"You Just Messed With The Wrong Person..." (AskReddit)

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what's the most significant you just messed with the wrong person moment you've witnessed or experienced I work in a law office and regularly have to go file documents with the court I have learned from watching one interaction not to [ __ ] with the clerks at the filing window a lot of people probably don't know / wouldn't believe how detailed the rules are for submitting documents to the court there are rules regarding the type of paper you can use the exact spacing of the heading on the paper the exact measurements of the two hole punches at the top of the paper etc there are literally dozens of rules on how to format your filings in my experience these rules are rarely enforced the clerks will reject documents if there are major errors missing signatures incorrectly filled out etc but will usually let things slide like your to hole punch is not being precisely 2 and 3/4 inches apart but there was one day where I saw a clerk take sweet revenge against someone who totally had it coming I was standing in line waiting to file something and a notoriously huge prick of an attorney got called up to the window the clerk asked him something like I'm really sorry mister notoriously huge prick but you're missing some attachment to this form he reacted as if she had just stood from her chair flipped him the bird and went to [ __ ] on his mother's grave he starts yelling about how she didn't know what the [ __ ] she was doing a trained ape could do her job he will be complaining to her supervisor and on and on he goes stomping away and she looks much calmer than you would expect for someone who just got reamed out by this enormous douchebag I get called up to her window and say something like I'm so sorry you had to deal with that she replies it's fine he's on my list now I'm curious so I ask what she means her response was fantastic she says mr. notoriously huge prick handles a lot of family law cases he'll be wanting to file things here and his paperwork is bound to land on my desk for people like him I get out the formatting sections of the rules of court and I make sure he's followed every one of them she points to my filing and says you're too whole look off you see how what is higher than the other they are supposed to be a certain distance from the top of the page I'm not going to reject yours but next time he dropped something off at the filing box you better believe I'm going to bust out my ruler I say how awesome that is but once he sees the reason his document was rejected he'll just have an assistant fix it or whatever she replies we don't have to tell him why it was rejected specifically just that it violated some rule of formatting he can figure that out for himself if he ever wants to have another document filed she looked so so happy I lost it at a subway a while back this story isn't about me losing it as a person myself but I found someone who could undid the subway I go to his inside a skating rink and on this day it was flooded with newly pubescent boys thinking that treating people like absolute horseshit is how you act like a macho man one girl behind the counter was near tears and the other woman was trying to hold her own ground against a bunch of 13-year olds it was you [ __ ] [ __ ] I didn't [ __ ] ask for Mayo are you blind for [ __ ] sake that's not toasted enough when I get a job I'm gonna be making more than you just a taste of some of what I heard so I went out to the lobby of the skating rink found a woman nearby and asked her if she was with the boys in subway which she was and then I told her to follow me the look on the boys faces when she let out her angered screech after listening to them was frigging priceless she made the boys pay for their own food one boy didn't get to finish making his sandwich wrap it up how it is and he will pay for it and from what I gathered as she practically dragged them out of there was the boys who weren't her she was going to speak to their parents followed by strong protests as she told them to pack their crap as she was taking them home early I left the girls at subway a nice tip and they gave me a cookie never [ __ ] with an angry mom this crazy guy frequented the convenience store where I used to work he would come in and put two dollars worth of fuel in his car three or four times a day because the N asterisk asterisk asterisk gets steal my gas he'd say if there was a black person in the store he'd yell and swear at them call them names and tell them to stop following him well one day he started on this short skinny guy who ignored him at first crazy guy keeps on him skinny guy finally smirks and says something like are you talking to me brother at which point crazy guy who I should add was also a large guy turns around and pushes the guy the little guy then proceeded to knock the crazy guy on his ass dragged him outside and beat the living [ __ ] out of him before the cops came edit for those of you wondering what happened next both guys got arrested I had to close a stall long enough to make a statement and a copy of the surveillance video for the police I was the only employee on duty at the time I never saw either one of them again a few weeks later the crazy guy called the store to try to find out what happened to his vehicle he was surprisingly polite and easy to deal with maybe getting arrested resulted in him getting some kind of help I don't know he never came back to the store that