I beat Palworld HARD MODE with NO HP

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some people think power world hard mode is hard you don't do enough damage the enemy does too much damage it's poorly designed and inconvenient and unfair and blah blah blah so in this video I put the complainers in their place I beat power world hard mode but there were a few extra rules to make it even harder 5x damage to players no leveling HP ever no mods only the worst armor is allowed I also did this with no condensing Pals and no breeding that's right Zoe Lily Axel Marcus and even this guy I beat all of them I even managed to get all five legendary Pals and I never had the level past 45 so how did this playthrough go was it actually hard you'll have to see but one thing I will say I died a lot and I mean a [Music] lot [Music] this is pal world for me at least in the previous two episodes I took down Zoe Lily and axel three of the five Tower bosses so Marcus was next on my plate surely I'd need a huge amount of prep and practice and figuring out how he works and oh he's dead see Marcus isn't the real show here and if all you care about is how I took down Victor then you can skip to this time stamp below for those of you who want the full experience here's how Marcus went he's not much stronger than Axel and orer however there were a couple of unique problems I had to figure out for this fight first I didn't have many good water Pals and I'm allergic to grinding levels my best option was the alpha yorman tide that I captured to try to help me get Anubis last episode but using this pal in particular comes with a few complications for one he's huge and that size really matters he can't even fit behind the pillars in the boss room he always tries to back away from enemies that he's fighting and sometimes he'll just get stuck and stop doing anything come on yman tide what are you doing the second problem is that yman tide takes a lot of damage from feris and not just from the lightning moves that it has but also the fire moves and ground moves it's not like I can just get another Yanti and swap them out I needed multiple Kelpies to increase yorman TI's damage with their special ability but truthfully this is all just a skill issue H this attempts over and that's my favorite kind of issue I'm just going to let him kill me it's something I can solve by just doing a better job and being better at the fight so I threw myself at the problem over and over I learned to position yman tide in specific parts of the room I withdrew him from every major attack and I kept a Vigilant watch to make sure he wasn't getting stuck man can you stop Marcus went down after several attempts this kind of graph is a good example of the problem being me and not my pal this was day 12 of me recording footage for this playthrough but I did accomplish one more thing thing before I logged off for the day I bet you thought I was just going to catch it there didn't you but bear with me for a moment I have a plan I don't want to rely on luck as you can see the first tick is a 1.83% chance of success the second tick is a 15% chance I like those odds we'll get to why later on catching jetrion was just a matter of Statistics I put the time stamp where I explained some of that math below after 19 attempts I got him that's right at level 39 I got jetrion I upgraded my new jetrion stats by 21% and immediately attempted Victor and Shadow beak since he's a dragon type he's a great pal for this fight I lost of course but I didn't really expect to win I calculated my damage per minute to be about 8,400 this is far below the 20,000 that I needed but I was level 39 and usually people don't fight Victor until Level 50 so I decided to try to fight again later it was now day 13 this is the start of the grind I don't like grinding but that's what they make me do to level up in this game and you have to go after stronger and stronger Pals I couldn't just Chuck a ball at random Pals right right I actually figured I could I crafted 100 gigas speres at this point they're pretty easy to make and I just ran around Mass catching Pals by tossing gigas feres at their backs I caught dig toys and hangu and sweepers and puddlers and Duds and S we don't talk about the S this [ __ ] is unfair man what the [ __ ] and most of the time I would either throw a ball at them normally or just shoot them a few times to weaken them I'd clear out Syndicate bases and free rare PALS like this KNX and this Kno too I even went back to the wildlife sanctuary 1 to capture iur deer teras and azer OES I constructed new buildings as I unlocked them organized crime mistreatment of Pals I don't want to think about all that I'm just grilling by the end of day 13 I was level 42 and it was time for another attempt at Victor and Shadow beak I lost again of course and honestly I was a little disappointed in the numbers my damage per minute here had only gone up to 11,300 an increase of about 34% nothing else had changed except gaining three levels so I set my sights on level 45 and resumed the grind day 14 saw me catching a lot more Pals kelpsy ignis's flamb Bells AR soxes Le Punk ignis hell zers wo poops Brun cherries dothog crisps serpants so many deaths to serpants I'm getting really tired of these guys and I even managed to hatch a Yanti ignis from a random egg that I found which was cool for about 5 minutes until I looked up his IVs that's gross at level 43 you can craft a hyper Shield the strongest shield in the game after I made it and threw it on I had an interesting moment of reflection this Shield was over double my base HP could I still justify using it in this run what if it saved me from an attack Well it can't not really I only recorded a handful of hits from low-l Pals that didn't immediately break the shield such as this attack from a level 14 rly Pop I figured as long as the shield always broke in one hit it didn't matter which Shield I used damage didn't carry over from a brok broken shield anyway I hit Level 44 and I crafted a pump action shotgun I caught balas and alphr and hold up this Alp dram was seriously annoying just look at this [ __ ] oh that was horrible GIS bolts and Ma and kilaris and they did a few cool trick shots on Nightwings oh God damn it I thought that was going to work the final pal that I needed