You have the Donald Trump Virus! (Plague Inc.)

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so when we left off playing this game we beat the bacteria now we're upgrading to the virus and what better name to give the virus to Donald Trump welcome back to plague dink I'll show you guys what this game is for your new guys I'll explain it as we play and here's the day of the last time but I actually played this Donald Trump virus was over three years ago in that video in three years only has 52 thousand lights come on we can get 52,000 likes like three hours from my friends let's do this Donald Trump the virus and you are going to start it Merkel the Harry go so how this game works Donald Trump begins in USA so my goal for this I'm gonna collect this if you look in the bottom left those are my DNA points the longer the game goes on the more people that are infected the more DNA points I get and then I can evolve the Donald Trump so as you could say down Center virus type so since this is a virus Donald Trump can he can evolve on his own there we go we just got more DNA look in the bottom left whenever I click this bar we get DNA so you look bottom center there are currently two people in three people in the world that are currently infected with the Donald Trump if they're all in market look at Marco look at market look at all the red dots popping up yeah market you get pimple eyes with the Trump seven DNA by let's go to transmissions this is how I transmit the Donald Trump virus across the world if you look down Center the infectivity that a pink bar that's how infectious the virus is right now so if I want to evolve air one to make it a transmitted over airplanes I need nine DNA point I currently have seven and right well let's go ahead and keep keep infecting people eight and 11 all right boy here we go let's upgrade air look how much infectivity that gave me Oh Donald Trump begins to spread all right so what I want to do I want to see if that Airport will send off a infect wait upgrade let's Airlines B yes okay what's an infected airplane leaves America that country that the airplane flies to will become infected there's currently 41 people inspected in the word 4546 okay sis symptoms mutated so if you look down Center the severity of the yellow the higher that is the more aware that the people are of the virus and they'll start working on a cure so I want to go to symptoms and devolve this all this cost DNA to devolve though I want to do it yeah we have to do it yeah that costed three DNA I don't want them to work on a cure yet there's only 63 people with Donald Trump in the world 71 all right we need how many do we need to upgrade transmission 10/10 points all right boys here we go so look at the infectivity go up in the bottom look at that if all y'all go get infected 97 people 100 people now we can watch we can watch the planes leave and the boats and the ships leave they could be infected we just got to be on the lookout I currently have 99 DNA 10 Donald Trump infects hundreds this world I would keep in 13 DNA okay let's upgrade air to look at the infectivity of air to look at that oh yeah go catch the Donald okay I want to see if any airplanes leave Markham like I said the goal of this game is to infect the entire world and then inflict all these symptoms and eradicate human life oh no insomnia symptom youtaite 'add oh no God if you fall fat oh that costs 400 all right well that's devolve that airplane just left and went to Canada now Canada is infected there we go boys we're getting there there goes another plane whoo where's that plane going but I gotta get this bubble real quick where's this play goes you go to China or India it's going to China Oh China has such a high population if that takes off oh and another another plane just went to Iceland look at all the planes leaving whoa we out here look at all these countries every time that red bubble pops up that's another country being infected here goes another one Oh Annie me up no not a symptom okay get rid of anemia that costs five ah crap we need to save up 18 points for water too oh my gosh southern Africa just got taken down Brazil more infectious than TB let's go India India and China are both infected that is so good for DNA points okay I've 20 DNA points let's throw this in water look at the infectivity go up look at that look at Marco Oh mark are you going down sixty-eight how many people in America are infected 93 a hundred million people oh look at all the boats leaving that are infected we just got to keep playing this smart a hundred and eighty four million people infected in the world right now now once China and India start taking off with the infections Oh Noah knowledge of mutating Oh turn it off turn off nausea I do not want that oh that's getting expensive every time I'd evolve something it costs more and more it's to keep the severity down oh look at merica and Mexico ha ha ha dive for marca is completely infected with Donald Trump like I said every one of those bubbles is a new country infected look at this what it look at India we have a billion people in the world infected right now India is half a billion people right now look at my DNA go up as the as in India gets taken over Oh me are you going down 48 points 51 more infectious than the common comb but China's going to look at China China's God look at the numbers down Center of the infected 47:56 500 684 through China and India there are three point six billion people in the world infected with the Donald Trump way something infected way something insomnia devolve all that's so expensive we have 76 DNA points because of India and China oh no it's just working on a cure what country is not infected Greenland and Morocco this country in this country they are not infected yet crap and they're already working on a cure if you look at the bottom right if that cure gets to a hundred Donald Trump dies alright let's let's devolve coughing because I do not want the severity to be high we have a hundred DNA points 4.5 billion people infected what I'm gonna do now go to abilities let's evolve cold resistance so it spreads faster in cold atmospheres in hot atmospheres and I