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This guy is so annoying that I wish it wasn't a game.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/BhagwanBill 📅︎︎ Oct 17 2019 🗫︎ replies
are you guys ready to go on a journey into one of the most demented games I've ever played do you hear that sound sounds good introducing plagued ink evolved this game is so demented here's the last time I played this game I'll show you why this is so demented last time I played this game April 6 2016 3 years since I played this game and the last time I played this 50,000 likes on that video listen dude we can get 50,000 likes on this video in like what 24 hours come on I can't do that easy come on boys ok so play gay people I'll explain how we play this game it is insane but these are all the different types of illnesses you can start with we're first gonna start with bacteria and then that will unlock virus and then it goes all the way down fungus worm parasite prayin we could turn into an ape we can also turn into a vampire so we're gonna start off with bacteria and here's the deal if you guys want me to play this again and unlock some of those other things let me know down in the comments which one of these you want me to play next I don't want to do the vampire I don't know that's up to you guys okay here we go boys let's do normal so we unlock virus and let's name our plague ugly the entire world will catch the ugly you are a new bacteria to win you must evolve and spread across the world wiping out all humans in the ultimate playing it here's the deal this game is really easy to catch to get the hang of out I'll teach you guys it's really easy alright start your location so I have to pick a starting country for the first person in the world to catch the ugly so if you look down center there's 7.1 billion people in the world right now and none of them are infected so I think I'm gonna start in Saudi Arabia right because this is a central location it connects to Africa it's really close to Europe and it's right next to India and China which have the two highest populations India's 1.4 billion China has 1.4 billion people in it let's go Saudi Arabia and start here we go ugly begins in Saudi Arabia ugly has infected its first human weak but used to hot temperatures of us involved with okay so how this works I click these bubbles right and this gives me DNA look in the bottom left that's my disease meter those are my DNA points when I click this I now have a DNA point those DNA points are key to this game alright let's do this here we go let's turn it on let's zoom in on Saudi Arabia if you've looked down Center I have Saudi Arabia selected there's two infected people right now and Oh red dot just popped up five five infected people we have two DNA points now look at Saudi Arabia and these little bubbles here orange bubbles they give me more DNA points watch this watch in the bottom left I just got three DNA points and I'll show you what all these DNA points mean in a minute there's currently six people infected in the world with the ugly seven Oh give me more DNA okay I think I need I forgot I don't know much DNA I need I'll check in a minute alright ten people infected eleven twelve we got okay we just got nine DNA I think that's what I need ugly begins to spread ugly is spreading from person to person and sake Arabia everybody's kissing the ugly we gonna be ugly up in here alright so I have 9 DNA so let's go to my DNA taskbar and look at this this is my bacteria right here start date July 16 daily infections art so let's go to transmissions right this is how I infect more people so look in the bottom of the screen there's infectivity that little pink bar that's how infectious ugly is right now and the severity and then lethality right y'all show you all that in a minute so if I click um let's say mosquito if I click the mosquito to evolve this look down there under infectivity look at how much that's gonna give the infectivity if i evolve that it makes mosquitoes transmit ugly to other people let's learn together let's evolve mosquitoes so now the infectivity is even higher so people will infect themselves even more you have successfully evolved ugly okay thank you thank you and as you can see there's boats that are leaving Saudi Arabia you see that boat right there these boats are mook going all over the world just like airplanes if I can do this right some of these boats will be ahead will carry infected passengers and they'll take them to a different country all right 15 people infected boys let's do this come on Saudi Arabia you will go down and then once I get 10 DNA I'm gonna you fall for the next thing I think I think it's 10 25 people infected amateur Brant and I don't care don't care about you sometimes they pop up random news that I don't care about I just care about the ugly yes here we go come on Saudi and 9 need one more DNA point yes there we go ok now I can upgrade look at the infectivity oh wait I could I could do insect too but that costs 21 DNA points yeah so I could either do water or air so the air what this does is increase infectivity especially in arid environments and this is how I can transmit the ugly via airplanes or boats I think we're first gonna go with a boats yeah here we go all right let's see if we could see a boat leave with the disease I that boat is clean whenever a diseased boat leaves it leaves a red trail now that boat was clean alright 144 people infected in Saudi Arabia 157 six disease points I think I need ugly infects hundreds okay yes infected hunters in Saudi Arabia did everybody's getting ugly today alright nine points I think