I 100% Completed Palworld

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rocket firing dragons machine gun wielding squirrels penguin warheads and Pikachu's derang cousin that not even Nintendo wants to talk about I 100% at pal world so let's catch every pal in the game destroy five ferociously difficult bosses and build an extraordinarily Cool Base subscribe for more gamer gar content it is time to start our epic pal World adventure our character wakes up on a beach surrounded by strange creatures at this moment in time we have no idea what these creatures are and what they are capable of we do however notice a Strang looking tablet right in front of her character with some very interesting text the towers are the key the tree holds the truth and the tree this tablet is referring to is an absolutely massive tree that can be seen from most areas of the map it is time to open up a couple of chests grab some supplies we're going to get this fast travel point Point these will come in extremely handy later on pick up some berries we're going to get our very first level right there and now we're going to have a quick look around this area to see if there's any good base building spots the sooner we can set up our base the sooner we can get organized and we can start tackling these towers one by one it is time to start capturing some Pals all we have right now is our fists and we use them with great effect we dra our very first pal spere a 95% catch rate this pal is in the bag the very first captured pal of the game is a lamb ball and these piles are actually quite useful for producing wool in ranches and also they make for great Shields next up is a fabulous looking chicken I didn't want to catch it but our lamb extremely violent indeed decides to kill it we do pick up a lift monk figg right there that's needed to increase our capture rate they come a super handy later we're finally going to catch our first chicken of the game and these chickens are very very handy for producing eggs and we will need eggs for tons of recipes in this game this is just one special ability that lamb ball has and it is a shield every single pal in this game comes with their own unique abilities there's over a 100 Pals to capture in this game so it's going to be very interesting to see what kind of a team we develop so we're going to summon our trusty lamb and we are going to build a workbench using the workbench we will be able to make a huge array of useful items that would increase our survivability the first two going to go for is a wooden Club this will make capturing padds much easier I received a second level we're going to learn some pads fairs also going to learn the P box campfires and a few other bits and pieces what we have right here is going to be our very first cattiva these do have mining skills so it's very handy to get these early on as they would get you lots of stone they're also quite useful when it comes to handiwork we're going to get some Stone ourselves because we need Stone to make some future developments we're going to put down our lovely palbo let the base building begin once we put down the P box it will give us a huge radius around this structure that will allow us to put down as many structures as we like the pal box also counts as a fast travel point this makes it super easy to just teleport back to the base anytime you want as pal world is absolutely covered with fast travel stations so we got a few more level UPS we're going to get a few more essential items such as the wrench and our very first Plantation this Plantation can only produce berries but we do get much better ones as the game progresses we will need berries of course to feed our Pals if our Pals go hungry they will get depressed they will get sick and if that happens they won't work for us properly so it's very important that we take care of our Pals so that they can do some decent work for us I also met a house here out of wood and I'm going to put down a couple of Essentials in the house the first thing we're going to put down of course is the campfire followed by a storage box there are hundreds of different items to loot in this game so we will be needing tons of different storage boxes fortunately any storage box that goes into our base we will have direct access to this means upgrading stuff in the base and making new buildings would be super simple as all the storage boxes are linked it is time to make a Repair Station as you can see we have CAU another New Pal this cool pal is called penlet and this Pal's special ability is basically a missile launcher and you're going to see a lot more of that later on in the video we're going to make some pal beds this means our Pals can sleep in piece this is very important for our Pals sanity the more we upgrade the pal box the more Pals we can design to our base with the current settings we have selected we can assign up to 15 Pals to each base and that is the recommended settings that you should use when playing this game you can of course increase or decrease that but for this 100% challenge we're going to go with the regular rules we now have four Pals in total working on the base each pal has their own special abilities which is great it's time to make some serious progression there's a cool pal here called a fox Sparks this thing is a living breathing flamethrower if we can capture this is going to make short work of certain bosses we're also going to capture a gumas this pal will be able to plant for us so we won't need to seed any more fertilizer into the berry Plantation the Goos will do it for us no problem we're going to loot some more chests and we're going to capture more paths we have here as a Cris we're also going to pick up any eggs that we find along our travels because a lot of these eggs can give us really cool pal and using egg combinations using different breeding techniques we can get access to some of the endgame pales very early in the game but we see here is a fabulous seed of myself and gumas working together and penglin decides to join in to water up the crop so we now have a pal for planting we have a pal for watering and we also have Pals for collecting so we don't need to worry about food anymore in our fabulous starter base we're also going to make some cloth armor here as well just to improve our defense capabilities and we're going to put down a lumber yard as well this means we will now have infinite access to Wood we're Ross going to make a statue of power and this statue is vital when it comes to increasing our own capture rate and increasing the stats of Pals that will make it to our battle team Ross going to make a pal workbench that will be used to make saddles and pal accessories shortly down the road we're going to upgrade the base yet again we can now assign more Pals to our base and the more of those quests that we can complete the more upgrades we can perform it's time to say goodbye to the wooden club and hello to the bat the bat is much more potent and it will do a lot more damage especially to low level Pals this is going to make it super easy to capture tons of Pals early on and in this game in order to level up the fastest it's all about capturing palads it doesn't matter what kind of level the pal is at we will get XP that scales with our level so it's worth capturing tons and tons of Pals to get those level UPS if we want to 100% this game we will need to main max level to get our hands on the best gear this game has to offer so we're going to learn a few more essential items here including the crusher This Magnificent structure will convert Stone into palum and we need thousands hundreds of thousands of palum to make capture spheres it's time to upgrade the base yet again we can now assign more Pals to the base there are hundreds of caves throughout pal world this is the first of many inside the cave we notice a new pal here this is called a fuddler these pads are actually pretty good at mining after a good few attempts we managed to catch a Mau these also reside inside the caves I also found a chest in this cave as well inside was some bread and a copper key some of the chests in palor will require keys to open they will require copper silver and gold keys the boss of the cave an elite tomat the elite Pals of this game have more HP n of the regular and sometimes they have much greater stats as well so it's always in our best interest to catch as much of these Elite Pals as possible unfortunately we managed to kill the first boss but we can always go back into this dungeon and farm it over and over again no problem the basses however do change in the first two chests we got rubies and highgrade Technical manuals we can use these manuals to get more technical points and the more technical points we can get the more schematics we can unlock in our own technology tree what's great about pal world is that Pals actually sleep at night time most of the pals anyway that means a bonus capture rate for us we managed to get our very first knocks most of these Pals we won't actually use but if we do want to 100% this game we need to capture all of the pals so I'm after getting the good bit of stone today it is now time to make a tree shot ball and this is going to be a significant improvement from the bat I'm ask going to make a hat here as well this will give me more defense and HP capabilities and the more defense we have the more attacks our character can take before we kick the bucket we continue to level up and capture even more Pals the penlet is very impressive when it comes to using Frozen abilities we also manag to get a Nightwing we can actually use this pal to fly around the map but first we need to get a few levels and also we need to build a saddle we're Ro going to catch these dare Pals I believe the name is an Ary D but correct me from wronging the comments these dares are absolutely magn ient ground mounts they also make for really good lumbering companions as well so we managed to get two Ary dares there which is really nice early on what we have here now is our 10 capture on a kativa because we've captured 10 out of 10 the game will no longer award us with bonus XP if we decide to capture more katas so in order to maximize XP we should be aiming to capture 10 of each pal not any more than that unless of course we're going for specific breeds or if we want a superpowered version of that pack what we see here now is a pal with a buff called lucky and Pals can have up to four Buffs in this game each all these Buffs of course are randomized but if we use proper breeding techniques we can't breed up has it on with very specific perks to maximize their damage so that was another gumas added to the bag because it was night time the tomats were out we will of course capture those tomats have a level two mining skill meaning they can mine metal for us and we are going to need millions of metal in order to 100% this game what we have here is on a cool pal called aant these Pals have really cool healing abilities we also managed to capture a ho crit which is an owl type pal we also found a really cool Camp here in this camp we had Syndicate Thugs and they had imprisoned a pal the great thing about this is we don't actually have to capture the pal imprisoned we just have to clear out the base unlock the container and the pal will become ours automatically which is super handy we just have to push down the F key here and the pal is ours that is another nox added to the bag because of the Buffs that this gumos has it's going to be more suited towards work it has a defense debuff but it also has a work speed and attack buff because it has a 15% additional work speed there from the lucky buff we're going to resign it to work duty we also get a few more levels we're going to earn the saddle here for this Ary there that we caught we're now going to have a really nice ground Mount so we can get around the map way faster we're also going to knock the crossbow which is a really nice ranged weapon early on it will do the job and it will do a decent bit of damage to most of the early game paddles we're going to make a hot springs here Pilots can get into this to increase their sanity and we're going to put down another Berry Plantation because we need more food now that we have more Pals working hard in our base because we have met the requirements we can now upgrade the pal box yet again this means we can design even more Pals to our base eventually we will get to a stage where we can make a second base anywhere else on the the map in order to smelt metal bars in this game we need a pal with the kindling ability thankfully