MY POOR KIDS! (60 Seconds)

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[Music] [Applause] welcome back to a game that I have not played check this out I haven't played this case as June 12th 2015 over four years ago oh we're here again here's Dale the last time I played this game eighty thousand likes on that video news we can get eighty thousand likes in the first 24 hours come on don't make me look bad please okay so what this game is although we're gonna start a new game apocalypse your job is to survive as Ted and save his family from the nuclear apocalypse here we go so how the game starts I'm gonna run around my house before the nuclear bomb lands we go here we go here we go okay so I have 20 seconds to look around my house so I'm definitely gonna want that axe the gas mask and then I gotta throw it into that shelter med kit what is that what is that briefcase oh thank you almost every face work and I need to grab water and okay grab the chick grab Timmy come with me Timmy grab the water oh crap grab the grass gas mask threw it into Barker we have 60 seconds okay okay grab water grab water uh grab my grab my wife come with me Dolores you looking fine today girls chemic okay grab this grab the axe Oh what grabbed the flashlight oh gosh grab the water okay and you see in the bottom that's my hands that's how many things I can hold uh what else what else Whitney what else do I need alright checkerboard bring the checkerboard okay I need food I need water make it grab the make it oh give me yeah give me a bug spray we'll take the bug spray okay now we got to grab the fatly come with me you fat tube of flowing water look at her she takes up three slots you're a large you're a large lady oh come on throw it in there what else do we need what else do we need I need some belt okay but water oh I find not in there by the time that red bar closes I need to get there now oh gosh how much food and water did we get we're going down to the bunker right now how much food and water did we get that's the main thing and it begins day one inside of the nuclear bombs that look at all this stuff we have a radio we have a map flashlight how much food only three cans of food though oh now alright boys this is my family we have Ted we have Delores we have Mary Jane and we have Timmy trying to survive and the goal of this game is to survive ration out your food defend yourself with the rifle and the ax go up top get more food and survive day one all of us made it into the shelter just a second before the blast there that was a close one as long as we're together we can make it work down here we remember hearing canned soup is healthy for you well well me have three cans so that doesn't look too good looking I remember bringing those supplies up so apparently a radio a map and a gun was already down here in the shelter so that's good we don't have much food no one's complaining yet okay let's see what what's going on plenty of water means we don't have to worry about okay so everybody's good day one I don't need to give anybody food or water on day one and look how much water I have boy we out here alright next we always thought life could be much better that was before we got nuked now we think life would be much better in a way not that much has changed day one is complete everybody's looking good except for Delores she keeps looking at me weird Delores draw with you why do you look like that stop looking at me maybe the new world will offer new opportunities and it won't be that bad this morning has been calm enough for Ted and he's doing well Mary Jane doesn't need anything Delores doesn't need anything and Timmy doesn't need anything either this is how you know this will tell you when they start needing food or water Mary Jane II used to be cheerful but lately she is feeling a bit down she clearly misses her music lessons she keeps humming her favorite classical pieces imitating the sound of tuba she said she would die for a chance to play it again which media very well said it's a shelter if this is what happen to have anything how what do I do why would I do maybe we shouldn't consider letting her out for a short walk around the house no the heck is wrong with you Mary Jane you are not gonna leave the shelter literally you can bring down hepatitis Q it's wrong with you risking your life for a tuba madness if it was a guitar no you are not going upstairs to get a tuba Mary Jane I don't care how much you cry it's not gonna happen day three time for to supply ration so I'm gonna give everybody water cuz they're asking for it every time I give water you see my supply I just lost a bottle of water to all these fatties should we get this next tab this is where it starts to get interesting I could send people out in the wild or out in the world and scavenge for supplies but I also can't get hurt in return should we start preparing for an expedition for tomorrow I mean how's my food looking we have three cans of food let me see what it says the contamination of our town is still strong scavenging meat in these conditions could result in radiation sickness so I don't want to do it yet I want to wait till this says it's somewhat safe all right let's do this play a game they said it will be fun they said they never mentioned picking one would be so much trouble wait what do you mean we got checkers right there play some checkers you jerks what's wrong with you look right here we go day four we thought playing the silent game would be a good idea the silent was too annoying we quickly stopped there literally stuck down here for four days our rashes are still looking good so we don't need to do an expedition Mary Jane