce his heart easy as that getting lost in the commotion of 300 clattering puppets some of which are able to do things like magnet release would not only allow hidon to maximize his own potential but also give hidon the possible ability to just take the blood off of one of sorcery's puppets and then use that for a ritual original you probably wouldn't be able to stop he Don from doing mind you because sorcery could just keep you away from him until the ritual was done because after Hidan gets your blood it's not like you're necessarily dead so long as you stop him from drawing the circle and stabbing his heart you're good and even though kakuzu obviously has Earth Grudge fear which he can use to hold somebody still sorcery has iron sand magnet release which he could definitely use to hold somebody still not to mention since he Dawn is technically the slowest attacker out of the Akatsuki sorcery could simply attach his puppet strings to Heaton to speed him up much in the same way we saw granuccio control Sakura this would not only probably increase the speed if he Dawn but also allow him to react to things that otherwise he wouldn't see and if he thought fighting against 300 puppets simultaneously was tough imagine now that if any of those puppets get a drop of your blood you die that is substantially more powerful than just a Man flying above the puppets throwing bombs at you but what about that man who flies and throws bombs who does he end up with well iron chronically he would end up with the other half of the zombie Duo kakuzu because my second Duo would be kakuzu and dater now let's assume they get along here because obviously kakuzu has to be placed with people he can't kill and kakazu could absolutely and probably would kill daedara so personally so let's put personality aside here for like 30 seconds but even if you're actually not putting personality aside there is some similarities between kakuzu and Daedra that might actually make them get along like the fact that both of their lives were ruined by somebody from Kona with koksu losing in a battle to hashrama which led to him being exiled from the hidden waterfall and data are being defeated by Itachi which forced him to join the Akatsuki so maybe they could bond over their hatred of people from kodua or they could bond over the fact that they're both wielders of her forbidden Jutsu with kakuzu wielding Earth Grudge fear and daedora having his hand mouths but even if we're assuming that their personalities don't match up their abilities absolutely do so I know what you're saying here Nick you're putting two AOE spammers with each other and yes yes I am see the biggest problem with the data rotten sorcery team is that they didn't have a closed captioning not available kakuzu could spam his AOE attacks from the ground while datara spammed his AOE attacks from the sky and considering the fact that kakazu has five Hearts data probably wouldn't have to be worried about possibly hurting caucus as any explosive damage to kakuzu probably wouldn't even hurt him in the first place because his body is made out of fibers and even if hypothetically datera does hurt kakazoo he can just replace one of his masks with the heart of whoever they just killed and if by some chance somebody manages to close the distance between the explosions and Elemental release kakuzu could just battle them in hand-to-hand combat it would be in absolute and utter nightmare to battle against these two simultaneously with the only real problem being the cocksu would have to worry about hitting data as explosive clay with lightning release but there's no stipulation the caucus who has to control all Elemental releases with every single one of his masks the reason he did that is so we can combined certain Elemental releases to make them stronger he could just pick up like a second fire mask or a second wind mask because the mask represented Ninjutsu prowess of the person that the heart was taken from after kakazoo and datera I would have nagato inderochi Maru I know it wouldn't get a lot the second that nagato phased out while controlling all Six Paths of pain orochimar would bite him and be like your body's mine now because Orochimaru would want the Rinnegan but then again maybe he wouldn't want nagato's body because I mean he was in the Akatsuki and he never tried nagato and if we're being real that kind of makes sense because nagato's body is like nailed into the ghetto statue so I wouldn't want that body either or tomorrow would probably just pluck out his written Gun and Run Away really fast he's definitely not going to be as concerned for protecting nagato's body as codon is but once again perfect worlds here okay stick with me nagato and Orochimaru are the puppet crew and not actual ninja puppets see obviously we all know that Nakato controls the Six Paths of pay with each one being a manifestation of one of the six base powers of the Rinnegan and that