so dudes welcome back some more blues td6 this time we're doing another co-op battle this time with another twist three of the players can only be bankers I am the military expert we can use one of each military towers and upgrade to their ability and get to round 100 can we do it boys do me a favor hit the like button down below show me someone let's get to 150 thousand what sixty thousand likes in a day hit the subscribe button hope you enjoy the video are you boys ready military upgrading Xtravaganza what can we stop monkeying around okay who invited him go ahead your own starting started yeah so what we're doing like I said in the intro we're upgrading all six military towers which are the green towers right we gotta upgrade it down the middle path to their upgraded ability um like I gave you a hundred bucks Ian oh yeah Jerome has 100 Austin has 500 sisters that's 500 who do I give money to wait what's me the money I'm gonna be the banker should I get a helicopter the money should I get the helicopter start with it get the helicopter E and get the helicopter follow my mouse around II look at this okay let me set it to lock in place right there you have your pilot's license dole is we want to beat round 100 with these six activated abilities throw anything as possible oh I think it's very posh well Jerome sigils and Biff landing it's possible oh gosh why do you talk the monkey thing really Jerry so we're gonna do that we're gonna get to round 100 while Biffle sigils and drom they are the bankers they can only put down banana farms and if you guys are feeling a little bit of froggy you can put down a monkey village to combine the banana farms to get even more money froggy and a monkey game you're right there are they around five holy crap already I already got the golden banana fire beauties shaken you got the Goldman oh you've operated it twice yeah dude I don't mess around okay okay my favorite language is the money - what do we give the money - OH Austin's got 700 give it all the money just keeps BAM go buddy every time I get a dollar you're giving money just annoying yet okay so you put the monkey farm up top with a banana farming thing back grab the bananas oh I forgot will you give Jerry the rest the old money I don't want to help Jerry you ready Jerome you ready everybody spilling could buy the farmer every round farmer the farmer Oh No greg biffle get your bananas I'm dry oh gosh you've got a kid where you know you're the most month on horse and I know oh no I don't know no oh no oh no oh no could you maybe not let blown around I need to upgrade somebody upgrade give me money firing stop me go to the stoppers I thought you said the bottom route oh no oh no I gotta sell it wait I gotta win I gotta wait to sell I'm going top route okay okay so if I sell bit okay I'm gonna put down another one right well should I sell this one yeah when I have two of them suffered from having too many helicopters I know that's very related no so I got okay so I got to get pursuit yes pursuit and that'll let it follow him all around the track for you okay got it okay I did it I did it I did it there we go oh look it up first suiting we just need to keep farming up money right anymore we you do have to play because in three rounds camels are coming oh no what do I do probably a sniper monkey sniper okay I can only put down the grid so what I wasn't initially getting all camo okay [Music] okay $1,000 hold the rest of that money probably on going a large-caliber Oh actually yeah yeah large-caliber okay okay so remember we have six green towers that we need to upgrade for the activated ability whenever I first called Jerome was like hey Jerome I want to do every single tower in the game upgrade the ability and he was like no yours okay good so hold on I'm gonna put that down oh I can get IFR yeah I don't think catalyst as well Full Metal Jacket broke the oh I'm gonna set the sniper to strong towers only when I are the strongest power okay monkey bang well you got a monkey Bank yo dude I'm the best Baker in the biz wow you look like a flanker got him right on let's go ahead baby very much hit that like what wait I gotta give a my FR FR get a boy georgia far alright so you gotta get ready in six ways you're gonna have your first Moab's coming through and i'd put your preparedness at a negative four so um maybe put down the monkey Buccaneer what is that by sometime oh that's so that's the put it in the center or do I put everybody in the center got up alright now we're all gonna help supply hook you in order to get ya give me all your other stuff Chloe's not employed on this way too fast I'm scared I just got a $3,000 the middle as far as you can grapeshot okay hotshot your cannon ship 3,800 all right so here you go so I pirate monkeys is this my first activated ability yes what it does is it harpoons Moab balloons and just destroys