Hermitcraft 7: Episode 74 - THE FINAL BARGE BUILD

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👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/diamondelytra 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

I believe his nickname is "ladders"

👍︎︎ 34 👤︎︎ u/Itriem 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

I love how half of this episode is somewhat related to Etho xDDD

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/knl7qc 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

!remindme 2.5 hours

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/TheCyberParrot 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2021 🗫︎ replies
don't worry we're gonna start the episode soon i promise it's just raining outside and i don't record when it rains come on two minutes later still raining three minutes later you know what i've just given up five minutes later you know what we're going to wait this out in my office i better bring my bed still raining ah that blew up the bed gonna go and sleep at the barge then no we still can't sleep this is literal what's happening i just want it to stop raining i don't think i've ever had such an awful start to an episode wow well that was just the worst at least we could finally start the episode now so what are we doing today we have got a very very busy day and by busy i'm gonna be busy be today well what i've got in mind is the largest best and final form of the barge i know that we've been focusing on the barge but it is a project that we need to see through to the end and every minute i'm working on this i'm not working on the back of the mansion so what we've got is obviously our badge now this hasn't changed in an extraordinarily long time i have been on my creative world working out what the next stage is oh cool now it wants to be night so i've been working pretty hard between the last episode and this episode designing the final barge form and also doing some work to the big barge sweep i know that there's a lot of excitement about this and some really good ideas about how to make this work but after making and finishing this little tunnel that we started in the last episode i realized that this is no small project and i have messaged impulse who is technically a partner company of the barge but i realized very quickly that the timings of this is going to be extraordinarily difficult so what i've been doing between the episodes is working out all of the timings and i finalized a disc and music for this project so without further ado let's get in to playing this disc and seeing or feeling what this game will start like when people come and play so they'll put in their 10 diamonds in the chest they'll play the disc and that will set the cart in motion so let's do a very quick run through welcome to the hc bbs the hermitcraft big badge sweep your task is simple open shulker boxes and grab items here's the shulker box coming up now see if you can open it oh dear it's empty the ones coming up though won't be your task is to grab as many items as possible but here's the catch you have extremely limited time don't dawdle and make sure you look around looks like you're about to begin good luck so then you get straight into the actual thing man that's quite loud actually i might need to mess with the the levels of the song a little bit but you get an idea you then go round the whole thing and end up finishing at the barge but here's the thing the song actually lasts way longer than this it actually goes on for a whole other minute a whole minute you can hear it slightly so the music has gone on for at least another minute and it does go on for quite a long time so i need to come up with a plan [Music] okay so we need to come up with a plan basically it's uh quite a long song now i have two options i can either make the track as long as the song or i can make the track and then cut the song to match the track so what this basically means is if i'm doing the track first i really need to start building the barge first i need to complete what's going to be up here at the top layer before i can go ahead and start making all this so that's basically what we're going to start with today we're going to try and get a lot of the hcbbs done today but i assure you it probably won't be and to kick things off we really really need to get the barge upgraded and this is no this is no small task we've got what i have in mind for the barge is quite exceptional this is going to be at least a full day's building so i say we stop blabbing about it and actually get building so let's [Music] go [Music] i'm really sorry but i actually have to cut this short because impulse has got back to me and is going to meet with me now hello impulse hello green i have asked for a meeting for actually you know what come with come come up to my office i built this office we're gonna use it uh yeah i'll see you up there dangerous didn't you lose all your stuff in this thing no it's 100 safe it's just not it's not 100 foolproof as scarce are you sure oh oh okay okay okay okay that was scary okay all right well welcome welcome to the barge co uh the reason i've asked you here today is because actually i need some help and technically you are a partner in the barge cove family that's true yeah all right so are you interested uh sure i'm always interested all right i'm gonna have to take this up with my superior wait wait wait we have to come over to the the real office what is it this bridge isn't very okay right well wonderful you've now got an appointment with the ceo okay very that was just the assistant i see very nice very nice oh there's even more diamonds than this one i need more employees okay so what i'm working on at the moment is called the hc bbs which is the hermitcraft big barge sweep it's a mini game where you have to grab lots of stuff and okay basically i've bitten off a bit more than i can chew and it would be great to get someone else involved to make this better okay i mean games that means like games it's not a mini game it's not well whoa no yeah we don't use the mini game word here okay it's a shopping