has been awful silent today this is very unlike her should we try talking to her you literally just played the silent game of course she's quiet that's wrong with you yes talk to your daughter maybe tell her to make tuba noises look at what all right day five what do we got here anything new how's everybody looking okay everybody's looking good hey Ted how about you use that action shaved your beard you're looking kind of bad okay what's wrong with you nothing solves problems better than an honest conversation over hot beverage we don't have the latter but talking okay so Mary Jane is good from talking we were discussing plans for our first meal that didn't feature tomato soup when we heard yells outside we discovered they came from a small group of ragged survivors they were a sorry sight and we weren't surprised when they requested aid they asked us to provide anything we could water food or medical supplies so we can get people are walking by our house and asked us for help I mean we have a ton of water maybe they'll give us something in return maybe maybe they won't come back and kill us later you know what take water get out of here you bothering me you don't come back give me did you give me something in return day six our visitors had problems finding enough words to express their gratitude ah nice to them many tears were shed smiles and hugs exchanged oh don't hug them they might have the hepatitis Q and they wished us all the best it looks like everyone is thirsty again dang it alright let's give them water there goes another bottle of water crap we're still good we still got soup nobody wants to eat yet I mean could you imagine going 6 days without food after all the days we spent down here we're not exactly clean we smell bad really bad it didn't bother us until he noticed it and now we're about to get sick so why not take a shower we don't have soap but there are other alternatives to consider you want to use bug spray to clean yourself and what would you use bullets for ah well I don't want anybody getting sick so go ahead lather yourself up in some bug spray you freaks heck is wrong with him we finally had a good use for that bug spray we brought down our we brought down it probably smells better than we do so they just literally sprayed bug spray all over himself alright what is this it's time we stopped wondering about what's going on and started asking questions or at least listening to some reasonable Oh so we can turn on the radio and see if we hear anything up there so here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna let them eat and rest one more day and then after that we're gonna send them on an expedition we got the radio going let's see what have with the radio we were able to get a weak signal and tap into a government emergency announcement service and guess what great news they'll fall out outside as mostly gone it should be safer to travel on the surface now yes nobody's hungry it seems awfully quiet outside maybe it's safe yes I knew what he was good by the way out here way what is this we got scared a little bit today when all of a sudden our map just fell off the wall Oh maybe our shelter is haunted when the map fell down it revealed some sort of safe behind it we don't remember installing it but we could probably crack it oh there's a safe yes crack that safe this is safe behind that map Oh give me something good and we're sending somebody out to scavenge oh we got food from behind the save we're still not certain how the mat fell down but we got food oh they're calling an exorcist all right there you go have fun with that all right so let's said Mary Jane with uh what do I give her you know what let's send Mary Jane with a gas mask just in case she runs into any radiation Oh Mary Jane's gone live Mary Jane come back with a bunch of food and water girl don't you come back with nothing less wait if there's anyone who can rescue us from this situation it's our government the government people are coming and we should keep our eyes or ears and eyes open for any sign for them yes we're gonna use our radio for the government we will get rescued Ted we coming for you boy day 11 when does Mary Jane come back that's my question if we knew it the government has not fallen and they're coming to save us they didn't get exact dates in their radio transmission but we're sure they won't keep us waiting long they'll be in touch the next couple of days hmm during the night we heard some suspicious sound sounds coming from behind our door when we peeked out in the morning we saw a leather suitcase it has no address or name on it but we're pretty sure it's meant for us should we open the suitcase what if it's got anthrax in it what if it's Mary Jane's head oh god what if they put Mary Jane's bad in it where did somebody [ __ ] me Mary Jane's head a gift oh I just got an achievement unlocked a gift is it her head oh gosh what is it we got food we gladly accepted the sudden gift despite our suspicions it turned out to be food what if that's ground-up mary-jane face oh that's a key Ted is really thirsty Ted is hungry is everybody thirsty and hungry let's find out thirsty hungry thirsty hungry oh gosh these fatties are thirsty and hungry out now we've discussed everything we couldn't and no one is willing to chat anymore the silence is really disturbing okay so nobody wants to talk in the basement in the shelter so let's turn on the radio there we go wait who's Mary Jane what is that knocking noise you heard that nobody's home how fortunate we took that radio with us we can probably listen to some music okay nobody's thirsty or hungry but what was that knocking noise I mean Mary Jane