think that's good now we just have to play the waiting game I'm gonna save DNA for the cure there's already five billion people look at Russia look at the news in the top left Donald Trump Awareness Day what is that half look at this look at Russia China a rash of the okay got a devolve rash in them I do not want them to work on a cure faster we have a hundred and nine DNA points boys I am saving up all of my DNA for when the last person that is healthy is infected we just have to watch we just have to watch the cure the cure is 16% done right now the entire world is infected though I mean not the entire world but every country in the world is infected 1 billion healthy people in the world every single plane every single boat is infected with Donald Trump coughing symptom mutated okay we gotta get rid of coughing we have to keep devolving these they cannot work on a cure yet always look at this look at Greenlee going down everything is going down so fast I don't remember things going down this fast with the bacteria I have a hundred 22 DNA points the entire world rash symptom give all that give all that if you not want that cure to start oh wait no I'm an idiot then this isn't how much of the world or of the Cure is done that's how much of the people left are healthy the status for the Cure zero percent cure done and the cure will be done in 62 years they have no clue that they even have the Donald Trump none of the airport's none of the the ship base are closed they have no clue nobody has a clue that they are infected yeah not a symptom do I care there's only 12 million people left I kind of care yep I kind of care we got a default that date cannot work on a cure yet how many healthy people are left 7.1 billion people infect with a Donald Trump two million people left that are healthy a few moments later 0 there are no healthy people left in the world everyone has the Donald Trump coughing symptom is now mutated boys now it's time to evolve the Donald Trump so what I can do now the coughing symptom was just evolved on its own now we can evolve pneumonia what I want you guys to look at in the bottom right the lethality the higher that goes the faster people have died to death oh okay so sneezing does not give lethality neither does pneumonia but pneumonia sounds worse we're gonna go to the monia what is this pulmonary fibrosis scarring of the lungs oh that gives lethality evolve uh what is this total organ failure remember that look oh look at the lethality Donald Trump what's wrong with you boy okay the severity once I evolve this they are gonna start working on the Cure so fast Oh failure oh we can also put them in a coma yes well that sounds demented let's do that I mean that's not that high of with lethality though is there any higher lethality Oh immune suppression passages attached to lymphocytes suppressing immune system Oh Donald you're wrong what is this a fever look at the lethality we win it well is this winning or is this not winning I don't really do paralysis oh gone so nobody can move if all paralysis about a DNA points Oh No is that high enough the lethality get rid of to delete the world before they work on a cure let's find out boys if you think Donald Trump can take out this world get up let's do this look down center zero dead right now Sweden shuts down land borders 42,000 dead a hundred thousand two hundred thousand six hundred thousand seven million dead they're fighting to cure the Cure is at two percent right now Oh No twelve million dead Donald Trump on the watch list China leading global cure effort 5% cure 51 million dead come on boys we could yeah I gotta pop these bubbles toast to lowers a cure time killed more than the Spanish flu oh there's 200 million people dead 9% 10% done on the cure a hundred and eighty one days until the cure is complete half a billion people been killed more than smallpox Donald Trump what's wrong with you ooh pulmonary almond ding damn it a symptom mutated diarrhea gross let's evolve that flesh you dysentery a complete break down in the digestive system a viral instability DNA becomes more unstable increasing random mutations yes I want more mutate come on you take more Donald Trump there's a billion people gone we need to do this before they cure it 172 days delete that bubble so the cure stops 16 DNA points let's upgrade so the mutations happen even more yes one more DNA point here we go even more evolutions here we go Davo 2.3 billion people dead oh systemic infections what does that do I don't know but the lethality is halfway there half the world is almost gone boys 3.5 billion how does it care like 24% of the Cure 25% of the cure we have DNA ploy hold on let's give them dysentery yeah look at the lethality okay we got to stop this cure five billion people are dead wait is this gonna work hold on 364 days till the cure we're not gonna get the cure there's not enough people not just symptom mutated less than a billion people alive in the world right now 400 million 300 million 200 million you know what this seems fitting let's go ahead and evolve insanity here we go there you go Donald Trump you're causing the world insanity less than 20 million people left less than 10 million people left 3 to 1 million WestEd a million less than 500,000 oh no 10,000 0 [Music] Donald Trump has successfully eliminated all life on Earth you guys have enjoyed this video do me a favor hit the like button down below also hit the subscribe button for new around here hit that little Bell as a crap ton of fun we'll see you dudes next time thanks again for hanging out watching this video and once again before you go hit the subscribe button for daily videos
Channel: SSundee
Views: 7,422,445
Rating: 4.9330525 out of 5
Keywords: Plague inc, ssundee plague, ssundee, ssunde, sundee, kid friendly, kids videos, videos for kids, kids, child friendly, family friendly, donald trump, donald trump virus, plague inc, plague inc game, plague inc gameplay, plague inc virus, ssundee plague inc, You have the Donald Trump Virus (Plague Inc.), plague inc ssundee
Id: bNRH2oESqvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 09 2019
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