experience oh okay okay yeah it's a shopping experience if it's a mini game people might expect to play for free you see you see how that works okay right because you need more diamonds yeah right i do i do i i need more chandeliers okay right so it's best that i just show you so if you just batman off this with me you don't need to see the full experience again on the minecart you already went through it once so let's just skip to the end but that's the concept i probably fooled you into thinking it was a full experience i thought i thought i was getting good stuff here yeah no no not at all so basically this is the track and as you can imagine there will be loads of shulker boxes everywhere and you've got to grab stuff all right and then okay okay and then you gotta pay to enter and that's that's how you make money but it's gonna be really tough because the minecart goes quick yeah what kind of stuff are you gonna be putting in mostly junk good idea i was gonna say because you could like lose profit if you put good stuff in there like quartz i'll be honest with you most of the stuff that's going in the shulker boxes of the stuff that i've excavated digging this hole really oh okay there you go wait a minute wait a minute what happened to my little barge with the impulse yeah i'm currently in the process of building the uh the barge expansion so i've put off impulse buys for a long time and impulse buys is getting its own little place up but i've had to leave those there just just in case someone still needs it okay i mean kind of a difficult shopping experience but it works at least it's still available okay so what do you need help with then so what i'm thinking is basically giving you a segment of this track to do to decorate and to maybe do some redstone extravaganza you know like sending them up on slime blocks and timings and things that i'm probably no good at fun stuff yes fun stuff ooh bouncing them around like a pinball that sounds amazing exactly okay i don't know dig dig off a section that lasts about 30 seconds and then rejoin here at some point oh yeah yeah sure okay i can cut off out here take them around a little bit bounce them around like you said and then we'll just come back in and finish the loop and it'll be great man yeah i'm down that sounds like so much fun okay this is going to be brilliant i can't wait for people in space because i'm pretty sure everyone's going to sign up and then they're going to be disappointed there will be some rare stuff and there will be some valuable stuff as well but of course it's gonna be some of the harder things to get if you just grab the closest thing to you you're probably gonna end up with junk i'm helping is there any benefit for me like so my my idea was that the barge sweep ends at impulse buys because it's like you're leaving do you know what it is that's what i'm talking about yes okay perfect so definitely some benefit for me as well in this i like that exactly oh man yeah i am 100 in i have already got some designs swirling in my head so i'm gonna get straight to work on this wicked i'm gonna get back to building this because i was halfway through it and now we've had our meeting with impulse and he's agreed to get involved let's get back to the time lapse where we finish the enormous barge upgrade [Music] after many hours much grinding and a couple of tears we have finally created the final form of the barge look at it in all its glory i am not going to be improving this anymore i am 100 happy with how this looks and has come out so let's have a little bit of a tour of the final barge so from the outside it basically has gotten a little bit taller we've got this large section on the side which we all know what that's for but what have i done to the main structure well it has got bigger but not actually in any meaningful way so the inside although it looks as well it's pretty much identical in the on the inside you do get this rather nice look up in the courtyard because one thing is for sure i know i know me and i know the people of this server and we don't like to use doors too much most people prefer to be able to fly into the middle of a shop just because doors are for me to collect not to build so it does mean that i need to shift some things around i need to move all of my logs into this section so this part of the barge is not actually going to be for uh the mini game shouldn't call it a mini game for the shopping experience so what's gonna happen is that is the track is gonna go all the way down there it's gonna make its way up here so when they finally get to the end this will be where impulse buys is so he can put his stock here and whatever he wants and then they are kind of forced they there's no other way to go back through the barge and buy whatever they want although they should come out with a bunch of goodies as well i was thinking that i should put a couple diamond chandeliers hanging here there's a perfect opportunity for another couple of diamond chandeliers can't get enough of them i'll tell you what i've had quite enough of building in this style and the barge for a while and it is also i think one of the largest shops in the shopping district it definitely at least stands out so compared to the other shops here oh it's kind of in competition with scar shop over here but it's certainly bigger than town hall enough about the barge but also not enough about the barge because i've run out of sand again i i don't know why this started but etho for some reason said if you're still using a shovel to collect sand you're a sucker and i need to verify these claims because i have definitely been using a shovel for a very long time and why i don't want to be a sucker so we're gonna do a little bit of an experiment and we're gonna find out the fastest way to collect sand according to etho using tnt is the fastest way to collect sand what is this here's some sea pickles to brighten your day give some to your friends so they have a good day or else pickles i don't need pickles all right i'll give some to a friend anyway let's stay on task it's very easy to get distracted on hermitcraft so