them is immediately Moab takedown ability grapples a Moab balloon it brings it down I have the activated ability okay so around 40 that's when the Moab comes right yet you're gonna be very ready for remember we're trying to get to round 100 don't worry about it what does downdraft do oh nothing pushes balloons back to start ah you want to go to the bottom root as well for that monkey Buccaneer that'll allow them have longer range and crows that's a lot of hit camos oh man alright so now the fun oh look look at his grape shot dude it's like a shotgun I remember that yeah all right boys route 40 can we take down this moab mother of foot mother of foot tourism hate your abilities just hit the ability i did it oh hi everybody in free play everybody hit free play what just happen all right so we got the first ability to upgrade this ability again for the pirate-ship 17,000 should i watch which ability should I get next Jerome I would say save that for now and maybe get your the airplane one yeah airplane one to get the ability for that the helicopters 10,000 let's put down the airplane should I put it down here at the bottom yeah doesn't matter because you're gonna get centered pass on it centered path how do I get centered path that's to the bottom sharper charged ours could pop eight balloons each alright so look at the helicopters doing like a circle okay oh oh oh jeez yeah look at it oh yeah I got to go down the middle path now exploding pineapple spy plane so it can pop camos bomber ace you have four thought you guys are loaded I matter here worth $500 you don't need it drama Jerry what are these thingies down here that you got these little cities oh those are the upgrades in the bank's so I basically took out a loan in order to get a bank to take out another loan so I could get another bank with you okay okay I think what I'm gonna do I'm gonna how much money do you have $3,800 and I owe 17 grand okay that means no Saints Jerome oh I got $5,000 Barbara what is bomber ace dude oh look at the path it's sending bombs okay I'm gonna give my sniper shrapnel shot we'll see what happens try and get bouncing bullets see if that'll bouncing bullets alright bouncing bullets the farm Empire grows ability I can't it's not ready um Jerome what do I do I'm gonna borrow 12,000 more dollars there we go here so no kit ground zero ground zero what's that what's that what's ground zero that's the monkeys ability monkey a ground zero the new ability what is this big boom look at my helicopter it upgraded it like okay you're playing so what is this muck what is this monkey ability do this ace ability that one you basically drop a bomb on the screen and boom are you tell me when to use that Jerome you tell me what all right caller that sounds like a bad yeah all right so right now I have both of my abilities active to hook should I use the bomb yeah big boom I use it oh it just destroyed everything oh my god - sorry bomb I can upgrade it for 26,000 I'm using a bomb enough money for pirate Lord next can shoot three grappling hooks at once this is insane oh yeah guys Brown 60 the big moab comes right this is crazy i need how much 15,000 this is swift 15,000 wait oh yeah Buccaneer pirate load go oh oh so I can hook in three of these Moab's yeah you can do three at a time oh boy okay and through the power of crippling debt hopefully I get you some more money I am friend oh wait I can get thee I can get the sniper upgrade supply drops upon drops a crate full of cash doing it have a lot of money do you have [Music] next up you should probably get the the submarine submarine okay okay where do I put that right there right there you can't see where you can fit it but anyway right there pop sizzle dropping them hashtags dude okay we've got a bad spot that's fine that works now upgrading I guess do a two to the top and then the restroom straight through the middle okay straight through the middle got it oh I could get my first strike capability a devastating missile strike I'm the largest balloon on screen oh boy okay oh wait hold on watch does someone call down money ready for this okay ready ready all right so round 60 boys it is time for the big balloon I have all of my abilities ready except for the air drop for the money boys ready the next thing you want to do put down a mortar trust me and get artillery battery you're gonna lose it hold on okay okay here we go here go go before round 60 should I upgrade oh I can upgrade my helicopter one two yo somebody give me like drop lives I got your guy drops lives and crashes crates or that that works do you have that here we go rocket submarine oh where did it go the submarine rocket just suck in the thingies thanks rule the world give me more money nuke time 61 yeah we're going to level 100 sigils it gets OH elite sniper how many more military towers are even are there uh order tower wait till