I BEAT THE GAME! (60 Seconds)

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[Music] welcome back to some more 60 seconds listen I have played this game so many times and I have yet to beat it once but today that will change yeah I mean check this out listen the second time that I ever played this game was over four years ago and that video in four years only has 82 thousand likes come on we can get eighty two thousand likes on this video in the first day and a half I was like an idiot in front of my friends but like I said for years I have not beat this game a single time but I have found something I believe I have figured out a way to mod this game alright let's pick Ted let's forget it venture right okay so check this out check this out you guys know whatever the game starts in 60 seconds for you new guys this is like a nuclear apocalypse right look at this okay so I'm Ted I am running around and I gotta throw all of my stuff into this bunker right here before the nuke goes off in the top right that's the timer let's check this out I have 60 seconds to get as many materials as I can exploit check this up there's the timer I gotta hurry grab everything i crap grab it grab the checkerboard grab the locksmith Oh Craig grab the gas mask grab it all okay check this how you seen the top right that red timer is going up get in there Delores once that timer fills up the nuke goes off if I'm not in there then I died a debt okay I got the harmonica I got the flashlight I got the map I got water check this out come here Timmy whatever I hit the one key right look in the top right that timer wants it listen to this look at the timer boys I don't broke this game if I don't beat this if I do not put the timer that is when the bomb is supposed to go off my luck no bomb is going off come here Fat Mary Jane let's grab that let's grab this water bus we don't broke this game if I do not beat this this game I will literally uninstall my entire face all of it go ahead and grab the rifle go ahead and grab all this water grab some food think yeah oh there's the radio over there - hey Ted Ted hey Ted take your time take your time we got all day you know while we're looking around our house is just having some fun Oh more food over there in the toilet room oh yeah ask them to grab the ax - listen dude I like I said I've been looking at my analytics a lot and a lot of you guys that watch my videos for some reason aren't subscribed so stop being a lazy turd subscribe but for pretty much daily videos and yeah yeah I think that's everything now we just wait for the timer why we don't I will beat this dang game Ted I won't breathe it all right here we go if I get banned for this oh gosh oh yeah am I gonna get steam banned and let's see how much stuff we actually have now so for you new guys how this works you got to survive in this new killer bunker with the materials that you have day one here we go we have Dolores we have Ted we have Mary Jane and we have Timmy look at all this stuff we have how much water 11 bottles of water 8 cans of food first we done broke this game okay so how this game works all of us made it into the shelter just a second before the blast oh gosh that was a close one well not at all so what we have to do survive in this bunker and hope that somebody comes and saves and apparently down here in the shelter there was a Boy Scout manual a deck of cards and bullets and more food and water all right boys so we have to ration our food ration our water and keep these people alive as long as possible and here we go there's random missions on every day it's tough surviving in these conditions let's hope this will be over soon no mission for this day one which is that question mark here we go boys day two all right I have to be smart with my materials how's everybody looking so far okay Timmy Mary Jane Ted nobody is thirsty or hungry being stuck in such a tiny shelter would make anyone a bit apathetic we need to stay calm and await the rescue yes we do all right nothing is going on with anybody nobody needs food nobody needs water we can how this game works we can go out of our shelter and scavenge around the world for materials but our neighborhood is still hired highly radioactive so we're not going to do that right now so let's keep going any missions the kids have been all fidgety lately they miss running around and playing games with each other in their rooms even though the shelter is way smaller than their bedrooms there's some space in front of the table that seems perfect for wildly sprinting around and playing tag should we let them play tag in our follow shelter no you would Timmy you will literally bruise your kneecap and then what everybody is thirsty should I give them water they're only thirsty I remember my first time not drinking water for three days straight never happened oh gosh do I give him water no let's wait one more thing we're gonna wait one more day to give them water our favorite radio stations stopped broadcasting while we tried other fruit what yeah maybe we should take her with our radio to increase its range no I need if I want to beat this game I do not want to break the radio so I'm not gonna tinker with it I am NOT Dave for what was that noise oh did you hear that noise what was that okay yeah so they're all dehydrated now oh gosh Ted looks like he's got one foot in the grave he needs water we're gonna go ahead and give everybody water there we go dudes we still have a lot of water and food left we look pretty good alright so the contamination is still strong we're not going on an expedition that trashcan of our getting disgusting the good news is we don't have much of an appetite when we see it those giant green cockroaches are a good motivator if I don't kill the cockroaches remember that I could get mutant or a mutant Mary Jane look at that look at the mutant cockroach kill the fly oh I don't want to kill that fly because I want to mute Mary Jane alright boys here we go day five okay nobody's hungry nobody's thirsty the roaches seem to get more organized with every passing day they want me to take out the roaches with either the gun bug spray or Scout Handbook we are not gonna take out the roses because we want a mutant Mary Jane like my hair cut our time will come but for the time being we'll just have to adapt to the living situation they're here we're here yep they're gonna live with