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the impossible quiz by slap me do this is like what 10 years old but I haven't played this before so let's do this and start oh gosh how many holes in a polo pol oh - yeah there's a zero there and a zero there and oh there but wait a polo could also be a shirt it could be two or four Oh bars before I guess listen listen the last time that I did one of these stupid answers thingies was over two years ago and in two years that video only has a hundred nine thousand life we can get a hundred nine thousand likes what a day and a half if you like button so I don't look like an idiot place all right boys let's do this so as you guys can see I have two lives to beat this entire quiz so I'm guessing it's four yes gosh can a match box you mean can a match box like a match that you light a fire with can it actually box somebody like punch something in the face no it doesn't have arms no no but a tin can now we'll just go with that number three struck what cab no it sick say it ref no wait this is back backwards answer this question backwards ko okay oh is this right okay no click the answer okay okay out of order out of order out of order out of order okay Oh God which one do i click oh gosh this one okay okay so it's for nobody tin-can KO I click I just hovered my mouse over the click the answer I have to actually click oh boy I'm gonna have a hernia what oh gosh this is ms oh this is gonna be interesting right answered her before the answer yeah there we go put the mouse on here okay now don't touch blue next question ooh okay so I got to get over there without touching blue um can I just like go along the bottom of my screen and then look at me and then number six the square root of an onion ah 28 onion is not a number pi onion is not it's either carrot because you guys know an onion it grows underground onions are like a root ish kind of thing carrots are also a root kind of thing what is a shallot sounds like a cuss word oh gosh shallot oh it's an onion Oh shallots but we don't broke good we don't you're winning alright number seven this answer the answer is really big I mean the word answer is wrote and really written really big infinite it's also a big number maybe I mean it's infinite really big the answer is really big really big you're telling me the answers really big so I click I hope you step on a Lego Oh an elephant's really big as an elephant as elephant ooh search what am i searching for Oh put that lid up why did that light up unhappy face no way know about X I don't know what I'm looking for let's keep going who would it subscribe to Sundy whoa guys in this search a lot of you guys that watch my videos aren't actually subscribed for some reason so do me a favor hit the subscribe button join the tube just kidding that's not actually there Russell it you raise it X ya X right there yes oh right click yes Wow what was the answer to question 2 what was question 2 next level strats were doing it again oh we got four yeah no but a tin can that one wait a minute can't grind cheese leaves your bitch's date what do you mean it's not that one wait okay this one says and this arrows pointing to this then this arrows pointing to this and this arrows pointing to this but we know that one's not right it's this one Oh number 10 choose food glove and I a pen a chair or teeth oh gosh Oh which one is it oh no it lead to longer than a few minutes later I think I get it whatever you say the word choose it also sounds like choose choose food dentures skip oh I can skip a question oh that is sick all they have one life left okay what follows December 2nd I mean obviously December 3rd right okay wait a question mark follows December 2nd 142 Dwarfs oh god what is wrong what does that even mean okay so see the December 3rd or a question mark yeah we're gonna go with question mark I mean on the bright side of things we have 3 lives now ok so it's either the 3rd it's gotta be December the 3rd right no but I'm 42 dwarfs and does that make sense click the smut we're back down in one life crap click the smallest um gotta be a trick question here right I mean this is obviously the smallest right that's obviously the smallest I will beat this dang game I'll do it all and I click the small that is clearly the smallest oh gosh which is it eventually you've got to be kidding me look at the eye in click you see that little bitty dot why are you like whoever Clint created this is I really oh gosh what sound does a bell make whoop no Thrun know what sound is that thing 14 blip blop bloop no it's obviously not that 14 ding ding ding ding ting tang oh it's gotta be that would place ok what can you put in a bucket to make it lighter um gypsy song cause that's terrible torch a hole canned laughter I mean to make a bucket lighter it's a hole right cuz then it'll empty it out unless it's filled with rocks but if you cut a big enough hole the rocks will fall out what can you put in a bucket to make it lighter weight white el ite is in regards to weight Li gh T is in regards to like white it's you see so a torch alright like a torch or a lighter to see the bed in the bucket that place whoa neigh whinny uh okay there's a horse and this looks like a TV and I'm sorry no skipping oh crap I can't even skip this I mean what do i do I mean the the numb or the letters are icy I can click these letters maybe I spell out horse because that's a horse hmm ok nothing please don't kill me please don't kill me [Music] what is the seventh letter of the alphabet I we got abcdefg G right that's gotta be it yeah G this is too easy there's no way it's G what is the seventh letter of the alphabet oh you think you're smart boy okay okay let's let's count this seventh letter one th es-3a l ph h is the seventh letter of the alphabet quick me agent not g 24-7 um oh gosh this hurts