Fox barks will do the job for now they are much more effective PS we can get lat on in the game we're going to convert some Stone into pum fragments we're also going to make Fox Sparks harness this would give us the ability to turn Fox Sparks into a flamethrower that's going to be super effective against Grass Type Pals so we're now going to make a much better workbench this will give us access to the mid teer accessories we can make make in this game for starters the Pelt armor that will give us more HP and defense we're going to make our first medicine workbench medicine is needed in order for our Pals to thrive Pals do get sick Pals get ulcers Pals get depressed medicine is an absolute requirement to have a fully functioning base we're going to upgrade the P box yet again it's now on level 9 we're making really good progress I'm also going to put down a ranch here and we can put tons of different types of Pals into this rench depending on the pal you put into this rench they will generate items for you every couple of minutes which is super handy it's now time to make the Ary D settle and we can now get around a whole lot faster the arcader also has a ram ability which makes it even faster it also has a double jump so navigating the terrain will be easier than ever pal world has an absolutely huge map so getting a ground Mount early on is definitely a necessity especially if you want to explore all of the cracks and crevices that palor has to offer this map is abs absolutely loaded with secrets so getting an early orader Mount is definitely the way to go we are back to mass capturing Pals chipi is a weak pal but it doesn't matter to us it gives plenty of XP penlet is a pal we will use later on it has a devastating Warhead ability wait till you see it in action we're also going to catch some pads at night time here we caught the mpaka this is actually quite a good ground Mount but it's also a decent combat Mount as well malpa is normally travel around in pairs this makes trying to capture them difficult for early players we just got to stick to our range combat keep our distance and the mpaka will be yours no problem at all we're now going to capture our very first lift Monk and this thing is an absolute beast in combat it has a submachine gun special ability and it can dish out extreme damage I also CAU a tanzi and it's very similar to the lift mon where it has a assault rifle but for this challenge we primarily rely on our fabulous lift monk we will build a lift monk later on in the video wait until you see how much damage it can actually do we're going to pick up a few more eggs and we come across our first dinome and this thing is really good at Gathering wood it's also quite good in combat as well but we want it for the wood Gathering it's also really good at planting and it can help out a ton around the base these Dums normally go around in pairs this can make trying to clim them very difficult we managed to kill the first one unfortunately because you ran out of palares back at the ranch our lamb BS are doing great work they're dropping wool left right and Center wool is needed for an absolute ton of structures in this game and massing one early is a good strategy we're also going to learn another pal spere it's a mega pal spere much better than that of the first we also find a really cool Village here this is known as a small settlement and there's a couple of merchants in this Village one sells really cool items in the other cells Pals but the best thing about these Merchants is that you can also sell your own items to them and these merchants will buy almost anything off you so if you feel you have a huge amount of items that you just don't need you can simply just fast travel to the settlement and sell anything you want to these Merchants let's take a look at the pal Merchant to see what kind of Wares he has we can also sell Pals to this Merchant as well so if we ever feel that we have too many Pals that we just just don't need we can sell a huge amount of these Pals to make loads of money the merchant has some PS we haven't come across yet but we just don't have the funds to afford them the cows are an absolute necessity when it comes to making cake later on but we can always come back later check it out it's now time to tame more Pals this time we're going to go for a magnificent sparket sparket is basically a support pal not only does it have the ability to charge electrical appliances in your base but it also Powers up other electrical types making for really cool electrical combos the next p we're going to capture here is a fuok and this just like the penlet is a water/ ice type pal that has very good water C cap abilities we're not going to stop there though it's time to get even more celeres and these Pals can actually be used as a glider so if you jump off huge Heights you can actually bring that pal out to prevent yourself from dying it's also a great way to get around very quickly what we see here now is a very overpowered pal this is known as a Vixie if we put this pal inside our Ranch it will generate pal speres for us that's right they will dig up an infinite amount of pal spares from the ground what what we see here here now is me using my very first glider and this is just the first glider ter we can learn much better ones down the road we're now exploring other parts of the map we're coming across tons of different types of Pals it's very exciting indeed what I've come across here now is our very first Rush Roar and these piles can actually be used to mine Metals you can even Mount them and you can Rush at the ores hence their name rush roers and mine loads of metal that way as well we also got a capry and those Pils have a really good special ability where they can control berries off their back and you can pick them up for additional food Syndicate cans are littered all over pal world inside this one there was a captured lift monk the pals do change every time so you can go back to the same camps over and over again to see if they're going to swap out palads for different palads so it is a really good way to get loads of palads if you just keep revisiting the same Syndicate camps they don't actually go away and they reshuffle you a huge different amount of Pals what we see here now is a another pal called a jol hog and this comes in a couple different versions including an ice version this pal is basically a grenade if you power it up a skill it can be quite potent you can show it at enemies or bosses and it will do substantial damage depending on its attack power we're now going to capture some dire HS these pads are absolutely amazing when it comes to travel companions they're quite fast to mount they also make for really good combatant pals as well when it comes to dungeon cing in this game I cannot recommend this pal in off it is amazing at dungeon crawling next up we are going to attempt to catch a Le Punk and these have a really cool ability CA six cense well they will showcase on your map from when you activate their ability if there's any caves nearby so if you want to go dungeon crawling just put one of these in your party and activate its six sensibility we're also going to get a wlip and if we put these into ranches they can generate cotton candy and it's really good for restoring your Pal's sanity let let's go back to the base now and look at all this lovely wood we get to pick up we can also put a lot more Pals on in the base so we're going to take up the lamb balls we're going to put in two Vixie they're going to generate pal spares our base will also get raided so it's very important that we keep up with our defenses in pal World in my opinion the best defense is a good offense as you can see the fox Spark's harness there the flame chore was super effective against these Pals we're now going to make a mega Shield because the better our Shield the more survivability we have and it's going to be Pals we get to fight that running this game they will do crazy damage to us if we don't have a good Shield if we don't have good armor look at all the pal spares our vixs have dug up capturing Pals is now going to be easier than ever of course these pal spars are only good for lowlevel Pals but there's still plenty of low level Pals that we haven't captured yet in the game so it's time to go back out into the wild and capture tons more Pals we're going to start with some tanies here and there's still four more we can capture for bonus XP we're also going to get on our Rush war and we're going to start mining some ores because we now need tons of metal in order to advance our base if we want to make more of the mid teror structures so it's time to smell some ingots that's going to get us a good 25 right there foxb will get on that we're now going to fight our first boss this one is known as chill it it's an ice type we get it down to low health and we attempt to capture it so as you probably figured out by now the lower the Pal's heeld the higher chance you have in capturing it but here's a tip the more status effects you can inflict upon Nal the more of a chance you'll have to Capt it also so we just got level 20 there which is great and we're also going to go to another Syndicate Camp here and we got here is a Jord hog Crist this is basically a crystal version of the Jord hog you could say it's an ice version it's also a h grenade of course it just does ice damage it's now time to take on the first Tower boss this is going to be a Gris bolt fight thankfully this GIS bolt will not have the minigun but take my word people you will see plenty of grisol Min con action later on in this video when we fight the harder bosses Zoe and Gris bolt this is the first of five Tower bosses this fight is actually very simple you could view this as a tutorial fight when it comes to the tower bosses they do get substantially harder especially the last three fights the last fight is probably in my opinion the hardest fight in the game including the legendary pal fights so later on we are going to have to build some pretty decent teams GIS bolt goes down no problem at all we had a decent team assembled we had a fox Sparks and we had a Nightwing and they were leveled up quite a bit we also get some ancient technology points when we beat these Tower bosses we can use those ancient technology points to get some pretty good schematics inside our technology tree I'm just going to give you a look at the map so far this is what I haven't covered and there's still a lot of uncovering to do so we're going to learn the egg incubator we have a good few eggs picked up by now now it's time to start incubating those eggs to see what kind of Pals we can hatch there's also a small feedback and that's super handy because it automatically feeds yourself and your pals and it frees up inventory slots as well when it comes to food there's also a pal Essence condenser we need this later on when it comes to maximizing damage and survivability for the pals that we have there's also the grappling gun that you can get later that's also going to come in super handy so we're going to build a sphere workbench here now we can make gigas spares and these just like the previous spares are one tear up it just means piles will be easier to capture Ross going to make a cooler box this will preserve food much better for us but we need a pile with an ability to make that cooler box work so you basically need Pals for the base to properly function there's only so much a character can do on its own so to get the next level we have to make a few more items but first we are going to incubate some eggs we're going to put in the large common egg here and normally if an egg is large or huge chances are you're going to get something really good from it now it does say that the egg is a little cold so it's only giving us a 50% increase in the speed there if we can heat up the room a little bit more we will get much larger incubation speeds night time has come to Pal world it is time to capture more Pals the Daydream only comes out at night what's really cool about the Daydream is that if you have five in your party they will all come out at the same time so it is a quite viable Tac itic for exploring pal world you could go around with five souped up Daydreams and just annihilate the world we don't utilize that tactic in this video but it's something we might do in the future video grin tail came out of our very first egg which is pretty cool grin tail is quite the rare pal to come across so it was nice to get it earlier rather than later there is a grin tail boss we can fight later on as well but it's an alphab