the cockroaches I nobody's getting food or water ah still highly radioactive in the neighborhood we're not going an expedition breathe calmly 1 2 3 that's better don't panic don't panic we need to open the door this instant or we're all going to die open the door no we are not going to open the door what is wrong with you people can't you just love each other [Music] ted is hungry thirsty and now crazy why does he have mr socko wet on his hand we'll give Ted water food and then everybody else water as long as we have food or water or stay locked in but we'll have to leave eventually it would be good to head straight to safety instead of getting ourselves into more trouble just might be the first mission our hope is that our brave soldiers will come to rescue us if I use this radio the military might reach hello who's calling hello is the military we knew it the government the government reached out to us this is the first step into being rescued they said they will get be in touch in a couple of days all right how's everybody looking hungry crazy hunger oh gosh Ted why are you crazy hey what's wrong all right all y'all get food we had thought phone calls were a thing of the past after the atomic bomb obliterated everything in our little town however a phone booth on our street survived the bombing somehow it seems it's ringing right now we should send someone to answer Ted you're going out to answer that phone boy you're crazy you're gonna do that look at this star down here await further instructions from the military Ted you go go answer that phone boy go answer that phone you're crazy psycho we answered the phone we could clearly hear at gaspers were elderly they introduced themselves as survivors from a nearby town of Hill Valley we had started exchanging information when the call was cut short something must have gone wrong on their side we hope they will get back to us oh no boys we always wanted a pet but we couldn't decide what to get a cat a dog no matter we have our very own cockroach colony now no we're not killing the cockroach come on cockroaches change Mary Jane we were about to go to sleep when we heard scratching coming from the door someone is on the other side of the door trying to pry it open we need to shoot I'm sure it's not surprising that a few shots were enough to send those cowards running the question is what happens if the run the rifle was destroyed oh no all right well let's give everybody food except Mary Jane she's not hungry radio action is still strong wait yes radio we were here from the military we were able to get a weak signal and tap into the government emergency announcement system and guess what great news the fallout outside has mostly gone it should be much safer to travel up travel on the surface now it's safe to go on a mission yes oh look at here we got a rifle back I was pretty sick good job i nobody's hungry or thirsty we're gonna send Timmy out on the expedition yeah let's send them with the gas masks there we go all right don't Timmy Timmy went outside to the wasteland oh gosh Oh No okay what is this we learned oh they want me to kill the roaches again if you do not do anything about the roaches in your home you will end up with more roaches yes bring the roaches for Mary Jane oh look at Teddy's crazy okay Delores and Mary Jane are hungry radios still looking good we're we're done fighting for but for how long okay Ted is losing it let's go ahead and feed Mary Jane and Delores what's the mission on the brook another broadcast from the military they said they needed to locate the general area were in and that they want us to leave specific markings close by they said the marking the marking should be cards playing cards if I put these playing cards out there this will be my next mission yes boys we don't get rescue Timmy come back who's knocking at the doors at the military the cards are in place all we need to do is wait yes okay nobody needs food what is this a young woman dressed in white knocked on our door today telling us the story of her missing twin brother who is most probably held captive and abandoned a bandit camp she claims to know that we're good and trustworthy people and believes that we can help her rescue her sibling should we help no we got cards down for the army do I help this person no yes Ted your psycho go get out of here Ted go help the woman quickly caught a group of friends and we set out for what turned out to be successful mission mission we found the twin oh boy look at us we making friends out here we good people you think new on day 23 Ted is hungry boy yeah I'll give Ted food mission uh it turns out mr. Friedman the physics teacher at Zumiez was right in our case it's they're talking about the cockroaches again nope maybe Jane you gonna turn into a mutant girl what's wrong but you ain't killing those cockroaches what's wrong come on Timmy come back we had some spare ammunition but now it's gone we don't know how or when okay so we got to look for the ammunition with the flashlight who stole the ammunition Timmy yeah Oh Timmy what happened to your head Oh cocoa gosh Timmy would you come back with Timmy anything good gas masks bullets map Oh Timmy got a map yay no food though dang it Jimmy you're a bad person all right Timmy I know you're hungry and you're not thirsty okay Timmy you did Mary Jane you just insist she doesn't feel complete without her musical instrument Mary Jane wants to go up to the house to look for her musical instrument yes and while you're up there eat some mutant cockroaches Mary Jane's gone Mary Jane went outside let's hope she hurries back soon come back Mary Jane Mary Jane is she mutant Mary Jane are your mutant no Mary Jane what did you get did you do anything good Mary Jane all you need to really be careful with door-to-door salesmen okay what nothing made us happier than the sight of Mary Jane did you bring anything back Mary Jane you're useless let's feed everybody okay okay let's do another expedition yes uh yesterday during charades we learned that Mary Jane doesn't know how to spell anti dispersed shalosh merit ah no we are not shelter schooling Mary Jane she's a dumb-dumb let's go ahead and give Dolores food and water and we're gonna send Timmy out on another mission with the gas mask come on Timmy went out into the wasteland no nothing new nobody needs food we are not killing those roaches the roads do seem to be