to hit Level 45 was a quiver which I caught with a straight ball to its back while it was sleeping at the end of day 14 I was level 45 and just like before I tried Victor and Shadow beak again I lost badly 11,600 damage per minute whatever damage bonus I was getting from leveling up was not enough which meant it was time to stop leveling truthfully I was really skeptical of this number and I was supposed to beat this guy now for the first time in my entire playthrough I looked up some guides on the internet but everyone seemed to be fighting Victor with rocket launchers or perfectly bred Pals I didn't have any of that Firefox my special boy you might not be number one in anything but you're number one in my heart although Jeff is stiff competition you better step it up boy on day 15 I taught my jetrion dragon Cannon one thing I learned from the Marcus and feris fight was how valuable the two CT moves are for having a higher damage output your pal constantly uses these attacks and they do decent damage his other two moves are very high burst damage attacks but jetrion alone couldn't win this fight I crafted an assault rifle which okay let's take a quick break in like a couple of seconds I just described two things that took me nearly an hour to do I had to run around grabbing moves from those move trees so that I could get the right one for jetrion and I spent 17 minutes running around killing mamist Cris for pal oil this is kind of the pattern for this game and I was getting sick of it so now that I have an assault rifle I tested it out and there's only one way that I know how I'm in touch with my ancestors providing food for my family in a natural way don't sh get a witness uh he had a gun but the gun isn't enough I also need ammo the assault rifle fires very quickly and consumes a lot of ammunition I figured I'd need about 1,000 for the Victor fight to make all those rounds I'd need all of these materials that's a lot of gathering every time I attempted Victor I'd have to do that grind so I did what I considered to be my first serious attempt at Shadow beak and Victor I went into this fight fully committed to Victory and it was a miserable [ __ ] failure 4 and 1/2 minutes in and my ammo ran out but that wasn't even the real problem my damage per minute was way too low even if I didn't run out of ammo I still would have lost could I improve jetrion I already did before this fight he's at plus 30% attack and defense jetrion is an insanely powerful pal and I would be a fool to think that I could replace him without breeding some crazy optimized monstrosity so I had to do more damage myself the assault rifle wasn't going to cut it now I had gone around killing and capturing Alpha Pals occasionally when I got bored I got beon and Brun Cherry aqua and aladan and felbat and mandal Lux and Pen King and wark and unival and aagon but the one that mattered was the alpha suzaku check this out pump action shotgun schematic 4 are you [Music] serious oh man okay a legendary pump action shotgun it was the only possibility I had to do more damage than my assault rifle but I was pretty demoralized after my failure at Victor I needed a distraction it was time to catch the rest of the legendaries so I went through the extreme hassle of crafting a 100 legendary spheres it required a lot of materials but the real grind was the weight it took my Artisan suzaku 2 hours to craft 500 pal metal ingots and then I had to spend another 30 minutes making the 100 legendary spheres during this long time period waiting I set up a new base in a mining location that was near a bunch of coal and ore I wound up dismantling the old mining Base by the chalette and I ended day 15 there I hardly know what to do with myself now spent like this whole day just Gathering crap days 13 14 and 15 were largely just catching Pals Gathering and crafting on day 16 I started testing out a strategy for making money that I learned on the internet if you build a base here and attack the marketeer your pals will quickly kill the marketeer and you can loot several thousand gold for me it dropped between 5 and 7,000 gold per kill the reason why this is especially fast is because you can just teleport away and then teleport back and kill him again using this method it took barely any time at all before I had plenty of money enough to buy all the the pal oil I needed I also had a decent amount of coal and iron stocked up I made the legendary shotgun and figured if I needed ammo for it I could Farm more gold and buy the ammo from a Trader since I already had a jetrion the first legendary I went after was a frost Stallion and I learned really quickly that this was not going to be simple both myself and my pals could barely damage this guy but one thing I noticed right away was how much burning him chunked his health I had an idea for the first time ever I unlocked the fire crossbow technology and made myself some fire arrows my strategy was simple I walked up behind it chucked a ball at its back to aggro it but also keep it away from me and then I flew up to a nearby Cliff to shoot fire arrows at it from a safe distance one major issue that I noticed right away was that while the first two arrows set the frost stallion on fire took four arrows to set it on fire a second time the pattern continues and upon review of my footage appears to be two 2 4 7 14 and then 26 arrows to set the pal on fire however before I had the chance to properly Whittle down the frost stallion's health and test the fire arrows more this happened I'm actually a little unhappy about that I wanted to test my theory okay why does this keep happening to me mamor Anubis the jetrion and now Frost stallion I'd like to use math to demonstrate that the luck isn't really that extreme go to this timestamp below if you're allergic to mathematics I'm going to employ something called the binomial distribution to show what's going on with these catches using jetrion and frost stallion as examples this is actually a super simplified application of the same kind of math that was used to catch dream cheating in a Minecraft speedrun several years ago I went after jetrion with 88 Ultra Sears in my inventory and I caught him after 19 there was a 1.83% chance and then a 15% chance to catch him this is a 0.27% chance or about a 1 and 370 chance with