boss what we just got there was our regular grin tail so we're going to put down another P box and this is going to be our metal mining base we've got a couple of tomats out right now which can mine the metal the cat vas unfortunately can't because they only have a mining skill of one you need a mining skill of at least two if you want Palace to mine metal we're also going to do another dungeon I'm on my dire Hall here at the moment I took out my fabulous flamethrower friend here Fox Sparks and I managed to whittle down this kill Mar no problem at all we just caught it there as well so it was a good dungeon run I picked up a here called try lightning I can teach that to any pal I want and that's a very strong attack I also done another dungeon I guess it was inside Vixie the more Vixie I can get the better that means more pal Spirits for me I also managed to get the boss Vixie of the dungeon as well so I was very happy with that upon looting the chests I managed to get more highr technical manuals and I also got a defense pendant this was the very first accessory I come across and our character has two accessories left this just slightly raises my defense but you know what I'm not going to say no the more defense I can get the better I'm going to capture a pal here now called apreo and this pal has a very interesting ability it can get itself high in caffeine and it can work faster for you I managed to kill the bossom by accident because I didn't realize how much damage the dire Hall would do not to worry though we can always get more depressors later on I got more hyra techical manuals and some Ru bees that I could sell later back to the base look at all of these fabulous P speres that are Vixie have dug up I also put a wpop in here as well because it drops candy and the pals really like that food we're also going to smelt more metal ingots 54 in total we're going to get foxb on that straight away it's now time to make the mega Shield that is going to dramatically increase our survivability we're also going to hatch open the dag here as well and this has given us a serent what's great about the serent is that it is a water pad that means we can use it to travel the oceans of palor and let me tell you something folks there's a lot of water in palor there is a huge amount to explore so we managed to make a saddle for this as well and I was very curious as to what that island in the distance was upon coming over to the island it says that I was doing some criminal activity which was a bit weird it just means we're not meant to come over here but that didn't stop me from exploring I managed to get an azero this thing is an absolute beast when it comes to transversing water but also when it comes to watering craft it's got a watering skill of tree there's also rare flowers over here as well and we need these beautiful flowers if we want to make mine wipes that around to set character stats what we see here is a very rare spawn even for this area and this is a wild GIS bolt and this is something we absolutely want for our battle team this Gris bolt has the ability to take out a minigun and Destroy enemies with and I can tell you right now the minigun ability can be extremely strong if you breing read a really good giso and if you powered up its minigun skill now it did take quite a lot of spheres it just had regular spheres there was a five or to 6% chance every time but I had spares to burn so I just kept throwing them until I CAU the gzb and eventually luck kep true and I managed to NAB it what we see here is another fantastic pal known as a battalia and this pal was born to work in a base this pal has numerous good abilities such as planting and also harvesting more T also spawn in this area such as wild pings and these are really good for combat they're also really good for working on the farm because they have the ability to water crops once the panking was caught it was time to scle out of here if we attacked those NPCs higher ones will spawn in and they have machine guns so they would eventually oneshot us and the last thing we want is to die and lose all our gear so we got an A Sox from an A there and the great thing about a Sox is that it gives you a buff to coldness so if we go to the cold Realms of pal World our Soxs will protect us from the cold the a robe we got didn't have great stats it had pacifist so we weren't going to use it for attacking things it did however have a level three in watering so we're going to swap that out with a penlet straight away patalia here had tons of skills she had planting Gathering handiwork medicine making transporting probably one of the best piles you can put in your base then we had the gis bolt of course and the gis bolt had some cool skills too but what I wanted the grizol for was its minigun so this was going to go straight into our combat team our base got raided again but this time humanizing bit at the base the crazy thing about pal world is that you can also capture humans and you can even get the humans to do your biding you can get them to work at your base if someone can please let me know in the comments if it's possible to breed those humans if it is I will absolutely make a video and see if we can breed the ultimate pal Alliance NPC now they don't really come with a whole lot of skills at all he did have Burly body which was an increase to his defense and he also had a one skill in handiwork that's all he could really do unfortunately as punishment I did get him to make some arrows though and there was quite a amount of arrows to make so he think twice about R my base again he was now part of the gamer gar tribe it was now time to go out back into the Wilderness and te more Palace to level up we got our very first masarina there which is basically a cow and if we put get into the ranch it will generate milk that means we can make more recipes and there's quite a number of cool important recipes we can make in pal world I managed to capture more dinomes the more I these I can capture the better I can get a total of 10 of course for some sweet bonus XP that was the second one added to the list unfortunately it had the coward tra so we weren't going to touch off that when it comes to combat I came across very interesting pads here the first one is known as a s and the big one is known as a sweeper now here's the thing for every sweet you have in your team sweeper gets increased stats so there is an absolute killer combo that's out there at the moment where you can have four S in a team and one sweeper if you power up all of the S skills in terms of maximizing them and if you also maximize the sweeper skills that's a whole lot of condensing you could have the ultimate pal that could almost one shot anything in this game it is a crazy combo it does take a lot of time to set up but if you want to trivialize this game just breed yourself some really good SS and sweepers and just watch as they dominate the map it was now back to getting more Pals I got a Ry bunny there and I also found this structure here it was literally out in the middle of nowhere I don't know if the developers just didn't bother finishing it but it honestly looked unfinished and if you look at the map here I was just swimming around to see if there was anything hidden and to my surprise when I came across this I got very excited but as you can see it could be something that put into a future DLC maybe it'll be a water Village and maybe it'll have really cool NPCs who knows but it was really cool to find there was a boat here as well I eventually came across a giant volcano like area and at this moment in time I didn't know much about this game I didn't realize that the pals over here would be extremely high level that of course did not stop my curiosity at the end of the day this game begs to be explored who am I to deny it such it was time to grab all of the eggs I saw these large scorching eggs were going to give me some of the best Pals in the game you can also get huge dragon eggs over here as well and huge scorching eggs I also unlocked the Fast Travel that meant if I died I wouldn't have long to go to reclaim my gear back at the base I decided to make my very first wheat Plantation and we're going to need wheat if we want to make cake I now had berries wheat and milk all I needed now was something that produced honey and I could start making cake that means I can start breeding Up Pals to make the strongest Pals in the game so it was now time to level up yet again we're now on level 11 what I made here now was a workbench for building weapons pal world has many weapons you can build from assault rifles to shotguns to crossbows to grappling guns to rocket launchers pal world has it all my friends I leveled up the base yet again I could now design more Pals to the base which is great I could also learn the fluffy pal bade and the great thing about this is that it will restore even more sanity to your pals when you sleep in it every day I incubated an electric EG here I got a pal known as a Dai and Desy accompanies you and follows up your attacks with lightning bolts that increase in damage per partner skill level while it is in your party and not set as your active pal that is quite the potent combination indeed especially if you had a few of those next up we're going to make our very first pal Essence condenser with this we can basically sacrifice Pals to make other Pals way stronger so if we want to increase skills of specific palads we're going to need tons and tons of copies of that same palad we're also going to make some fluffy beds upgrade the padd Box we now almost have the padd box maxed out which is great if we take a look at our technology tree here we're now on level 25 we can now make some pretty interesting things if we get to level 26 we can make the power generator once that gets placed in the base electrical pads will become much more important we're going to craft some fabulous metal armor and we're going to go back back out into the pal World Wilderness and we're going to grab more Pals the pal be across here that we're going to rescue is a floppy and this pal is quite interesting is that when it's in a team it will appear near us and automatically pick up nearby items next up we are going to tame a Cognito we did have a very low chance but the gods of RNG were with us today and we nabbed the second one no problem at all just down the road there I noticed a relaxa orus this was the very first time I seen one so I got very excited when I saw this huge dragon type pal thankfully these things are quite common most if not all of the reala Ares we capture come with a horrendous skill called Glutton it just means they require more food but you can breed that out of them realax ores do come with a partner skill where you can attach a missile launcher onto one of them making them extremely potent indeed I also came across another pal here now this pal was actually summoned by one of those Syndicate dogs this pal is known as a loop Moon I managed to get it down to very low HP and I managed to catch using a regular pal faere at this stage in the game it looked like that the regular palar is just weren't cutting it sometimes it took about 20 to 30 pal spares to catch some of the pals that I was encountering I managed to come across a Gil claw as well unfortunately my foxb killed it before I had the opportunity to catch it not to worry though plenty of G claws out in the wild I picked up the lightning streak move today and another accessory the life pendant this will increase inre My overall stamina I did have a really cool short equipped it there and I also had a ring equipped it so I decided to replace both with defense and HP the more survivability the better I finally got a ragna hawk this is an absolutely amazing pal with this I can fly around it also has fire abilities and it's much faster than that of the Nightwing unfortunately I would need to grow a good few more levels in order to put a saddle on this beautiful bird I could however use it as a work pal did have a level three kindling and a level three transporting meaning it would be very good at smelting bars and moving the bars into a nearby by chest the next boss we're going to fight here now is known as quer and this time we don't have to go to a dungeon to fight this this portal here will bring us directly to a boss fight and we can farm this boss every couple of ingame hours no problem at all quivver is a dragon type boss and we can actually put a sadle on this later on and flight around the map which is pretty cool it also enhances dragon type attacks while mounted there's actually