99% of people CANT guess THESE (Emoji)

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welcome to Sunday dabs by Nikko vault has created me like an emoji quiz challenge I don't know what to expect but let's do this I have a challenge for Nico within this video but let's do this first one here I don't know what to expect what is this ah oh I get it it's a mixing of emoji oh yeah in the bottom right he says country so I have to guess the country chain plus a that's obviously China right how do I figure out the answer though Hey Oh China chain + a is China come at me Nico so Nico Russell keep score of this Nico I get a point you got zero there are 32 of these questions by the end whoever has the most points you guys have to go subscribe to them either me or Nico that's me and of course if you do want to subscribe flip your phone like this alright next emoji what is this okay so another country I'm always looking in the bottom right Bell okay that's a bell right like a little ding-a-ling Bell I said that word why did I say that word Bell + Jim Belgium yeah that's Belgium France right Oh am i right Nick I'm gonna own you yeah Belgium if you guys know Nico can actually speak French parlez-vous French what am I saying next question Oh what is this you crane Ukraine oh boy we're out here this is easy I am three and Oh Nico what guys you guys are gonna have to subscribe to me instead of Nico cuz Nico smells like cheese curds got him yeah look Ukraine boy we out here I thanks what is this one movie okay this is a movie um zoo okay we got a zoo and I ate actually told us two words you have foot zoo foot zu+ foot wait no that's putting at the big toe zu+ big toe plus beans or is that a pea crap zu+ big toe plus P plus a and it's a movie boys if you've already gotten this question right hit the like button you think I'm an idiot hit the like one this is tough Oh God it's a movie aah please send me your energy every white is your energy and I have to beat Nico so you guys have to subscribe to me over Nico Zoo big toe P uh Zootopia Zootopia Nico you go get Rach there we go for aw I gotta keep score Russell's keeping score but for my sake I gotta keep score gotta keep score okay so I got four right so far now before right so far okay is it Sophia yeah I was this next one was six next another movie um chef mouse cheese chef mouse cheese cooker mouse cheese you cook Mouse you Nico what's wrong with you why are you cooking mice chef mouse cheese ship mouse cheese ship Mouse cheese what is a ship mouse cheese it's a movie well what is it oh and I can't give I'm not gonna give myself too much time because that's cheating I can't just sit here for days and try to figure it out I get it I got a little bit of time um um ten seconds okay I put a timer on this screen over here mmm chef Mouse cheese chef miss cheese ratatouille dang it all right Niko you get a point yeah but ain't nobody got time for you I what is this uh waving star ink waving star ink well let me stop time I'm stuck time when we start I'm waving star ink wait is that a guy a man managed monsters [Music] that is sick I got a [ __ ] Nick oh that's clever T doesn't that's clever dick I like the months man star ink these are sick well here Nick are you genius all right what's this next one okay this is a company a smile book smile book face book that's a face that's a face that's a book it's not my final guest though if I guess wrong he wins oh that's gotta be Facebook right that's a face that's a weird-looking face not like a human look if anything it's a face book facebook.com coming for you boy I'm gonna get so many subscribers over you y'all go have to subscribe to me okay also hit the like button oh gosh what is wrong okay next one fire okay it's also a company fire emoji and Firefox oh it's Firefox yeah that's the UH the web browser Firefox instead using Google Chrome or I explore okay should we use Explorer is it Explorer like the slowest web browser in the world Firefox yeah there we go Nico you did rag boy you're getting rekt all right what next one what is this ah okay like that's a thumb okay thumb thumb red button some red button let me start the timer let me start the timer some red button some hand some hand red button ah gosh no what is it I mean I want to say it's the like button but I don't know I want to say is like button yeah it's gotta be like button Miko you didn't even give me a category you freaking jerk I mean guys I got it right so you guys gonna hit that like button I don't make the rules we show does Nico tell Nico tech port Nico he's not even here an ear plus a Rick earring oh that's easy object that's an object earring I'm not even gonna keep score anymore I am destroying Nico right now 9 to 1 I let's keep going car ok there's another object car dog car dog uh car dog car puppy I gotta start the timer start the timer 22nd start timer car dog car puppy car car puppy oh crap what I got it wrong Renuka gets a point what is it car pet I have such a bot I what is this hand horse horse horse hand three horse hand horseman crab let me turn on the timer I got 20 second hand three horse sits the 32 saying it's to say I got to keep looking in the bottom right 15 seconds hand