oh crap oh crap hold on hold on 24-7 17 18 not there - not there sixteen point nine three one I mean that rounds up to 17 or walrus why is walrus even on here I mean it's either 18 or 16 yeah we're gonna go with 16 since it rounds up [Music] it's obviously not walrus or tail because that doesn't even make sense boys we are on question 17 stop alright so it stopped at 10:18 I can click on the little pictures okay there's a bucket there's a banana there's a house and there's hammer oh stop it's a clock so it's time stop hammer time okay color the correct order um do you suddenly have one life left all right bagi eyes that's just like okay so we got blue blue oh look he's calling in okay please don't that orange please Oh green oh god please green again oh and Y for yellow please no masterpiece go oh I did it yeah we out here boy Deal or No Deal I mean if I click deal then you'll probably kill me if I click no deal you'll probably kill me if I do seal that doesn't even make sense no seal also doesn't make sense you know what we're gonna go ahead and skip this one for now cuz I have no clue I don't want to die I did it watch carefully okay watching um now choose the top left one was Green right 21 oh there we go ah the choice is yours plus one life minus one life escape or plus one skip I only have one life left but if I have a feeling if I ask for an additional life you're gonna kill me I don't know plus one skip okay let me skip this level please please let me skip this level it worked save changes to untitled yes no cancel brand what does that even mean I don't you know skip it skip it what is this sorry no skipping why what is this what is this it's just spelling something what if I mover really fast what I'm gonna move my mouse really fast over it I can't see okay fun first letter is C next letter is L third letter is I see K click click thought the second word is done you can see that as I'm scrolling through the what is that next one V the next what is V click the V in click the V in V oh gosh I li v yeah click the V in lives wait hold on Navi in lives wait no this lives oh this game how do you kill a werewolf isn't a silver gravy granules kill it bang black pudding shoe polish you know what I'm gonna get back here really fast and then I cuz I need I want three lives and my skips hold on black pudding dang that process of elimination I figured out this is seal I don't know why it's sealed but it is and this one's top left and we're back again this one is also brand no why okay alright so how do you kill a werewolf so I was thinking about it and doesn't shoe polish have silver in it right yeah look at this shoe cream antique silver silver shoe polish and Silver's kill werewolves in movies Oh a few minutes late in my question 26 was not good I hope you've been paying attention to the question numbers go to question 21 26 24 20 we just finished 26 so we're on 27 so we need to go to 28 easy what is this that is a dancing cupcake ballet bun fairy cake abundance or cruel I mean I would say a ballet bun but cupcakes are a cake so a fairy cake right dad ballet bud Oh [Music] I did it abundance split up the word a bun dance I don't like you dang it what flavor is cardboard honey pork scratchings talc or egg mayonnaise Oh how do you even flavor cardboard yep no frickin clue we're just gonna guess egg mayonnaise okay put your mouse here don't know why is that bad okay put your mouse here now don't touch a green okay okay this is easy next question easy okay uh okay there's a dog Wolf Wolf Wolf it's just Wolf three times you saw his mouth right here wolf three times yes what are the main ingredients of shampoo cricket crap baby Cham and human feces Hong Kong rocks and sausages cats and whelps I mean if you break the shampoo apart you see sham which is baby Cham and human feces shampoo be smart get out how many letters in his hand one two three four five six seven eight nine right there but what if it's asking how many letters are in his hand one two three four five six seven it's either 7 or 9 9 seems too easy but so does 7 is it hey we're going 7 for his head ohh elephants don't like mice ok what do I do hey what do I do I don't understand one utility lay down our weather L wait like whenever I move my mouse off of the screen elephants start dancing I don't understand oh it worked um don't quite understand what's going on here okay nice one I have three skips what do you call a wingless fly um if it can no longer fly then it's a walk right because it has no wings that damn fly can only a walk ha ha ha can you get this question wrong nope mary-rose sat on a pin oh really mary-rose burst her piles russell will insert a left track oh really first her piles mary-rose let's look like an angry toilet paper roll you know what we're gonna skip this one cuz I don't know put the mouse here don't touch pink hmm if only you had a bridge how do I get a bridge so I can't touch pink and I need to get to that other one oh no what do I do how do I get a bridge way what if I right-click [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] that is awesome boys will just be question 40 oh my god boys if you want me to do this again do me a favor hit the like button down below it'll definitely beat this quiz hit the subscribe button do right here hit that little fell that was a crap to the fun see you next time thanks again for hanging out watching this video and once again before you go hit the subscribe button for daily videos
Channel: SSundee
Views: 15,745,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ssundee, sundee, SSunde, ssundee game, full game, beating a game, impossible quiz, hardest quiz
Id: oNMvBx6UgJE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 41sec (1061 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 12 2019
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