you see this bad boy oh yeah the mortar tower ok ok I'm gonna put this anywhere on the yeah I know I'm just trying to find a good yeah right there okay select target right there okay mortar him Oh soccer man oh no I should have waited should I have waited mortar do two to the bottom and all the way through the middle bernie's stuff all the way through the middle Oh heavy shells artillery battery wait till you get artillery battery this is so cool okay Paul everything look you know fast it's shooting I can't even see the screen oh you why would you want to yeah alright boys if I want to start upgrading things to the max yeah twenty-nine thousand twenty-five thousand ten thousand what hole are we calling my money what I call it my money yeah look look at that look at that great eighteen oh yeah I also need to get down wait no that's everything one two Oh alright let's speed this up let's speed this up three of them your cipher could use a large-caliber upgrading my sniper oh yeah it's your large caliber there we go hey oh you don't have your support Chinook you don't have the helicopters ability I just realized yeah should I what does that do that just airdrop in packages for you oh wait wait what kind of packages lives or help or money it'll give you extra life look at my helicopter it looks like a flying bus I'm gonna use the the helicopter Billy drag and drop a tower to redeploy what that's one of it so there's two abilities drag-and-drop a tower so you can actually redeploy a tower if you don't like its placement and the other thing it can do is it air drops in a care package and of a hearts more money oh I don't really like the mortar there I'm gonna move the mortar great there oh no I gotta use my grappler oh alright well that was easy okay oh I have so many abilities you guys have done WOD it must be hard thank you well you you're just getting money over there how much money you guys got right now let's speed this up you have won 9000 okay what can I have great what do you want $25,000 at the end let's see what I can use oh I could upgrade pop it all ability rains explosions over the entire screen here's $50,000 i inside so much power okay pop in all this is the final thing for the mortar oh Jesus oh my gosh okay what does pop and all do oh you'll see I'm gonna leave that one to you to see I'm using it up the entire screen oh that's so sick my gosh boys I think we broke they get wait char bomb I can read these things oh is that what the artillery does it freezes things sucker man get yours our Tsar Bomba that is the upgrade to the monkey ace the helicopter oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah under my Helicon ID that's yeah right there all right so what is that bomb do now it's even bigger than the original box oh cool oh cool we're giving that money thank you you guys ready for this you guys ready for this bizarre bomba Wow Oh what do they do what is the kind of wheel you know I don't like the sniper being I'm gonna go ahead and move the sniper I'll have four two grandbabies move them right there oh yeah we've got a bit of gray one preemptive strike we gotta get you what is that that's not your summer all my summary what does that do automatically triggers Moab assassin effect whenever Moab class balloons spawn from the balloon entrance so I can I can send my ability automatically when you're about to see 29,000 I need a little bit more guards all right remember round 80 is another saw it's the psalm great Dom here we go 49,000 and upgrade 49,000 oh there it is dude it is I got it these towers are kind of broken hey do you think we can get to level 100 hi I'm speeding this up speeding it up we're getting to level 100 hey who's got money I'm just trying to get money oh who just gave me much money yeah take that fifty fifty thousand if you want okay okay so this is the final upgrade for the helicopter what does this thing look like it wasn't enough I don't know so what does that do now this helicopter has so many abilities dude yeah all right you guys it'll miss the airdrop in a machine gunner on the map and he just fires away and does extra damage for you it's like having a free hour oh well that seemed pretty nice you might want to use an ability and there's a good easy Oh easy boy oh look at my sniper down there dude my Mirena is $34,000 didn't we get him over a hundred thousand oh dude I'm gonna get you in over a hundred thousand I don't know what I do with all this power and crap I'm an F dubab dubab yes thank you look how many lives we have why don't we have so many a lot here comes here comes round 80 boys now can we get to round 100 I don't know how we good I mean look at these blues are starting to get close dude thousands buy more I can't that's it illegal Wow only in some country suck it in round 80 boys oh my god because round 8 only problem is once around 90 hits with the DDT