getting more organized Mary Jane you go turn purple what is that noise hello oh oh why are they sick oh why is oak Oh why are you sick that means maybe she's gonna become a thingy soon Mary Jane is thirsty but if she becomes mutants she won't be sick anymore maybe I should use my med kit because Timmy might bring back another one yeah let's use our med kit on Ted wait no soldiers sent out another radio message they're requesting all the gas man gas masks oh crap does that mean I'm not gonna be able to get the military's help there's a running low on food the siblings are back ooh with your siblings yeah the ones I helped they want to use my map should I do it yep I'm gonna do it hopefully the twins can help me we were happy to see them again we quickly handed over the map and pointed okay we still have the map too Ted is hungry oh gosh Ted why are you such a lardo we only have two cans of food left for an isolated follow shelter we sure hear a lot of disturbances let's go ahead and use the flashlight on that Oh Mary Jane please turn mutant where did Ted go oh we found treasure down there we got another med kit from where did Ted go Ted cannot resist the madness that was consuming him any longer it seems that today following the advice of his suck sock puppet he left the bunker [Laughter] goodbye Ted thirsty hungry sick we're gonna give Mary Jane the med kit Mary Jane's better yes oh no don't we lost the radio no how are we gonna get news from the military Delores get water we're not taking out the roaches come on Mary Jane just turn into a mutant Timmy should have returned by now Timmy's gone no we gotta go on another one a few moments later you know what you know what no I refuse to lose this way boys I'm activating my next cheat mode check this out if I hit the number three watch this you hear that now watch this I'm gonna feed both of them and watch this we'll get how much food now check my water 900 bottles of water that's what I'm talking about I will beat this dang game we're gonna go ahead and send Mary Jane outside with a bottle of water kick I married a poor Dolores she's all alone here keep eating you ain't drinkin keeping it away some nasty mutated raccoon like animals showed up around the shelter door almost every night we tried to sneak up on it they want us to trap this raccoon with this box with this suitcase yep go ahead Dolores get him hello who's at the door day 41 the raccoon scratched and bit a big hole through our leather suitcase and escaped okay really enough we found some supplies we got an extra food I have infinite food guy had to eat a friendly survivor group is back and this time with some good news they succeeded in building a small cozy camp the group is looking for any toys or games that would help keeping the kids safe and entertained um here have a harmonica yeah fine still no Mary Jane here keep eating keep eating and drinking Dolores here take you to tale its trade food for something oh I can't oh no not the cats again oh we got that stupid sharikov cat oh wait I've endless food though so I'm not gonna run a food where is Mary Jane come on Dolores we can do Mary Jane hey Mary Jane would you bring me um moon cockroach hello nothing made us happier in the sight of Mary Jane we were hoping the expedition would be successful she didn't bring anything back Mary Jane why are you like this go ahead and everybody grab some food why not you got endless Mary Jane you're going back out this time with a flashlight goodbye Mary Jane harmonica a young singer approached our shelter this morning oh we can give them food yeah let's give them food we have endless amounts now what is he gonna give me in return give me wife what he gave me a radio yes Delores K paid what we got um somebody's at the door we cannot hear what they're saying but they've been banging like crazy no no Mary Jane what'd you bring me Mary Jane anything good please food water you've lost a flashlight for food and water I have in finet give everybody food and Mary Jane good night have fun bring me back something better than nothing it Oh day 57 the cat yeah we should take a trip to see what's the cat's collar gave us an address come on day 58 I just want to win apparently the cat belongs to their dear old man who a nice the cat's gone get out cat you ugly all right what else we got um ever since we jump into our follow shelter we've been wondering about that other door yeah let's go ahead and check out that other door with the gun yeah let's do it whoa day 59 you see that gunshot I just got an achievement so nothing happened with that door um okay let's keep going day 60 I will beat this how did the cat get back here ah crap no I got the cat back in our house they just keep eating Delores is there sure way to get our attention it's definitely banging on the shell door whoever it was was quite persistent they'd been at it for the past five minutes should we open the door yes Delores and McKinney what is this the end no did I oh there's Mary Jane wait who are these people I got a cat wha-what who are these people ha ha my dad no way tonight the end we were esthetic what our friends came over today to officially invite us into their new camp oh it's the siblings they created a new camp they claim the whole thing wouldn't be possible without us where did we win goodbye little shelter you have been our home for a long time but to diet today it's time to move on and the shelter is looking really bright the end wait did I win someone followed us a new beginning did I win you survived I finally beat this game that is what I'm talking about I only had I only had to cheat twice boys hit the like button if you enjoyed hit the subscribe button now it's fun thanks again for hanging out watching this video and once again before you go hit the subscribe button for daily videos
Channel: SSundee
Views: 9,918,820
Rating: 4.9401622 out of 5
Keywords: Ssundee, sundee, SSunde, ssundee game, 60 seconds, 100% completion, full game, beating a game, i beat the game, beat the game, beating the game, 60 seconds game, 60 seconds game ssundee, i beat 60 seconds game, beating 60, beating 60 seconds ssundee, beating 60 seconds, 60 seconds! game, ssunde, family friendly, child friendly, kid friendly, all ages, all ages gaming, steam game
Id: hdq3RB7zVoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 04 2019
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