isn't back and I don't know what that knocking noise to us we always steered away from casinos gambling okay so they want to play cards but we don't have cards crap is that gonna kill me oh no Mary Jane come back now with cards please come back Mary Jane Mary Jane I miss you is that her oh she's hungry and tired did she come back with anything oh she came back with to water no we needed food Mary we need food Mary Jane what's wrong with you so they went to a cinema and they got water and now she's tired and hungry Mary Jane you're useless you're never leaving this place again tell next time um Timmy's dude okay so is everybody doing well Delores Ted everybody's doing well except for Mary Jane she's hungry all right Mary Jane take some of the food you didn't bring home you little turd nuggets wrong with you on this next scavenge I'm gonna send out Ted with a gas mask yeah just in case there's radiation all right Ted come on boys give me something good bring back food bring back water bring back a sleeping bag so this fatty can sleep why do I keep calling her fat I'm sorry I'm insensitive where did that green puddle come from oh dear a pipe is leaking green goo that's not good that's not good at all we need to act now and no one packed a mop oh and we can't fix it because we don't have any of these ah leaking green oh gosh what's that mean we couldn't figure it out so we just assumed that it was a regular pipe we've been feeling a bit funny today though oh we were about to go to sleep when we heard scratching coming from the door at first it sounded like an angry rat trying to eat the thing we soon discovered it was something much worse someone is on the other side of the door trying to pry it open hmm shoot him shoot him in the face Delores shoot him in the face come on Delores defend the house Delores you got a gun oh they broke the gun what happened the gun it's not surprising that a few shots were enough to send those cowards running the question is what happens if the rifle malfunctions or we use all the ammo so we scared them away for now we've received another transmission from the army that we're doing a quick sweep of the area and asked all survivors to leave markings at the nearest bus stop to indicate they're around no I don't have cards so I could tell the army that I'm near if I had cards Oh No Ted please Ted please come back dang it we missed our chance to let the military know we are here Oh No there's this is not good we never thought we'd live to see a dancing cockroach we still haven't but we saw one that was nearly as big as a cat oh the bad news is they are huge we probably won't attack so why would they want me to kill it but I don't have a handbook or bug spray anymore all right well we have a new pet kids call them cockroach oh it's a cat sighs cockroach that's kind of gross and there's the cockroach Oh radio signal and where's Ted wait what is that did the radio static just stopped for you mo okay let's turn back on the radio yes come on Ted Ted's back oh god Ted Oh Oh Ted what'd you do with your hair oh we got a new rifle and ammo did you bring any food and water though we were able to tune into some survivalist lady who was hosting a let's use program she was evaluating rifles she obtained for the [ __ ] Anna wait so we got a rifle from the radio signal Ted safely returned from the safely returned home from the voyage exploring the wasteland should begin in our own backyard our street was a good choice plenty well stock houses what did we get we got ammo that was it Ted you didn't bring home any food we're running low on food Ted no we gotta go on another voyage it seems awfully quiet outside maybe it's safe yeah let's do another expedition what is his a young man knocked on the door he said he has been watching for a while oh gosh and he believes we're good and good and decent people although he hoped we would meet in different circumstances he could really use our help now the mission is rescuing his twin sister who went missing while trying to infiltrate a nearby bandit camp you know what Timmy you're gonna go help the twin you're gonna go rescue them from nearby bandit camp there's gunshots Timmy's back what happened Timmy the young man was assisted by a group of other survivors all armed but really friendly we found the girl through her a weapon and fought off the bandits guarding to exit siblings were happy anyway they were really thankful and promised to contacts again soon okay we think we're so low on food Dolores is thirsty hungry thirsty hungry this is our last can of soup Oh Timmy Timmy you're gonna go out with the guy gosh um you know what Timmy you're gonna go out with a gun you're going out with the gun boy bring me back some food Timmy life in the shelter can really put a sustain on personal relationships privacy's have forgotten impossible concept now so we're gonna wanted to clear the air well even the most private Delores and Ted could really use a quiet moment to talk in peace how about a picnic in a nearby park oh that's a good idea but if mommy daddy need it y'all gotta go is that a bad idea should I have not in send them they came back nothing like romantic romantic outgoing to a ruined post-apocalyptic park Oh everybody is okay hungry tired hungry Delores and Mary Jane are both hungry but I can't feed him what is this today we were visited by a strange-looking little man who introduced himself letter traitor so I can give this guy a radio for a deck of cards or a map for a harmonica you know get outta here I nobody want that crap I'm gonna keep my radio wish Oh Timmy's back Timmy did you bring food Timmy three bottles of water Timmy I need food Timmy and