balloons I just don't know how we're gonna stop them with only these you don't think so these things are crazy difficult throw negativity and I'm not here for ya I don't like it at all germ Rome after round 80 I want you guys to guess without clicking on my towers which one has the most balloon pops okay all right okay here we go round 80 because the song yeah good color can't see wardrobe oh here we go here we go I'm dropping the bombs dropping all the bombs what's this keep speeding through this hey hi you guys ready so I want you guys to guess which tower has the most balloon pops I mean it's got to be the ship right I don't think I'm mortar the mortar the plane I'm gonna say I'm gonna say the helicopter hi who said ship piffle 63 64 thousand for the ship oh crap what did you say mortar mortar yes fifty-seven thousand Oh them fools winning all right what did you say sizzles I said the plane a plane 85004 the helicopter 80,000 the airplane is winning Wow you gotta be alright alright well that just took the plane from 85,000 to a hundred thousand so here's a hundred and twelve thousand pound is he what kind of sniper is that down the lead sniper in the entire world clearly oh my holy crap hey well uh sniper wins good job Marine is a hundred and sixty thousand well we are not very smart individuals are we come on thank you but I'm the least some of us on smart individuals now you look like a foot that's for sure can i suck in zoms yeah seems that seems fair so one hundred with these towers rome do you think it's possible yes or no I'm gonna say no I think 95 is where it's all gonna go awry you think so is it oh you don't even want to know Bob time oh my you know what get on yet I got another sixty-two thousand dollars to give him all right you know what let's get him to a million I know what we've been missing guys what we need Wall Street Wall Street you'll see what's done it's almost done right now a Wall Street I see it you need money here I'll give you money right there there you go drama have two hundred thousand what this bit new it makes four thousand four thousand nine hundred dollars at the end of every round and during the round makes like an additional couple thousand oh hey drum I demand you to give me all your money right now alright boys it's all around 95 words your own thinks it's all going haywire around 95 has so many DDPs they can cover the track from beginning to end what's a DDT it is a super fast moving bow a balloon that is also camouflaged and let in cover that does not sound fun nobody likes that if I do a monkey tower in the center of all this will it speed up their ability time for a monkey village no ADT's right there but you just demolish them yeah that's just what we do out here Jerome oh jeez that's just how we do we have 963 lives to roam that balloon is insane oh my goodness breathing oh I Pro such a worry don't worry boys don't you worry sucking them in strategy I got this 95 where Jerome is concerned here we go 95 in my opinion is the hardest round in the game obviously after 100 it's a whole different piece but before round 195 is insane boys think we can beat 95 good trick you into think it's only these purple regions for like ten more seconds okay the fun begins what's fun 95 oh no I got all the abilities I got oh my gosh your submarine is insane it fries oh my oh my gosh look of you freezing them all dude 95 is tough on Jerome I can't believe this worked so well just remember once we get to level 100 work an apposite and we're gonna see how many balloons each one is popped Oh No oh sorry I got scared I got scared I got scared I guess a little ah what are those there do things all right I got to start saving these ability suck it in ninety-eight boys we're getting close Jerome yeah I'm getting nervous I'm pooping well I got some time we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good we're gonna suck em in suck them in suck him in use the abilities use the abilities you're the abilities I am you guys don't know how stressful this is my middle name is just kidding suck it in suck it in I can't suck the purple thing in Wow look at that damage from the Oh No what do I do here do you have to do I do but I'm gonna wait for that thing to pop and then I'll use it is it gonna pop oh it's pop you look at those look at those band-aids on it dude don't worry I just got you over $400,000 thank you oh my gosh I'm so rich I think your idea about waiting is smart buy just hope it'll pop it's about to pop it's gonna pop soon it's that 20% help I'm gonna free it as soon as it pops I'm gonna unfreeze it and out I can freeze that I forgot missile that is what I'm talking about boys and the monkey sub has six hundred thousand pops oh my god baby boys hit that white boy thanks again for hanging out watching this video and once again before you go hit the subscribe button for daily videos