I need 11 11 or 12 points DNA points to upgrade 12 and I can upgrade air there we go so look at the infectivity in the bottom there it is here we go we got to watch for boats and airplanes to see if okay that airplane was clean that airplane was clean too it just went to India oh we got another point I was so we're at two DNA points and here's the deal once i ugly spreads a Middle East has been infected did it go up here yes that bubble right there means it's infecting another country Middle East through this six thousand people infected ugly has infected thousands in Saudi Arabia oh boy we getting out here here we go so I currently have the world selected so if I select the country 10,000 are infected Middle East 11 are infected if I click the water then it shows the world here we go he's gotta watch my DNA points I need to make this more okay we're getting points in son Israel now to sis okay this is what you got to be careful of a symptom mutated right sis so whenever you have symptoms you see the severity is going up if the severity gets too high doctors will start to work on a cure so I want to be undetected I don't want anybody to know that they're ugly so let's go to symptoms and devolve cysts yeah painful lumps containing pockets of the pathogen am that's disgusting so if I devolve this that gets rid of the severity okay and it gave me two extra points hold on let's go to transmission alright next transmission 17 718 DNA points 13 15 10 yeah the highest infectivity if you look down bottom as I click these is water too and insect 223 okay 18 points then I can upgrade water to let's do that here we go we're still looking oh another country was infected oh I never play just left oh look at the airplane going let's click that bubble so that country was just in fact that Iraq was just infected oh gosh okay so what airplane just left Saudi Arabia it's either going to Mexico or USA oh where are you going boy and what's in Mexico the first person in Mexico just caught the ugly remember those red bubbles that pop up that means another country is infected now we gotta broaden our scope because airplanes and boats yeah another airplane just left Saudi Arabia and went to Brazil why we got 12 points all right we need 18 airplanes and boats can leave these other countries now too so I gotta be I gotta keep an eye on how many people are infected in the world 308 433 thousand people have the ugly 500,000 pop red infect bubbles to gain DNA points yeah II jumped wait Iran Oh East Africa South Africa Egypt all these countries are being affected world many okay don't care Oh was that India India with 1.4 billion people as his effective what else was France okay France was just affected 2.7 million people are infected right now what is this Iceland Iceland was affected the first person in the world and well and Iceland and caught the ugly Oh another plane you just saw that plane that plane is gonna land in UK Oh UK I'm sorry y'all ugly oh is that Russia no no that was China China and India are both infected when I have 23 DNA points and Canada is now infected with ugly okay so what's up I can upgrade insect now - yeah let's do insect insect - there we go another plane hold on that plane just left Saudi Arabia where's it going that's on the trajectory to hit America USA is not infected with the ugly yet we pretty over here for long Oh Mirko mark are you ugly who was i living here okay alright everybody's getting Australia from Down Under he's found ugly let's go do we remember all of these red bubbles are countries that are being infected the orange bubbles are just DNA points okay look it's Saudi Arabia how red it is if you look down bottom the red bar and a blue bar that's how many are infected and healthy so it's half and half right now poo Madagascar just went down alright y'all ugly too yeah yeah ugly alright here we go like I want to see how many countries are ugly so if you look down left the hearts those are the countries that are not infected so a good chunk of the world is not infected yet those are the countries that are alright let's keep watching oh another plane alright another plane went to America that's good I'll take it you know you guys can you guys can spread everywhere you want Russia okay oh god I keep keep an eye on keep an eye on keep an eye for these planes Canada plane just went to Canada what isn't infected what is that New Zealand went down bus oh but I have 11 DNA points can I upgrade anything oh I can upgrade livestock that really doesn't give me much infectivity though yeah I think I'm gonna save for water too that gives a ton of infectivity another planes going where's that plane going hard it went somewhere where already was aren't here we go Central America Southeast Asia anemia ok anemia symptom mutated got to get rid of that I do not want people to know they're ugly get out of here anemia give me those two DNA points get out boys wrong with you so what countries aren't infected oh it's even the same amount of countries that are infected aren't that neat alright so all the blue those are safe so East Africa is all safe east sent are South America is all save Greenland alright boys we got we got to get this invective attea up there we gotta get this infectivity up there what do I need transmission oh now we can get water look at the infectivity now oh look at that look at all those countries since water two just popped yeah ugly Oh literally every country just caught the ugly because of water - what'd I tell you how about drinking ugly water y'all gonna get ugly here we go 17 dn8 22 all right let's give it air - there we go look at the infectivity now