quite a lot of PS in this game that will enhance various elements of attacks while you are mounted on them and that tactic will come in super handy for very specific battles down the road though there was only a 5% chance to catch this guy I did use however my very last Mega spare with a 15% chance but it didn't work I had 19 regular spares left eventually I managed to catch it and it was very lucky to do that because the chances were just so low when you do the first boss kill do get ancient technology points and they're very useful when it comes to getting the great things like grappling gun recipes feed bags things like that I came across another base here ragnok cleared it out no problem at all inside we're going to get another really cool pal this one is known as flamb Bell and the great thing about flamb Bell is that if you put it into a rench it will generate flame organs for you flame organs is a component that is needed for a huge array of different structures and items to be crafted in this game we're going to go back here now to the Statue of power I have been Gathering a lot of lim Effigies managed to get my capture skill up to four there which is really nice that would improve the odds of me capturing Pals there's another pal here called The Dig toys we're now in a small desert area they are much bigger deserts in the world but this one has Dick toes these are probably one of the best mining palads in the game so I would like to get a good few of these to put up into my metal base that way I can get way more metal at a much faster pce that was my 31st sck ice so I was very excited about that I also came across a really cool ice biome I just wanted to take a moment to show you how brilliant this map actually looks when you get up to a really good height and you get to look around and you just get to see the depth of this map so there was a big mountain here and there's actually a tower boss up there as well but we're not going to fight a tower boss just now we're going to need a pretty decent team to fight Tower bosses I'm also going to make a cake here because the more cakes I have the more breeding I can do and we're going to get a p here known as a firin to heat that cake up for us no problem at all it was now time to make our first of many breeding pens and we could put two Pals in here and together they will either breed the exact same Pals that you put in or they could breed something totally different there is hundreds if not thousands of different breeding combinations in this game if you utilize the breeding pen properly you can get access to extremely good pals very early on I also made a sphere assem line here as well this gives me access to another tear up sphere and it also means that we can just make spheres at a much faster rate we just need PS with the handiwork skill to come along and get it working but we also need electricity to get it working as well I got my very first van room there as well and you can play around with that it's actually quite a fast player and we also managed to get another Doom mod and they actually have mining skills they're really good for mining metals and rocks let's back out now to catch more mazaras because I wanted more milk so I can make more cakes I didn't have any bees yet but I could kill cinemat for honey if I really needed it to make cake there's a pal here now called bushy I needed to capture him because I wanted to make a pal called nubis and if we breed a bushy with a paining we can make a nuis not only is he a very good worker pal he's also a really good combat pal but we'll get to him in a second so this is the boss battle for Bush he's actually a really good combat pal himself but we're not going to use him for combat on this playu we're just going to use him for breeding so we're going to breed a relax arus here and a Gris Bolt the result will be one of the most powerful electrical types in the game known as an arar and we will use that for our combat team going forward next up we're going to go back up to the mining base and I'm going to build a big Stone structure around the base because the pals keep falling off the base the game is already accessed they haven't perfected the AI just yet but there are things we can do to make the experience better so we're going to get our huge Dragonite here here that will be incubated and as a result our SEC will be ours that will take a while to incubate so we'll come back to it in a moment for now we're going to go back out to the Wild and capture more Pals we just caught a kelpy and kelpy has a great ability while it's in your Party the attack of your Active water pal is increased we're now going to put down an electrical generator here we need this to power up our assembly lines and we also need it to power up some future structures we make as well and in order for us to use that we just need a pal with the electricity skill to power it up thankfully we have loads of Pals for example jol hog Gris bolt that can power that up no problem at all so it's time to put some more work into the metal base and our spare assembly line is now in full whack we've got Penguins monkeys flower people all working hard together to build ourselves some really good capture spheres it's now time to upgrade the base it's now level 14 we can design even more pets to the base 14 pets can be designed right now we are also level 20 9 once we get 31 we can make the high quality hotring that's a game changer it can restore sanity at a much faster rate than that of the regular hot springs we found a new boss here known as king Paca this guy is pretty useful the more King Paca in your party the more maximum weight capacity you have so a great tactic especially to get resources early on would be to fill up your party with King pacas equipped yourself with a really good pickaxe and just roam around it's start getting coal and sulfur and metal and everything else you need to make some of the more advanced scar that are around in the game we came across another pal here known as a brista brista will increase attack power of grass Pals we also managed to get ourselves a Gil claw and they can be used as gliders which is really cool we also came across another pal here known as a robin quill and what's very interesting about this pal is that it will increase damage you do to weak points of monsters so this pal could actually be quite good when it comes to dealing with certain bosses in the game there's actually lot of Pals in this game that augment damage so the amount of different combinations you can utilize in this game are almost Limitless it was night time again it was time to tame even more Pals what we managed to grab here was a hell zipper this is actually a very quick pal so if you want to get from A to B this is the pal you jump on was time to hatch open more eggs what we got here now was a lunaris this is an absolutely amazing worker pal it's got some really good skills including a high level handiwork of tree so it can make things for you very quickly but we weren't finished there we were going to finally break open our huge dragon egg and get our very first arzer now he's not a perfect arzer we can do way better but for the start to Mid tier game that we're now on at the moment he will do just fine indeed almost got a sweeper from yegg as well that was fine but if we take a look at his abilities he got hooligan and ferocious that was a pretty good damage increase for arzac I was very happy with those he's is probably one of if not the best lightning type pal in the game when it it comes to dishing out some serious damage I finally made a saddle for my Nightwing I now had the ability to fly around the map unfortunately when it comes to flying in pal world the stamina gauge you have is very limited so you have to be really careful with certain flyers on where you want to go because I was able to flare on the map I was able to see a lot more things that I couldn't from the ground I came across an NPC here known as the reincarnated guy and what he's saying here is I'm not even supposed to be here I nearly died after getting hit by a truck when under the job when I came to I was on this island when I was sure I was dead I prayed for a slice of pizza now I can make pizza a pair in my hand whenever I want pretty amazing skill yeah here take a slice and he gave me a pizza he was level 50 in PC very interesting indeed and I think he just cracked the whole mystery to this pal World scenario I think our character here is just a reincarnation and once the developers finally figure out what they're going to chew with that that massive tree of life I think we're going to get some really cool endgame content as to how our character came here why our character came here and what is in store for the future of this game and for character development so I came across the new box here known as a relaxus looks more or less the same as a relax RS except it has an electrical ability as well I absolutely had to catch this the cool thing about this pal is that you can also make a missile launcher for this one very similar to the missile launcher you can make with the relax aurus that was the first boss kill more ancient technology points for us it is time to fight yet another boss this one was Laris now we just hatched this one from an egg but it's always nice to get some spares because Laris has some really nice skills that we can make full use of back on our bases so it was time to capture Laris now this time we were using gigas spares but the chance was quite low 18% fortunately RNG was on our side and we managed to na that one no problem at all next up it was time to C catch a bron Sherry here and this pal is actually really good at planting and I do use that pal quite a lot in a number of future bases I decided to fly up to the volcano area and have a good look around as we can see there's a level 49 blaso in this area I couldn't see him where I was but I learned later on that he's actually hiding inside a cave and Blas mut is actually a really strong pal probably one of the strongest fire Pals in the game but we'll get to see more of him later on it's time to go back to the base break open some eggs smell some bars and do some general base progression as we can see we had tons of Pals now Mining Ores we had our quer our tomat we even had dick to back to the regular base I made another assembly line here and now that the 79 is made we can make the Giga Shield that is even more shield for our character meaning our survivability has just went up twofold because we had naris and some other really good pths with handling skills it didn't take long at all to make such items I also made my first high quality Hot Springs that's going to go a long way in terms of restoring our Pals sanity it was then time to break open some more eggs this time I managed to get a Yarman tide ignis just like blut this is a ferociously strong fire Elemental pal I also had a huge Rocky egg I was going to break that open and I got my first Anubis Anubis was actually bred from my Griz bolt and my relax orus so it actually didn't get good stats at all I mean it has really good skills it's got level three mining it's got hand it's got level four handiwork and it's even got transporting unfortunately it's passive skills weren't great but we do end up breeding Elite Workforce anubis' later on in the video making our base very overpowered indeed if we take a look at the Yarman tight ignis we can actually craft a saddle and we can ride this around we can even swim in the water with it it has a level four in kindling there is no better pal in this game at smelting bars the Arman tight ESS is the pal to use if you want to smell bars or make cake what's more if we fully condense him out we can increase that kinding skill to level five it's time to hatch open even more eggs this time I got a repo and this has level three in kindling and level three in mining it is probably the perfect pal to use up in the metal base cuz not only can It mine but it can smelt we're going to go back to the desert area here we're going to capture some more Pals to get some more level UPS this time we got a pal here called a hangu and I also wanted to get more of those do mods as well because I can capture a total of 10 for the bonus XP I managed to get 100% on him because he had a fire debuff plus his health was low so it's very important going forward especially with the harder Pals that we get status effects on them to increase our capture rate I also wanted to catch some of these too toos they had a nasty ability known as a self-destruct if that ability hits it could do