I know of for those of you wondering why the guy wasn't banned from the store or why we didn't do this or that to prevent the situation the guy was asked to leave and not come back he either didn't understand or wouldn't listen we called the cops but he always managed to leave before they got there we had his license plate number written down for reference but the police either couldn't or wouldn't chase the guy down and pull him over just because he was not very nice to some people at the gas station also until the aforementioned incident he never touched anyone and our cameras didn't have audio at the time so we had no evidence that he had done anything also I don't know what gas stations are like where you guys are from but the one where I worked had only one employee on duty 80% of the time and it was a busy store you could try refusing the guy service but honestly it was easier sometimes to just take his money and get him the hell out after trying everything I could think of with no result sorry if that makes it sound like I didn't care or something maybe I'm a little desensitized I works overnights at that place for a year all by my just over five feet tall 120 pounds self I saw much weirder / scarier [ __ ] than this anyway chances are a few guys named it we thought of it and tried it so just harsh I'm done answering questions for now my thumb's are tired I didn't even know that was possible I was working in a sketchy part of Albuquerque when I realized a guy was following me through the parking lot started walking faster so did he I knew I wasn't going to get into my car before he reached me so I took the knife out of my purse and turned around and shoved it in his face and yelled him from Wisconsin I can get idea do you took off and I got in my car shaking when I was a senior in high school I was at some house party there was this chick named Rachel there a notoriously crazy [ __ ] who was known for causing trouble anywhere she went she was also a pretty big girl maybe five feet nine broad shoulders anyway out of nowhere she just starts screaming at another girl Sarah a shorter skinny thing who was seriously on the other side of the room doing absolutely nothing Rachel gets up in her face starts cursing her out pushing her multiple times obviously just trying to start [ __ ] for the hell of it Rachel finally decides to throw a punch and I [ __ ] you not like a flash of light Sarah just launches at Rachel starts beating the living [ __ ] out of her face knocks her on her ass and strong holds Rachel's hair and start slamming her skull on the brick fireplace in the house I think she must have not Rachel out for a minute because Sarah decided she was done and just stood up and walked away turns out Sarah's older sister was a competitive female boxer and showed her a thing or two about fighting definitely the best girl fight I've ever seen I'm a pretty calm person but when someone treats someone badly it makes my blood boil I have calmed down with age but one story comes to mind in sixth grade this boy named Logan would constantly pick on another classmate named Dustin Dustin was born with the defects his legs did not fully fall he had prosthetics and he had other issues which require him to wear a diaper in all other ways Dustin was a happy and cool dude he was just given a bad hand in life Logan was constantly picking on Dustin he would call him peg leg make fun of his mother for making a deformed baby and occasionally made fun of the fact he had to wear a diaper Logan usually got away with doing whatever he wanted because his family had money and power in our town my sweet English teacher where Dustin Logan and I'll shed a class would send him to the principal constantly finally it came to a boiling point we sat alphabetically in class i sat in the front desk Logan behind me and Dustin behind Logan as Dustin was walking to his desk something inspired Logan to trip Dustin Dustin walking with a cane obviously tripped badly and hit the wall I saw ed I stood up punched Logan so hard in the chest that he fell over two rows of desks he gathered himself and stood up screaming did you see what she did to me my teacher had this small smirk she said I saw nothing Logan never spoke to ward Dustin again Dustin passed away a few years ago due to health complications poor fella was tending bar at a dive when I was in college in this guy Dave came in every day had two beers and left he was a pretty quiet guy and basically just kept to himself he wasn't particularly big but he wasn't small either one day two rednecks came in right after we opened and started pounding beers when Dave came in they smarted off to him as he walked by but he ignored them I poured his first beer and told the guys to leave him alone they didn't just being total dicks I told them I was closing their tab and they had to go as far as they were concerned Dave was the reason they were getting kicked out one of the rednecks stood up and proceeded to tell Dave that he would kick his ass for being such a [ __ ] he responded with I've done enough fighting in my life the way he said it was cold Dave had obviously seen some [ __ ] all of a sudden the rednecks punched Dave in the side of the head while he was still sitting in the barstool Dave casually stood up and started taking his coat off and the redneck hid him square in the cheek it was a full-blown knock to the jaw Dave did not even flinch the other at narak that was still seated said damn not like damn oh you got hit it was more like damn Leroy i l