oh my gosh everybody's catching the ugly today wait 1.1 billion people in the world are infected 1.2 1.6 1.7 oh it's because of India look at India pop it off more infections than the common cold more people have the ugly than the common cold boys India is gone so whenever China starts to mass-produce ugly people that's when you're gonna see the the mass infected are the infected go up these we are dominating this world this is why this game is so dark you'll see why once we get to the end of the video it gets pretty double what is that yeah Kazakhstan just went down to the ugly everything's going down New Guinea uh West Africa Algeria Morocco still safe we need to get Morocco with the ugly it's China going china's starting to go chinese got 14 million infected 17 19 22 28 china's going oh look at china we have 61 DNA i'm gonna save all of my DNA since everybody's getting infected look at china go insomnia okay i need to get rid of that 72 get rid of that symptom insomnia do not want people to know that they're ugly look at china go oh China's going down four billion people have the ugly in the world right now almost 3/4 of the world have the ugly look at China China yeah ugly look at that and China is down okay Morocco just went out how many countries are still healthy Greenland Central Europe Poland Norway Sweden Finland Baltic states Ukraine okay okay here's what I need to do Oh what do I do actually Oh No um hold on hold on hold on let's go to abilities so I can increase the ugly bacterias resistance to the cold to the heat and in countries that hold on yeah more wealthy countries it's more effective there we can also give it bacterial resistance you know that's gross I don't want to do that okay now we're just waiting five point two billion people infected we need to get these countries so I gave it cold so Greenland can be infected Greenland only has a boat harbor so we need to get an infected boat from one of these surrounding countries up to there all right not a symptom not in a guy get out of here get out of here nauseous nobody wants to be sick right now we just want to be ugly stabby stabby and nobody got time for that here we go come on Greenland you need to go down ok boats just left wait is that boat infected no I was just kind of ready oh that boy just went okay so the boat that left Baltic states went to Greenland so we need to infect Baltic States but how Oh No our infectivity is good we could evolve this extreme bio aerosol pathogen by passes air filters oh wait hold on these two countries just went down I didn't evolve anything sad so you're up in Ukraine once we get Baltic sticking what is that Norway just went down Norway you ugly receded your Baltic States infected and then Baltic states could possibly infect Greenland so many people 5.9 billion people are ugly in this world and they have no clue here we go there's five countries that are not infected oh wait that boats infected please tell me it's going to Greenland yeah screaming you ugly you're Hayley you ugly you may be cold but you a Glee Oh we out here for more countries left yes Baltic states just went down they caught the ugly now it just needs to transmit Russia this rash symptom alright need to get rid of rash and they need to get rid of rash rash get out of here give me those two points gap Russia is going down once Russia starts taking over all these countries Weedon is the only country not infected come on Sweden won Sweden gets infected every country is it look at Russia look at Russia going down Russia you're getting chickenpox oh you get pimples you ugly why you getting so many pimples you beg me Russia pimple just popped up there in Greenland ooh all right so we're waiting on Sweden Russia is popping Oh Russia is really popping those pimples right now aren't they well there's six point 1 billion people infected boys this could be it if you think I can eradicate humanity oh sweet went down the entire world is in fact well every country is affected now we just gotta wait for them to start kissing each other with the ugly boys if you think I can eradicate the world with the ugly one right now if you don't want to catch the ugly hey damn like what here we go now we just play the waiting game for every person 6.4 billion people are infected 9 percent of the world is healthy oh not ugly but sad forget all the red paths going back and forth from America to Europe look at that oh that's a key I saw her waiting for Canada these few countries Greenland to become ugly oh there goes United States there goes US oh it's popping like pimples yeah there goes everybody in America is ugly oh I'm sorry marker y'all ugly now is waitin on Canada Greenland and these two countries right here oh there goes Finland there goes Finland Midlands going down to be ugly Oh fiddly Aglio so is Sweden sis okay get rid of sis get rid of sister it assist right now I do not want people to know they're ugly yet we will attack all at once Sweden is going down Finland is going down ugly needs to evolve to kill just wait hi there goes Sweden everything is going down except Greenland Iceland and Canada all these up here what do I do how do I get the ugly to spread in these places let's evolve cold resistance once more so what'd he fall all right spring yeah look at his spreading already oh look at canted already spreading it's spreading in Greenland - look at that look at Canada Greenland and Iceland going oh seven point almost 1 billion people infected Greenland is gone Canada's gone Iceland's gone what if people it was 7.1 billion oh like a cannon up everybody infect yeah give me that bubble through that bubble I'm in a