crazy damage so we really had to be careful what I noticed about this game is that most if not all the Toads drop specific items these toot toos for example drop gunpowder so if you are in the lines of making tons of ammo killing tons of those too toos would help greatly so IED another level up level 303 it was time to tame some of these lavenders these lavenders actually drop cake now it is quite a rare drop but if you increase the magnitude of which these Pals spawn you could effectively Farm These for hundreds and hundreds of cake no problem at all it's also worth noting too that certain Pals in this game have abilities to make certain Elemental Pals drop even more items so if you increase those abilities you could potentially make a cake farming pal no problems at all it was time to tame even more dig toes these are absolutely amazing at mining I had one up in the Bas at the moment I really wanted to get more upon achieving yet another level I could now make an electrical furnace this furnace will allow me to make refined metal ingots they're needed to make tons of endgame structures and endgame accessories such as really nice rocket mounted Saddles I also had to mine Some Coal here if I wanted to REM make some refinement Lings I do eventually make a coal base but that's shortly down the road I also made a weapon assembly line here as well I could now make advanced Weaponry with this which was nice I now had all of the assembly lines made that means I could now finally upgrade my base to level 15 this means I can now make a total of three bases and I can have a total of 15 Pals working at each base that's 45 Pals in total that can gather resources and do various work activities all around the big pal world map so there was a level 38 memorist here an alpha memorist just down from our first base and it's been wandering around now for ages and I always wanted to beat it but because it was such a high level I said way but my pads were now a lot stronger so I had a crack at it kill no problem at all it actually drops a ton of XP it's a great way to level up in this game eventually I know I will run out of padds to tame cuz you can only 10 10 of each pal for the borus XP when that runs out it will come down to fighting bosses to grind XP that way it was time to make some refined metal ingots and I had some really nice pads to get a job done for that so I could now make hyers spheres and these were actually pretty good in terms of capturing P they not the best spheres you can make but the best fair is we could craft right now and I could craft a lot of them so I'm going to make tons of those and then we are going to go on an absolute taming spree level 35 unlocks an even greater sphere it also unlocks circuit boards we need those to make tons of advanced structures the ultra sphere is quite nice unfortunately it requires refined ingots and for refined ingots we need coal so it's just more grindy to get those feares so I will use them if these feares just stop doing what they're supposed to do do which is capture paddles got my first univ Vault there that's basically a thunder horse and you can put a saddle on that and you can mount it around the place I was also on the lookout for eggs and Effigies I saw a huge Dragon egg in the distance alongside an effigy it was just too good to pass up had to grab that huge dragon egg straight away God only knows what monstrosity I'm going to get out of this I can tell you right now it's not going to be anything small because I had really good spheres I didn't really have to do any more battling to capture the low to mid tier palads I could just throw spheres at them if I throw spheres at the back of the palads I would get a bonus capture rate as well I also discovered a little mine in here as well that would actually bring me into a boss battle that's the shaw Min shaft and those little secret M shafts are actually all over P world are hidden all over the place inside was a boner Aqua more or less the same as the bun St we got previously but this was a water version which was really cool I pulled out my arar to fight it and arar as we can see does crazy damage because lightning is super effective against water I did attempt to catch it but I didn't realize arar would hit it so hard with a skill that would wipe out the rest of its Health but we can always come back later to capture no problem at all it did drop nine precious Dragon Stones you'll notice there on the left hand side of the screen those Dragon Stones sell for huge amounts of money which is really nice I also got a new accessory from the chest an attack pendant this increases my attack damage which is actually really nice that means a crossbow for example will do more damage if I hit something with a bat or a meley weapon that will also do more damage as well so it's time to fly around here now and capture even more Pals and 91% on these wli poops it's is just a no-brainer to just use these spares and Capt them 100% on that one we were going to shoot up levels like there's no tomorrow level 36 already the max level in this game is level 50 so we're actually not too far off now of getting max level there some R bunnies here as well 100% chance I also went to fight a Catrice here inside of a boss instance that was also a 100% chance I found a level 17 Alpha grin tail here this was a boss we had not beat before so beating this will give us technology points I also wanted to capture it because I only had one or two grm tails caught so far it was a no-brainer to add this one to the pic that was the second grin tail cat I heard the lovely noise of a pal with the lucky BFF was a kativa it had to be mine the lucky skill is really good 15% attack 15% work speed it's a no-brainer to get as many Pals as possible with this trait using the breeding system we can pass this trait around to other Pals making them equally as strong I came across a mandra looks this thing is an absolute Beast we can create a saddle for this pal which basically gives it a grenade launcher this thing is a thunder thrwing grenade launching Panda warrior with I don't actually use this pal in this video but I do intend to make videos in the future showcasing how powerful these Pals can be I also came across another pal here called a rhound this pal can be ridden it's quite fast and it can also double jump it's a pretty cool pal to use and it's not bad for dungeons either especially if those dungeons have water type paddles inside them you'll be at a significant Advantage we can now finally make the saddle for a ragn Hawk ragn Hawk has been part of our combat team for quite some time so I'm very excited to put a sadle on this and fly it around so we're going to say bye to our Nightwing hello to ragna Hawk it's much faster and it's got much better abilities to use as well including very devastating fire abilities so at the moment I'm breeding lift monks I want to create the ultimate lift monk it is quite the murder machine indeed this one has muscle head and it also has Runner muscle head gives it an attack of 35% it's just too good to pass up if you're breeding Pals that you want to use in combat I also bred an aagon here as well arzer and GIS bolt that's the combination you need in order to get an aagon ason is a dark dragon type so he can learn tons of very powerful moves he came with ferocious and serious so we can use him for work are we could use him for combat he also has a level for mining making him extremely valuable as a worker pal as well especially when it comes to mining Metals I managed to get an arid Terra here more or less the same as the regular arider except it was a Terri variant and these are new Pals so we can capture 10 of these and get bonus XP on top of it which was great so this is another Wildlife Sanctuary now this has painings but it also has other useful Pals as well we haven't caught yet one pal in particular known as an elfran you can actually catch him here as well and he's a dragon typ out he's quite big and he is what i' call an endgame dragon and we will be needing some endgame dragons that are on individ to fight very difficult bosses indeed some of the hardest fights in the game Alan here has a really cool passive where if you kill dark typs they drop more items here is an 11 Alpha gumas this is actually a boss and I just managed to just catch up here and grab a quick stealth catch it was just so so nice they just one shot it there with a spere I managed to make 273 pum fragments using all of the stone that my PS have made up so far that's going to be a lot more spares for me I'm also back in the small desert catching more dig toes here getting more bonus XP and I also raided a base and I managed to free here A M Crist which is a new pal I also came across a spark it with the lucky trait so it was an absolute no-brainer to catch that the more lucky traits we can get now the better especially when it comes to breeding later on that was all the sparket got as well 10 out of 10 I was also catching more of these univ Vols because I just wanted to level up as quickly as possible some of the items you make in game are just amazing I finally hit Level 40 I could finally learn the gis Bal minigun I also learned the mounted machine gun it's really good for Defending Your Base and I also picked up the Giga glider as well it was time to fight felbat felbat only has one good skill and that is medicine making it's actually quite nice to get a pal sometimes with just one skill that way it'll only do one specific thing in your base sometimes I find that if palads have numerous skills they can do things you don't want them to do I also fought a Nightwing boss here as well level 18 Alpha that was easy enough to catch to that was another Nightwing in the bag and that was the sixth Nightwing caught there more bonus XP for me the last 10 levels to get the 50 were going to be a serious grind it's time to make some refined ingots here a lot of refined ingots are needed to make a lot of the endgame saddles for the palads I also made some regular ores too because regular metal is also needed for a lot of stuff in the game I came across another boss here patalia we already have patalia but I do want to beat every boss in the game it's not that required for all the achievements but you can't really say you're 100% of the game if you haven't beaten every boss in the game now can you achievements are not as we can see the titoes were doing miracle work here with stone over 7,000 Stone collected I'm m going to make a new melee item here called Lily's spear 450 damage it was a no-brainer to swap it out with the crossbow it's going to come in super handy later I finally made the ultimate lift monk it had Runner hooligan ferocious and musclehead the only non attack stat it had was Runner but Runner still wasn't too bad because it could move faster we were now going to level up this lift MK to 50 we were going to condense other LIF monks into it and we were just going to power it up so it can reach its maximum potential using the statue of power I had lots of PS collect it I'm going to start with its attack power I couldn't maximize its attack power at the moment because I needed more of the larger pal soils but we do get those later on and 24% is nothing to Snuff at I then went to the condenser and I started condensing tons of Pals into our lift monk upgrading its main skill which is going to be basically a sub machine gun as you can see the first time you do you just need four but it multiplies every time so you need hundreds of LIF monks in order to maximize its primary skill I then decided to make a large pal bed and this is the ultimate in Comfort when it comes to your pals getting a good sleep at night it was then on to grab some mandas now we did come across the mandra looks earlier these just regular mandas but we hadn't really caught any of these yet so I just wanted to get 10 of these to get some more bonus XP I also to come across a boss Elfen we did catch one initially over in the wildlife sanctuary but I wanted to get 10 in total so we were going to farm that location until we maxed out the El it was a great way to get XP also it was then back to the base we had a large scorching egg I got a kitson out of it this is an absolutely amazing pal its special ability basically means that no sort of weather will affect you so if you go to the snow biome you'll never get cold if you go to the volcano biome you will never get hot kitsun is probably one of the best ground mods you can have when it comes to exploration my bass got red yet again I just wanted to show you how powerful Lily fair was I finally had enough