horse horse horse hand donkey donkey donkey Oh what is it damn I missed that one too what is this saying hold your horses oh this hurts so bad I am so bad at this game all right what is this next one we got another saying football down I'm at a touchdown it's gotta be touchdown right you sure did like poking something yeah football down touchdown I'll take it I'll take it I was next one movie um a up old man and blue Jets movie up right didn't let the movie up it's gotta be a movie up yeah Louie up Nico you getting rekt boy everybody you have to subscribe to me not you actually guys I'm just kidding Nico spent like five hours creating this thing so uh go subscribe and Nico he's in a subscriber war with ISIL so I go help him out what is this um feeling car vomit carsick Oh car sick me calm only you boy picking right what is this toilet paper toilet paper this is fun if you guys want me to do this again have Nico make another one of these or something in the life fun this is actually fun what is this um okay this is a movie ah fist bump fist bump Panda well let's come through Panda yeah yeah that's that Kung Fu Panda movie there we go Kung Fu Panda but is this movie another movie um a hotel a vampire and love hotel vampire love hotel vampire love hotel yeah isn't there a vampire movie like a kids vampire movie Hotel Transylvania but how does Transylvania have anything to do with love is that it yeah how does that make guys let me know down the covers how the crap this even makes sense what I don't understand by that question I like a dark-skinned lady an eyelid is this Moana this is a movie yeah I think this is Moana Moo like a cow what's this next one another movie okay it's like an inspector and a door and an e inspector inspect door e inspect door e as an Inspector Gadget Inspector Gadget crap that's my guess finding finding door e that's a good one because right there you did good I think it is a movie actually crap all right what is this subway what is that subway and like you vomited on the screen oh gosh I don't know Oh for a second what is this subway I don't know um subscribe because sub scribble subscrible equals subscribe in nikko language - hey guys go subscribe to Nico for that dangit Nico you're a bad person what is this one bricks and e bricky wall it's a movie wall-e wall-e boy we out here Niko music a water okay just come okay we're back to countries now music a water music a water music but what no he's singing he's got his mouth like he's singing sing a water singer walk singapore there as you're pouring out the water no is that it [Music] [Laughter] are we smart we got big brain we got break brain up here I wonder what the score is I lost count Anika what's it Russell what's the score am i winning what is a Lion King movie that's easy Lion King yeah that's easy we out here what is it object sun glasses sunglasses that's too easy Nicky you gotta give me a challenge boy I'm gonna get so many subscribers Oh what is this an animal starfish that's literally the easiest thing I've ever seen in my life starfish animal the starfish yeah I am Odin right now alright next one place oh okay so it's not a country to place umm Cuba square house square house no 30 second I don't I'm gonna say square house I don't know what that means white house Nico why you gotta do that to me that looks like a gray that's not all white dang it white house alright what is this thing ooh a thing okay goat coffee don't coffee go to coffee uh what is goat coffee ah crap three seconds I'm gonna say go coffee what is goat coffee [Music] guys I don't know what a goatee is cuz you're an idiot like me goatee is what you better hair you go around your face ah Nico you're catching up boy what is this alright an object a horseshoe horseshoe yeah a little thing horseshoes you throw them and you can also put them on the bottom of horse feet yeah that's the original plan form horseshoe yeah we out here I've it this movie a Spider Man oh that's easy spider-man yeah this is almost your last chance to hit that like button and you can never do it again why let's do this movie time forward or backwards time forward car fart oh no time for car farts time for car farts start the time we got 10 seconds time backwards car farts that movie going back in time to a lambda fork no now land for that what is that movie where they take the red car time's up all that oh crap what is that movie back to the future that's what I was thinking in my head I just couldn't say it Russell Russell I know you hate me right now that I got that wrong Oh what is this um oh this isn't even an object or anything oh crap time's up time's up I see unicode time's up thank you for playing my game show Nico that was fun holy crap who won right Russell who won wasn't me or Nico it was me you got a subscriber EFA's Nico got any subscriber on the hit the like button boy go subscribe Nico this was fun and if you enjoyed that video click this next video to watch the next video to be my friend [Music]
Channel: SSundee
Views: 14,377,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: n0nbEpfY9Nc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2020
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