bubble nauseous in don't want anybody to have nausea not yet not yet not yet not yet it's not time to strike it ugly it's not time to strike how many people are healthy hey nobody zero healthy there are no healthy people left in the world the entire world has caught the ugly boys it is time let's pause the game let's go into disease since everybody has it let's devolve all the transmission symptoms there we go we got two more points there we go we got 112 DNA points if you look in the bottom left there we go alright give all that devolve that lets devolve that lets Devo you just evolve everything you know what let's devolve all this joy what I want to keep that yeah I want to keep all this because I want these symptoms to be effective in these regions now it's time everybody with the ugly right now they don't even know they have it all right so let's you fall first symptom coughing everybody's gonna cough there you go um pneumonia okay we can either give them sneezing or pneumonia let's go ahead and give them let's go ahead and give them sneezing all y'all people y'all can sneeze there you go what is this immune suppression look in the bottom right you see the lethality is nothing right now now check it check this out whenever I give them immune suppression so their immune system gets get slower look at their lethality it goes up a little and then check this next one this is called organ failure I think total organ failure look at the lethality Oh total organ failure and boom what is this coma ooh sure they go in a coma you guys want to put him in a coma actually let's give them let's give him a rash anemia let's give him nausea let's make them vomit out so they're gonna have total organ failure and while that's happening they're gonna be vomiting out their organs yeah that's disgusting yeah there we go nausea vomiting diarrhea you know oh that's girl what is this dysentery a complete breakdown in the digestive system causing infected sewage oh god that's disgusting all right so that's all I DNA points for now look at the lethality it will also give them insomnia so they can't sleep so they can't sleep and they're vomiting out their total organ failures and their dysentery all right so dudes check this out there are currently 7 point 1 billion people infected in the world with only 101 dead people this is why this game is so demented do you remember if you guys want me to play this again one of those other things either the virus becoming a vampire let me know it's like butter to let me know down in the comments watch the dead four hundred three million eight million their work got a cure right now the people have figured out that they have the ugly they are currently working on a cure the war if you look in the bottom right that's the cure for percent of the cure is complete Greenland starts to work on a cure look at all the airports and the the seaports closing down killed more than Black Death oh gosh killed more than the Spanish flu ugly placed on a watch list Russia's leading the Goblin cure I just got a pause these bubbles whenever they pop up 17 DNA points turkey begins to break down there's one point seven bit two billion people dead in the world three billion people dead in the world oh I got more DNA points um you know what insanity let's give everybody insanity yeah let's do that what is this seizures oh yeah let's go ahead and give them seizures as well four billion people dead five billion people dead two hundred eleven days until they complete the cure so hold on this is how you tell if you win you've got a few days go by in the top right right look up top 244 days into the cure they cannot find a cure it is impossible for them there are 80 86 percent of the world is dead 500 million people are alive 300 million oh gosh everybody died too - ugly 200 million people left yeah good luck finding the cure boys there's a there's only 150 million people left in the world one year in eighteen days till they find the cure let's find out who's actually alive how do we do that all of Mexico is dead so there's those are the countries that are completely dead all of Mexico is completely dead there's 53 48 million people left in the world right 10 million people is America still good there's 10 people left in America zero people left in America oh no oh gosh Japan there's people in Japan there's a hundred and hundred thousand people left in Japan what about Greenland Green was dead Iceland is dead Sweden there's still people left in Sweden million people left Australia Australia is dead Canada's dead ugly to destroy humanity five hundred thousand people left a hundred thousand 80 50 oh oops symptom combo sneezing and diarrhea are causing unwanted accidents Wow so people are sneezing and their diarrhea out of their butt that's gross that's all caused by ugly and 8000 people left what country is it Southeast Asia wait Oh ugly a successful emanated all life on earth you guys have enjoyed hit the like button let me know if you guys want me to do this again and maybe I can do virus or you know I could be a vampire hit the subscribe button for new around here see if there's next time sorry about that thanks again for hanging out watching this video and once again before you go hit the subscribe button for daily videos
Channel: SSundee
Views: 7,777,021
Rating: 4.9425054 out of 5
Keywords: Plague inc, ssundee plague, ssundee, ssunde, sundee, kid friendly, kids videos, videos for kids, kids
Id: CwpMkgMSZlY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 13sec (1633 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 16 2019
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