mats to make GIS bol's minigun this thing is an absolute Beast of a weapon and the best thing about it is that it doesn't consume any ammo it does have a hefty cool down time but when it comes to fighting the tougher bosses of the game it's always nice to take it out and do some really good burst damage I managed to get a fox kill into snow biome there's actually lots of Pals in the snow biome we have not caught yet it was now time to fight the second tower boss Lily and lilene now lyen is a grass type pal so fire type Pals will be super effective on her but to be honest this is only the second tower boss it's a quite simple fight they don't get hard until the third fight end up they get extraordinarily hard after this fight and the fifth Tower boss is insanely hard you have to go in there with a well Tau out team well taught out skills a well taught out strategy but Lily and L is more or less a pushover coming in with high level Pals should see you success no problem at all I did have a ragn hawk of course with some devastating fired abilities I also had a kitsun and an aagon but with some pretty fire abilities as well so it wasn't too difficult to get Lil down I had more than 6 minutes to go not that much challenging at all that was two Tower bosses dead tree to go I got some anent technology points for the kill and then it was time to go back out to the snow biome and grab even more ice type Pals what I was getting here is a pal known as a rang shortly after I found a much much larger desert area within I found a little town super excited with this there's actually three Merchants inside this town one sells Pals one sells ammunition and the other sells regular items the great thing about the vendor that says ammunition is that the ammunition never runs out so there's in my opinion no point using resources to make ammo if you can just buy it after the vendor cuz it's easy enough to get gold in this game this is just a Showcase of GIS Ball's Gatling gun it is extremely powerful as we can see it just wiped out of amoris there no problem at all and you're going to see a lot more on action as we delve deeper into the end game fight of this video I went back over to the volcano region we were taming some new Pals what we see here is a pal called a blaze H and that's actually really good for smelting Bears we are now kind of going into the mid end game of this challenge what you see here now is another Wildlife preservation this is the third wonders Tree in total there's lots of new pales on here to capture what we see here now is a pile known as a war sick this is probably the strongest ground type pal in the game we don't use it in this challenge but it is quite the poent power pal indeed also we have a womo ban this pal is absolutely amazing at cutting down trees you can also put a saddle on it and write it around as well he also has the ability to increase your carrying capacity making him a really good pal when it comes to exploration and item Gathering next up we are going to catch some wixon here these are fire type Pals and they actually have a whole of really handy skills including a high handiwork and a kindling skill I finally created a shadow beak it's a really good flying Mount one of the fastest flyers in the game unfortunately I need level 47 before I can craft a saddle for this epic dark bird all I needed to breed Shadow Beak was a kitsun and an ason which I already had so it was no hassle at all to incubate that shadow beak next up we are taking another boss this is known as Veet level 38 it was simple enough to fight because our Ragnar Hawk is a fire type pal I'm also going to capture some bees here now because I badly need Pals that can generate honey at the range so we can start our fabulous cake production business now this is an elab and we're going to use that to get honey next up I managed to get a blaze hell knocked from a fire egg that was very lucky indeed I also made a grappling gun here and this is really handy to get around if there's too much weight on your character and you can't move now since I've done this video developers have put in a patch where your character can move if you're overweight but at the time of this recording that patch was not implemented meaning the grappling gun was a lot more useful next up we are taming some mamor rests we're basically grabbing everything we haven't got so far up to a maximum of 10 to see if we can finally sort out the rest of our levels I wanted to get 50 as quickly as possible I was level 42 at the moment back to the volcano area Gris Ball's Gatling Cannon is great when it comes to whing our enemies I'm fighting here a black marketeer NPC he was a very high level and it did take quite a number of spheres to catch him we won't actually use him I just thought it was very intriguing that we could actually capture human NPCs so that was another human NPC added to our fabulous base I managed to pick up a fire and knocked here knocked meaning nocturnal so it's just another variant of fire it's just a dark type instead of a fire type I also managed to get a Fang Lop which is actually a very good round Mount is very quick and it's got a nice handy jump as well I located a village here called Fisherman's Point inside there's a few handy dandy vendors and close to this Village we have a ton of bushies that spawn around the map if we want to get really good Anubis we need to capture tons of bushies until we have bushies with really good traits it was now time to open up another egg I got a pinking but the reason why I'm Shan is because this pening came with Arison and serus that means I could breed this paining with a bushy to try to make some really good worker and noises here is another Thunder flying type it's called Beacon it's actually very good flyer and it is super effective against water pads here is a blasa mud so I think this either of the first or second one I've encountered it has quite a lot of HP it does a lot of fire damage it's probably one of the best fire palads in the game the fight did drag on for quite some time but it was worth it cuz I really want to catch this and have it in my team Blas mode has a host of deadly abilities but it's always good to capture a few of these so that was the first time we captured blot one step closer to completing the whole pal deck but we're not there just yet we do have the legendary pal also capture and some of the legendary pads are ferocious difficult to fight and we're going to get to that in just a couple of minutes I also got a serpent Terra here which is just a variant of the regular serpent here in the huge desert area we have another mob this is called a suzuku and it is a fire type mod you can also put a saddle on it and fly around the place it is quite the flyer it's very fast we are now entering the late game where we need to breed an absolute ton of Pals in order to get the pals that we want so what we're doing now is we're mating bushies with penins and we're trying to get anubis's that are coming with Artisan serus workaholic stats so they will be the ultimate base workers these Anubis have handling skills of four they also have a transport skill and a mining skill they are probably one of the best Pals you can have working in a base Anubis is also a very good combat pal as well but for the first type of Anubis we're going to breed they're going to be working nubis as we can see I got a few hair with some decent stats I'm then taming more bristles I'm basically trying to capture anything that I haven't got before or anything I haven't maxed out so I can increase my level further level 44 at the moment if I see lift Monk figes I will prioritize those because the higher I can get my capture skill the easier it will be to capture some of the end game Pals as we can see there are still tons of pads I haven't maximized including the robin quill I also located a dungeon here with a boss bang up inside because it was an alpha Fang L I said why not here is our lift monk in action as we can see its submachine gun skill is noing to laugh at it packs quite the punch that was the first Bas there for Fango more ancient technology points for us and we get some sweet loot as well as we can see we have got six glorious huge eggs here to harvest we now have two anubis's just breeding together that's going to get even more Anubis for us we're going to make the electric furnace now and with this week be able to make pal metal ingots and that's the last TI of ingots we get to make in the game this is our first Anubis with artisan and serus we all going to fight War SI an extremely powerful ground type pal and that was the first boss kill more Tech points for us right there and that was another boss dead we're now going to take on the Yarman tide boss level 45 water dragon this thing packs a serious punch but we had our lovely Gatling Cannon we also had the lift up machine gun we were able to whittle down it's h in no time at all as we can see the gatl can doesn't do a whole lot of damage in terms of single shots but because it fires so many bullets that actually makes up for the damage it does not to worry though you will see much stronger gatne cannons later on the game so I finally decided to take on the level 47 Anubis that was in the small desert and it was an extremely challenging fight it ends up killing all of my pals and I'm at the mercy of a 5% capture rate with only 20 hyperspheres left thankfully I finally caught him I also got a level up as well that's level 45 and then Alpha Anubis added to the team because we were now level 45 I could make the assault rifle this is a powerful assault weapon however when it comes to the end game it's is severely lacking in damage output fair enough it's good for the weaker monsters but it will not serve you well when you're fighting the legendaries when you're fighting the last few Tower bosses so if I can give you any advice in this video don't bother with weapons just stick to your pals stick to the powers they can unleash in battle so we're just breaking up more eggs there getting more Pals as we can see I'm max out my lift Mon's attack power and heal I'm also increasing his defense because it is very squishy at the moment and I do want to increase its survivability now the first time we took on Yarman tide we killed it by accident this time I really want to capture it because I really want a water dragon for my fabulous growing base so we're going to open up here with LIF monk use his submachine gun they we're going to swap over to the Gatling Cannon and finally we took out aror that one shotted him which was another mistake that I made I should not have brought out aror with his HP so low surely the next time I fight him will be the time that we will actually capture him so that was two kills in a row there for Yarman tide the only Silver Lining there is that we do get quite a lot of XP for killing Yarman tide what we have here now is a Verdes while fighting together he will increase our movement speed and he will also apply grass damage to our attack power which actually comes in really handy especially if we're fighting Pals weak to grass type damage so from doing all the dungeons from fighting all the bosses and opening all the chests I have accumulated quite a lot of rubies and minerals I'm going to sell that to an em Merchant dramatic increasing my gold because I have so much gold I figured there was no point making gunpowder and wasting metal to make bullets I would just buy assault rifle ammo instead and save myself tons of time and resources so I'm going to go with maybe 400 rounds here and I decided to try out the ass rif to see how powerful it actually is but before that we are going to finally capture our first yarm tide yarm tide is an amazing water dragon he also has a level four in watering so he can water up Plantation in the blink of an eye he's probably one of the best picks you can use as well when fighting highend fire type Pals out in the wild another pal here known as cyx this pal is absolutely amazing if you put this pal into a wrench it will generate high quality cloth for you it will save you an absolute ton of time and resources when it comes to making some of those endgame items including those large pal beds just stick two or three this into your wrench and Away you go we're now back at the giant desert and we're trying to get a dam Lux here and this is the same as a dam except it has a tunder element attached to it which is quite interesting indeed so that is the second one of those captured more bonus XP for us we're now on level 46 I also come across a robin quill Terra it's just another variant