bug spray with Dave 20 bug spray for where do I need that for Timmy kind should I eat bug spray yeah can i a bug spray Timmy well you made ones you couldn't see through the afro to grab some food huh oh no boys married a drink some water we're going on another excursion you're so hungry but I can't feed you cuz Timmy's useless starvation they both have starvation I can't help you take some water oh how do I make go Delores is the only one that hasn't went yet we're taking the axe oh the Lawrence bring me back some food girls day 32 for over a month living in this crap hole we've learned a valuable lesson recently if you don't do anything about roaches in your home you will end up with more roaches that's not ideal if we don't do okay I'm gonna use the bug spray on the roaches get out of here roaches y'all smell like cheese spray him day 33 come on Dolores Mary Jane take some water when we got here okay can't do anything about that on the door again Mary Jane where'd you go we couldn't spare any food for Mary Jane and eventually she raced a boiling pork point where her stare was enough to kill she left without a word but we know we knew she would probably become a highway woman and get all the food can she would ever need she left Mary Jay come back actually no that's less food to feed so that's good okay Ted is thirsty all right Ted take some water if we got water for days we can't use the accent anything because Dolores took it Dores come back with food so they both need food Timmy's diet needs food it's today or Never Ted looks very weak if he doesn't eat today it might end really badly our table used to be very quaint and friendly place before the blast the town's folk we often recall in the old town Jim who would sometimes limp through our street turns out he's alive and well and still homeless some things never changed you clearly misses us so much he's been banging on our shelter door for the past few hours asking whether we want to buy a rock hopefully that rock means food boy give me something good all right we have no food oh no we opened the door and greeted the old man with a smile he was eager to show us his bag filled with a rich choice of rocks I don't need rocks I need food Timmy sick now Oh Timmy he's tired fatigue starving dehydrated okay he needs water all right Timmy we'll get you some water boy don't you worry we got water four days today we've met a bunch of people dressed in what looked like a Halloween they claimed to be a field hospital they're asking if we have any spare hydrogen peroxide yeah we'll give him some water maybe they'll give us food no they took our water and that was it Oh Timmy is no longer thirsty Timmy was cured Oh Timmy we decided to peek outside for just a minute to see if there's a store around the corner when we were about to step out we heard a growl in the darkness and a pair of ferocious eyes appeared a few feet away you gonna have to shoot that Ted you gonna have to shoot that right between the foot come on ooh you hear that gunshot can you kill it can we eat it all right we got nothing from it where is Delores a quick shot from the rifle was more than enough to scare away oh gosh boys we can't feed you we can't do nothing I'm sorry we have one bottle of water our supplies are scarce and our morale morale is low you can almost smell the desperation in the shelter we're pretty sure there's a small group of survivors nearby most old folks from the retirement home it shouldn't be hard to borrow some some of their supplies they're old anyway oh gosh yeah we need it come on Ted take the gun Rob the old people that's messed up shouldn't say that doing Dolores is back we got a deck of cards we brought back the ax we went they went to the local police station one can of food Dolores you couldn't bring back more than that ha ha no who's hungry hungry hungry hungry all right so Timmy's thirsty hungry hungry hungry oh no we have to go on another expert excursion we have to uh if we care about the future of our kids we need to start homeschooling oh we got a homeschool how does checkers homeschool and out us bugspray homeschool all right well here we go last man standing on Chi Minh unlock day 40 Oh No Ted is sick good thing we have those checkers did they knock get anything from robbing those old people is that messed up should I not hope for that everybody's sick well Delores isn't Ted and Timmy are sick Ted is also hungry and thirsty Oh God Ted Ted you're gonna have to go I can't okay I'm not gonna waste the water on you I'm gonna give it to Timmy because you're about to go on an excursion take the rifle with you Ted come on Ted bring back an entire food store we're all out we are all out of water we are all out of food I only have a little bit of water I guess oh gosh Oh a coded note was left on her doorstep should she keep herself busy with it what maybe the code means something I don't have any water oh um the Army is on the radio again they said they'll be scouting the neighborhood and need to find clear signs of survivors that are still a lot we can do the cards now we get you on where we are and heads back we got food and water to food to water yep yep okay ten are you hungry Ted is hungry but not thirsty Dolores is thirsty okay okay we're moving water Ted doesn't need water do we go on another excursion though we've heard some commotion above and we're pretty sure it's a band of raid okay let's go on an expedition and I'm gonna send Dolores oh I'm not gonna give her anything well we might we might win this though the cards are out there for the military hungry thirsty hungry all right Dolores it's time for you to go you know what take the gas mask with your