alone is one of the most powerful jutsus in the entirety of Naruto you know who else wields one of the most powerful jutsus in the entirety of Naruto Orochimaru so how would Orochimaru join this puppet crew a little Jutsu known as edotensei the combination of these two together would be awful but awful for the people they fight not awful for each other because Orochimaru and nagado could just hole up wherever nagato's body is currently nailed to and both of them respectively could just control their puppets from a distance you thought fighting the sixth pass of pain was difficult now try fighting hashirama and Toby Rama with them simultaneously even though orochimar likes to keep very tight control over anybody he Edo tensei he can also just give a prime directive to the people he brings back like hey Go destroy konoha or hey go kill Jiraiya but a rotima could also be out there cutting it up with the puppets and he could just leave in edotensei ninja behind to watch nagato's body on top of this let's not forget that Orochimaru battled against either a three or a four-tailed version to cloak Naruto and like kind of one but also kind of just stalemate rochibara while he may be more focused on things like Ninjutsu and genjutsu also can definitely cut it up with some taijutsu and let's say you somehow identify exactly where nagato is and you're trying to fire something like a tail beast bomb at his location orochimar has the triple rashem on Gates which has been shown to stop a tailed beast bomb the strongest offensive ability in Naruto outside of things like interest arrow and this hailed Beast Ross Andrew American and the ultra big ball raw censure can you get it not to mention both of these people certainly have destroyed Kona if they both attacked Kona while simultaneously it wouldn't have been rebuilt twice that is an absolute Duo that I want nothing to do with they also both had beef with Draya so they absolutely would have embarrassed him speaking of people who have things in common our next team would be Tachi and Obito I know I know Nick you're making a lot of top heavy teams here but the way I'm building it all of these teams are gonna be very powerful anyways so why am I placing Itachi and Obito together is it because they've worked together previously during the Uchiha Massacre I mean well that doesn't hurt they have a track record of working together successfully I mean all of the Uchiha are dead but Nick they don't like each other I mean they don't hate each other I mean obviously Obito was like vaguely aware of Hitachi joining the Akatsuki in order to spy on the Akatsuki and obviously Itachi was there mostly to spy on Obito for the hidden Leaf we'll toss it here and act like Itachi wasn't doing the akatsuki's bidding in order to keep his cover my man really kept that cover he killed hundreds of people at what point is the Intel no longer worth it when it comes down to it these two working together would be absolutely terrifying they're kind of the defense Duo because Hitachi has it in penetrable defense in his and Obito obviously has his comboi making him borderline impossible to hit not to mention as they're both uchihas they understand each other's move sets and if Itachi ever overexerts himself like in his battle against yakura Obito can take them away using Como it can either simply Place Hitachi in the comboi dimension until he recovers or just comedy them away to safety on top of this Obito has the ability to spiralize his great Fireball technique which makes it more powerful through the usage of his combo which means hypothetically Obito could do this but to Itachi's on top of this since Obito can basically avoid whatever he needs to Itachi wouldn't have to worry about using some of his bigger more dangerous moves Itachi wouldn't have to worry about hitting Obito with Amaterasu or the totsuka blade well it's actually technically unclear as to whether or not the tatsuka blade would be able to seal Obito because it might strike your soul not your physical body and who knows if he actually comes away his soul not to mention that Itachi and any wielder of the susano is able to bring other people into their Susana So Not only would Obito be unhittable because of his combo he could also just simply go into Itachi Susana tie that into the fact that Obito is the possession of all of the Sharingan of the Uchiha Clan some of which are probably fukaku's Ms and these two pairing up could lead to Itachi getting EMS so while both of these guys obviously have incredible mid-range options slapping both of these defense heavy all-arounders on the same team would make an unkillable Duo and they would probably be the strongest Duo on the Akatsuki which is why I probably should have saved them for last but instead in last we have Kisame and Conan why are they together because both of their names start with k no the rotaries in there together is because I built the other four