of Robin quill so it will have slightly different abilities but the abilities don't change that much that's even more XP for us we're now nting mandas together and the the reason why we're meting mandas together is because we want to get a mandra with very good offensive capabilities we will then made that mandra with a rhound in order to make the ultimate gz bolt so I finally hatched open a mandra here now it had hooligan it had ferocious and it had aggressive but it did not have muscle head so I decided not to use this one to make a GIS bolt I will wait until I get a mandra that has muscle head at least in order to make a GIS bolt after that so we're going to put this one back in the pal box and we will continue to breed until we get a mandra with the desired traits I do have a mandra here with musclehead and hooligan the other mandra has ferocious and aggressive if we can get a GIS bolt with those four stats it will be extremely powerful we can use it all the way to the end game no problem at all so I start with my lift monk here and we're going to fight this Menace Thing Once We Whitt it down to almost zero HP we're going to throw a hypers sphere and we are going to capture it that is the first Menace thing added to our fabulous pic as I was exploring a came across a really cool structure here at the very top of the structure I noticed four chests how could I refuse I flew straight down open up the four chests and just to make a good point here if you do see a chest you should prioritize it because pal souls are super important for end game to power up your pal stats finally we got the mangel we were hoping for it had hooligan ferocious musclehead and aggressive we could now M that with a rhound to get the ultimate GIS bolt I also had to mine up some pure quarts here as well because I needed to make Electronics in order to make some of the endgame structures and accessories so we could 100% this game so that's what we did today the circuit board requires pure quartz and polymer polymer is actually simple to make you just need high quality pal juices to make that and there's plenty of Pals in the game that drop that when they are defeated it's now time to go back to the metal base we are going to place our electric furnace right here and once this is built we can now make pal metal ingots and we need pal metal ingots to make things like legendary spheres we also need pal metal ingots to make the best armor in the game as well to increase our own survivability in order to make a palmal Ingot we just need some regular ore and palum fragments it's actually probably one of the easiest ingots to make in the game in my opinion because pallum fragments are simp to get you just have to put Stone into a Crusher and you can get thousands upon thousands of it no problem at all back to our main base we are doing some more breeding we got a GIS bolt here with ferocious muscle hit and hooligan it didn't have aggressive instead of got cold blooded so I had a choice to make use this GIS Bol in our main Attack Force or keep breeding until we get a GIS Bol that replaced cold blooded with aggressive I decided to keep this one and to use it because aggressive only give a 10% increase in attack attack power it had muscle hid and ferocious so I was happy enough with that I decided to start condensing more GIS bols into this one to make its minigun skill way stronger so what you're going to see now is a much more stronger grisol in action we're now flying around the map and we're getting more wixon we're getting more fire type Pals to add to the palic and also to increase our experience so there's tons of wixon and Le punks around here to capture and because this is a lone off level area we're getting a 100% capture rate on most of these Pals which is great not only were these Pals asleep but I was also getting back attacks on him as well further increasing my capture chances there was also lift Mon figes and Palos littered all over the area I decided to move my original base to this location because it has way more space cuz I wanted to make a really cool base before this video ends before I get 100% so this is going to be the place where we're going to make the best of our dreams we're on level 18 at the moment it's worth noting too that further increasing the level of our pal boox will yield absolutely no benefits to us the only reason I'm increasing the level is because I want to 100% the game so I just want to get it up to level 20 as we can see now I am level 50 I got there eventually it took a serious grind I can now make the pal armers I can make the rocket launcher I can make the best equipment in the game as you can see in our technology tree sometimes just question marks here that means we just haven't CAU the P yet to unlock those sadles and most of those question marks at the very end of the technology tree our legendary Pals that we will be attempting very soon indeed we finally got level 20 here on the pal boox that was very nice indeed you can of course go into the options and you can increase the number of bases you make you can increase the number of py have working in the base but because I wanted a bit of a challenge I decided to just keep the stats the way they are so I'm going to make some cold resistance pal metal armor and I'm also going to make fire resistance pal metal armor as well and that's more or less one of the best armors in the game apart from the legendary armors that you can get from fighting some of the legendary Pals this game has to offer I'm also making a helmet here as well which is the pal metal helmet it's just more defense for me as well some of the pals in this game especially the legendary Pals can dish out some serious damage so we need all of the best items in order to tackle them and to capture them so I unlocked a travel Point here and just up from it is a skill tree skill trees now will become very important because we need to teach our Pals High Lev skills in order to fight some of these legendary Pals we also need our Pals that have high level skills in order to fight some of the tower bosses there are three Tower bosses left to fight in this game I have held off the TD Tower fight now for a while but I kind of want to hit them all in one fell slop once I have my desired pal team assembled it was now time to fight an alpha a version of ason here inside a cave in a volcano I killed him by accident of course because of our LIF monk as a murder machine but we can go back lerun and capture him if we want he does drop palmet lingots he also drops a ton of precious Dragon Stones so it's actually a very nice fight to do if you need money and if you need some extra resources I did get an emerald and an Innovative technical manual this would give me a good few technical points of B use which is really nice the more technical points I can get now the better because I max level and my character won't get any any more technical points normally because I can't level up so I will have to go in and do dungeons we finally met the saddle for our beloved shter look how fast and look how cool this pal actually looks it was now time to fight a legendary pal I decided to start with jet dragon because I just think it looks so cool jet ragon has some insane abilities Comet beam there which are basically homing comets that lck onto your pals they do immense damage every time I summoned a pal it was met with extreme Firepower ragon not only has high HP high defense he is also very fast very aggressive and does in Crazy damage I did have 61 legendary spheres each sphere gave me a 5% chance to capture this p as we can see he had a ton of HP left but because I'm not very good at combat I decided as a latge ditch resort to just keep spamming spheres at jet Rag and hopes to catch him unfortunately that tactic didn't work and he wiped me out it was time to go back to the base and make my team stronger so I was going to upgrade my lift monks submachine gun ability yet again the tree stars in order to get the final star I had to condense 64 lift monks into it that's going to be a lot of catching I also have huge dragon eggs here each one will give me a Yarman tight ignis I wanted to get a combat orientated Yarman tight ignis I could bring into battle I also had huge Rocky eggs as well cuz I wanted a combat orientated Anubis so it was time for some serious breeding to get the pals that I needed to crush those legendary Pals to make my team stronger we are now in the end game of pal world so all we have left now more or less are to capture the legendary Pals and to beat the tower bosses but in order for us to achieve those Feats an absolute ton of grinding will be needed now I do cut out most of the grinding involved otherwise this video would probably be 24 or 36 hours in length so I'm just going to showed the highlights here of assembled teams that I'm using in order to fight these encounters so what we have here now is a Yanti ignis I'm just putting all my panss into its attack power I'm prioritizing attack power over defense because I feel like if I can dish out enough damage to these legendary Pals enough damage to these Tower bosses it's much better than sucking up on the fence if they're dead then it's a win as we can see here now I've got a really nice y titing with an attack of 1,16 7 this thing is going to pack a punch I'm now breeding anubis' and I'm looking to get combat anubis' I'm also breeding more yarm Tite ignes as well just so I can condense more into my original one to make it stronger I'm also going to roam around here as well just to show you how strong he is 27,000 damage to that Rush run now obviously he won't do that kind of damage to endgame Pals because they have much higher defense they're much higher level I finally got an Anubis here with musclehead Swift and a agressive Not only was he very fast he's also going to hit like a truck and nubis is one of the best combat pads in the game believe it or not so we're going to take out pinging here and we're going to put in Anubis what we have now is a very nice balanced team that we can use to tackle some of the endgame content so we're going to get our Anubis here and because I had so many anubis's breed we are going to condense them into this Anubis powering up these stats even more Shadow beak has a devastating move called Divine disaster it summons at least 10 to 15 spheres each sphere will fire energy lenses at Pals wiping the floor with them it's super effective against most Pals in the game it is crazy strong move and you're going to see this move used a lot when it comes to fighting bosses what we're fighting here is the alpha Blas mut capturing it was simple because I now had a very strong pal team it is now time for another Tower fight this is the fourth Tower fight Marcus and feris if you're wondering we actually haven't taken on the [ __ ] fight yet I accidentally went to this Tower thinking it was third fight but it wasn't it was the fourth so this is the second hardest Tower fight in the game Marcus and felis not to worry though we have a very good assembled pal team we actually managed to beat this fight no problem at all now he does fly around and this pal it can be quite hard to hit not to worry though because we have a lot of Pals we have a lot of guns and we're going to do some serious damage to this thing so we're going to open up this fight with our usual GIS bolt we take out the Gaton straight away and as we can see the damage numbers are much better we're going to bring out Yarman tide bring out the lift monk activate that submachine gun do some crazy damage right there switch to Shadow beak give it a Divine disaster and as you can see I'm just constantly cycling Pals using their skills taking them in bringing out the next pal and that is the best way to fight in this game to continuously cyc your pals use their skills while their skills run cool down bring them back in so they can heal and that they can reset their skills R and repeat marus and felis went down no problem at all five an technology points and just two Tower bosses to go because I wipe the floor with Marcus we're going to move straight on to the next Tower fight this is actually the third Tower fight but it's still quite a challenge because the difference between the second and third Tower fight is staggering the HP that these bosses have is just crazy this is Alex and arar an alpha arar now it is a tunder type not to worry though because our P are so strong we're going to use the exact same tactics as we used to beat Marcus we're just going to open up with Shadow beak here give it a design disaster it does crazy damage and