Dolores bring back some food and water are the walls closing in on us is there space getting smaller need to get out of here now open the door open the door no you are not opening the door Ted and Timmy sit there Oh stay 49 Oh what the heck happened to you Ted why do you have mr. Socko on your hand he's crazy Ted why have you gone crazy something shipp ted is still tired and needs more time ted has gone crazy a gang of thugs started banging on her door ordering us to surrender and give up all our supplies how do we respond to these scumbags shoot him Ted shoot him get a barn come on day 51 now we've lost her ammo um is anybody thirsty it's all I can do nobody's thirsty I have no ammo wait if I would have paid him ammo they would have given me something no axe uh what is this ooh so I could get I could get bullets for a checkers table I could use that med kit but I don't have a boys or a Scout Handbook dang it fair exchange so we just got Oh Dolores is back we got soup yes we got bullets two cans of soup two water and a briefcase and a hand we just got a scout manual Dolores you are the man oh boy we saved okay who's hungry good job Dolores you may have just saved this family it took several days and a lot of silent cursing but Dolores finally cracked the code impressive the note contained detailed directions for some secret location nearby oh but it says Dolores must show up alone Dolores you just got us food you've got this what is that noise day 55 Dolores dolores de l'arche is on her way to the surface let's hope she'll make it back okay so if we had this harmonica the government would my would be able to find us hang it Oh achieving unlock enigma what is that door she's back what did you get Delores to Kansas soup Delores you are the man oh ho judging by the sound of gunfire and screams it sounds like a band of thugs have taken control of the area okay we're not gonna go on an excursion a gang of thugs started banging on our door ordering us to surrender and give up our supplies you know I'm gonna ask you a question boy get out answer to mr. Socko unbreakable what Goes Around way what happened we die oh gosh wait why does Ted look like van we were able to fight off the bandits our axe broke during the fight we should get a new one as quickly as you can Ted hasn't recovered from his illness yet hasn't but he looks fine alright let's give them their food and water we're almost certain there's bandits around okay we don't want to go on another excursion all right and there's still bandits out there we can't go on and exert so I can get an axe for a map I mean the map hasn't been really that useful I'm gonna take them I'm gonna take that axe that I don't haven't really used that map at all like I don't know you know I mask on got an axe we will survive this we're almost certain there's bandits around danga there's still bandits oh wait I could give for water for giving up my rifle I have no waters yep yep giving they take my rifle give me that for water day sixty two months we got water boys that's what I'm talking about all right what do they have hungry thirsty thirsty deranged all right well Ted's insane a gang of thugs started banging on the door we'll defend with the axe this we might do this sixty one day 61 where is the military at though all right we lost our axe Tiffin your all's eating all our food boy what is this ooh if it was one person we could truly miss it as our great Uncle Terry all right so we can use our Scout Handbook for something what is do we knew it we found a photo between the pages oh they were looking at their uncle yay nobody cares this is our last bit of food Ted come on boy oh we've heard commotion above we're pretty sure it's a band of Raiders Daggett I can't leave traitor alert Tim each Salvage comic books are mostly harmless since wait should we banish Timmy to the wasteland for his treacherous ways and dispose of his blasphemous comics oh dang is wrong with you y'all done lost your mind just when we thought a group of bandits on the other side of the door demanding we walk up I don't have any way to protect myself and my dad abandoned me Tammy we watched helplessly as those cruel thugs took Timmy out of the shelter we hope we'll see him again oh no they took Timmy No why would you take Timmy Ted Ted why did you do anything about that so I don't have any food to feed a divorce we have to we have to go on an excursion we're gonna say yeah we have to send Delores we're gonna send Delores with a flashlight yeah a flashlight come on Delores all right Ted is still hungry but I can't do anything abut we're being invaded again and we have no way to defend ourselves Ted a short ten after a fierce fighters shelter our home was stormed by a heavily heavily armed bandits nothing good awaits us there and uh rehearsing please have mercy my only chance oh no day 68 the Knights who say me you perish for now I'm gonna end this video here if you guys want me to play this again and figure out how to beat this hit the like button down below definitely play this again also hit the subscribe button here hit that little bow that was freaking tough that's it that's a tough game thanks for hanging out thanks for watching be sure to drop this video a like before you head out
Channel: SSundee
Views: 6,012,306
Rating: 4.9569826 out of 5
Keywords: Ssundee, sundee, SSunde, ssundee game, kid friendly, kid friendly game, new game, kids, games for kids, new kids game, games for kids new, new games for kids
Id: mEm3mPCHY54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 53sec (1853 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 29 2019
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