we're going to go armed with a full box of gunpowder to the desert before we do this experiment because i want to factor in the cost of mining sand to make tnt into the calculations so let's head over to my private desert where we're going to collect a whole bunch of sand for about an hour and we're going to figure out whether i'm the sucker or ethos the sucker was it loser it was something like that so my private desert is all the way by the upside down which i've not visited in a really long time and mainly because of this enormously large tunnel so i'm thinking we're gonna do about half an hour of collecting for each method and see how we do what the heck there's bees in my tunnel yo what someone explain right now how how do bees they don't spawn in the nether they don't spawn in the nether there's one two three there's so there's four or five bees here this is a mystery there's no portal around here and we're in the middle of my upside down tunnel i mean you can't i don't have my cat my minecraft character doesn't have a mouth but in real life my mouth is open i where did these bees come from they say that the bees are disappearing i found them they're in my minecraft nether tunnel someone explain this makes no sense okay we're just gonna fly past that that is really weird all right to the desert we go ah the upside down a beautiful build that was abandoned because it turns out that the nether is not actually that fun to be in but i we can we appreciate for a second just the upside down mansion i it is a magnificent build to my private desert we go here we are so we're going to do two time lapses okay half an hour of tnt collecting and half an hour of normal netherite shovel collecting so let's just do a a quick experiment first just with normal tnt because i need to make sure that i actually use the tnt in the most effective way for this test to work so let's just do first of all i guess we can do a surface level tnt and see what that produces so that pretty much goes from the top all the way down to the sandstone level and we get a lot of sand okay but i need to factor in the cost of using tnt to collect sand and then using that sand again to craft more tnt i have a feeling that i've i'm a sucker i'm not gonna i'm not gonna i just just saw how much sand that that created and i'm now thinking that i might etho might be right we're gonna find out okay so let's do the first half an hour just using a shovel and see how that works [Music] i should do grind experiments like this more often because i actually got some very valuable information okay so turns out i'm a loser according to etho he was right it is way more efficient to use tnt assuming that you have the gun powder ready and not the tnt than it is to use a shovel shovel's got 245 stacks in 30 minutes and tnt got 329 this is closer than i thought it was going to be i actually thought tnt may even double it but it turns out 84 extra stacks and that means that the shovel is 8.1 stacks per minute and the tnt is 10.9 stacks per minute but i have to tell you something even though the tnt resulted in more stacks of sand well it's a lot messier it is a lot look at this i didn't place them particularly strategically because i wanted to make sure that i was going to not blow up any of the items with the tnt on the ground to be as efficient as possible not only does tnt look worse it was actually way less fun i had a more enjoyable time using shovels than i did tnt so there's a trade-off tnt definitely more efficient but using shovels results in a cleaner desert and a probably more enjoyable time but that's that's just my personal opinion so experiment over we ended up with more than enough stock for the barge i can tell you that much so let's ship this all the way back to the shopping district oh and tnt also you end up with a bunch of byproduct of sandstone which you wouldn't normally get with normal shovels so i don't know if that's a benefit or a hindrance but you end up with some extra stuff wow i really didn't bring enough shulker boxes for this okay well i've got enough to stock up the barge and that's what we came for so let's head back to the shopping district and get this all stocked up oh that's better having empty chests in the barge makes me feel a little bit nauseous okay well we got actually a pretty good stock of sand speaking of etho there is something that's popped up right over here that etho has announced is open for business so i thought we'd have a little go brain ee's trivia theme minecraft prize spruce logs now we can always use more spruce logs place your diamonds in the shulker box near this lectern look in the shulker box that appears and read the question choose and toss the one item from the shulker box that best answers the question into the hopper in front of you this sounds way more complicated now that i'm reading reading it hover your mouse over the cursor press q the lights turn off when the system is out of questions check back later okay let's just give this a go place diamonds in here how many diamonds doesn't it doesn't say how many diamonds okay i just checked i checked discord and it is just one diamond so you put your diamond in not found in a desert temple oh boy really i'm gonna guess it's oh it's gotta be smooth sandstone right yay we get we get our diamond back and we get some spruce logs oh this is amazing okay okay i'm gonna test out my trivia my my minecraft trivia knowledge here we go max ancient debris veins per chunk that's two that's gotta be that's two yay i turned out i know some minecraft i've only been playing it for 10 years alright let's try again splash water bottles don't hurt enderman uh uh i think that's the end of the episode guys uh got a bit too big for my boots there of course of course water bye
Channel: Grian
Views: 2,247,780
Rating: 4.9741368 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, yt:quality=high, hermitcraft, grian hermitcraft, episode 74, barge
Id: Be69yn3L86A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 49sec (1249 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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