we're going to swap it out after these all its moves we're going to have our LIF monke here with a submachine gun grisol with his Gatlin Cannon and before we know it Alex is dead another boss eliminated that just leaves one Tower to do but I can tell you right now the last Tower is insanely hard it is a huge difference so I'm now catching suzuku to get more XP from my pals but I'm also catching Alpha suzuku because some of the alpha fights can drop legendary schematics and that Alpha suzuku can drop a legendary shotgun blueprint and I really wanted that shotgun going into the tougher fights in the game I also made the weapon assembly line two here so I can now make rocket ammo and I can make some rocket launchers and they might come in handy later on too to make the rocket launcher though I needed pal metal ingots now I ended up catching this suzuku about 20 different times I even ended up slaughtering it with a butcher knife it just would not drop the schematics blasa mut here has a chance to drop the legendary assault rifer schematics so I started farming him as well so it was back to taming I really wanted the legendary I decided to start with prali in this time it seemed a lot more manageable trying to go back in jet dragon the reason why we're starting with frost stallion is because it is super effective against the jet dragon fight so if I can capture one or two with these we will have a serious advantage against fighting jet dragon and the more jet dragons and frost stallions we can get in our team the better team we're going to have we're going to have a serious team kitted out with legendary Pals all of these legendary Pals when captured comes with the legend skill they also come with amazing stats this Frost Island for example has an absolute ton of HP a ton of Defense he got very decent moves that Crystal ring is very powerful the blizzard spike is very good at freezing enemies it also has some amazing traits you can put a saddle on this Mount you can fly around with it Legend gives a 20% attack defense increase it also gives a 15% movement speed it's got ice Emperor further damage increase to its offensive capabilities as we can see I'm butchering blut here in the hopes to get the legendary assault rifle blueprint is extremely low Drop operate I do end up getting it eventually the legendary assault rifle finally it took about 20 Blas auts slaughtered half of them 560 damage I Tau to myself at this moment in time surely this is going to be the end on be all of weapons it turns out that these guns are just so weak this is level 32 lunus it's just so weak and I know that attack power does help these weapons I do eventually respect my character I pump a ton of levels into to my attack power and these weapons still do really bad damage so if I can give any advice if you're still watching this video just don't bother with the weapons just breed up your pals make them insanely strong and you'll have no problem at all beating the hardest contents in the game I also wanted to make the ultimate pulet so I started taming hundreds of lovely cute penguins in the hopes to make the ultimate missile launcher penguin I also went to the ice area here I started killing some Pals to get some rare flowers to Respec I also took on another Frost alion because I wanted at least two in my team to face off against jet dragon that was the second Frost alion in the bag I could now start breeding these to make more Frost alens I could now create an army of frost alion if I so wished so I started upgrading the skills of my pals lift monk now had Fireball pal blast and hydr Laser All insanely strong skills from farming the skill trees that are littered all over P World Gris bolt I can give him some pretty good skills too so I'm going to give him solar blast I'm also going to give him ignorance rage as well so he now had three different Elemental type attacks it was then finally time to fight jet ragon even with the two Frost isens in my team this thing was an absolutely insane challenge eventually it did circum to my legendary spheres and I nabbed my first jet dragon I was so happy at this stage I came such a long way you know from capturing sheep to finally capturing the biggest badest dragon in the game jet ragon he's also the fastest flyer in the game you get from A to B very quickly with him jet ragon comes with the legend skill unfortunately he came with coward I was devastated minus 10% attack damage he has Divine Dragon 2 20% increased the damage attack so I needed to get more of these jet dragons because I didn't want to use the one with the coward trait I wanted to get much better ones he only has Gathering level three so it's not really going to be a p going to use in the base I also decided to fight necromus but if you look closely you'll see there's another legendary palan in the distance which is paladas so you more less fight two of them at once these are two legendary pads of course after hours of fighting in game hours of course not real life hours I finally got necris down to a desired level where I could attempt to catch it a 25% capture rate is valuable enough and after launching a couple of spares he finally cirumed and I managed to NAB him then it was anti paladius padus in my opinion is much easier to fight necris and I was also getting pretty good too with cycling Pals and dodging attacks eventually paladas was caught as well that was more or less all of the legendary Pals caught except one and that was going to be the frost Alan knocked but that one is just a breedable palet so we breed that one eventually as we can see all of these palets come with Legend necromus had lord of the underworld it's just an increase in dark damage more or less the same with paladia except it had a different trait that gave it increased the neutral attack damage the great thing is that all these traits can be braed to different Pals in the game so I could have a penlet or a lift monk for example with the legend trait I could have it with the celestial Emperor trait you know that's the beauty of breeding in pal world with that it was time to get Frost Alan knocked just to finish off all the pals so I breed a frost alion with a hell Zer and that's going to get me Frost alion knock so we're going to put the eggs into the incubator I did breed Tree in total in the hopes to get a frost Alan knocked with some decent abilities I then decided to make jet Ron's missile launcher saddle not only could I sit and ride around that jet ragon I could also fire missiles with it as well it was now time to finally get the last legendary pal which is Frost alian knock and this one can only be gotten from breeding you just have to breed Frost alion hell Zer and you get Frost alion knocked no problem at all out of the tree that I breed to came with the Legends perk but the third unfortunately didn't not to worry though it was another pal added to our pal deck we were one step closer to 100% in this game in terms of regular skills frali KN Works more or less the same way as Frost alion it just utilizes dark attacks instead of the uh the ice attacks look how fast jet ragon is here and doesn't even have any skills that increases movement speed there are three movement speed skills in this game that you get to dramatically increase the movement of Pals you have Runner Swift and Nimble the missiles are just absolutely amazing and you could just wipe out scores of lowle Pals with them it was now time to finally make the ultimate penguin I had enough penguin's CAU to fourar our penlet here as we can see he had muscle head ferocious and hooligan so he had really good offensive stats we're also going to get pulet rocket launcher so instead of using a rocket we will load pangl it into the launcher instead and fire them at enemies and it actually does really nice damage now these are Alpha version suzuku level 45 and I know it looked like he didn't do much but he shaved off thousands of damage there with that attack quite the devastating ability indeed it was time to hatch more huge dragon eggs what we're making right now are arzer I wanted to breed the ultimate arzer he is one of the strongest lightning type pal in the game in order to fight the last boss uh we needed the best dragon type Pals the game had to offer arzar is a highlevel dragon worthy of a position on our battle team I also decided to max out my lift mug even though it wasn't the dragon type it was one of the strongest palads I had in my position upon getting four stairs on Lim I also figured out that all of its regular skills got upgraded so it now had level two in a lot of work activities which was nice finally got an arzer here with hooligan musclehead and ferocious I was quite happy with that so we're going to max out that arzer are also going to increase some of its B stats just to see how powerful we can make it now of course I could have tried to get Legend on this and I could have got other skills too but I didn't want to pour hundreds of more hours into the game it was finally time to take on the last Tower bus and 100% this game The Last Tower boss is much much harder than any of the previous Tower bosses we fought so far even Marcus and felis they're pale in comparison to this guy he's got 200,000 HP Victor and Shadow big he shadic also has devastating abilities so we're going to open up with jet ragon we're going to fire all of our special abilities at it including our missiles and it do some pretty decent damage we have 10 minutes to get Victor's HP down to zero this is by far in my opinion the hardest fight in the game the amount of DP PS you need to clear this fight is insane and I cycled my pals pretty well but I suppose I could have done a slightly better job there was 1 minute 40 seconds left on the fight he had over half HP so I just quit out I decided to tame more jet dragons the more jet dragons I had the better chance I hadn't beaten this boss so that was the second jet dragon added to the team and that one was slightly better than the first it did have hooligan so it was going to do a lot more damage from the first so I now had two jet against two Frost aliens and a y height IGN disal damage I got him down to zero HP but it was too late the timer killed my character before I could claim the kill so that was a second attempt ended in the failure but by God it was so close not to worry it was time to grind it out even more this time we were going to M the jet dragons that I caught and we were going to get more jet dragons we were going to assemble a team of five jet dragons in total and missile launcher this B as to hell that was the tactic that we were going to use and by God did it work so well I jumped onto each of the jet dragons and I launched missile after missile tearing this Shadow beak to Pieces once the missiles were extended I would use the beam Cannon attack and then I would just switch to next J Dragon until this boss was dead I had finally achieved a kill on all Tower bosses what a rush it was I was so happy be by getting 100% on this game what a game probably one of the best games I've played in a long time if Nintendo are watching this video could you please put some effort into your Pokemon games and just make them better I tried to fly over to the big tree here now thinking that something would change once all the towers went down but it was a nogo that tree is blocked I'm sure the developers of this game will release that tree in a future patch this is also the inside of the house that I made as we can see see there's a lot of furniture items you can buy from the technology tree that you can put down in your house and a lot of them are really cool so as we can see I've got a really cool toilet here I also have a bathtub I've got a sink if we go downstairs I've got a really cool bar I'm going to show you now I've got a nice living room up here with really comfy chairs I've got kegs downstairs and the great thing is that all these kegs and all these chests you can actually put items in them so that is our 100% P World video thank you so much for watching everyone please subscribe to the channel I'll see you again
Channel: GamerGar
Views: 82,569
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: i played 100% of palworld, 100 days, palworld 100 days, i played 100 days of palworld, palworld walkthrough, pokemon with guns, palworld tips and tricks for beginners, palworld 100 hours, palworld ledgendary, palworld 100%, palworld ledgendary pals
Id: ZQvOG5OwiW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 25sec (5845 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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