done [ __ ] up Dave calmly finished taking his jacket off placed it on the back of the chair and the redneck went to throw another punch Dave caught the blow with his hand grabbed the redneck by the face like he was palming a basketball and in one fail swoop slammed his head against the side of the bar Dave then drunk him through the bar still by his face and carried him out the back and threw him in the dumpster again still by his face when Dave came back and he started over to the other mouthy redneck who at this point was making a run for the door and they've kicked him in the middle of the back bending his entire body backwards into the shape of C the sheer momentum of the kick ended up slamming him face-first into the big wooden door that only opened inward the dude stood up and it looked as though his face had [ __ ] exploded Dave came back over calmly apologized and said he was just glad he didn't kill them I totally believed he meant verse said he wouldn't come back as not to cause any more trouble and I made absolutely sure he knew he was 100% good in my book Dave never paid for another beer as long as I worked there I was a whitewater raft guide and had an obnoxious older man in my boat who kept throwing strokes on me acha putting his paddle in the water when I was telling him to stop he was fighting with his wife the entire time down the river and she kept telling him to knock it off because I guess this was the annual family vacation and plus she knew it was awkward for me to be listening to all their drama he was being rude obnoxious and mean he had two kids in the boat as well and they looked uncomfortable and sad we came up to a rapid with an infamous rock of if I tap it with my left side the person sitting up front almost always will get dumped out right before we came on this rapid I had the man switch with his son who was sitting in front left yes I rammed into that rock and he got to swim down some class 4 Rapids he wasn't happy but he definitely didn't put his paddle in the water anymore unless I told him to the best part was when we got off the river he stalked off bitching about how wet he was and whining about how he almost died when he vanished his wife handed me a $100 tip my father recently told me this story about this Ash at who he works with driving trucks for different distributors they have no smoking areas since food production ztc but this [ __ ] decided to smoke there anyway putting his butts out in a Styrofoam cup anyway after a while his truck was loaded and decided to just throw the cup out the window after getting in his truck when a man walked past and asks him calmly to pick the cup up and put it in the bin to which this intellectual giant of a driver says if it's so important why don't you put it in the bin before driving off without making much of reaction he picked it up walk to the bin then makes his way back inside when my father gets back to the main truck depo he sees this driver getting yelled at by his boss turns out there was a conference being held with some overseas members of the company and the seer the seer of which was told to pick up the cup they instantly bought the driver from the site and all associated sights and my father's boss had to jump through hoops to not lose the contract renewal I can't imagine the level of ecstasy that SIA would have felt during the whole situation knowing that this prick doesn't know who he is I live in a college town where a certain population is rich out-of-state kids who come here for the skiing and legal pot one night around 1:00 a.m. I was leaving the bars and saw one such gentleman he was dressed in standard my dad is a lawyer and we'll sue you clothes pastel button-down backwards hat khaki shorts and Sperrys he was also very very drunk he was being a general inebriated nuisance as he walked towards his car he walked into a middle-aged slightly pudgy guy wearing jeans and a black shirt the young guy started throwing obscenities at the middle-aged guy just being an ass as the young guy turned to into his brand-new Oda for the older gentleman said you aren't planning on driving are you a young guy stopped collected his thoughts and then turned to sass the older gentleman have I Drive better drunk while getting head than you ever could the old guy said something about he would recommend not doing that and young guy shouted back by this point young guy is screaming and threw the drink he was carrying at this time I realized that there were a couple other guys with the old guy also nondescript also both also wearing jeans you know keine would look good in aviators kinda got moustaches kinda got that cop feel to em so then as the young guy throws his drink and hits one of them one of the plainclothes police officers pulls out his taser and tases the [ __ ] out of the young guy I mean more than is necessary he goes down screaming while his brothers and sera stitute girlfriend watch his buddies consider getting involved then back off when the police identify themselves remember how he was wearing car keys yep big brown patch in the middle when he got arrested so good
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 759,461
Rating: 4.9280338 out of 5
Keywords: you just messed with the wrong person, messed, messed with, wrong person, wrong, person, messed with wrong person, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, ToadFilms, pewdiepie
Id: DjxibrhcnWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 11 2019
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