every ball what a binomial distribution does is tell us if we have a percent chance of succeeding and we attempt this a certain number of times How likely are we to succeed on a particular number of those attempts crunching these numbers that meant if I used all 88 balls I had about a 21% chance of catching jetrion or about one in five I succeeded after 19 attempts the likelihood of this occurring was about 5% I wasn't really going for an RNG catch on Frost stallion but remember my strategy for setting up the fight relied on me throwing a ball at it overall I threw 11 balls at it the first tick was 0.31% and the second tick was 10% for an overall probability of 0.031% with 11 attempts to catch it not that I really intended to catch it that brings my probability up to 0.34% or about a 1 in 300 chance lucky but not overly so anyway back to the game the only two legendaries left to catch were palladius and necromus I went into them intending to continue testing my crossbow idea when a better idea sort of fell in my lap have one of those moments where like you know like you look at someone and you're thinking like are you thinking what I'm thinking right now and then and then you do it cuz I can't help but wonder if this is going to work Al they're not running away it was chaos but it was effective chaos despite my own Pal's dying left and right I was able to whittle down both nus and palladius his health to acceptable levels to capture with my legendary spheres it still took several balls but it was pretty damn easy to do and that's one of the major objectives of this challenge complete right I'm not forgetting anyone right hey if you forgot it it probably wasn't all that important yeah I guess anyway I wound up catching a second jetrion for reasons that will be explained later that was so much easier man [ __ ] math and I increased the second jetrion stats to 21% it was time to work on Victor if my problem was not doing enough damage then I needed to do more damage there were no Duds or kelpy equivalent for Dragon Pals the jetrion was fine there was little I could do to improve it this meant that the fight was not working out for me because I wasn't doing enough damage so I needed to work on me I identified three major issues with this fight dealing 20,000 damage per minute keeping jetrion alive the entire time staying alive I had to solve all three of these issues to win so I got creative about doing damage at the start of every fight I would shoot Victor with two poison arrows poison prison is percent based dealing about 0.1% of his health and damage about once per second for about 20 seconds I don't know if this is exact but it's pretty close once the first set of poison wore off I'd shoot Victor with four more arrows and then stop using my poison crossbow the poison alone would account for nearly 8,000 damage within the first minute of the fight one thing I immediately noticed in these early attempts was that jetrion skills would actually set Victor and Shadow beak on fire dealing 220 damage per tick so I opted to use a poison crossbow only instead of both a poison and fire crossbow the more damage that I can do to Victor in the early part of the fight the easier the fight will be if I can do 30,000 damage in the first minute of the fight then I only need to do about 18,900 damage per minute for the rest of the fight that means hunting ik the deers to make Loco mocos for the 20% damage buff that means bringing Gob vins to boost my personal damage output the highest damage value I recorded for the first minute of the fight was 33596 damage meaning I only had to deal 18,600 damage per minute for the rest of the fight but what did I do for the rest of the fight the rest of the time I was right up next to Victor and Shadow beak shooting them with my legendary shotgun the reason my character is jittering so much is because I had to repeatedly click my left Mouse button it's about as fast as holding down the right button and shooting but it gave me the ability to move at full speed and didn't move around my camera but no matter what I did even if I kept on Target in terms of damage output jetrion had to stay alive keeping damage up meant not recalling him from any attacks and he couldn't last for 10 whole minutes so what do I do about that a second jetrion that's what I did about that I fittingly named them jetr 1 and Jet 2one Victor is not an easy fight to do at close range he had several movements that could come out quickly to punish me including icle cutter which barely had any windup ice missile which had really good tracking and blizzard Spike which was not notoriously hard to Dodge I had no choice but to get good so I did the fight over and over again I'd Farm gold to make sure I could buy more than 400 shotgun shells I'd feed some ik through deer Loom mocos to me and my two jetrion I'd get into the fight poison Victor poison him again and stick as close to him as possible shooting him with my legendary shotgun after 15 attempts I was weary and beaten down but not broken I went in one more time knowing that all likelihood this would not be my last attempt this is how it went that's my gumin oh my God already a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] failure [Music] [Music] that was probably the hardest thing I've done in this game I beat Victor the last Tower boss I was level 45 with 500 base HP 200 stamina and 140 base attack I had a legendary pump action shotgun a poison crossbow two jetrion two gobins a Gil claw and a damn good plan the challenge was over I won without ever leveling HP without ever condensing any Pals without ever breeding I even got all the legendaries wait what the hell is this well it was a bit anticlimactic but actually the last thing I did in this run was a red Jeff my hell zeer with that Frost stallion to make a frost stallion knocked the Miracle of Life Jeff you're going to be a father it was the first and only breeding attempt that I did it's going to take 7 and a half hours are you kidding me I stuck his ass in a [Music] cage
Channel: Mercer Challenges
Views: 1,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, challenge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 52sec (1312 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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