teams then I was like who do I have left and then it was like oh kisabe and Conan but ironically they work together really well why do they work together very well because for the first time on this list personality wise they line up perfectly Kisame and Conan are two of the most loyal people not just in the Akatsuki but possibly in anime history Kisame loves Itachi like a brother and would do anything to protect Itachi he is that close in that loyal to him Conan is incredibly loyal to nagato so much so that she leads the hidden rain for him well nagato is away doing akotsky thing for years she stands by nagato's side every time he uses the sixth pass of pain so she can protect his body she took his whole body back to the hidden rain and protected his Rinnegan with her life these two have put on a team with each other would be fiercely loyal to each other on top of that both of them aren't the biggest fans of the Akatsuki in fact I would say these two are probably the least happy to be on the Akatsuki out of anybody in the Akatsuki outside of like maybe date around it's not like either of them were going to leave the Akatsuki just both of them didn't really have a strong reason to be there and on top of all this their abilities complement each other incredibly well esame is a close quarter combat specialist whose entire kit revolves around sucking your trucker out through Cuts cuts that usually saw mejada inflicts however if his partner was made out of paper there could be a lot more Cuts meaning the Conan could amplify the amount of chakra the samihara would be able to consume from an opponent vastly accelerating the timeline for them running out of chakra tie that into the fact that Kisame is a close quarter combat specialist and Conan is a mid range specialist and that's compatibility right there but also when it comes to intelligence at least intelligence in battle Kisame is probably close to the bottom of the list in the Akatsuki it's not that he's dumb he's just not necessarily intelligent and honestly the Akatsuki is pretty top-heavy with intelligence with nagato Itachi zetsu Obito all high-level Geniuses existing in the Akatsuki and right up there with all of those Geniuses is Kona whose battle IQ and ability to prep for an enemy was so high that she forced Obito to use Isa knock which is the first time that we ever saw Izanagi and was the dumbest thing Kishimoto ever did listen I understand that Conan can't kill Obito but don't write in a mechanism that allows people with a Sharingan to reality warp with Conan's battle IQ and kisame's endless Chalker pull which would be made even more endless by the fact that Kona would be able to bolster how many cuts that samihara could suck chakra out of this team would be nigh impossible to be in a fight there's no insight to one of their staminas and the longer you fight the more Conan can figure out about your fighting stock which gives her time to formulate a plan to destroy draw you and the longer you battle these two the weaker you get because you are constantly having your Chuck receipt into the guide with an endless amount of chakra and if you try to get close to Kona on Kisame will stop you the only real problem with these two working together is the fact that Conan uses a bunch of paper bomb and Kisame uses a bunch of water Ninjutsu but considering the fact that Conan split in ocean with paper bombs and also hails from the land hidden in the rain water in water Ninjutsu has never really appeared to be an issue for paper bombs and thus even though these two were slapped together because they hadn't been placed on any other teams they ironically probably work better as a Duo than anybody else on this list though they obviously wouldn't be as powerful as Obito and Itachi we all know this but yeah that's it that's how I would fix the Akatsuki teams which you guys have chosen differently who would you have put with who tell me in the comments below and while you guys are down there please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that nobody Bell listen I'll admit putting two of the strongest people in the account together doesn't exactly balance all of the teams but listen their abilities are compatible [Music] thank you
Channel: NCHammer 23
Views: 357,365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Naruto, Anime, Manga, Naruto Shippuden, Boruto, Sasuke, Kakashi, Sharingan, Rasengan, Nine-tailed Fox, Shinobi, Jutsu, Hidden Leaf Village, Akatsuki, Ninja War, Naruto vs Sasuke, Naruto vs Pain, Naruto vs Madara, Naruto OST, Naruto Opening, Naruto Ending, Naruto AMV, Naruto Review, Naruto Analysis, Naruto Theories, Naruto Explained, Naruto Characters, Naruto Moments, Naruto Best Fights, Naruto Best Scenes, Naruto Top 10, Naruto Top 5
Id: -1GevsmC2f8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 4sec (1564 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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